/* * Now returns non-negative number for success, negative for failure. */ int ei_rpc_to(ei_cnode *ec, int fd, char *mod, char *fun, const char *buf, int len) { ei_x_buff x; erlang_pid *self = ei_self(ec); self->num = fd; /* encode header */ ei_x_new_with_version(&x); ei_x_encode_tuple_header(&x, 2); /* A */ self->num = fd; ei_x_encode_pid(&x, self); /* A 1 */ ei_x_encode_tuple_header(&x, 5); /* B A 2 */ ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "call"); /* B 1 */ ei_x_encode_atom(&x, mod); /* B 2 */ ei_x_encode_atom(&x, fun); /* B 3 */ ei_x_append_buf(&x, buf, len); /* B 4 */ ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "user"); /* B 5 */ /* ei_x_encode_atom(&x,"user"); */ ei_send_reg_encoded(fd, self, "rex", x.buff, x.index); ei_x_free(&x); return 0; } /* rpc_to */
int gn_start_cnode(char **argv) { extern ei_cnode ec; char rem_node_name[MAXATOMLEN] = ""; /* other node name */ ei_x_buff xbuf; erlang_pid *self = ei_self(&ec); strcat(rem_node_name,REMNODE); strcat(rem_node_name,"@"); strcat(rem_node_name,REMHOST); rem_regname = g_strdup(REMREG); g_print("I am %s, you are %s (%d)\n", NODE_NAME, rem_node_name, ERL_DIST_VSN); ei_set_compat_rel(ERL_DIST_VSN); /* erlnode version of dist. protocol */ if ( ei_connect_init(&ec, NODE_NAME, COOKIE, CREATION) < 0 ) g_critical("ei_connect_init"); if ( (fd = ei_connect(&ec, rem_node_name)) < 0 ) g_critical("ei_connect failed.\nwrong cookie? erl-dist version mismatch?"); self->num = fd; /* bug?? in ei_reg_send_tmo */ ei_x_new_with_version(&xbuf); gn_wrap_ans("handshake", &xbuf); ei_x_encode_empty_list(&xbuf); gn_send(&xbuf); ei_x_free(&xbuf); return fd; }
int ei_reg_send_tmo(ei_cnode* ec, int fd, char *server_name, char* buf, int len, unsigned ms) { erlang_pid *self = ei_self(ec); self->num = fd; /* erl_errno and return code is set by ei_reg_send_encoded_tmo() */ return ei_send_reg_encoded_tmo(fd, self, server_name, buf, len, ms); }
/* function to spawn a process on a remote node */ int ei_spawn(struct ei_cnode_s *ec, int sockfd, erlang_ref * ref, char *module, char *function, int argc, char **argv) { int i; ei_x_buff buf; ei_x_new_with_version(&buf); ei_x_encode_tuple_header(&buf, 3); ei_x_encode_atom(&buf, "$gen_call"); ei_x_encode_tuple_header(&buf, 2); ei_x_encode_pid(&buf, ei_self(ec)); ei_init_ref(ec, ref); ei_x_encode_ref(&buf, ref); ei_x_encode_tuple_header(&buf, 5); ei_x_encode_atom(&buf, "spawn"); ei_x_encode_atom(&buf, module); ei_x_encode_atom(&buf, function); /* argument list */ if (argc < 0) { ei_x_encode_list_header(&buf, argc); for (i = 0; i < argc && argv[i]; i++) { ei_x_encode_atom(&buf, argv[i]); } } ei_x_encode_empty_list(&buf); /*if (i != argc - 1) { */ /* horked argument list */ /*} */ ei_x_encode_pid(&buf, ei_self(ec)); /* should really be a valid group leader */ #ifdef EI_DEBUG ei_x_print_reg_msg(&buf, "net_kernel", 1); #endif return ei_reg_send(ec, sockfd, "net_kernel", buf.buff, buf.index); }
