static void vm_action_cb(const char *reply, void *data) { xmlNode *r; Elm_Genlist_Item *gl; vmitem *item; zrpc_vm *vm; if (!reply || !(r = xml_parse_xml(reply)) || (!xml_parse_int(r))) { elm_label_label_set(win->main_vm->status, "Job add failed!"); evas_object_show(win->main_vm->notify); return; } elm_label_label_set(win->main_vm->status, "Job add was successful!"); evas_object_show(win->main_vm->notify); if ((win->view == win->main_vm->view) || (win->view == win->main_user->view)) { gl = elm_genlist_selected_item_get(win->main_vm->list); if (gl) { item = (vmitem*)elm_genlist_item_data_get(gl); vm = item->vm; win->list = eina_list_remove(win->list, vm); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Removing %s from all lists...\n", vm->uuid); #endif win->elist = eina_list_remove(win->elist, item); free_vmitem(item); elm_genlist_item_del(gl); } } }
static void _e_shell_surface_parent_set(E_Client *ec, struct wl_resource *parent_resource) { E_Client *pc; uint64_t pwin = 0; if (!parent_resource) { ec->icccm.fetch.transient_for = EINA_FALSE; ec->icccm.transient_for = 0; if (ec->parent) { ec->parent->transients = eina_list_remove(ec->parent->transients, ec); if (ec->parent->modal == ec) ec->parent->modal = NULL; ec->parent = NULL; } return; } pc = wl_resource_get_user_data(parent_resource); if (!pc) { ERR("Could not get parent resource client"); return; } pwin = e_pixmap_window_get(pc->pixmap); e_pixmap_parent_window_set(ec->pixmap, pwin); /* If we already have a parent, remove it */ if (ec->parent) { if (pc != ec->parent) { ec->parent->transients = eina_list_remove(ec->parent->transients, ec); if (ec->parent->modal == ec) ec->parent->modal = NULL; ec->parent = NULL; } } if ((pc != ec) && (eina_list_data_find(pc->transients, ec) != ec)) { pc->transients = eina_list_append(pc->transients, ec); ec->parent = pc; } ec->icccm.fetch.transient_for = EINA_TRUE; ec->icccm.transient_for = pwin; }
/* * etox_line_minimize - reduce the number of bits on a line */ void etox_line_minimize(Etox_Line * line) { Evas_Object *bit, *last_bit = NULL; Eina_List *l; CHECK_PARAM_POINTER("line", line); l = line->bits; if (!l) return; last_bit = l->data; l = l->next; while (l) { bit = l->data; /* * Attempt to merge the bits if possible, remove the second * one if successful. */ if (etox_style_merge(last_bit, bit)) { line->bits = eina_list_remove(line->bits, bit); l = eina_list_data_find_list(line->bits, last_bit); l = l->next; } else { last_bit = bit; l = l->next; } } }
void termpty_save_unregister(Termpty *ty) { termpty_backlog_lock(); ptys = eina_list_remove(ptys, ty); termpty_backlog_unlock(); }
/* Gadcon Api Functions */ static E_Gadcon_Client * _gc_init(E_Gadcon *gc, const char *name, const char *id, const char *style) { E_AppMenu_Instance *inst; E_AppMenu_Context *ctxt; EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(appmenu_module, NULL); inst = calloc(1, sizeof(E_AppMenu_Instance)); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(inst, NULL); ctxt = appmenu_module->data; ctxt->instances = eina_list_append(ctxt->instances, inst); inst->evas = gc->evas; inst->ctx = ctxt; inst->box = evas_object_box_add(inst->evas); evas_object_show(inst->box); inst->gcc = e_gadcon_client_new(gc, name, id, style, inst->box); if (!inst->gcc) { evas_object_del(inst->box); ctxt->instances = eina_list_remove(ctxt->instances, inst); free(inst); return NULL; } inst->gcc->data = inst; _gc_orient(inst->gcc, inst->gcc->gadcon->orient); if (!ctxt->iface) appmenu_dbus_registrar_server_init(ctxt); return inst->gcc; }
static Eina_Bool _cb_border_remove(void *data, EINA_UNUSED int type, void *event) { E_Event_Client *ev = event; Client_Item *bi; Eina_List *l; Plugin *p = data; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(p->clients, l, bi) if (bi->client == ev->ec) break; if (!bi) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; EVRY_PLUGIN_ITEMS_CLEAR(p); p->clients = eina_list_remove(p->clients, bi); EVRY_ITEM_FREE(bi); EVRY_PLUGIN_ITEMS_ADD(p, p->clients, p->input, 1, 0); EVRY_PLUGIN_UPDATE(p, EVRY_UPDATE_ADD); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; }
