int processFile(char *inputFile, char *outputString, int lineNumber) { FILE *infile; int stringSize = 80; // max size of one line in file char inputStr[stringSize]; struct stat fileStatus; int fileSize=0; int lineCount=0; if (lineNumber < 0) return (-1); if ((infile = fopen (inputFile, "r")) == NULL) { printf ("Fatal error opening file %s\n",inputFile); return (0); } memset (&fileStatus, 0, sizeof(fileStatus)); if (!stat(inputFile, &fileStatus)) { if (S_ISREG(fileStatus.st_mode)) { fileSize = fileStatus.st_size; } } while (!feof(infile)) { if (fgets (inputStr, stringSize, infile) != NULL) { // Skip empty lines if (emptyString(inputStr)) continue; // Skip comment lines if (inputStr[0] == '#' || inputStr[0] == '!') continue; lineCount++; if (lineNumber == 0) continue; else { if (lineCount == lineNumber) break; } } } // close file fclose (infile); // if number lines requested return the count if (lineNumber == 0) return (lineCount); // check for input out of range if (lineNumber > lineCount) return (-1); // return the line selected if (lineCount) { stripString(inputStr); strcpy(outputString, inputStr); return(lineCount); } else { return(-1); } }
String InputMethodContext::locale() const { // FIXME: Implement this. return emptyString(); }
String HTMLAnchorElement::search() const { String query = href().query(); return query.isEmpty() ? emptyString() : "?" + query; }
String NavigatorBase::platform() const { #if OS(LINUX) if (!String(WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_PLATFORM).isEmpty()) return WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_PLATFORM; struct utsname osname; DEPRECATED_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, platformName, (uname(&osname) >= 0 ? String(osname.sysname) + String(" ") + String(osname.machine) : emptyString())); return platformName; #else return WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_PLATFORM; #endif }
WebCLGetInfo WebCLDevice::getInfo(CCenum infoType, ExceptionObject& exception) { if (!WebCLInputChecker::isValidDeviceInfoType(infoType)) { setExceptionFromComputeErrorCode(ComputeContext::INVALID_VALUE, exception); return WebCLGetInfo(); } CCerror err = 0; switch (infoType) { case ComputeContext::DEVICE_PROFILE: return WebCLGetInfo(String("WEBCL_PROFILE")); case ComputeContext::DEVICE_VERSION: return WebCLGetInfo(String("WebCL 1.0")); case ComputeContext::DEVICE_OPENCL_C_VERSION: return WebCLGetInfo(String("WebCL C 1.0")); case ComputeContext::DRIVER_VERSION: // Vendor specific. Will return a empty string. case ComputeContext::DEVICE_NAME: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_VENDOR: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_EXTENSIONS: return WebCLGetInfo(emptyString()); case ComputeContext::DEVICE_VENDOR_ID: // Vendor specific. return WebCLGetInfo(static_cast<CCuint>(0)); case ComputeContext::DEVICE_IMAGE_SUPPORT: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_AVAILABLE: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_COMPILER_AVAILABLE: return WebCLGetInfo(true); case ComputeContext::DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES: { // size_t[] Vector<size_t> workItemSizes; err = platformObject()->getDeviceInfo(infoType, &workItemSizes); if (err == ComputeContext::SUCCESS) { Vector<CCuint, 3> values; for (size_t i = 0; i < workItemSizes.size(); ++i) values.uncheckedAppend(workItemSizes[i]); return WebCLGetInfo(values); } break; } case ComputeContext::DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_MAX_PARAMETER_SIZE: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_PROFILING_TIMER_RESOLUTION: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_IMAGE2D_MAX_HEIGHT: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_IMAGE2D_MAX_WIDTH: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_IMAGE3D_MAX_HEIGHT: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_IMAGE3D_MAX_DEPTH: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_IMAGE3D_MAX_WIDTH: { size_t infoValue = 0; err = platformObject()->getDeviceInfo(infoType, &infoValue); if (err == ComputeContext::SUCCESS) return WebCLGetInfo(static_cast<CCuint>(infoValue)); break; } case ComputeContext::DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_DIMENSIONS: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_CHAR: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_SHORT: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_INT: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_LONG: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_FLOAT: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_CHAR: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_SHORT: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_INT: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_LONG: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_FLOAT: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_MAX_CLOCK_FREQUENCY: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_MAX_READ_IMAGE_ARGS: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_MAX_WRITE_IMAGE_ARGS: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_MAX_SAMPLERS: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_CACHELINE_SIZE: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_MAX_CONSTANT_ARGS: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_ADDRESS_BITS: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS: { CCuint infoValue = 0; err = platformObject()->getDeviceInfo(infoType, &infoValue); if (err == ComputeContext::SUCCESS) return WebCLGetInfo(static_cast<CCuint>(infoValue)); break; } case ComputeContext::DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_DOUBLE: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_DOUBLE: { if (!isEnabledExtension("KHR_fp64")) return WebCLGetInfo(0); CCuint infoValue = 0; err = platformObject()->getDeviceInfo(infoType, &infoValue); if (err == ComputeContext::SUCCESS) return WebCLGetInfo(static_cast<CCuint>(infoValue)); break; } case ComputeContext::DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_HALF: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_HALF: { if (!isEnabledExtension("KHR_fp16")) return WebCLGetInfo(0); CCuint infoValue = 0; err = platformObject()->getDeviceInfo(infoType, &infoValue); if (err == ComputeContext::SUCCESS) return