/* * High precission time. If an optional array is given * it returns the difference. */ static duk_ret_t time_hrtime(duk_context* ctx) { uint64_t t = sjs_time_hrtime(); uint64_t sec; uint64_t nsec; if (duk_is_array(ctx, 0)) { uint64_t t0; uint64_t sec0; uint64_t nsec0; duk_get_prop_index(ctx, 0, 0); sec0 = duk_require_uint(ctx, -1); duk_pop(ctx); duk_get_prop_index(ctx, 0, 1); nsec0 = duk_require_uint(ctx, -1); duk_pop(ctx); t0 = sec0 * NANOS_PER_SEC + nsec0; t -= t0; } sec = t / NANOS_PER_SEC; nsec = t % NANOS_PER_SEC; duk_push_array(ctx); duk_push_uint(ctx, sec); duk_put_prop_index(ctx, -2, 0); duk_push_uint(ctx, nsec); duk_put_prop_index(ctx, -2, 1); return 1; }
static void remapCallback(void* data, s32 x, s32 y, RemapResult* result) { RemapData* remap = (RemapData*)data; duk_context* duk = remap->duk; duk_push_heapptr(duk, remap->remap); duk_push_int(duk, result->index); duk_push_int(duk, x); duk_push_int(duk, y); duk_pcall(duk, 3); if(duk_is_array(duk, -1)) { duk_get_prop_index(duk, -1, 0); result->index = duk_to_int(duk, -1); duk_pop(duk); duk_get_prop_index(duk, -1, 1); result->flip = duk_to_int(duk, -1); duk_pop(duk); duk_get_prop_index(duk, -1, 2); result->rotate = duk_to_int(duk, -1); duk_pop(duk); } else { result->index = duk_to_int(duk, -1); } duk_pop(duk); }
void test(duk_context *ctx) { duk_idx_t arr_idx; duk_push_int(ctx, 123); /* dummy */ arr_idx = duk_push_bare_array(ctx); printf("arr_idx = %ld\n", (long) arr_idx); duk_get_prototype(ctx, -1); printf("prototype is undefined: %ld\n", (long) duk_is_undefined(ctx, -1)); duk_pop(ctx); duk_push_string(ctx, "foo"); duk_put_prop_index(ctx, arr_idx, 0); duk_push_string(ctx, "bar"); duk_put_prop_index(ctx, arr_idx, 1); /* Array is now: [ "foo", "bar" ], and array.length is 2 (automatically * updated for ECMAScript arrays). The array being bare does not affect * JSON serialization. */ printf("duk_is_array(%ld) = %d\n", (long) arr_idx, (int) duk_is_array(ctx, arr_idx)); duk_eval_string_noresult(ctx, "Array.prototype[5] = 'inherit';"); (void) duk_get_prop_index(ctx, arr_idx, 5); printf("arr[5] = '%s'\n", duk_to_string(ctx, -1)); duk_pop(ctx); duk_json_encode(ctx, arr_idx); /* in-place */ printf("json encoded: %s\n", duk_get_string(ctx, arr_idx)); printf("top=%ld\n", (long) duk_get_top(ctx)); }
int* getIntArray(duk_context *ctx, int stackIndex) { static int* result = NULL; if(duk_is_array(ctx, stackIndex)) { int resultLen = duk_get_length(ctx, stackIndex); result = (int*)malloc( resultLen * sizeof(int) ); memset(result,0,resultLen); duk_enum(ctx, stackIndex, DUK_ENUM_ARRAY_INDICES_ONLY); // NOT stackIndex because waits enumIndex that is -1 int idx=0; while (duk_next(ctx, -1, 1)) { // in JS/duktape toto[1] <=> toto["1"] // that's why keys are strings const char* k = duk_to_string(ctx, -2); int v = duk_to_int(ctx, -1); //printf("key=%s, value=%d\n", k, v); result[idx++] = v; duk_pop_2(ctx); } duk_pop(ctx); // duk_enum } else { printf("Found NO array\n"); } return result; }
static duk_ret_t js_PointSeries(duk_context* ctx) { duk_require_object_coercible(ctx, 0); color_t color = duk_require_sphere_color(ctx, 1); size_t num_points; int x, y; ALLEGRO_VERTEX* vertices; ALLEGRO_COLOR vtx_color; size_t i; if (!duk_is_array(ctx, 0)) duk_error_ni(ctx, -1, DUK_ERR_ERROR, "PointSeries(): First argument must be an array"); duk_get_prop_string(ctx, 0, "length"); num_points = duk_get_uint(ctx, 0); duk_pop(ctx); if (num_points < 1) duk_error_ni(ctx, -1, DUK_ERR_RANGE_ERROR, "PointSeries(): One or more vertices required"); if (num_points > INT_MAX) duk_error_ni(ctx, -1, DUK_ERR_RANGE_ERROR, "PointSeries(): Too many vertices"); if ((vertices = calloc(num_points, sizeof(ALLEGRO_VERTEX))) == NULL) duk_error_ni(ctx, -1, DUK_ERR_ERROR, "PointSeries(): Failed to allocate vertex buffer"); vtx_color = nativecolor(color); for (i = 0; i < num_points; ++i) { duk_get_prop_index(ctx, 0, (duk_uarridx_t)i); duk_get_prop_string(ctx, 0, "x"); x = duk_require_int(ctx, -1); duk_pop(ctx); duk_get_prop_string(ctx, 0, "y"); y = duk_require_int(ctx, -1); duk_pop(ctx); duk_pop(ctx); vertices[i].x = x + 0.5; vertices[i].y = y + 0.5; vertices[i].color = vtx_color; } al_draw_prim(vertices, NULL, NULL, 0, (int)num_points, ALLEGRO_PRIM_POINT_LIST); free(vertices); return 0; }
static int UIButton_Popup(duk_context* ctx) { if (!duk_is_object(ctx, 0)) { duk_push_string(ctx, "UIButton.popup first argument must be an object"); duk_throw(ctx); } if (!duk_is_callable(ctx, 1)) { duk_push_string(ctx, "UIButton.popup second argument must be callable"); duk_throw(ctx); } JSVM* vm = JSVM::GetJSVM(ctx); duk_enum(ctx, 0, DUK_ENUM_OWN_PROPERTIES_ONLY); UISelectItemSource* source = new UISelectItemSource(vm->GetContext()); while (duk_next(ctx, -1, 0)) { String key = duk_get_string(ctx, -1); duk_get_prop(ctx, 0); if (duk_is_array(ctx, -1)) { // need to support this, for skin image, etc assert(0); } else if (duk_is_string(ctx, -1)) { // id String id = duk_get_string(ctx, -1); source->AddItem(new UISelectItem(vm->GetContext(), key, id)); } else { duk_push_string(ctx, "UIButton.popup data object key is not an array or string"); duk_throw(ctx); } duk_pop(ctx); // pop key value } duk_pop(ctx); // pop enum object duk_push_this(ctx); duk_dup(ctx, 1); duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, "__popup_menu_callback"); UIButton* button = js_to_class_instance<UIButton>(ctx, -1, 0); UIMenuWindow* menuWindow = new UIMenuWindow(vm->GetContext(), button, "__popup-menu"); menuWindow->Show(source); duk_pop(ctx); return 0; }
void test(duk_context *ctx) { duk_idx_t i, n; duk_push_undefined(ctx); duk_push_null(ctx); duk_push_boolean(ctx, 0); duk_push_boolean(ctx, 123); duk_push_number(ctx, 234); duk_push_string(ctx, "foo"); duk_push_object(ctx); duk_push_array(ctx); duk_push_c_function(ctx, my_c_func, DUK_VARARGS); duk_push_fixed_buffer(ctx, 1024); duk_push_dynamic_buffer(ctx, 1024); duk_push_pointer(ctx, (void *) 0xdeadbeefUL); n = duk_get_top(ctx); for (i = 0; i < n + 1; i++) { /* end on invalid index on purpose */ duk_int_t typeval, typemask; typeval = duk_get_type(ctx, i); typemask = duk_get_type_mask(ctx, i); printf("stack[%ld] --> type=%ld mask=0x%08lx ", (long) i, (long) typeval, (long) typemask); switch(duk_get_type(ctx, i)) { case DUK_TYPE_NONE: printf("none"); break; case DUK_TYPE_UNDEFINED: printf("undefined"); break; case DUK_TYPE_NULL: printf("null"); break; case DUK_TYPE_BOOLEAN: printf("boolean"); break; case DUK_TYPE_NUMBER: printf("number"); break; case DUK_TYPE_STRING: printf("string"); break; case DUK_TYPE_OBJECT: printf("object"); break; case DUK_TYPE_BUFFER: printf("buffer"); break; case DUK_TYPE_POINTER: printf("pointer"); break; default: printf("unknown(%d)", (int) duk_get_type(ctx, i)); break; } printf(" bool=%d num=%lf str=%s buf-is-null=%d ptr=%p", (int) duk_get_boolean(ctx, i), (double) duk_get_number(ctx, i), duk_get_string(ctx, i), (duk_get_buffer(ctx, i, NULL) == NULL ? 1 : 0), duk_get_pointer(ctx, i)); printf(" isobj=%d isarr=%d isfunc=%d", (int) duk_is_object(ctx, i), (int) duk_is_array(ctx, i), (int) duk_is_function(ctx, i)); printf("\n"); } }
