Пример #1
void AbaqusUserMaterial :: giveFirstPKStressVector_3d(FloatArray &answer, GaussPoint *gp,
                                                      const FloatArray &vF, TimeStep *tStep)
    AbaqusUserMaterialStatus *ms = static_cast< AbaqusUserMaterialStatus * >( this->giveStatus(gp) );
    /* User-defined material name, left justified. Some internal material models are given names starting with
     * the “ABQ_” character string. To avoid conflict, you should not use “ABQ_” as the leading string for
     * CMNAME. */
    //char cmname[80];

    // Sizes of the tensors.
    int ndi = 3;
    int nshr = 3;

    int ntens = ndi + nshr;
    FloatArray stress(9); // PK1
    FloatArray strainIncrement;

    // compute Green-Lagrange strain
    FloatArray strain;
    FloatArray vS;
    FloatMatrix F, E;
    E.beTProductOf(F, F);
    E.at(1, 1) -= 1.0;
    E.at(2, 2) -= 1.0;
    E.at(3, 3) -= 1.0;

    strainIncrement.beDifferenceOf(strain, ms->giveStrainVector());
    FloatArray state = ms->giveStateVector();
    FloatMatrix jacobian(9, 9); // dPdF
    int numProperties = this->properties.giveSize();

    // Temperature and increment
    double temp = 0.0, dtemp = 0.0;

    // Times and increment
    double dtime = tStep->giveTimeIncrement();
    ///@todo Check this. I'm just guessing. Maybe intrinsic time instead?
    double time [ 2 ] = {
        tStep->giveTargetTime() - dtime, tStep->giveTargetTime()
    double pnewdt = 1.0; ///@todo Right default value? umat routines may change this (although we ignore it)

    /* Specific elastic strain energy, plastic dissipation, and “creep” dissipation, respectively. These are passed
     * in as the values at the start of the increment and should be updated to the corresponding specific energy
     * values at the end of the increment. They have no effect on the solution, except that they are used for
     * energy output. */
    double sse, spd, scd;

    // Outputs only in a fully coupled thermal-stress analysis:
    double rpl = 0.0; // Volumetric heat generation per unit time at the end of the increment caused by mechanical working of the material.
    FloatArray ddsddt(ntens); // Variation of the stress increments with respect to the temperature.
    FloatArray drplde(ntens); // Variation of RPL with respect to the strain increments.
    double drpldt = 0.0; // Variation of RPL with respect to the temperature.

    /* An array containing the coordinates of this point. These are the current coordinates if geometric
     * nonlinearity is accounted for during the step (see “Procedures: overview,” Section 6.1.1); otherwise,
     * the array contains the original coordinates of the point */
    FloatArray coords;
    gp->giveElement()->computeGlobalCoordinates( coords, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates() ); ///@todo Large deformations?

    /* Rotation increment matrix. This matrix represents the increment of rigid body rotation of the basis
     * system in which the components of stress (STRESS) and strain (STRAN) are stored. It is provided so
     * that vector- or tensor-valued state variables can be rotated appropriately in this subroutine: stress and
     * strain components are already rotated by this amount before UMAT is called. This matrix is passed in
     * as a unit matrix for small-displacement analysis and for large-displacement analysis if the basis system
     * for the material point rotates with the material (as in a shell element or when a local orientation is used).*/
    FloatMatrix drot(3, 3);

    /* Characteristic element length, which is a typical length of a line across an element for a first-order
     * element; it is half of the same typical length for a second-order element. For beams and trusses it is a
     * characteristic length along the element axis. For membranes and shells it is a characteristic length in
     * the reference surface. For axisymmetric elements it is a characteristic length in the
     * plane only.
     * For cohesive elements it is equal to the constitutive thickness.*/
    double celent = 0.0; /// @todo Include the characteristic element length

    /* Array containing the deformation gradient at the beginning of the increment. See the discussion
     * regarding the availability of the deformation gradient for various element types. */
    FloatMatrix dfgrd0(3, 3);
    /* Array containing the deformation gradient at the end of the increment. The components of this array
     * are set to zero if nonlinear geometric effects are not included in the step definition associated with
     * this increment. See the discussion regarding the availability of the deformation gradient for various
     * element types. */
    FloatMatrix dfgrd1(3, 3);

    dfgrd0.beMatrixForm( ms->giveFVector() );

    int noel = gp->giveElement()->giveNumber(); // Element number.
    int npt = 0; // Integration point number.

    // We intentionally ignore the layer number since that is handled by the layered cross-section in OOFEM.
    int layer = 0; // Layer number (for composite shells and layered solids)..
    int kspt = 0; // Section point number within the current layer.
    int kstep = tStep->giveMetaStepNumber(); // Step number.
    int kinc = 0; // Increment number.

