Пример #1
/* timestamp2tm()
 * Convert timestamp data type to POSIX time structure.
 * Note that year is _not_ 1900-based, but is an explicit full value.
 * Also, month is one-based, _not_ zero-based.
 * Returns:
 *	 0 on success
 *	-1 on out of range
 * For dates within the system-supported time_t range, convert to the
 *	local time zone. If out of this range, leave as GMT. - tgl 97/05/27
static int
timestamp2tm(timestamp dt, int *tzp, struct tm * tm, fsec_t *fsec, char **tzn)
	int64		dDate,
	int64		time;
	double		dDate,
	double		time;
	time_t		utime;

#if defined(HAVE_TM_ZONE) || defined(HAVE_INT_TIMEZONE)
	struct tm  *tx;

	date0 = date2j(2000, 1, 1);

	time = dt;

	if (time < INT64CONST(0))
		time += USECS_PER_DAY;
		dDate -= 1;

	/* add offset to go from J2000 back to standard Julian date */
	dDate += date0;

	/* Julian day routine does not work for negative Julian days */
	if (dDate < 0 || dDate > (timestamp) INT_MAX)
		return -1;

	j2date((int) dDate, &tm->tm_year, &tm->tm_mon, &tm->tm_mday);
	dt2time(time, &tm->tm_hour, &tm->tm_min, &tm->tm_sec, fsec);
	time = dt;
	TMODULO(time, dDate, (double) SECS_PER_DAY);

	if (time < 0)
		time += SECS_PER_DAY;
		dDate -= 1;

	/* add offset to go from J2000 back to standard Julian date */
	dDate += date0;

	/* Julian day routine does not work for negative Julian days */
	if (dDate < 0 || dDate > (timestamp) INT_MAX)
		return -1;

	j2date((int) dDate, &tm->tm_year, &tm->tm_mon, &tm->tm_mday);
	dt2time(time, &tm->tm_hour, &tm->tm_min, &tm->tm_sec, fsec);

	*fsec = TSROUND(*fsec);
	/* roundoff may need to propagate to higher-order fields */
	if (*fsec >= 1.0)
		time = ceil(time);
		if (time >= (double) SECS_PER_DAY)
			time = 0;
			dDate += 1;
			goto recalc_d;
		goto recalc_t;

	if (tzp != NULL)
		 * Does this fall within the capabilities of the localtime()
		 * interface? Then use this to rotate to the local time zone.
		if (IS_VALID_UTIME(tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday))
			utime = dt / USECS_PER_SEC +
				((date0 - date2j(1970, 1, 1)) * INT64CONST(86400));
			utime = dt + (date0 - date2j(1970, 1, 1)) * SECS_PER_DAY;

#if defined(HAVE_TM_ZONE) || defined(HAVE_INT_TIMEZONE)
			tx = localtime(&utime);
			tm->tm_year = tx->tm_year + 1900;
			tm->tm_mon = tx->tm_mon + 1;
			tm->tm_mday = tx->tm_mday;
			tm->tm_hour = tx->tm_hour;
			tm->tm_min = tx->tm_min;
			tm->tm_isdst = tx->tm_isdst;

#if defined(HAVE_TM_ZONE)
			tm->tm_gmtoff = tx->tm_gmtoff;
			tm->tm_zone = tx->tm_zone;

			*tzp = -tm->tm_gmtoff;		/* tm_gmtoff is Sun/DEC-ism */
			if (tzn != NULL)
				*tzn = (char *) tm->tm_zone;
#elif defined(HAVE_INT_TIMEZONE)
			*tzp = (tm->tm_isdst > 0) ? TIMEZONE_GLOBAL - SECS_PER_HOUR : TIMEZONE_GLOBAL;
			if (tzn != NULL)
				*tzn = TZNAME_GLOBAL[(tm->tm_isdst > 0)];
#else							/* not (HAVE_TM_ZONE || HAVE_INT_TIMEZONE) */
			*tzp = 0;
			/* Mark this as *no* time zone available */
			tm->tm_isdst = -1;
			if (tzn != NULL)
				*tzn = NULL;