gboolean _gum_duk_parse_bytes (duk_context * ctx, duk_idx_t index, GBytes ** bytes) { gpointer data; duk_size_t size; data = duk_get_buffer_data (ctx, index, &size); if (data != NULL) { *bytes = g_bytes_new (data, size); return TRUE; } else if (duk_is_array (ctx, index)) { duk_size_t i; duk_get_prop_string (ctx, index, "length"); size = duk_get_uint (ctx, -1); duk_pop (ctx); if (size >= GUM_MAX_JS_BYTE_ARRAY_LENGTH) return FALSE; data = g_malloc (size); for (i = 0; i != size; i++) { duk_get_prop_index (ctx, index, (duk_uarridx_t) i); ((guint8 *) data)[i] = duk_get_uint (ctx, -1) & 0xff; duk_pop (ctx); } *bytes = g_bytes_new_take (data, size); return TRUE; } else if (duk_is_null_or_undefined (ctx, index) || duk_is_boolean (ctx, index) || duk_is_number (ctx, index) || duk_is_nan (ctx, index) || duk_is_string (ctx, index) || duk_is_function (ctx, index)) { return FALSE; } *bytes = g_bytes_new (NULL, 0); return TRUE; }
/* * Serializes various data types into a buffer. Leaves the buffer on the top of the stack. */ static uint8_t* SerializeToBuffer(duk_context* ctx, duk_idx_t idx, duk_size_t* sz) { uint8_t* ptr; switch (duk_get_type(ctx, idx)) { case DUK_TYPE_BUFFER: duk_dup(ctx, idx); ptr = duk_get_buffer(ctx, -1, sz); break; case DUK_TYPE_BOOLEAN: ptr = duk_push_fixed_buffer(ctx, 1); ptr[0] = duk_get_boolean(ctx, idx); *sz = 1; break; case DUK_TYPE_NUMBER: ptr = duk_push_fixed_buffer(ctx, 1); ptr[0] = duk_get_int(ctx, idx); *sz = 1; break; case DUK_TYPE_STRING: duk_dup(ctx, idx); ptr = duk_to_fixed_buffer(ctx, -1, sz); break; case DUK_TYPE_OBJECT: if (duk_is_array(ctx, idx)) { duk_idx_t i; duk_idx_t len = duk_get_length(ctx, idx); ptr = duk_push_fixed_buffer(ctx, len); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { duk_get_prop_index(ctx, idx, i); ptr[i] = duk_require_uint(ctx, -1); duk_pop(ctx); } *sz = len; } else { duk_error(ctx, DUK_ERR_TYPE_ERROR, "Can only serialize arrays of numbers"); } break; default: duk_error(ctx, DUK_ERR_TYPE_ERROR, "Cannot serialize"); break; } return ptr; }
static duk_ret_t duk_spr(duk_context* duk) { static u8 colors[TIC_PALETTE_SIZE]; s32 count = 0; s32 index = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 0) ? 0 : duk_to_int(duk, 0); s32 x = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 1) ? 0 : duk_to_int(duk, 1); s32 y = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 2) ? 0 : duk_to_int(duk, 2); { if(!duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 3)) { if(duk_is_array(duk, 3)) { for(s32 i = 0; i < TIC_PALETTE_SIZE; i++) { duk_get_prop_index(duk, 3, i); if(duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, -1)) { duk_pop(duk); break; } else { colors[i] = duk_to_int(duk, -1); count++; duk_pop(duk); } } } else { colors[0] = duk_to_int(duk, 3); count = 1; } } } s32 scale = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 4) ? 1 : duk_to_int(duk, 4); tic_flip flip = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 5) ? tic_no_flip : duk_to_int(duk, 5); tic_rotate rotate = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 6) ? tic_no_rotate : duk_to_int(duk, 6); s32 w = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 7) ? 1 : duk_to_int(duk, 7); s32 h = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 8) ? 1 : duk_to_int(duk, 8); tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); memory->api.sprite_ex(memory, &memory->ram.tiles, index, x, y, w, h, colors, count, scale, flip, rotate); return 0; }
jobject DuktapeContext::evaluate(JNIEnv* env, jstring code, jstring fname) const { CHECK_STACK(m_context); const JString sourceCode(env, code); const JString fileName(env, fname); if (eval_string_with_filename(m_context, sourceCode, fileName) != DUK_EXEC_SUCCESS) { queueJavaExceptionForDuktapeError(env, m_context); return nullptr; } const int supportedTypeMask = DUK_TYPE_MASK_BOOLEAN | DUK_TYPE_MASK_NUMBER | DUK_TYPE_MASK_STRING; if (duk_check_type_mask(m_context, -1, supportedTypeMask)) { // The result is a supported scalar type - return it. return m_objectType->pop(m_context, env, false).l; } else if (duk_is_array(m_context, -1)) { return m_objectType->popArray(m_context, env, 1, false, false); } else { // The result is an unsupported type, undefined, or null. duk_pop(m_context); return nullptr; } }
CEJsValue js_to_cejs_value(duk_context* ctx, int index) { if (duk_is_number(ctx, index)) return JS_NUMBER(duk_to_number(ctx, index)); if (duk_is_boolean(ctx, index)) return JS_BOOL(duk_to_boolean(ctx, index)); if (duk_is_string(ctx, index)) return JS_STRING(duk_to_string(ctx, index)); if (duk_is_array(ctx, index)) return JS_STRING(duk_json_encode(ctx, index)); if (duk_is_object(ctx, index)) return JS_STRING(duk_json_encode(ctx, index)); if (duk_is_undefined(ctx, index)) { return JS_UNDEFINED; } return JS_NULL; }
//duk_bool_t duk_is_array(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t index); duk_bool_t aperl_duk_is_array(duk_context *ctx, duk_idx_t index) { duk_bool_t ret = duk_is_array(ctx, index); return ret; }
static duk_ret_t test_func(duk_context *ctx, void *udata) { (void) udata; if (ctx) { printf("dummy - return here\n"); fflush(stdout); return 0; } /* Up-to-date for Duktape 1.3.0, alphabetical order: * $ cd website/api; ls *.yaml */ (void) duk_alloc_raw(ctx, 0); (void) duk_alloc(ctx, 0); (void) duk_base64_decode(ctx, 0); (void) duk_base64_encode(ctx, 0); (void) duk_buffer_to_string(ctx, 0); (void) duk_call_method(ctx, 0); (void) duk_call_prop(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_call(ctx, 0); (void) duk_char_code_at(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_check_stack_top(ctx, 0); (void) duk_check_stack(ctx, 0); (void) duk_check_type_mask(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_check_type(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_compact(ctx, 0); (void) duk_compile_lstring_filename(ctx, 0, "dummy", 0); (void) duk_compile_lstring(ctx, 0, "dummy", 0); (void) duk_compile_string_filename(ctx, 0, "dummy"); (void) duk_compile_string(ctx, 