Пример #1
// simulation loop
static void simLoop (int pause)
    const dReal *pos1,*R1,*pos2,*R2,*pos3,*R3;

    //@a sphere
    dsSetColor(1,0,0);      // set color (red, green, blue�j a value is between 0 and 1
    dsSetSphereQuality(3);  // set sphere quality. 3 is enough
    pos1 = dBodyGetPosition(sphere.body); // get a body position
    R1   = dBodyGetRotation(sphere.body); // get a body rotation matrix
    dsDrawSphere(pos1,R1,radius);         // draw a sphere

    // a cylinder
    dsSetColorAlpha (0,1,0,1);
    pos2 = dBodyGetPosition(cylinder.body);
    R2   = dBodyGetRotation(cylinder.body);
    dsDrawCylinder(pos2,R2,length,radius);  // draw a cylinder

    // a capsule
    dsSetColorAlpha (1,1,1,1);
    pos2 = dBodyGetPosition(capsule.body);
    R2   = dBodyGetRotation(capsule.body);
    dsDrawCapsule(pos2,R2,length,radius);  // draw a capsule

    // a box
    dsSetColorAlpha (0,0,1,1);
    pos3 = dBodyGetPosition(box.body);
    R3   = dBodyGetRotation(box.body);
    dsDrawBox(pos3,R3,sides);             // draw a box

    // a ray
    dReal posA[3] = {0, 5, 0}, posB[3]= {0, 5, 1.9};
    dsDrawLine(posA,posB); // draw a ray
Пример #2
void nearCallback (void *data, dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2)
  int i,j,n;
  const int N = 100;
  dContactGeom contact[N];

  if (dGeomGetClass (o2) == dRayClass) {
    n = dCollide (o2,o1,N,&contact[0],sizeof(dContactGeom));
  else {
    n = dCollide (o1,o2,N,&contact[0],sizeof(dContactGeom));
  if (n > 0) {
    dMatrix3 RI;
    dRSetIdentity (RI);
    const dReal ss[3] = {0.01,0.01,0.01};
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      contact[i].pos[2] += Z_OFFSET;
      dsDrawBox (contact[i].pos,RI,ss);
      dVector3 n;
      for (j=0; j<3; j++) n[j] = contact[i].pos[j] + 0.1*contact[i].normal[j];
      dsDrawLine (contact[i].pos,n);
void SlopeField::drawObjects()
    for (size_t i = 0; i < LENGTH(slopes); ++i) {

#define LINE_DRAW_OFFSET 0.005
    dVector3 slopeLines[][2] = {
            {{1  , 0.985,        LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}, {1  , -0.985,        LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}},
            {{1.5, 0.985, 0.15 + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}, {1.5, -0.985, 0.15 + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}},
            {{2  , 0.985, 0.3  + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}, {2  , -0.985, 0.3  + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}},
            {{2.5, 0.985, 0.3  + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}, {2.5, -0.985, 0.3  + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}},
            {{3  , 0.985, 0.3  + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}, {3  , -0.985, 0.3  + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}},
            {{3.5, 0.985, 0.15 + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}, {3.5, -0.985, 0.15 + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}},
            {{4  , 0.985,        LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}, {4  , -0.985,        LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}},
            {{1  , 0    , 0.00 + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}, {2  ,  0    , 0.3  + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}},
            {{2  , 0    , 0.30 + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}, {3  ,  0    , 0.3  + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}},
            {{3  , 0    , 0.30 + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}, {4  ,  0    , 0.0  + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}},
            {{1  , 0.5  , 0.00 + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}, {2  ,  0.5  , 0.3  + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}},
            {{2  , 0.5  , 0.30 + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}, {3  ,  0.5  , 0.3  + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}},
            {{3  , 0.5  , 0.30 + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}, {4  ,  0.5  , 0.0  + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}},
            {{1  , -0.5 , 0.00 + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}, {2  , -0.5  , 0.3  + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}},
            {{2  , -0.5 , 0.30 + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}, {3  , -0.5  , 0.3  + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}},
            {{3  , -0.5 , 0.30 + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}, {4  , -0.5  , 0.0  + LINE_DRAW_OFFSET}},


    for (size_t i = 0; i < LENGTH(slopeLines); ++i) {
        dsDrawLine(slopeLines[i][0], slopeLines[i][1]);
Пример #4
static void simLoop (int pause)
  dsSetColor (0,0,2);
  dSpaceCollide (space,0,&nearCallback);
  if (!pause) dWorldStep (world,0.05);
  //if (!pause) dWorldStepFast (world,0.05, 1);

