Пример #1
    int Converter::makeOriginalPreviewImage(unsigned char* dst_array, int width, int height, bool border)
        if (!this->isOpened()) { return -1; }

        Mat dst_img(height, width, CV_8UC4, dst_array);
        resize(previewImage, dst_img, dst_img.size());

        if (!border) { return 0; }

        Mat bd_img(n_points_h, n_points_w, CV_8U);
        for (int s = 0; s < _split_x*_split_y; s++) {
            for (int n = 0; n < bd_img.size[1]*2 + bd_img.size[0]*2 - 4; n++) {
                int i, j;
                if (n < bd_img.size[1]) {
                    i = n;
                    j = 0;
                } else if (n < bd_img.size[1] + bd_img.size[0] - 1) {
                    i = bd_img.size[1] - 1;
                    j = n - bd_img.size[1] + 1;
                } else if (n < bd_img.size[1]*2 + bd_img.size[0] - 2) {
                    i = n - bd_img.size[0] - bd_img.size[1] + 2;
                    j = bd_img.size[0] - 1;
                } else {
                    i = 0;
                    j = n - bd_img.size[0] - bd_img.size[1]*2 + 3;
                Point point = calcOriginalPoint(Point(i, j), bd_img.size, dst_img.size, s);
                int idx = point.x + point.y*dst_img.size[1];
                dst_img.data[idx*4+0] = 255;
                dst_img.data[idx*4+1] = 0;
                dst_img.data[idx*4+2] = 0;
        return 0;
Пример #2
 int Converter::makeConvertedPreviewImage(unsigned char* dst_array, int width, int height)
     if (!this->isOpened()) { return -1; }
     Mat dst_img(height, width, CV_8UC4, dst_array);
     convertImage(previewImage, dst_img);
     return 0;
Пример #3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  if( argc != 3 )
    std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << "<InputImage> <NumberOfClusters>" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  int NumberOfClusters = atoi( argv[2] );

  // (1)load a specified file as a 3-channel color image
  cv::Mat src_img = cv::imread( argv[1] );

    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // (2)reshape the image to be a 1 column matrix
  cv::Mat points;
  src_img.convertTo(points, CV_32FC3);
  points = points.reshape(3, src_img.rows*src_img.cols);

  // (3)run k-means clustering algorithm to segment pixels in RGB color space
  cv::Mat_<int> clusters(points.size(), CV_32SC1);
  cv::Mat centers;
  cv::kmeans(points, NumberOfClusters, clusters,
   cv::TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS+CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 10, 1.0), 1, cv::KMEANS_PP_CENTERS, centers);

  // (4)make a each centroid represent all pixels in the cluster
  cv::Mat dst_img(src_img.size(), src_img.type());
  cv::MatIterator_<cv::Vec3f> itf = centers.begin<cv::Vec3f>();
  cv::MatIterator_<cv::Vec3b> itd = dst_img.begin<cv::Vec3b>(), itd_end = dst_img.end<cv::Vec3b>();
  for(int i=0; itd != itd_end; ++itd, ++i) {
    cv::Vec3f color = itf[clusters(1,i)];
    (*itd)[0] = cv::saturate_cast<uchar>(color[0]);
    (*itd)[1] = cv::saturate_cast<uchar>(color[1]);
    (*itd)[2] = cv::saturate_cast<uchar>(color[2]);

  // (5)show source and destination image, and quit when any key pressed
  cv::namedWindow("src_img", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
  imshow("src_img", src_img);
  cv::namedWindow("dst_img", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
  imshow("dst_img", dst_img);

  cv::imwrite( "kmeans_output.png", dst_img );

  return 0;
Пример #4
   bool corpus_gen::generate(const char* pCmd_line)
      static const command_line_params::param_desc param_desc_array[] = 
         { "corpus_gen", 0, false },
         { "in", 1, true },
         { "deep", 0, false },
         { "blockpercentage", 1, false },
         { "width", 1, false },
         { "height", 1, false },
         { "alpha", 0, false },

      command_line_params params;
      if (!params.parse(pCmd_line, CRNLIB_ARRAY_SIZE(param_desc_array), param_desc_array, true))
         return false;

      if (!params.has_key("in"))
         console::error("Must specify one or more input files using the /in option!");
         return false;

      uint num_dst_blocks_x = params.get_value_as_int("width", 0, 4096, 128, 4096);
      num_dst_blocks_x = (num_dst_blocks_x + 3) / 4;
      uint num_dst_blocks_y = params.get_value_as_int("height", 0, 4096, 128, 4096);
      num_dst_blocks_y = (num_dst_blocks_y + 3) / 4;

