Пример #1
// ######################################################################
void EyeTrackerEyeLink::recalibrate(nub::soft_ref<PsychoDisplay> d,int repeats)
  LFATAL("Proprietary EyeLink developer API not installed");
	//create SDL_Surface of a image that replaces calibration point
 		Image< PixRGB<byte> > fixicon =
    SDL_Surface *img = d->makeBlittableSurface(fixicon, false, 
										PixRGB<byte>(target_background_color.r, target_background_color.g, target_background_color.b));

	do_drift_correct(d->getWidth()/2, d->getHeight()/2, 1, 1);
	// Get calibration result
	char message[256];

        // set offline mode to ensure trackign
Пример #2
int gaze_control_trial(UINT32 time_limit)
	UINT32 trial_start;		/* trial start time (for timeout) */
	UINT32 drawing_time;	/* retrace-to-draw delay*/
	int button;				/* the button pressed (0 if timeout) */
	int error;				/* trial result code*/

	ALLF_DATA evt;			/* buffer to hold sample and event data*/
	int eye_used = -1;		/* indicates which eye's data to display*/
	int i;

	SDL_Surface *gbm;			/* The bitmap containing the stimulus display*/

	   /* This supplies the title at the bottom of the eyetracker display */
	eyecmd_printf("record_status_message 'GAZE CONTROL TRIAL' ");

	Always send a TRIALID message before starting to record. 
	It should contain trial condition data required for analysis.
	eyemsg_printf("TRIALID CONTROL");

  /* TRIAL_VAR_DATA message is recorded for EyeLink Data Viewer analysis
	It specifies the list of trial variables value for the trial 
	This must be specified within the scope of an individual trial (i.e., after 
	"TRIALID" and before "TRIAL_RESULT") 
	eyemsg_printf("!V TRIAL_VAR_DATA GAZECTRL");
	IMGLOAD command is recorded for EyeLink Data Viewer analysis
	It displays a default image on the overlay mode of the trial viewer screen. 
	Writes the image filename + path info
	eyemsg_printf("!V IMGLOAD FILL images/grid.png");	

	IAREA command is recorded for EyeLink Data Viewer analysis
	It creates a set of interest areas by reading the segment files
	Writes segmentation filename + path info
	eyemsg_printf("!V IAREA FILE segments/grid.ias"); 

	/* Before recording, we place reference graphics on the EyeLink display*/
	set_offline_mode();			/* Must be offline to draw to EyeLink screen*/
	gbm = draw_grid_to_bitmap_segment("grid.ias", "segments", 1);;/* Draw bitmap and EyeLink reference graphics*/
	segment_source = gbm;

		Save bitmap and transfer to the tracker pc.
		Since it takes a long to save the bitmap to the file, the 
		value of sv_options should be set as SV_NOREPLACE to save time

	bitmap_save_and_backdrop(gbm, 0, 0, 0, 0, "grid.png", "images", SV_NOREPLACE,
				  0, 0, (UINT16)(BX_MAXCONTRAST|((eyelink_get_tracker_version(NULL)>=2)?0:BX_GRAYSCALE)));

	   /* We repeat if ESC key pressed to do setup. */
	{              /* Check link often so we can exit if tracker stopped*/
	  if(!eyelink_is_connected()) return ABORT_EXPT;
	   /* We let do_drift_correct() draw target in this example*/
	   /* 3rd argument would be 0 if we already drew the display*/
	  error = do_drift_correct((INT16)(SCRWIDTH/2), (INT16)(SCRHEIGHT/2), 1, 1);
		   /* repeat if ESC was pressed to access Setup menu */
	  if(error!=27) break;

	clear_full_screen_window(target_background_color);  /* make sure display is blank*/