switch_status_t add_fetch_handler(ei_node_t *ei_node, erlang_pid *from, switch_xml_binding_t *binding) { ei_xml_agent_t *agent; ei_xml_client_t *client; fetch_handler_t *fetch_handler; agent = (ei_xml_agent_t *)switch_xml_get_binding_user_data(binding); /* write-lock the agent */ switch_thread_rwlock_wrlock(agent->lock); if (!(client = find_xml_client(ei_node, agent))) { client = add_xml_client(ei_node, agent); } fetch_handler = client->fetch_handlers; while (fetch_handler != NULL) { if (ei_compare_pids(&fetch_handler->pid, from) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_thread_rwlock_unlock(agent->lock); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } fetch_handler = fetch_handler->next; } switch_malloc(fetch_handler, sizeof(*fetch_handler)); memcpy(&fetch_handler->pid, from, sizeof(erlang_pid));; fetch_handler->next = NULL; if (client->fetch_handlers) { fetch_handler->next = client->fetch_handlers; } client->fetch_handlers = fetch_handler; switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Added %s XML handler %s <%d.%d.%d>\n" ,xml_section_to_string(agent->section) ,fetch_handler->pid.node ,fetch_handler->pid.creation ,fetch_handler->pid.num ,fetch_handler->pid.serial); switch_thread_rwlock_unlock(agent->lock); ei_link(ei_node, ei_self(&globals.ei_cnode), from); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
static switch_status_t handle_msg_bind(listener_t *listener, erlang_msg * msg, ei_x_buff * buf, ei_x_buff * rbuf) { /* format is (result|config|directory|dialplan|phrases) */ char sectionstr[MAXATOMLEN]; switch_xml_section_t section; if (ei_decode_atom(buf->buff, &buf->index, sectionstr) || !(section = switch_xml_parse_section_string(sectionstr))) { ei_x_encode_tuple_header(rbuf, 2); ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "error"); ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "badarg"); } else { struct erlang_binding *binding, *ptr; if (!(binding = switch_core_alloc(listener->pool, sizeof(*binding)))) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Memory Error\n"); ei_x_encode_tuple_header(rbuf, 2); ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "error"); ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "badmem"); } else { binding->section = section; binding->process.type = ERLANG_PID; binding->process.pid = msg->from; binding->listener = listener; switch_thread_rwlock_wrlock(globals.listener_rwlock); for (ptr = bindings.head; ptr && ptr->next; ptr = ptr->next); if (ptr) { ptr->next = binding; } else { bindings.head = binding; } switch_xml_set_binding_sections(bindings.search_binding, switch_xml_get_binding_sections(bindings.search_binding) | section); switch_thread_rwlock_unlock(globals.listener_rwlock); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "sections %d\n", switch_xml_get_binding_sections(bindings.search_binding)); ei_link(listener, ei_self(listener->ec), &msg->from); ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "ok"); } } return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
int main(void) #endif { ErlConnect conp; Erl_IpAddr thisipaddr = (Erl_IpAddr)0; FILE *fp = (FILE *)0; char* charp = "foo"; double *doublep = NULL; double doublex = 0.0; ei_cnode xec; ei_reg *ei_regp = NULL; ei_term eterm; ei_x_buff eix; erlang_big *bigp = NULL; erlang_fun efun; erlang_msg *msgp = NULL; erlang_msg emsg; erlang_pid *pidp = NULL; erlang_pid epid; erlang_port eport; erlang_ref eref; erlang_trace etrace; int *intp = NULL; int intx = 0; long *longp = NULL; long longx = 0; short creation = 0; struct ei_reg_stat *ei_reg_statp = NULL; struct ei_reg_tabstat *ei_reg_tabstatp = NULL; struct