    ///@todo No idea about these parameters
    double predef;
    double dpred;

    // Change to Abaqus's component order

    OOFEM_LOG_DEBUG("AbaqusUserMaterial :: giveRealStressVector - Calling subroutine");
    this->umat(stress.givePointer(), // STRESS
               state.givePointer(), // STATEV
               jacobian.givePointer(), // DDSDDE
               & sse, // SSE
               & spd, // SPD
               & scd, // SCD
               & rpl, // RPL
               ddsddt.givePointer(), // DDSDDT
               drplde.givePointer(), // DRPLDE
               & drpldt, // DRPLDT
               strain.givePointer(), // STRAN
               strainIncrement.givePointer(), // DSTRAN
               time, // TIME
               & dtime, // DTIME
               & temp, // TEMP
               & dtemp, // DTEMP
               & predef, // PREDEF
               & dpred, // DPRED
               this->cmname, // CMNAME
               & ndi, // NDI
               & nshr, // NSHR
               & ntens, // NTENS
               & numState, // NSTATV
               properties.givePointer(), // PROPS
               & numProperties, // NPROPS
               coords.givePointer(), // COORDS
               drot.givePointer(), // DROT
               & pnewdt, // PNEWDT
               & celent, // CELENT
               dfgrd0.givePointer(), // DFGRD0
               dfgrd1.givePointer(), // DFGRD1
               & noel, // NOEL
               & npt, // NPT
               & layer, // LAYER
               & kspt, // KSPT
               & kstep, // KSTEP
               & kinc); // KINC

    // Change to OOFEM's component order

    if ( mStressInterpretation == 0 ) {
        FloatMatrix P, cauchyStress;

        FloatArray vP;

        cauchyStress.beProductTOf(P, F);
        cauchyStress.times( 1.0 / F.giveDeterminant() );

        FloatArray vCauchyStress;


        answer = vP;
    } else   {
        FloatArray vP;
        FloatMatrix P, sigma, F_inv;

        P.beProductOf(F, sigma);
        answer = vP;

        // Convert from sigma to S
        FloatMatrix S;
        S.beProductOf(F_inv, P);

        // @todo Should convert from dsigmadE to dSdE here
        // L2=detF*matmul( matmul ( inv(op_a_V9(F,F), cm-op_a_V9(ident,Tau)-op_b_V9(Tau,ident) ), inv(op_a_V9(Ft,Ft)))


    OOFEM_LOG_DEBUG("AbaqusUserMaterial :: giveRealStressVector_3d - Calling subroutine was successful");
Пример #2
void AbaqusUserMaterial :: giveRealStressVector(FloatArray &answer, MatResponseForm form, GaussPoint *gp,
                                                const FloatArray &reducedStrain, TimeStep *tStep)
    AbaqusUserMaterialStatus *ms = static_cast< AbaqusUserMaterialStatus * >( this->giveStatus(gp) );
    /* User-defined material name, left justified. Some internal material models are given names starting with
     * the “ABQ_” character string. To avoid conflict, you should not use “ABQ_” as the leading string for
     * CMNAME. */
    //char cmname[80];

    MaterialMode mMode = gp->giveMaterialMode();
    // Sizes of the tensors.
    int ndi;
    int nshr;
    ///@todo Check how to deal with large deformations.
    ///@todo Check order of entries in the Voigt notation (which order does Abaqus use? convert to that).
    if ( mMode == _3dMat ) {
        ndi = 3;
        nshr = 3;
    } else if ( mMode == _PlaneStress ) {
        ndi = 2;
        nshr = 1;
    } else if ( mMode == _PlaneStrain ) {
        ndi = 3;
        nshr = 1;
    } /*else if ( mMode == _3dMat_F ) {
       * ndi = 3;
       * nshr = 6;
       * } */
    else if ( mMode == _1dMat ) {
        ndi = 1;
        nshr = 0;
    } else {
        ndi = nshr = 0;
        OOFEM_ERROR2( "AbaqusUserMaterial :: giveRealStressVector : unsupported material mode (%s)", __MaterialModeToString(mMode) );

    int ntens = ndi + nshr;
    FloatArray stress(ntens);
    FloatArray strain = ms->giveStrainVector();
    FloatArray strainIncrement;
    strainIncrement.beDifferenceOf(reducedStrain, strain);
    FloatArray state = ms->giveStateVector();
    FloatMatrix jacobian(ntens, ntens);
    int numProperties = this->properties.giveSize();

    // Temperature and increment
    double temp = 0.0, dtemp = 0.0;

