Matrix periodic_function(Matrix* inputChannel,short numChannels){ Matrix ret=empty_matrix(1,1); Matrix temp=empty_matrix(1,1); int i=0; temp=matrix_mul_double(&inputChannel[0], gs->Ch0Gain); ret=matrix_sum(&ret,&temp); if(numChannels>=2){ temp=matrix_mul_double(&inputChannel[1], gs->Ch1Gain); ret=matrix_sum(&ret,&temp); if(numChannels>=3){ temp=matrix_mul_double(&inputChannel[2], gs->Ch2Gain); ret=matrix_sum(&ret,&temp); for(i=3;i<numChannels;i++){ ret=matrix_sum(&ret,&inputChannel[i]); } } } ret=matrix_mul_double(&ret,gs->OutputGain); return ret; }
Matrix periodic_function(Matrix* inputChannel,short numChannels){ Matrix ret=empty_matrix(1,1); ret.matrix[0][0]=fakeWave; return ret; }
Matrix periodic_function(Matrix* inputChannel,short numChannels){ Matrix ret=empty_matrix(1,1); ret.matrix[0][0]=(float)blackbox_read()*4/4095; return ret; }
Matrix periodic_function(Matrix* inputChannel,short numChannels){ Matrix ret=empty_matrix(1,1); ret=systemBlock(gs->B,gs->A,inputChannel[0]); return ret; }
Matrix systemBlock(Matrix B,Matrix A,Matrix u){ static double uA[CMAX]; static double yA[CMAX]; int i; double aux=0; Matrix yo=empty_matrix(1,1); for(i=0;i<B.columns-1;i++){ uA[i]=uA[i+1]; } uA[B.columns-1]=u.matrix[0][0]; for(i=0;i<B.columns;i++){ aux=aux+B.matrix[0][i]*uA[B.columns-1-i]; } for(i=0;i<A.columns-1;i++){ aux=aux-A.matrix[0][i+1]*yA[A.columns-2-i]; } for(i=0;i<A.columns-2;i++){ yA[i]=yA[i+1]; } yA[A.columns-2]=aux; yo.matrix[0][0]=aux; return yo; }
void loop(void *arg) { RT_HEAP sampling_heap; current_period=bind_shm(&sampling_heap,"tickPeriod",sizeof(long)); Matrix outputMatrix=empty_matrix(1,1); DEBUG("Outputing a %s wave of amplitude %4.2f, freq %4.2f, duty %4.2f, dc %4.2f\n",gs->wave,gs->wave_amp,gs->wave_freq,gs->wave_duty,gs->wave_dc); while (running) { read_inputs(); outputMatrix=periodic_function(io.input_result,io.input_num); write_outputs(outputMatrix); } unbind_shm(&sampling_heap); }
Matrix periodic_function(Matrix* inputChannel,short numChannels){ Matrix ret=empty_matrix(1,1); double sample; static int n=0; long period=*current_period; int halfpointx; float slope; switch(gs->wave[0]){ case 'S': case 's': sample=sinf(2*M_PI*gs->wave_freq*n*period*pow(10,-9))*gs->wave_amp/2+gs->wave_dc; break; case 'T': case 't': halfpointx=0.5/(gs->wave_freq*period*pow(10,-9)); slope=gs->wave_amp/halfpointx; if(n<=halfpointx) sample=slope*n-gs->wave_amp/2; else sample=-slope*n+(3*gs->wave_amp/2); //wrap around if(n>(2*halfpointx)) n=-1; break; case 'P': case 'p': if(n<=(gs->wave_duty*0.01)/(gs->wave_freq*period*pow(10,-9))) sample=gs->wave_dc+gs->wave_amp/2; else sample=gs->wave_dc-gs->wave_amp/2; //wrap around if(n>(1/(gs->wave_freq*period*pow(10,-9)))) n=-1; break; } n++; ret.matrix[0][0]=sample; return ret; }
void loop(void *arg){ Matrix outputMatrix=empty_matrix(1,1); RT_TASK pwm_task; lpt_init(); rt_task_spawn(&pwm_task,NULL,0,gs->task_prio,0,&pwm,NULL); while (running) { read_inputs(); //outputMatrix=periodic_function(io.input_result,io.input_num); write_outputs(outputMatrix); } rt_task_delete(&pwm_task); lpt_close(); }
void loop(void *arg){ RT_HEAP sampling_heap; Matrix outputMatrix=empty_matrix(1,1); long* current_period; int create; //This works as a global variable current_period=(long*) create_shm(&sampling_heap,"tickPeriod",sizeof(long),&create); *current_period=gs->sampling_period*1000; if(*current_period<SAFEZONE) *current_period=SAFEZONE; rt_task_set_periodic(NULL, TM_NOW,*current_period); while(running){ rt_task_wait_period(NULL); debug_get_start_time(); //XL forces this block to have inputs, //so we force the count to zero to ignore it io.input_num = 0; debug_store_inputs(); write_output_queues(&outputMatrix); debug_write_queue(); outputMatrix.matrix[0][0]++; //Change period if changed in GUI if(*current_period!=gs->sampling_period*1000){ *current_period=gs->sampling_period*1000; if(*current_period<SAFEZONE) *current_period=SAFEZONE; rt_task_set_periodic(NULL, TM_NOW,*current_period); } } delete_shm(&sampling_heap,current_period); }
