static PyObject* ConnectionObject_autocommit(ConnectionObject *self, PyObject *args) { int flag, status = 1; char query[256]; drizzle_return_t ret; drizzle_result_st result; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &flag)) { return NULL; } DEBUG("autocommit %d", flag); snprintf(query, 256, "SET AUTOCOMMIT=%d;", flag); BDEBUG("query %s", query); while(status){ (void)drizzle_query(self->con, &result, query, 256, &ret); status = io_wait(self->con, ret); if (status == -1){ goto error; } } drizzle_result_free(&result); Py_RETURN_NONE; error: drizzle_result_free(&result); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, drizzle_error(drizzle)); return NULL; }
void accept_cb(EV_P_ struct ev_io *w, int revent) { client_t *client = (client_t *) w->data; drizzle_con_st *dc = (drizzle_con_st *) malloc(sizeof(drizzle_con_st)); drizzle_return_t ret; int fd; connection_t *con; dbgin(); /* Manually set connection to ready */ drizzle_con_add_options(client->dc, DRIZZLE_CON_IO_READY); drizzle_con_accept(client->drizzle, dc, &ret); if (ret != DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK) { if (ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_IO_WAIT) { printf("io_wait\n"); return; } printf("drizzle_con_accpet error:%s\n", drizzle_error(client->drizzle)); return; } fd = drizzle_con_fd(dc); printf("Accepted. fd:%d\n", fd); con = (connection_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(connection_t)); con->fd = fd; con->client = client; con->dc = dc; add_connection(client, con); }
static PyObject* ConnectionObject_ping(ConnectionObject *self, PyObject *args) { int status = 1; drizzle_return_t ret; drizzle_result_st result; drizzle_con_ping(self->con, &result, &ret); status = io_wait(self->con, ret); if (status == -1) { goto error; } Py_RETURN_NONE; error: PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, drizzle_error(drizzle)); return NULL; }
static PyObject* ConnectionObject_rollback(ConnectionObject *self, PyObject *args) { int status = 1; drizzle_return_t ret; drizzle_result_st result; while(status){ (void)drizzle_query(self->con, &result, "ROLLBACK;", 9, &ret); status = io_wait(self->con, ret); if (status == -1){ goto error; } } drizzle_result_free(&result); Py_RETURN_NONE; error: drizzle_result_free(&result); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, drizzle_error(drizzle)); return NULL; }
void do_process(connection_t *con) { drizzle_st *drizzle; drizzle_return_t ret; drizzle_con_st *dc = con->dc; drizzle_command_t command; uint8_t *data = NULL; size_t total; dbgin(); drizzle = con->client->drizzle; /* ret = drizzle_con_wait(drizzle); if (ret != DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK) { printf("drizzle_con_wait failed:%s\n", drizzle_error(drizzle)); return; } */ while (1) { switch (con->state) { case INIT: /* Handshake packets */ drizzle_con_set_protocol_version(dc, 10); drizzle_con_set_server_version(dc, "ev_drizzle_server demo 0.0.1"); drizzle_con_set_thread_id(dc, 1); drizzle_con_set_scramble(dc, (const uint8_t *)"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST"); drizzle_con_set_capabilities(dc, DRIZZLE_CAPABILITIES_NONE); drizzle_con_set_charset(dc, 8); drizzle_con_set_status(dc, DRIZZLE_CON_STATUS_NONE); drizzle_con_set_max_packet_size(dc, DRIZZLE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE); con->state = HANDSHAKE_WRITE; break; case HANDSHAKE_WRITE: printf("handshake write\n"); ret = drizzle_handshake_server_write(dc); if (ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_IO_WAIT) { return; } if (ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK) { stop_watch_write(con); con->state = HANDSHAKE_READ; break; } printf("drizzle_handshake_server_write error:%s", drizzle_error(drizzle)); exit(1); break; case