Пример #1
static struct addrinfo *lookup_host(char *func, const char *node, const char *service) {
	struct addrinfo *aitop;
	int gaierrno;
	struct addrinfo hints;

	memset (&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo));
	hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
	hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
	hints.ai_flags |= AI_ADDRCONFIG;

	gaierrno = Cgetaddrinfo (node, service, &hints, &aitop);

	if (gaierrno !=0 && serrno == 0)
		serrno = SENOSHOST;

	if (gaierrno == EAI_NONAME) {
		dpm_errmsg (func, DP009, "Host unknown:", node);
		return (NULL);
	} else if (gaierrno != 0) { 
		dpm_errmsg (func, "Error during lookup of %s: %s\n",
				node, Cgai_strerror (gaierrno));
		return (NULL);

	return (aitop);
Пример #2
dpm_ping(char *host, char *info)
	int c;
	char func[16];
	gid_t gid;
	int msglen;
	char *q;
	char *rbp;
	char repbuf[256];
	char *sbp;
	char sendbuf[REQBUFSZ];
	struct dpm_api_thread_info *thip;
	uid_t uid;

	strcpy (func, "dpm_ping");
	if (dpm_apiinit (&thip))
		return (-1);
	uid = geteuid();
	gid = getegid();
#if defined(_WIN32)
	if (uid < 0 || gid < 0) {
		dpm_errmsg (func, DP053);
		serrno = SENOMAPFND;
		return (-1);

	if (! info) {
		serrno = EFAULT;
		return (-1);

	/* Build request header */

	sbp = sendbuf;
	marshall_LONG (sbp, DPM_MAGIC);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, DPM_PING);
	q = sbp;	/* save pointer. The next field will be updated */
	msglen = 3 * LONGSIZE;
	marshall_LONG (sbp, msglen);

	/* Build request body */

	marshall_LONG (sbp, uid);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, gid);

	msglen = sbp - sendbuf;
	marshall_LONG (q, msglen);	/* update length field */

	c = send2dpm (host, sendbuf, msglen, repbuf, sizeof(repbuf), NULL, NULL);

	if (c == 0) {
		rbp = repbuf;
		unmarshall_STRING (rbp, info);
	return (c);
Пример #3
dpm_put (int nbreqfiles, struct dpm_putfilereq *reqfiles, int nbprotocols, char **protocols, char *u_token, int overwrite, time_t retrytime, char *r_token, int *nbreplies, struct dpm_putfilestatus **filestatuses)
	int c;
	char errstring[256];
	char func[16];
	gid_t gid;
	int i;
	int msglen;
	char *rbp;
	char repbuf[4+256+CA_MAXDPMTOKENLEN+1];
	char *sbp;
	char *sendbuf;
	char surl[CA_MAXSFNLEN+1];
	struct dpm_api_thread_info *thip;
	uid_t uid;

	strcpy (func, "dpm_put");
	if (dpm_apiinit (&thip))
		return (-1);
	uid = geteuid();
	gid = getegid();
#if defined(_WIN32)
	if (uid < 0 || gid < 0) {
		dpm_errmsg (func, DP053);
		serrno = SENOMAPFND;
		return (-1);

	if (nbreqfiles <= 0 || nbprotocols <= 0) {
		serrno = EINVAL;
		return (-1);
	if (! reqfiles || ! protocols || ! r_token || ! nbreplies || ! filestatuses) {
		serrno = EFAULT;
		return (-1);

	/* Compute size of send buffer */

	msglen = 6 * LONGSIZE;
	for (i = 0; i < nbprotocols; i++)
		msglen += strlen (protocols[i]) + 1;
	if (u_token)
		msglen += strlen (u_token) + 1;
	msglen += LONGSIZE;
	msglen += TIME_TSIZE;
	msglen += LONGSIZE;
	for (i = 0; i < nbreqfiles; i++) {
		msglen += strlen ((reqfiles+i)->to_surl) + 1;
		msglen += TIME_TSIZE;
		msglen += strlen ((reqfiles+i)->s_token) + 1;
		msglen += HYPERSIZE;
		msglen += TIME_TSIZE;