			dt = dt2local(dt, *tzp);
			*tzp = 0;
			/* Mark this as *no* time zone available */
			tm->tm_isdst = -1;
			if (tzn != NULL)
				*tzn = NULL;
		tm->tm_isdst = -1;
		if (tzn != NULL)
			*tzn = NULL;

	return 0;
}	/* timestamp2tm() */
Пример #2
/* DecodeDateTime()
 * Interpret previously parsed fields for general date and time.
 * Return 0 if full date, 1 if only time, and negative DTERR code if problems.
 * (Currently, all callers treat 1 as an error return too.)
 *		External format(s):
 *				"<weekday> <month>-<day>-<year> <hour>:<minute>:<second>"
 *				"Fri Feb-7-1997 15:23:27"
 *				"Feb-7-1997 15:23:27"
 *				"2-7-1997 15:23:27"
 *				"1997-2-7 15:23:27"
 *				"1997.038 15:23:27"		(day of year 1-366)
 *		Also supports input in compact time:
 *				"970207 152327"
 *				"97038 152327"
 *				"20011225T040506.789-07"
 * Use the system-provided functions to get the current time zone
 * if not specified in the input string.
 * If the date is outside the range of pg_time_t (in practice that could only
 * happen if pg_time_t is just 32 bits), then assume UTC time zone - thomas
 * 1997-05-27
DecodeDateTime(char **field, int *ftype, int nf, int *dtype, struct tm *tm, fsec_t *fsec, int *tzp)
	int			fmask = 0,
	int			ptype = 0;		/* "prefix type" for ISO y2001m02d04 format */
	int			i;
	int			val;
	int			dterr;
	int			mer = HR24;
	bool		haveTextMonth = FALSE;
	bool		isjulian = FALSE;
	bool		is2digits = FALSE;
	bool		bc = FALSE;
	pg_tz	   *namedTz = NULL;
	struct tm cur_tm;

	 * We'll insist on at least all of the date fields, but initialize the
	 * remaining fields in case they are not set later...
	*dtype = DTK_DATE;
	tm->tm_hour = 0;
	tm->tm_min = 0;
	tm->tm_sec = 0;
	*fsec = 0;
	/* don't know daylight savings time status apriori */
	tm->tm_isdst = -1;
	if (tzp != NULL)
		*tzp = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < nf; i++)
		switch (ftype[i])
			case DTK_DATE:
				 * Integral julian day with attached time zone?
				 * All other forms with JD will be separated into
				 * distinct fields, so we handle just this case here.
				if (ptype == DTK_JULIAN)
					char	   *cp;
					int			val;

					if (tzp == NULL)
						return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;

					errno = 0;
					val = strtoi(field[i], &cp, 10);
					if (errno == ERANGE || val < 0)

					j2date(val, &tm->tm_year, &tm->tm_mon, &tm->tm_mday);
					isjulian = TRUE;

					/* Get the time zone from the end of the string */
					dterr = DecodeTimezone(cp, tzp);
					if (dterr)
						return dterr;

					tmask = DTK_DATE_M | DTK_TIME_M | DTK_M(TZ);
					ptype = 0;
				 * Already have a date? Then this might be a time zone name
				 * with embedded punctuation (e.g. "America/New_York") or a
				 * run-together time with trailing time zone (e.g. hhmmss-zz).
				 * - thomas 2001-12-25
				 * We consider it a time zone if we already have month & day.
				 * This is to allow the form "mmm dd hhmmss tz year", which
				 * we've historically accepted.
				else if (ptype != 0 ||
						 ((fmask & (DTK_M(MONTH) | DTK_M(DAY))) ==
						  (DTK_M(MONTH) | DTK_M(DAY))))
					/* No time zone accepted? Then quit... */
					if (tzp == NULL)
						return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;

					if (isdigit((unsigned char) *field[i]) || ptype != 0)
						char	   *cp;

						if (ptype != 0)
							/* Sanity check; should not fail this test */
							if (ptype != DTK_TIME)
								return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;
							ptype = 0;