HANDSHAKE_READ: printf("handshake read\n"); /* prepare libdrizzle internal event */ dc->revents |= POLLIN; ret = drizzle_handshake_client_read(dc); if (ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_IO_WAIT) { return; } if (ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK) { con->state = HANDSHAKE_DONE; break; } printf("drizzle_handshake_server_read error:%s", drizzle_error(drizzle)); exit(1); break; case HANDSHAKE_DONE: printf("handshake done\n"); con->result = (drizzle_result_st *) malloc(sizeof(drizzle_result_st)); if (drizzle_result_create(dc, con->result) == NULL) { printf("drizzle_result_create error:%s", drizzle_error(drizzle)); exit(1); } ret = drizzle_result_write(dc, con->result, true); if (ret != DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK) { printf("drizzle_result_write error:%s", drizzle_error(drizzle)); exit(1); } con->state = PREPARE_COMMAND; break; case PREPARE_COMMAND: printf("prepare command\n"); /* prepare libdrizzle internal event */ dc->revents |= POLLIN; drizzle_result_free(dc->result); data = (uint8_t *) drizzle_con_command_buffer(dc, &command, &total, &ret); if (ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_LOST_CONNECTION || (ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK && command == DRIZZLE_COMMAND_QUIT)) { free(data); do_finalize(con); return; } if (ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_IO_WAIT) { return; } printf("Command data:%s\n", data); if (drizzle_result_create(dc, con->result) == NULL) { printf("drizzle_result_create error:%s", drizzle_error(drizzle)); exit(1); } if (command != DRIZZLE_COMMAND_QUERY) { printf("command is not QUERY command\n"); ret = drizzle_result_write(dc, dc->result, true); if (ret != DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK) { printf("drizzle_result_write error:%s", drizzle_error(drizzle)); exit(1); } continue; } ret = drizzle_result_write(dc, dc->result, true); if (ret != DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK) { printf("drizzle_result_write error:%s", drizzle_error(drizzle)); exit(1); } return; break; default: printf("Unsupported state %d\n", con->state); //sleep(10); } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; drizzle_st drizzle; drizzle_con_st con_listen; in_port_t port = 3307; char *host = NULL; struct ev_loop *loop = ev_default_loop(ev_recommended_backends() | EVBACKEND_KQUEUE); ev_io accept_w; int accept_fd; client_t client; dbgin(); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "p:h:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'p': port = (in_port_t) atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': host = optarg; break; default: usage(argv[0]); return 1; } } if (drizzle_create(&drizzle) == NULL) { printf("drizzle_create error: NULL\n"); return 1; } drizzle_add_options(&drizzle, DRIZZLE_FREE_OBJECTS); drizzle_add_options(&drizzle, DRIZZLE_NON_BLOCKING); drizzle_set_verbose(&drizzle, DRIZZLE_VERBOSE_NEVER); if (drizzle_con_create(&drizzle, &con_listen) == NULL) { printf("drizzle_con_create error: NULL\n"); return 1; } drizzle_con_add_options(&con_listen, DRIZZLE_CON_LISTEN); drizzle_con_set_tcp(&con_listen, host, port); /* Add mysql protocol support */ drizzle_con_add_options(&con_listen, DRIZZLE_CON_MYSQL); if (drizzle_con_listen(&con_listen) != DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK) { printf("drizzle_con_listen:%s\n", drizzle_error(&drizzle)); return 1; } printf("Server started on host: %s, port: %d\n", host, port); client.drizzle = &drizzle; client.dc = &con_listen; accept_fd = drizzle_con_fd(&con_listen); ev_io_init(&accept_w, accept_cb, accept_fd, EV_READ); ev_io_start(EV_A_ &accept_w); client.loop = loop; = &client; ev_loop(EV_A_ 0); drizzle_con_free(&con_listen); drizzle_free(&drizzle); return 0; }