hostent *hostp = NULL; unsigned char * ucharp = (unsigned char *)"foo"; unsigned long *ulongp = NULL; unsigned long ulongx = 0; void *voidp = NULL; #ifndef VXWORKS EI_LONGLONG *longlongp = (EI_LONGLONG*)NULL; EI_LONGLONG longlongx = 0; EI_ULONGLONG *ulonglongp = (EI_ULONGLONG*)NULL; EI_ULONGLONG ulonglongx = 0; #endif enum erlang_char_encoding enc; intx = erl_errno; ei_connect_init(&xec, charp, charp, creation); ei_connect_xinit (&xec, charp, charp, charp, thisipaddr, charp, creation); ei_connect(&xec, charp); ei_xconnect (&xec, thisipaddr, charp); ei_receive(intx, ucharp, intx); ei_receive_msg(intx, &emsg, &eix); ei_xreceive_msg(intx, &emsg, &eix); ei_send(intx, &epid, charp, intx); ei_reg_send(&xec, intx, charp, charp, intx); ei_rpc(&xec, intx, charp, charp, charp, intx, &eix); ei_rpc_to(&xec, intx, charp, charp, charp, intx); ei_rpc_from(&xec, intx, intx, &emsg, &eix); ei_publish(&xec, intx); ei_accept(&xec, intx, &conp); ei_unpublish(&xec); ei_thisnodename(&xec); ei_thishostname(&xec); ei_thisalivename(&xec); ei_self(&xec); ei_gethostbyname(charp); ei_gethostbyaddr(charp, intx, intx); ei_gethostbyname_r(charp, hostp, charp, intx, intp); ei_gethostbyaddr_r(charp, intx, intx, hostp, charp, intx, intp); ei_encode_version(charp, intp); ei_x_encode_version(&eix); ei_encode_long(charp, intp, longx); ei_x_encode_long(&eix, longx); ei_encode_ulong(charp, intp, ulongx); ei_x_encode_ulong(&eix, ulongx); ei_encode_double(charp, intp, doublex); ei_x_encode_double(&eix, doublex); ei_encode_boolean(charp, intp, intx); ei_x_encode_boolean(&eix, intx); ei_encode_char(charp, intp, 'a'); ei_x_encode_char(&eix, 'a'); ei_encode_string(charp, intp, charp); ei_encode_string_len(charp, intp, charp, intx); ei_x_encode_string(&eix, charp); ei_x_encode_string_len(&eix, charp, intx); ei_encode_atom(charp, intp, charp); ei_encode_atom_as(charp, intp, charp, ERLANG_LATIN1, ERLANG_UTF8); ei_encode_atom_len(charp, intp, charp, intx); ei_encode_atom_len_as(charp, intp, charp, intx, ERLANG_ASCII, ERLANG_LATIN1); ei_x_encode_atom(&eix, charp); ei_x_encode_atom_as(&eix, charp, ERLANG_LATIN1, ERLANG_UTF8); ei_x_encode_atom_len(&eix, charp, intx); ei_x_encode_atom_len_as(&eix, charp, intx, ERLANG_LATIN1, ERLANG_UTF8); ei_encode_binary(charp, intp, (void *)0, longx); ei_x_encode_binary(&eix, (void*)0, intx); ei_encode_pid(charp, intp, &epid); ei_x_encode_pid(&eix, &epid); ei_encode_fun(charp, intp, &efun); ei_x_encode_fun(&eix, &efun); ei_encode_port(charp, intp, &eport); ei_x_encode_port(&eix, &eport); ei_encode_ref(charp, intp, &eref); ei_x_encode_ref(&eix, &eref); ei_encode_trace(charp, intp, &etrace); ei_x_encode_trace(&eix, &etrace); ei_encode_tuple_header(charp, intp, intx); ei_x_encode_tuple_header(&eix, longx); ei_encode_list_header(charp, intp, intx); ei_x_encode_list_header(&eix, longx); /* #define ei_encode_empty_list(buf,i) ei_encode_list_header(buf,i,0) */ ei_x_encode_empty_list(&eix); ei_get_type(charp, intp, intp, intp); ei_get_type_internal(charp, intp, intp, intp); ei_decode_version(charp, intp, intp); ei_decode_long(charp, intp, longp); ei_decode_ulong(charp, intp, ulongp); ei_decode_double(charp, intp, doublep); ei_decode_boolean(charp, intp, intp); ei_decode_char(charp, intp, charp); ei_decode_string(charp, intp, charp); ei_decode_atom(charp, intp, charp); ei_decode_atom_as(charp, intp, charp, MAXATOMLEN_UTF8, ERLANG_WHATEVER, &enc, &enc); ei_decode_binary(charp, intp, (void *)0, longp); ei_decode_fun(charp, intp, &efun); free_fun(&efun); ei_decode_pid(charp, intp, &epid); ei_decode_port(charp, intp, &eport); ei_decode_ref(charp, intp, &eref); ei_decode_trace(charp, intp, &etrace); ei_decode_tuple_header(charp, intp, intp); ei_decode_list_header(charp, intp, intp); ei_decode_ei_term(charp, intp, &eterm); ei_print_term(fp, charp, intp); ei_s_print_term(&charp, charp, intp); ei_x_format(&eix, charp); ei_x_format_wo_ver(&eix, charp); ei_x_new(&eix); ei_x_new_with_version(&eix); ei_x_free(&eix); ei_x_append(&eix, &eix); ei_x_append_buf(&eix, charp, intx); ei_skip_term(charp, intp); ei_reg_open(intx); ei_reg_resize(ei_regp, intx); ei_reg_close(ei_regp); ei_reg_setival(ei_regp, charp, longx); ei_reg_setfval(ei_regp, charp, doublex); ei_reg_setsval(ei_regp, charp, charp); ei_reg_setpval(ei_regp, charp, voidp, intx); ei_reg_setval(ei_regp, charp, intx); ei_reg_getival(ei_regp, charp); ei_reg_getfval(ei_regp, charp); ei_reg_getsval(ei_regp, charp); ei_reg_getpval(ei_regp, charp, intp); ei_reg_getval(ei_regp, charp, intx); ei_reg_markdirty(ei_regp, charp); ei_reg_delete(ei_regp, charp); ei_reg_stat(ei_regp, charp, ei_reg_statp); ei_reg_tabstat(ei_regp, ei_reg_tabstatp); ei_reg_dump(intx, ei_regp, charp, intx); ei_reg_restore(intx, ei_regp, charp); ei_reg_purge(ei_regp); #if defined(HAVE_GMP_H) && defined(HAVE_LIBGMP) { mpz_t obj; ei_decode_bignum(charp, intp, obj); ei_encode_bignum(charp, intp, obj); ei_x_encode_bignum(&eix, obj); } #endif /* HAVE_GMP_H && HAVE_LIBGMP */ #ifndef VXWORKS ei_decode_longlong(charp, intp, longlongp); ei_decode_ulonglong(charp, intp, ulonglongp); ei_encode_longlong(charp, intp, longlongx); ei_encode_ulonglong(charp, intp, ulonglongx); ei_x_encode_longlong(&eix, longlongx); ei_x_encode_ulonglong(&eix, ulonglongx); #endif #ifdef USE_EI_UNDOCUMENTED ei_decode_intlist(charp, intp, longp, intp); ei_receive_encoded(intx, &charp, intp, msgp, intp); ei_send_encoded(intx, pidp, charp, intx); ei_send_reg_encoded(intx, pidp, charp, charp, intx); ei_decode_big(charp, intp, bigp); ei_big_comp(bigp, bigp); ei_big_to_double(bigp, doublep); ei_small_to_big(intx, bigp); ei_alloc_big(intx); ei_free_big(bigp); #endif /* USE_EI_UNDOCUMENTED */ return BUFSIZ + EAGAIN + EHOSTUNREACH + EIO + EI_BIN + EI_DELET + EI_DIRTY + EI_FLT + EI_FORCE + EI_INT + EI_NOPURGE + EI_STR + EMSGSIZE + ENOMEM + ERL_ERROR + ERL_EXIT + ERL_LINK + ERL_MSG + ERL_NO_TIMEOUT + ERL_REG_SEND + ERL_SEND + ERL_TICK + ERL_TIMEOUT + ERL_UNLINK + ETIMEDOUT + MAXATOMLEN; }
erlang_pid *erl_self(void) { return ei_self(&erl_if_ec); }
static switch_status_t handle_msg_atom(listener_t *listener, erlang_msg * msg, ei_x_buff * buf, ei_x_buff * rbuf) { char atom[MAXATOMLEN]; switch_status_t ret = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; if (ei_decode_atom(buf->buff, &buf->index, atom)) { ei_x_encode_tuple_header(rbuf, 2); ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "error"); ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "badarg"); } else if (!strncmp(atom, "nolog", MAXATOMLEN)) { if (switch_test_flag(listener, LFLAG_LOG)) { void *pop; /*purge the log queue */ while (switch_queue_trypop(listener->log_queue, &pop) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS); switch_clear_flag_locked(listener, LFLAG_LOG); } ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "ok"); } else if (!strncmp(atom, "register_log_handler", MAXATOMLEN)) { ei_link(listener, ei_self(listener->ec), &msg->from); listener->log_process.type = ERLANG_PID; memcpy(&listener->log_process.pid, &msg->from, sizeof(erlang_pid)); listener->level = SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG; switch_set_flag(listener, LFLAG_LOG); ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "ok"); } else if (!strncmp(atom, "register_event_handler", MAXATOMLEN)) { ei_link(listener, ei_self(listener->ec), &msg->from); listener->event_process.type = ERLANG_PID; memcpy(&listener->event_process.pid, &msg->from, sizeof(erlang_pid)); if (!switch_test_flag(listener, LFLAG_EVENTS)) { switch_set_flag_locked(listener, LFLAG_EVENTS); } ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "ok"); } else if (!strncmp(atom, "noevents", MAXATOMLEN)) { void *pop; /*purge the event queue */ while (switch_queue_trypop(listener->event_queue, &pop) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS); if (switch_test_flag(listener, LFLAG_EVENTS)) { uint8_t x = 0; switch_clear_flag_locked(listener, LFLAG_EVENTS); for (x = 0; x <= SWITCH_EVENT_ALL; x++) { listener->event_list[x] = 0; } /* wipe the hash */ switch_core_hash_destroy(&listener->event_hash); switch_core_hash_init(&listener->event_hash, listener->pool); ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "ok"); } else { ei_x_encode_tuple_header(rbuf, 2); ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "error"); ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "notlistening"); } } else if (!strncmp(atom, "session_noevents", MAXATOMLEN)) { session_elem_t *session; if ((session = find_session_elem_by_pid(listener, &msg->from))) { void *pop; uint8_t x = 0; /*purge the event queue */ while (switch_queue_trypop(session->event_queue, &pop) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS); for (x = 0; x <= SWITCH_EVENT_ALL; x++) { session->event_list[x] = 0; } /* wipe the hash */ switch_core_hash_destroy(&session->event_hash); switch_core_hash_init(&session->event_hash, session->pool); ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "ok"); } else { ei_x_encode_tuple_header(rbuf, 2); ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "error"); ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "notlistening"); } } else if (!strncmp(atom, "exit", MAXATOMLEN)) { ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "ok"); ret = SWITCH_STATUS_TERM; } else if (!strncmp(atom, "getpid", MAXATOMLEN)) { ei_x_encode_tuple_header(rbuf, 2); ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "ok"); ei_x_encode_pid(rbuf, ei_self(listener->ec)); } else if (!strncmp(atom, "link", MAXATOMLEN)) { /* debugging */ ei_link(listener, ei_self(listener->ec), &msg->from); ret = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } else { ei_x_encode_tuple_header(rbuf, 2); ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "error"); ei_x_encode_atom(rbuf, "undef"); } return ret; }