  // remove all contact joints
  dJointGroupEmpty (contactgroup);

  dsSetColor (1,1,0);
  dsSetTexture (DS_WOOD);
  for (int i=0; i<num; i++) {
    for (int j=0; j < GPB; j++) {
      if (i==selected) {
	dsSetColor (0,0.7,1);
      else if (! dBodyIsEnabled (obj[i].body)) {
	dsSetColor (1,0,0);
      else {
	dsSetColor (1,1,0);
      drawGeom (obj[i].geom[j],0,0,show_aabb);

    for (int i = 1; i < IndexCount; i++) {
      dsDrawLine(Vertices[Indices[i - 1]], Vertices[Indices[i]]);

  {const dReal* Pos = dGeomGetPosition(TriMesh);
  const dReal* Rot = dGeomGetRotation(TriMesh);

  {for (int i = 0; i < IndexCount / 3; i++){
    const dVector3& v0 = Vertices[Indices[i * 3 + 0]];
	const dVector3& v1 = Vertices[Indices[i * 3 + 1]];
	const dVector3& v2 = Vertices[Indices[i * 3 + 2]];
	dsDrawTriangle(Pos, Rot, (dReal*)&v0, (dReal*)&v1, (dReal*)&v2, 0);

  if (Ray){
	  dVector3 Origin, Direction;
	  dGeomRayGet(Ray, Origin, Direction);
	  dReal Length = dGeomRayGetLength(Ray);
	  dVector3 End;
	  End[0] = Origin[0] + (Direction[0] * Length);
	  End[1] = Origin[1] + (Direction[1] * Length);
	  End[2] = Origin[2] + (Direction[2] * Length);
	  End[3] = Origin[3] + (Direction[3] * Length);
	  dsDrawLine(Origin, End);
Пример #5
static void nearCallback (void *data, dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2)
  int i;
  // if (o1->body && o2->body) return;

  // exit without doing anything if the two bodies are connected by a joint
  dBodyID b1 = dGeomGetBody(o1);
  dBodyID b2 = dGeomGetBody(o2);
  if (b1 && b2 && dAreConnectedExcluding (b1,b2,dJointTypeContact)) return;

  dContact contact[MAX_CONTACTS];   // up to MAX_CONTACTS contacts per box-box
  for (i=0; i<MAX_CONTACTS; i++) {
    contact[i].surface.mode = dContactBounce | dContactSoftCFM;
    contact[i].surface.mu = dInfinity;
    contact[i].surface.mu2 = 0;
    contact[i].surface.bounce = 0.1;
    contact[i].surface.bounce_vel = 0.1;
    contact[i].surface.soft_cfm = 0.01;
  if (int numc = dCollide (o1,o2,MAX_CONTACTS,&contact[0].geom,
			   sizeof(dContact))) {
    dMatrix3 RI;
    dRSetIdentity (RI);
    const dReal ss[3] = {0.02,0.02,0.02};
    for (i=0; i<numc; i++) {
		if (dGeomGetClass(o1) == dRayClass || dGeomGetClass(o2) == dRayClass){
			dMatrix3 Rotation;
			dsDrawSphere(contact[i].geom.pos, Rotation, REAL(0.01));
			dVector3 End;
			End[0] = contact[i].geom.pos[0] + (contact[i].geom.normal[0] * contact[i].geom.depth);
			End[1] = contact[i].geom.pos[1] + (contact[i].geom.normal[1] * contact[i].geom.depth);
			End[2] = contact[i].geom.pos[2] + (contact[i].geom.normal[2] * contact[i].geom.depth);
			End[3] = contact[i].geom.pos[3] + (contact[i].geom.normal[3] * contact[i].geom.depth);
			dsDrawLine(contact[i].geom.pos, End);
      dJointID c = dJointCreateContact (world,contactgroup,contact+i);
      dJointAttach (c,b1,b2);
      if (show_contacts) dsDrawBox (contact[i].geom.pos,RI,ss);
Пример #6
IoObject *IoDrawStuff_dsDrawLine(IoDrawStuff *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
    float *pos1;
    float *pos2;

