// Add an object to the table, optionally specifying an ID. Returns a 
// unique ID for the object.  ASSERTs and throws exception if object is 
// already in table or the ID is already taken.
int cSerRefCountTable::Add(iSerRefCountObj* pObj, int id)
    if (Lookup(pObj) != 0)
		// this should be a programming error, but we will throw just to be safe...
		ThrowAndAssert(eInternal(_T("cSerRefCountTable::Add() passed object already in table.")));
    if (id == 0)
        id = mIDToObjTbl.empty() ? 1 : mIDToObjTbl.rbegin()->first + 1;
        ASSERT(Lookup(id) == NULL);
    else if (Lookup(id) != NULL)
		// this should be a programming error, but we will throw just to be safe...
		ThrowAndAssert(eInternal(_T("cSerRefCountTable::Add() passed ID already in table.")));

    mIDToObjTbl.insert( MapIDTObj::value_type(id, pObj));
    mObjToIdTbl.insert( MapObjIDT::value_type(pObj, id));

    return id;
Пример #2
#include "archive.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "unixexcept.h"
#include "fsservices.h"
#include "serializer.h"
#include "cmdlineparser.h"
#include "twlocale.h"
#include "codeconvert.h"
#include "ntmbs.h"
#include "displayencoder.h"


/// Internal

TSS_REGISTER_ERROR( eInternal(),        _T("Internal error.") )

/// General

TSS_REGISTER_ERROR( eErrorGeneral(),    _T("General Error") );
TSS_REGISTER_ERROR( eOpen(),            _T("File could not be opened.") );
TSS_REGISTER_ERROR( eOpenRead(),        _T("File could not be opened for reading.") );
TSS_REGISTER_ERROR( eOpenWrite(),       _T("File could not be opened for writing.") );
TSS_REGISTER_ERROR( eBadModeSwitch(),   _T("Unknown mode specified.") );
TSS_REGISTER_ERROR( eBadCmdLine(),      _T("Command line error.") );

/// Archive 

TSS_REGISTER_ERROR( eArchive(),         _T("Archive error.") )