						 * Starts with a digit but we already have a time
						 * field? Then we are in trouble with a date and time
						 * already...
						if ((fmask & DTK_TIME_M) == DTK_TIME_M)
							return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;

						if ((cp = strchr(field[i], '-')) == NULL)
							return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;

						/* Get the time zone from the end of the string */
						dterr = DecodeTimezone(cp, tzp);
						if (dterr)
							return dterr;
						*cp = '\0';

						 * Then read the rest of the field as a concatenated
						 * time
						dterr = DecodeNumberField(strlen(field[i]), field[i],
												  &tmask, tm,
												  fsec, &is2digits);
						if (dterr < 0)
							return dterr;

						 * modify tmask after returning from
						 * DecodeNumberField()
						tmask |= DTK_M(TZ);
						namedTz = pg_tzset(field[i]);
						if (!namedTz)
							 * We should return an error code instead of
							 * ereport'ing directly, but then there is no way
							 * to report the bad time zone name.
							warnx("time zone \"%s\" not recognized",
						/* we'll apply the zone setting below */
						tmask = DTK_M(TZ);
					dterr = DecodeDate(field[i], fmask,
									   &tmask, &is2digits, tm);
					if (dterr)
						return dterr;

			case DTK_TIME:

				 * This might be an ISO time following a "t" field.
				if (ptype != 0)
					/* Sanity check; should not fail this test */
					if (ptype != DTK_TIME)
						return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;
					ptype = 0;
				dterr = DecodeTime(field[i], fmask, INTERVAL_FULL_RANGE,
								   &tmask, tm, fsec);
				if (dterr)
					return dterr;

				 * Check upper limit on hours; other limits checked in
				 * DecodeTime()
				/* test for > 24:00:00 */
				if (tm->tm_hour > HOURS_PER_DAY ||
					(tm->tm_hour == HOURS_PER_DAY &&
					 (tm->tm_min > 0 || tm->tm_sec > 0 || *fsec > 0)))

			case DTK_TZ:
					int			tz;

					if (tzp == NULL)
						return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;

					dterr = DecodeTimezone(field[i], &tz);
					if (dterr)
						return dterr;
					*tzp = tz;
					tmask = DTK_M(TZ);

			case DTK_NUMBER:

				 * Was this an "ISO date" with embedded field labels? An
				 * example is "y2001m02d04" - thomas 2001-02-04
				if (ptype != 0)
					char	   *cp;
					int			val;

					errno = 0;
					val = strtoi(field[i], &cp, 10);
					if (errno == ERANGE)

					 * only a few kinds are allowed to have an embedded
					 * decimal
					if (*cp == '.')
						switch (ptype)
							case DTK_JULIAN:
							case DTK_TIME:
							case DTK_SECOND:
								return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;
					else if (*cp != '\0')
						return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;

					switch (ptype)
						case DTK_YEAR:
							tm->tm_year = val;
							tmask = DTK_M(YEAR);

						case DTK_MONTH:

							 * already have a month and hour? then assume
							 * minutes
							if ((fmask & DTK_M(MONTH)) != 0 &&
								(fmask & DTK_M(HOUR)) != 0)
								tm->tm_min = val;
								tmask = DTK_M(MINUTE);
								tm->tm_mon = val;
								tmask = DTK_M(MONTH);

						case DTK_DAY:
							tm->tm_mday = val;
							tmask = DTK_M(DAY);

						case DTK_HOUR:
							tm->tm_hour = val;
							tmask = DTK_M(HOUR);

						case DTK_MINUTE:
							tm->tm_min = val;
							tmask = DTK_M(MINUTE);

						case DTK_SECOND:
							tm->tm_sec = val;
							tmask = DTK_M(SECOND);
							if (*cp == '.')
								dterr = ParseFractionalSecond(cp, fsec);
								if (dterr)
									return dterr;
								tmask = DTK_ALL_SECS_M;

						case DTK_TZ:
							tmask = DTK_M(TZ);
							dterr = DecodeTimezone(field[i], tzp);
							if (dterr)
								return dterr;

						case DTK_JULIAN:
							/* previous field was a label for "julian date" */
							if (val < 0)
								return DTERR_FIELD_OVERFLOW;
							tmask = DTK_DATE_M;
							j2date(val, &tm->tm_year, &tm->tm_mon, &tm->tm_mday);
							isjulian = TRUE;

