Пример #1
void MessageCarbons::stanzaRequestResult(const Jid &AStreamJid, const Stanza &AStanza)
	if (AStanza.type() == "result")
		if (FEnableRequests.contains(AStanza.id()))
			LogDetaile(QString("[MessageCarbons] Message Carbons enabled for '%1'").arg(AStreamJid.full()));
			FEnabled[AStreamJid] = true;
			emit enableChanged(AStreamJid,true);
		else if(FDisableRequests.contains(AStanza.id()))
			LogDetaile(QString("[MessageCarbons] Message Carbons disabled for '%1'").arg(AStreamJid.full()));
			FEnabled[AStreamJid] = false;
			emit enableChanged(AStreamJid,false);
		ErrorHandler err(AStanza.element());
		LogError(QString("[MessageCarbons] Failed to change Message Carbons state for '%1': %2").arg(AStreamJid.full(),err.message()));
		emit errorReceived(AStreamJid,err.condition(),err.message());
Пример #2
void Filter::setEnabled(bool enabled)
    if (d.enabled == enabled)
    d.enabled = enabled;
    emit enableChanged(enabled);
Пример #3
void ChessPiece::setEnable(bool enable)
    if (m_enable == enable)

    m_enable = enable;
    emit enableChanged(enable);
Пример #4
void DesktopBehavior::load( bool useDefaults )
	 g_pConfig->setReadDefaults( useDefaults );
    g_pConfig->setGroup( "Desktop Icons" );
    bool bShowHidden = g_pConfig->readBoolEntry("ShowHidden", DEFAULT_SHOW_HIDDEN_ROOT_ICONS);
    //bool bVertAlign = g_pConfig->readBoolEntry("VertAlign", DEFAULT_VERT_ALIGN);
    KTrader::OfferList plugins = KTrader::self()->query("ThumbCreator");
    QStringList previews = g_pConfig->readListEntry("Preview");
    for (KTrader::OfferList::ConstIterator it = plugins.begin(); it != plugins.end(); ++it)
        new DesktopBehaviorPreviewItem(this, previewListView, *it, previews.contains((*it)->desktopEntryName()));
    new DesktopBehaviorPreviewItem(this, previewListView, previews.contains("audio/"));
    g_pConfig->setGroup( "FMSettings" );
    toolTipBox->setChecked(g_pConfig->readBoolEntry( "ShowFileTips", true ) );
    g_pConfig->setGroup( "Menubar" );
    KConfig config( "kdeglobals" );
    bool globalMenuBar = config.readBoolEntry("macStyle", false);
    bool desktopMenuBar = g_pConfig->readBoolEntry("ShowMenubar", false);
    if ( globalMenuBar )
        desktopMenuGroup->setButton( 2 );
    else if ( desktopMenuBar )
        desktopMenuGroup->setButton( 1 );
        desktopMenuGroup->setButton( 0 );
    g_pConfig->setGroup( "General" );
    vrootBox->setChecked( g_pConfig->readBoolEntry( "SetVRoot", false ) );
    iconsEnabledBox->setChecked( g_pConfig->readBoolEntry( "Enabled", true ) );
    autoLineupIconsBox->setChecked( g_pConfig->readBoolEntry( "AutoLineUpIcons", false ) );

    g_pConfig->setGroup( "Mouse Buttons" );
    QString s;
    s = g_pConfig->readEntry( "Left", "" );
    for ( int c = 0 ; c < choiceCount ; c ++ )
    if (s == s_choices[c])
      { leftComboBox->setCurrentItem( c ); break; }
    s = g_pConfig->readEntry( "Middle", "WindowListMenu" );
    for ( int c = 0 ; c < choiceCount ; c ++ )
      if (s == s_choices[c])
      { middleComboBox->setCurrentItem( c ); break; }
    s = g_pConfig->readEntry( "Right", "DesktopMenu" );
    for ( int c = 0 ; c < choiceCount ; c ++ )
      if (s == s_choices[c])
      { rightComboBox->setCurrentItem( c ); break; }

    if (m_bHasMedia)
Пример #5
KSocksConfig::KSocksConfig(QWidget *parent)
  : KCModule(parent, "kcmkio")

  KAboutData *about =
  new KAboutData(I18N_NOOP("kcmsocks"), I18N_NOOP("KDE SOCKS Control Module"),
                0, 0, KAboutData::License_GPL,
                I18N_NOOP("(c) 2001 George Staikos"));

  about->addAuthor("George Staikos", 0, "*****@*****.**");

  setAboutData( about );

  QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint());
  base = new SocksBase(this);

  connect(base->_c_enableSocks, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(enableChanged()));
  connect(base->bg, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, SLOT(methodChanged(int)));

  // The custom library
  connect(base->_c_customPath, SIGNAL(openFileDialog(KURLRequester *)), this, SLOT(chooseCustomLib(KURLRequester *)));
  connect(base->_c_customPath, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)),
                     this, SLOT(customPathChanged(const QString&)));

  // Additional libpaths
  connect(base->_c_newPath, SIGNAL(openFileDialog(KURLRequester *)), this, SLOT(chooseCustomLib(KURLRequester *)));
  connect(base->_c_newPath, SIGNAL(returnPressed(const QString&)),
          this, SLOT(addThisLibrary(const QString&)));
  connect(base->_c_newPath, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)),
          this, SLOT(libTextChanged(const QString&)));
  connect(base->_c_add, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addLibrary()));
  connect(base->_c_remove, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removeLibrary()));
  connect(base->_c_libs, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(libSelection()));