0, "dummy"); (void) duk_compile(ctx, 0); (void) duk_concat(ctx, 0); (void) duk_config_buffer(ctx, 0, NULL, 0); (void) duk_copy(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_create_heap_default(); (void) duk_create_heap(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); (void) duk_debugger_attach(ctx, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); (void) duk_debugger_cooperate(ctx); (void) duk_debugger_detach(ctx); (void) duk_debugger_notify(ctx, 0); (void) duk_debugger_pause(ctx); (void) duk_decode_string(ctx, 0, NULL, NULL); (void) duk_def_prop(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_del_prop_index(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_del_prop_string(ctx, 0, "dummy"); (void) duk_del_prop(ctx, 0); (void) duk_destroy_heap(ctx); (void) duk_dump_function(ctx); (void) duk_dup_top(ctx); (void) duk_dup(ctx, 0); (void) duk_enum(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_equals(ctx, 0, 0); duk_error_va(ctx, 0, NULL, NULL); duk_error(ctx, 0, "dummy"); /* (void) cast won't work without variadic macros */ (void) duk_eval_lstring_noresult(ctx, "dummy", 0); (void) duk_eval_lstring(ctx, "dummy", 0); (void) duk_eval_noresult(ctx); (void) duk_eval_string_noresult(ctx, "dummy"); (void) duk_eval_string(ctx, "dummy"); (void) duk_eval(ctx); (void) duk_fatal(ctx, "dummy"); (void) duk_free_raw(ctx, NULL); (void) duk_free(ctx, NULL); (void) duk_gc(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_boolean(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_buffer_data(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_get_buffer(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_get_c_function(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_context(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_current_magic(ctx); (void) duk_get_error_code(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_finalizer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_global_string(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_heapptr(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_int(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_length(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_lstring(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_get_magic(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_memory_functions(ctx, NULL); (void) duk_get_number(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_pointer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_prop_index(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_get_prop_string(ctx, 0, "dummy"); (void) duk_get_prop(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_prototype(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_string(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_top_index(ctx); (void) duk_get_top(ctx); (void) duk_get_type_mask(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_type(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_uint(ctx, 0); (void) duk_has_prop_index(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_has_prop_string(ctx, 0, "dummy"); (void) duk_has_prop(ctx, 0); (void) duk_hex_decode(ctx, 0); (void) duk_hex_encode(ctx, 0); (void) duk_insert(ctx, 0); (void) duk_instanceof(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_is_array(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_boolean(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_bound_function(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_buffer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_callable(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_c_function(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_constructor_call(ctx); (void) duk_is_dynamic_buffer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_ecmascript_function(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_error(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_eval_error(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_fixed_buffer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_function(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_lightfunc(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_nan(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_null_or_undefined(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_null(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_number(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_object_coercible(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_object(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_pointer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_primitive(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_range_error(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_reference_error(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_strict_call(ctx); (void) duk_is_string(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_syntax_error(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_thread(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_type_error(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_undefined(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_uri_error(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_valid_index(ctx, 0); (void) duk_join(ctx, 0); (void) duk_json_decode(ctx, 0); (void) duk_json_encode(ctx, 0); (void) duk_load_function(ctx); (void) duk_map_string(ctx, 0, NULL, NULL); (void) duk_new(ctx, 0); (void) duk_next(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_normalize_index(ctx, 0); (void) duk_pcall_method(ctx, 0); (void) duk_pcall_prop(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_pcall(ctx, 0); (void) duk_pcompile_lstring_filename(ctx, 0, "dummy", 0); (void) duk_pcompile_lstring(ctx, 0, "dummy", 0); (void) duk_pcompile_string_filename(ctx, 0, "dummy"); (void) duk_pcompile_string(ctx, 0, "dummy"); (void) duk_pcompile(ctx, 0); (void) duk_peval_lstring_noresult(ctx, "dummy", 0); (void) duk_peval_lstring(ctx, "dummy", 0); (void) duk_peval_noresult(ctx); (void) duk_peval_string_noresult(ctx, "dummy"); (void) duk_peval_string(ctx, "dummy"); (void) duk_peval(ctx); (void) duk_pnew(ctx, 0); (void) duk_pop_2(ctx); (void) duk_pop_3(ctx); (void) duk_pop_n(ctx, 0); (void) duk_pop(ctx); (void) duk_push_array(ctx); (void) duk_push_boolean(ctx, 0); (void) duk_push_buffer_object(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0); (void) duk_push_buffer(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_push_c_function(ctx, NULL, 0); (void) duk_push_c_lightfunc(ctx, NULL, 0, 