							/* fractional Julian Day? */
							if (*cp == '.')
								double		time;

								errno = 0;
								time = strtod(cp, &cp);
								if (*cp != '\0' || errno != 0)
									return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;

								time *= USECS_PER_DAY;
								time *= SECS_PER_DAY;
										&tm->tm_hour, &tm->tm_min,
										&tm->tm_sec, fsec);
								tmask |= DTK_TIME_M;

						case DTK_TIME:
							/* previous field was "t" for ISO time */
							dterr = DecodeNumberField(strlen(field[i]), field[i],
													  (fmask | DTK_DATE_M),
													  &tmask, tm,
													  fsec, &is2digits);
							if (dterr < 0)
								return dterr;
							if (tmask != DTK_TIME_M)
								return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;

							return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;

					ptype = 0;
					*dtype = DTK_DATE;
					char	   *cp;
					int			flen;

					flen = strlen(field[i]);
					cp = strchr(field[i], '.');

					/* Embedded decimal and no date yet? */
					if (cp != NULL && !(fmask & DTK_DATE_M))
						dterr = DecodeDate(field[i], fmask,
										   &tmask, &is2digits, tm);
						if (dterr)
							return dterr;
					/* embedded decimal and several digits before? */
					else if (cp != NULL && flen - strlen(cp) > 2)
						 * Interpret as a concatenated date or time Set the
						 * type field to allow decoding other fields later.
						 * Example: 20011223 or 040506
						dterr = DecodeNumberField(flen, field[i], fmask,
												  &tmask, tm,
												  fsec, &is2digits);
						if (dterr < 0)
							return dterr;
					else if (flen > 4)
						dterr = DecodeNumberField(flen, field[i], fmask,
												  &tmask, tm,
												  fsec, &is2digits);
						if (dterr < 0)
							return dterr;
					/* otherwise it is a single date/time field... */
						dterr = DecodeNumber(flen, field[i],
											 haveTextMonth, fmask,
											 &tmask, tm,
											 fsec, &is2digits);
						if (dterr)
							return dterr;

			case DTK_STRING:
			case DTK_SPECIAL:
				type = DecodeSpecial(i, field[i], &val);
				if (type == IGNORE_DTF)

				tmask = DTK_M(type);
				switch (type)
					case RESERV:
						switch (val)
							case DTK_CURRENT:
								warnx("date/time value \"current\" is no longer supported");

								return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;

							case DTK_NOW:
								tmask = (DTK_DATE_M | DTK_TIME_M | DTK_M(TZ));
								*dtype = DTK_DATE;
								GetCurrentTimeUsec(tm, fsec, tzp);

							case DTK_YESTERDAY:
								tmask = DTK_DATE_M;
								*dtype = DTK_DATE;
								j2date(date2j(cur_tm.tm_year, cur_tm.tm_mon, cur_tm.tm_mday) - 1,
									&tm->tm_year, &tm->tm_mon, &tm->tm_mday);

							case DTK_TODAY:
								tmask = DTK_DATE_M;
								*dtype = DTK_DATE;
								tm->tm_year = cur_tm.tm_year;
								tm->tm_mon = cur_tm.tm_mon;
								tm->tm_mday = cur_tm.tm_mday;

							case DTK_TOMORROW:
								tmask = DTK_DATE_M;
								*dtype = DTK_DATE;
								j2date(date2j(cur_tm.tm_year, cur_tm.tm_mon, cur_tm.tm_mday) + 1,
									&tm->tm_year, &tm->tm_mon, &tm->tm_mday);

							case DTK_ZULU:
								tmask = (DTK_TIME_M | DTK_M(TZ));
								*dtype = DTK_DATE;
								tm->tm_hour = 0;
								tm->tm_min = 0;
								tm->tm_sec = 0;
								if (tzp != NULL)
									*tzp = 0;

								*dtype = val;


					case MONTH:

