Пример #1
bool ECLFilesComparator::gridCompare() const {
    const int globalGridCount1 = ecl_grid_get_global_size(ecl_grid1);
    const int activeGridCount1 = ecl_grid_get_active_size(ecl_grid1);
    const int globalGridCount2 = ecl_grid_get_global_size(ecl_grid2);
    const int activeGridCount2 = ecl_grid_get_active_size(ecl_grid2);
    if (globalGridCount1 != globalGridCount2) {
        OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Grid file: The total number of cells are different.");
        return false;
    if (activeGridCount1 != activeGridCount2) {
        OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Grid file: The number of active cells are different.");
        return false;
    return true;
Пример #2
ecl_grid_cache_type * ecl_grid_cache_alloc( const ecl_grid_type * grid ) {
  ecl_grid_cache_type * grid_cache = util_malloc( sizeof * grid_cache );

  grid_cache->grid          = grid;
  grid_cache->volume        = NULL;
  grid_cache->size          = ecl_grid_get_active_size( grid );
  grid_cache->xpos          = util_calloc( grid_cache->size , sizeof * grid_cache->xpos );
  grid_cache->ypos          = util_calloc( grid_cache->size , sizeof * grid_cache->ypos );
  grid_cache->zpos          = util_calloc( grid_cache->size , sizeof * grid_cache->zpos );
  grid_cache->global_index  = util_calloc( grid_cache->size , sizeof * grid_cache->global_index );
    int active_index;

    /* Go trough all the active cells and extract the cell center
       position and store it in xpos/ypos/zpos. */

    for (active_index = 0; active_index < grid_cache->size; active_index++) {
      int global_index = ecl_grid_get_global_index1A( grid , active_index );
      grid_cache->global_index[ active_index ] = global_index;
      ecl_grid_get_xyz1( grid , global_index ,
                         &grid_cache->xpos[ active_index ] ,
                         &grid_cache->ypos[ active_index ] ,
                         &grid_cache->zpos[ active_index ]);

  return grid_cache;
Пример #3
void IntegrationTest::setCellVolumes() {
    double absTolerance = getAbsTolerance();
    double relTolerance = getRelTolerance();
    const unsigned int globalGridCount1 = ecl_grid_get_global_size(ecl_grid1);
    const unsigned int activeGridCount1 = ecl_grid_get_active_size(ecl_grid1);
    const unsigned int globalGridCount2 = ecl_grid_get_global_size(ecl_grid2);
    const unsigned int activeGridCount2 = ecl_grid_get_active_size(ecl_grid2);
    if (globalGridCount1 != globalGridCount2) {
        OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "In grid file:"
                << "\nCells in first file: "  << globalGridCount1
                << "\nCells in second file: " << globalGridCount2
                << "\nThe number of global cells differ.");
    if (activeGridCount1 != activeGridCount2) {
        OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "In grid file:"
                << "\nCells in first file: "  << activeGridCount1
                << "\nCells in second file: " << activeGridCount2
                << "\nThe number of active cells differ.");
    for (unsigned int cell = 0; cell < globalGridCount1; ++cell) {
        const double cellVolume1 = ecl_grid_get_cell_volume1(ecl_grid1, cell);
        const double cellVolume2 = ecl_grid_get_cell_volume1(ecl_grid2, cell);
        Deviation dev = calculateDeviations(cellVolume1, cellVolume2);
        if (dev.abs > absTolerance && dev.rel > relTolerance) {
            int i, j, k;
            ecl_grid_get_ijk1(ecl_grid1, cell, &i, &j, &k);
            // Coordinates from this function are zero-based, hence incrementing
            i++, j++, k++;
            OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "In grid file: Deviations of cell volume exceed tolerances. "
                    << "\nFor cell with coordinate (" << i << ", " << j << ", " << k << "):"
                    << "\nCell volume in first file: "  << cellVolume1
                    << "\nCell volume in second file: " << cellVolume2
                    << "\nThe absolute deviation is " << dev.abs << ", and the tolerance limit is " << absTolerance << "."
                    << "\nThe relative deviation is " << dev.rel << ", and the tolerance limit is " << relTolerance << ".");
        } // The second input case is used as reference.
Пример #4
static ecl_kw_type * ecl_init_file_alloc_INTEHEAD( const ecl_grid_type * ecl_grid , int phases, time_t start_date , int simulator) {
  ecl_kw_type * intehead_kw = ecl_kw_alloc( INTEHEAD_KW , INTEHEAD_INIT_SIZE , ECL_INT_TYPE );
  ecl_kw_scalar_set_int( intehead_kw , 0 );

