	void ZonePlugin::zoneUtility( void )
		const osScalar drawExtent = _zoneExtent.x * OS_SCALAR( 2.0 ) - 0.005f;
		if( 1 == _solid )
			// colors for checkerboard
			const Color gray(0.27f);
			Color zoneGray( getZoneColor() );
			zoneGray.setR( zoneGray.r() * gray.r() );
			zoneGray.setG( zoneGray.g() * gray.g() );
			zoneGray.setB( zoneGray.b() * gray.b() );
			// draw checkerboard grid
			drawXZCheckerboardGrid( drawExtent, 10, position(), zoneGray, gray);
#if 0
			AABBox kZoneAABBox;
			kZoneAABBox.initializeWithCenterAndExtent( position(), _zoneExtent );
			kZoneAABBox.draw( getZoneColor() );
			// alternate style
			drawXZLineGrid( drawExtent, 1, position(), _ZoneColor );

		const osScalar borderWidth = getBorderWidth();
		if( borderWidth > 0 )
			drawXZLineGrid( drawExtent + borderWidth * OS_SCALAR( 2.0 ), 1, position(), _BorderColor );
OpenSteer::OpenSteerDemo::gridUtility (const Vec3& gridTarget)
    // round off target to the nearest multiple of 2 (because the
    // checkboard grid with a pitch of 1 tiles with a period of 2)
    // then lower the grid a bit to put it under 2d annotation lines
    const Vec3 gridCenter ((round (gridTarget.x * 0.5f) * 2),
                           (round (gridTarget.y * 0.5f) * 2) - .05f,
                           (round (gridTarget.z * 0.5f) * 2));

    // colors for checkboard
    const Color gray1(0.27f);
    const Color gray2(0.30f);

    // draw 50x50 checkerboard grid with 50 squares along each side
    drawXZCheckerboardGrid (50, 50, gridCenter, gray1, gray2);

    // alternate style
    // drawXZLineGrid (50, 50, gridCenter, gBlack);