    //IoSeq_assertIsVector(self, locals, m);
    IoSeq *other = IoMessage_locals_vectorArgAt_(m, locals, 0);
    pos1 = IoSeq_floatPointerOfLength_(other, 3);
    other = IoMessage_locals_vectorArgAt_(m, locals, 1);
    pos2 = IoSeq_floatPointerOfLength_(other, 3);

    dsDrawLine(pos1, pos2);
    return self;
Пример #7
// ロボットの描画
static void draw() {
  const dReal *pos, *rot;
  dReal side[3];

  // SHIELDの描画
  pos = dBodyGetPosition(rod[0].body);
  rot = dBodyGetRotation(rod[0].body);
  dsSetColor(1.0 ,0.0 ,0.0);
  dsDrawCylinder(pos, rot, SHIELD_LENGTH, SHIELD_RADIUS);

  // RODの描画
  pos = dBodyGetPosition(rod[1].body);
  rot = dBodyGetRotation(rod[1].body);
  side[0] = ROD_WIDTH;
  side[1] = ROD_WIDTH;
  side[2] = ROD_LENGTH;
  dsSetColor(0.9 ,0.7 ,0.13);
  dsDrawBox(pos, rot, side);

  // BODYの描画
  pos = dBodyGetPosition(rod[2].body);
  rot = dBodyGetRotation(rod[2].body);
  side[0] = BODY_WIDTH;
  side[1] = BODY_LENGTH;
  side[2] = BODY_HEIGHT;
  dsSetColor(0.0 ,0.0 ,1.0);
  dsDrawBox(pos, rot, side);

  // BULLETの描画
  pos = dBodyGetPosition(bullet.body);
  rot = dBodyGetRotation(bullet.body);
  dsSetColor(0 ,0 ,0);
  dsDrawSphere(pos, rot, BULLET_RADIUS+0.1);

  // RAYの描画
  dVector3 pos_s,pos_e;
  pos_s[0] = CANNON_X; pos_s[1]=CANNON_Y; pos_s[2]=CANNON_Z;
  pos_e[0] = CANNON_X + CANNON_Y * tan(cannon_q_d[0]);
  pos_e[1] = 0.0;
  pos_e[2] = CANNON_Z + CANNON_Y * tan(- 1.0 * cannon_q_d[1]) / cos(cannon_q_d[0]);
  dsSetColor(1 ,0 ,0);
  dsDrawLine(pos_s, pos_e);

Пример #8
static void nearCallback (void *data, dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2)

  if (dGeomIsSpace(o1) || dGeomIsSpace(o2))
      fprintf(stderr,"testing space %p %p\n", (void*)o1, (void*)o2);
    // colliding a space with something
    // Note we do not want to test intersections within a space,
    // only between spaces.

  const int N = 32;
  dContact contact[N];
  int n = dCollide (o1,o2,N,&(contact[0].geom),sizeof(dContact));
  if (n > 0) 
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++) 
      contact[i].surface.mode = 0;
      contact[i].surface.mu = 50.0; // was: dInfinity
      dJointID c = dJointCreateContact (world,contactgroup,&contact[i]);
      dJointAttach (c, dGeomGetBody(contact[i].geom.g1), dGeomGetBody(contact[i].geom.g2));
      if (show_contacts) 
        dMatrix3 RI;
        dRSetIdentity (RI);
        const dReal ss[3] = {0.12,0.12,0.12};
        dsSetColorAlpha (0,0,1,0.5);
        dsDrawBox (contact[i].geom.pos,RI,ss);
        dReal *pos  = contact[i].geom.pos;
        dReal depth = contact[i].geom.depth;
        dReal *norm = contact[i].geom.normal;
        dReal endp[3] = {pos[0]+depth*norm[0], pos[1]+depth*norm[1], pos[2]+depth*norm[2]};
        dsSetColorAlpha (1,1,1,1);
        dsDrawLine (contact[i].geom.pos, endp);
void InRoFField::drawObjects()
    for (size_t i = 0; i < LENGTH(field); ++i) {

    dVector3 slopeLines[][2] = {
        {{0.9 , -0.9, Z_LINE_OFFSET}, {0.9, -0.4, Z_LINE_OFFSET}},
        {{0.75, -0.6, Z_LINE_OFFSET}, {-0.6, -0.6, Z_LINE_OFFSET}},
        {{0.9, 0.44, Z_LINE_OFFSET}, {-0.6, 0.44, Z_LINE_OFFSET}},
        {{-0.75, -0.45, Z_LINE_OFFSET}, {-0.75, 0.29, Z_LINE_OFFSET}},
        {{0.75, -0.75, Z_LINE_OFFSET}, {0.75, -0.45, Z_LINE_OFFSET}},
        {{0, -0.75, Z_LINE_OFFSET}, {0, -0.45, Z_LINE_OFFSET}},

    for (size_t i = 0; i < LENGTH(slopeLines); ++i) {
        dsDrawLine(slopeLines[i][0], slopeLines[i][1]);