static void _gc_shutdown(E_Gadcon_Client *gcc) { Instance *inst; if (!(inst = gcc->data)) return; evas_object_event_callback_del(inst->tclock, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, _tclock_cb_mouse_down); evas_object_event_callback_del(inst->tclock, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_IN, _tclock_cb_mouse_in); evas_object_event_callback_del(inst->tclock, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_OUT, _tclock_cb_mouse_out); if (inst->tclock) evas_object_del(inst->tclock); tclock_config->instances = eina_list_remove(tclock_config->instances, inst); if (eina_list_count(tclock_config->instances) <= 0) { if (check_timer) ecore_timer_del(check_timer); check_timer = NULL; } E_FREE(inst); }
//Pop down the menu and its childrend void eclair_menu_pop_down(Eclair_Menu *menu) { Eina_List *l; Eclair_Menu_Item *item; if (!menu) return; for (l = menu->items; l; l = l->next) { if (!(item = l->data)) continue; eclair_menu_item_deactivate(item); } ecore_evas_hide(menu->window); if (menu == _eclair_menu_root) { ecore_x_keyboard_ungrab(); ecore_x_pointer_ungrab(); ecore_x_window_hide(_eclair_menu_input_window); ecore_event_handler_del(_eclair_menu_mouse_up_handler); ecore_event_handler_del(_eclair_menu_mouse_move_handler); _eclair_menu_root = NULL; } _eclair_menu_popped_menus = eina_list_remove(_eclair_menu_popped_menus, menu); }
/* * etox_line_merge_append - merge lines into the first line, empty the second * @line1: the destination of the merged lines * @line2: the line that will be merged with line1 * * Returns no value. Moves the bits from line2 into line 1. */ void etox_line_merge_append(Etox_Line * line1, Etox_Line * line2) { Evas_Object *bit; CHECK_PARAM_POINTER("line1", line1); CHECK_PARAM_POINTER("line2", line2); /* * Move the bits from line2 to line1. */ while (line2->bits) { bit = line2->bits->data; line1->bits = eina_list_append(line1->bits, bit); line2->bits = eina_list_remove(line2->bits, bit); line1->length += etox_style_length(bit); etox_selections_update(bit, line1); } /* * Adjust the height, width and length of the merged line. */ line1->w += line2->w; if (line2->h > line1->h) line1->h = line2->h; }
void _ex_tab_delete(void) { if (!e->cur_tab) { D(("No currently selected TAB!!\n")); return; } D(("Number of tabs: %d\n", eina_list_count(e->tabs))); if (eina_list_count(e->tabs) < 1) { D(("Cannot remove the last tab\n")); return; } D(("Delete tab %d\n", e->cur_tab->num)); D(("Remove from list\n")); e->tabs = eina_list_remove(e->tabs, e->cur_tab); D(("Free\n")); etk_notebook_page_remove(ETK_NOTEBOOK(e->notebook), e->cur_tab->num); /* Set the cur_tab on the new one */ e->cur_tab = eina_list_nth(e->tabs, etk_notebook_current_page_get(ETK_NOTEBOOK(e->notebook))); // E_FREE(e->cur_tab); if (eina_list_count(e->tabs) == 1) etk_notebook_tabs_visible_set(ETK_NOTEBOOK(e->notebook), ETK_FALSE); }
static Eina_Bool _edje_var_timer_cb(void *data) { Edje_Var_Timer *et; Edje *ed; Embryo_Function fn; et = data; if (!et) return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; ed = et->edje; // _edje_embryo_script_reset(ed); embryo_program_vm_push(ed->collection->script); _edje_embryo_globals_init(ed); embryo_parameter_cell_push(ed->collection->script, (Embryo_Cell)et->val); ed->var_pool->timers = eina_list_remove(ed->var_pool->timers, et); fn = et->func; free(et); { void *pdata; pdata = embryo_program_data_get(ed->collection->script); embryo_program_data_set(ed->collection->script, ed); embryo_program_max_cycle_run_set(ed->collection->script, 5000000); embryo_program_run(ed->collection->script, fn); embryo_program_data_set(ed->collection->script, pdata); embryo_program_vm_pop(ed->collection->script); _edje_recalc(ed); } return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; }
