Пример #1
void ColorEdge::detectColorEdge(const cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3b> &image, cv::Mat_<uchar> &edge)
    cv::Mat_<double> edge_map(image.size());
    const int filter_half = static_cast<int>(filter_size_ / 2);

    for(int y = filter_half; y < (edge_map.rows - filter_half); ++y)
        for(int x = filter_half; x < (edge_map.cols - filter_half); ++x)
            cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3b> roi(image, cv::Rect(x - filter_half, y - filter_half, filter_size_, filter_size_));
            edge_map(y, x) = calculateMVD(roi);
    edge_map.convertTo(edge, edge.type());
Пример #2
SeedFeature::SeedFeature( const ImageOverSegmentation & ios, const VectorXf & obj_param ) {
	Image rgb_im = ios.image();
	const RMatrixXs & s = ios.s();
	const int Ns = ios.Ns(), W = rgb_im.W(), H = rgb_im.H();
	// Initialize various values
	VectorXf area  = bin( s, 1, [&](int x, int y){ return 1.f; } );
	VectorXf norm = (area.array()+1e-10).cwiseInverse();
	pos_ = norm.asDiagonal() * bin( s, 6, [&](int i, int j){ float x=1.0*i/(W-1)-0.5,y=1.0*j/(H-1)-0.5; return makeArray<6>( x, y, x*x, y*y, fabs(x), fabs(y) ); } );
		Image lab_im;
		rgb2lab( lab_im, rgb_im );
		col_ = norm.asDiagonal() * bin( s, 6, [&](int x, int y){ return makeArray<6>( rgb_im(y,x, 0), rgb_im(y,x,1), rgb_im(y,x,2), lab_im(y,x,0), lab_im(y,x,1), lab_im(y,x,2) ); } );
	const int N_GEO = sizeof(EDGE_P)/sizeof(EDGE_P[0]);
	for( int i=0; i<N_GEO; i++ )
		gdist_.push_back( GeodesicDistance(ios.edges(),ios.edgeWeights().array().pow(EDGE_P[i])+1e-3) );
	// Compute the static features
	static_f_ = RMatrixXf::Zero( Ns, N_STATIC_F );
	int o=0;
	// Add the position features
	static_f_.block( 0, o, Ns, N_STATIC_POS ) = pos_.leftCols( N_STATIC_POS );
	// Add the geodesic features
	if( N_STATIC_GEO >= N_GEO ) {
		RMatrixXu8 bnd = findBoundary( s );
		RMatrixXf mask = (bnd.array() == 0).cast<float>()*1e10;
		for( int i=0; i<N_GEO; i++ )
			static_f_.col( o++ ) = gdist_[i].compute( mask );
		for( int j=1; (j+1)*N_GEO<=N_STATIC_GEO; j++ ) {
			mask = (bnd.array() != j).cast<float>()*1e10;
			for( int i=0; i<N_GEO; i++ )
				static_f_.col( o++ ) = gdist_[i].compute( mask );
	if( N_STATIC_EDGE ) {
		RMatrixXf edge_map = DirectedSobel().detect( ios.image() );
		for( int j=0; j<s.rows(); j++ )
			for( int i=0; i<s.cols(); i++ ) {
				const int id = s(j,i);
				int bin = edge_map(j,i)*N_STATIC_EDGE;
				if ( bin < 0 ) bin = 0;
				if ( bin >= N_STATIC_EDGE ) bin = N_STATIC_EDGE-1;
				static_f_(id,o+bin) += norm[id];
	if( N_OBJ_F>1 )
		static_f_.col(o++) = (computeObjFeatures(ios)*obj_param).transpose();
	// Initialize the dynamic features
	dynamic_f_ = RMatrixXf::Zero( Ns, N_DYNAMIC_F );
	n_ = 0;
	min_dist_ = RMatrixXf::Ones(Ns,5)*10;
	var_      = RMatrixXf::Zero(Ns,6);
Пример #3
void ExtractEdges::calculate_quadratic_tetrahedra_connections(
    const kvs::UnstructuredVolumeObject* volume )
    const kvs::UInt32* connections = volume->connections().data();
    const size_t ncells = volume->numberOfCells();
    const size_t nnodes = volume->numberOfNodes();

    ::EdgeMap edge_map( nnodes );
    for ( size_t cell_index = 0, connection_index = 0; cell_index < ncells; cell_index++ )
        const kvs::UInt32 local_vertex0 = connections[ connection_index     ];
        const kvs::UInt32 local_vertex1 = connections[ connection_index + 1 ];
        const kvs::UInt32 local_vertex2 = connections[ connection_index + 2 ];
        const kvs::UInt32 local_vertex3 = connections[ connection_index + 3 ];
        const kvs::UInt32 local_vertex4 = connections[ connection_index + 4 ];
        const kvs::UInt32 local_vertex5 = connections[ connection_index + 5 ];
        const kvs::UInt32 local_vertex6 = connections[ connection_index + 6 ];
        const kvs::UInt32 local_vertex7 = connections[ connection_index + 7 ];
        const kvs::UInt32 local_vertex8 = connections[ connection_index + 8 ];
        const kvs::UInt32 local_vertex9 = connections[ connection_index + 9 ];
        connection_index += 10;