0, 0); (void) duk_push_context_dump(ctx); (void) duk_push_current_function(ctx); (void) duk_push_current_thread(ctx); (void) duk_push_dynamic_buffer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_push_error_object_va(ctx, 0, NULL, NULL); (void) duk_push_error_object(ctx, 0, "dummy"); (void) duk_push_external_buffer(ctx); (void) duk_push_false(ctx); (void) duk_push_fixed_buffer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_push_global_object(ctx); (void) duk_push_global_stash(ctx); (void) duk_push_heap_stash(ctx); (void) duk_push_heapptr(ctx, NULL); (void) duk_push_int(ctx, 0); (void) duk_push_lstring(ctx, "dummy", 0); (void) duk_push_nan(ctx); (void) duk_push_null(ctx); (void) duk_push_number(ctx, 0.0); (void) duk_push_object(ctx); (void) duk_push_pointer(ctx, NULL); (void) duk_push_sprintf(ctx, "dummy"); (void) duk_push_string(ctx, "dummy"); (void) duk_push_this(ctx); (void) duk_push_thread_new_globalenv(ctx); (void) duk_push_thread_stash(ctx, NULL); (void) duk_push_thread(ctx); (void) duk_push_true(ctx); (void) duk_push_uint(ctx, 0); (void) duk_push_undefined(ctx); (void) duk_push_vsprintf(ctx, "dummy", NULL); (void) duk_put_function_list(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_put_global_string(ctx, NULL); (void) duk_put_number_list(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_put_prop_index(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_put_prop_string(ctx, 0, "dummy"); (void) duk_put_prop(ctx, 0); (void) duk_realloc_raw(ctx, NULL, 0); (void) duk_realloc(ctx, NULL, 0); (void) duk_remove(ctx, 0); (void) duk_replace(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_boolean(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_buffer_data(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_require_buffer(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_require_c_function(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_callable(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_context(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_function(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_heapptr(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_int(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_lstring(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_require_normalize_index(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_null(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_number(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_object_coercible(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_pointer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_stack_top(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_stack(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_string(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_top_index(ctx); (void) duk_require_type_mask(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_require_uint(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_undefined(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_valid_index(ctx, 0); (void) duk_resize_buffer(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_safe_call(ctx, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); (void) duk_safe_to_lstring(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_safe_to_string(ctx, 0); (void) duk_set_finalizer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_set_global_object(ctx); (void) duk_set_magic(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_set_prototype(ctx, 0); (void) duk_set_top(ctx, 0); (void) duk_steal_buffer(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_strict_equals(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_substring(ctx, 0, 0, 0); (void) duk_swap_top(ctx, 0); (void) duk_swap(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_throw(ctx); (void) duk_to_boolean(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_buffer(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_to_defaultvalue(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_to_dynamic_buffer(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_to_fixed_buffer(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_to_int32(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_int(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_lstring(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_to_null(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_number(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_object(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_pointer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_primitive(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_to_string(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_uint16(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_uint32(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_uint(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_undefined(ctx, 0); (void) duk_trim(ctx, 0); (void) duk_xcopy_top(ctx, NULL, 0); (void) duk_xmove_top(ctx, NULL, 0); printf("never here\n"); fflush(stdout); return 0; }
static VALUE ctx_stack_to_value(struct state *state, int index) { duk_context *ctx = state->ctx; size_t len; const char *buf; int type; state->was_complex = 0; type = duk_get_type(ctx, index); switch (type) { case DUK_TYPE_NULL: case DUK_TYPE_UNDEFINED: return Qnil; case DUK_TYPE_NUMBER: return rb_float_new(duk_get_number(ctx, index)); case DUK_TYPE_BOOLEAN: return duk_get_boolean(ctx, index) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; case DUK_TYPE_STRING: buf = duk_get_lstring(ctx, index, &len); VALUE str = rb_str_new(buf, len); return decode_cesu8(state, str); case DUK_TYPE_OBJECT: if (duk_is_function(ctx, index)) { state->was_complex = 1; return state->complex_object; } else if (duk_is_array(ctx, index)) { VALUE ary = rb_ary_new(); duk_enum(ctx, index, DUK_ENUM_ARRAY_INDICES_ONLY); while (duk_next(ctx, -1, 1)) { rb_ary_store(ary, duk_to_int(ctx, -2), ctx_stack_to_value(state, -1)); duk_pop_2(ctx); } duk_pop(ctx); return ary; } else if (duk_is_object(ctx, index)) { VALUE hash = rb_hash_new(); duk_enum(ctx, index, DUK_ENUM_OWN_PROPERTIES_ONLY); while (duk_next(ctx, -1, 1)) { VALUE key = ctx_stack_to_value(state, -2); VALUE val = ctx_stack_to_value(state, -1); duk_pop_2(ctx); if (state->was_complex) continue; rb_hash_aset(hash, key, val); } duk_pop(ctx); return hash; } else { state->was_complex = 1; return state->complex_object; } case DUK_TYPE_BUFFER: case DUK_TYPE_POINTER: default: return state->complex_object; } return Qnil; }
