Пример #1
int fSettings::appendValue(QVariant fValue, QString array, QString key, int unique)
		int size=beginReadArray(array);
		setValue(key, fValue);
		return 1;
		return 0;
Пример #2
void LightFlareData::initPersistFields()
   addGroup( "LightFlareData" );

      addField( "overallScale", TypeF32, Offset( mScale, LightFlareData ) );
      addField( "occlusionRadius", TypeF32, Offset( mOcclusionRadius, LightFlareData ), 
         "Radius in world units to test for occlusion if supported by hardware, disable by setting radius non-positive." );

   endGroup( "LightFlareData" );

   addGroup( "FlareElements" );

      addField( "flareEnabled", TypeBool, Offset( mFlareEnabled, LightFlareData ) );
      addField( "flareTexture", TypeImageFilename, Offset( mFlareTextureName, LightFlareData ) );

      addArray( "Elements", MAX_ELEMENTS );

         addField( "elementRect", TypeRectF, Offset( mElementRect, LightFlareData ), MAX_ELEMENTS );
         addField( "elementDist", TypeF32, Offset( mElementDist, LightFlareData ), MAX_ELEMENTS );
         addField( "elementScale", TypeF32, Offset( mElementScale, LightFlareData ), MAX_ELEMENTS );
         addField( "elementTint", TypeColorF, Offset( mElementTint, LightFlareData ), MAX_ELEMENTS );
         addField( "elementRotate", TypeBool, Offset( mElementRotate, LightFlareData ), MAX_ELEMENTS );
         addField( "elementUseLightColor", TypeBool, Offset( mElementUseLightColor, LightFlareData ), MAX_ELEMENTS );

      endArray( "FlareElements" );

   endGroup( "Flares" );

Пример #3
bool Reader::array()
	if ( match('[') )
		if ( value() )
			if ( match(',') )
				while ( value() )
					if ( match(',') )
		if ( endArray() )
			return true;
		throw __LINE__; // bad syntax
	return false;
Пример #4
void LegendWidget::drawVector(PlotCurve *c, QPainter *p, int x, int y, int l)
	if (!c)

	VectorCurve *v = (VectorCurve*)c;

	if (d_plot->antialiasing())

	QPen pen(v->color(), v->width(), Qt::SolidLine);
	p->drawLine(x, y, x + l, y);

	p->translate(x + l, y);

	double pi=4*atan(-1.0);
	int headLength = v->headLength();
	int d=qRound(headLength*tan(pi*(double)v->headAngle()/180.0));

	QPolygon endArray(3);
	endArray[0] = QPoint(0, 0);
	endArray[1] = QPoint(-headLength, d);
	endArray[2] = QPoint(-headLength, -d);

	if (v->filledArrowHead())
		p->setBrush(QBrush(pen.color(), Qt::SolidPattern));

Пример #5
void BasicClouds::initPersistFields()
   addGroup( "BasicClouds" );

      addArray( "Layers", TEX_COUNT );

         addField( "layerEnabled", TypeBool, Offset( mLayerEnabled, BasicClouds ), TEX_COUNT,
            "Enable or disable rendering of this layer." );

         addField( "texture", TypeImageFilename, Offset( mTexName, BasicClouds ), TEX_COUNT,
            "Texture for this layer." );

         addField( "texScale", TypeF32, Offset( mTexScale, BasicClouds ), TEX_COUNT,
            "Texture repeat for this layer." );

         addField( "texDirection", TypePoint2F, Offset( mTexDirection, BasicClouds ), TEX_COUNT,
            "Texture scroll direction for this layer, relative to the world axis." );

         addField( "texSpeed", TypeF32, Offset( mTexSpeed, BasicClouds ), TEX_COUNT,
            "Texture scroll speed for this layer." );   

         addField( "texOffset", TypePoint2F, Offset( mTexOffset, BasicClouds ), TEX_COUNT,
            "UV offset for this layer." );

         addField( "height", TypeF32, Offset( mHeight, BasicClouds ), TEX_COUNT,
            "Abstract number which controls the curvature and height of the dome mesh" );

      endArray( "Layers" );      

   endGroup( "BasicClouds" );

Пример #6
void LegendMarker::drawVector(QPainter *p, int x, int y, int l, int curveIndex) const
	Graph *g = (Graph *)d_plot->parent();
	if (!g)

	VectorCurve *v = (VectorCurve*)g->curve(curveIndex);
	if (!v)


	QPen pen(v->color(), v->width(), Qt::SolidLine);
	QwtPainter::drawLine(p, x, y, x + l, y);

	p->translate(x+l, y);

	double pi=4*atan(-1.0);
	int headLength = v->headLength();
	int d=qRound(headLength*tan(pi*(double)v->headAngle()/180.0));

	QPolygon endArray(3);
	endArray[0] = QPoint(0, 0);
	endArray[1] = QPoint(-headLength, d);
	endArray[2] = QPoint(-headLength, -d);

	if (v->filledArrowHead())
		p->setBrush(QBrush(pen.color(), Qt::SolidPattern));