	/* Allocate send buffer */

	if ((sendbuf = malloc (msglen)) == NULL) {
		serrno = ENOMEM;
		return (-1);

	/* Build request header */

	sbp = sendbuf;
	marshall_LONG (sbp, DPM_MAGIC2);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, DPM_PUT);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, msglen);

	/* Build request body */

	marshall_LONG (sbp, uid);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, gid);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, nbprotocols);
	for (i = 0; i < nbprotocols; i++)
		marshall_STRING (sbp, protocols[i]);
	if (u_token) {
		marshall_STRING (sbp, u_token);
	} else {
		marshall_STRING (sbp, "");
	marshall_LONG (sbp, overwrite);
	marshall_TIME_T (sbp, retrytime);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, nbreqfiles);
	for (i = 0; i < nbreqfiles; i++) {
		marshall_STRING (sbp, (reqfiles+i)->to_surl);
		marshall_TIME_T (sbp, (reqfiles+i)->lifetime);
		marshall_BYTE (sbp, (reqfiles+i)->f_type);
		marshall_STRING (sbp, (reqfiles+i)->s_token);
		marshall_HYPER (sbp, (reqfiles+i)->requested_size);
		marshall_TIME_T (sbp, (reqfiles+i)->f_lifetime);
		marshall_BYTE (sbp, (reqfiles+i)->ret_policy);
		marshall_BYTE (sbp, (reqfiles+i)->ac_latency);
	c = send2dpm (NULL, sendbuf, msglen, repbuf, sizeof(repbuf),
	    (void **)filestatuses, nbreplies);
	free (sendbuf);

	if (c == 0) {
		rbp = repbuf;
		unmarshall_LONG (rbp, c);
		if ((c & 0xF000) == DPM_FAILED) {
			serrno = c - DPM_FAILED;
			c = -1;
		unmarshall_STRING (rbp, errstring);
		if (*errstring)
			dpm_errmsg (func, "%s\n", errstring);
		unmarshall_STRING (rbp, r_token);
	return (c);
Пример #4
dpm_replicatex(const char *path, char f_type, const char *s_token, time_t ltime, char *pfn)
	struct dpm_filestatus *filestatuses = NULL;
	char *from_turl;
	struct dpm_getfilereq getfilereq;
	struct dpm_getfilestatus *getfilestatus;
	int i;
	int nbreplies;
	char *p;
	static char *protocols[] = {"rfio"};
	struct dpm_putfilereq putfilereq;
	struct dpm_putfilestatus *putfilestatus;
	int r = 0;
	char r_tokeng[CA_MAXDPMTOKENLEN+1];
	char r_tokenp[CA_MAXDPMTOKENLEN+1];
	int save_serrno;
	char sfn[CA_MAXSFNLEN+1];
	struct Cns_filestatg statbuf;
	int status;
	char *surl;
	char *to_turl;
	char turl[CA_MAXSFNLEN+1];

	if (s_token && strlen (s_token) > CA_MAXDPMTOKENLEN) {
		serrno = ENAMETOOLONG;
		return (-1);
	if (strncmp (path, "srm://", 6) == 0 ||
	    (strncmp (path, CNS_ROOT, sizeof(CNS_ROOT)-1) == 0 &&
	    (*(path+sizeof(CNS_ROOT)-1) == '\0' || *(path+sizeof(CNS_ROOT)-1) == '/'))) {
		surl = (char *) path;
		memset (&getfilereq, 0, sizeof(getfilereq));
		getfilereq.from_surl = surl;
		if ((status = dpm_get (1, &getfilereq, 1, protocols, NULL,
		    0, r_tokeng, &nbreplies, &getfilestatus)) < 0)
			return (-1);

