Пример #1
CFErrorRef ResourceError::cfError() const
    if (m_isNull) {
        return 0;

    if (!m_platformError) {
        RetainPtr<CFMutableDictionaryRef> userInfo(AdoptCF, CFDictionaryCreateMutable(0, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks));

        if (!m_localizedDescription.isEmpty()) {
            RetainPtr<CFStringRef> localizedDescriptionString(AdoptCF, m_localizedDescription.createCFString());
            CFDictionarySetValue(userInfo.get(), kCFErrorLocalizedDescriptionKey, localizedDescriptionString.get());

        if (!m_failingURL.isEmpty()) {
            RetainPtr<CFStringRef> failingURLString(AdoptCF, m_failingURL.createCFString());
            CFDictionarySetValue(userInfo.get(), failingURLStringKey, failingURLString.get());
            RetainPtr<CFURLRef> url(AdoptCF, KURL(ParsedURLString, m_failingURL).createCFURL());
            CFDictionarySetValue(userInfo.get(), failingURLKey, url.get());

        if (m_certificate)
            wkSetSSLPeerCertificateData(userInfo.get(), m_certificate.get());
        RetainPtr<CFStringRef> domainString(AdoptCF, m_domain.createCFString());
        m_platformError.adoptCF(CFErrorCreate(0, domainString.get(), m_errorCode, userInfo.get()));

    return m_platformError.get();
Пример #2
const char * LabelHash::findLabel( char const * const domain, uint32 hashValue )
	std::string domainString(domain);

	TDomainMap::iterator domainIt = gs_allDomains.find(domainString);

	if(domainIt == gs_allDomains.end())
		// Domain not found

		return NULL;

	// ----------
	// Domain found, check for existing hash value

	THashToStringMap & domainLabels = (*domainIt).second;

	THashToStringMap::iterator hashIt = domainLabels.find(hashValue);

	if(hashIt != domainLabels.end())
		return (*hashIt).second.c_str();

	// ----------
	// String not found

	return NULL;
Пример #3
uint32	LabelHash::checkLabel( char const * const domain, char const * const label, uint32 hashValue )
	// First things first - make sure the label actually hashes to the given value

	uint32 actualHash = Crc::calculate(label);

	FATAL(actualHash != hashValue, ("LabelHash::checkLabel - Label [%s] hashes to [%d] and not [%d]\n",label,actualHash,hashValue));

	// ----------

	std::string domainString(domain);
	std::string labelString(label);

	// Find the hash-to-label map for the given domain, or 
	// create a new one if there isn't one already.
	TDomainMap::iterator domainIt = gs_allDomains.find(domainString);

	if(domainIt == gs_allDomains.end())
		// Domain not found, create entry for it containing the label

		THashToStringMap newDomainMap;

		newDomainMap.insert( THashEntry(hashValue,labelString) );

		gs_allDomains.insert( TDomainEntry(domainString,newDomainMap) );
		// Domain found, check for existing hash value

		THashToStringMap & domainLabels = (*domainIt).second;

		THashToStringMap::iterator labelIt = domainLabels.find(hashValue);

		if(labelIt == domainLabels.end())
			// Hash value not found, add it to the domain

			domainLabels.insert( THashEntry(hashValue,labelString) );
			// Hash value found, fatal if the string mapped to it doesn't match 
			// the given string

			std::string & currentLabel = (*labelIt).second;

			FATAL( currentLabel != labelString, ("LabelHash::checkLabel - Found a hash collision for domain [%s], label [%s] - two labels hashed to the same value\n",domain,label));

	// All is good, hash is OK.

	return hashValue;