int main(void) { close(STDOUT_FILENO); drizzle_st drizzle; drizzle_con_st listen_con; drizzle_con_st client; drizzle_con_st server; drizzle_return_t ret; bool server_accepted = false; server_state_st server_state; client_state_st client_state; drizzle_test("drizzle_create"); if (drizzle_create(&drizzle) == NULL) { drizzle_test_error("returned NULL"); } drizzle_test("drizzle_con_add_tcp_listen"); if (drizzle_con_add_tcp_listen(&drizzle, &listen_con, DRIZZLE_TEST_HOST, DRIZZLE_TEST_PORT, 1, DRIZZLE_CON_NONE) == NULL) { drizzle_test_error("returned NULL"); } drizzle_test("drizzle_con_listen"); ret= drizzle_con_listen(&listen_con); if (ret != DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK) { drizzle_test_error("returned %s (%d)", drizzle_error(&drizzle), ret); } drizzle_test("drizzle_con_add_tcp"); if (drizzle_con_add_tcp(&drizzle, &client, DRIZZLE_TEST_HOST, DRIZZLE_TEST_PORT, NULL, NULL, NULL, DRIZZLE_CON_NONE) == NULL) { drizzle_test_error("returned NULL"); } drizzle_test("drizzle_add_options"); drizzle_add_options(&drizzle, DRIZZLE_NON_BLOCKING); server_state.state= SERVER_STATE_START; client_state.state= CLIENT_STATE_START; while (true) { if (server_accepted == false) { drizzle_test("drizzle_con_accept"); (void)drizzle_con_accept(&drizzle, &server, &ret); if (ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK) { server_accepted = true; } else if (ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_COULD_NOT_CONNECT || ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_NO_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS) { break; } else if (ret != DRIZZLE_RETURN_IO_WAIT) { drizzle_test_error("returned %s (%s)", drizzle_error(&drizzle), drizzle_strerror(ret)); } } if (server_accepted) { _server(&server, &server_state); } _client(&client, &client_state); if (server_state.state == SERVER_STATE_DONE && client_state.state == CLIENT_STATE_DONE) { break; } drizzle_test("drizzle_con_wait"); ret= drizzle_con_wait(&drizzle); if (ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_COULD_NOT_CONNECT || ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_NO_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS) { break; } else if (ret != DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK) { drizzle_test_error("returned %s (%d)", drizzle_error(&drizzle), ret); } } if (server_accepted) { drizzle_test("drizzle_con_free"); drizzle_con_free(&server); } drizzle_test("drizzle_con_free"); drizzle_con_free(&client); drizzle_test("drizzle_con_free"); drizzle_con_free(&listen_con); drizzle_test("drizzle_free"); drizzle_free(&drizzle); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { (void) argc; (void) argv; drizzle_row_t row; int num_fields; drizzle_result_st *result; int table_size; #ifdef TEST_PREPARED_STATEMENTS drizzle_stmt_st *sth; #endif drizzle_st *con= drizzle_create(getenv("MYSQL_SERVER"), getenv("MYSQL_PORT") ? atoi("MYSQL_PORT") : DRIZZLE_DEFAULT_TCP_PORT, getenv("MYSQL_USER"), getenv("MYSQL_PASSWORD"), getenv("MYSQL_SCHEMA"), 0); ASSERT_NOT_NULL_(con, "Drizzle connection object creation error"); drizzle_return_t driz_ret= drizzle_connect(con); if (driz_ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_COULD_NOT_CONNECT) { char error[DRIZZLE_MAX_ERROR_SIZE]; strncpy(error, drizzle_error(con), DRIZZLE_MAX_ERROR_SIZE); drizzle_quit(con); SKIP_IF_(driz_ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_COULD_NOT_CONNECT, "%s(%s)", error, drizzle_strerror(driz_ret)); } ASSERT_EQ_(DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK, driz_ret, "drizzle_connect(): %s(%s)", drizzle_error(con), drizzle_strerror(driz_ret)); CHECKED_QUERY("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS test_nulls"); CHECKED_QUERY("CREATE SCHEMA test_nulls"); driz_ret= drizzle_select_db(con, "test_nulls"); ASSERT_EQ_(DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK, driz_ret, "USE test_nulls"); CHECKED_QUERY("create table test_nulls.t1 (a int, b int, c int, d int, e int, f int, g int, h int, i int, j int, k int)"); #define NCOLS 11 char *querybuf = calloc(256 + 60*64, 1); strcpy(querybuf, "insert into test_nulls.t1 values "); char *p = querybuf + strlen(querybuf); for(int sym = 0; sym < 64; sym++) { int cn = 0; *p++ = '('; #define APPENDMAYBE(b) if (sym & b) { strcpy(p, "NULL"); p += 4; } else { p += sprintf(p, "%d", sym*NCOLS + cn); } APPENDMAYBE(0x01); *p++ = ','; cn++; APPENDMAYBE(0x02); *p++ = ','; cn++; APPENDMAYBE(0x04); cn++; p += sprintf(p, ",%d,%d,%d,%d,", sym*NCOLS + 3, sym*NCOLS + 4, sym*NCOLS + 5, sym*NCOLS + 6); cn += 4; APPENDMAYBE(0x08); cn++; p += sprintf(p, ",%d,", sym*NCOLS + 8); cn++; APPENDMAYBE(0x10); *p++ = ','; cn++; APPENDMAYBE(0x20); cn++; *p++ = ')'; if (sym < 63) *p++ = ','; #undef APPENDMAYBE } CHECKED_QUERY(querybuf); #ifdef TEST_PREPARED_STATEMENTS strcpy(querybuf, "insert into test_nulls.t1 values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); sth = drizzle_stmt_prepare(con, querybuf, strlen(querybuf), &driz_ret); ASSERT_EQ_(driz_ret, DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK, "Error (%s): %s, preparing \"%s\"", drizzle_strerror(driz_ret), drizzle_error(con), querybuf); for(int sym = 0; sym < 64; sym++) { // driz_ret= drizzle_stmt_reset(sth); // ASSERT_EQ_(driz_ret, DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK, "Error (%s): %s, resetting statement", drizzle_strerror(driz_ret), drizzle_error(con)); #define SETMAYBE(cn,b) if (sym & b) driz_ret = drizzle_stmt_set_null(sth, cn); else SETALWAYS(cn); #define SETALWAYS(cn) driz_ret = drizzle_stmt_set_short(sth, cn, sym*NCOLS + cn + 1000, 0) ASSERT_EQ(driz_ret, DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK); SETMAYBE(0,0x01); SETMAYBE(1,0x02); SETMAYBE(2,0x04); SETALWAYS(3); SETALWAYS(4); SETALWAYS(5); SETALWAYS(6); SETMAYBE(7,0x08); SETALWAYS(8); SETMAYBE(9,0x10); SETMAYBE(10,0x20); #undef SETMAYBE driz_ret = drizzle_stmt_execute(sth); ASSERT_EQ_(driz_ret, DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK, "Error (%s): %s, executing insert, sym=%d", drizzle_strerror(driz_ret), drizzle_error(con), sym); driz_ret = drizzle_stmt_buffer(sth); ASSERT_EQ_(driz_ret, DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK, "Error (%s): %s, buffering result, sym=%d", drizzle_strerror(driz_ret), drizzle_error(con), sym); // ASSERT_EQ(drizzle_stmt_affected_rows, 1); } ASSERT_EQ(drizzle_stmt_close(sth), DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK); table_size = 128; #else table_size = 64; #endif CHECKED_QUERY("select a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k from test_nulls.t1 order by e"); drizzle_result_buffer(result); num_fields= drizzle_result_column_count(result); ASSERT_EQ_(num_fields, NCOLS, "Bad number of fields, expected %d, got %d", 11, num_fields); int cur_row = 0; char nbuf[16]; while ((row = drizzle_row_next(result))) { cur_row ++; int sym, rowbase; /* 'sym' is the value used to decide which fields have NULLs or not. * 'rowbase' is the number that would be stored in the first field of this * row (assuming it's non-NULL). */ if (cur_row <= 64) { sym = cur_row - 1; rowbase = sym*NCOLS; } else { sym = cur_row - 65; rowbase = 1000 + sym*NCOLS; } #define NULLMAYBE(cn, b) if (sym & b) { ASSERT_NULL_(row[cn], "Column %d, row %d should be NULL", cn+1, cur_row); } else { ASSERT_NOT_NULL_(row[cn], "Column %d, row %d should not be NULL", cn+1, cur_row); sprintf(nbuf, "%d", rowbase+cn); ASSERT_STREQ(row[cn], nbuf); } #define