void loop(void *arg){ Matrix outputMatrix=empty_matrix(1,1); /* * Insert initialization code here. * e.g. open a file. */ while (running) { read_inputs(); outputMatrix=periodic_function(io.input_result,io.input_num); write_outputs(outputMatrix); } /* * Insert finalization code here * e.g. close a file. */ }
void my_main( int polygons ) { int i; double step = .05; double xval, yval, zval; struct matrix *transform; struct matrix *tmp; struct stack *s; screen t; color g; g = change_color(4); s = new_stack(); tmp = new_matrix(4, 1000); clear_screen( t ); for (i=0;i<lastop;i++) { switch (op[i].opcode) { case COMMENT: break; case PUSH: push(s); break; case POP: pop(s); break; case MOVE: xval = op[i].op.move.d[0]; yval = op[i].op.move.d[1]; zval = op[i].op.move.d[2]; transform = make_translate(xval, yval, zval); matrix_mult(s->data[s->top], transform); s->data[s->top] = transform; break; case SCALE: xval = op[i].op.scale.d[0]; yval = op[i].op.scale.d[1]; zval = op[i].op.scale.d[2]; transform - make_scale(xval, yval, zval); matrix_mult(s->data[s->top], transform); s->data[s->top] = transform; break; case ROTATE: switch ((int)op[i].op.rotate.axis) { double theta = op[i].op.rotate.degrees; case 0: transform = make_rotX(theta); break; case 1: transform = make_rotY(theta); break; case 2: transform = make_rotZ(theta); break; } matrix_mult(s->data[s->top], transform); s->data[s->top] = transform; break; case BOX: empty_matrix(tmp); xval = op[i][0]; yval = op[i][1]; zval = op[i][2]; double width = op[i][0]; double height = op[i][1]; double depth = op[i][2]; add_box(tmp, xval, yval, zval, width, height, depth); matrix_mult(s->data[s->top], tmp); draw_polygons(tmp, t, g); break; case SPHERE: empty_matrix(tmp); xval = op[i].op.sphere.d[0]; yval = op[i].op.sphere.d[1]; zval = op[i].op.sphere.d[2]; double radius = op[i].op.sphere.r; add_sphere(tmp, xval, yval, zval, radius, step); matrix_mult(s->data[s->top], tmp); draw_polygons(tmp, t, g); break; case TORUS: empty_matrix(tmp); xval = op[i].op.torus.d[0]; yval = op[i].op.torus.d[1]; zval = op[i].op.torus.d[2]; double r1 = op[i].op.torus.r0; double r2 = op[i].op.torus.r1; add_torus(tmp, xval, yval, zval, r1, r2, step); matrix_mult(s->data[s->top], tmp); draw_polygons(tmp, t, g); break; case LINE: empty_matrix(tmp); add_edge(tmp, op[i].op.line.p0[0], op[i].op.line.p0[1], op[i].op.line.p0[2], op[i].op.line.p1[0], op[i].op.line.p1[1], op[i].op.line.p1[2]); draw_lines(tmp, t, g); break; case SAVE: save_extension(t, op[i]>name); break; case DISPLAY: display(t); break; } } }
static void read_box(FILE *fob, mxArray **data, double dbu_to_uu) { mxArray *pstruct; mxArray *pprop = NULL; uint16_t rtype, rlen; int nprop = 0; element_t box; const char *fields[] = {"internal", "xy", "prop"}; /* initialize element */ init_element(&box, GDS_BOX); /* output data structure */ pstruct = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1, 3, fields); /* read element properties */ while (1) { if ( read_record_hdr(fob, &rtype, &rlen) ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (box) : could not read record header."); if (rtype == ENDEL) break; switch (rtype) { case XY: mxSetFieldByNumber(pstruct, 0, 1, read_xy(fob, rlen, dbu_to_uu)); break; case LAYER: box.layer = read_layer(fob); break; case BOXTYPE: box.dtype = read_type(fob); break; case ELFLAGS: box.elflags = read_elflags(fob); box.has |= HAS_ELFLAGS; break; case PLEX: box.plex = read_plex(fob); box.has |= HAS_PLEX; break; case PROPATTR: pprop = resize_property_structure(pprop, nprop+1); mxSetFieldByNumber(pprop, nprop, 0, read_propattr(fob)); break; case PROPVALUE: mxSetFieldByNumber(pprop, nprop, 1, read_propvalue(fob,rlen)); nprop += 1; break; default: mexPrintf("Unknown record id: 0x%x\n", rtype); mexErrMsgTxt("BOX : found unknown element property."); } } /* set prop field */ if ( nprop ) { mxSetFieldByNumber(pstruct, 0, 2, pprop); } else { mxSetFieldByNumber(pstruct, 0, 2, empty_matrix()); } /* store structure with element data */ mxSetFieldByNumber(pstruct, 0, 0, copy_element_to_array(&box)); /* return data */ *data = pstruct; }
static void read_text(FILE *fob, mxArray **data, double dbu_to_uu) { mxArray *pstruct; mxArray *pprop = NULL; uint16_t rtype, rlen; int nprop = 0; char tstr[TXTLEN+4]; element_t text; const char *fields[] = {"internal", "xy", "prop", "text"}; /* initialize element */ init_element(&text, GDS_TEXT); /* output data structure */ pstruct = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1, 4, fields); /* read element properties */ while (1) { if ( read_record_hdr(fob, &rtype, &rlen) ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (text) : could not read record header."); if (rtype == ENDEL) break; switch (rtype) { case STRING: if ( read_string(fob, tstr, rlen) ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (text) : could not read string."); struct_set_string(pstruct, 3, tstr); break; case TEXTTYPE: text.dtype = read_type(fob); break; case XY: mxSetFieldByNumber(pstruct, 0, 1, read_xy(fob, rlen, dbu_to_uu)); break; case LAYER: text.layer = read_layer(fob); break; case PATHTYPE: text.ptype = read_type(fob); text.has |= HAS_PTYPE; break; case WIDTH: text.width = dbu_to_uu * read_width(fob); text.has |= HAS_WIDTH; break; case PRESENTATION: if ( read_word(fob, &text.present) ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (text) : could not read presentation data."); text.has |= HAS_PRESTN; break; case STRANS: if ( read_word(fob, &text.strans.flags) ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (text) : could not read strans data."); text.has |= HAS_STRANS; break; case MAG: if ( read_real8(fob, &text.strans.mag) ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (text) : could not read magnification."); text.has |= HAS_MAG; break; case ANGLE: if ( read_real8(fob, &text.strans.angle) ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (text) : could not read angle."); text.has |= HAS_ANGLE; break; case ELFLAGS: text.elflags = read_elflags(fob); text.has |= HAS_ELFLAGS; break; case PLEX: text.plex = read_plex(fob); text.has |= HAS_PLEX; break; case PROPATTR: pprop = resize_property_structure(pprop, nprop+1); mxSetFieldByNumber(pprop, nprop, 0, read_propattr(fob)); break; case PROPVALUE: mxSetFieldByNumber(pprop, nprop, 1, read_propvalue(fob,rlen)); nprop += 1; break; default: mexPrintf("Unknown record id: 0x%x\n", rtype); mexErrMsgTxt("TEXT : found unknown element property."); } } /* set prop field */ if ( nprop ) { mxSetFieldByNumber(pstruct, 0, 2, pprop); } else { mxSetFieldByNumber(pstruct, 0, 2, empty_matrix()); } /* store structure with element data */ mxSetFieldByNumber(pstruct, 0, 0, copy_element_to_array(&text)); /* return data */ *data = pstruct; }