WebCLGetInfo(static_cast<CCuint>(infoValue)); break; } case ComputeContext::DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFER_SIZE: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_CACHE_SIZE: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE: { CCulong infoValue = 0; err = platformObject()->getDeviceInfo(infoType, &infoValue); if (err == ComputeContext::SUCCESS) return WebCLGetInfo(static_cast<CCulong>(infoValue)); break; } case ComputeContext::DEVICE_HOST_UNIFIED_MEMORY: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_ENDIAN_LITTLE: case ComputeContext::DEVICE_ERROR_CORRECTION_SUPPORT: { CCbool infoValue = 0; err = platformObject()->getDeviceInfo(infoType, &infoValue); if (err == ComputeContext::SUCCESS) return WebCLGetInfo(static_cast<bool>(infoValue)); break; } case ComputeContext::DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_CACHE_TYPE: { CCDeviceMemCachetype type = 0; err = platformObject()->getDeviceInfo(infoType, &type); if (err == ComputeContext::SUCCESS) return WebCLGetInfo(static_cast<CCenum>(type)); break; } case ComputeContext::DEVICE_TYPE: { CCDeviceType type = 0; err = platformObject()->getDeviceInfo(infoType, &type); if (err == ComputeContext::SUCCESS) return WebCLGetInfo(static_cast<CCenum>(type)); break; } case ComputeContext::DEVICE_SINGLE_FP_CONFIG: { CCDeviceFPConfig deviceFPConfig = 0; err = platformObject()->getDeviceInfo(infoType, &deviceFPConfig); if (err == ComputeContext::SUCCESS) return WebCLGetInfo(static_cast<CCenum>(deviceFPConfig)); break; } case ComputeContext::DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_TYPE: { CCDeviceLocalMemType localMemoryType = 0; err = platformObject()->getDeviceInfo(infoType, &localMemoryType); if (err == ComputeContext::SUCCESS) return WebCLGetInfo(static_cast<CCenum>(localMemoryType)); break; } case ComputeContext::DEVICE_QUEUE_PROPERTIES: { CCCommandQueueProperties queueProperties = 0; err = platformObject()->getDeviceInfo(infoType, &queueProperties); if (err == ComputeContext::SUCCESS) return WebCLGetInfo(static_cast<CCenum>(queueProperties)); break; } case ComputeContext::DEVICE_EXECUTION_CAPABILITIES: return WebCLGetInfo(static_cast<CCenum>(ComputeContext::EXEC_KERNEL)); case ComputeContext::DEVICE_PLATFORM: return WebCLGetInfo(m_platform); default: setExceptionFromComputeErrorCode(ComputeContext::INVALID_VALUE, exception); } ASSERT(err != ComputeContext::SUCCESS); setExceptionFromComputeErrorCode(err, exception); return WebCLGetInfo(); }
String WorkerLocation::search() const { return m_url.query().isEmpty() ? emptyString() : "?" + m_url.query(); }
void MediaPlaybackTargetPickerMock::invalidatePlaybackTargets() { LOG(Media, "MediaPlaybackTargetPickerMock::invalidatePlaybackTargets"); setState(emptyString(), MediaPlaybackTargetContext::Unknown); }
String DOMURLUtilsReadOnly::port(const KURL& kurl) { if (kurl.hasPort()) return String::number(kurl.port()); return emptyString(); }
String DOMURLUtilsReadOnly::search(const KURL& kurl) { String query = kurl.query(); return query.isEmpty() ? emptyString() : "?" + query; }
void SubresourceLoader::didReceiveResponse(const ResourceResponse& response) { ASSERT(!response.isNull()); ASSERT(m_state == Initialized); // We want redirect responses to be processed through willSendRequestInternal. The only exception is redirection with no Location headers. ASSERT(response.httpStatusCode() < 300 || response.httpStatusCode() >= 400 || response.httpStatusCode() == 304 || !response.httpHeaderField(HTTPHeaderName::Location)); // Reference the object in this method since the additional processing can do // anything including removing the last reference to this object; one example of this is 3266216. Ref<SubresourceLoader> protectedThis(*this); if (shouldIncludeCertificateInfo()) response.includeCertificateInfo(); if (m_resource->resourceToRevalidate()) { if (response.httpStatusCode() == 304) { // 304 Not modified / Use local copy // Existing resource is ok, just use it updating the expiration time. m_resource->setResponse(response); MemoryCache::singleton().revalidationSucceeded(*m_resource, response); if (m_frame && m_frame->page()) m_frame->page()->diagnosticLoggingClient().logDiagnosticMessageWithResult(DiagnosticLoggingKeys::cachedResourceRevalidationKey(), emptyString(), DiagnosticLoggingResultPass, ShouldSample::Yes); if (!reachedTerminalState()) ResourceLoader::didReceiveResponse(response); return; } // Did not get 304 response, continue as a regular resource load. MemoryCache::singleton().revalidationFailed(*m_resource); if (m_frame && m_frame->page()) m_frame->page()->diagnosticLoggingClient().logDiagnosticMessageWithResult(DiagnosticLoggingKeys::cachedResourceRevalidationKey(), emptyString(), DiagnosticLoggingResultFail, ShouldSample::Yes); } String errorDescription; if (!checkResponseCrossOriginAccessControl(response, errorDescription)) { if (m_frame && m_frame->document()) m_frame->document()->addConsoleMessage(MessageSource::Security, MessageLevel::Error, errorDescription); cancel(ResourceError(String(), 0, request().url(), errorDescription, ResourceError::Type::AccessControl)); return; } m_resource->responseReceived(response); if (reachedTerminalState()) return; ResourceLoader::didReceiveResponse(response); if (reachedTerminalState()) return; // FIXME: Main resources have a different set of rules for multipart than images do. // Hopefully we can merge those 2 paths. if (response.isMultipart() && m_resource->type() != CachedResource::MainResource) { m_loadingMultipartContent = true; // We don't count multiParts in a CachedResourceLoader's request count m_requestCountTracker = Nullopt; if (!m_resource->isImage()) { cancel(); return; } } auto* buffer = resourceData(); if (m_loadingMultipartContent && buffer && buffer->size()) { // The resource data will change as the next part is loaded, so we need to make a copy. m_resource->finishLoading(buffer->copy().ptr()); clearResourceData(); // Since a subresource loader does not load multipart sections progressively, data was delivered to the loader all at once. // After the first multipart section is complete, signal to delegates that this load is "finished" m_documentLoader->subresourceLoaderFinishedLoadingOnePart(this); didFinishLoadingOnePart(0); } checkForHTTPStatusCodeError(); }