Пример #10
static void simLoop (int pause)
  dsSetColor (0,0,2);
  dSpaceCollide (space,0,&nearCallback);
  if (!pause) dWorldStep (world,0.05);

  // remove all contact joints
  dJointGroupEmpty (contactgroup);

  dsSetColor (1,1,0);
  dsSetTexture (DS_WOOD);
  for (int i=0; i<num; i++) {
    int color_changed = 0;
    if (i==selected) {
      dsSetColor (0,0.7,1);
      color_changed = 1;
    else if (! dBodyIsEnabled (obj[i].body)) {
      dsSetColor (1,0,0);
      color_changed = 1;
    for (int j=0; j < GPB; j++) drawGeom (obj[i].geom[j],0,0);
    if (color_changed) dsSetColor (1,1,0);

  {for (int i = 0; i < RayCount; i++){
	  dVector3 Origin, Direction;
	  dGeomRayGet(Rays[i], Origin, Direction);
	  dReal Length = dGeomRayGetLength(Rays[i]);

	  dVector3 End;
	  End[0] = Origin[0] + (Direction[0] * Length);
	  End[1] = Origin[1] + (Direction[1] * Length);
	  End[2] = Origin[2] + (Direction[2] * Length);
	  End[3] = Origin[3] + (Direction[3] * Length);
	  dsDrawLine(Origin, End);
Пример #11
static void DrawBlock(Block* Block){
	dVector3 v[8];
	v[0][AXIS0] = Block->MinX;
	v[0][UP] = REAL(-1.0);
	v[0][AXIS1] = Block->MinZ;
	v[1][AXIS0] = Block->MinX;
	v[1][UP] = REAL(-1.0);
	v[1][AXIS1] = Block->MaxZ;
	v[2][AXIS0] = Block->MaxX;
	v[2][UP] = REAL(-1.0);
	v[2][AXIS1] = Block->MinZ;
	v[3][AXIS0] = Block->MaxX;
	v[3][UP] = REAL(-1.0);
	v[3][AXIS1] = Block->MaxZ;
	v[4][AXIS0] = Block->MinX;
	v[4][UP] = REAL(1.0);
	v[4][AXIS1] = Block->MinZ;
	v[5][AXIS0] = Block->MinX;
	v[5][UP] = REAL(1.0);
	v[5][AXIS1] = Block->MaxZ;
	v[6][AXIS0] = Block->MaxX;
	v[6][UP] = REAL(1.0);
	v[6][AXIS1] = Block->MinZ;
	v[7][AXIS0] = Block->MaxX;
	v[7][UP] = REAL(1.0);
	v[7][AXIS1] = Block->MaxZ;
	// Bottom
	dsDrawLine(v[0], v[1]);
	dsDrawLine(v[1], v[3]);
	dsDrawLine(v[3], v[2]);
	dsDrawLine(v[2], v[0]);
	// Top
	dsDrawLine(v[4], v[5]);
	dsDrawLine(v[5], v[7]);
	dsDrawLine(v[7], v[6]);
	dsDrawLine(v[6], v[4]);
	// Sides
	dsDrawLine(v[0], v[4]);
	dsDrawLine(v[1], v[5]);
	dsDrawLine(v[2], v[6]);
	dsDrawLine(v[3], v[7]);
Пример #12
void nearCallback(void *, dGeomID a, dGeomID b)
    const unsigned max_contacts = 8;
    dContact contacts[max_contacts];
    if (!dGeomGetBody(a) && !dGeomGetBody(b))
        return; // don't handle static geom collisions

    int n = dCollide(a, b, max_contacts, &contacts[0].geom, sizeof(dContact));
    //clog << "got " << n << " contacts" << endl;

