void *matrixctrl_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_matrixctrl *x = NULL; t_binbuf* d; long flags; if (!(d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc,argv))) return NULL; x = (t_matrixctrl *)eobj_new(matrixctrl_class); x->f_size.x = 8; x->f_size.y = 4; x->f_values = (char *)malloc(x->f_size.x * x->f_size.y * sizeof(char)); memset(x->f_values, 0, x->f_size.x * x->f_size.y * sizeof(char)); x->f_selected.x = -1; x->f_selected.y = -1; flags = 0 | EBOX_GROWINDI ; ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, flags); x->f_out_cell = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_list); x->f_out_colrow = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_list); ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); return (x); }
void *breakpoints_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_binbuf* d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc,argv); t_breakpoints *x = (t_breakpoints *)eobj_new(breakpoints_class); if(x && d) { x->f_outline_mode = 0; long flags = 0 | EBOX_GROWINDI ; ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, flags); x->f_out_float = (t_outlet *)floatout(x); x->f_out_list = (t_outlet *)listout(x); x->f_out_function = (t_outlet *)listout(x); x->f_number_of_points = 0; x->f_point_hover = -1; x->f_point_selected = -1; x->f_output_inc = -1; x->f_output_nextprev = 0; x->f_point_last_created = -1; x->f_mouse.x = -666666; x->f_mouse.y = -666666; x->f_clock = clock_new(x, (t_method)breakpoints_inc); ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); breakpoints_init(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); } return (x); }
void *hoa_meter_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_hoa_meter *x = NULL; t_binbuf *d; long flags; if (!(d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc, argv))) return NULL; x = (t_hoa_meter *)eobj_new(hoa_meter_class); x->f_ramp = 0; x->f_meter = new Hoa2D::Meter(4); x->f_vector = new Hoa2D::Vector(4); x->f_signals = new t_float[MAX_SPEAKER * SYS_MAXBLKSIZE]; x->f_over_leds = new int[MAX_CHANNELS]; x->f_clock = clock_new(x,(t_method)hoa_meter_tick); x->f_startclock = 0; eobj_dspsetup((t_ebox *)x, x->f_meter->getNumberOfChannels(), 0); flags = 0 | EBOX_GROWLINK | EBOX_IGNORELOCKCLICK ; ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, flags); hoa_meter_deprecated(x, s, argc, argv); ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); return (x); }
static void *scope_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_scope *x = NULL; t_binbuf* d; long flags; if (!(d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc,argv))) return NULL; x = (t_scope *)eobj_new(cscope_class); if(x) { flags = 0 | EBOX_GROWINDI | EBOX_IGNORELOCKCLICK ; ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, flags); eobj_dspsetup((t_ebox *)x, 2, 0); x->f_buffer_x = (t_sample *)calloc(80192, sizeof(t_sample)); x->f_buffer_y = (t_sample *)calloc(80192, sizeof(t_sample)); x->f_mode = 0; x->f_index = 0; x->f_clock = clock_new(x,(t_method)scope_tick); x->f_startclock = 0; ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); } return (x); }
void *gain_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_gain *x = NULL; t_binbuf* d; long flags; if (!(d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc,argv))) return NULL; x = (t_gain *)eobj_new(gain_class); flags = 0 | EBOX_GROWINDI ; ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, flags); eobj_dspsetup((t_ebox *)x, 1, 1); x->f_out = (t_outlet *)floatout(x); x->f_value = 0.; x->f_amp = 1.; x->f_amp_old = 1.; x->f_amp_step = 0.; x->f_counter = 0; x->f_sample_rate = sys_getsr(); ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); return (x); }
void *hoa_scope_3D_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_hoa_scope_3D *x = NULL; t_binbuf *d; long flags; if (!(d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc, argv))) return NULL; x = (t_hoa_scope_3D *)eobj_new(hoa_scope_3D_class); x->f_order = 1; x->f_startclock = 0; x->f_scope = new Hoa3D::Scope(x->f_order, NUMBEROFCIRCLEPOINTS_UI2 * 0.5, NUMBEROFCIRCLEPOINTS_UI2); x->f_order = x->f_scope->getDecompositionOrder(); x->f_signals = new t_float[x->f_scope->getNumberOfHarmonics() * SYS_MAXBLKSIZE]; x->f_index = 0; eobj_dspsetup(x, x->f_scope->getNumberOfHarmonics(), 0); flags = 0 | EBOX_IGNORELOCKCLICK | EBOX_GROWLINK ; ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, flags); x->f_clock = clock_new(x,(t_method)hoa_scope_3D_tick); x->f_startclock = 0; ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); return (x); }