        edge_map.insert( local_vertex0, local_vertex4 );
        edge_map.insert( local_vertex4, local_vertex1 );
        edge_map.insert( local_vertex0, local_vertex5 );
        edge_map.insert( local_vertex5, local_vertex2 );
        edge_map.insert( local_vertex0, local_vertex6 );
        edge_map.insert( local_vertex6, local_vertex3 );
        edge_map.insert( local_vertex1, local_vertex7 );
        edge_map.insert( local_vertex7, local_vertex2 );
        edge_map.insert( local_vertex2, local_vertex8 );
        edge_map.insert( local_vertex8, local_vertex3 );
        edge_map.insert( local_vertex3, local_vertex9 );
        edge_map.insert( local_vertex9, local_vertex1 );

    SuperClass::setConnections( edge_map.serialize() );
Пример #4
RMatrixXf SeedFeature::computeObjFeatures( const ImageOverSegmentation & ios ) {
	Image rgb_im = ios.image();
	const RMatrixXs & s = ios.s();
	const Edges & g = ios.edges();
	const int Ns = ios.Ns();
	RMatrixXf r = RMatrixXf::Zero( Ns, N_OBJ_F );
	if( N_OBJ_F<=1 ) return r;
	VectorXf area  = bin( s, 1, [&](int x, int y){ return 1.f; } );
	VectorXf norm = (area.array()+1e-10).cwiseInverse();
	int o = 1;
	if (N_OBJ_COL>=6) {
		Image lab_im;
		rgb2lab( lab_im, rgb_im );
		r.middleCols(o,6) = norm.asDiagonal() * bin( s, 6, [&](int x, int y){ return makeArray<6>( lab_im(y,x,0), lab_im(y,x,1), lab_im(y,x,2), lab_im(y,x,0)*lab_im(y,x,0), lab_im(y,x,1)*lab_im(y,x,1), lab_im(y,x,2)*lab_im(y,x,2) ); } );
		RMatrixXf col = r.middleCols(o,3);
		if( N_OBJ_COL >= 9)
			r.middleCols(o+6,3) = col.array().square();
		o += N_OBJ_COL;
		// Add color difference features
		if( N_OBJ_COL_DIFF ) {
			RMatrixXf bcol = RMatrixXf::Ones( col.rows(), col.cols()+1 );
			bcol.leftCols(3) = col;
			for( int it=0; it*3+2<N_OBJ_COL_DIFF; it++ ) {
				// Apply a box filter on the graph
				RMatrixXf tmp = bcol;
				for( const auto & e: g ) {
					tmp.row(e.a) += bcol.row(e.b);
					tmp.row(e.b) += bcol.row(e.a);
				bcol = tmp.col(3).cwiseInverse().asDiagonal()*tmp;
				r.middleCols(o,3) = (bcol.leftCols(3)-col).array().abs();
				o += 3;
	if( N_OBJ_POS >= 2 ) {
		RMatrixXf xy = norm.asDiagonal() * bin( s, 2, [&](int x, int y){ return makeArray<2>( 1.0*x/(s.cols()-1)-0.5, 1.0*y/(s.rows()-1)-0.5 ); } );
		r.middleCols(o,2) = xy;
		if( N_OBJ_POS >=4 ) {
			r.middleCols(o,2) = xy.array().square();
	if( N_OBJ_EDGE ) {
		RMatrixXf edge_map = DirectedSobel().detect( rgb_im );
		for( int j=0; j<s.rows(); j++ )
			for( int i=0; i<s.cols(); i++ ) {
				const int id = s(j,i);
				int bin = edge_map(j,i)*N_OBJ_EDGE;
				if ( bin < 0 ) bin = 0;
				if ( bin >= N_OBJ_EDGE ) bin = N_OBJ_EDGE-1;
				r(id,o+bin) += norm[id];
		o += N_OBJ_EDGE;
	const int N_BASIC = o-1;
	// Add in context features
	for( int i=0; i<N_OBJ_CONTEXT; i++ ) {
		const int o0 = o - N_BASIC;
		// Box filter the edges
		RMatrixXf f = RMatrixXf::Ones( Ns, N_BASIC+1 ), bf = RMatrixXf::Zero( Ns, N_BASIC+1 );
		f.rightCols( N_BASIC ) = r.middleCols(o0,N_BASIC);
		for( Edge e: g ) {
			bf.row(e.a) += f.row(e.b);
			bf.row(e.b) += f.row(e.a);
		r.middleCols(o,N_BASIC) = bf.col(0).array().max(1e-10f).inverse().matrix().asDiagonal() * bf.rightCols(N_BASIC);
		o += N_BASIC;
	return r;
Пример #5
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    ros::init(argc, argv, "dml_test");
    ros::NodeHandle nh;

    rgbd::Client client;

    ros::Rate r(30);
    while (ros::ok())

        rgbd::Image image;
        if (!client.nextImage(image))

        cv::Mat depth_original = image.getDepthImage();
        if (!depth_original.data)

        // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        // Downsample depth image

        cv::Mat depth;
        if (factor == 1)
            depth = depth_original;
            depth = cv::Mat(depth_original.rows / factor, depth_original.cols / factor, CV_32FC1, 0.0);

            for(int y = 0; y < depth.rows; ++y)
                for(int x = 0; x < depth.cols; ++x)
                    depth.at<float>(y, x) = depth_original.at<float>(y * factor, x * factor);

        // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        rgbd::View view(image, depth.cols);

        tue::Timer timer;

        EdgeMap edge_map(view);

        // - - - - - - - - - - - - HORIZONTAL - - - - - - - - - - - -

        for(int y = 0; y < depth.rows; ++y)
            int x = 0;
            int x_start;
            float d_last;
            int x_last;

            // Find first valid value
            for(; x < depth.cols; ++x)
                float d = depth.at<float>(y, x);
                if (d == d && d > 0)
                    x_start = x;
                    x_last = x;
                    d_last = d;

            for(; x < depth.cols; ++x)
                int x_end = x;

                float d = depth.at<float>(y, x);
                if (d != d || d == 0)

                bool check_edge = false;
                int new_x_start;

                if (std::abs(d - d_last) > d * 0.1)
                    if (d < d_last && d < max_range)
                        edge_map.addEdgePoint(x, y, 1, 0);
                    else if (d_last < max_range)
                        edge_map.addEdgePoint(x_last, y, 1, 0);

                    new_x_start = x;
                    check_edge = true;
                else if (x_end - x_start >= max_segment_size)
                    check_edge = true;
                    new_x_start = (x_start + x_end) / 2;

                if (check_edge)
                    int x_edge = findEdgeHorizontal(y, x_start, x_end, view, edge_map);

                    if (x_edge >= 0)
                        x = x_edge;

                    x_start = new_x_start;

                d_last = depth.at<float>(y, x);
                x_last = x;

        // - - - - - - - - - - - - VERTICAL - - - - - - - - - - - -

        for(int x = 0; x < depth.cols; ++x)
            int y = 0;
            int y_start;
            float d_last;
            int y_last;

            // Find first valid value
            for(; y < depth.rows; ++y)
                float d = depth.at<float>(y, x);
                if (d == d && d > 0)
                    y_start = y;
                    y_last = y;
                    d_last = d;

            for(; y < depth.rows; ++y)
                int y_end = y;

                float d = depth.at<float>(y, x);
                if (d != d || d == 0)

                bool check_edge = false;
                int new_y_start;

                if (std::abs(d - d_last) > d * 0.1)
                    if (d < d_last && d < max_range)
                        edge_map.addEdgePoint(x, y, 0, 1);
                    else if (d_last < max_range)
                        edge_map.addEdgePoint(x, y_last, 0, -1);

                    new_y_start = y;
                    check_edge = true;
                else if (y_end - y_start >= max_segment_size)
                    check_edge = true;
                    new_y_start = (y_start + y_end) / 2;

                if (check_edge)
                    int y_edge = findEdgeVertical(x, y_start, y_end, view, edge_map);

                    if (y_edge >= 0)
                        y = y_edge;

                    y_start = new_y_start;

                d_last = depth.at<float>(y, x);
                y_last = y;

        std::cout << std::endl;
        std::cout << timer.getElapsedTimeInMilliSec() << " ms" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Number of edge points = " << edge_map.features.size() << std::endl;

        // ICP

        tue::Timer timer_icp;

        pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr pc(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);

        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < edge_map.features.size(); ++i)
            const EdgeFeature& f = edge_map.features[i];
            pc->push_back(pcl::PointXYZ(f.point.x, f.point.y, f.point.z));

        pcl::KdTreeFLANN<pcl::PointXYZ> tree;

        std::cout << "ICP: " << timer_icp.getElapsedTimeInMilliSec() << " ms" << std::endl;

        if (visualize)
            cv::Mat canvas(depth.rows, depth.cols, CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(50, 50, 50));
            for(int i = 0; i < depth.cols * depth.rows; ++i)
                float d = depth.at<float>(i);
                if (d == d)
                    int c = d / 8 * 255;
                    canvas.at<cv::Vec3b>(i) = cv::Vec3b(c, c, c);
                    canvas.at<cv::Vec3b>(i) = cv::Vec3b(100, 0, 0);

            for(std::vector<EdgeFeature>::const_iterator it = edge_map.features.begin(); it != edge_map.features.end(); ++it)
                const EdgeFeature& f = *it;

                if (f.dx == -1)
                    canvas.at<cv::Vec3b>(f.y, f.x) = cv::Vec3b(255, 0, 0);
                else if (f.dx == 1)
                    canvas.at<cv::Vec3b>(f.y, f.x) = cv::Vec3b(255, 255, 0);
                else if (f.dy == -1)
                    canvas.at<cv::Vec3b>(f.y, f.x) = cv::Vec3b(0, 255, 0);
                else if (f.dy == 1)
                    canvas.at<cv::Vec3b>(f.y, f.x) = cv::Vec3b(0, 255, 255);

            cv::imshow("edges", canvas);




    return 0;