NULLNEVER(cn) NULLMAYBE(cn, 0) NULLMAYBE(0, 0x01); NULLMAYBE(1, 0x02); NULLMAYBE(2, 0x04); NULLNEVER(3); NULLNEVER(4); NULLNEVER(5); NULLNEVER(6); NULLMAYBE(7, 0x08); NULLNEVER(8); NULLMAYBE(9, 0x10); NULLMAYBE(10, 0x20); #undef NULLMAYBE #undef NULLNEVER } ASSERT_EQ(cur_row, table_size); drizzle_result_free(result); #ifdef TEST_PREPARED_STATEMENTS strcpy(querybuf, "select a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k from test_nulls.t1 order by e"); sth = drizzle_stmt_prepare(con, querybuf, strlen(querybuf), &driz_ret); ASSERT_EQ_(driz_ret, DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK, "Error (%s): %s, preparing \"%s\"", drizzle_strerror(driz_ret), drizzle_error(con), querybuf); driz_ret = drizzle_stmt_execute(sth); ASSERT_EQ_(driz_ret, DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK, "Error (%s): %s, executing \"%s\"", drizzle_strerror(driz_ret), drizzle_error(con), querybuf); cur_row = 0; for (;;) { driz_ret = drizzle_stmt_fetch(sth); if (driz_ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_ROW_END) break; cur_row ++; ASSERT_EQ_(driz_ret, DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK, "Error (%s): %s, fetching row #%d", drizzle_strerror(driz_ret), drizzle_error(con), cur_row); /* 'sym' is the value used to decide which fields have NULLs or not. * 'rowbase' is the number that would be stored in the first field of this * row (assuming it's non-NULL). */ int sym, rowbase; if (cur_row <= 64) { sym = cur_row - 1; rowbase = sym*NCOLS; } else { sym = cur_row - 65; rowbase = 1000 + sym*NCOLS; } bool isNull; uint32_t rowvalue; #define GETNULLNESS(cn) isNull = drizzle_stmt_get_is_null(sth, cn, &driz_ret); ASSERT_EQ(driz_ret, DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK); #define NULLNOTNOW(cn) ASSERT_FALSE_(isNull, "Column %d, row %d should not be NULL", cn+1, cur_row); rowvalue = drizzle_stmt_get_int(sth, cn, &driz_ret); ASSERT_EQ(driz_ret,DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK); ASSERT_EQ_(rowvalue, (unsigned)(rowbase + cn), "Column %d, row %d has unexpected data, expected: %d, got: %d", cn+1, cur_row, rowbase+cn, rowvalue); #define NULLMAYBE(cn, b) GETNULLNESS(cn); if (sym & b) { ASSERT_TRUE_(isNull, "Column %d, row %d should be NULL", cn+1, cur_row); } else { NULLNOTNOW(cn); } #define NULLNEVER(cn) GETNULLNESS(cn); NULLNOTNOW(cn); NULLMAYBE(0, 0x01); NULLMAYBE(1, 0x02); NULLMAYBE(2, 0x04); NULLNEVER(3); NULLNEVER(4); NULLNEVER(5); NULLNEVER(6); NULLMAYBE(7, 0x08); NULLNEVER(8); NULLMAYBE(9, 0x10); NULLMAYBE(10, 0x20); #undef NULLMAYBE #undef NULLNEVER #undef GETNULLNESS #undef NULLNOTNOW } ASSERT_EQ_(cur_row, table_size, "Current row not equal to table size, expected %d, got %d", table_size, cur_row); ASSERT_EQ(drizzle_stmt_close(sth), DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK); #endif CHECKED_QUERY("DROP TABLE test_nulls.t1"); ASSERT_EQ_(DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK, driz_ret, "DROP TABLE test_nulls.t1"); CHECKED_QUERY("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS test_nulls"); driz_ret= drizzle_quit(con); ASSERT_EQ_(DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK, driz_ret, "%s", drizzle_strerror(driz_ret)); free(querybuf); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static int ConnectionObject_init(ConnectionObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) { drizzle_con_st *con; //Not support PyObject *ssl = NULL; char *host = DRIZZLE_DEFAULT_TCP_HOST; char *user = NULL, *passwd = NULL, *db = NULL, *unix_socket = NULL; unsigned int port = 3306; unsigned int client_flag = 0; int connect_timeout = 0; static char *kwlist[] = { "host", "user", "passwd", "db", "port", "unix_socket", "connect_timeout", NULL } ; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "|ssssisi:connect", kwlist, &host, &user, &passwd, &db, &port, &unix_socket, &connect_timeout )){ return -1; } DEBUG("init %p", self); //set NON_BLOKING /* drizzle_add_options(self->drizzle, DRIZZLE_NON_BLOCKING); */ Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS ; if (connect_timeout) { drizzle_set_timeout(drizzle, connect_timeout); DEBUG("set timeout %d", connect_timeout); } DEBUG("host %s", host); DEBUG("port %d", port); DEBUG("user %s", user); DEBUG("passwd %s", passwd); DEBUG("db %s", db); if (!unix_socket) { con = drizzle_con_add_tcp(drizzle, NULL, host, port, user, passwd, db, DRIZZLE_CON_MYSQL); } else { con = drizzle_con_add_uds(drizzle, NULL, unix_socket, user, passwd, db, DRIZZLE_CON_MYSQL); } Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS; DEBUG("created drizzle conn %p", con); DEBUG("connect %p", con); if (!con) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, drizzle_error(drizzle)); RDEBUG("drizzle connection failed"); return -1; } self->con = con; if (wait_connect(con) == -1) { return -1; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *query= "SELECT table_schema,table_name FROM tables"; drizzle_st drizzle; drizzle_con_st con[SIMPLE_MULTI_COUNT]; drizzle_result_st result[SIMPLE_MULTI_COUNT]; drizzle_query_st ql[SIMPLE_MULTI_COUNT]; drizzle_return_t ret; drizzle_row_t row; int x; if (drizzle_create(&drizzle) == NULL) { printf("drizzle_create:NULL\n"); return 1; } /* Create SIMPLE_MULTI_COUNT connections and initialize query list. */ for (x= 0; x < SIMPLE_MULTI_COUNT; x++) { if (x == 0) { if (drizzle_con_create(&drizzle, &(con[0])) == NULL) { printf("drizzle_con_create:%s\n", drizzle_error(&drizzle)); return 1; } if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-m")) drizzle_con_add_options(&(con[0]), DRIZZLE_CON_MYSQL); else if (argc != 1) { printf("usage: %s [-m]\n", argv[0]); return 1; } drizzle_con_set_db(&(con[0]), "information_schema"); } else { if (drizzle_con_clone(&drizzle, &(con[x]), &(con[0])) == NULL) { printf("drizzle_con_clone:%s\n", drizzle_error(&drizzle)); return 1; } } if (drizzle_query_add(&drizzle, &(ql[x]), &(con[x]), &(result[x]), query, strlen(query), 0, NULL) == NULL) { printf("drizzle_query_add:%s\n", drizzle_error(&drizzle)); return 1; } } ret= drizzle_query_run_all(&drizzle); if (ret != DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK) { printf("drizzle_query_run_all:%s\n", drizzle_error(&drizzle)); return 1; } for (x= 0; x < SIMPLE_MULTI_COUNT; x++) { if (drizzle_result_error_code(&(result[x])) != 0) { printf("%d:%s\n", drizzle_result_error_code(&(result[x])), drizzle_result_error(&(result[x]))); continue; } while ((row= drizzle_row_next(&(result[x]))) != NULL) printf("%d %s:%s\n", x, row[0], row[1]); } drizzle_free(&drizzle); return 0; }
int main(void) { close(STDOUT_FILENO); if (getenv("TESTS_ENVIRONMENT") && strstr(getenv("TESTS_ENVIRONMENT"), "valgrind")) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } drizzle_verbose_t verbose; drizzle_st *drizzle; drizzle_st drizzle_buffer; drizzle_st *clone; drizzle_st clone_buffer; drizzle_con_st *con; drizzle_con_st *listen_con; drizzle_return_t ret; printf("sizeof(drizzle_st) = %zu\n", sizeof(drizzle_st)); printf("sizeof(drizzle_return_t) = %zu\n", sizeof(drizzle_return_t)); printf("sizeof(drizzle_verbose_t) = %zu\n", sizeof(drizzle_verbose_t)); printf("sizeof(drizzle_options_t) = %zu\n", sizeof(drizzle_options_t)); drizzle_test("drizzle_version"); printf(" %s\n", drizzle_version()); drizzle_test("drizzle_bugreport"); printf(" %s\n", drizzle_bugreport()); drizzle_test("drizzle_verbose_name"); for (verbose= DRIZZLE_VERBOSE_NEVER; verbose <= DRIZZLE_VERBOSE_MAX; verbose++) { printf(" %s\n", drizzle_verbose_name(verbose)); } drizzle_test("drizzle_create