void _gum_duk_args_parse (const GumDukArgs * args, const gchar * format, ...) { duk_context * ctx = args->ctx; GumDukCore * core = args->core; va_list ap; duk_idx_t arg_index; const gchar * t; gboolean is_required; GSList * byte_arrays = NULL; const gchar * error_message = NULL; va_start (ap, format); arg_index = 0; is_required = TRUE; for (t = format; *t != '\0'; t++) { if (*t == '|') { is_required = FALSE; continue; } if (arg_index >= duk_get_top (ctx) || duk_is_undefined (ctx, arg_index)) { if (is_required) goto missing_argument; else break; } switch (*t) { case 'i': { if (!duk_is_number (ctx, arg_index)) goto expected_int; *va_arg (ap, gint *) = duk_require_int (ctx, arg_index); break; } case 'u': { guint u; if (!_gum_duk_get_uint (ctx, arg_index, &u)) goto expected_uint; *va_arg (ap, guint *) = (guint) u; break; } case 'q': { gint64 i; gboolean is_fuzzy; is_fuzzy = t[1] == '~'; if (is_fuzzy) t++; if (is_fuzzy) { if (!_gum_duk_parse_int64 (ctx, arg_index, core, &i)) goto expected_int; } else { if (!_gum_duk_get_int64 (ctx, arg_index, core, &i)) goto expected_int; } *va_arg (ap, gint64 *) = i; break; } case 'Q': { guint64 u; gboolean is_fuzzy; is_fuzzy = t[1] == '~'; if (is_fuzzy) t++; if (is_fuzzy) { if (!_gum_duk_parse_uint64 (ctx, arg_index, core, &u)) goto expected_uint; } else { if (!_gum_duk_get_uint64 (ctx, arg_index, core, &u)) goto expected_uint; } *va_arg (ap, guint64 *) = u; break; } case 'z': { gssize value; if (duk_is_number (ctx, arg_index)) { value = (gssize) duk_require_int (ctx, arg_index); } else { duk_push_heapptr (ctx, core->int64); duk_push_heapptr (ctx, core->uint64); if (duk_instanceof (ctx, arg_index, -2)) { GumDukInt64 * object; object = _gum_duk_require_data (ctx, arg_index); value = (gssize) object->value; } else if (duk_instanceof (ctx, arg_index, -1)) { GumDukUInt64 * object; object = _gum_duk_require_data (ctx, arg_index); value = (gssize) object->value; } else { goto expected_int; } duk_pop_2 (ctx); } *va_arg (ap, gssize *) = value; break; } case 'Z': { gsize value; if (duk_is_number (ctx, arg_index)) { duk_double_t number; number = duk_require_number (ctx, arg_index); if (number < 0) goto expected_uint; value = (gsize) number; } else { duk_push_heapptr (ctx, core->int64); duk_push_heapptr (ctx, core->uint64); if (duk_instanceof (ctx, arg_index, -1)) { GumDukUInt64 * object; object = _gum_duk_require_data (ctx, arg_index); value = (gsize) object->value; } else if (duk_instanceof (ctx, arg_index, -2)) { GumDukInt64 * object; object = _gum_duk_require_data (ctx, arg_index); if (object->value < 0) goto expected_uint; value = (gsize) object->value; } else { goto expected_uint; } duk_pop_2 (ctx); } *va_arg (ap, gsize *) = value; break; } case 'n': { if (!duk_is_number (ctx, arg_index)) goto expected_number; *va_arg (ap, gdouble *) = duk_require_number (ctx, arg_index); break; } case 'p': { gpointer ptr; gboolean is_fuzzy; is_fuzzy = t[1] == '~'; if (is_fuzzy) t++; if (is_fuzzy) { if (!_gum_duk_parse_pointer (ctx, arg_index, core, &ptr)) goto expected_pointer; } else { if (!_gum_duk_get_pointer (ctx, arg_index, core, &ptr)) goto expected_pointer; } *va_arg (ap, gpointer *) = ptr; break; } case 's': { const gchar * str; gboolean is_nullable; is_nullable = t[1] == '?'; if (is_nullable) t++; if (is_nullable && duk_is_null (ctx, arg_index)) str = NULL; else if ((str = duk_get_string (ctx, arg_index)) == NULL) goto expected_string; *va_arg (ap, const gchar **) = str; break; } case 'm': { GumPageProtection prot; if (!_gum_duk_parse_protection (ctx, arg_index, &prot)) goto expected_protection; *va_arg (ap, GumPageProtection *) = prot; break; } case 'V': { GumDukHeapPtr value; value = duk_get_heapptr (ctx, arg_index); if (value == NULL) goto expected_heap_pointer; *va_arg (ap, GumDukHeapPtr *) = value; break; } case 'O': { if (!duk_is_object (ctx, arg_index)) goto expected_object; *va_arg (ap, GumDukHeapPtr *) = duk_require_heapptr (ctx, arg_index); break; } case 'A': { GumDukHeapPtr array; gboolean is_nullable; is_nullable = t[1] == '?'; if (is_nullable) t++; if (duk_is_array (ctx, arg_index)) array = duk_require_heapptr (ctx, arg_index); else if (is_nullable && duk_is_null (ctx, arg_index)) array = NULL; else goto expected_array; *va_arg (ap, GumDukHeapPtr *) = array; break; } case 'F': { GumDukHeapPtr func; gboolean is_expecting_object, is_nullable; is_expecting_object = t[1] == '{'; if (is_expecting_object) t += 2; if (is_expecting_object) { const gchar * next, * end, * t_end; if (!duk_is_object (ctx, arg_index)) goto expected_callback_object; do { gchar name[64]; gsize length; next = strchr (t, ','); end = strchr (t, '}'); t_end = (next != NULL && next < end) ? next : end; length = t_end - t; strncpy (name, t, length); is_nullable = name[length - 1] == '?'; if (is_nullable) name[length - 1] = '\0'; else name[length] = '\0'; duk_get_prop_string (ctx, arg_index, name); if (duk_is_function (ctx, -1)) { func = duk_require_heapptr (ctx, -1); } else if (is_nullable && duk_is_null_or_undefined (ctx, -1)) { func = NULL; } else { duk_pop (ctx); goto expected_callback_value; } duk_pop (ctx); *va_arg (ap, GumDukHeapPtr *) = func; t = t_end + 1; } while (t_end != end); t--; } else { is_nullable = t[1] == '?'; if (is_nullable) t++; if (duk_is_function (ctx, arg_index)) func = duk_require_heapptr (ctx, arg_index); else if (is_nullable && duk_is_null (ctx, arg_index)) func = NULL; else goto expected_function; *va_arg (ap, GumDukHeapPtr *) = func; } break; } case 'B': { GBytes * bytes; gboolean is_nullable; is_nullable = t[1] == '?'; if (is_nullable) t++; if (is_nullable && duk_is_null (ctx, arg_index)) bytes = NULL; else if (!