Пример #1

  \brief peCreateSession() - creates a new PE session given the BSSID

  This function returns the session context and the session ID if the session
  corresponding to the passed BSSID is found in the PE session table.

  \param pMac          - pointer to global adapter context
  \param bssid         - BSSID of the new session
  \param sessionId     - session ID is returned here, if session is created.
  \param bssType       - station or a
  \return tpPESession  - pointer to the session context or NULL if session
                         can not be created.


tpPESession peCreateSession(tpAniSirGlobal pMac,
                            tANI_U8 *bssid,
                            tANI_U8* sessionId,
                            tANI_U16 numSta,
                            tSirBssType bssType)
    VOS_STATUS status;
    tANI_U8 i;
    for(i =0; i < pMac->lim.maxBssId; i++)
        /* Find first free room in session table */
        if(pMac->lim.gpSession[i].valid == FALSE)
            vos_mem_set((void*)&pMac->lim.gpSession[i], sizeof(tPESession), 0);

            //Allocate space for Station Table for this session.
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].dph.dphHashTable.pHashTable = vos_mem_malloc(
                                                  sizeof(tpDphHashNode)* (numSta + 1));
            if ( NULL == pMac->lim.gpSession[i].dph.dphHashTable.pHashTable )
                limLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("memory allocate failed!"));
                return NULL;
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].dph.dphHashTable.pDphNodeArray = vos_mem_malloc(
                                                       sizeof(tDphHashNode) * (numSta + 1));
            if ( NULL == pMac->lim.gpSession[i].dph.dphHashTable.pDphNodeArray )
                limLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("memory allocate failed!"));
                pMac->lim.gpSession[i].dph.dphHashTable.pHashTable = NULL;
                return NULL;

            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].dph.dphHashTable.size = numSta + 1;


            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].gpLimPeerIdxpool = vos_mem_malloc(sizeof(
                                *pMac->lim.gpSession[i].gpLimPeerIdxpool) * (numSta+1));
            if ( NULL == pMac->lim.gpSession[i].gpLimPeerIdxpool )
                PELOGE(limLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("memory allocate failed!"));)
                pMac->lim.gpSession[i].dph.dphHashTable.pHashTable = NULL;
                pMac->lim.gpSession[i].dph.dphHashTable.pDphNodeArray = NULL;
                return NULL;
Пример #2
  \brief peCreateSession() - creates a new PE session given the BSSID

  This function returns the session context and the session ID if the session 
  corresponding to the passed BSSID is found in the PE session table.
  \param pMac                   - pointer to global adapter context
  \param bssid                   - BSSID of the new session
  \param sessionId             -session ID is returned here, if session is created.
  \return tpPESession          - pointer to the session context or NULL if session can not be created.
tpPESession peCreateSession(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U8 *bssid , tANI_U8* sessionId, tANI_U16 numSta)
    tANI_U8 i;
    for(i =0; i < pMac->lim.maxBssId; i++)
        /* Find first free room in session table */
        if(pMac->lim.gpSession[i].valid == FALSE)
            palZeroMemory(pMac, (void*)&pMac->lim.gpSession[i], sizeof(tPESession));

            //Allocate space for Station Table for this session.
            if (eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd,
                     (void **) &pMac->lim.gpSession[i].dph.dphHashTable.pHashTable, sizeof(tpDphHashNode)*numSta))
                limLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("memory allocate failed!\n"));
                return NULL;

            if (eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd,
                  (void **) &pMac->lim.gpSession[i].dph.dphHashTable.pDphNodeArray, sizeof(tDphHashNode)*numSta))
                limLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("memory allocate failed!\n"));
                return NULL;
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].dph.dphHashTable.size = numSta;


            /* Copy the BSSID to the session table */
            sirCopyMacAddr(pMac->lim.gpSession[i].bssId, bssid);
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].valid = TRUE;
            /* Intialize the SME and MLM states to IDLE */
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].limMlmState = eLIM_MLM_IDLE_STATE;
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].limSmeState = eLIM_SME_IDLE_STATE;
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].limCurrentAuthType = eSIR_OPEN_SYSTEM;
            peInitBeaconParams(pMac, &pMac->lim.gpSession[i]);
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].is11Rconnection = FALSE;

            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].isCCXconnection = FALSE;

#if defined WLAN_FEATURE_VOWIFI_11R || defined FEATURE_WLAN_CCX || defined(FEATURE_WLAN_LFR)
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].isFastTransitionEnabled = FALSE;
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].isFastRoamIniFeatureEnabled = FALSE;
            *sessionId = i;

