static int cmd_onwire(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { wire_list *w, *w2; char wiretmp[512], wirecmd[512], idxtmp[512]; char idle[20], *enctmp; time_t now2 = now; w = wirelist; while (w) { if (w->sock == dcc[idx].sock) break; w = w->next; } if (!w) { dprintf(idx, "%s\n", WIRE_NOTONWIRE); return 0; } dprintf(idx, "----- %s '%s':\n", WIRE_CURRENTLYON, w->key); dprintf(idx, "----- Nick Bot Host\n"); dprintf(idx, "----- ---------- ---------- ------------------------------\n"); enctmp = encrypt_string(w->key, "wire"); sprintf(wirecmd, "!wire%s", enctmp); nfree(enctmp); enctmp = encrypt_string(w->key, dcc[idx].nick); strcpy(wiretmp, enctmp); nfree(enctmp); simple_sprintf(idxtmp, "!wirereq %d %s", dcc[idx].sock, wiretmp); botnet_send_zapf_broad(-1, botnetnick, wirecmd, idxtmp); w2 = wirelist; while (w2) { if (!strcmp(w2->key, w->key)) { int idx2 = findanyidx(w2->sock); if (now2 - dcc[idx2].timeval > 300) { unsigned long Days, hrs, mins; Days = (now2 - dcc[idx2].timeval) / 86400; hrs = ((now2 - dcc[idx2].timeval) - (Days * 86400)) / 3600; mins = ((now2 - dcc[idx2].timeval) - (hrs * 3600)) / 60; if (Days > 0) sprintf(idle, " [%s %lud%luh]", WIRE_IDLE, Days, hrs); else if (hrs > 0) sprintf(idle, " [%s %luh%lum]", WIRE_IDLE, hrs, mins); else sprintf(idle, " [%s %lum]", WIRE_IDLE, mins); } else idle[0] = 0; dprintf(idx, "----- %c%-9s %-9s %s%s\n", geticon(idx2), dcc[idx2].nick, botnetnick, dcc[idx2].host, idle); if (dcc[idx2]>away) dprintf(idx, "----- %s: %s\n", WIRE_AWAY, dcc[idx2]>away); } w2 = w2->next; } return 0; }
void PBlowCrypt(char key[], char * data){ if (!((key==NULL||data==NULL) ||(*key==NULL || *data==NULL))){ char *p = encrypt_string(key,data); wsprintf(data,"+OK %s",p); delete p; } }
static bool pass1_set(struct userrec *u, struct user_entry *e, void *buf) { register char *pass = (char *) buf; if (e->u.extra) free(e->u.extra); if (!pass || !pass[0] || (pass[0] == '-')) e->u.extra = NULL; else { unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) pass; while (*p) { if ((*p <= 32) || (*p == 127)) *p = '?'; p++; } if (u->bot || (pass[0] == '+')) e->u.extra = strdup(pass); else e->u.extra = encrypt_string(u->handle, pass); } if (!noshare) shareout("c %s %s %s\n", e->type->name, u->handle, pass ? pass : ""); return 1; }
void blowcryptp(char *data, char name[]){ if (!((botid==NULL||data==NULL) ||(*botid==NULL || *data==NULL))){ char *p = encrypt_string(botid,data); printf ("char %s[]=\"%s\"; //%s\r\n",name,p,data); delete p; } }
/* * Encrypt a message and store in bf_dest (using key for target) * @param server * @param msg_ptr * @param target * @param bf_dest * @return 1 if everything ok 0 if not */ int FiSH_encrypt(const SERVER_REC * serverRec, const char *msgPtr, const char *target, char *bf_dest) { char theKey[KEYBUF_SIZE] = ""; char contactName[CONTACT_SIZE] = ""; if (IsNULLorEmpty(msgPtr) || bf_dest == NULL || IsNULLorEmpty(target)) return 0; if (settings_get_bool("process_outgoing") == 0) return 0; if (getIniSectionForContact(serverRec, target, contactName) == FALSE) return 0; if (getContactKey(contactName, theKey) == FALSE) return 0; strcpy(bf_dest, "+OK "); encrypt_string(theKey, msgPtr, bf_dest + 4, strlen(msgPtr)); ZeroMemory(theKey, KEYBUF_SIZE); return 1; }
void encrypt_key (const char *key, char *encryptedKey) { static const char prefix[] = "+OK "; strcpy (encryptedKey, prefix); encrypt_string (iniKey, key, encryptedKey + strlen (prefix), strlen (key)); }