						 * already have a (numeric) month? then see if we can
						 * substitute...
						if ((fmask & DTK_M(MONTH)) && !haveTextMonth &&
							!(fmask & DTK_M(DAY)) && tm->tm_mon >= 1 &&
							tm->tm_mon <= 31)
							tm->tm_mday = tm->tm_mon;
							tmask = DTK_M(DAY);
						haveTextMonth = TRUE;
						tm->tm_mon = val;

					case DTZMOD:

						 * daylight savings time modifier (solves "MET DST"
						 * syntax)
						tmask |= DTK_M(DTZ);
						tm->tm_isdst = 1;
						if (tzp == NULL)
							return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;
						*tzp += val * MINS_PER_HOUR;

					case DTZ:

						 * set mask for TZ here _or_ check for DTZ later when
						 * getting default timezone
						tmask |= DTK_M(TZ);
						tm->tm_isdst = 1;
						if (tzp == NULL)
							return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;
						*tzp = val * MINS_PER_HOUR;

					case TZ:
						tm->tm_isdst = 0;
						if (tzp == NULL)
							return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;
						*tzp = val * MINS_PER_HOUR;

					case IGNORE_DTF:

					case AMPM:
						mer = val;

					case ADBC:
						bc = (val == BC);

					case DOW:
						tm->tm_wday = val;

					case UNITS:
						tmask = 0;
						ptype = val;

					case ISOTIME:

						 * This is a filler field "t" indicating that the next
						 * field is time. Try to verify that this is sensible.
						tmask = 0;

						/* No preceding date? Then quit... */
						if ((fmask & DTK_DATE_M) != DTK_DATE_M)
							return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;

						 * We will need one of the following fields:
						 *	DTK_NUMBER should be hhmmss.fff
						 *	DTK_TIME should be hh:mm:ss.fff
						 *	DTK_DATE should be hhmmss-zz
						if (i >= nf - 1 ||
							(ftype[i + 1] != DTK_NUMBER &&
							 ftype[i + 1] != DTK_TIME &&
							 ftype[i + 1] != DTK_DATE))
							return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;

						ptype = val;

					case UNKNOWN_FIELD:

						 * Before giving up and declaring error, check to see
						 * if it is an all-alpha timezone name.
						namedTz = pg_tzset(field[i]);
						if (!namedTz)
							return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;
						/* we'll apply the zone setting below */
						tmask = DTK_M(TZ);

						return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;

				return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;

		if (tmask & fmask)
		fmask |= tmask;
	}							/* end loop over fields */

	/* do final checking/adjustment of Y/M/D fields */
	dterr = ValidateDate(fmask, isjulian, is2digits, bc, tm);
	if (dterr)
		return dterr;

	/* handle AM/PM */
	if (mer != HR24 && tm->tm_hour > HOURS_PER_DAY / 2)
	if (mer == AM && tm->tm_hour == HOURS_PER_DAY / 2)
		tm->tm_hour = 0;
	else if (mer == PM && tm->tm_hour != HOURS_PER_DAY / 2)
		tm->tm_hour += HOURS_PER_DAY / 2;

	/* do additional checking for full date specs... */
	if (*dtype == DTK_DATE)
		if ((fmask & DTK_DATE_M) != DTK_DATE_M)
			if ((fmask & DTK_TIME_M) == DTK_TIME_M)
				return 1;

		 * If we had a full timezone spec, compute the offset (we could not do
		 * it before, because we need the date to resolve DST status).
		if (namedTz != NULL)
			/* daylight savings time modifier disallowed with full TZ */
			if (fmask & DTK_M(DTZMOD))
				return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;

			*tzp = DetermineTimeZoneOffset(tm, namedTz);

		/* timezone not specified? then find local timezone if possible */
		if (tzp != NULL && !(fmask & DTK_M(TZ)))
			 * daylight savings time modifier but no standard timezone? then
			 * error
			if (fmask & DTK_M(DTZMOD))
				return DTERR_BAD_FORMAT;