buffer"); if ((drizzle= drizzle_create(&drizzle_buffer)) == NULL) { drizzle_test_error("returned NULL"); } drizzle_test("drizzle_free buffer"); drizzle_free(drizzle); drizzle_test("drizzle_create"); if ((drizzle= drizzle_create(NULL)) == NULL) { drizzle_test_error("returned NULL"); } drizzle_test("drizzle_clone"); if ((clone= drizzle_clone(NULL, drizzle)) == NULL) { drizzle_test_error("drizzle_clone"); } drizzle_test("drizzle_free"); drizzle_free(clone); drizzle_test("drizzle_clone buffer"); if ((clone= drizzle_clone(&clone_buffer, drizzle)) == NULL) { drizzle_test_error("returned NULL"); } drizzle_test("drizzle_free buffer"); drizzle_free(clone); drizzle_test("drizzle_error"); if (strcmp(drizzle_error(drizzle), "")) { drizzle_test_error("error not empty"); } drizzle_test("drizzle_errno"); if (drizzle_errno(drizzle) != 0) { drizzle_test_error("errno not 0"); } drizzle_test("drizzle_error_code"); if (drizzle_error_code(drizzle) != 0) { drizzle_test_error("error_code not 0"); } drizzle_test("drizzle_sqlstate"); if (strcmp(drizzle_sqlstate(drizzle), "")) { drizzle_test_error("sqlstate not empty"); } /* @todo remove this option with new API. */ drizzle_remove_options(drizzle, DRIZZLE_FREE_OBJECTS); drizzle_test("drizzle_options"); if (drizzle_options(drizzle) != DRIZZLE_ALLOCATED) { drizzle_test_error("expected options not set"); } drizzle_test("drizzle_add_options"); drizzle_add_options(drizzle, DRIZZLE_NON_BLOCKING); drizzle_test("drizzle_options"); if (drizzle_options(drizzle) != (DRIZZLE_ALLOCATED | DRIZZLE_NON_BLOCKING)) { drizzle_test_error("expected options not set"); } drizzle_test("drizzle_remove_options"); drizzle_remove_options(drizzle, DRIZZLE_NON_BLOCKING); drizzle_test("drizzle_options"); if (drizzle_options(drizzle) != DRIZZLE_ALLOCATED) { drizzle_test_error("expected options not set"); } drizzle_test("drizzle_set_options"); drizzle_set_options(drizzle, DRIZZLE_ALLOCATED | DRIZZLE_NON_BLOCKING); drizzle_test("drizzle_options"); if (drizzle_options(drizzle) != (DRIZZLE_ALLOCATED | DRIZZLE_NON_BLOCKING)) { drizzle_test_error("expected options not set"); } drizzle_test("drizzle_set_options"); drizzle_set_options(drizzle, DRIZZLE_ALLOCATED); drizzle_test("drizzle_options"); if (drizzle_options(drizzle) != DRIZZLE_ALLOCATED) { drizzle_test_error("expected options not set"); } drizzle_test("drizzle_set_timeout"); drizzle_set_timeout(drizzle, 1234); drizzle_test("drizzle_timeout"); if (drizzle_timeout(drizzle) != 1234) { drizzle_test_error("expected timeout not set"); } drizzle_test("drizzle_set_verbose"); drizzle_set_verbose(drizzle, DRIZZLE_VERBOSE_CRAZY); drizzle_test("drizzle_verbose"); if (drizzle_verbose(drizzle) != DRIZZLE_VERBOSE_CRAZY) { drizzle_test_error("expected verbose not set"); } drizzle_test("drizzle_set_log_fn"); drizzle_set_log_fn(drizzle, _log, NULL); drizzle_test("drizzle_set_event_watch_fn"); drizzle_set_event_watch_fn(drizzle, _event_watch, NULL); /* Create a listening connection to verify that event_watch_fn gets called. */ listen_con= drizzle_con_create(drizzle, NULL); assert(listen_con != NULL); drizzle_con_set_tcp(listen_con, "localhost", DRIZZLE_TEST_PORT); ret= drizzle_con_listen(listen_con); assert(ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK); if (_event_watch_read_bits == 0) { drizzle_test_error("event_watch_fn not called to wait for connections"); } _event_watch_read_bits= 0; /* Attempt a non-blocking connection. */ drizzle_add_options(drizzle, DRIZZLE_NON_BLOCKING); con= drizzle_con_add_tcp(drizzle, NULL, "localhost", DRIZZLE_TEST_PORT, "user", "pw", "db", DRIZZLE_CON_NONE); assert(con != NULL); ret= drizzle_con_connect(con); assert(ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_IO_WAIT || ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_COULD_NOT_CONNECT); if (ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_IO_WAIT && _event_watch_read_bits == 0 && _event_watch_write_bits == 0) { drizzle_test_error("event_watch_fn not called to wait for I/O"); } drizzle_con_free(con); _event_watch_read_bits= 0; _event_watch_write_bits= 0; drizzle_con_free(listen_con); drizzle_test("drizzle_free"); drizzle_free(drizzle); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; uint32_t count= 0; const char *host= NULL; bool mysql= false; in_port_t port= 0; drizzle_verbose_t verbose= DRIZZLE_VERBOSE_NEVER; drizzle_return_t ret; drizzle_st drizzle; drizzle_con_st con_listen; drizzle_con_st con; drizzle_result_st result; drizzle_column_st column; while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "c:h:mp:v")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'c': count= (uint32_t)atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': host= optarg; break; case 'm': mysql= true; break; case 'p': port= (in_port_t)atoi(optarg); break; case 'v': verbose++; break; default: printf("\nusage: %s [-c <count>] [-h <host>] [-m] [-p <port>] [-v]\n", argv[0]); printf("\t-c <count> - Number of connections to accept before exiting\n"); printf("\t-h <host> - Host to listen on\n"); printf("\t-m - Use the MySQL protocol\n"); printf("\t-p <port> - Port to listen on\n"); printf("\t-v - Increase verbosity level\n"); return 1; } } if (drizzle_create(&drizzle) == NULL) { printf("drizzle_create:NULL\n"); return 1; } drizzle_add_options(&drizzle, DRIZZLE_FREE_OBJECTS); drizzle_set_verbose(&drizzle, verbose); if (drizzle_con_create(&drizzle, &con_listen) == NULL) { printf("drizzle_con_create:NULL\n"); return 1; } drizzle_con_add_options(&con_listen, DRIZZLE_CON_LISTEN); drizzle_con_set_tcp(&con_listen, host, port); if (mysql) drizzle_con_add_options(&con_listen, DRIZZLE_CON_MYSQL); if (drizzle_con_listen(&con_listen) != DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK) { printf("drizzle_con_listen:%s\n", drizzle_error(&drizzle)); return 1; } while (1) { (void)drizzle_con_accept(&drizzle, &con, &ret); if (ret != DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK) { printf("drizzle_con_accept:%s\n", drizzle_error(&drizzle)); return 1; } server(&drizzle, &con, &result, &column); drizzle_con_free(&con); if (count > 0) { count--; if (count == 0) break; } } drizzle_con_free(&con_listen); drizzle_free(&drizzle); return 0; }
int io_wait(drizzle_con_st *con, drizzle_return_t ret) { drizzle_return_t dret; int fd = 0, events = 0; PyObject *fileno, *state, *args, *res; if (ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK) { return 0; }else if (ret == DRIZZLE_RETURN_IO_WAIT) { events = con->events; YDEBUG("IO_WAIT con:%p events:%d", con, events); if (external_io_wait) { fd = drizzle_con_fd(con); if (fd == -1){ return -1; } fileno = PyLong_FromLong((long)fd); if (fileno == NULL) { return -1; } state = PyLong_FromLong((long)events); if (state == NULL) { Py_DECREF(fileno); return -1; } args = PyTuple_Pack(2, fileno, state); if (args == NULL) { Py_DECREF(fileno); Py_DECREF(state); return -1; } YDEBUG("call external_io_wait ..."); res = PyObject_CallObject(external_io_wait, args); Py_DECREF(args); if (res == NULL) { return -1; } Py_XDECREF(res); dret = drizzle_con_set_revents(con, events); if (dret != DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK){ RDEBUG("ret %d:%s", dret, drizzle_error(drizzle)); return -1; } return 1; } else { DEBUG("call drizzle_con_wait ..."); dret = drizzle_con_wait(drizzle); if (dret != DRIZZLE_RETURN_OK){ RDEBUG("ret %d:%s", dret, drizzle_error(drizzle)); return -1; } return 1; } }else{ RDEBUG("ret %d:%s", ret, drizzle_error(drizzle)); return -1; } return 0; }