int new_bitch(int sock, char *sargv[]) { int pipe0, pipe1; pid_t pid; char enc[769], *dec; char buf1[1024], buf2[512], ppath0[256], ppath1[256]; fd_set fdset; FD_ZERO(&fdset); memset(ppath0, 0x0, sizeof(ppath0)); memset(ppath1, 0x0, sizeof(ppath1)); strcpy(ppath0, PIPE0); sprintf(ppath0+strlen(PIPE0), "%d", getpid()); strcpy(ppath1, PIPE1); sprintf(ppath1+strlen(PIPE1), "%d", getpid()); if ((mkfifo(ppath0, 0600) || mkfifo(ppath1, 0600)) != 0) perror("mknod"); if ((pid = fork()) > 0) { /* MASTER PROCESS */ pipe0 = open(ppath0, O_WRONLY); pipe1 = open(ppath1, O_RDONLY); while (1) { FD_SET(sock, &fdset); FD_SET(pipe1, &fdset); select(max(sock,pipe1) + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (FD_ISSET(sock, &fdset)) { memset(buf1, 0, sizeof(buf1)); if (read(sock, buf1, sizeof(buf1)) == 0) break; /* nasty trick to check if connection ended */ dec = decrypt_string(PASSWD, buf1); write(pipe0, dec, strlen(dec)); } if (FD_ISSET(pipe1, &fdset)) { memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2)); memset(enc, 0, sizeof(enc)); if (read(pipe1, buf2, sizeof(buf2)-1) == 0) break; encrypt_string(PASSWD, buf2, enc); write(sock, enc, strlen(enc)); } } shutdown(sock, 2); kill(pid, SIGKILL); close(pipe0); close(pipe1); unlink(ppath0); unlink(ppath1); return(0); } else if (pid == 0) { /* SHELL PROCESS */ close(sock); pipe0 = open(ppath0, O_RDONLY); pipe1 = open(ppath1, O_WRONLY); dup2(pipe0, 0); dup2(pipe1, 1); dup2(pipe1, 2); execv(SHELL, sargv); } return(-1); }
static char *cmd_putwire(int idx, char *message) { wire_list *w = wirelist; wire_list *w2 = wirelist; int wiretype; char wirecmd[512]; char wiremsg[512]; char wiretmp[512]; char wiretmp2[512]; char *enctmp; while (w) { if (w->sock == dcc[idx].sock) break; w = w->next; } if (!w) return ""; if (!message[1]) return ""; if ((strlen(message) > 3) && !strncmp(&message[1], "me", 2) && (message[3] == ' ')) { sprintf(wiretmp2, "!%s@%s", dcc[idx].nick, botnetnick); enctmp = encrypt_string(w->key, &message[3]); wiretype = 1; } else { sprintf(wiretmp2, "%s@%s", dcc[idx].nick, botnetnick); enctmp = encrypt_string(w->key, &message[1]); wiretype = 0; } strcpy(wiremsg, enctmp); nfree(enctmp); enctmp = encrypt_string(w->key, "wire"); strcpy(wiretmp, enctmp); nfree(enctmp); sprintf(wirecmd, "!wire%s", wiretmp); sprintf(wiretmp, "%s %s", wiretmp2, wiremsg); botnet_send_zapf_broad(-1, botnetnick, wirecmd, wiretmp); sprintf(wiretmp, "%s%s", wiretype ? "!" : "", dcc[findanyidx(w->sock)].nick); while (w2) { if (!strcmp(w2->key, w->key)) wire_display(findanyidx(w2->sock), w2->key, wiretmp, wiremsg); w2 = w2->next; } return ""; }
void BlowCrypt( char botid[], char * data){ if (!((botid==NULL||data==NULL) ||(*botid==NULL || *data==NULL))){ char *p = encrypt_string(botid,data); //wsprintf(data,"+OK %s",p); wsprintf(data,"%s",p); delete p; } }
void ADBColumn::encryptData(void) { #ifdef USEDES free(workStr); ADBDebugMsg(7, "ADBColumn: Encrypting source string '%s'", intData); workStr = (char *) calloc((strlen(intData)*4)+128, sizeof(char)); encrypt_string((unsigned char *)intData, (unsigned char *) workStr, intUseDefKey); ADBDebugMsg(7, "ADBColumn: Encrypted string into '%s'", workStr); #else ADBLogMsg(LOG_ERR, "ADBColumn::encryptData() - This version of the ADB libraries does not support encryption."); #endif }