String TextCodecLatin1::decode(const char* bytes, size_t length, FlushBehavior, bool, bool&) { LChar* characters; if (!length) return emptyString(); String result = String::createUninitialized(length, characters); const uint8_t* source = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(bytes); const uint8_t* end = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(bytes + length); const uint8_t* alignedEnd = alignToMachineWord(end); LChar* destination = characters; while (source < end) { if (isASCII(*source)) { // Fast path for ASCII. Most Latin-1 text will be ASCII. if (isAlignedToMachineWord(source)) { while (source < alignedEnd) { MachineWord chunk = *reinterpret_cast_ptr<const MachineWord*>(source); if (!isAllASCII<LChar>(chunk)) goto useLookupTable; copyASCIIMachineWord(destination, source); source += sizeof(MachineWord); destination += sizeof(MachineWord); } if (source == end) break; } *destination = *source; } else { useLookupTable: if (table[*source] > 0xff) goto upConvertTo16Bit; *destination = static_cast<LChar>(table[*source]); } ++source; ++destination; } return result; upConvertTo16Bit: UChar* characters16; String result16 = String::createUninitialized(length, characters16); UChar* destination16 = characters16; // Zero extend and copy already processed 8 bit data LChar* ptr8 = characters; LChar* endPtr8 = destination; while (ptr8 < endPtr8) *destination16++ = *ptr8++; // Handle the character that triggered the 16 bit path *destination16 = table[*source]; ++source; ++destination16; while (source < end) { if (isASCII(*source)) { // Fast path for ASCII. Most Latin-1 text will be ASCII. if (isAlignedToMachineWord(source)) { while (source < alignedEnd) { MachineWord chunk = *reinterpret_cast_ptr<const MachineWord*>(source); if (!isAllASCII<LChar>(chunk)) goto useLookupTable16; copyASCIIMachineWord(destination16, source); source += sizeof(MachineWord); destination16 += sizeof(MachineWord); } if (source == end) break; } *destination16 = *source; } else { useLookupTable16: *destination16 = table[*source]; } ++source; ++destination16; } return result16; }
void SubresourceLoader::willSendRequestInternal(ResourceRequest& newRequest, const ResourceResponse& redirectResponse) { // Store the previous URL because the call to ResourceLoader::willSendRequest will modify it. URL previousURL = request().url(); Ref<SubresourceLoader> protectedThis(*this); if (!newRequest.url().isValid()) { cancel(cannotShowURLError()); return; } if (newRequest.requester() != ResourceRequestBase::Requester::Main) ResourceLoadObserver::sharedObserver().logSubresourceLoading(m_frame.get(), newRequest, redirectResponse); ASSERT(!newRequest.isNull()); if (!redirectResponse.isNull()) { if (options().redirect != FetchOptions::Redirect::Follow) { if (options().redirect == FetchOptions::Redirect::Error) { cancel(); return; } ResourceResponse opaqueRedirectedResponse; opaqueRedirectedResponse.setURL(redirectResponse.url()); opaqueRedirectedResponse.setType(ResourceResponse::Type::Opaqueredirect); m_resource->responseReceived(opaqueRedirectedResponse); didFinishLoading(currentTime()); return; } else if (m_redirectCount++ >= options().maxRedirectCount) { cancel(ResourceError(String(), 0, request().url(), ASCIILiteral("Too many redirections"), ResourceError::Type::General)); return; } // CachedResources are keyed off their original request URL. // Requesting the same original URL a second time can redirect to a unique second resource. // Therefore, if a redirect to a different destination URL occurs, we should no longer consider this a revalidation of the first resource. // Doing so would have us reusing the resource from the first request if the second request's revalidation succeeds. if (newRequest.isConditional() && m_resource->resourceToRevalidate() && newRequest.url() != m_resource->resourceToRevalidate()->response().url()) { newRequest.makeUnconditional(); MemoryCache::singleton().revalidationFailed(*m_resource); if (m_frame && m_frame->page()) m_frame->page()->diagnosticLoggingClient().logDiagnosticMessageWithResult(DiagnosticLoggingKeys::cachedResourceRevalidationKey(), emptyString(), DiagnosticLoggingResultFail, ShouldSample::Yes); } if (!m_documentLoader->cachedResourceLoader().updateRequestAfterRedirection(m_resource->type(), newRequest, options())) { cancel(); return; } String errorDescription; if (!checkRedirectionCrossOriginAccessControl(request(), redirectResponse, newRequest, errorDescription)) { String errorMessage = "Cross-origin redirection to " + newRequest.url().string() + " denied by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: " + errorDescription; if (m_frame && m_frame->document()) m_frame->document()->addConsoleMessage(MessageSource::Security, MessageLevel::Error, errorMessage); cancel(ResourceError(String(), 0, request().url(), errorMessage, ResourceError::Type::AccessControl)); return; } if (m_resource->isImage() && m_documentLoader->cachedResourceLoader().shouldDeferImageLoad(newRequest.url())) { cancel(); return; } m_loadTiming.addRedirect(redirectResponse.url(), newRequest.url()); m_resource->redirectReceived(newRequest, redirectResponse); } if (newRequest.isNull() || reachedTerminalState()) return; ResourceLoader::willSendRequestInternal(newRequest, redirectResponse); if (newRequest.isNull()) { cancel(); return; } if (m_resource->type() == CachedResource::MainResource && !redirectResponse.isNull()) m_documentLoader->willContinueMainResourceLoadAfterRedirect(newRequest); }
String SharedBufferChunkReader::nextChunkAsUTF8StringWithLatin1Fallback(bool includeSeparator) { Vector<char> data; if (!nextChunk(data, includeSeparator)) return String(); return data.size() ? String::fromUTF8WithLatin1Fallback(, data.size()) : emptyString(); }
PassRefPtr<DocumentFragment> Pasteboard::documentFragment(Frame& frame, Range& context, bool allowPlainText, bool& chosePlainText) { if (m_gtkClipboard) PasteboardHelper::defaultPasteboardHelper()->getClipboardContents(m_gtkClipboard); chosePlainText = false; if (m_dataObject->hasMarkup()) { if (frame.document()) { RefPtr<DocumentFragment> fragment = createFragmentFromMarkup(*frame.document(), m_dataObject->markup(), emptyString(), DisallowScriptingAndPluginContent); if (fragment) return fragment.release(); } } if (!allowPlainText) return 0; if (m_dataObject->hasText()) { chosePlainText = true; RefPtr<DocumentFragment> fragment = createFragmentFromText(context, m_dataObject->text()); if (fragment) return fragment.release(); } return 0; }