void *number_tilde_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_number_tilde *x = NULL; t_binbuf* d; long flags; if (!(d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc,argv))) return NULL; x = (t_number_tilde *)eobj_new(number_tilde_class); flags = 0 | EBOX_GROWINDI | EBOX_IGNORELOCKCLICK ; ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, flags); eobj_dspsetup((t_ebox *)x, 1, 1); x->f_peaks_outlet = floatout(x); x->f_peak_value = 0.; x->f_clock = clock_new(x,(t_method)number_tilde_tick); x->f_startclock = 0; ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); return (x); }
static void *blackboard_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_blackboard *x = (t_blackboard *)eobj_new(blackboard_class); t_binbuf* d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc,argv); if(x && d) { ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, 0 | EBOX_GROWINDI); x->f_out_drag = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_list); x->f_out_move = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_list); x->f_out_down = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_float); x->f_pen_new.x = 0.; x->f_pen_new.y = 0.; x->f_pen_old.x = 0.; x->f_pen_old.y = 0.; x->f_pen_down = 0; x->f_width = 1; x->f_color = gensym("#000000"); x->f_fill = 0; x->f_ninstructions = 0; x->f_instructions = (char **)malloc(_blackboard::maxcmd * sizeof(char*)); for(int i = 0; i < _blackboard::maxcmd; i++) { x->f_instructions[i] = (char *)malloc(MAXPDSTRING * sizeof(char)); } ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); } return (x); }
void *hoa_space_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_hoa_space *x = NULL; t_binbuf *d; long flags; if (!(d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc, argv))) return NULL; x = (t_hoa_space *)eobj_new(hoa_space_class); x->f_viewer = new AmbisonicViewer(1); x->f_recomposer = new AmbisonicRecomposer(1, 4); x->f_out = listout(x); x->f_number_of_microphones = 4; x->f_new_number = 4; x->f_defer = clock_new(x, (t_method)hoa_space_do_channels_set); flags = 0 | EBOX_GROWLINK ; ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, flags); ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); return (x); }
void *meter_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_meter *x = NULL; t_binbuf* d; long flags; if (!(d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc,argv))) return NULL; x = (t_meter *)eobj_new(meter_class); flags = 0 | EBOX_GROWINDI | EBOX_IGNORELOCKCLICK ; ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, flags); eobj_dspsetup((t_ebox *)x, 1, 0); x->f_direction = 0; x->f_peaks_outlet = floatout(x); x->f_peak_value = -90.; x->f_clock = clock_new(x,(t_method)meter_tick); x->f_startclock = 0; x->f_over_led_preserved = 0; ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); return (x); }
void *carray_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_carray *x = NULL; t_binbuf* d; long flags; if (!(d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc,argv))) return NULL; x = (t_carray *)eobj_new(carray_class); flags = 0 | EBOX_GROWINDI ; ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, flags); x->f_out = (t_outlet *)bangout((t_object *)x); ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); return (x); }
static void *incdec_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_incdec *x = (t_incdec *)eobj_new(incdec_class); t_binbuf* d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc,argv); if(x && d) { ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, 0 | EBOX_GROWINDI); x->f_clock = clock_new(x, (t_method)incdec_clock); x->f_value = 0.; x->f_mouse_down = 0; x->f_out = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_float); ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); } return (x); }
static void *knob_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_knob *x = (t_knob *)eobj_new(knob_class); t_binbuf* d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc, argv); if(x && d) { ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, 0 | EBOX_GROWLINK); ebox_parameter_create((t_ebox *)x, 1); x->f_outlet = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_float); ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); return x; } return NULL; }
void *bang_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_bang *x = NULL; t_binbuf* d; long flags; if (!(d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc,argv))) return NULL; x = (t_bang *)eobj_new(bang_class); flags = 0 | EBOX_GROWLINK ; ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, flags); x->f_out = (t_outlet *)bangout((t_object *)x); x->f_active = 0; x->f_clock = clock_new(x,(t_method)bang_mouseup); ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); return (x); }