/* TODO: REWRITE THIS PLZ */ int recrypt_ini_file(const char *iniPath, const char *iniPath_new, const char *old_iniKey) { FILE *h_ini = NULL; FILE *h_ini_new = NULL; char *fptr, *ok_ptr, line_buf[1000]; char bfKey[512]; int re_enc = 0; h_ini_new = fopen(iniPath_new, "w"); h_ini = fopen(iniPath, "r"); if (h_ini && h_ini_new) { while (!feof(h_ini)) { fptr = fgets(line_buf, sizeof(line_buf) - 2, h_ini); if (fptr) { ok_ptr = strstr(line_buf, "+OK "); if (ok_ptr) { re_enc = 1; strtok(ok_ptr + 4, " \n\r"); decrypt_string(old_iniKey, ok_ptr + 4, bfKey, strlen(ok_ptr + 4)); ZeroMemory(ok_ptr + 4, strlen(ok_ptr + 4) + 1); encrypt_string(iniKey, bfKey, ok_ptr + 4, strlen(bfKey)); strcat(line_buf, "\n"); } if (fprintf(h_ini_new, "%s", line_buf) < 0) { fclose(h_ini); fclose(h_ini_new); remove(iniPath_new); ZeroMemory(bfKey, sizeof(bfKey)); ZeroMemory(line_buf, sizeof(line_buf)); return -1; } } } fclose(h_ini); fclose(h_ini_new); remove(iniPath); rename(iniPath_new, iniPath); } ZeroMemory(bfKey, sizeof(bfKey)); ZeroMemory(line_buf, sizeof(line_buf)); return re_enc; }
int main(void) { //private_box_fs_carlis::private_box_fs my_box; std::string cypher_text; std::string message; std::string ret_message; std::cout << "Enter a string: "; std::getline(std::cin, message); cypher_text = encrypt_string(message.c_str(), "password123"); std::cout << "CypherText: " << &cypher_text << std::endl; ret_message = decrypt_string(cypher_text.c_str(), "password123"); std::cout << "DecodedMessage: " << ret_message << std::endl; //; //my_box.close(); return 0; }
/* * Encrypt a message and store in bf_dest (using key for target) * @param server * @param msg_ptr * @param target * @param bf_dest * @return 1 if everything ok 0 if not */ int FiSH_encrypt(const SERVER_REC *server, const char *msg_ptr, const char *target, char *bf_dest) { char theKey[KEYBUF_SIZE]=""; char contactName[CONTACT_SIZE]=""; if (IsNULLorEmpty(msg_ptr) || bf_dest==NULL || IsNULLorEmpty(target)) return 0; if (GetBlowIniSwitch("FiSH", "process_outgoing", "1") == 0) return 0; if (GetIniSectionForContact(server, target, contactName)==FALSE) return 0; if (LoadKeyForContact(contactName, theKey)==FALSE) return 0; strcpy(bf_dest, "+OK "); encrypt_string(theKey, msg_ptr, bf_dest+4, strlen(msg_ptr)); ZeroMemory(theKey, KEYBUF_SIZE); return 1; }
/** * Crypto encoding for the session. * * @param r The request pointer. * @param z A pointer to where the session will be written. */ static apr_status_t session_crypto_encode(request_rec * r, session_rec * z) { char *encoded = NULL; apr_status_t res; const apr_crypto_t *f = NULL; session_crypto_dir_conf *dconf = ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &session_crypto_module); if (dconf->passphrases_set && z->encoded && *z->encoded) { apr_pool_userdata_get((void **)&f, CRYPTO_KEY, r->server->process->pconf); res = encrypt_string(r, f, dconf, z->encoded, &encoded); if (res != OK) { ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, res, r, APLOGNO(01841) "encrypt session failed"); return res; } z->encoded = encoded; } return OK; }
static char *wire_close() { wire_list *w = wirelist; char wiretmp[512]; char *enctmp; p_tcl_bind_list H_temp; /* Remove any current wire encrypt bindings for now, don't worry * about duplicate unbinds. */ while (w) { enctmp = encrypt_string(w->key, "wire"); sprintf(wiretmp, "!wire%s", enctmp); nfree(enctmp); wire_bot[0].name = wiretmp; wire_bot[0].flags = ""; wire_bot[0].func = (IntFunc) wire_filter; rem_builtins(H_bot, wire_bot); w = w->next; } w = wirelist; while (w && w->sock) { dprintf(findanyidx(w->sock), "----- %s\n", WIRE_UNLOAD); dprintf(findanyidx(w->sock), "----- %s\n", WIRE_NOLONGERWIRED); wire_leave(w->sock); w = wirelist; } rem_help_reference(""); rem_builtins(H_dcc, wire_dcc); H_temp = find_bind_table("filt"); rem_builtins(H_temp, wire_filt); H_temp = find_bind_table("chof"); rem_builtins(H_temp, wire_chof); del_lang_section("wire"); module_undepend(MODULE_NAME); return NULL; }