		/* Configure EyeLink to send fixation updates every 50 msec*/
	eyecmd_printf("link_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXUPDATE");
	eyecmd_printf("fixation_update_interval = 50");
	eyecmd_printf("fixation_update_accumulate = 50");

	init_regions();	/* Initialize regions for this display*/

		Start data recording to EDF file, BEFORE DISPLAYING STIMULUS 
		You should always start recording 50-100 msec before required
		otherwise you may lose a few msec of data 
	error = start_recording(1,1,0,1);   /* send events only through link*/
	if(error != 0)           /* ERROR: couldn't start recording*/
	  SDL_FreeSurface(gbm);   /* Be sure to delete bitmap before exiting!*/
	  return error;        /* Return the error code*/
							  /* record for 100 msec before displaying stimulus */
	begin_realtime_mode(100);   /* Windows 2000/XP: no interruptions from now on*/

		DISPLAY OUR IMAGE TO SUBJECT  by copying bitmap to display
		Because of faster drawing speeds and good refresh locking,
		we now place the stimulus onset message just after display refresh 
		and before drawing the stimulus.  This is accurate and will allow 
		drawing a new stimulus each display refresh.
		However, we do NOT send the message after the retrace--this may take too long
		instead, we add a number to the message that represents the delay 
		from the event to the message in msec

	/* COPY BITMAP to display*/
	SDL_BlitSurface(gbm, NULL, window,NULL);
	drawing_time = current_msec();                   /* time of retrace*/
	trial_start = drawing_time;
	SDL_BlitSurface(gbm, NULL, window,NULL);

	/* delay from retrace (time to draw)*/
	drawing_time = current_msec()-drawing_time;    
	/* message for RT recording in analysis */
	eyemsg_printf("%d DISPLAY ON", drawing_time);
	/* message marks zero-plot time for EDFVIEW */
	eyemsg_printf("SYNCTIME %d", drawing_time);	 


	/* Print a title for the trial (for demo only)*/
	get_new_font("Times Roman", 24, 1);     
	graphic_printf(window,target_foreground_color, NONE, SCRWIDTH/2, 24, "Gaze Control Trial");

	if(!eyelink_wait_for_block_start(100, 0, 1))  /* wait for link event data*/
	  alert_printf("ERROR: No link events received!");
	  return TRIAL_ERROR;
	eye_used = eyelink_eye_available(); /* determine which eye(s) are available*/ 
	switch(eye_used)		      /* select eye, add annotation to EDF file	*/
	  case RIGHT_EYE:
		eyemsg_printf("EYE_USED 1 RIGHT");
	  case BINOCULAR:           /* both eye's data present: use left eye only*/
		eye_used = LEFT_EYE;
	  case LEFT_EYE:
		eyemsg_printf("EYE_USED 0 LEFT");
	/* Now get ready for trial loop*/
	eyelink_flush_keybuttons(0);   /* reset keys and buttons from tracker */

		we don't use getkey() especially in a time-critical trial
		as Windows may interrupt us and cause an unpredicatable delay
		so we would use buttons or tracker keys only  
		Trial loop: till timeout or response -- added code for processing
		FIXUPDATE events
		/* First, check if recording aborted */
	  if((error=check_recording())!=0) return error;  
	  /* Check if trial time limit expired*/
	  if(current_time() > trial_start+time_limit)
			eyemsg_printf("TIMEOUT");    /* message to log the timeout */
			end_trial();                 /* local function to stop recording*/
			button = 0;                  /* trial result message is 0 if timeout */
			break;                       /* exit trial loop*/

	  if(break_pressed())     /* check for program termination or ALT-F4 or CTRL-C keys*/
			end_trial();         /* local function to stop recording*/
			return ABORT_EXPT;   /* return this code to terminate experiment*/

	  /* check for local ESC key to abort trial (useful in debugging)   */
			end_trial();         /* local function to stop recording*/
			return SKIP_TRIAL;   /* return this code if trial terminated*/