static void _gc_shutdown (E_Gadcon_Client * gcc) { Instance *inst; inst = gcc->data; if (inst->cb_player_track_change) e_dbus_signal_handler_del(conn, inst->cb_player_track_change); if (inst->cb_player_status_change) e_dbus_signal_handler_del(conn, inst->cb_player_status_change); empris_config->instances = eina_list_remove (empris_config->instances, inst); evas_object_event_callback_del (inst->empris, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, _empris_cb_mouse_down); evas_object_event_callback_del (inst->empris, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_IN, _empris_cb_mouse_in); evas_object_event_callback_del (inst->empris, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_OUT, _empris_cb_mouse_out); _empris_popup_destroy (inst); evas_object_del (inst->empris); free (inst); inst = NULL; }
/** * @brief Sets the group of the radio menu-item * @param radio_item a radio menu-item * @param group the group to set */ void etk_menu_item_radio_group_set(Etk_Menu_Item_Radio *radio_item, Eina_List **group) { Etk_Menu_Item_Check *check_item; Etk_Bool active; if (!(check_item = ETK_MENU_ITEM_CHECK(radio_item)) || (group && (radio_item->group == group))) return; if (radio_item->group) { *radio_item->group = eina_list_remove(*radio_item->group, radio_item); if (!(*radio_item->group)) { free(radio_item->group); radio_item->group = NULL; } } if (!group) { group = malloc(sizeof(Eina_List *)); *group = NULL; active = ETK_TRUE; } else active = ETK_FALSE; *group = eina_list_append(*group, radio_item); radio_item->group = group; etk_object_notify(ETK_OBJECT(radio_item), "group"); radio_item->can_uncheck = ETK_TRUE; etk_menu_item_check_active_set(check_item, active); }
/** * @brief Sets the group of the radio-button * @param radio_button a radio-button * @param group the group to use */ void etk_radio_button_group_set(Etk_Radio_Button *radio_button, Eina_List **group) { Etk_Toggle_Button *toggle_button; Etk_Bool active; if (!(toggle_button = ETK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(radio_button)) || (group && (radio_button->group == group))) return; if (radio_button->group) { *radio_button->group = eina_list_remove(*radio_button->group, radio_button); if (!(*radio_button->group)) { free(radio_button->group); radio_button->group = NULL; } } if (!group) { group = malloc(sizeof(Eina_List *)); *group = NULL; active = ETK_TRUE; } else active = ETK_FALSE; *group = eina_list_append(*group, radio_button); radio_button->group = group; etk_object_notify(ETK_OBJECT(radio_button), "group"); radio_button->can_uncheck = ETK_TRUE; etk_toggle_button_active_set(toggle_button, active); }
void news_config_item_del(News_Config_Item *nic) { eina_stringshare_del(nic->id); while(eina_list_count(nic->feed_refs)) { News_Feed_Ref *fr; fr = eina_list_data_get(nic->feed_refs); eina_stringshare_del(fr->name); nic->feed_refs = eina_list_remove(nic->feed_refs, fr); } news->config->items = eina_list_remove(news->config->items, nic); free(nic); }
/** * @brief Finds an object in the cache according to its filename and its key. If the object is present in the cache, * it will be removed from the cache and returned. Otherwise NULL is returned * @param cache the cache system where to find the object * @param filename the filename of the object to find * @param key the key associated to the object to find (the group for an Edje object, the key for an image from an * Eet file, or NULL otherwise) * @return Returns an object corresponding to the given filename and key, or NULL if no such object is cached */ Evas_Object *etk_cache_find(Etk_Cache *cache, const char *filename, const char *key) { Etk_Cache_Item *item; Eina_List *l; Evas_Object *object; if (!cache || !filename) return NULL; for (l = cache->cached_objects; l; l = l->next) { item = l->data; if (strcmp(item->filename, filename) == 0 && (strcmp(item->key ? item->key : "", key ? key : "") == 0)) { object = item->object; evas_object_data_del(object, "_Etk_Cache::Node"); evas_object_event_callback_del(object, EVAS_CALLBACK_FREE, _etk_cache_object_deleted_cb); free(item->filename); free(item->key); free(item); cache->cached_objects = eina_list_remove(cache->cached_objects, item); return object; } } return NULL; }