int cmd_erlang_info(struct sip_msg* msg, char *cn, char *rp, char *ar) { #define AVP_PRINTBUF_SIZE 1024 static char printbuf[AVP_PRINTBUF_SIZE]; int printbuf_len, bytessent; ei_x_buff argbuf; struct nodes_list* node; struct erlang_cmd *erl_cmd; erlang_pid erl_pid; str conname, regproc; int retcode = -1; if(msg==NULL) { LM_ERR("cmd_erlang_info: received null msg\n"); return -1; } if(fixup_get_svalue(msg, (gparam_p)cn, &conname)<0) { LM_ERR("cmd_erlang_info: cannot get the connection name\n"); return -1; } for(node=nodes_lst;node;node=node->next) { LM_DBG("cmd_erlang_info: matching %s with %.*s\n",node->name,conname.len,conname.s); if(strcmp(node->name, conname.s)==0) break; } if(node==0){ LM_ERR("cmd_erlang_info: no such connection %.*s\n",conname.len,conname.s); return -1; } if(fixup_get_svalue(msg, (gparam_p)rp, ®proc)<0) { LM_ERR("cmd_erlang_info: cannot get the regproc name\n"); return -1; } printbuf_len = AVP_PRINTBUF_SIZE-1; if(pv_printf(msg, (pv_elem_p)ar, printbuf, &printbuf_len)<0 || printbuf_len<=0) { LM_ERR("cmd_erlang_info: cannot expand erlang message body\n"); return -1; } erl_cmd=shm_malloc(sizeof(struct erlang_cmd)); if(!erl_cmd) { LM_ERR("no shm"); return -1; } memset(erl_cmd,0,sizeof(struct erlang_cmd)); erl_cmd->erlbuf=shm_malloc(AVP_PRINTBUF_SIZE); if (!erl_cmd->erlbuf) { LM_ERR("no shm memory\n\n"); goto error; } if(lock_init(&(erl_cmd->lock))==NULL) { LM_ERR("cannot init the lock\n"); goto error; } erl_cmd->reg_name=shm_strdup(®proc); if (!erl_cmd->reg_name) { LM_ERR("no shm memory\n\n"); goto error; } LM_DBG("cmd_erlang_info: %.*s %.*s %.*s\n",conname.len,conname.s, regproc.len,regproc.s, printbuf_len,printbuf); erl_cmd->cmd=ERLANG_INFO; erl_cmd->node=node; argbuf.buff=erl_cmd->erlbuf; argbuf.buffsz=AVP_PRINTBUF_SIZE-1; argbuf.index=0; ei_x_encode_version(&argbuf); //User passed term will be sedond element of tuple, first is our erlang pid ei_x_encode_tuple_header(&argbuf, 2); // we are hacking erlang pid so we can have worker system pid here memcpy(&erl_pid,ei_self(&(node->ec)),sizeof(erlang_pid)); erl_pid.num=getpid(); ei_x_encode_pid(&argbuf, &erl_pid); //so much for pid, now encode term if(ei_x_format_wo_ver(&argbuf, printbuf)!=0) { LM_ERR("cannot fromat erlang binary from arg string\n"); goto error; } // ei_x_encode_atom(&argbuf,"user"); erl_cmd->erlbuf_len=argbuf.index; lock_get(&(erl_cmd->lock)); bytessent=write(pipe_fds[1], &erl_cmd, sizeof(erl_cmd)); LM_DBG("cmd_erlang_info: locked, sent %d %d %s %d %p %p, waiting for release\n",bytessent, erl_cmd->cmd,erl_cmd->reg_name,erl_cmd->erlbuf_len,erl_cmd->erlbuf, erl_cmd); lock_get(&(erl_cmd->lock)); LM_DBG("after lock\n"); if (erl_cmd->retcode <0) { retcode=erl_cmd->retcode; LM_DBG("cmd_erlang_info: failed %d\n",retcode); goto error; } retcode=1; error: if(erl_cmd) { if(erl_cmd->erlbuf) shm_free(erl_cmd->erlbuf); if(erl_cmd->reg_name) shm_free(erl_cmd->reg_name); shm_free(erl_cmd); } return retcode; }