			*tzp = DetermineTimeZoneOffset(tm, session_timezone);

	return 0;
Пример #3
 * timestamp2tm() - Convert timestamp data type to POSIX time structure.
 * Note that year is _not_ 1900-based, but is an explicit full value.
 * Also, month is one-based, _not_ zero-based.
 * Returns:
 *	 0 on success
 *	-1 on out of range
 * If attimezone is NULL, the global timezone (including possibly brute forced
 * timezone) will be used.
timestamp2tm(Timestamp dt, int *tzp, struct tm *tm, fsec_t *fsec, const char **tzn, pg_tz *attimezone)
	Timestamp	date;
	Timestamp	time;
	pg_time_t	utime;

	 * If HasCTZSet is true then we have a brute force time zone specified. Go
	 * ahead and rotate to the local time zone since we will later bypass any
	 * calls which adjust the tm fields.
	if (attimezone == NULL && HasCTZSet && tzp != NULL)
		dt -= CTimeZone * USECS_PER_SEC;
		dt -= CTimeZone;

	time = dt;
	TMODULO(time, date, USECS_PER_DAY);

	if (time < INT64CONST(0))
		time += USECS_PER_DAY;
		date -= 1;

	/* add offset to go from J2000 back to standard Julian date */

	/* Julian day routine does not work for negative Julian days */
	if (date < 0 || date > (Timestamp) INT_MAX)
		return -1;

	j2date((int) date, &tm->tm_year, &tm->tm_mon, &tm->tm_mday);
	dt2time(time, &tm->tm_hour, &tm->tm_min, &tm->tm_sec, fsec);
	time = dt;
	TMODULO(time, date, (double) SECS_PER_DAY);

	if (time < 0)
		time += SECS_PER_DAY;
		date -= 1;

	/* add offset to go from J2000 back to standard Julian date */

	/* Julian day routine does not work for negative Julian days */
	if (date < 0 || date > (Timestamp) INT_MAX)
		return -1;

	j2date((int) date, &tm->tm_year, &tm->tm_mon, &tm->tm_mday);
	dt2time(time, &tm->tm_hour, &tm->tm_min, &tm->tm_sec, fsec);

	*fsec = TSROUND(*fsec);
	/* roundoff may need to propagate to higher-order fields */
	if (*fsec >= 1.0)
		time = ceil(time);
		if (time >= (double) SECS_PER_DAY)
			time = 0;
			date += 1;
			goto recalc_d;
		goto recalc_t;

	/* Done if no TZ conversion wanted */
	if (tzp == NULL)
		tm->tm_isdst = -1;
		tm->tm_gmtoff = 0;
		tm->tm_zone = NULL;
		if (tzn != NULL)
			*tzn = NULL;
		return 0;

	 * We have a brute force time zone per SQL99? Then use it without change
	 * since we have already rotated to the time zone.
	if (attimezone == NULL && HasCTZSet)
		*tzp = CTimeZone;
		tm->tm_isdst = 0;
		tm->tm_gmtoff = CTimeZone;
		tm->tm_zone = NULL;
		if (tzn != NULL)
			*tzn = NULL;
		return 0;

	 * If the time falls within the range of pg_time_t, use pg_localtime() to
	 * rotate to the local time zone.
	 * First, convert to an integral timestamp, avoiding possibly
	 * platform-specific roundoff-in-wrong-direction errors, and adjust to
	 * Unix epoch.	Then see if we can convert to pg_time_t without loss. This
	 * coding avoids hardwiring any assumptions about the width of pg_time_t,
	 * so it should behave sanely on machines without int64_t.
	dt = (dt - *fsec) / USECS_PER_SEC +
	dt = rint(dt - *fsec +
	utime = (pg_time_t) dt;
	if ((Timestamp) utime == dt)
		struct tm *tx = pg_localtime(&utime,
								 attimezone ? attimezone : session_timezone);

		tm->tm_year = tx->tm_year + 1900;
		tm->tm_mon = tx->tm_mon + 1;
		tm->tm_mday = tx->tm_mday;
		tm->tm_hour = tx->tm_hour;
		tm->tm_min = tx->tm_min;
		tm->tm_sec = tx->tm_sec;
		tm->tm_isdst = tx->tm_isdst;
		tm->tm_gmtoff = tx->tm_gmtoff;
		tm->tm_zone = tx->tm_zone;
		*tzp = -tm->tm_gmtoff;
		if (tzn != NULL)
			*tzn = tm->tm_zone;
		 * When out of range of pg_time_t, treat as GMT
		*tzp = 0;
		/* Mark this as *no* time zone available */
		tm->tm_isdst = -1;
		tm->tm_gmtoff = 0;
		tm->tm_zone = NULL;
		if (tzn != NULL)
			*tzn = NULL;