static void _ecore_evas_buffer_free(Ecore_Evas *ee) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Buffer_Data *bdata = ee->; if (!bdata) return; if (bdata->image) { Ecore_Evas *ee2; ee2 = evas_object_data_get(bdata->image, "Ecore_Evas_Parent"); evas_object_del(bdata->image); if (ee2) ee2->sub_ecore_evas = eina_list_remove(ee2->sub_ecore_evas, ee); } else { bdata->free_func(bdata->data, bdata->pixels); } free(bdata); ee-> = NULL; ecore_event_evas_shutdown(); }
static void _cb_feed_add(void *data, void *data2) { E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata; News_Item *ni; News_Feed *f; Eina_List *l; cfdata = data; ni = cfdata->ni; for (l=cfdata->ilist_feeds_sel; l; l=eina_list_next(l)) { f = l->data; if (f->item) continue; if (news_feed_attach(f, NULL, ni)) news_feed_obj_refresh(f, 1, 1); /* dont reselect this feed */ cfdata->ilist_feeds_sel = eina_list_remove(cfdata->ilist_feeds_sel, f); } news_item_refresh(ni, 1, 0, 0); news_feed_list_ui_refresh(); news_viewer_refresh(ni->viewer); news_config_save(); }
Enlil_IPTC_Job * enlil_iptc_job_prepend(Enlil_Photo *photo, Enlil_IPTC_Done_Cb cb, void *data) { ASSERT_RETURN(photo != NULL); Eina_List *l; Enlil_IPTC_Job *job; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(l_jobs, l, job) if(job->photo == photo) break; if(!job) { job = calloc(1, sizeof(Enlil_IPTC_Job)); job->photo = photo; job->cb = cb; job->data = data; } else l_jobs = eina_list_remove(l_jobs, job); l_jobs = eina_list_prepend(l_jobs, job); _job_next(); return job; }
static void _job_next(void) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; if(running) return; if(!l_jobs) return; running = 1; Enlil_IPTC_Job *job = eina_list_data_get(l_jobs); l_jobs = eina_list_remove(l_jobs, job); job_current = job; snprintf(buf, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", enlil_photo_path_get(job_current->photo), enlil_photo_file_name_get(job_current->photo)); Enlil_IPTC_Thread_Data *data = calloc(1, sizeof(Enlil_IPTC_Thread_Data)); data->file = eina_stringshare_add(buf); ecore_thread_run(_iptc_thread, _end_cb, NULL, data); running = 1; }
static Eina_Bool _cb_fd_handler(void *data, Ecore_Fd_Handler *fd_handler) { struct e_mixer_callback_desc *desc; desc = data; if (ecore_main_fd_handler_active_get(fd_handler, ECORE_FD_ERROR)) { desc->handlers = eina_list_remove(desc->handlers, fd_handler); if (!desc->handlers) { E_Mixer_System *s; int (*f)(void *, E_Mixer_System *); void *d; s = desc->self; f = desc->func; d = desc->data; _mixer_callback_del(s, desc); _mixer_callback_add(s, f, d); } return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } if (!desc->idler) desc->idler = ecore_idler_add(_cb_dispatch, desc); return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; }
static void _e_shell_surface_destroy(struct wl_resource *resource) { E_Client *ec; /* DBG("Shell Surface Destroy: %d", wl_resource_get_id(resource)); */ /* get the client for this resource */ if ((ec = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource))) { if (!e_object_unref(E_OBJECT(ec))) return; if (e_object_is_del(E_OBJECT(ec))) return; if (ec->comp_data) { E_FREE(ec->comp_data->; if (ec->comp_data->mapped) { if ((ec->comp_data->shell.surface) && (ec->comp_data->shell.unmap)) ec->comp_data->shell.unmap(ec->comp_data->shell.surface); } if (ec->parent) { ec->parent->transients = eina_list_remove(ec->parent->transients, ec); } /* wl_resource_destroy(ec->comp_data->shell.surface); */ ec->comp_data->shell.surface = NULL; } } }