            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].gLimPhyMode = WNI_CFG_PHY_MODE_11G; //TODO :Check with the team what should be default mode 
    limLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("Session can not be created.. Reached Max permitted sessions \n "));
    return NULL;
Пример #3
  \brief peCreateSession() - creates a new PE session given the BSSID

  This function returns the session context and the session ID if the session 
  corresponding to the passed BSSID is found in the PE session table.
  \param pMac                   - pointer to global adapter context
  \param bssid                   - BSSID of the new session
  \param sessionId             -session ID is returned here, if session is created.
  \return tpPESession          - pointer to the session context or NULL if session can not be created.
tpPESession peCreateSession(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U8 *bssid , tANI_U8* sessionId, tANI_U16 numSta)
    tANI_U8 i;
    for(i =0; i < pMac->lim.maxBssId; i++)
        /* Find first free room in session table */
        if(pMac->lim.gpSession[i].valid == FALSE)
            vos_mem_set((void*)&pMac->lim.gpSession[i], sizeof(tPESession), 0);

            //Allocate space for Station Table for this session.
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].dph.dphHashTable.pHashTable = vos_mem_vmalloc(
            if ( NULL == pMac->lim.gpSession[i].dph.dphHashTable.pHashTable )
                limLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("memory allocate for size %lu failed!"),
                            (long unsigned int) sizeof(tpDphHashNode)*numSta);
                return NULL;

            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].dph.dphHashTable.pDphNodeArray = vos_mem_vmalloc(
            if ( NULL == pMac->lim.gpSession[i].dph.dphHashTable.pDphNodeArray )
                limLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("memory allocate failed for Node array"
                                                               "of size %lu"),
                             (long unsigned int) sizeof(tDphHashNode)*numSta);
                pMac->lim.gpSession[i].dph.dphHashTable.pHashTable = NULL;
                return NULL;
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].dph.dphHashTable.size = numSta;


            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].gpLimPeerIdxpool = vos_mem_vmalloc(sizeof(
                                *pMac->lim.gpSession[i].gpLimPeerIdxpool) * (numSta+1));
            if ( NULL == pMac->lim.gpSession[i].gpLimPeerIdxpool )
                limLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("memory allocate failed "
                "for peerId pool of size %lu!"), (long unsigned int)
                sizeof(*pMac->lim.gpSession[i].gpLimPeerIdxpool) * (numSta+1));
                pMac->lim.gpSession[i].dph.dphHashTable.pHashTable = NULL;
                pMac->lim.gpSession[i].dph.dphHashTable.pDphNodeArray = NULL;
                return NULL;
                  sizeof(*pMac->lim.gpSession[i].gpLimPeerIdxpool) * (numSta+1), 0);
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].freePeerIdxHead = 0;
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].freePeerIdxTail = 0;
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].gLimNumOfCurrentSTAs = 0;

            /* Copy the BSSID to the session table */
            sirCopyMacAddr(pMac->lim.gpSession[i].bssId, bssid);
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].valid = TRUE;
            /* Intialize the SME and MLM states to IDLE */
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].limMlmState = eLIM_MLM_IDLE_STATE;
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].limSmeState = eLIM_SME_IDLE_STATE;
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].limCurrentAuthType = eSIR_OPEN_SYSTEM;
            peInitBeaconParams(pMac, &pMac->lim.gpSession[i]);
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].is11Rconnection = FALSE;

            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].isESEconnection = FALSE;

#if defined WLAN_FEATURE_VOWIFI_11R || defined FEATURE_WLAN_ESE || defined(FEATURE_WLAN_LFR)
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].isFastTransitionEnabled = FALSE;
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].isFastRoamIniFeatureEnabled = FALSE;
            *sessionId = i;

            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].gLimPhyMode = WNI_CFG_PHY_MODE_11G; //TODO :Check with the team what should be default mode
            /* Initialize CB mode variables when session is created */
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].htSupportedChannelWidthSet = 0;
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].htRecommendedTxWidthSet = 0;
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].htSecondaryChannelOffset = 0;
                  sizeof(pMac->lim.gpSession[i].peerAIDBitmap), 0);
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].tdlsChanSwitProhibited = 0;
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].fWaitForProbeRsp = 0;
            pMac->lim.gpSession[i].fIgnoreCapsChange = 0;
            limLog(pMac, LOG1, FL("Create a new sessionId (%d) with BSSID: "
               MAC_ADDRESS_STR " Max No. of STA %d"),
               MAC_ADDR_ARRAY(bssid), numSta);
    limLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("Session can not be created.. Reached Max permitted sessions "));
    return NULL;