    /* Simple contact merging:
     * If we have contacts that are too close with the same normal, keep only
     * the one with maximum depth.
     * The epsilon that defines what "too close" means can be a heuristic.
    int new_n = 0;
    dReal epsilon = 1e-1; // default
    /* If we know one of the geoms is a sphere, we can base the epsilon on the
     *  sphere's radius.
    dGeomID s = 0;
    if ((dGeomGetClass(a) == dSphereClass && (s = a)) || 
        (dGeomGetClass(b) == dSphereClass && (s = b))) {
        epsilon = dGeomSphereGetRadius(s) * 0.3;

    for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {

        // this block draws the contact points before merging, in red
        dMatrix3 r;
        dsSetColor(1, 0, 0);
        dsDrawSphere(contacts[i].geom.pos, r, 0.008);

        // let's offset the line a bit to avoid drawing overlap issues
        float xyzf[3], hprf[3];
        dsGetViewpoint(xyzf, hprf);
        dVector3 xyz = {dReal(xyzf[0]), dReal(xyzf[1]), dReal(xyzf[2])};
        dVector3 v;
        dSubtractVectors3(v, contacts[i].geom.pos, xyz);
        dVector3 c;
        dCalcVectorCross3(c, v, contacts[i].geom.pos);
        dVector3 pos1;
        dAddScaledVectors3(pos1, contacts[i].geom.pos, c, 1, 0.005);
        dVector3 pos2;
        dAddScaledVectors3(pos2, pos1, contacts[i].geom.normal, 1, 0.05);
        dsDrawLine(pos1, pos2);
        // end of contacts drawing code

        int closest_point = i;
        for (int j=0; j<new_n; ++j) {
            dReal alignment = dCalcVectorDot3(contacts[i].geom.normal, contacts[j].geom.normal);
            if (alignment > 0.99 // about 8 degrees of difference
                dCalcPointsDistance3(contacts[i].geom.pos, contacts[j].geom.pos) < epsilon) {
                // they are too close
                closest_point = j;
                //clog << "found close points: " << j << " and " << i << endl;
        if (closest_point != i) {
            // we discard one of the points
            if (contacts[i].geom.depth > contacts[closest_point].geom.depth)
                // the new point is deeper, copy it over closest_point
                contacts[closest_point] = contacts[i];
        } else
            contacts[new_n++] = contacts[i]; // the point is preserved
    //clog << "reduced from " << n << " to " << new_n << endl;
    n = new_n;

    for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
        contacts[i].surface.mode = dContactBounce | dContactApprox1 | dContactSoftERP;
        contacts[i].surface.mu = 10;
        contacts[i].surface.bounce = 0.2;
        contacts[i].surface.bounce_vel = 0;
        contacts[i].surface.soft_erp = 1e-3;
        //clog << "depth: " << contacts[i].geom.depth << endl;

        dJointID contact = dJointCreateContact(world, contact_group, &contacts[i]);
        dJointAttach(contact, dGeomGetBody(a), dGeomGetBody(b));

        dMatrix3 r;
        dsSetColor(0, 0, 1);
        dsDrawSphere(contacts[i].geom.pos, r, 0.01);
        dsSetColor(0, 1, 0);
        dVector3 pos2;
        dAddScaledVectors3(pos2, contacts[i].geom.pos, contacts[i].geom.normal, 1, 0.1);
        dsDrawLine(contacts[i].geom.pos, pos2);
    //clog << "----" << endl;
static void drawGeom(dGeomID geomID)
//	printf("1%lu", (uint64_t)geomID);
    int gclass = dGeomGetClass(geomID);
//	printf("2\n");
    const dReal *pos = NULL;
    const dReal *rot = NULL;
    bool canDrawJoints = false;

    ODEUserObject* userObj = (ODEUserObject*)dGeomGetData(geomID);
    if (nullptr != userObj) {
        dsSetColorAlpha(1, 1, 1, 1);
//        printf("%f %f %f %f\n", userObj->colorVec[0], userObj->colorVec[1], userObj->colorVec[2], userObj->colorVec[3]);
        dsSetTexture (userObj->textureNum);
        dsSetColorAlpha(userObj->m_colorVec[0], userObj->m_colorVec[1], userObj->m_colorVec[2], userObj->m_colorVec[3]);
    } else {
        dsSetColorAlpha(1, 1, 0, 1);
        dsSetTexture (DS_WOOD);