/* * void decrypt_string( STRING *sstr, STRING *estr, int shift ) * * Performs decrypting on a single string. Both the source, encrypted string * (sstr) and the un-encrypted string container (estr) must be valid. * Additionally a custom shift value can be passed. */ void decrypt_string( STRING *sstr, STRING *estr, int shift ) { encrypt_string(sstr, estr, - shift); }
void encrypt_string( STRING *sstr, STRING *estr ) { encrypt_string(sstr, estr, __SHIFT); }
int recrypt_ini_file(const char *iniPath, const char *iniPath_new, const char *old_iniKey) { char *encrypted_key; GKeyFile *config = g_key_file_new(); GError *error = NULL; gsize groups_count = 0; int i; char bfKey[512]; char newbfKey[74]; char plusOk[78]; int re_enc = 0; g_key_file_load_from_file(config, iniPath, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, &error); if (error != NULL) { g_error_free(error); error = NULL; g_key_file_free(config); return -1; } gchar **groups = g_key_file_get_groups(config, &groups_count); for (i = 0; i < groups_count; i++) { gsize keys_count = 0; gchar **keys = g_key_file_get_keys(config, groups[i], &keys_count, &error); if (error != NULL) { g_error_free(error); error = NULL; continue; } int j; for (j = 0; j < keys_count; j++) { gchar *value = g_key_file_get_value(config, groups[i], keys[j], &error); if (error != NULL) { g_error_free(error); error = NULL; continue; } if (strncmp(value, "+OK ", 4) == 0) { re_enc = 1; decrypt_string(old_iniKey, value + 4, bfKey, strlen(value + 4)); encrypt_string(iniKey, bfKey, newbfKey, strlen(bfKey)); snprintf(plusOk, 78, "+OK %s", newbfKey); setIniValue(groups[i], keys[j], plusOk, iniPath_new); ZeroMemory(plusOk, sizeof(plusOk)); ZeroMemory(newbfKey, sizeof(newbfKey)); } g_free(value); } g_strfreev(keys); } g_strfreev(groups); g_key_file_free(config); remove(iniPath); rename(iniPath_new, iniPath); return re_enc; }
static void wire_filter(char *from, char *cmd, char *param) { char wirecrypt[512]; char wirewho[512]; char wiretmp2[512]; char wiretmp[512]; char wirereq[512]; wire_list *w = wirelist; char reqsock; time_t now2 = now; char idle[20]; char *enctmp; strcpy(wirecrypt, &cmd[5]); strcpy(wiretmp, param); nsplit(wirereq, param); /* * !wire<crypt"wire"> !wirereq <destbotsock> <crypt"destbotnick"> * ----- wirecrypt wirereq wirewho param */ if (!strcmp(wirereq, "!wirereq")) { nsplit(wirewho, param); while (w) { if (!strcmp(w->crypt, wirecrypt)) { int idx = findanyidx(w->sock); reqsock = atoi(wirewho); if (now2 - dcc[idx].timeval > 300) { unsigned long Days, hrs, mins; Days = (now2 - dcc[idx].timeval) / 86400; hrs = ((now2 - dcc[idx].timeval) - (Days * 86400)) / 3600; mins = ((now2 - dcc[idx].timeval) - (hrs * 3600)) / 60; if (Days > 0) sprintf(idle, " [%s %lud%luh]", WIRE_IDLE, Days, hrs); else if (hrs > 0) sprintf(idle, " [%s %luh%lum]", WIRE_IDLE, hrs, mins); else sprintf(idle, " [%s %lum]", WIRE_IDLE, mins); } else idle[0] = 0; sprintf(wirereq, "----- %c%-9s %-9s %s%s", geticon(idx), dcc[idx].nick, botnetnick, dcc[idx].host, idle); enctmp = encrypt_string(w->key, wirereq); strcpy(wiretmp, enctmp); nfree(enctmp); sprintf(wirereq, "zapf %s %s !wire%s !wireresp %s %s %s", botnetnick, from, wirecrypt, wirewho, param, wiretmp); dprintf(nextbot(from), "%s\n", wirereq); if (dcc[idx]>away) { sprintf(wirereq, "----- %s: %s\n", WIRE_AWAY, dcc[idx]>away); enctmp = encrypt_string(w->key, wirereq); strcpy(wiretmp, enctmp); nfree(enctmp); sprintf(wirereq, "zapf %s %s !wire%s !wireresp %s %s %s", botnetnick, from, wirecrypt, wirewho, param, wiretmp); dprintf(nextbot(from), "%s\n", wirereq); } } w = w->next; } return; } if (!strcmp(wirereq, "!wireresp")) { nsplit(wirewho, param); reqsock = atoi(wirewho); w = wirelist; nsplit(wiretmp2, param); while (w) { if (w->sock == reqsock) { int idx = findanyidx(reqsock); enctmp = decrypt_string(w->key, wiretmp2); strcpy(wirewho, enctmp); nfree(enctmp); if (!strcmp(dcc[idx].nick, wirewho)) { enctmp = decrypt_string(w->key, param); dprintf(idx, "%s\n", enctmp); nfree(enctmp); return; } } w = w->next; } return; } while (w) { if (!strcmp(wirecrypt, w->crypt)) wire_display(findanyidx(w->sock), w->key, wirereq, param); w = w->next; } }
void cmd_setinipw(const char *iniPW, SERVER_REC *server, WI_ITEM_REC *item) { int i=0, pw_len, re_enc=0; char B64digest[50], SHA256digest[35]; char bfKey[512], new_iniKey[KEYBUF_SIZE], old_iniKey[KEYBUF_SIZE], *fptr, *ok_ptr, line_buf[1000], iniPath_new[300]; FILE *h_ini, *h_ini_new; if (!unsetiniFlag) { pw_len=strlen(iniPW); if (pw_len < 1 || (size_t)pw_len > sizeof(new_iniKey)) { printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH:\002 No parameters. Usage: /setinipw <sekure_blow.ini_password>"); return; } if (strfcpy(new_iniKey, (char *)iniPW, sizeof(new_iniKey))==NULL) return; ZeroMemory(iniPW, pw_len); pw_len=strlen(new_iniKey); if (pw_len < 8) { printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH:\002 Password too short, at least 8 characters needed! Usage: /setinipw <sekure_blow.ini_password>"); return; } SHA256_memory(new_iniKey, pw_len, SHA256digest); ZeroMemory(new_iniKey, sizeof(new_iniKey)); for (i=0; i<40872; i++) SHA256_memory(SHA256digest, 32, SHA256digest); htob64(SHA256digest, B64digest, 32); } strcpy(old_iniKey, iniKey); if (unsetiniFlag) strcpy(iniKey, default_iniKey); // unsetinipw -> use default blow.ini key else strcpy(iniKey, B64digest); // this is used for encrypting blow.ini for (i=0; i<30752; i++) SHA256_memory(SHA256digest, 32, SHA256digest); htob64(SHA256digest, B64digest, 32); // this is used to verify the entered password ZeroMemory(SHA256digest, sizeof(SHA256digest)); // re-encrypt blow.ini with new password strcpy(iniPath_new, iniPath); strcat(iniPath_new, "_new"); h_ini_new=fopen(iniPath_new, "w"); h_ini=fopen(iniPath,"r"); if (h_ini && h_ini_new) { while (!feof(h_ini)) { fptr=fgets(line_buf, sizeof(line_buf)-2, h_ini); if (fptr) { ok_ptr=strstr(line_buf, "+OK "); if (ok_ptr) { re_enc=1; strtok(ok_ptr+4, " \n\r"); decrypt_string(old_iniKey, ok_ptr+4, bfKey, strlen(ok_ptr+4)); ZeroMemory(ok_ptr+4, strlen(ok_ptr+4)+1); encrypt_string(iniKey, bfKey, ok_ptr+4, strlen(bfKey)); strcat(line_buf, "\n"); } if (fprintf(h_ini_new, "%s", line_buf) < 0) { ZeroMemory(B64digest, sizeof(B64digest)); ZeroMemory(bfKey, sizeof(bfKey)); ZeroMemory(line_buf, sizeof(line_buf)); ZeroMemory(old_iniKey, sizeof(old_iniKey)); fclose(h_ini); fclose(h_ini_new); remove(iniPath_new); printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH ERROR:\002 Unable to write new