_gum_duk_parse_bytes (ctx, arg_index, &bytes)) goto expected_bytes; *va_arg (ap, GBytes **) = bytes; if (bytes != NULL) byte_arrays = g_slist_prepend (byte_arrays, bytes); break; } case 'C': { GumCpuContext * cpu_context; gboolean is_nullable; is_nullable = t[1] == '?'; if (is_nullable) t++; if (is_nullable && duk_is_null (ctx, arg_index)) cpu_context = NULL; else if ((cpu_context = _gum_duk_get_cpu_context (ctx, arg_index, core)) == NULL) goto expected_cpu_context; *va_arg (ap, GumCpuContext **) = cpu_context; break; } default: g_assert_not_reached (); } arg_index++; } va_end (ap); g_slist_free (byte_arrays); return; missing_argument: { error_message = "missing argument"; goto error; } expected_int: { error_message = "expected an integer"; goto error; } expected_uint: { error_message = "expected an unsigned integer"; goto error; } expected_number: { error_message = "expected a number"; goto error; } expected_pointer: { error_message = "expected a pointer"; goto error; } expected_string: { error_message = "expected a string"; goto error; } expected_protection: { error_message = "expected a string specifying memory protection"; goto error; } expected_heap_pointer: { error_message = "expected a heap-allocated object"; goto error; } expected_object: { error_message = "expected an object"; goto error; } expected_array: { error_message = "expected an array"; goto error; } expected_callback_object: { error_message = "expected an object containing callbacks"; goto error; } expected_callback_value: { error_message = "expected a callback value"; goto error; } expected_function: { error_message = "expected a function"; goto error; } expected_bytes: { error_message = "expected a buffer-like object"; goto error; } expected_cpu_context: { error_message = "expected a CpuContext object"; goto error; } error: { va_end (ap); g_slist_foreach (byte_arrays, (GFunc) g_bytes_unref, NULL); g_slist_free (byte_arrays); g_assert (error_message != NULL); _gum_duk_throw (ctx, error_message); } }
int duk_bi_array_prototype_iter_shared(duk_context *ctx) { int len; int i; int k; int bval; int iter_type = duk_get_magic(ctx); duk_uint32_t res_length = 0; /* each call this helper serves has nargs==2 */ DUK_ASSERT_TOP(ctx, 2); len = duk__push_this_obj_len_u32(ctx); if (!duk_is_callable(ctx, 0)) { goto type_error; } /* if thisArg not supplied, behave as if undefined was supplied */ if (iter_type == DUK__ITER_MAP || iter_type == DUK__ITER_FILTER) { duk_push_array(ctx); } else { duk_push_undefined(ctx); } /* stack[0] = callback * stack[1] = thisArg * stack[2] = object * stack[3] = ToUint32(length) (unused, but avoid unnecessary pop) * stack[4] = result array (or undefined) */ k = 0; /* result index for filter() */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { DUK_ASSERT_TOP(ctx, 5); if (!duk_get_prop_index(ctx, 2, i)) { duk_pop(ctx); continue; } /* The original value needs to be preserved for filter(), hence * this funny order. We can't re-get the value because of side * effects. */ duk_dup(ctx, 0); duk_dup(ctx, 1); duk_dup(ctx, -3); duk_push_int(ctx, i); duk_dup(ctx, 2); /* [ ... val callback thisArg val i obj ] */ duk_call_method(ctx, 3); /* -> [ ... val retval ] */ switch (iter_type) { case DUK__ITER_EVERY: bval = duk_to_boolean(ctx, -1); if (!bval) { /* stack top contains 'false' */ return 1; } break; case DUK__ITER_SOME: bval = duk_to_boolean(ctx, -1); if (bval) { /* stack top contains 'true' */ return 1; } break; case DUK__ITER_FOREACH: /* nop */ break; case DUK__ITER_MAP: duk_dup(ctx, -1); duk_def_prop_index(ctx, 4, i, DUK_PROPDESC_FLAGS_WEC); /* retval to result[i] */ res_length = i + 1; break; case DUK__ITER_FILTER: bval = duk_to_boolean(ctx, -1); if (bval) { duk_dup(ctx, -2); /* orig value */ duk_def_prop_index(ctx, 4, k, DUK_PROPDESC_FLAGS_WEC); k++; res_length = k; } break; default: DUK_UNREACHABLE(); break; } duk_pop_2(ctx); DUK_ASSERT_TOP(ctx, 5); } switch (iter_type) { case DUK__ITER_EVERY: duk_push_true(ctx); break; case DUK__ITER_SOME: duk_push_false(ctx); break; case DUK__ITER_FOREACH: duk_push_undefined(ctx); break; case DUK__ITER_MAP: case DUK__ITER_FILTER: DUK_ASSERT_TOP(ctx, 5); DUK_ASSERT(duk_is_array(ctx, -1)); /* topmost element is the result array already */ duk_push_number(ctx, (double) res_length); /* FIXME */ duk_def_prop_stridx(ctx, -2, DUK_STRIDX_LENGTH, DUK_PROPDESC_FLAGS_W); break; default: DUK_UNREACHABLE(); break; } return 1; type_error: return DUK_RET_TYPE_ERROR; }
void test(duk_context *ctx) { duk_idx_t i, n; /* * push test values */ /* 0 */ duk_push_undefined(ctx); /* 1 */ duk_push_null(ctx); /* 2 */ duk_push_true(ctx); /* 3 */ duk_push_false(ctx); /* 4 */ duk_push_int(ctx, 123); /* 5 */ duk_push_number(ctx, 123.4); /* 6 */ duk_push_nan(ctx); /* 7 */ duk_push_number(ctx, INFINITY); /* 8 */ duk_push_number(ctx, -INFINITY); /* 9 */ duk_push_string(ctx, ""); /* 10 */ duk_push_string(ctx, "foo"); /* 11 */ duk_push_object(ctx); /* 12 */ duk_push_array(ctx); /* 13 */ duk_push_c_function(ctx, my_c_func, DUK_VARARGS); /* 14 */ duk_push_string(ctx, "(function() { print('hello'); })"); duk_eval(ctx); /* 15 */ duk_push_string(ctx, "escape.bind(null, 'foo')"); duk_eval(ctx); /* 16 */ duk_push_thread(ctx); /* 17 */ duk_push_buffer(ctx, 1024, 0 /*dynamic*/); /* 18 */ duk_push_buffer(ctx, 1024, 1 /*dynamic*/); /* 19 */ duk_push_pointer(ctx, (void *) 0xf00); /* * call checkers for each */ n = duk_get_top(ctx); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf("%02ld: ", (long) i); printf(" und=%d", (int) duk_is_undefined(ctx, i)); printf(" null=%d", (int) duk_is_null(ctx, i)); printf(" noru=%d", (int) duk_is_null_or_undefined(ctx, i)); printf(" bool=%d", (int) duk_is_boolean(ctx, i)); printf(" num=%d", (int) duk_is_number(ctx, i)); printf(" nan=%d", (int) duk_is_nan(ctx, i)); printf(" str=%d", (int) duk_is_string(ctx, i)); printf(" obj=%d", (int) duk_is_object(ctx, i)); printf(" arr=%d", (int) duk_is_array(ctx, i)); printf(" fun=%d", (int) duk_is_function(ctx, i)); printf(" cfun=%d", (int) duk_is_c_function(ctx, i)); printf(" efun=%d", (int) duk_is_ecmascript_function(ctx, i)); printf(" bfun=%d", (int) duk_is_bound_function(ctx, i)); printf(" call=%d", (int) duk_is_callable(ctx, i)); printf(" thr=%d", (int) duk_is_thread(ctx, i)); printf(" buf=%d", (int) duk_is_buffer(ctx, i)); printf(" dyn=%d", (int) duk_is_dynamic_buffer(ctx, i)); printf(" fix=%d", (int) duk_is_fixed_buffer(ctx, i)); printf(" ptr=%d", (int) duk_is_pointer(ctx, i)); printf(" prim=%d", (int) duk_is_primitive(ctx, i)); printf(" objcoerc=%d", (int) duk_is_object_coercible(ctx, i)); printf("\n"); } }