static void read_aref(FILE *fob, mxArray **data, double dbu_to_uu) { mxArray *pstruct; mxArray *pprop = NULL; uint16_t rtype, rlen; int nprop = 0; element_t aref; const char *fields[] = {"internal", "xy", "prop"}; /* initialize element */ init_element(&aref, GDS_AREF); /* output data structure */ pstruct = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1, 3, fields); /* read element properties */ while (1) { if ( read_record_hdr(fob, &rtype, &rlen) ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (aref) : could not read record header."); if (rtype == ENDEL) break; switch (rtype) { case XY: mxSetFieldByNumber(pstruct, 0, 1, read_xy(fob, rlen, dbu_to_uu)); break; case SNAME: if ( read_string(fob, aref.sname, rlen) ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (sref) : could not read structure name."); break; case COLROW: read_colrow(fob, &aref.nrow, &aref.ncol); break; case STRANS: if ( read_word(fob, &aref.strans.flags) ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (aref) : could not read strans data."); aref.has |= HAS_STRANS; break; case MAG: if ( read_real8(fob, &aref.strans.mag) ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (aref) : could not read magnification."); aref.has |= HAS_MAG; break; case ANGLE: if ( read_real8(fob, &aref.strans.angle) ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (aref) : could not read angle."); aref.has |= HAS_ANGLE; break; case ELFLAGS: aref.elflags = read_elflags(fob); aref.has |= HAS_ELFLAGS; break; case PLEX: aref.plex = read_plex(fob); aref.has |= HAS_PLEX; break; case PROPATTR: pprop = resize_property_structure(pprop, nprop+1); mxSetFieldByNumber(pprop, nprop, 0, read_propattr(fob)); break; case PROPVALUE: mxSetFieldByNumber(pprop, nprop, 1, read_propvalue(fob,rlen)); nprop += 1; break; default: mexPrintf("Unknown record id: 0x%x\n", rtype); mexErrMsgTxt("AREF : found unknown element property."); } } /* set prop field */ if ( nprop ) { mxSetFieldByNumber(pstruct, 0, 2, pprop); } else { mxSetFieldByNumber(pstruct, 0, 2, empty_matrix()); } /* store structure with element data */ mxSetFieldByNumber(pstruct, 0, 0, copy_element_to_array(&aref)); /* return data */ *data = pstruct; }
static void read_sref(FILE *fob, mxArray **data, double dbu_to_uu) { mxArray *pstruct; mxArray *pprop = NULL; mxArray *pa; double *pd; tList xylist; uint16_t rtype, rlen; int nprop = 0; int mtotal = 0; int k, m, nle; element_t sref; const char *fields[] = {"internal", "xy", "prop"}; xy_block vertex; /* initialize element */ init_element(&sref, GDS_SREF); /* output data structure */ pstruct = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1, 3, fields); /* create a list for the XY data record(s) */ if ( create_list(&xylist) == -1 ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (sref) : could not create list for XY records."); /* read element properties */ while (1) { if ( read_record_hdr(fob, &rtype, &rlen) ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (sref) : could not read record header."); if (rtype == ENDEL) break; switch (rtype) { case XY: m = rlen / (2*sizeof(int32_t)); vertex.mxy = m; vertex.xy = read_xy2(fob, m, dbu_to_uu); list_insert_object(xylist, &vertex, sizeof(xy_block), AFTER); mtotal += m; break; case SNAME: if ( read_string(fob, sref.sname, rlen) ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (sref) : could not read structure name."); break; case STRANS: if ( read_word(fob, &sref.strans.flags) ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (sref) : could not read strans data."); sref.has |= HAS_STRANS; break; case MAG: if ( read_real8(fob, &sref.strans.mag) ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (sref) : could not read magnification."); sref.has |= HAS_MAG; break; case ANGLE: if ( read_real8(fob, &sref.strans.angle) ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (sref) : could not read angle."); sref.has |= HAS_ANGLE; break; case ELFLAGS: sref.elflags = read_elflags(fob); sref.has |= HAS_ELFLAGS; break; case PLEX: sref.plex = read_plex(fob); sref.has |= HAS_PLEX; break; case PROPATTR: pprop = resize_property_structure(pprop, nprop+1); mxSetFieldByNumber(pprop, nprop, 0, read_propattr(fob)); break; case PROPVALUE: mxSetFieldByNumber(pprop, nprop, 1, read_propvalue(fob,rlen)); nprop += 1; break; default: mexPrintf("Unknown record id: 0x%x\n", rtype); mexErrMsgTxt("SREF : found unknown element property."); } } /* catenate XY records */ nle = list_entries(xylist); if ( !nle ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (sref) : element has no XY record."); pa = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(mtotal,2, mxREAL); pd = mxGetData(pa); list_head(xylist); for (k=0; k<nle; k++) { get_current_object(xylist, &vertex, sizeof(xy_block)); memcpy(pd, vertex.xy, 2*vertex.mxy*sizeof(double)); pd += 2*vertex.mxy; mxFree(vertex.xy); } mxSetFieldByNumber(pstruct, 0, 1, pa); erase_list_entries(xylist); delete_list(&xylist); /* set prop field */ if ( nprop ) { mxSetFieldByNumber(pstruct, 0, 2, pprop); } else { mxSetFieldByNumber(pstruct, 0, 2, empty_matrix()); } /* store structure with element data */ mxSetFieldByNumber(pstruct, 0, 0, copy_element_to_array(&sref)); /* return data */ *data = pstruct; }
static void read_path(FILE *fob, mxArray **data, double dbu_to_uu) { mxArray *pstruct; mxArray *pprop = NULL; mxArray *pc; tList xylist; uint16_t rtype, rlen; int nprop = 0; int nle, k; element_t path; const char *fields[] = {"internal", "xy", "prop"}; /* initialize element */ init_element(&path, GDS_PATH); /* output data structure */ pstruct = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1, 3, fields); /* create a list for the XY data record(s) */ if ( create_list(&xylist) == -1 ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (path) : could not create list for XY records."); /* read element properties */ while (1) { if ( read_record_hdr(fob, &rtype, &rlen) ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (path) : could not read record header."); if (rtype == ENDEL) break; switch (rtype) { case XY: if ( list_insert(xylist, read_xy(fob, rlen, dbu_to_uu), AFTER) == -1) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (path) : list insertion failed."); break; case LAYER: path.layer = read_layer(fob); break; case PATHTYPE: path.ptype = read_type(fob); path.has |= HAS_PTYPE; break; case WIDTH: path.width = dbu_to_uu * (double)read_width(fob); path.has |= HAS_WIDTH; break; case BGNEXTN: path.bgnextn = dbu_to_uu * read_extn(fob); path.has |= HAS_BGNEXTN; break; case ENDEXTN: path.endextn = dbu_to_uu * read_extn(fob); path.has |= HAS_ENDEXTN; break; case DATATYPE: path.dtype = read_type(fob); break; case ELFLAGS: path.elflags = read_elflags(fob); path.has |= HAS_ELFLAGS; break; case PLEX: path.plex = read_plex(fob); path.has |= HAS_PLEX; break; case PROPATTR: pprop = resize_property_structure(pprop, nprop+1); mxSetFieldByNumber(pprop, nprop, 0, read_propattr(fob)); break; case PROPVALUE: mxSetFieldByNumber(pprop, nprop, 1, read_propvalue(fob,rlen)); nprop += 1; break; default: mexPrintf("Unknown record id: 0x%x\n", rtype); mexErrMsgTxt("PATH : found unknown element property."); } } /* cell array with XY records */ nle = list_entries(xylist); if ( !nle ) mexErrMsgTxt("gds_read_element (path) : element has no XY record."); pc = mxCreateCellMatrix(1, nle); list_head(xylist); for (k=0; k<nle; k++) mxSetCell(pc, k, (mxArray *)get_current_entry(xylist, NULL)); mxSetFieldByNumber(pstruct, 0, 1, pc); /* set prop field */ if ( nprop ) { mxSetFieldByNumber(pstruct, 0, 2, pprop); } else { mxSetFieldByNumber(pstruct, 0, 2, empty_matrix()); } /* store structure with element data */ mxSetFieldByNumber(pstruct, 0, 0, copy_element_to_array(&path)); /* return data */ *data = pstruct; }