void WebCLMemoryUtil::ensureMemory(WebCLMemoryObject* memoryObject, WebCLCommandQueue* commandQueue, ExceptionState& es) { cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS; // The program and kernels are used to intialize OpenCL memory to 0. // Every created OpenCL memory should call this function to intialize. // TODO(junmin-zhu): Move intialization from buffer creation to buffer operations, such as: enqueueRead/Write/Copy* and enqueueNDRangeKernel function // after the third_party WebCL-validator integrated. if (!m_program) { cl_program clProgramId = clCreateProgramWithSource(m_context->getContext(), 1, (const char**)&programSource, nullptr, &err); if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { WebCLException::throwException(err, es); return; } m_program = WebCLProgram::create(clProgramId, m_context, String(programSource)); m_program->build(m_context->getDevices(), emptyString(), nullptr, es); cl_kernel clKernelId16 = clCreateKernel(clProgramId, "init16", &err); if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { WebCLException::throwException(err, es); return; } m_kernelChar16 = WebCLKernel::create(clKernelId16, m_context, m_program.get(), String("init16")); cl_kernel clKernelId = clCreateKernel(clProgramId, "init", &err); if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { WebCLException::throwException(err, es); return; } m_kernelChar = WebCLKernel::create(clKernelId, m_context, m_program.get(), String("init")); } unsigned count = memoryObject->sizeInBytes() / 16; if (count) { m_kernelChar16->setArg(0, memoryObject, es); if (es.hadException()) return; m_kernelChar16->setArg(1, sizeof(unsigned), &count, es); if (es.hadException()) return; Vector<double> globalWorkSize; globalWorkSize.append(count); Vector<double> globalWorkOffset; Vector<double> localWorkSize; commandQueue->enqueueNDRangeKernel(m_kernelChar16.get(), globalWorkSize.size(), globalWorkOffset, globalWorkSize, localWorkSize, Vector<RefPtr<WebCLEvent>>(), nullptr, es); } unsigned remainingBytes = memoryObject->sizeInBytes() % 16; if (remainingBytes) { m_kernelChar->setArg(0, memoryObject, es); if (es.hadException()) return; unsigned offset = count * 16; m_kernelChar->setArg(1, sizeof(unsigned), &offset, es); if (es.hadException()) return; unsigned totalSize = memoryObject->sizeInBytes(); m_kernelChar->setArg(2, sizeof(unsigned), &totalSize, es); if (es.hadException()) return; Vector<double> globalWorkSize; globalWorkSize.append(remainingBytes); Vector<double> globalWorkOffset; Vector<double> localWorkSize; commandQueue->enqueueNDRangeKernel(m_kernelChar.get(), globalWorkSize.size(), globalWorkOffset, globalWorkSize, localWorkSize, Vector<RefPtr<WebCLEvent>>(), nullptr, es); } commandQueue->finishCommandQueues(WebCLCommandQueue::SyncMethod::SYNC); }
String DOMURLUtilsReadOnly::hash(const KURL& kurl) { String fragmentIdentifier = kurl.fragmentIdentifier(); if (fragmentIdentifier.isEmpty()) return emptyString(); return AtomicString(String("#" + fragmentIdentifier)); }
String KURL::stringForInvalidComponent() const { if (m_string.isNull()) return String(); return emptyString(); }
void VTTCue::setCueSettings(const String& inputString) { VTTScanner input(inputString); while (!input.isAtEnd()) { // The WebVTT cue settings part of a WebVTT cue consists of zero or more of the following components, in any order, // separated from each other by one or more U+0020 SPACE characters or U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION (tab) characters. input.skipWhile<WebVTTParser::isValidSettingDelimiter>(); if (input.isAtEnd()) break; // When the user agent is to parse the WebVTT settings given by a string input for a text track cue cue, // the user agent must run the following steps: // 1. Let settings be the result of splitting input on spaces. // 2. For each token setting in the list settings, run the following substeps: // 1. If setting does not contain a U+003A COLON character (:), or if the first U+003A COLON character (:) // in setting is either the first or last character of setting, then jump to the step labeled next setting. // 2. Let name be the leading substring of setting up to and excluding the first U+003A COLON character (:) in that string. CueSetting name = settingName(input); // 3. Let value be the trailing substring of setting starting from the character immediately after the first U+003A COLON character (:) in that string. VTTScanner::Run valueRun = input.collectUntil<WebVTTParser::isValidSettingDelimiter>(); // 4. Run the appropriate substeps that apply for the value of name, as follows: switch (name) { case Vertical: { // If name is a case-sensitive match for "vertical" // 1. If value is a case-sensitive match for the string "rl", then let cue's text track cue writing direction // be vertical growing left. if (input.scanRun(valueRun, verticalGrowingLeftKeyword())) m_writingDirection = VerticalGrowingLeft; // 2. Otherwise, if value is a case-sensitive match for the string "lr", then let cue's text track cue writing // direction be vertical growing right. else if (input.scanRun(valueRun, verticalGrowingRightKeyword())) m_writingDirection = VerticalGrowingRight; break; } case Line: { // 1-2 - Collect chars that are either '-', '%', or a digit. // 1. If value contains any characters other than U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS characters (-), U+0025 PERCENT SIGN // characters (%), and characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9), then jump // to the step labeled next setting. bool isNegative = input.scan('-'); int linePosition; unsigned numDigits = input.scanDigits(linePosition); bool isPercentage = input.scan('%'); if (!input.isAt(valueRun.end())) break; // 2. If value does not contain at least one character in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT // NINE (9), then jump to the step labeled next setting. // 3. If any character in value other than the first character is a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS character (-), then // jump to the step labeled next setting. // 4. If any character in value other than the last