		/* Check for eye-tracker buttons pressed
		/* This is the preferred way to get response data or end trials	*/
	  button = eyelink_last_button_press(NULL);
	  if(button!=0)       /* button number, or 0 if none pressed*/
		  /* message to log the button press*/
			eyemsg_printf("ENDBUTTON %d", button);  
			/* local function to stop recording*/
			break; /* exit trial loop*/


		i = eyelink_get_next_data(NULL);    /* Check for data from link*/
		if(i == FIXUPDATE)	  /* only process FIXUPDATE events*/
			/* get a copy of the FIXUPDATE event */
			/* only process if it's from the desired eye?*/
			if(evt.fe.eye == eye_used)	   
				/* get average position and duration of the update */
				process_fixupdate((int)(evt.fe.gavx), (int)(evt.fe.gavy),/* Process event */
	}/* end of loop*/
	/* report response result: 0=timeout, else button number*/
	eyemsg_printf("TRIAL_RESULT %d", button);
		/* Call this at the end of the trial, to handle special conditions*/
	segment_source = NULL;
	return check_record_exit();
                // Trial using bitmap copying
                // Caller must create and destroy the bitmap
int bitmap_recording_trial(HBITMAP gbm, UINT32 time_limit)
  UINT32 trial_start;	// trial start time (for timeout) 
  UINT32 drawing_time;  // retrace-to-draw delay
  int button;		// the button pressed (0 if timeout) 
  int error;            // trial result code


	   // We repeat if ESC key pressed to do setup. 
    {              // Check link often so we can exit if tracker stopped
      if(!eyelink_is_connected()) return ABORT_EXPT;
	   // We let do_drift_correct() draw target in this example
	   // 3rd argument would be 0 if we already drew the fixation target
      error = do_drift_correct((INT16)(SCRWIDTH/2), (INT16)(SCRHEIGHT/2), 1, 1);
           // repeat if ESC was pressed to access Setup menu 
      if(error!=27) break;

  clear_full_screen_window(target_background_color);  // make sure display is blank
	// Start data recording to EDF file, BEFORE DISPLAYING STIMULUS 
	// You should always start recording 50-100 msec before required
	// otherwise you may lose a few msec of data 
  error = start_recording(1,1,0,0);   // record samples and events to EDF file only
  if(error != 0) return error;        // ERROR: couldn't start recording

                              // record for 100 msec before displaying stimulus 
  begin_realtime_mode(100);   // Windows 2000/XP: no interruptions till display start marked

    // DISPLAY OUR IMAGE TO SUBJECT  by copying bitmap to display
    // Because of faster drawing speeds and good refresh locking,
    // we now place the stimulus onset message just after display refresh 
    // and before drawing the stimulus.  This is accurate and will allow 
    // drawing a new stimulus each display refresh.
    // However, we do NOT send the message after the retrace--this may take too long
    // instead, we add a number to the message that represents the delay 
    // from the event to the message in msec
  wait_for_video_refresh();	// synchronize before drawing so all seen at once
  drawing_time = current_msec();                  // time of retrace
  trial_start = drawing_time;  // record the display onset time 
  display_bitmap(full_screen_window, gbm, 0, 0);  // COPY BITMAP to display
  wait_for_drawing(full_screen_window);    // wait till bitmap copy finished

  drawing_time = current_msec()-drawing_time;    // delay from retrace (time to draw)
  eyemsg_printf("%d DISPLAY ON", drawing_time);	 // message for RT recording in analysis 
  eyemsg_printf("SYNCTIME %d", drawing_time);	 // message marks zero-plot time for EDFVIEW 

                        // we would stay in realtime mode if timing is critical   
                        // for example, if a dynamic (changing) stimulus was used
                        // or if display duration accuracy of 1 video refresh. was needed
  end_realtime_mode();  // we don't care as much about time now, allow keyboard to work
                                 // Now get ready for trial loop
  eyelink_flush_keybuttons(0);   // reset keys and buttons from tracker 

