void NodeBinaryAssMod::dump(ostream& os, uint indent) const { dumpIndent(os, indent); os << "<NodeBinaryAssMod>" << endl; m_left->dump(os, indent+1); m_right->dump(os, indent+1); dumpIndent(os, indent); os << "</NodeBinaryAssMod>" << endl; }
void NodeCondition::dump(ostream& os, uint indent) const { dumpIndent(os, indent); os << "<If>" << endl; dumpIndent(os, indent + 1); os << "<Condition>" << endl; m_condition->dump(os, indent + 2); dumpIndent(os, indent + 1); os << "</Condition>" << endl; dumpIndent(os, indent+1); os << "<IfSection>" << endl; m_if_section->dump(os, indent + 2); dumpIndent(os, indent+1); os << "</IfSection>" << endl; dumpIndent(os, indent+1); os << "<ElseSection>" << endl; m_else_section->dump(os, indent + 2); dumpIndent(os, indent+1); os << "</ElseSection>" << endl; dumpIndent(os, indent); os << "</If>" << endl; }
void ValueArray::dump(ostream& os, uint indent) const { dumpIndent(os, indent); os << "<ValueArray>" << endl; deque< CountPtr<Value> >::const_iterator it; for(it = m_val.begin(); it != m_val.end(); it++) (*it)->dump(os, indent+1); dumpIndent(os, indent); os << "</ValueArray>" << endl; }
void ValueReference::dump(ostream& os, uint indent) const { ACCESS_MUTEX_LOCKER; dumpIndent(os, indent); // Debug // os << "<ValueReference refobjaddr=\"" << m_val.getPtr() << "\">" << endl; os << "<ValueReference>" << endl; m_val->dump(os, indent+1); dumpIndent(os, indent); os << "</ValueReference>" << endl; }
void NodeBuiltinStruct::dump(ostream& os, uint indent) const { dumpIndent(os, indent); os << "<BuiltinFunction name=\"" << ID2STR(getName()) << "\" id=\"" << getName() << "\" />" << endl; }
//Print string with indent chars. void note(CHAR const* format, ...) { if (g_tfile == NULL || format == NULL) { return; } StrBuf buf(64); va_list arg; va_start(arg, format); buf.vstrcat(format, arg); size_t i = 0; while (i < buf.strlen()) { if (buf.buf[i] == '\n') { if (g_prt_carriage_return_for_dot) { //Print terminate lines that are left justified in DOT file. fprintf(g_tfile, "\\l"); } else { fprintf(g_tfile, "\n"); } } else { break; } i++; } //Append indent chars ahead of string. ASSERT0(g_indent >= 0); dumpIndent(g_tfile, g_indent); if (i == buf.strlen()) { fflush(g_tfile); goto FIN; } fprintf(g_tfile, "%s", buf.buf + i); fflush(g_tfile); FIN: va_end(arg); return; }
void ValueFloat::dump(ostream& os, uint indent) const { dumpIndent(os, indent); os << "<ValueFloat value=\"" << toString() << "\" />" << endl; }
void Lexan::dump(ostream& os, uint indent) const { dumpIndent(os, indent); os << "<Lexan />" << endl; }
void ValueNull::dump(ostream& os, uint indent) const { dumpIndent(os, indent); os << "<ValueNull />" << endl; }