/** * (Edit this function to print out the ten "Illinois" lines in mp1-functions.c in order.) */ int main() { first_step(81); int * two= malloc(sizeof(int)); *two= 132; second_step(two); free(two); int ** three= malloc(sizeof(int *)); three[0]= malloc(sizeof(int)); *three[0]= 8942; double_step(three); free(three[0]); free(three); int * four=0; strange_step(four); char * five= calloc(4,sizeof(char)); empty_step((void*)(five)); free(five); char * s2= calloc(4,sizeof(char)); s2[3]='u'; void * s= s2; two_step(s, s2); free(s2); char * first= 0; char * second= first+2; char * third= second+2; three_step(first, second, third); first= calloc(2,sizeof(char)); first[1]= 0; second= malloc(3*sizeof(char)); second[2]= first[1]+8; third= malloc(4*sizeof(char)); third[3]= second[2]+8; step_step_step(first, second, third); free(first); free(second); free(third); char * nine= malloc(sizeof(char)); *nine= 1; it_may_be_odd(nine, 1); free(nine); int * orange= malloc(sizeof(int)); *orange= 513; int * blue= orange; the_end((void *)orange,(void *) blue); //printf("temp= %d\n", (*temp)); free(orange); return 0; }
/** * (Edit this function to print out the ten "Illinois" lines in functions.c in order.) */ int main() { first_step(81); int second_value = 132; int *second_p = &second_value; second_step(second_p); int third_value = 8942; int *third_p = &third_value; int **third_pp = &third_p; double_step(third_pp); int *forth_value = 0; strange_step(forth_value); void *fifth_value[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; empty_step(fifth_value); char *s2 = "uuuu"; void *s = s2; two_step(s, s2); char *first, *second, *third; first = 0; second = first + 2; third = second + 2; three_step(first, second, third); char *arr = malloc(4*sizeof(char)); arr[1] = 'a'; arr[2] = arr[1] + 8; arr[3] = arr[2] + 8; step_step_step(arr, arr, arr); free(arr); int b = 1; void *a = &b; it_may_be_odd(a, b); int end = 1281; void *orange, *blue; orange = blue = &end; the_end(orange, blue); return 0; }
/** * (Edit this function to print out the ten "Illinois" lines in part2-functions.c in order.) */ int main() { first_step(81); int x = 132; int* y = &x; second_step(y); int *ww[1]; *y = 8942; ww[0] = y; double_step(ww); void* ss = malloc(sizeof(int)*15); *(int*)(ss+5) = 15; strange_step(ss); *(char*)(ss+3) = 0; empty_step(ss); char a[4]; a[3] = 'u'; void* wwww; wwww = (void* )a; two_step(wwww, a); three_step(a,a+2,a+4); free(ss); char b[4]; b[1] = 'A'; b[2] = 'A'+8; b[3] = 'A'+16; step_step_step(b,b,b); int sd = 'A'; it_may_be_odd(b+(sizeof(char)), sd); char i[] = "C,CS241,41"; tok_step(i); void* www; x = 4353; www = (void*)&x; the_end(www,www); return 0; }
/** * (Edit this function to print out the ten "Illinois" lines in part2-functions.c in order.) */ int main() { //1 first_step(81); //2 int two = 132; second_step( &two ); //3 ???? int three =8942; int * threeP = &three; double_step(&threeP); //4 int * four = 0; strange_step(four); //5 char five[4]; five[3] =0; empty_step(five); //6 char * six1, six2[4]; six2[3] = 'u'; six1= six2; two_step(six1, six2); //7 char * seven1; char * seven2; char * seven3; //seven2 = malloc(sizeof(char)); seven1 = malloc(sizeof(char)); //seven3 = malloc(sizeof(char)); seven2 = seven1 + (char) 2; seven3 = seven2 + (char) 2; three_step(seven1, seven2, seven3); free(seven1); //8 char eight1[2]; eight1[1] = 'b'; char eight2[3]; eight2[2] = 'b' + 8; char eight3[4]; eight3[3] = eight2[2] + 8; step_step_step(eight1, eight2, eight3); //9 char * nineA = malloc (sizeof(char)); int nineB = 1; *nineA = (char) 1; it_may_be_odd(nineA, nineB); free(nineA); //10 char * tenB = malloc(4*sizeof(char)); int * tenO = (int*) tenB; tenB[0] = (char) 1; tenB[1] = 2; the_end(tenO, tenB); //((char *)blue)[0] == 1 *((int *)orange) % 3 == 0) return 0; }
int main() { /* * [Part 1]: * Edit the provided part1.c file to print out the tweleve "Illinois" lines * that are provided in the code inside mp1-functions.c. */ //pass 81 value to print first Illinois. first_step(81); // initialize a varaible with value 132 and pass its pointer as an argument. int val = 132; second_step(&val); // pass a double pointer to string which has value 8942 as its value. // int double_val = 8942; int** pp = (int **) malloc(sizeof(int*)); *pp = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)); *pp[0] = 8942; double_step(pp); free(*pp); free(pp); // initialize a pointer value to zero and pass it to strange_step function. int* p_val = 0; strange_step(p_val); // pass a character array whose fourth value is zero. int name[4] = {0}; empty_step(name); // create a character array and pointer to that array. char s[4]; char* s1; s1 = s; s[3] = 'u'; two_step(s, s1); // create a character array and assign other these values. char first[10]; char* second = first + 2; char* third = second + 2; three_step(first, second, third); // use above arrays assign values in such away that they will call this. *first = 0; *second = *first + 4; *third = *second + 4; triple_step(first, second, third); // use the above arrays to call third //third = second = first; first[1] = 0; second[2] = first[1] + 8; third[3] = second[2] + 8; step_step_step(first, second, third); // everything is set just call above function. triple_three_step_step_step(first, second, third); // create an integer which is less than 256 int b = 10; char* a = (char* )&b; it_may_be_odd(a, b); // create an integer array with initial value 0; p_val =(int *) malloc(sizeof(int)); *p_val = 513; the_end(p_val, p_val); free(p_val); return 0; }