		/* wait for request status "Done" or "Failed" */

		while (status == DPM_QUEUED || status == DPM_ACTIVE) {
			if (getfilestatus->from_surl)
				free (getfilestatus->from_surl);
			if (getfilestatus->turl)
				free (getfilestatus->turl);
			if (getfilestatus->errstring)
				free (getfilestatus->errstring);
			free (getfilestatus);
			sleep ((r++ == 0) ? 1 : DEFPOLLINT);
			if ((status = dpm_getstatus_getreq (r_tokeng, 0, NULL,
			    &nbreplies, &getfilestatus)) < 0)
				return (-1);
		if (getfilestatus->turl)
			from_turl = getfilestatus->turl;
		if (getfilestatus->from_surl)
			free (getfilestatus->from_surl);
		if (getfilestatus->errstring)
			free (getfilestatus->errstring);
		free (getfilestatus);
	} else {
		if (Cns_statr (path, &statbuf) < 0)
			return (-1);
		strcpy (turl, "rfio://");
		strcpy (turl + 7, path);
		p = strchr (turl + 7, ':');
		*p = '/';
		from_turl = turl;
		if (Cns_getpath (NULL, statbuf.fileid, sfn) < 0)
			return (-1);
		surl = sfn;

	/* get turl for replica */

	memset (&putfilereq, 0, sizeof(putfilereq));
	putfilereq.to_surl = surl;
	putfilereq.f_type = f_type;
	if (s_token)
		strcpy(putfilereq.s_token, s_token);
	putfilereq.f_lifetime = ltime;
	if ((status = dpm_put (1, &putfilereq, 1, protocols, NULL, 4,
	    0, r_tokenp, &nbreplies, &putfilestatus)) < 0)
		return (-1);

	/* wait for request status "Done" or "Failed" */

	r = 0;
	while (status == DPM_QUEUED || status == DPM_ACTIVE) {
		if (putfilestatus->to_surl)
			free (putfilestatus->to_surl);
		if (putfilestatus->turl)
			free (putfilestatus->turl);
		if (putfilestatus->errstring)
			free (putfilestatus->errstring);
		free (putfilestatus);
		sleep ((r++ == 0) ? 1 : DEFPOLLINT);
		if ((status = dpm_getstatus_putreq (r_tokenp, 0, NULL,
		    &nbreplies, &putfilestatus)) < 0)
			return (-1);
	if (putfilestatus->turl)
		to_turl = putfilestatus->turl;
	if (putfilestatus->to_surl)
		free (putfilestatus->to_surl);
	if (putfilestatus->errstring)
		free (putfilestatus->errstring);
	free (putfilestatus);

	status = rfio_rcp (from_turl, to_turl, 0);
	save_serrno = serrno;
	if (from_turl != turl) {
		free (from_turl);
		(void) dpm_relfiles (r_tokeng, 1, &surl, 0, &nbreplies, &filestatuses);
		dpm_free_filest (nbreplies, filestatuses);

	filestatuses = NULL;
	if (status < 0) {
		(void) dpm_abortfiles (r_tokenp, 1, &surl, &nbreplies, &filestatuses);
	} else {
		status = dpm_putdone (r_tokenp, 1, &surl, &nbreplies, &filestatuses);
		save_serrno = serrno;
		if (status < 0 && nbreplies == 1 && filestatuses && *filestatuses->errstring)
			dpm_errmsg (NULL, "%s", filestatuses->errstring);
	dpm_free_filest (nbreplies, filestatuses);
	serrno = save_serrno;
	if (pfn != NULL) {
		*pfn = '\0';
		if ((p = strstr (to_turl, "rfio://"))) {
			p += 7;
			strcpy (pfn, p);
			if ((p = strchr (pfn, '/')))
				*p = ':';
		if (!*pfn) {
			status = -1;
			serrno = ENOENT;
	free (to_turl);
	return (status);
Пример #5
dpm_getreqsummary (int nbtokens, char **r_tokens, int *nbreplies, struct dpm_reqsummary **summaries)
	int c;
	char errstring[256];
	char func[18];
	gid_t gid;
	int i;
	int msglen;
	char *rbp;
	char repbuf[4+256];
	char *sbp;
	char *sendbuf;
	struct dpm_api_thread_info *thip;
	uid_t uid;

	strcpy (func, "dpm_getreqsummary");
	if (dpm_apiinit (&thip))
		return (-1);
	uid = geteuid();
	gid = getegid();
#if defined(_WIN32)
	if (uid < 0 || gid < 0) {
		dpm_errmsg (func, DP053);
		serrno = SENOMAPFND;
		return (-1);

	if (nbtokens <= 0) {
		serrno = EINVAL;
		return (-1);
	if (! r_tokens || ! nbreplies || ! summaries) {
		serrno = EFAULT;
		return (-1);