	return 0;
Пример #4
/* timestamp2tm()
 * Convert timestamp data type to POSIX time structure.
 * Note that year is _not_ 1900-based, but is an explicit full value.
 * Also, month is one-based, _not_ zero-based.
 * Returns:
 *	 0 on success
 *	-1 on out of range
 * For dates within the system-supported time_t range, convert to the
 *	local time zone. If out of this range, leave as GMT. - tgl 97/05/27
static int
timestamp2tm(timestamp dt, int *tzp, struct tm * tm, fsec_t *fsec, char **tzn)
	int		dDate, date0;
	int64		time;

	double		dDate, date0;
	double		time;
	time_t		utime;

#if defined(HAVE_TM_ZONE) || defined(HAVE_INT_TIMEZONE)
	struct tm  *tx;

	date0 = date2j(2000, 1, 1);

	time = dt;
	TMODULO(time, dDate, INT64CONST(86400000000));

	if (time < INT64CONST(0))
		time += INT64CONST(86400000000);
		dDate -= 1;
	TMODULO(time, dDate, 86400e0);

	if (time < 0)
		time += 86400;
		dDate -= 1;

	/* Julian day routine does not work for negative Julian days */
	if (dDate < -date0)
		return -1;

	/* add offset to go from J2000 back to standard Julian date */
	dDate += date0;

	j2date((int) dDate, &tm->tm_year, &tm->tm_mon, &tm->tm_mday);
	dt2time(time, &tm->tm_hour, &tm->tm_min, &tm->tm_sec, fsec);

	if (tzp != NULL)
		 * Does this fall within the capabilities of the localtime()
		 * interface? Then use this to rotate to the local time zone.
		if (IS_VALID_UTIME(tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday))
			utime = ((dt / INT64CONST(1000000))
				   + ((date0 - date2j(1970, 1, 1)) * INT64CONST(86400)));
			utime = (dt + ((date0 - date2j(1970, 1, 1)) * 86400));

#if defined(HAVE_TM_ZONE) || defined(HAVE_INT_TIMEZONE)
			tx = localtime(&utime);
			tm->tm_year = tx->tm_year + 1900;
			tm->tm_mon = tx->tm_mon + 1;
			tm->tm_mday = tx->tm_mday;
			tm->tm_hour = tx->tm_hour;
			tm->tm_min = tx->tm_min;
			tm->tm_isdst = tx->tm_isdst;

#if defined(HAVE_TM_ZONE)
			tm->tm_gmtoff = tx->tm_gmtoff;
			tm->tm_zone = tx->tm_zone;

			*tzp = -(tm->tm_gmtoff);	/* tm_gmtoff is Sun/DEC-ism */
			if (tzn != NULL)
				*tzn = (char *) tm->tm_zone;
#elif defined(HAVE_INT_TIMEZONE)
			*tzp = ((tm->tm_isdst > 0) ? (TIMEZONE_GLOBAL - 3600) : TIMEZONE_GLOBAL);
			if (tzn != NULL)
				*tzn = tzname[(tm->tm_isdst > 0)];

#else							/* not (HAVE_TM_ZONE || HAVE_INT_TIMEZONE) */
			*tzp = 0;
			/* Mark this as *no* time zone available */
			tm->tm_isdst = -1;
			if (tzn != NULL)
				*tzn = NULL;

			dt = dt2local(dt, *tzp);
			*tzp = 0;
			/* Mark this as *no* time zone available */
			tm->tm_isdst = -1;
			if (tzn != NULL)
				*tzn = NULL;
		tm->tm_isdst = -1;
		if (tzn != NULL)
			*tzn = NULL;

	return 0;
}	/* timestamp2tm() */