Пример #1
// simplified copy of Method.invokeNative, but calls the original (non-hooked) method and has no access checks
// used when a method has been hooked
static void de_robv_android_xposed_XposedBridge_invokeOriginalMethodNative(const u4* args, JValue* pResult,
            const Method* method, ::Thread* self) {
    Method* meth = (Method*) args[1];
    if (meth == NULL) {
        meth = dvmGetMethodFromReflectObj((Object*) args[0]);
        if (xposedIsHooked(meth)) {
            meth = (Method*) meth->insns;
    ArrayObject* params = (ArrayObject*) args[2];
    ClassObject* returnType = (ClassObject*) args[3];
    Object* thisObject = (Object*) args[4]; // null for static methods
    ArrayObject* argList = (ArrayObject*) args[5];

    // invoke the method
    pResult->l = dvmInvokeMethod(thisObject, meth, argList, params, returnType, true);
 * public int constructNative(Object[] args, Class declaringClass,
 *     Class[] parameterTypes, int slot, boolean noAccessCheck)
 * We get here through Constructor.newInstance().  The Constructor object
 * would not be available if the constructor weren't public (per the
 * definition of Class.getConstructor), so we can skip the method access
 * check.  We can also safely assume the constructor isn't associated
 * with an interface, array, or primitive class.
static void Dalvik_java_lang_reflect_Constructor_constructNative(
    const u4* args, JValue* pResult)
    // ignore thisPtr in args[0]
    ArrayObject* argList = (ArrayObject*) args[1];
    ClassObject* declaringClass = (ClassObject*) args[2];
    ArrayObject* params = (ArrayObject*) args[3];
    int slot = args[4];
    bool noAccessCheck = (args[5] != 0);
    Object* newObj;
    Method* meth;

    if (dvmIsAbstractClass(declaringClass)) {
        dvmThrowInstantiationException(declaringClass, NULL);

    /* initialize the class if it hasn't been already */
    if (!dvmIsClassInitialized(declaringClass)) {
        if (!dvmInitClass(declaringClass)) {
            ALOGW("Class init failed in Constructor.constructNative (%s)",

    newObj = dvmAllocObject(declaringClass, ALLOC_DEFAULT);
    if (newObj == NULL)

    meth = dvmSlotToMethod(declaringClass, slot);
    assert(meth != NULL);

    (void) dvmInvokeMethod(newObj, meth, argList, params, NULL, noAccessCheck);
    dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc(newObj, NULL);
Пример #3
// simplified copy of Method.invokeNative, but calls the original (non-hooked) method and has no access checks
// used when a method has been hooked
static jobject miui_dexspy_DexspyInstaller_invokeOriginalMethodNative(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jobject reflectedMethod,
            jobjectArray params1, jclass returnType1, jobject thisObject1, jobjectArray args1) {
    // try to find the original method
    Method* method = (Method*)env->FromReflectedMethod(reflectedMethod);
    OriginalMethodsIt original = findOriginalMethod(method);
    if (original != dexspyOriginalMethods.end()) {
        method = &(*original);

    // dereference parameters
    ::Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
    Object* thisObject = dvmDecodeIndirectRef(self, thisObject1);
    ArrayObject* args = (ArrayObject*)dvmDecodeIndirectRef(self, args1);
    ArrayObject* params = (ArrayObject*)dvmDecodeIndirectRef(self, params1);
    ClassObject* returnType = (ClassObject*)dvmDecodeIndirectRef(self, returnType1);

    // invoke the method
    dvmChangeStatus(self, THREAD_RUNNING);
    Object* result = dvmInvokeMethod(thisObject, method, args, params, returnType, true);
    dvmChangeStatus(self, THREAD_NATIVE);

    return dexspyAddLocalReference(self, result);
 * public int constructNative(Object[] args, Class declaringClass,
 *     Class[] parameterTypes, int slot, boolean noAccessCheck)
static void Dalvik_java_lang_reflect_Constructor_constructNative(
    const u4* args, JValue* pResult)
    // ignore thisPtr in args[0]
    ArrayObject* argList = (ArrayObject*) args[1];
    ClassObject* declaringClass = (ClassObject*) args[2];
    ArrayObject* params = (ArrayObject*) args[3];
    int slot = args[4];
    bool noAccessCheck = (args[5] != 0);
    Object* newObj;
    Method* meth;

    newObj = dvmAllocObject(declaringClass, ALLOC_DEFAULT);
    if (newObj == NULL)

    meth = dvmSlotToMethod(declaringClass, slot);
    assert(meth != NULL);

    (void) dvmInvokeMethod(newObj, meth, argList, params, NULL, noAccessCheck);
    dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc(newObj, NULL);
 * private Object invokeNative(Object obj, Object[] args, Class declaringClass,
 *   Class[] parameterTypes, Class returnType, int slot, boolean noAccessCheck)
 * Invoke a static or virtual method via reflection.
static void Dalvik_java_lang_reflect_Method_invokeNative(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    // ignore thisPtr in args[0]
    Object* methObj = (Object*) args[1];        // null for static methods
    ArrayObject* argList = (ArrayObject*) args[2];
    ClassObject* declaringClass = (ClassObject*) args[3];
    ArrayObject* params = (ArrayObject*) args[4];
    ClassObject* returnType = (ClassObject*) args[5];
    int slot = args[6];
    bool noAccessCheck = (args[7] != 0);
    const Method* meth;
    Object* result;

     * "If the underlying method is static, the class that declared the
     * method is initialized if it has not already been initialized."
    meth = dvmSlotToMethod(declaringClass, slot);
    assert(meth != NULL);

    if (dvmIsStaticMethod(meth)) {
        if (!dvmIsClassInitialized(declaringClass)) {
            if (!dvmInitClass(declaringClass))
                goto init_failed;
    } else {
        /* looks like interfaces need this too? */
        if (dvmIsInterfaceClass(declaringClass) &&
            if (!dvmInitClass(declaringClass))
                goto init_failed;

        /* make sure the object is an instance of the expected class */
        if (!dvmVerifyObjectInClass(methObj, declaringClass)) {

        /* do the virtual table lookup for the method */
        meth = dvmGetVirtualizedMethod(methObj->clazz, meth);
        if (meth == NULL) {

     * If the method has a return value, "result" will be an object or
     * a boxed primitive.
    result = dvmInvokeMethod(methObj, meth, argList, params, returnType,


     * If initialization failed, an exception will be raised.
    ALOGD("Method.invoke() on bad class %s failed",