  ecl_kw_iset_int( intehead_kw , INTEHEAD_UNIT_INDEX    , INTEHEAD_METRIC_VALUE );
  ecl_kw_iset_int( intehead_kw , INTEHEAD_NX_INDEX      , ecl_grid_get_nx( ecl_grid ));
  ecl_kw_iset_int( intehead_kw , INTEHEAD_NY_INDEX      , ecl_grid_get_ny( ecl_grid ));
  ecl_kw_iset_int( intehead_kw , INTEHEAD_NZ_INDEX      , ecl_grid_get_nz( ecl_grid ));
  ecl_kw_iset_int( intehead_kw , INTEHEAD_NACTIVE_INDEX , ecl_grid_get_active_size( ecl_grid ));
  ecl_kw_iset_int( intehead_kw , INTEHEAD_PHASE_INDEX   , phases );
    int mday,month,year;
    ecl_util_set_date_values( start_date , &mday , &month , &year );
    ecl_kw_iset_int( intehead_kw , INTEHEAD_DAY_INDEX    , mday );
    ecl_kw_iset_int( intehead_kw , INTEHEAD_MONTH_INDEX  , month );
    ecl_kw_iset_int( intehead_kw , INTEHEAD_YEAR_INDEX   , year );
  ecl_kw_iset_int( intehead_kw , INTEHEAD_IPROG_INDEX , simulator);

  return intehead_kw;
Пример #5
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
  const char * case_path = argv[1];
  char * egrid_file  = ecl_util_alloc_filename( NULL , case_path , ECL_EGRID_FILE , false , 0 );
  char * rst_file    = ecl_util_alloc_filename( NULL , case_path , ECL_RESTART_FILE , false , 0 );
  char * init_file   = ecl_util_alloc_filename( NULL , case_path , ECL_INIT_FILE , false , 0 );
  ecl_grid_type * GRID      = ecl_grid_alloc(egrid_file );
  ecl_file_type * RST_file  = ecl_file_open( rst_file , 0);
  ecl_file_type * INIT_file = ecl_file_open( init_file , 0);

    test_assert_true( ecl_grid_have_coarse_cells( GRID ) );
    test_assert_int_equal( ecl_grid_get_num_coarse_groups( GRID ) , 3384);

    const ecl_kw_type * swat0 = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( RST_file , "SWAT" , 0 );
    const ecl_kw_type * porv  = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( INIT_file , "PORV" , 0 );
    test_assert_int_equal( ecl_kw_get_size( swat0 ) , ecl_grid_get_active_size( GRID ) );
    test_assert_int_equal( ecl_kw_get_size( porv )  , ecl_grid_get_global_size( GRID ) );
    int ic;
    for (ic = 0; ic < ecl_grid_get_num_coarse_groups(GRID); ic++) {
      ecl_coarse_cell_type * coarse_cell = ecl_grid_iget_coarse_group( GRID , ic );
      test_coarse_cell( GRID , coarse_cell );

