Пример #1
bool KMLpdManager::createPrinttoolEntry(KMPrinter *printer, PrintcapEntry *entry)
	KURL	dev(printer->device());
	QString	prot = dev.protocol(), sd(entry->arg("sd"));
	entry->m_comment = QString::fromLatin1("##PRINTTOOL3## %1").arg(ptPrinterType(printer));
	if (prot == "smb" || prot == "ncp" || prot == "socket")
		entry->m_args["af"] = sd+QString::fromLatin1("/acct");
		QFile	f(sd+QString::fromLatin1("/.config"));
		if (f.open(IO_WriteOnly))
			QTextStream	t(&f);
			if (prot == "socket")
				t << "printer_ip=" << dev.host() << endl;
				t << "port=" << dev.port() << endl;
				entry->m_args["if"] = driverDirectory()+QString::fromLatin1("/directprint");
			else if (prot == "smb")
				QStringList	l = QStringList::split('/',dev.path(),false);
				if (l.count() == 2)
					t << "share='\\\\" << l[0] << '\\' << l[1] << '\'' << endl;
				else if (l.count() == 1)
					t << "share='\\\\" << dev.host() << '\\' << l[0] << '\'' << endl;
				t << "hostip=" << endl;
				t << "user='******'\'' << endl;
				t << "password='******'\'' << endl;
				t << "workgroup='" << (l.count() == 2 ? dev.host() : QString::fromLatin1("")) << '\'' << endl;
				entry->m_args["if"] = driverDirectory()+QString::fromLatin1("/smbprint");
			else if (prot == "ncp")
				t << "server=" << dev.host() << endl;
				t << "queue=" << dev.path().replace("/",QString::fromLatin1("")) << endl;
				t << "user="******"password="******"if"] = driverDirectory()+QString::fromLatin1("/ncpprint");
		else return false;
		entry->m_args["lp"] = QString::fromLatin1("/dev/null");
	else if (prot != "lpd")
		entry->m_args["lp"] = dev.path();
	return true;
Пример #2
PrinttoolEntry* KMLpdManager::findPrinttoolEntry(const QString& name)
	if (m_ptentries.count() == 0)
	PrinttoolEntry	*ent = m_ptentries.find(name);
	if (!ent)
		setErrorMsg(i18n("Couldn't find driver <b>%1</b> in printtool database.").arg(name));
	return ent;
Пример #3
bool KMLpdManager::savePrinterDriver(KMPrinter *printer, DrMain *driver)
	// To be able to save a printer driver, a printcap entry MUST exist.
	// We can then retrieve the spool directory from it.
	QString	spooldir;
	PrintcapEntry	*ent = findPrintcapEntry(printer->printerName());
	if (!ent)
		return false;
	spooldir = ent->arg("sd");

	if (driver->get("drtype") == "printtool" && !spooldir.isEmpty())
		QMap<QString,QString>	options;
		// add some standard options
		options["DESIRED_TO"] = "ps";
		options["PRINTER_TYPE"] = ent->comment(2);	// get type from printcap entry (works in anycases)
		options["PS_SEND_EOF"] = "NO";
		if (!checkGsDriver(options["GSDEVICE"]))
			return false;
		QString	resol(options["RESOLUTION"]), color(options["COLOR"]);
		// update entry comment to make printtool happy and save printcap file
		ent->m_comment = QString::fromLatin1("##PRINTTOOL3## %1 %2 %3 %4 {} {%5} %6 {}").arg(options["PRINTER_TYPE"]).arg(options["GSDEVICE"]).arg((resol.isEmpty() ? QString::fromLatin1("NAxNA") : resol)).arg(options["PAPERSIZE"]).arg(driver->name()).arg((color.isEmpty() ? QString::fromLatin1("Default") : color.right(color.length()-15)));
		ent->m_args["if"] = spooldir+QString::fromLatin1("/filter");
		if (!writePrinters())
			return false;
		// write various driver files using templates
		QCString cmd = "cp ";
		cmd += QFile::encodeName(KProcess::quote(driverDirectory()+"/master-filter"));
		cmd += " ";
		cmd += QFile::encodeName(KProcess::quote(spooldir + "/filter"));
		if (system(cmd.data()) == 0 &&
		    savePrinttoolCfgFile(driverDirectory()+"/general.cfg.in",spooldir,options) &&
		    savePrinttoolCfgFile(driverDirectory()+"/postscript.cfg.in",spooldir,options) &&
			return true;
		setErrorMsg(i18n("Unable to write driver associated files in spool directory."));
	return false;
Пример #4
DrMain* KMLpdManager::loadDbDriver(KMDBEntry *entry)
	QString	ptdbfilename = driverDirectory() + "/printerdb";
	if (entry->file == ptdbfilename)
		PrinttoolEntry	*ptentry = findPrinttoolEntry(entry->modelname);
		if (ptentry)
			DrMain	*dr = ptentry->createDriver();
			return dr;
	return NULL;
Пример #5
QString LPRngToolHandler::filterDir()
	return driverDirectory();
Пример #6
TQString ApsHandler::shareDir()
	return driverDirectory();