    switch (gclass) {
        case dSphereClass:
			if (nullptr != userObj && userObj->visible) {
				pos = dGeomGetPosition(geomID);
				rot = dGeomGetRotation(geomID);
				dsDrawSphere(pos, rot, dGeomSphereGetRadius(geomID));
            canDrawJoints = true;
        case dBoxClass:
			if (nullptr != userObj && userObj->visible) {
				pos = dGeomGetPosition(geomID);
				rot = dGeomGetRotation(geomID);
				dVector3 lengths;
				dGeomBoxGetLengths(geomID, lengths);
				dsDrawBox(pos, rot, lengths);
            canDrawJoints = true;
        case dCylinderClass:
			if (nullptr != userObj && userObj->visible) {
				pos = dGeomGetPosition(geomID);
				rot = dGeomGetRotation(geomID);
				dReal length;
				dReal radius;
                dGeomCylinderGetParams(geomID, &radius, &length);
                dsDrawCylinder(pos, rot, length, radius);
            canDrawJoints = true;

//	printf("class: %d\n", gclass);

    if (canDrawJoints) {
        dBodyID body = dGeomGetBody(geomID);
        int numJoints = dBodyGetNumJoints(body);
        for (int i = 0; i < numJoints; ++i)
			dJointID joint = dBodyGetJoint(body, i);
			int jointClass = dJointGetType(joint);
			switch (jointClass)
				case dJointTypeHinge:
					dVector3 a11;
					dBodyID body1 = dJointGetBody(joint, 0);
					dBodyID body2 = dJointGetBody(joint, 1);

					if (body1 && body2) {
						const dReal* bodyPos1 =  dBodyGetPosition(body1);
						const dReal* bodyPos2 =  dBodyGetPosition(body2);
						dJointGetHingeAnchor(joint, a11);

						dsSetColor(1, 0, 0);
						dsDrawLine(a11, bodyPos1);
						dsDrawLine(a11, bodyPos2);

						dsSetColor(0, 1, 0);
						dsDrawLine(bodyPos1, bodyPos2);
Пример #14
// copied from an OpenDE demo program
//todo:pass trimesh as argument to this function
void DisplayOpenDESpaces::drawGeom (dGeomID g, const dReal *pos, const dReal *R, int show_aabb, Tmesh tm)
    int i;

    if (!g) return;

    if (dGeomIsSpace(g))
    int type = dGeomGetClass (g);
    if (type == dBoxClass)
        if (!pos) pos = dGeomGetPosition (g);
        if (!R) R = dGeomGetRotation (g);

        dVector3 sides;
        dGeomBoxGetLengths (g,sides);
        dsDrawBox (pos,R,sides);
    else if (type == dSphereClass)

        if (!pos) pos = dGeomGetPosition (g);
        if (!R) R = dGeomGetRotation (g);
        dsDrawSphere (pos,R,dGeomSphereGetRadius (g));
    else if (type == dCapsuleClass)
        if (!pos) pos = dGeomGetPosition (g);
        if (!R) R = dGeomGetRotation (g);
        dReal radius,length;
        dGeomCapsuleGetParams (g,&radius,&length);
        dsDrawCapsule (pos,R,length,radius);
    else if (type == dCylinderClass)

        if (!pos) pos = dGeomGetPosition (g);
        if (!R) R = dGeomGetRotation (g);
        dReal radius,length;
        dGeomCylinderGetParams (g,&radius,&length);
        dsDrawCylinder (pos,R,length,radius);

    else if (type == dTriMeshClass)
        //dTriIndex* Indices = DISP.tmd[i].indices;

        const dReal* Pos = dGeomGetPosition(g);
        const dReal* Rot = dGeomGetRotation(g);

        for (int ii = 0; ii < (tm.indexSize/3); ii++)

            const dReal v[9] = { // explicit conversion from float to dReal
                                 tm.vertices[tm.indices[ii * 3 + 0] * 3 + 0],
                                 tm.vertices[tm.indices[ii * 3 + 0] * 3 + 1],
                                 tm.vertices[tm.indices[ii * 3 + 0] * 3 + 2],
                                 tm.vertices[tm.indices[ii * 3 + 1] * 3 + 0],
                                 tm.vertices[tm.indices[ii * 3 + 1] * 3 + 1],
                                 tm.vertices[tm.indices[ii * 3 + 1] * 3 + 2],
                                 tm.vertices[tm.indices[ii * 3 + 2] * 3 + 0],
                                 tm.vertices[tm.indices[ii * 3 + 2] * 3 + 1],
                                 tm.vertices[tm.indices[ii * 3 + 2] * 3 + 2]
            dsDrawTriangle(Pos, Rot, &v[0], &v[3], &v[6], 1);
        //std::cout<<"done once"<<std::endl;
        if (type == dRayClass)
            dVector3 Origin, Direction;
            dGeomRayGet(g, Origin, Direction);