int cmd_erlang_rex(struct sip_msg* msg, char *cn , char *mo, char *fu, char *ar, char *_ret_pv) { #define AVP_PRINTBUF_SIZE 1024 static char printbuf[AVP_PRINTBUF_SIZE]; int printbuf_len, bytessent; ei_x_buff argbuf; struct nodes_list* node; struct erlang_cmd *erl_cmd; erlang_pid erl_pid; str conname, regproc; str mod, fun; int retcode = -1; if(msg==NULL) { LM_ERR("cmd_erlang_rex: received null msg\n"); return -1; } if(fixup_get_svalue(msg, (gparam_p)cn, &conname)<0) { LM_ERR("cmd_erlang_rex: cannot get the connection name\n"); return -1; } for(node=nodes_lst;node;node=node->next) { LM_DBG("matching %s with %.*s\n",node->name,conname.len,conname.s); if(strcmp(node->name, conname.s)==0) break; } if(node==0){ LM_ERR("cmd_erlang_rex: no such connection %.*s\n",conname.len,conname.s); return -1; } if(fixup_get_svalue(msg, (gparam_p)mo, &mod)<0) { LM_ERR("cmd_erlang_rex: cannot get the mod name\n"); return -1; } if(fixup_get_svalue(msg, (gparam_p)fu, &fun)<0) { LM_ERR("cmd_erlang_rex: cannot get the fun name\n"); return -1; } printbuf_len = AVP_PRINTBUF_SIZE-1; if(pv_printf(msg, (pv_elem_p)ar, printbuf, &printbuf_len)<0 || printbuf_len<=0) { LM_ERR("erlang_cmd_rex: cannot expand args expression.\n"); return -1; } erl_cmd=shm_malloc(sizeof(struct erlang_cmd)); if(!erl_cmd) { LM_ERR("no shm"); return -1; } memset(erl_cmd,0,sizeof(struct erlang_cmd)); erl_cmd->erlbuf=shm_malloc(AVP_PRINTBUF_SIZE); if (!erl_cmd->erlbuf) { LM_ERR("no shm memory\n\n"); goto error; } erl_cmd->ret_pv = (pv_spec_t*)shm_malloc(sizeof(pv_spec_t)); if (!erl_cmd->ret_pv) { LM_ERR("no shm memory\n\n"); goto error; } memcpy(erl_cmd->ret_pv, (pv_spec_t *)_ret_pv, sizeof(pv_spec_t)); if(lock_init(&(erl_cmd->lock))==NULL) { LM_ERR("cannot init the lock\n"); goto error; } regproc.s="rex"; regproc.len=3; erl_cmd->reg_name=shm_strdup(®proc); if (!erl_cmd->reg_name) { LM_ERR("no shm memory\n\n"); goto error; } LM_DBG("cmd_erlang_rex: %.*s rex %.*s\n",conname.len,conname.s, printbuf_len,printbuf); erl_cmd->cmd=ERLANG_REX; erl_cmd->node=node; argbuf.buff=erl_cmd->erlbuf; argbuf.buffsz=AVP_PRINTBUF_SIZE-1; argbuf.index=0; ei_x_encode_version(&argbuf); //User passed term will be second element of tuple, first is our (hacked) erlang pid ei_x_encode_tuple_header(&argbuf, 2); // we are hacking erlang pid so we can have worker system pid here memcpy(&erl_pid,ei_self(&(node->ec)),sizeof(erlang_pid)); erl_pid.num=getpid(); ei_x_encode_pid(&argbuf, &erl_pid); erl_cmd->num=erl_pid.num; erl_cmd->serial=erl_pid.serial; //so much for pid, now encode rex call tuple {call, mod, fun, arg, user} ei_x_encode_tuple_header(&argbuf, 5); ei_x_encode_atom(&argbuf,"call"); ei_x_encode_atom_len(&argbuf, mod.s, mod.len); ei_x_encode_atom_len(&argbuf, fun.s, fun.len); if(ei_x_format_wo_ver(&argbuf, printbuf)!=0) { LM_ERR("cannot fromat erlang binary from arg string\n"); goto error; } ei_x_encode_atom(&argbuf,"user"); erl_cmd->erlbuf_len=argbuf.index; lock_get(&(erl_cmd->lock)); bytessent=write(pipe_fds[1], &erl_cmd, sizeof(erl_cmd)); LM_DBG("cmd_erlang_call: locked, sent %d %d %s %d %p %p, waiting for release\n",bytessent, erl_cmd->cmd,erl_cmd->reg_name,erl_cmd->erlbuf_len,erl_cmd->erlbuf, erl_cmd); lock_get(&(erl_cmd->lock)); LM_DBG("after lock\n"); if (erl_cmd->retcode <0) { retcode=erl_cmd->retcode; LM_DBG("cmd_erlang_call: failed %d\n",retcode); goto error; } //reuse argbuf.buff=erl_cmd->erlbuf; argbuf.buffsz=erl_cmd->erlbuf_len; argbuf.index=erl_cmd->decode_index; fill_retpv(erl_cmd->ret_pv,&argbuf,&(argbuf.index)); retcode=1; error: if(erl_cmd) { if(erl_cmd->ret_pv) shm_free(erl_cmd->ret_pv); if(erl_cmd->erlbuf) shm_free(erl_cmd->erlbuf); if(erl_cmd->reg_name) shm_free(erl_cmd->reg_name); shm_free(erl_cmd); } return retcode; }