  ecl_file_close( INIT_file );
  ecl_file_close( RST_file );
  ecl_grid_free( GRID );
Пример #6
int field_config_get_data_size_from_grid(const field_config_type * config) {
    return config->keep_inactive_cells ? ecl_grid_get_global_size(config->grid) : ecl_grid_get_active_size(config->grid);
Пример #7
static double gravity_response(const ecl_grid_type * ecl_grid      , 
                               const ecl_file_type * init_file     , 
                               const ecl_file_type * restart_file1 , 
                               const ecl_file_type * restart_file2 ,
                               const grav_station_type * grav_station , 
                               int model_phases, 
                               int file_phases) {
  ecl_kw_type * rporv1_kw   = NULL;  
  ecl_kw_type * rporv2_kw   = NULL;
  ecl_kw_type * oil_den1_kw = NULL;  
  ecl_kw_type * oil_den2_kw = NULL;
  ecl_kw_type * gas_den1_kw = NULL;
  ecl_kw_type * gas_den2_kw = NULL;
  ecl_kw_type * wat_den1_kw = NULL;
  ecl_kw_type * wat_den2_kw = NULL;
  ecl_kw_type * sgas1_kw    = NULL;
  ecl_kw_type * sgas2_kw    = NULL;
  ecl_kw_type * swat1_kw    = NULL;
  ecl_kw_type * swat2_kw    = NULL;
  ecl_kw_type * aquifern_kw = NULL ;
  double local_deltag = 0;

  /* Extracting the pore volumes */
  rporv1_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( restart_file1 , "RPORV" , 0);      
  rporv2_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( restart_file2 , "RPORV" , 0);      
  /** Extracting the densities */
    // OIL_DEN
    if( has_phase(model_phases , OIL) ) {
      if (simulator == ECLIPSE100) {
        oil_den1_kw  = ecl_file_iget_named_kw(restart_file1, "OIL_DEN", 0);
        oil_den2_kw  = ecl_file_iget_named_kw(restart_file2, "OIL_DEN", 0);
      } else { // ECLIPSE300
        oil_den1_kw  = ecl_file_iget_named_kw(restart_file1, "DENO", 0);
        oil_den2_kw  = ecl_file_iget_named_kw(restart_file2, "DENO", 0);
      } ;
    // GAS_DEN
    if( has_phase( model_phases , GAS) ) {
      if (simulator == ECLIPSE100) {
        gas_den1_kw  = ecl_file_iget_named_kw(restart_file1, "GAS_DEN", 0);
        gas_den2_kw  = ecl_file_iget_named_kw(restart_file2, "GAS_DEN", 0);
      } else { // ECLIPSE300
        gas_den1_kw  = ecl_file_iget_named_kw(restart_file1, "DENG", 0);
        gas_den2_kw  = ecl_file_iget_named_kw(restart_file2, "DENG", 0);
      } ;
    // WAT_DEN
    if( has_phase( model_phases , WATER) ) {
      if (simulator == ECLIPSE100) {
        wat_den1_kw  = ecl_file_iget_named_kw(restart_file1, "WAT_DEN", 0);
        wat_den2_kw  = ecl_file_iget_named_kw(restart_file2, "WAT_DEN", 0);
      } else { // ECLIPSE300
        wat_den1_kw  = ecl_file_iget_named_kw(restart_file1, "DENW", 0);
        wat_den2_kw  = ecl_file_iget_named_kw(restart_file2, "DENW", 0);
      } ;
  /* Extracting the saturations */
    // SGAS
    if( has_phase( file_phases , GAS )) {
      sgas1_kw     = ecl_file_iget_named_kw(restart_file1, "SGAS", 0);
      sgas2_kw     = ecl_file_iget_named_kw(restart_file2, "SGAS", 0);
    // SWAT
    if( has_phase( file_phases , WATER )) {
      swat1_kw     = ecl_file_iget_named_kw(restart_file1, "SWAT", 0);
      swat2_kw     = ecl_file_iget_named_kw(restart_file2, "SWAT", 0);
  /* The numerical aquifer information */
  if( ecl_file_has_kw( init_file , "AQUIFERN")) 
    aquifern_kw     = ecl_file_iget_named_kw(init_file, "AQUIFERN", 0);
    int     nactive  = ecl_grid_get_active_size( ecl_grid );
    float * zero     = util_calloc( nactive , sizeof * zero     );    /* Fake vector of zeros used for densities / sturations when you do not have data. */
    int   * int_zero = util_calloc( nactive , sizeof * int_zero );    /* Fake vector of zeros used for AQUIFER when the init file does not supply data. */
       Observe that the fake vectors are only a coding simplification,
       they should not be really used.