            dReal Length = dGeomRayGetLength(g);

            dVector3 End;
            End[0] = Origin[0] + (Direction[0] * Length);
            End[1] = Origin[1] + (Direction[1] * Length);
            End[2] = Origin[2] + (Direction[2] * Length);
            End[3] = Origin[3] + (Direction[3] * Length);
            double *ori = new double[3];
            double *end = new double[4];

            dsDrawLine(ori, end);
            show_aabb = 0;

    if (show_aabb)
        // draw the bounding box for this geom
        dReal aabb[6];
        dGeomGetAABB (g,aabb);
        dVector3 bbpos;
        for (i=0; i<3; i++) bbpos[i] = 0.5*(aabb[i*2] + aabb[i*2+1]);
        dVector3 bbsides;
        for (i=0; i<3; i++) bbsides[i] = aabb[i*2+1] - aabb[i*2];
        dMatrix3 RI;
        dRSetIdentity (RI);
        dsSetColorAlpha (1,0,0,0.5);
        dsDrawBox (bbpos,RI,bbsides);
Пример #15
void draw_all_objects (dSpaceID space)
  int i, j;

  draw_all_objects_called = 1;
  if (!graphical_test) return;
  int n = dSpaceGetNumGeoms (space);

  // draw all contact points
  dsSetColor (0,1,1);
  dSpaceCollide (space,0,&nearCallback);

  // draw all rays
  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
    dGeomID g = dSpaceGetGeom (space,i);
    if (dGeomGetClass (g) == dRayClass) {
      dsSetColor (1,1,1);
      dVector3 origin,dir;
      dGeomRayGet (g,origin,dir);
      origin[2] += Z_OFFSET;
      dReal length = dGeomRayGetLength (g);
      for (j=0; j<3; j++) dir[j] = dir[j]*length + origin[j];
      dsDrawLine (origin,dir);
      dsSetColor (0,0,1);
      dsDrawSphere (origin,dGeomGetRotation(g),0.01);

  // draw all other objects
  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
    dGeomID g = dSpaceGetGeom (space,i);
    dVector3 pos;
    if (dGeomGetClass (g) != dPlaneClass) {
      memcpy (pos,dGeomGetPosition(g),sizeof(pos));
      pos[2] += Z_OFFSET;

    switch (dGeomGetClass (g)) {

    case dSphereClass: {
      dsSetColorAlpha (1,0,0,0.8);
      dReal radius = dGeomSphereGetRadius (g);
      dsDrawSphere (pos,dGeomGetRotation(g),radius);

    case dBoxClass: {
      dsSetColorAlpha (1,1,0,0.8);
      dVector3 sides;
      dGeomBoxGetLengths (g,sides);
      dsDrawBox (pos,dGeomGetRotation(g),sides);

    case dCapsuleClass: {
      dsSetColorAlpha (0,1,0,0.8);
      dReal radius,length;
      dGeomCapsuleGetParams (g,&radius,&length);
      dsDrawCapsule (pos,dGeomGetRotation(g),length,radius);
    case dCylinderClass: {
      dsSetColorAlpha (0,1,0,0.8);
      dReal radius,length;
      dGeomCylinderGetParams (g,&radius,&length);
      dsDrawCylinder (pos,dGeomGetRotation(g),length,radius);

    case dPlaneClass: {
      dVector4 n;
      dMatrix3 R,sides;
      dVector3 pos2;
      dGeomPlaneGetParams (g,n);
      dRFromZAxis (R,n[0],n[1],n[2]);
      for (j=0; j<3; j++) pos[j] = n[j]*n[3];
      pos[2] += Z_OFFSET;
      sides[0] = 2;
      sides[1] = 2;
      sides[2] = 0.001;
      dsSetColor (1,0,1);
      for (j=0; j<3; j++) pos2[j] = pos[j] + 0.1*n[j];
      dsDrawLine (pos,pos2);
      dsSetColorAlpha (1,0,1,0.8);
      dsDrawBox (pos,R,sides);