  // The "Test" button
  connect(base->_c_test, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(testClicked()));

  // The config backend
Пример #6
DesktopBehavior::DesktopBehavior(KConfig *config, QWidget *parent, const char * )
    : DesktopBehaviorBase( parent, "kcmkonq" ), g_pConfig(config)
  QString strMouseButton1, strMouseButton3, strButtonTxt1, strButtonTxt3;

   * The text on this form depends on the mouse setting, which can be right
   * or left handed.  The outer button functionality is actually swapped
  bool leftHandedMouse = ( KGlobalSettings::mouseSettings().handed == KGlobalSettings::KMouseSettings::LeftHanded);

  m_bHasMedia = KProtocolInfo::isKnownProtocol(QString::fromLatin1("media"));

  connect(desktopMenuGroup, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
  connect(iconsEnabledBox, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(enableChanged()));
  connect(showHiddenBox, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
  connect(vrootBox, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
  connect(autoLineupIconsBox, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
  connect(toolTipBox, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(changed()));

  strMouseButton1 = i18n("&Left button:");
  strButtonTxt1 = i18n( "You can choose what happens when"
   " you click the left button of your pointing device on the desktop:");

  strMouseButton3 = i18n("Right b&utton:");
  strButtonTxt3 = i18n( "You can choose what happens when"
   " you click the right button of your pointing device on the desktop:");

  if ( leftHandedMouse )
     qSwap(strMouseButton1, strMouseButton3);
     qSwap(strButtonTxt1, strButtonTxt3);

  leftLabel->setText( strMouseButton1 );
  leftLabel->setBuddy( leftComboBox );
  fillMenuCombo( leftComboBox );
  connect(leftEditButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editButtonPressed()));
  connect(leftComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
  connect(leftComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(comboBoxChanged()));
  QString wtstr = strButtonTxt1 +
                  i18n(" <ul><li><em>No action:</em> as you might guess, nothing happens!</li>"
                       " <li><em>Window list menu:</em> a menu showing all windows on all"
                       " virtual desktops pops up. You can click on the desktop name to switch"
                       " to that desktop, or on a window name to shift focus to that window,"
                       " switching desktops if necessary, and restoring the window if it is"
                       " hidden. Hidden or minimized windows are represented with their names"
                       " in parentheses.</li>"
                       " <li><em>Desktop menu:</em> a context menu for the desktop pops up."
                       " Among other things, this menu has options for configuring the display,"
                       " locking the screen, and logging out of KDE.</li>"
                       " <li><em>Application menu:</em> the \"K\" menu pops up. This might be"
                       " useful for quickly accessing applications if you like to keep the"
                       " panel (also known as \"Kicker\") hidden from view.</li></ul>");
  QWhatsThis::add( leftLabel, wtstr );
  QWhatsThis::add( leftComboBox, wtstr );

  middleLabel->setBuddy( middleComboBox );
  fillMenuCombo( middleComboBox );
  connect(middleEditButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editButtonPressed()));
  connect(middleComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
  connect(middleComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(comboBoxChanged()));
  wtstr = i18n("You can choose what happens when"
               " you click the middle button of your pointing device on the desktop:"
               " <ul><li><em>No action:</em> as you might guess, nothing happens!</li>"
               " <li><em>Window list menu:</em> a menu showing all windows on all"
               " virtual desktops pops up. You can click on the desktop name to switch"
               " to that desktop, or on a window name to shift focus to that window,"
               " switching desktops if necessary, and restoring the window if it is"
               " hidden. Hidden or minimized windows are represented with their names"
               " in parentheses.</li>"
               " <li><em>Desktop menu:</em> a context menu for the desktop pops up."
               " Among other things, this menu has options for configuring the display,"
               " locking the screen, and logging out of KDE.</li>"
               " <li><em>Application menu:</em> the \"K\" menu pops up. This might be"
               " useful for quickly accessing applications if you like to keep the"
               " panel (also known as \"Kicker\") hidden from view.</li></ul>");
  QWhatsThis::add( middleLabel, wtstr );
  QWhatsThis::add( middleComboBox, wtstr );

  rightLabel->setText( strMouseButton3 );
  rightLabel->setBuddy( rightComboBox );
  fillMenuCombo( rightComboBox );
  connect(rightEditButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editButtonPressed()));
  connect(rightComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SIGNAL(changed()));
  connect(rightComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(comboBoxChanged()));
  wtstr = strButtonTxt3 +
          i18n(" <ul><li><em>No action:</em> as you might guess, nothing happens!</li>"
               " <li><em>Window list menu:</em> a menu showing all windows on all"
               " virtual desktops pops up. You can click on the desktop name to switch"
               " to that desktop, or on a window name to shift focus to that window,"
               " switching desktops if necessary, and restoring the window if it is"
               " hidden. Hidden or minimized windows are represented with their names"
               " in parentheses.</li>"
               " <li><em>Desktop menu:</em> a context menu for the desktop pops up."
               " Among other things, this menu has options for configuring the display,"
               " locking the screen, and logging out of KDE.</li>"
               " <li><em>Application menu:</em> the \"K\" menu pops up. This might be"
               " useful for quickly accessing applications if you like to keep the"
               " panel (also known as \"Kicker\") hidden from view.</li></ul>");
  QWhatsThis::add( rightLabel, wtstr );
  QWhatsThis::add( rightComboBox, wtstr );

  if (m_bHasMedia)
     connect(enableMediaBox, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(enableChanged()));
     delete behaviorTab->page(2);