character is a U+0025 PERCENT SIGN character (%), then // jump to the step labeled next setting. // 5. If the first character in value is a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS character (-) and the last character in value is a // U+0025 PERCENT SIGN character (%), then jump to the step labeled next setting. if (!numDigits || (isPercentage && isNegative)) break; // 6. Ignoring the trailing percent sign, if any, interpret value as a (potentially signed) integer, and // let number be that number. // 7. If the last character in value is a U+0025 PERCENT SIGN character (%), but number is not in the range // 0 ≤ number ≤ 100, then jump to the step labeled next setting. // 8. Let cue's text track cue line position be number. // 9. If the last character in value is a U+0025 PERCENT SIGN character (%), then let cue's text track cue // snap-to-lines flag be false. Otherwise, let it be true. if (isPercentage) { if (linePosition < 0 || linePosition > 100) break; // 10 - If '%' then set snap-to-lines flag to false. m_snapToLines = false; } else { if (isNegative) linePosition = -linePosition; m_snapToLines = true; } m_linePosition = linePosition; break; } case Position: { int number; // Steps 1 - 6. if (!scanPercentage(input, valueRun, number)) break; // 7. Let cue's text track cue text position be number. m_textPosition = number; break; } case Size: { int number; // Steps 1 - 6. if (!scanPercentage(input, valueRun, number)) break; // 7. Let cue's text track cue size be number. m_cueSize = number; break; } case Align: { // 1. If value is a case-sensitive match for the string "start", then let cue's text track cue alignment be start alignment. if (input.scanRun(valueRun, startKeyword())) m_cueAlignment = Start; // 2. If value is a case-sensitive match for the string "middle", then let cue's text track cue alignment be middle alignment. else if (input.scanRun(valueRun, middleKeyword())) m_cueAlignment = Middle; // 3. If value is a case-sensitive match for the string "end", then let cue's text track cue alignment be end alignment. else if (input.scanRun(valueRun, endKeyword())) m_cueAlignment = End; // 4. If value is a case-sensitive match for the string "left", then let cue's text track cue alignment be left alignment. else if (input.scanRun(valueRun, leftKeyword())) m_cueAlignment = Left; // 5. If value is a case-sensitive match for the string "right", then let cue's text track cue alignment be right alignment. else if (input.scanRun(valueRun, rightKeyword())) m_cueAlignment = Right; break; } #if ENABLE(WEBVTT_REGIONS) case RegionId: m_regionId = input.extractString(valueRun); break; #endif case None: break; } // Make sure the entire run is consumed. input.skipRun(valueRun); } #if ENABLE(WEBVTT_REGIONS) // If cue's line position is not auto or cue's size is not 100 or cue's // writing direction is not horizontal, but cue's region identifier is not // the empty string, let cue's region identifier be the empty string. if (m_regionId.isEmpty()) return; if (m_linePosition != undefinedPosition || m_cueSize != 100 || m_writingDirection != Horizontal) m_regionId = emptyString(); #endif }
String WorkerLocation::hash() const { return m_url.fragmentIdentifier().isEmpty() ? emptyString() : "#" + m_url.fragmentIdentifier(); }
void SubresourceLoader::willSendRequestInternal(ResourceRequest& newRequest, const ResourceResponse& redirectResponse) { // Store the previous URL because the call to ResourceLoader::willSendRequest will modify it. URL previousURL = request().url(); Ref<SubresourceLoader> protectedThis(*this); if (!newRequest.url().isValid()) { cancel(cannotShowURLError()); return; } ASSERT(!newRequest.isNull()); if (!redirectResponse.isNull()) { if (options().fetchOptions().redirect != FetchOptions::Redirect::Follow) { if (options().fetchOptions().redirect == FetchOptions::Redirect::Error) { cancel(); return; } m_resource->setOpaqueRedirect(); m_resource->responseReceived({ }); didFinishLoading(currentTime()); return; } // CachedResources are keyed off their original request URL. // Requesting the same original URL a second time can redirect to a unique second resource. // Therefore, if a redirect to a different destination URL occurs, we should no longer consider this a revalidation of the first resource. // Doing so would have us reusing the resource from the first request if the second request's revalidation succeeds. if (newRequest.isConditional() && m_resource->resourceToRevalidate() && newRequest.url() != m_resource->resourceToRevalidate()->response().url()) { newRequest.makeUnconditional(); MemoryCache::singleton().revalidationFailed(*m_resource); if (m_frame && m_frame->page()) m_frame->page()->diagnosticLoggingClient().logDiagnosticMessageWithResult(DiagnosticLoggingKeys::cachedResourceRevalidationKey(), emptyString(), DiagnosticLoggingResultFail, ShouldSample::Yes); } if (!m_documentLoader->cachedResourceLoader().canRequest(m_resource->type(), newRequest.url(), options(), false /* forPreload */, true /* didReceiveRedirectResponse */)) { cancel(); return; } if (options().requestOriginPolicy() == PotentiallyCrossOriginEnabled && !checkCrossOriginAccessControl(request(), redirectResponse, newRequest)) { cancel(); return; } if (m_resource->isImage() && m_documentLoader->cachedResourceLoader().shouldDeferImageLoad(newRequest.url())) { cancel(); return; } m_resource->redirectReceived(newRequest, redirectResponse); } if (newRequest.isNull() || reachedTerminalState()) return; ResourceLoader::willSendRequestInternal(newRequest, redirectResponse); if (newRequest.isNull()) cancel(); ResourceLoadObserver::sharedObserver().logSubresourceLoading(m_frame.get(), newRequest, redirectResponse); }