      int i;
      for (i=0; i < nactive; i++) {
        zero[i]     = 0;
        int_zero[i] = 0;
      const float * sgas1_v   = safe_get_float_ptr( sgas1_kw    , NULL );
      const float * swat1_v   = safe_get_float_ptr( swat1_kw    , NULL );
      const float * oil_den1  = safe_get_float_ptr( oil_den1_kw , zero );
      const float * gas_den1  = safe_get_float_ptr( gas_den1_kw , zero );
      const float * wat_den1  = safe_get_float_ptr( wat_den1_kw , zero );
      const float * sgas2_v   = safe_get_float_ptr( sgas2_kw    , NULL );
      const float * swat2_v   = safe_get_float_ptr( swat2_kw    , NULL );
      const float * oil_den2  = safe_get_float_ptr( oil_den2_kw , zero );
      const float * gas_den2  = safe_get_float_ptr( gas_den2_kw , zero );
      const float * wat_den2  = safe_get_float_ptr( wat_den2_kw , zero );
      const float * rporv1    = ecl_kw_get_float_ptr(rporv1_kw);
      const float * rporv2    = ecl_kw_get_float_ptr(rporv2_kw);
      double utm_x = grav_station->utm_x;
      double utm_y = grav_station->utm_y;
      double tvd   = grav_station->depth;
      int   * aquifern;
      int global_index;
      if (aquifern_kw != NULL)
        aquifern = ecl_kw_get_int_ptr( aquifern_kw );
        aquifern = int_zero;

      for (global_index=0;global_index < ecl_grid_get_global_size( ecl_grid ); global_index++){
        const int act_index = ecl_grid_get_active_index1( ecl_grid , global_index );
        if (act_index >= 0) {

          // Not numerical aquifer 
          if(aquifern[act_index] >= 0){ 
            float swat1 = swat1_v[act_index];
            float swat2 = swat2_v[act_index];
            float sgas1 = 0;
            float sgas2 = 0;
            float soil1 = 0;
            float soil2 = 0;

            truncate_saturation( &swat1 );
            truncate_saturation( &swat2 );
            if (has_phase( model_phases , GAS)) {
              if (has_phase( file_phases , GAS )) {
                sgas1 = sgas1_v[act_index];
                sgas2 = sgas2_v[act_index];
                truncate_saturation( &sgas1 );
                truncate_saturation( &sgas2 );
              } else {
                sgas1 = 1 - swat1;
                sgas2 = 1 - swat2;
            if (has_phase( model_phases , OIL )) {
              soil1 =  1 - sgas1  - swat1;
              soil2 =  1 - sgas2  - swat2;
              truncate_saturation( &soil1 );
              truncate_saturation( &soil2 );
               We have found all the info we need for one cell.
              double  mas1 , mas2;
              double  xpos , ypos , zpos;
              mas1 = rporv1[act_index]*(soil1 * oil_den1[act_index] + sgas1 * gas_den1[act_index] + swat1 * wat_den1[act_index] );
              mas2 = rporv2[act_index]*(soil2 * oil_den2[act_index] + sgas2 * gas_den2[act_index] + swat2 * wat_den2[act_index] );
              ecl_grid_get_xyz1(ecl_grid , global_index , &xpos , &ypos , &zpos);
                double dist_x   = xpos - utm_x;
                double dist_y   = ypos - utm_y;
                double dist_d   = zpos - tvd;
                double dist_sq  = dist_x*dist_x + dist_y*dist_y + dist_d*dist_d;
                if(dist_sq == 0){
                local_deltag += 6.67428E-3*(mas2 - mas1)*dist_d/pow(dist_sq, 1.5); // Gravity in units of \mu Gal = 10^{-8} m/s^2
    free( zero );
    free( int_zero );
  return local_deltag;