      const uint total_dst_blocks = num_dst_blocks_x * num_dst_blocks_y;
      image_u8 dst_img(num_dst_blocks_x * 4, num_dst_blocks_y * 4);
      uint next_dst_block = 0;
      uint total_dst_images = 0;

      random rm;

      block_hash_map block_hash;

      uint total_images_loaded = 0;
      uint total_blocks_written = 0;

      command_line_params::param_map_const_iterator it = params.begin();
      for ( ; it != params.end(); ++it)
         if (it->first != "in")
         if (it->second.m_values.empty())
            console::error("Must follow /in parameter with a filename!\n");
            return false;
         for (uint in_value_index = 0; in_value_index < it->second.m_values.size(); in_value_index++)
            const dynamic_string& filespec = it->second.m_values[in_value_index];

            find_files file_finder;
            if (!file_finder.find(filespec.get_ptr(), find_files::cFlagAllowFiles | (params.has_key("deep") ? find_files::cFlagRecursive : 0)))
               console::warning("Failed finding files: %s", filespec.get_ptr());

            if (file_finder.get_files().empty())
               console::warning("No files found: %s", filespec.get_ptr());
               return false;

            const find_files::file_desc_vec& files = file_finder.get_files();

            for (uint file_index = 0; file_index < files.size(); file_index++)
               const find_files::file_desc& file_desc = files[file_index];

               console::printf("Loading image: %s", file_desc.m_fullname.get_ptr());

               image_u8 img;
               if (!image_utils::read_from_file(img, file_desc.m_fullname.get_ptr(), 0))
                  console::warning("Failed loading image file: %s", file_desc.m_fullname.get_ptr());

               if (!params.has_key("alpha"))
                  for (uint y = 0; y < img.get_height(); y++)
                     for (uint x = 0; x < img.get_width(); x++)
                        img(x, y).a = 255;


               uint width = img.get_width();
               uint height = img.get_height();

               uint num_blocks_x = (width + 3) / 4;
               uint num_blocks_y = (height + 3) / 4;
               uint total_blocks = num_blocks_x * num_blocks_y;

               float percentage = params.get_value_as_float("blockpercentage", 0, .1f, .001f, 1.0f);
               uint total_rand_blocks = math::maximum<uint>(1U, (uint)(total_blocks * percentage));

               crnlib::vector<uint> remaining_blocks(total_blocks);
               for (uint i = 0; i < total_blocks; i++)
                  remaining_blocks[i] = i;

               uint num_blocks_remaining = total_rand_blocks;
               while (num_blocks_remaining)
                  if (remaining_blocks.empty())

                  uint rand_block_index = rm.irand(0, remaining_blocks.size());
                  uint block_index = remaining_blocks[rand_block_index];

                  uint block_y = block_index / num_blocks_x;
                  uint block_x = block_index % num_blocks_x;

                  block b;

                  for (uint y = 0; y < 4; y++)
                     for (uint x = 0; x < 4; x++)
                        b.m_c[x+y*4] = img.get_clamped(block_x*4+x, block_y*4+y);

                  if (!block_hash.insert(b).second)
                  if (block_hash.size() == total_dst_blocks)

                  uint dst_block_x = next_dst_block % num_dst_blocks_x;
                  uint dst_block_y = next_dst_block / num_dst_blocks_x;
                  for (uint y = 0; y < 4; y++)
                     for (uint x = 0; x < 4; x++)
                        dst_img(dst_block_x * 4 + x, dst_block_y * 4 + y) = b.m_c[x + y*4];

                  if (total_dst_blocks == next_dst_block)

                     dynamic_string dst_filename(cVarArg, "test_%u.tga", total_dst_images);
                     console::printf("Writing image: %s", dst_filename.get_ptr());
                     image_utils::write_to_file(dst_filename.get_ptr(), dst_img, 0);


                     next_dst_block = 0;




            }  // file_index

         } // in_value_index


      if (next_dst_block)

         dynamic_string dst_filename(cVarArg, "test_%u.tga", total_dst_images);
         console::printf("Writing image: %s", dst_filename.get_ptr());
         image_utils::write_to_file(dst_filename.get_ptr(), dst_img, 0);

         next_dst_block = 0;


      console::printf("Found %u input images, %u output images, %u total blocks", total_images_loaded, total_dst_images, total_blocks_written);

      return true;   