bool Database::performOpenAndVerify(bool shouldSetVersionInNewDatabase, DatabaseError& error, String& errorMessage) { DoneCreatingDatabaseOnExitCaller onExitCaller(this); ASSERT(errorMessage.isEmpty()); ASSERT(error == DatabaseError::None); // Better not have any errors already. // Presumed failure. We'll clear it if we succeed below. error = DatabaseError::InvalidDatabaseState; const int maxSqliteBusyWaitTime = 30000; if (! { reportOpenDatabaseResult(1, InvalidStateError, m_sqliteDatabase.lastError()); errorMessage = formatErrorMessage("unable to open database", m_sqliteDatabase.lastError(), m_sqliteDatabase.lastErrorMsg()); return false; } if (!m_sqliteDatabase.turnOnIncrementalAutoVacuum()) WTF_LOG_ERROR("Unable to turn on incremental auto-vacuum (%d %s)", m_sqliteDatabase.lastError(), m_sqliteDatabase.lastErrorMsg()); m_sqliteDatabase.setBusyTimeout(maxSqliteBusyWaitTime); String currentVersion; { SafePointAwareMutexLocker locker(guidMutex()); GuidVersionMap::iterator entry = guidToVersionMap().find(m_guid); if (entry != guidToVersionMap().end()) { // Map null string to empty string (see updateGuidVersionMap()). currentVersion = entry->value.isNull() ? emptyString() : entry->value.isolatedCopy(); WTF_LOG(StorageAPI, "Current cached version for guid %i is %s", m_guid, currentVersion.ascii().data()); // Note: In multi-process browsers the cached value may be // inaccurate, but we cannot read the actual version from the // database without potentially inducing a form of deadlock, a // busytimeout error when trying to access the database. So we'll // use the cached value if we're unable to read the value from the // database file without waiting. // FIXME: Add an async openDatabase method to the DatabaseAPI. const int noSqliteBusyWaitTime = 0; m_sqliteDatabase.setBusyTimeout(noSqliteBusyWaitTime); String versionFromDatabase; if (getVersionFromDatabase(versionFromDatabase, false)) { currentVersion = versionFromDatabase; updateGuidVersionMap(m_guid, currentVersion); } m_sqliteDatabase.setBusyTimeout(maxSqliteBusyWaitTime); } else { WTF_LOG(StorageAPI, "No cached version for guid %i", m_guid); SQLiteTransaction transaction(m_sqliteDatabase); transaction.begin(); if (!transaction.inProgress()) { reportOpenDatabaseResult(2, InvalidStateError, m_sqliteDatabase.lastError()); errorMessage = formatErrorMessage("unable to open database, failed to start transaction", m_sqliteDatabase.lastError(), m_sqliteDatabase.lastErrorMsg()); m_sqliteDatabase.close(); return false; } String tableName(infoTableName); if (!m_sqliteDatabase.tableExists(tableName)) { m_new = true; if (!m_sqliteDatabase.executeCommand("CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " (key TEXT NOT NULL ON CONFLICT FAIL UNIQUE ON CONFLICT REPLACE,value TEXT NOT NULL ON CONFLICT FAIL);")) { reportOpenDatabaseResult(3, InvalidStateError, m_sqliteDatabase.lastError()); errorMessage = formatErrorMessage("unable to open database, failed to create 'info' table", m_sqliteDatabase.lastError(), m_sqliteDatabase.lastErrorMsg()); transaction.rollback(); m_sqliteDatabase.close(); return false; } } else if (!getVersionFromDatabase(currentVersion, false)) { reportOpenDatabaseResult(4, InvalidStateError, m_sqliteDatabase.lastError()); errorMessage = formatErrorMessage("unable to open database, failed to read current version", m_sqliteDatabase.lastError(), m_sqliteDatabase.lastErrorMsg()); transaction.rollback(); m_sqliteDatabase.close(); return false; } if (currentVersion.length()) { WTF_LOG(StorageAPI, "Retrieved current version %s from database %s", currentVersion.ascii().data(), databaseDebugName().ascii().data()); } else if (!m_new || shouldSetVersionInNewDatabase) { WTF_LOG(StorageAPI, "Setting version %s in database %s that was just created", m_expectedVersion.ascii().data(), databaseDebugName().ascii().data()); if (!setVersionInDatabase(m_expectedVersion, false)) { reportOpenDatabaseResult(5, InvalidStateError, m_sqliteDatabase.lastError()); errorMessage = formatErrorMessage("unable to open database, failed to write current version", m_sqliteDatabase.lastError(), m_sqliteDatabase.lastErrorMsg()); transaction.rollback(); m_sqliteDatabase.close(); return false; } currentVersion = m_expectedVersion; } updateGuidVersionMap(m_guid, currentVersion); transaction.commit(); } } if (currentVersion.isNull()) { WTF_LOG(StorageAPI, "Database %s does not have its version set", databaseDebugName().ascii().data()); currentVersion = ""; } // If the expected version isn't the empty string, ensure that the current // database version we have matches that version. Otherwise, set an // exception. // If the expected version is the empty string, then we always return with // whatever version of the database we have. if ((!m_new || shouldSetVersionInNewDatabase) && m_expectedVersion.length() && m_expectedVersion != currentVersion) { reportOpenDatabaseResult(6, InvalidStateError, 0); errorMessage = "unable to open database, version mismatch, '" + m_expectedVersion + "' does not match the currentVersion of '" + currentVersion + "'"; m_sqliteDatabase.close(); return false; } ASSERT(m_databaseAuthorizer); m_sqliteDatabase.setAuthorizer(m_databaseAuthorizer.get()); // See comment at the top this file regarding calling addOpenDatabase(). DatabaseTracker::tracker().addOpenDatabase(this); m_opened = true; // Declare success: error = DatabaseError::None; // Clear the presumed error from above. onExitCaller.setOpenSucceeded(); if (m_new && !shouldSetVersionInNewDatabase) { // The caller provided a creationCallback which will set the expected // version. m_expectedVersion = ""; } reportOpenDatabaseResult(0, -1, 0); // OK if (databaseContext()->databaseThread()) databaseContext()->databaseThread()->recordDatabaseOpen(this); return true; }
void SubresourceLoader::didReceiveResponse(const ResourceResponse& response) { ASSERT(!response.isNull()); ASSERT(m_state == Initialized); // Reference the object in this method since the additional processing can do // anything including removing the last reference to this object; one example of this is 3266216. Ref<SubresourceLoader> protectedThis(*this); if (shouldIncludeCertificateInfo()) response.includeCertificateInfo(); if (response.isHttpVersion0_9()) { if (m_frame) { String message = "Sandboxing '" + response.url().string() + "' because it is using HTTP/0.9."; m_frame->document()->addConsoleMessage(MessageSource::Security, MessageLevel::Error, message, identifier()); frameLoader()->forceSandboxFlags(SandboxScripts | SandboxPlugins); } } if (m_resource->resourceToRevalidate()) { if (response.httpStatusCode() == 304) { // 304 Not modified / Use local copy // Existing resource is ok, just use it updating the expiration time. m_resource->setResponse(response); MemoryCache::singleton().revalidationSucceeded(*m_resource, response); if (m_frame && m_frame->page()) m_frame->page()->diagnosticLoggingClient().logDiagnosticMessageWithResult(DiagnosticLoggingKeys::cachedResourceRevalidationKey(), emptyString(), DiagnosticLoggingResultPass, ShouldSample::Yes); if (!reachedTerminalState()) ResourceLoader::didReceiveResponse(response); return; } // Did not get 304 response, continue as a regular resource load. MemoryCache::singleton().revalidationFailed(*m_resource); if (m_frame && m_frame->page()) m_frame->page()->diagnosticLoggingClient().logDiagnosticMessageWithResult(DiagnosticLoggingKeys::cachedResourceRevalidationKey(), emptyString(), DiagnosticLoggingResultFail, ShouldSample::Yes); } m_resource->responseReceived(response); if (reachedTerminalState()) return; ResourceLoader::didReceiveResponse(response); if (reachedTerminalState()) return; // FIXME: Main resources have a different set of rules for multipart than images do. // Hopefully we can merge those 2 paths. if (response.isMultipart() && m_resource->type() != CachedResource::MainResource) { m_loadingMultipartContent = true; // We don't count multiParts in a CachedResourceLoader's request count m_requestCountTracker = nullptr; if (!m_resource->isImage()) { cancel(); return; } } auto* buffer = resourceData(); if (m_loadingMultipartContent && buffer && buffer->size()) { // The resource data will change as the next part is loaded, so we need to make a copy. m_resource->finishLoading(buffer->copy().ptr()); clearResourceData(); // Since a subresource loader does not load multipart sections progressively, data was delivered to the loader all at once. // After the first multipart section is complete, signal to delegates that this load is "finished" m_documentLoader->subresourceLoaderFinishedLoadingOnePart(this); didFinishLoadingOnePart(0); } checkForHTTPStatusCodeError(); }
void SVGTextMetricsBuilder::advanceSimpleText() { #if PLATFORM(QT) && !HAVE(QRAWFONT) ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); #else unsigned metricsLength = m_simpleWidthIterator->advance(m_textPosition + 1); if (!metricsLength) { m_currentMetrics = SVGTextMetrics(); return; } if (currentCharacterStartsSurrogatePair()) ASSERT(metricsLength == 2); float currentWidth = m_simpleWidthIterator->runWidthSoFar() - m_totalWidth; m_totalWidth = m_simpleWidthIterator->runWidthSoFar(); #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) m_currentMetrics = SVGTextMetrics(m_text, m_textPosition, metricsLength, currentWidth, m_simpleWidthIterator->lastGlyphName()); #else m_currentMetrics = SVGTextMetrics(m_text, m_textPosition, metricsLength, currentWidth, emptyString()); #endif #endif }
void VTTCue::parseSettings(const String& inputString) { VTTScanner input(inputString); while (!input.isAtEnd()) { // The WebVTT cue settings part of a WebVTT cue consists of zero or more of the following components, in any order, // separated from each other by one or more U+0020 SPACE characters or U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION (tab) characters. input.skipWhile<VTTParser::isValidSettingDelimiter>(); if (input.isAtEnd()) break; // When the user agent is to parse the WebVTT settings given by a string input for a text track cue cue, // the user agent must run the following steps: // 1. Let settings be the result of splitting input on spaces. // 2. For each token setting in the list settings, run the following substeps: // 1. If setting does not contain a U+003A COLON character (:), or if the first U+003A COLON character (:) // in setting is either the first or last character of setting, then jump to the step labeled next setting. // 2. Let name be the leading substring of setting up to and excluding the first U+003A COLON character (:) in that string. CueSetting name = settingName(input); // 3. Let value be the trailing substring of setting starting from the character immediately after the first U+003A COLON character (:) in that string. VTTScanner::Run valueRun = input.collectUntil<VTTParser::isValidSettingDelimiter>(); // 4. Run the appropriate substeps that apply for the value of name, as follows: switch (name) { case Vertical: { // If name is a case-sensitive match for "vertical" // 1. If value is a case-sensitive match for the string "rl", then // let cue's WebVTT cue writing direction be vertical // growing left. if (input.scanRun(valueRun, verticalGrowingLeftKeyword())) m_writingDirection = VerticalGrowingLeft; // 2. Otherwise, if value is a case-sensitive match for the string // "lr", then let cue's WebVTT cue writing direction be // vertical growing right. else if (input.scanRun(valueRun, verticalGrowingRightKeyword())) m_writingDirection = VerticalGrowingRight; break; } case Line: { // If name is a case-sensitive match for "line" // Steps 1 - 2 skipped. float number; // 3. If linepos does not contain at least one ASCII digit, then // jump to the step labeled next setting. // 4. If the last character in linepos is a U+0025 PERCENT SIGN character (%) // // If parse a percentage string from linepos doesn't fail, let // number be the returned percentage, otherwise jump to the step // labeled next setting. bool isPercentage = scanPercentage(input, number); if (!isPercentage) { // Otherwise // // 1. If linepos contains any characters other than U+002D // HYPHEN-MINUS characters (-) and ASCII digits, then jump to // the step labeled next setting. // 2. If any character in linepos other than the first character is // a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS character (-), then jump to the step // labeled next setting. bool isNegative = input.scan('-'); int intLinePosition; if (!input.scanDigits(intLinePosition)) break; // 3. Interpret linepos as a (potentially signed) integer, and let // number be that number. number = isNegative ? -intLinePosition : intLinePosition; } if (!input.isAt(valueRun.end())) break; // 5. Let cue's WebVTT cue line be number. m_linePosition = number; // 6. If the last character in linepos is a U+0025 PERCENT SIGN // character (%), then let cue's WebVTT cue snap-to-lines // flag be false. Otherwise, let it be true. m_snapToLines = !isPercentage; // Steps 7 - 9 skipped. break; } case Position: { // If name is a case-sensitive match for "position". float number; // Steps 1 - 2 skipped. // 3. If parse a percentage string from colpos doesn't fail, let // number be the returned percentage, otherwise jump to the