// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ReadDateFieldsL
// (other items were commented in a header)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ReadDateFieldsL(MPIMItemData& aData, CCalEntry& aEntry)
    TTime nullTime = Time::NullTTime();
    // The Agenda todo entry end field is the due date
    TTime due(aEntry.EndTimeL().TimeLocalL());
    if (due != nullTime)
        // Set due to the PIM API specific due date, in this case, the start of date
        // Note that PIM API uses times as UTC times so the due date must be in
        // correct format. Previously requested as local time -> do not change
        TPIMDate pimDueDate(StartOfDay(due));
        // Date must be converted UTC time because acquired as local above
        ConvertTimeL(pimDueDate, EPIMDateUTC);
        TPIMFieldData dueFieldData(EPIMToDoDue, KPIMAttrNone, pimDueDate);

        // Get alarm. Ownership is transferred to the caller. Alarm cannot be set
        // if the due date is not set because the calculation is done as an offset
        // from the ToDo due date.
        CCalAlarm* calAlarm = aEntry.AlarmL();
        if (calAlarm)
            TTimeIntervalMinutes nativeValue = calAlarm->TimeOffset();
            // The alarm is not needed anymore so it can be deleted
            delete calAlarm;
            calAlarm = NULL;
            // Change the time to the start of the due date
            TTime startOfDayLocal(StartOfDay(due));
            // Calculate the difference from the start of due date and start time including
            // the original alarm offset which was previously read
            TTimeIntervalMinutes temp(0);
            User::LeaveIfError(startOfDayLocal.MinutesFrom(due, temp));
            // Since it is not possible to substract TTimeIntervalMinutes
            // from TTime (probably a Symbian error), the difference has
            // to be calculated using the following way...
            TInt alarm = (nativeValue.Int() + temp.Int()) * KPIMSecondsInMinute;
            // Add alarm value to the item
            TPIMFieldData fieldData(EPIMToDoExtAlarm, EPIMFieldInt,
                                    KPIMAttrNone, alarm);
            // Add value to the PIM item data

    // Completion date. If the item has a completion date, the item is then completed
    // and completed flag is set to true in PIM API. Null time if not crossed out.
    TTime completed = aEntry.CompletedTimeL().TimeUtcL();
    if (completed != nullTime)
        TPIMFieldData dateData(EPIMToDoCompletionDate, KPIMAttrNone, completed);
        // Note that boolean and integer fields must be identified in the constructor
        TPIMFieldData flag(EPIMToDoCompleted, EPIMFieldBoolean, KPIMAttrNone,
Пример #2
void apWorkBench::sCalculateTotalOpen()
  // copied and edited from selectPayments.cpp
  ParameterList params;
  params.append("voucher", tr("Voucher"));
  params.append("debitMemo", tr("D/M"));

  XComboBox *bankaccnt = _payables->findChild<XComboBox*>("_bankaccnt");
  if (bankaccnt->isValid())
    q.prepare( "SELECT bankaccnt_curr_id "
               "FROM bankaccnt "
               "WHERE (bankaccnt_id=:bankaccnt_id);" );
    q.bindValue(":bankaccnt_id", bankaccnt->id());
    if (q.first())
      params.append("curr_id", q.value("bankaccnt_curr_id").toInt());
    else if (q.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError)
      systemError(this, q.lastError().databaseText(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
  if (_payables->findChild<XComboBox*>("_selectDate")->currentIndex() == 1)
    params.append("olderDate", _payables->findChild<DLineEdit*>("_onOrBeforeDate")->date());
  else if(_payables->findChild<XComboBox*>("_selectDate")->currentIndex() == 2)
    params.append("startDate", _payables->findChild<DLineEdit*>("_startDate")->date());
    params.append("endDate", _payables->findChild<DLineEdit*>("_endDate")->date());
  MetaSQLQuery due(
         "SELECT SUM((apopen_amount - apopen_paid - "
         "                      COALESCE((SELECT SUM(checkitem_amount + checkitem_discount) "
         "                                FROM checkitem, checkhead "
         "                                WHERE ((checkitem_checkhead_id=checkhead_id) "
         "                                   AND (checkitem_apopen_id=apopen_id) "
         "                                   AND (NOT checkhead_void) "
         "                                   AND (NOT checkhead_posted)) "
         "                               ), 0)) / apopen_curr_rate) AS openamount_base,"
         "       SUM(COALESCE(currToBase(apselect_curr_id, apselect_amount,"
         "                               CURRENT_DATE), 0)) AS selected_base "
         "FROM vend, apopen"
         "     LEFT OUTER JOIN apselect ON (apselect_apopen_id=apopen_id) "
         "WHERE ((apopen_open)"
         " AND (apopen_doctype IN ('V', 'D'))"
         " AND (apopen_vend_id=vend_id)"
         "<? if exists(\"vend_id\") ?>"
         " AND (vend_id=<? value(\"vend_id\") ?>)"
         "<? elseif exists(\"vendtype_id\") ?>"
         " AND (vend_vendtype_id=<? value(\"vendtype_id\") ?>)"
         "<? elseif exists(\"vendtype_pattern\") ?>"
         " AND (vend_vendtype_id IN (SELECT vendtype_id"
         "                           FROM vendtype"
         "                           WHERE (vendtype_code ~ <? value(\"vendtype_pattern\") ?>)))"
         "<? endif ?>"
         "<? if exists(\"olderDate\") ?>"
         " AND (apopen_duedate < <? value(\"olderDate\") ?>)"
         "<? elseif exists(\"startDate\") ?>"
         " AND (apopen_duedate BETWEEN <? value(\"startDate\") ?> AND <? value(\"endDate\") ?>)"
         "<? endif ?>"
         "<? if exists(\"curr_id\") ?>"
         " AND (apopen_curr_id=<? value(\"curr_id\") ?>)"
         "<? endif ?>"
         ");" );
  q = due.toQuery(params);
  if (q.first())
  else if (q.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError)
    systemError(this, q.lastError().databaseText(), __FILE__, __LINE__);

  // copied from unappliedAPCreditMemos and edited
  MetaSQLQuery cr(
             "SELECT SUM((apopen_amount - apopen_paid)/ apopen_curr_rate) AS basebalance "
             "FROM apopen, vend "
             "WHERE ( (apopen_doctype='C')"
             " AND (apopen_open)"
             " AND (apopen_vend_id=vend_id)"
             "<? if exists(\"vend_id\") ?>"
             " AND (vend_id=<? value(\"vend_id\") ?>)"
             "<? elseif exists(\"vendtype_id\") ?>"
             " AND (vend_vendtype_id=<? value(\"vendtype_id\") ?>)"
             "<? elseif exists(\"vendtype_pattern\") ?>"
             " AND (vend_vendtype_id IN (SELECT vendtype_id"
             "                           FROM vendtype"
             "                           WHERE (vendtype_code ~ <? value(\"vendtype_pattern\") ?>)))"
             "<? endif ?>"
  q = cr.toQuery(params);
  if (q.first())
    _apopenTotal->setLocalValue(_apopenTotal->localValue() -
  else if (q.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError)
    systemError(this, q.lastError().databaseText(), __FILE__, __LINE__);