static void _evas_gl_preload_main_loop_wakeup(void) { Evas_GL_Texture_Async_Preload *async; evas_gl_make_current_cb cb = async_gl_make_current; void *data = async_engine_data; Eina_Bool running = async_loader_running; if (running) evas_gl_preload_render_lock(cb, data); EINA_LIST_FREE(async_loader_todie, async) { Eo *target; EINA_LIST_FREE(async->tex->targets, target) eo_do(target, evas_obj_image_pixels_dirty_set(EINA_TRUE)); async->im->cache_entry.flags.preload_done = 0; async->tex->was_preloaded = EINA_TRUE; async->tex->ptt->allocations = eina_list_remove(async->tex->ptt->allocations, async->tex->aptt); pt_unref(async->tex->ptt); async->tex->ptt = NULL; free(async->tex->aptt); async->tex->aptt = NULL; evas_gl_common_texture_free(async->tex, EINA_FALSE); evas_cache_image_drop(&async->im->cache_entry); free(async); }
static void toggle_floating(E_Border *bd) { if (!bd || !_G.tinfo) return; if (eina_list_data_find(_G.tinfo->floating_windows, bd) == bd) { _G.tinfo->floating_windows = eina_list_remove(_G.tinfo->floating_windows, bd); if (!tiling_g.config->dont_touch_borders && tiling_g.config->tiling_border && (!bd->bordername || strcmp(bd->bordername, tiling_g.config->tiling_border))) change_window_border(bd, tiling_g.config->tiling_border); e_border_idler_before(); rearrange_windows(bd, 0); } else { int w = bd->w, h = bd->h; /* To give the user a bit of feedback we restore the original border */ /* TODO: save the original border, don't just restore the default one */ _G.tinfo->floating_windows = eina_list_prepend(_G.tinfo->floating_windows, bd); if (!tiling_g.config->dont_touch_borders && tiling_g.config->floating_border && (!bd->bordername || strcmp(bd->bordername, tiling_g.config->floating_border))) change_window_border(bd, tiling_g.config->floating_border); e_border_idler_before(); e_border_resize(bd, w, h); } }
static void _gc_shutdown(E_Gadcon_Client *gcc) { Instance *inst; Forecasts *w; inst = gcc->data; w = inst->forecasts; if (inst->popup) _forecasts_popup_destroy(inst); if (inst->check_timer) ecore_timer_del(inst->check_timer); if (inst->add_handler) ecore_event_handler_del(inst->add_handler); if (inst->data_handler) ecore_event_handler_del(inst->data_handler); if (inst->del_handler) ecore_event_handler_del(inst->del_handler); if (inst->server) ecore_con_server_del(inst->server); if (inst->area) eina_stringshare_del(inst->area); eina_strbuf_free(inst->buffer); inst->server = NULL; forecasts_config->instances = eina_list_remove(forecasts_config->instances, inst); evas_object_event_callback_del(w->forecasts_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, _forecasts_cb_mouse_down); _forecasts_free(w); E_FREE(inst); }
void etox_line_unwrap(Etox *et, Etox_Line *line) { Eina_List *l, *prevline; Evas_Object *marker; if (!et->lines) return; prevline = eina_list_data_find_list(et->lines, line); l = prevline->next; while (l) { Eina_List *ll; line = l->data; if (!(line->flags & ETOX_LINE_WRAPPED)) break; /* remove any wrap marker bits */ ll = line->bits; while (ll) { int t; marker = ll->data; ll = ll->next; t = etox_style_get_type(marker); if (t == ETOX_BIT_TYPE_WRAP_MARKER) { line->bits = eina_list_remove(line->bits, marker); evas_object_del(marker); } } /* remove the line from the list */ et->lines = eina_list_remove(et->lines, line); /* merge the two lines */ etox_line_merge_append(prevline->data, line); etox_line_free(line); l = prevline->next; } // etox_line_minimize(line); }
void e_phys_constraint_del(E_Phys_Constraint *con) { if (!con) return; if (con->world) con->world->constraints = eina_list_remove(con->world->constraints, con); con->free(con); }
static void device_list_device_del(IGD_Device *device) { device_list = eina_list_remove(device_list, device); eupnp_device_info_unref(device->device); elm_list_item_del(device->item); free(device); }
static void _item_free(Elm_Index_Item *it) { ELM_INDEX_DATA_GET(WIDGET(it), sd); sd->items = eina_list_remove(sd->items, it); if (it->letter) eina_stringshare_del(it->letter); }
void enna_config_section_parser_unregister (Enna_Config_Section_Parser *parser) { if (!parser) return; cfg_parsers = eina_list_remove(cfg_parsers, parser); }