Пример #1
void ClippingNode::onBeforeVisit()
    // INIT

    // increment the current layer

    // mask of the current layer (ie: for layer 3: 00000100)
    GLint mask_layer = 0x1 << s_layer;
    // mask of all layers less than the current (ie: for layer 3: 00000011)
    GLint mask_layer_l = mask_layer - 1;
    // mask of all layers less than or equal to the current (ie: for layer 3: 00000111)
    _mask_layer_le = mask_layer | mask_layer_l;

    // manually save the stencil state

    _currentStencilEnabled = glIsEnabled(GL_STENCIL_TEST);
    glGetIntegerv(GL_STENCIL_WRITEMASK, (GLint *)&_currentStencilWriteMask);
    glGetIntegerv(GL_STENCIL_FUNC, (GLint *)&_currentStencilFunc);
    glGetIntegerv(GL_STENCIL_REF, &_currentStencilRef);
    glGetIntegerv(GL_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK, (GLint *)&_currentStencilValueMask);
    glGetIntegerv(GL_STENCIL_FAIL, (GLint *)&_currentStencilFail);
    glGetIntegerv(GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL, (GLint *)&_currentStencilPassDepthFail);
    glGetIntegerv(GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS, (GLint *)&_currentStencilPassDepthPass);

    // enable stencil use
    // check for OpenGL error while enabling stencil test

    // all bits on the stencil buffer are readonly, except the current layer bit,
    // this means that operation like glClear or glStencilOp will be masked with this value

    // manually save the depth test state

    glGetBooleanv(GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK, &_currentDepthWriteMask);

    // disable depth test while drawing the stencil
    // disable update to the depth buffer while drawing the stencil,
    // as the stencil is not meant to be rendered in the real scene,
    // it should never prevent something else to be drawn,
    // only disabling depth buffer update should do


    // manually clear the stencil buffer by drawing a fullscreen rectangle on it
    // setup the stencil test func like this:
    // for each pixel in the fullscreen rectangle
    //     never draw it into the frame buffer
    //     if not in inverted mode: set the current layer value to 0 in the stencil buffer
    //     if in inverted mode: set the current layer value to 1 in the stencil buffer
    glStencilFunc(GL_NEVER, mask_layer, mask_layer);
    glStencilOp(!_inverted ? GL_ZERO : GL_REPLACE, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP);

    // draw a fullscreen solid rectangle to clear the stencil buffer
    //ccDrawSolidRect(Point::ZERO, ccpFromSize([[Director sharedDirector] winSize]), Color4F(1, 1, 1, 1));


    // setup the stencil test func like this:
    // for each pixel in the stencil node
    //     never draw it into the frame buffer
    //     if not in inverted mode: set the current layer value to 1 in the stencil buffer
    //     if in inverted mode: set the current layer value to 0 in the stencil buffer
    glStencilFunc(GL_NEVER, mask_layer, mask_layer);
    glStencilOp(!_inverted ? GL_REPLACE : GL_ZERO, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP);

    // enable alpha test only if the alpha threshold < 1,
    // indeed if alpha threshold == 1, every pixel will be drawn anyways
    if (_alphaThreshold < 1) {
        // manually save the alpha test state
        _currentAlphaTestEnabled = glIsEnabled(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
        glGetIntegerv(GL_ALPHA_TEST_FUNC, (GLint *)&_currentAlphaTestFunc);
        glGetFloatv(GL_ALPHA_TEST_REF, &_currentAlphaTestRef);
        // enable alpha testing
        // check for OpenGL error while enabling alpha test
        // pixel will be drawn only if greater than an alpha threshold
        glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, _alphaThreshold);

    //Draw _stencil
Пример #2
void BeginStencilCommand::execute()
    // increment the current layer
    auto state = getCurrentState();
    // enable stencil use
    if (1 == _stencilCount)
    // check for OpenGL error while enabling stencil test
    // all bits on the stencil buffer are readonly, except the current layer bit,
    // this means that operation like glClear or glStencilOp will be masked with this value
    // manually save the depth test state
    glGetBooleanv(GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK, &state._depthWriteMask);


    if (_clearStencil)
        // disable depth test while drawing the stencil
        // disable update to the depth buffer while drawing the stencil,
        // as the stencil is not meant to be rendered in the real scene,
        // it should never prevent something else to be drawn,
        // only disabling depth buffer update should do
        // manually clear the stencil buffer by drawing a fullscreen rectangle on it
        // setup the stencil test func like this:
        // for each pixel in the fullscreen rectangle
        //     never draw it into the frame buffer
        //     if not in inverted mode: set the current layer value to 0 in the stencil buffer
        //     if in inverted mode: set the current layer value to 1 in the stencil buffer
        glStencilFunc(GL_NEVER, state._mask_layer, state._mask_layer);
        glStencilOp(!_inverted ? GL_ZERO : GL_REPLACE, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP);
        // draw a fullscreen solid rectangle to clear the stencil buffer
    // setup the stencil test func like this:
    // for each pixel in the stencil node
    //     never draw it into the frame buffer
    //     if not in inverted mode: set the current layer value to 1 in the stencil buffer
    //     if in inverted mode: set the current layer value to 0 in the stencil buffer
    glStencilFunc(GL_NEVER, state._mask_layer, state._mask_layer);
    glStencilOp(!_inverted ? GL_REPLACE : GL_ZERO, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP);
    // enable alpha test only if the alpha threshold < 1,
    // indeed if alpha threshold == 1, every pixel will be drawn anyways
    if (_alphaThreshold < 1) {
        // manually save the alpha test state
//        _currentAlphaTestEnabled = glIsEnabled(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
//        glGetIntegerv(GL_ALPHA_TEST_FUNC, (GLint *)&_currentAlphaTestFunc);
//        glGetFloatv(GL_ALPHA_TEST_REF, &_currentAlphaTestRef);
        // enable alpha testing
        // check for OpenGL error while enabling alpha test
        // pixel will be drawn only if greater than an alpha threshold
        glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, _alphaThreshold);