step // labeled next setting (text track cue text position's value // remains the special value auto). if (!scanPercentage(input, number)) break; if (!input.isAt(valueRun.end())) break; // 4. Let cue's cue position be number. m_textPosition = number; // Steps 5 - 7 skipped. break; } case Size: { // If name is a case-sensitive match for "size" float number; // 1. If parse a percentage string from value doesn't fail, let // number be the returned percentage, otherwise jump to the step // labeled next setting. if (!scanPercentage(input, number)) break; if (!input.isAt(valueRun.end())) break; // 2. Let cue's WebVTT cue size be number. m_cueSize = number; break; } case Align: { // If name is a case-sensitive match for "align" // 1. If value is a case-sensitive match for the string "start", // then let cue's WebVTT cue text alignment be start alignment. if (input.scanRun(valueRun, startKeyword())) m_cueAlignment = Start; // 2. If value is a case-sensitive match for the string "middle", // then let cue's WebVTT cue text alignment be middle alignment. else if (input.scanRun(valueRun, middleKeyword())) m_cueAlignment = Middle; // 3. If value is a case-sensitive match for the string "end", then // let cue's WebVTT cue text alignment be end alignment. else if (input.scanRun(valueRun, endKeyword())) m_cueAlignment = End; // 4. If value is a case-sensitive match for the string "left", // then let cue's WebVTT cue text alignment be left alignment. else if (input.scanRun(valueRun, leftKeyword())) m_cueAlignment = Left; // 5. If value is a case-sensitive match for the string "right", // then let cue's WebVTT cue text alignment be right alignment. else if (input.scanRun(valueRun, rightKeyword())) m_cueAlignment = Right; break; } case RegionId: m_regionId = input.extractString(valueRun); break; case None: break; } // Make sure the entire run is consumed. input.skipRun(valueRun); } // If cue's line position is not auto or cue's size is not 100 or cue's // writing direction is not horizontal, but cue's region identifier is not // the empty string, let cue's region identifier be the empty string. if (m_regionId.isEmpty()) return; if (!lineIsAuto() || m_cueSize != 100 || m_writingDirection != Horizontal) m_regionId = emptyString(); }
static const String& horizontalKeyword() { return emptyString(); }
PassRefPtr<LegacyWebArchive> LegacyWebArchive::create(const String& markupString, Frame* frame, const Vector<Node*>& nodes, FrameFilter* frameFilter) { ASSERT(frame); const ResourceResponse& response = frame->loader().documentLoader()->response(); URL responseURL = response.url(); // it's possible to have a response without a URL here // <rdar://problem/5454935> if (responseURL.isNull()) responseURL = URL(ParsedURLString, emptyString()); RefPtr<ArchiveResource> mainResource = ArchiveResource::create(utf8Buffer(markupString), responseURL, response.mimeType(), "UTF-8", frame->tree().uniqueName()); Vector<PassRefPtr<LegacyWebArchive>> subframeArchives; Vector<PassRefPtr<ArchiveResource>> subresources; HashSet<URL> uniqueSubresources; size_t nodesSize = nodes.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nodesSize; ++i) { Node& node = *nodes[i]; Frame* childFrame; if ((isHTMLFrameElement(node) || isHTMLIFrameElement(node) || isHTMLObjectElement(node)) && (childFrame = toHTMLFrameOwnerElement(node).contentFrame())) { if (frameFilter && !frameFilter->shouldIncludeSubframe(childFrame)) continue; RefPtr<LegacyWebArchive> subframeArchive = create(childFrame->document(), frameFilter); if (subframeArchive) subframeArchives.append(subframeArchive); else LOG_ERROR("Unabled to archive subframe %s", childFrame->tree().uniqueName().string().utf8().data()); } else { ListHashSet<URL> subresourceURLs; node.getSubresourceURLs(subresourceURLs); DocumentLoader* documentLoader = frame->loader().documentLoader(); ListHashSet<URL>::iterator iterEnd = subresourceURLs.end(); for (ListHashSet<URL>::iterator iter = subresourceURLs.begin(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter) { const URL& subresourceURL = *iter; if (uniqueSubresources.contains(subresourceURL)) continue; uniqueSubresources.add(subresourceURL); RefPtr<ArchiveResource> resource = documentLoader->subresource(subresourceURL); if (resource) { subresources.append(resource.release()); continue; } ResourceRequest request(subresourceURL); #if ENABLE(CACHE_PARTITIONING) request.setCachePartition(frame->document()->topOrigin()->cachePartition()); #endif CachedResource* cachedResource = memoryCache()->resourceForRequest(request); if (cachedResource) { ResourceBuffer* data = cachedResource->resourceBuffer(); resource = ArchiveResource::create(data ? data->sharedBuffer() : 0, subresourceURL, cachedResource->response()); if (resource) { subresources.append(resource.release()); continue; } } // FIXME: should do something better than spew to console here LOG_ERROR("Failed to archive subresource for %s", subresourceURL.string().utf8().data()); } } } // Add favicon if one exists for this page, if we are archiving the entire page. if (nodesSize && nodes[0]->isDocumentNode() && iconDatabase().isEnabled()) { const String& iconURL = iconDatabase().synchronousIconURLForPageURL(responseURL); if (!iconURL.isEmpty() && iconDatabase().synchronousIconDataKnownForIconURL(iconURL)) { if (Image* iconImage = iconDatabase().synchronousIconForPageURL(responseURL, IntSize(16, 16))) { if (RefPtr<ArchiveResource> resource = ArchiveResource::create(iconImage->data(), URL(ParsedURLString, iconURL), "image/x-icon", "", "")) subresources.append(resource.release()); } } } return create(mainResource.release(), subresources, subframeArchives); }
String HTMLAnchorElement::hash() const { String fragmentIdentifier = href().fragmentIdentifier(); return fragmentIdentifier.isEmpty() ? emptyString() : "#" + fragmentIdentifier; }
PassRefPtr<SpeechRecognitionError> SpeechRecognitionError::create() { return adoptRef(new SpeechRecognitionError(emptyString(), emptyString())); }
cut::exceptions::UnitTestSuccess::UnitTestSuccess() : ExpectionBase(nullptr, 0, emptyString()) { }
String NumberInputType::sanitizeValue(const String& proposedValue) const { if (proposedValue.isEmpty()) return proposedValue; return std::isfinite(parseToDoubleForNumberType(proposedValue)) ? proposedValue : emptyString(); }