bool StyleContext::parseStyleResult(StyleParamKey _key, StyleParam::Value& _val) const { _val = none_type{}; if (duk_is_string(m_ctx, -1)) { std::string value(duk_get_string(m_ctx, -1)); _val = StyleParam::parseString(_key, value); } else if (duk_is_boolean(m_ctx, -1)) { bool value = duk_get_boolean(m_ctx, -1); switch (_key) { case StyleParamKey::visible: _val = value; break; case StyleParamKey::extrude: _val = value ? glm::vec2(NAN, NAN) : glm::vec2(0.0f, 0.0f); break; default: break; } } else if (duk_is_array(m_ctx, -1)) { duk_get_prop_string(m_ctx, -1, "length"); int len = duk_get_int(m_ctx, -1); duk_pop(m_ctx); switch (_key) { case StyleParamKey::extrude: { if (len != 2) { logMsg("Warning: Wrong array size for extrusion: '%d'.\n", len); break; } duk_get_prop_index(m_ctx, -1, 0); double v1 = duk_get_number(m_ctx, -1); duk_pop(m_ctx); duk_get_prop_index(m_ctx, -1, 1); double v2 = duk_get_number(m_ctx, -1); duk_pop(m_ctx); _val = glm::vec2(v1, v2); break; } case StyleParamKey::color: case StyleParamKey::outline_color: case StyleParamKey::font_fill: case StyleParamKey::font_stroke: case StyleParamKey::font_stroke_color: { if (len < 3 || len > 4) { logMsg("Warning: Wrong array size for color: '%d'.\n", len); break; } duk_get_prop_index(m_ctx, -1, 0); double r = duk_get_number(m_ctx, -1); duk_pop(m_ctx); duk_get_prop_index(m_ctx, -1, 1); double g = duk_get_number(m_ctx, -1); duk_pop(m_ctx); duk_get_prop_index(m_ctx, -1, 2); double b = duk_get_number(m_ctx, -1); duk_pop(m_ctx); double a = 1.0; if (len == 4) { duk_get_prop_index(m_ctx, -1, 3); a = duk_get_number(m_ctx, -1); duk_pop(m_ctx); } _val = (((uint32_t)(255.0 * a) & 0xff) << 24) | (((uint32_t)(255.0 * r) & 0xff)<< 16) | (((uint32_t)(255.0 * g) & 0xff)<< 8) | (((uint32_t)(255.0 * b) & 0xff)); break; } default: break; } } else if (duk_is_number(m_ctx, -1)) { switch (_key) { case StyleParamKey::width: case StyleParamKey::outline_width: case StyleParamKey::font_stroke_width: { double v = duk_get_number(m_ctx, -1); _val = static_cast<float>(v); break; } case StyleParamKey::order: case StyleParamKey::priority: case StyleParamKey::color: case StyleParamKey::outline_color: case StyleParamKey::font_fill: case StyleParamKey::font_stroke: case StyleParamKey::font_stroke_color: { _val = static_cast<uint32_t>(duk_get_uint(m_ctx, -1)); break; } default: break; } } else { logMsg("Warning: Unhandled return type from Javascript function.\n"); } duk_pop(m_ctx); DUMP("parseStyleResult\n"); return !_val.is<none_type>(); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AdTiledManager::Load(const char* pName) { Unload(); char pFN[FILENAME_MAX]; sprintf(pFN, MAP_LOCATION, pName); duk_context* ctx = s_pJSCtx; duk_push_string_file(ctx, pFN); duk_json_decode(ctx, -1); if(!duk_is_object(ctx, -1)) { fprintf(stderr, "NOTE: Failed parse %s.json!\n", pName); return; } duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "width"); m_iWidth = duk_to_int(ctx, -1); duk_pop(ctx); duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "height"); m_iHeight = duk_to_int(ctx, -1); duk_pop(ctx); duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "layers"); if(duk_is_array(ctx, -1)) { m_nLayers = duk_get_length(ctx, -1); m_pIndices = (int**) calloc(m_nLayers, sizeof(int*)); for(int j=0; j<m_nLayers; ++j) { duk_get_prop_index(ctx, -1, j); // NOTE: if this is a tile layer grab the indices, otherwise set // to NULL duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "data"); if(duk_is_array(ctx, -1)) { int size = duk_get_length(ctx, -1); if((m_iWidth*m_iHeight) == size) { m_pIndices[j] = (int*) malloc(size*sizeof(int)); for(int i=0; i<size; ++i) { duk_get_prop_index(ctx, -1, i); m_pIndices[j][i] = duk_to_int(ctx, -1); duk_pop(ctx); } } } duk_pop(ctx); // NOTE: loop over the map entities and add them to the array of // entities duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "name"); if(duk_is_string(ctx, -1)) { if(!strcmp(duk_get_string(ctx, -1), "entities")) { // NOTE: -2 referring back to object and not the string duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -2, "objects"); if(duk_is_array(ctx, -1)) { int size = duk_get_length(ctx, -1); for(int e=0; e<size; ++e) { duk_get_prop_index(ctx, -1, e); duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "type"); const char* type = duk_get_string(ctx, -1); AdEntity* pEnt = NULL; if(!strcmp(type, "NPC-TEST")) { duk_pop(ctx); pEnt = new NpcTree0(); pEnt->Load(ctx); } else if(!strcmp(type, "NPC-RON")) { duk_pop(ctx); pEnt = new NpcRon(); pEnt->Load(ctx); } else if(!strcmp(type, "NPC-PYTHON")) { duk_pop(ctx); pEnt = new NpcPython(); pEnt->Load(ctx); } else if(!strcmp(type, "NPC-BURRITO")) { duk_pop(ctx); pEnt = new NpcBurrito(); pEnt->Load(ctx); } else if(!strcmp(type, "NPC-JAVALS")) { duk_pop(ctx); pEnt = new NpcJavals(); pEnt->Load(ctx); } else if(!strcmp(type, "NPC-GWEN")) { duk_pop(ctx); pEnt = new NpcGwen(); pEnt->Load(ctx); } else if(!strcmp(type, "NPC-AVOCADO")) { duk_pop(ctx); pEnt = new NpcAvocado(); pEnt->Load(ctx); } else if(!strcmp(type, "NPC-PUZZLE_PIECE")) { duk_pop(ctx); pEnt = new NpcPuzzlePiece(); pEnt->Load(ctx); } else if(!strcmp(type, "NPC-PUZZLE_PIECE2")) { duk_pop(ctx); pEnt = new NpcPuzzlePiece2(); pEnt->Load(ctx); } else if(!strcmp(type, "NPC-STATUE_BASE")) { duk_pop(ctx); pEnt = new NpcStatueBase(); pEnt->Load(ctx); } else if( !strcmp(type, "LVL-UP-0") || !strcmp(type, "LVL-DOWN-0") || !strcmp(type, "LVL-LEFT-0") || !strcmp(type, "LVL-RIGHT-0") ) { duk_pop(ctx); pEnt = new AdEntity(); pEnt->Load(ctx); } else { duk_pop(ctx); } if(pEnt) { m_pEntities = (AdEntity**) realloc( m_pEntities, ++m_nEntities*sizeof(AdEntity*) ); m_pEntities[m_nEntities-1] = pEnt; } duk_pop(ctx); } } duk_pop(ctx); } } duk_pop_2(ctx); } } duk_pop_2(ctx); }
void StyleContext::parseStyleResult(StyleParamKey _key, StyleParam::Value& _val) const { _val = none_type{}; if (duk_is_string(m_ctx, -1)) { std::string value(duk_get_string(m_ctx, -1)); _val = StyleParam::parseString(_key, value); } else if (duk_is_boolean(m_ctx, -1)) { bool value = duk_get_boolean(m_ctx, -1); switch (_key) { case StyleParamKey::interactive: case StyleParamKey::text_interactive: case StyleParamKey::visible: _val = value; break; case StyleParamKey::extrude: _val = value ? glm::vec2(NAN, NAN) : glm::vec2(0.0f, 0.0f); break; default: break; } } else if (duk_is_array(m_ctx, -1)) { duk_get_prop_string(m_ctx, -1, "length"); int len = duk_get_int(m_ctx, -1); duk_pop(m_ctx); switch (_key) { case StyleParamKey::extrude: { if (len != 2) { LOGW("Wrong array size for extrusion: '%d'.", len); break; } duk_get_prop_index(m_ctx, -1, 0); double v1 = duk_get_number(m_ctx, -1); duk_pop(m_ctx); duk_get_prop_index(m_ctx, -1, 1); double v2 = duk_get_number(m_ctx, -1); duk_pop(m_ctx); _val = glm::vec2(v1, v2); break; } case StyleParamKey::color: case StyleParamKey::outline_color: case StyleParamKey::text_font_fill: case StyleParamKey::text_font_stroke_color: { if (len < 3 || len > 4) { LOGW("Wrong array size for color: '%d'.", len); break; } duk_get_prop_index(m_ctx, -1, 0); double r = duk_get_number(m_ctx, -1); duk_pop(m_ctx); duk_get_prop_index(m_ctx, -1, 1); double g = duk_get_number(m_ctx, -1); duk_pop(m_ctx); duk_get_prop_index(m_ctx, -1, 2); double b = duk_get_number(m_ctx, -1); duk_pop(m_ctx); double a = 1.0; if (len == 4) { duk_get_prop_index(m_ctx, -1, 3); a = duk_get_number(m_ctx, -1); duk_pop(m_ctx); } _val = (((uint32_t)(255.0 * a) & 0xff) << 24) | (((uint32_t)(255.0 * r) & 0xff)<< 16) | (((uint32_t)(255.0 * g) & 0xff)<< 8) | (((uint32_t)(255.0 * b) & 0xff)); break; } default: break; } } else if (duk_is_nan(m_ctx, -1)) { // Ignore setting value LOGD("duk evaluates JS method to NAN.