                       // we don't use getkey() especially in a time-critical trial
                       // as Windows may interrupt us and cause an unpredicatable delay
                       // so we would use buttons or tracker keys only  

     // Trial loop: till timeout or response 
    {                            // First, check if recording aborted 
      if((error=check_recording())!=0) return error;  
                                 // Check if trial time limit expired
      if(current_time() > trial_start+time_limit)
          eyemsg_printf("TIMEOUT");    // message to log the timeout 
	  end_trial();                 // local function to stop recording
	  button = 0;                  // trial result message is 0 if timeout 
	  break;                       // exit trial loop
      if(break_pressed())     // check for program termination or ALT-F4 or CTRL-C keys
	   end_trial();         // local function to stop recording
	   return ABORT_EXPT;   // return this code to terminate experiment

      if(escape_pressed())    // check for local ESC key to abort trial (useful in debugging)   
	   end_trial();         // local function to stop recording
	   return SKIP_TRIAL;   // return this code if trial terminated

		// Check for eye-tracker buttons pressed
		// This is the preferred way to get response data or end trials	
      button = eyelink_last_button_press(NULL);
      if(button!=0)       // button number, or 0 if none pressed
	   eyemsg_printf("ENDBUTTON %d", button);  // message to log the button press
	   end_trial();                            // local function to stop recording
	   break;                                  // exit trial loop
    }                       // END OF RECORDING LOOP
  end_realtime_mode();      // safety cleanup code
  while(getkey());          // dump any accumulated key presses

			   // report response result: 0=timeout, else button number
  eyemsg_printf("TRIAL_RESULT %d", button);
			   // Call this at the end of the trial, to handle special conditions
  return check_record_exit();
      // Run gaze-contingent window trial
      // <fgbm> is bitmap to display within window
      // <bgbm> is bitmap to display outside window
      // <wwidth, wheight> is size of window in pixels
      // <mask> flags whether to treat window as a mask
      // <time_limit> is the maximum time the stimuli are displayed 
int gc_window_trial(HBITMAP fgbm, HBITMAP bgbm, 
                    int wwidth, int wheight, int mask, UINT32 time_limit)
  UINT32 trial_start=0;	// trial start time (for timeout) 
  UINT32 drawing_time;  // retrace-to-draw delay
  int button;		// the button pressed (0 if timeout) 
  int error;            // trial result code

  ALLF_DATA evt;         // buffer to hold sample and event data
  int first_display = 1; // used to determine first drawing of display  
  int eye_used = 0;      // indicates which eye's data to display
  float x, y;		 // gaze position 


       // Set size and type of gaze-contingent window 
  RECT display_rect;

  display_rect.top    = dispinfo.top;
  display_rect.bottom = dispinfo.bottom;
  display_rect.left   = dispinfo.left;
  display_rect.right  = dispinfo.right;
  initialize_gc_window(wwidth, wheight, fgbm, bgbm, 
                       full_screen_window, display_rect, 
                       mask, SCRWIDTH/300);  // sets 0.1 degree deadband

	   // We repeat if ESC key pressed to do setup. 
    {              // Check link often so we can exit if tracker stopped
      if(!eyelink_is_connected()) return ABORT_EXPT;
	   // We let do_drift_correct() draw target in this example
	   // 3rd argument would be 0 if we already drew the display
      error = do_drift_correct((INT16)(SCRWIDTH/2), (INT16)(SCRHEIGHT/2), 1, 1);
           // repeat if ESC was pressed to access Setup menu 
      if(error!=27) break;

  clear_full_screen_window(target_background_color);  // make sure display is blank
	// Start data recording to EDF file, BEFORE DISPLAYING STIMULUS 
	// You should always start recording 50-100 msec before required
	// otherwise you may lose a few msec of data 
	//  tell start_recording() to send link data
  error = start_recording(1,1,1,1);	// record with link data enabled
  if(error != 0) return error;          // ERROR: couldn't start recording
                              // record for 100 msec before displaying stimulus 
  begin_realtime_mode(100);   // Windows 2000/XP: no interruptions from now on