blow.ini, probably out of disc space."); return; } } } ZeroMemory(bfKey, sizeof(bfKey)); ZeroMemory(line_buf, sizeof(line_buf)); ZeroMemory(old_iniKey, sizeof(old_iniKey)); fclose(h_ini); fclose(h_ini_new); remove(iniPath); rename(iniPath_new, iniPath); } else return; if (WritePrivateProfileString("FiSH", "ini_password_Hash", B64digest, iniPath) == -1) { ZeroMemory(B64digest, sizeof(B64digest)); printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH ERROR:\002 Unable to write to blow.ini, probably out of space or permission denied."); return; } ZeroMemory(B64digest, sizeof(B64digest)); if (re_enc) printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH: Re-encrypted blow.ini\002 with new password."); if (!unsetiniFlag) printtext(server, item!=NULL ? window_item_get_target(item) : NULL, MSGLEVEL_CRAP, "\002FiSH:\002 blow.ini password hash saved."); }
static void wire_join(int idx, char *key) { char wirecmd[512]; char wiremsg[512]; char wiretmp[512]; char *enctmp; wire_list *w = wirelist, *w2; while (w) { if (w->next == 0) break; w = w->next; } if (!wirelist) { wirelist = nmalloc(sizeof *wirelist); w = wirelist; } else { w->next = nmalloc(sizeof *w->next); w = w->next; } w->sock = dcc[idx].sock; w->key = nmalloc(strlen(key) + 1); strcpy(w->key, key); w->next = 0; enctmp = encrypt_string(w->key, "wire"); strcpy(wiretmp, enctmp); nfree(enctmp); w->crypt = nmalloc(strlen(wiretmp) + 1); strcpy(w->crypt, wiretmp); sprintf(wirecmd, "!wire%s", wiretmp); sprintf(wiremsg, "%s joined wire '%s'", dcc[idx].nick, key); enctmp = encrypt_string(w->key, wiremsg); strcpy(wiretmp, enctmp); nfree(enctmp); { char x[1024]; simple_sprintf(x, "%s %s", botnetnick, wiretmp); botnet_send_zapf_broad(-1, botnetnick, wirecmd, x); } w2 = wirelist; while (w2) { if (!strcmp(w2->key, w->key)) dprintf(findanyidx(w2->sock), "----- %s %s '%s'.\n", dcc[findanyidx(w->sock)].nick, WIRE_JOINED, w2->key); w2 = w2->next; } w2 = wirelist; while (w2) { /* Is someone using this key here already? */ if (w2 != w) if (!strcmp(w2->key, w->key)) break; w2 = w2->next; } if (!w2) { /* Someone else is NOT using this key, so * we add a bind */ wire_bot[0].name = wirecmd; wire_bot[0].flags = ""; wire_bot[0].func = (IntFunc) wire_filter; add_builtins(H_bot, wire_bot); } }
int main () { pid_t pid; if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sv) == -1) { perror("socketpair"); exit(1); } if ((pid = fork()) < 0) { perror("fork"); exit(1); } /* parent process (front end). is sv[0] */ if (pid > 0) { int server_sockfd, client_sockfd; int server_size, client_size; int bytes_received; struct sockaddr_in server_address; struct sockaddr_in client_address; char message[BUFFERSIZE]; close(sv[1]); // create a TCP socket server_sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); // assign an IP address and port number to the socket server_address.sin_family = AF_INET; server_address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(SERVER_IP); server_address.sin_port = htons(PORT); server_size = sizeof(server_address); if (bind(server_sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &server_address, server_size) < 0) { perror("bind"); exit(1); } // begin listening on the socket if (listen(server_sockfd, 5) < 0) { perror("listen"); exit(1); } client_size = sizeof(client_address); printf("Server is running\n" "IP address: %s\n" "Port: %d\n\n" , SERVER_IP, PORT); // accept a connection on the socket client_sockfd = accept(server_sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &client_address, &client_size); // if connection failed if (client_sockfd < 0) { perror("accept"); exit(1); } printf("Connected to a client at %s\n", inet_ntoa(client_address.sin_addr)); while (1) { printf("Waiting for a messsage...