	/* Compute size of send buffer */

	msglen = 6 * LONGSIZE;
	for (i = 0; i < nbtokens; i++) {
		msglen += strlen (r_tokens[i]) + 1;

	/* Allocate send buffer */

	if ((sendbuf = malloc (msglen)) == NULL) {
		serrno = ENOMEM;
		return (-1);

	/* Build request header */

	sbp = sendbuf;
	marshall_LONG (sbp, DPM_MAGIC);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, DPM_GETREQSUM);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, msglen);

	/* Build request body */

	marshall_LONG (sbp, uid);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, gid);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, nbtokens);
	for (i = 0; i < nbtokens; i++) {
		marshall_STRING (sbp, r_tokens[i]);

	c = send2dpm (NULL, sendbuf, msglen, repbuf, sizeof(repbuf),
	    (void **)summaries, nbreplies);
	free (sendbuf);
	if (c == 0) { 
		rbp = repbuf;
		unmarshall_LONG (rbp, c);
		if (c) {
			serrno = c - DPM_FAILED;
			c = -1;
		unmarshall_STRING (rbp, errstring);
		if (*errstring)
			dpm_errmsg (func, "%s\n", errstring);
	return (c);
Пример #6
dpm_modifypool(struct dpm_pool *dpm_pool)
	int c;
	char func[16];
	gid_t gid;
	int i;
	int msglen;
	char *p;
	char *q;
	char *sbp;
	char sendbuf[REQBUFSZ];
	struct dpm_api_thread_info *thip;
	uid_t uid;

	strcpy (func, "dpm_modifypool");
	if (dpm_apiinit (&thip))
		return (-1);
	uid = geteuid();
	gid = getegid();
#if defined(_WIN32)
	if (uid < 0 || gid < 0) {
		dpm_errmsg (func, DP053);
		serrno = SENOMAPFND;
		return (-1);

	if (! dpm_pool) {
		serrno = EFAULT;
		return (-1);

	/* Build request header */

	sbp = sendbuf;
	marshall_LONG (sbp, DPM_MAGIC3);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, DPM_MODPOOL);
	q = sbp;	/* save pointer. The next field will be updated */
	msglen = 3 * LONGSIZE;
	marshall_LONG (sbp, msglen);

	/* Build request body */

	marshall_LONG (sbp, uid);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, gid);
	marshall_STRING (sbp, dpm_pool->poolname);
	marshall_HYPER (sbp, dpm_pool->defsize);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, dpm_pool->gc_start_thresh);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, dpm_pool->gc_stop_thresh);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, dpm_pool->defpintime);
	marshall_STRING (sbp, dpm_pool->fss_policy);
	marshall_STRING (sbp, dpm_pool->gc_policy);
	marshall_STRING (sbp, dpm_pool->rs_policy);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, dpm_pool->nbgids > 0 ? dpm_pool->gids[0] : -1);
	marshall_BYTE (sbp, dpm_pool->s_type);
	marshall_STRING (sbp, dpm_pool->mig_policy);
	marshall_BYTE (sbp, dpm_pool->ret_policy);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, dpm_pool->def_lifetime);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, dpm_pool->max_lifetime);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, dpm_pool->maxpintime);
	marshall_LONG (sbp, dpm_pool->nbgids);
	for (i = 0; i < dpm_pool->nbgids; i++)
		marshall_LONG (sbp, dpm_pool->gids[i]);

	msglen = sbp - sendbuf;
	marshall_LONG (q, msglen);	/* update length field */

	c = send2dpm (NULL, sendbuf, msglen, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
	return (c);