    // DONT DISPLAY OUR IMAGES TO SUBJECT until we have first gaze postion!
  if(!eyelink_wait_for_block_start(100, 1, 0))  // wait for link sample data
      alert_printf("ERROR: No link samples received!");
      return TRIAL_ERROR;
  eye_used = eyelink_eye_available(); // determine which eye(s) are available 
  switch(eye_used)		      // select eye, add annotation to EDF file	
      case RIGHT_EYE:
        eyemsg_printf("EYE_USED 1 RIGHT");
      case BINOCULAR:           // both eye's data present: use left eye only
        eye_used = LEFT_EYE;
      case LEFT_EYE:
        eyemsg_printf("EYE_USED 0 LEFT");
                                 // Now get ready for trial loop
  eyelink_flush_keybuttons(0);   // reset keys and buttons from tracker 
                       // we don't use getkey() especially in a time-critical trial
                       // as Windows may interrupt us and cause an unpredicatable delay
                       // so we would use buttons or tracker keys only  

     // Trial loop: till timeout or response -- added code for reading samples and moving cursor
    {                            // First, check if recording aborted 
      if((error=check_recording())!=0) return error;  
                                 // Check if trial time limit expired
      if(current_time() > trial_start+time_limit && trial_start!=0)
          eyemsg_printf("TIMEOUT");    // message to log the timeout 
	  end_trial();                 // local function to stop recording
	  button = 0;                  // trial result message is 0 if timeout 
	  break;                       // exit trial loop

      if(break_pressed())     // check for program termination or ALT-F4 or CTRL-C keys
	   end_trial();         // local function to stop recording
	   return ABORT_EXPT;   // return this code to terminate experiment

      if(escape_pressed())    // check for local ESC key to abort trial (useful in debugging)   
	   end_trial();         // local function to stop recording
	   return SKIP_TRIAL;   // return this code if trial terminated

		// Check for eye-tracker buttons pressed
		// This is the preferred way to get response data or end trials	
      button = eyelink_last_button_press(NULL);
      if(button!=0)       // button number, or 0 if none pressed
	   eyemsg_printf("ENDBUTTON %d", button);  // message to log the button press
	   end_trial();                            // local function to stop recording
	   break;                                  // exit trial loop
      if(eyelink_newest_float_sample(NULL)>0)  // check for new sample update
	  eyelink_newest_float_sample(&evt);   // get the sample 
          x = evt.fs.gx[eye_used];    // yes: get gaze position from sample 
	  y = evt.fs.gy[eye_used];
	  if(x!=MISSING_DATA && 
             y!=MISSING_DATA &&
	     evt.fs.pa[eye_used]>0)     // make sure pupil is present
              if(first_display)  // mark display start AFTER first drawing of window
                  wait_for_video_refresh();	  // synchronize before drawing so all seen at once
                  drawing_time = current_msec();  // time of retrace
                  trial_start = drawing_time;   // record the display onset time 
	      redraw_gc_window((int)x, (int)y);  // move window if visible
              if(first_display)  // mark display start AFTER first drawing of window
                  first_display = 0;      
                  drawing_time = current_msec() - drawing_time; // delay from retrace
                  eyemsg_printf("%d DISPLAY ON", drawing_time);	// message for RT recording in analysis 
                  eyemsg_printf("SYNCTIME %d", drawing_time);	// message marks zero-plot time for EDFVIEW 
	        // Don't move window during blink
                // To hide window, use:   redraw_gc_window(MISSING, MISSING);
    }                       // END OF RECORDING LOOP

  end_realtime_mode();      // safety cleanup code
  while(getkey());          // dump any accumulated key presses

			   // report response result: 0=timeout, else button number
  eyemsg_printf("TRIAL_RESULT %d", button);
			   // Call this at the end of the trial, to handle special conditions
  return check_record_exit();