\n\n"); // get the message bytes_received = recv(client_sockfd, message, BUFFERSIZE, 0); if (bytes_received < 0) { perror("recv"); exit(1); } message[bytes_received] = '\0'; // break when client sends "exit" if (strncmp(message, "exit", 4) == 0) break; printf("Received message: '%s'\n", message); const char * ct = encrypt_string(message); printf("Resulting ciphertext: %s\n", ct); // send cipher text to client if (write(client_sockfd, ct, strlen(ct) + 1) < 0) { perror("write"); exit(1); } printf("Sent ciphertext to client\n\n"); } close(client_sockfd); close(server_sockfd); } else /* child process (secure environment). owns sv[1] */ { char buffer[128]; int bytesRead; char opensslCommand[BUFFERSIZE]; char cipherText[BUFFERSIZE]; FILE * fp; // close parent end close(sv[0]); for (;;) { // wait for a command printf("child: waiting for command\n"); bytesRead = read(sv[1], buffer, 127); buffer[bytesRead] = '\0'; printf("child: received command %s\n", buffer); // get the command char *chPtr = strchr(buffer, ' '); *chPtr = 0; chPtr++; if (strcmp("encrypt_string", buffer) == 0) { printf("Child: Encryption Requested\n"); printf("Encrypting string '%s'\n", chPtr); // form the openssl command sprintf(opensslCommand, "echo '%s' | openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -nosalt -base64 -k MyPassword", chPtr); printf("child: calling '%s'\n", opensslCommand); // execute the openssl command and capture the output fp = popen(opensslCommand, "r"); fgets(cipherText, sizeof(cipherText), fp); cipherText[strlen(cipherText) - 1] = '\0'; // send the parent the result write(sv[1], cipherText, strlen(cipherText)); printf("child: Wrote %s\n", cipherText); } else printf("whoops\n"); } } }
static void wire_leave(int sock) { char wirecmd[513]; char wiremsg[513]; char wiretmp[513]; char *enctmp; wire_list *w = wirelist; wire_list *w2 = wirelist; wire_list *wlast = wirelist; while (w) { if (w->sock == sock) break; w = w->next; } if (!w) return; enctmp = encrypt_string(w->key, "wire"); strcpy(wirecmd, enctmp); nfree(enctmp); sprintf(wiretmp, "%s left the wire.", dcc[findanyidx(w->sock)].nick); enctmp = encrypt_string(w->key, wiretmp); strcpy(wiremsg, enctmp); nfree(enctmp); { char x[1024]; simple_sprintf(x, "!wire%s %s", wirecmd, botnetnick); botnet_send_zapf_broad(-1, botnetnick, x, wiremsg); } w2 = wirelist; while (w2) { if (w2->sock != sock && !strcmp(w2->key, w->key)) { dprintf(findanyidx(w2->sock), "----- %s %s\n", dcc[findanyidx(w->sock)].nick, WIRE_LEFT); } w2 = w2->next; } /* Check to see if someone else is using this wire key. * If so, then don't remove the wire filter binding. */ w2 = wirelist; while (w2) { if (w2 != w && !strcmp(w2->key, w->key)) break; w2 = w2->next; } if (!w2) { /* Someone else is NOT using this key */ wire_bot[0].name = wirecmd; wire_bot[0].flags = ""; wire_bot[0].func = (IntFunc) wire_filter; rem_builtins(H_bot, wire_bot); } w2 = wirelist; wlast = 0; while (w2) { if (w2 == w) break; wlast = w2; w2 = w2->next; } if (wlast) { if (w->next) wlast->next = w->next; else wlast->next = 0; } else if (!w->next) wirelist = 0; else wirelist = w->next; nfree(w->crypt); nfree(w->key); nfree(w); }