    // Times and increment
    double dtime = tStep->giveTimeIncrement();
    ///@todo Check this. I'm just guessing. Maybe intrinsic time instead?
    double time [ 2 ] = {
        tStep->giveTargetTime() - dtime, tStep->giveTargetTime()
    double pnewdt = 1.0; ///@todo Right default value? umat routines may change this (although we ignore it)

    /* Specific elastic strain energy, plastic dissipation, and “creep” dissipation, respectively. These are passed
     * in as the values at the start of the increment and should be updated to the corresponding specific energy
     * values at the end of the increment. They have no effect on the solution, except that they are used for
     * energy output. */
    double sse, spd, scd;

    // Outputs only in a fully coupled thermal-stress analysis:
    double rpl = 0.0; // Volumetric heat generation per unit time at the end of the increment caused by mechanical working of the material.
    FloatArray ddsddt(ntens); // Variation of the stress increments with respect to the temperature.
    FloatArray drplde(ntens); // Variation of RPL with respect to the strain increments.
    double drpldt = 0.0; // Variation of RPL with respect to the temperature.

    /* An array containing the coordinates of this point. These are the current coordinates if geometric
     * nonlinearity is accounted for during the step (see “Procedures: overview,” Section 6.1.1); otherwise,
     * the array contains the original coordinates of the point */
    FloatArray coords;
    gp->giveElement()->computeGlobalCoordinates( coords, * gp->giveCoordinates() ); ///@todo Large deformations?

    /* Rotation increment matrix. This matrix represents the increment of rigid body rotation of the basis
     * system in which the components of stress (STRESS) and strain (STRAN) are stored. It is provided so
     * that vector- or tensor-valued state variables can be rotated appropriately in this subroutine: stress and
     * strain components are already rotated by this amount before UMAT is called. This matrix is passed in
     * as a unit matrix for small-displacement analysis and for large-displacement analysis if the basis system
     * for the material point rotates with the material (as in a shell element or when a local orientation is used).*/
    FloatMatrix drot(3, 3);

    /* Characteristic element length, which is a typical length of a line across an element for a first-order
     * element; it is half of the same typical length for a second-order element. For beams and trusses it is a
     * characteristic length along the element axis. For membranes and shells it is a characteristic length in
     * the reference surface. For axisymmetric elements it is a characteristic length in the
     * plane only.
     * For cohesive elements it is equal to the constitutive thickness.*/
    double celent = 0.0; /// @todo Include the characteristic element length

    /* Array containing the deformation gradient at the beginning of the increment. See the discussion
     * regarding the availability of the deformation gradient for various element types. */
    FloatMatrix dfgrd0(3, 3);
    /* Array containing the deformation gradient at the end of the increment. The components of this array
     * are set to zero if nonlinear geometric effects are not included in the step definition associated with
     * this increment. See the discussion regarding the availability of the deformation gradient for various
     * element types. */
    FloatMatrix dfgrd1(3, 3);

    int noel = gp->giveElement()->giveNumber(); // Element number.
    int npt = 0; // Integration point number.

    int layer = 0; // Layer number (for composite shells and layered solids)..
    int kspt = 0.0; // Section point number within the current layer.
    int kstep = 0; // Step number.
    int kinc = 0; // Increment number.

    ///@todo No idea about these parameters
    double predef;
    double dpred;

    OOFEM_LOG_DEBUG("AbaqusUserMaterial :: giveRealStressVector - Calling subroutine");
    this->umat(stress.givePointer(), // STRESS
               state.givePointer(), // STATEV
               jacobian.givePointer(), // DDSDDE
               & sse, // SSE
               & spd, // SPD
               & scd, // SCD
               & rpl, // RPL
               ddsddt.givePointer(), // DDSDDT
               drplde.givePointer(), // DRPLDE
               & drpldt, // DRPLDT
               strain.givePointer(), // STRAN
               strainIncrement.givePointer(), // DSTRAN
               time, // TIME
               & dtime, // DTIME
               & temp, // TEMP
               & dtemp, // DTEMP
               & predef, // PREDEF
               & dpred, // DPRED
               this->cmname, // CMNAME
               & ndi, // NDI
               & nshr, // NSHR
               & ntens, // NTENS
               & numState, // NSTATV
               properties.givePointer(), // PROPS
               & numProperties, // NPROPS
               coords.givePointer(), // COORDS
               drot.givePointer(), // DROT
               & pnewdt, // PNEWDT
               & celent, // CELENT
               dfgrd0.givePointer(), // DFGRD0
               dfgrd1.givePointer(), // DFGRD1
               & noel, // NOEL
               & npt, // NPT
               & layer, // LAYER
               & kspt, // KSPT
               & kstep, // KSTEP
               & kinc); // KINC

    answer = stress;

    OOFEM_LOG_DEBUG("AbaqusUserMaterial :: giveRealStressVector - Calling subroutine was successful");