\n"); } else if (duk_is_number(m_ctx, -1)) { switch (_key) { case StyleParamKey::extrude: _val = glm::vec2(0.f, static_cast<float>(duk_get_number(m_ctx, -1))); break; case StyleParamKey::width: case StyleParamKey::outline_width: { // TODO more efficient way to return pixels. // atm this only works by return value as string double v = duk_get_number(m_ctx, -1); _val = StyleParam::Width{static_cast<float>(v)}; break; } case StyleParamKey::text_font_stroke_width: { _val = static_cast<float>(duk_get_number(m_ctx, -1)); break; } case StyleParamKey::order: case StyleParamKey::outline_order: case StyleParamKey::priority: case StyleParamKey::color: case StyleParamKey::outline_color: case StyleParamKey::text_font_fill: case StyleParamKey::text_font_stroke_color: { _val = static_cast<uint32_t>(duk_get_uint(m_ctx, -1)); break; } default: break; } } else if (duk_is_null_or_undefined(m_ctx, -1)) { // Ignore setting value LOGD("duk evaluates JS method to null or undefined."); } else { LOGW("Unhandled return type from Javascript style function for %d.", _key); } DUMP("parseStyleResult\n"); }
DUK_INTERNAL duk_ret_t duk_bi_array_prototype_iter_shared(duk_context *ctx) { duk_uint32_t len; duk_uint32_t i; duk_uarridx_t k; duk_bool_t bval; duk_small_int_t iter_type = duk_get_current_magic(ctx); duk_uint32_t res_length = 0; /* each call this helper serves has nargs==2 */ DUK_ASSERT_TOP(ctx, 2); len = duk__push_this_obj_len_u32(ctx); duk_require_callable(ctx, 0); /* if thisArg not supplied, behave as if undefined was supplied */ if (iter_type == DUK__ITER_MAP || iter_type == DUK__ITER_FILTER) { duk_push_array(ctx); } else { duk_push_undefined(ctx); } /* stack[0] = callback * stack[1] = thisArg * stack[2] = object * stack[3] = ToUint32(length) (unused, but avoid unnecessary pop) * stack[4] = result array (or undefined) */ k = 0; /* result index for filter() */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { DUK_ASSERT_TOP(ctx, 5); if (!duk_get_prop_index(ctx, 2, (duk_uarridx_t) i)) { #if defined(DUK_USE_NONSTD_ARRAY_MAP_TRAILER) /* Real world behavior for map(): trailing non-existent * elements don't invoke the user callback, but are still * counted towards result 'length'. */ if (iter_type == DUK__ITER_MAP) { res_length = i + 1; } #else /* Standard behavior for map(): trailing non-existent * elements don't invoke the user callback and are not * counted towards result 'length'. */ #endif duk_pop(ctx); continue; } /* The original value needs to be preserved for filter(), hence * this funny order. We can't re-get the value because of side * effects. */ duk_dup(ctx, 0); duk_dup(ctx, 1); duk_dup(ctx, -3); duk_push_u32(ctx, i); duk_dup(ctx, 2); /* [ ... val callback thisArg val i obj ] */ duk_call_method(ctx, 3); /* -> [ ... val retval ] */ switch (iter_type) { case DUK__ITER_EVERY: bval = duk_to_boolean(ctx, -1); if (!bval) { /* stack top contains 'false' */ return 1; } break; case DUK__ITER_SOME: bval = duk_to_boolean(ctx, -1); if (bval) { /* stack top contains 'true' */ return 1; } break; case DUK__ITER_FOREACH: /* nop */ break; case DUK__ITER_MAP: duk_dup(ctx, -1); duk_xdef_prop_index_wec(ctx, 4, (duk_uarridx_t) i); /* retval to result[i] */ res_length = i + 1; break; case DUK__ITER_FILTER: bval = duk_to_boolean(ctx, -1); if (bval) { duk_dup(ctx, -2); /* orig value */ duk_xdef_prop_index_wec(ctx, 4, (duk_uarridx_t) k); k++; res_length = k; } break; default: DUK_UNREACHABLE(); break; } duk_pop_2(ctx); DUK_ASSERT_TOP(ctx, 5); } switch (iter_type) { case DUK__ITER_EVERY: duk_push_true(ctx); break; case DUK__ITER_SOME: duk_push_false(ctx); break; case DUK__ITER_FOREACH: duk_push_undefined(ctx); break; case DUK__ITER_MAP: case DUK__ITER_FILTER: DUK_ASSERT_TOP(ctx, 5); DUK_ASSERT(duk_is_array(ctx, -1)); /* topmost element is the result array already */ duk_push_u32(ctx, res_length); duk_xdef_prop_stridx(ctx, -2, DUK_STRIDX_LENGTH, DUK_PROPDESC_FLAGS_W); break; default: DUK_UNREACHABLE(); break; } return 1; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AdTiledManager::Load(const char* pName) { Unload(); char pFN[FILENAME_MAX]; sprintf(pFN, MAP_LOCATION, pName); duk_context* ctx = s_pJSCtx; duk_push_string_file(ctx, pFN); duk_json_decode(ctx, -1); if(!duk_is_object(ctx, -1)) { fprintf(stderr, "NOTE: Failed parse %s.json!\n", pName); return; } duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "width"); m_iWidth = duk_to_int(ctx, -1); duk_pop(ctx); duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "height"); m_iHeight = duk_to_int(ctx, -1); duk_pop(ctx); duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "layers"); if(duk_is_array(ctx, -1)) { m_nLayers = duk_get_length(ctx, -1); m_pIndices = (int**) calloc(m_nLayers, sizeof(int*)); for(int j=0; j<m_nLayers; ++j) { duk_get_prop_index(ctx, -1, j); // NOTE: if this is a tile layer grab the indices, otherwise set // to NULL duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "data"); if(duk_is_array(ctx, -1)) { int size = duk_get_length(ctx, -1); if((m_iWidth*m_iHeight) == size) { m_pIndices[j] = (int*) malloc(size*sizeof(int)); for(int i=0; i<size; ++i) { duk_get_prop_index(ctx, -1, i); m_pIndices[j][i] = duk_to_int(ctx, -1); duk_pop(ctx); } } } duk_pop(ctx); // NOTE: loop over the map entities and add them to the array of // entities duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "name"); if(duk_is_string(ctx, -1)) { if(!strcmp(duk_get_string(ctx, -1), "entities")) { // NOTE: -2 referring back to object and not the string duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -2, "objects"); if(duk_is_array(ctx, -1)) { int size = duk_get_length(ctx, -1); for(int e=0; e<size; ++e) { duk_get_prop_index(ctx, -1, e); duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "type"); const char* type = duk_get_string(ctx, -1); AdEntity* pEnt = NULL; if(!strcmp(type, "NPC-PLAYER")) { duk_pop(ctx); pEnt = new AdPlayer(); pEnt->Load(ctx); } else if(!strcmp(type, "NPC-TEST")) { duk_pop(ctx); pEnt = new AdMoveable(); pEnt->Load(ctx); } else if(!strcmp(type, "TEST")) { duk_pop(ctx); pEnt = new AdEntity(); pEnt->Load(ctx); } else { duk_pop(ctx); } if(pEnt) { m_pEntities = (AdEntity**) realloc( m_pEntities, ++m_nEntities*sizeof(AdEntity*) ); m_pEntities[m_nEntities-1] = pEnt; } duk_pop(ctx); } } duk_pop(ctx); } } duk_pop_2(ctx); } } duk_pop_2(ctx); }