void *toggle_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_toggle *x = NULL; t_binbuf* d; long flags; if (!(d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc,argv))) return NULL; x = (t_toggle *)eobj_new(toggle_class); flags = 0 | EBOX_GROWLINK ; ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, flags); x->f_active = 0; x->f_out = (t_outlet *)floatout(x); ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); return (x); }
void *radio_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_radio *x = NULL; t_binbuf* d; long flags; if (!(d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc,argv))) return NULL; x = (t_radio *)eobj_new(radio_class); flags = 0 | EBOX_GROWINDI ; ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, flags); x->f_out = (t_outlet *)outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_anything); ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d);//To ensure the number of items has been setted before we compute the box size (not clean) ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); return (x); }
void *incdec_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_incdec *x = NULL; t_binbuf* d; long flags; if (!(d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc,argv))) return NULL; x = (t_incdec *)eobj_new(incdec_class); flags = 0 | EBOX_GROWINDI ; ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, flags); x->f_value = 0.; x->f_mouse_down = 0; x->f_out = (t_outlet *)floatout(x); ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); x->f_setted = 0; ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); return (x); }
void *plane_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_plane *x = NULL; t_binbuf* d; long flags; if (!(d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc,argv))) return NULL; x = (t_plane *)eobj_new(plane_class); flags = 0 | EBOX_GROWLINK ; ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, flags); x->f_out_x = (t_outlet *)floatout(x); x->f_out_y = (t_outlet *)floatout(x); x->f_position.x = 0.; x->f_position.y = 0.; ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); return (x); }
static void *preset_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_presetobj *x = (t_presetobj *)eobj_new(preset_class); t_binbuf* d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc,argv); if(x && d) { x->f_binbuf = (t_binbuf **)malloc(CREAM_MAXITEMS * sizeof(t_binbuf *)); for(int i = 0; i < CREAM_MAXITEMS; i++) { x->f_binbuf[i] = binbuf_new(); } ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, 0 | EBOX_GROWINDI); x->f_binbuf_selected = 0; x->f_binbuf_hover = 0; preset_init(x, d); ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); } return (x); }
static void *dsp_tilde_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { long flags; t_dsp_tilde *x = (t_dsp_tilde *)eobj_new(dsp_tildeclass); t_binbuf* d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc,argv); if(x && d) { flags = 0 | EBOX_GROWLINK ; ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, flags); eobj_proxynew(x); x->f_init = 0; ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); pd_bind((t_pd *)x, gensym("pd")); return x; } return NULL; }
void *filterview_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_filterview *x = NULL; t_binbuf* d; long flags; if (!(d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc,argv))) return NULL; x = (t_filterview *)ebox_alloc(filterview_class); flags = 0 | EBOX_GROWINDI ; ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, flags); x->j_box.b_firstin = (t_object *)x; x->f_out_coeffs = (t_outlet *)listout(x); x->f_out_config = (t_outlet *)anythingout(x); x->f_sample_rate = sys_getsr(); x->f_frequency_factor = 0.5; binbuf_attr_process(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); return (x); }
static void *tab_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_tab *x = (t_tab *)eobj_new(tab_class); t_binbuf* d = binbuf_via_atoms(argc,argv); if(x && d) { ebox_new((t_ebox *)x, 0 | EBOX_GROWINDI | EBOX_FONTSIZE); ebox_parameter_create((t_ebox *)x, 1); ebox_parameter_setsettergetter_text((t_ebox *)x, 1, (t_param_setter_t)tab_setter_t, (t_param_getter_t)tab_getter_t); x->f_out_index = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_float); x->f_out_item = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_list); x->f_out_hover = outlet_new((t_object *)x, &s_float); x->f_item_hover = -1; x->f_off = 1; ebox_attrprocess_viabinbuf(x, d); ebox_ready((t_ebox *)x); } return (x); }