Пример #7
QVariant fSettings::lastItem(QString array, QString key)
	int size=beginReadArray(array);
	QVariant val=value(key);
	return val;
Пример #8
void LightFlareData::initPersistFields()
   addGroup( "LightFlareData" );

      addField( "overallScale", TypeF32, Offset( mScale, LightFlareData ),
         "Size scale applied to all elements of the flare." );

      addField( "losMask", TypeS32, Offset( mLOSMask, LightFlareData ), 
         "Object type mask for LOS test." );

      addField( "occlusionRadius", TypeF32, Offset( mOcclusionRadius, LightFlareData ), 
         "If positive an occlusion query is used to test flare visibility, else it uses simple raycasts." );

      addField( "renderReflectPass", TypeBool, Offset( mRenderReflectPass, LightFlareData ), 
         "If false the flare does not render in reflections, else only non-zero distance elements are rendered." );

   endGroup( "LightFlareData" );

   addGroup( "FlareElements" );

      addField( "flareEnabled", TypeBool, Offset( mFlareEnabled, LightFlareData ),
         "Allows the user to disable this flare globally for any lights referencing it." );

      addField( "flareTexture", TypeImageFilename, Offset( mFlareTextureName, LightFlareData ),
         "The texture / sprite sheet for this flare." );

      addArray( "Elements", MAX_ELEMENTS );

         addField( "elementRect", TypeRectF, Offset( mElementRect, LightFlareData ), MAX_ELEMENTS,
            "A rectangle specified in pixels of the flareTexture image." );

         addField( "elementDist", TypeF32, Offset( mElementDist, LightFlareData ), MAX_ELEMENTS,
            "Where this element appears along the flare beam." );

         addField( "elementScale", TypeF32, Offset( mElementScale, LightFlareData ), MAX_ELEMENTS,
            "Size scale applied to this element." );

         addField( "elementTint", TypeColorF, Offset( mElementTint, LightFlareData ), MAX_ELEMENTS,
            "Used to modulate this element's color if elementUseLightColor "
            "is false.\n"
            "@see elementUseLightColor" );

         addField( "elementRotate", TypeBool, Offset( mElementRotate, LightFlareData ), MAX_ELEMENTS,
            "Defines if this element orients to point along the flare beam "
            "or if it is always upright." );

         addField( "elementUseLightColor", TypeBool, Offset( mElementUseLightColor, LightFlareData ), MAX_ELEMENTS,
            "If true this element's color is modulated by the light color. "
            "If false, elementTint will be used.\n"
            "@see elementTint" );

      endArray( "FlareElements" );

   endGroup( "Flares" );

Пример #9
QStringList fSettings::toStringList(QString array, QString key)
	int size=beginReadArray(array);
	QStringList uList;
	for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
	return uList;
Пример #10
// Will exit the program if cannot parse
ExcelValue parse(char **string) {
  while(true) {
    switch(**string) {
      case '"':
        return parseString(string);
      case '-':
      case '+':
      case '0':
      case '1':
      case '2':
      case '3':
      case '4':
      case '5':
      case '6':
      case '7':
      case '8':
      case '9':
        return parseNumber(string);
      case 't':
      case 'f':
        return parseBoolean(string);
      case '#':
        return parseExcelError(string);
      case ' ':
      case '\t':
      case '\n':
      case '\r':
      case ',': // Important to progress through arrays
      case '[':
        return startArray(string);
      case ']':
        return endArray(string);
      case EOF:
        return parseFailed("Parse error - reached end of file", 0);
      case '\0':
        return parseFailed("Parse error - reached end of string", 0);
        return parseFailed("Parse error unrecognised character", *string);
Пример #11
int fSettings::findValue(QVariant fValue, QString array, QString key)
	// finds value in current array
	// Why does QSettings not have it?
	int size=beginReadArray(array);
	int ret=-1;
	for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
		if(value(key)==fValue) ret=i;
	return ret;

Пример #12
void Settings::load()

	int size = beginReadArray("Project");
	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
		RecentProject proj;
		proj.path_ = value("Path").toString();
		proj.name_ = value("Name").toString();

Пример #13
void Settings::store()

	QLinkedList<RecentProject>::iterator itr;
	int i;
	for (itr = recentProjects_.begin(), i = 0; itr != recentProjects_.end();
	     ++itr, i++) {
		setValue("Path", (*itr).path_);
		setValue("Name", (*itr).name_);

Пример #14
/** get configured values, with reasonable defaults
Preferences::Preferences(QObject *parent) :
    QSettings("SWI-Prolog", "pqConsole", parent)
    console_font = value("console_font", QFont("courier", 12)).value<QFont>();
    wrapMode = static_cast<ConsoleEditBase::LineWrapMode>(value("wrapMode", ConsoleEditBase::WidgetWidth).toInt());

    console_out_fore = value("console_out_fore", 0).toInt();
    console_out_back = value("console_out_back", 7).toInt();
    console_inp_fore = value("console_inp_fore", 0).toInt();
    console_inp_back = value("console_inp_back", 15).toInt();

    // selection from SVG named colors
    // see http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/types.html#ColorKeywords
    static QColor v[] = {
        "gray",     // 'highlighted' from here


    for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
        QColor c = value("color", v[i]).value<QColor>();
	if ( !c.isValid() )	// Play safe if the color is invalid
	    c = v[i];		// Happens on MacOSX 10.11 (El Captain)
Пример #15
void VectorCurve::drawArrowHead(QPainter *p, int xs, int ys, int xe, int ye) const
p->translate(xe, ye);
double t=theta(xs, ys, xe, ye);

double pi=4*atan(-1.0);
int d=qRound(d_headLength*tan(pi*(double)d_headAngle/180.0));

QPolygon endArray(3);
endArray[0] = QPoint(0, 0);
endArray[1] = QPoint(-d_headLength, d);
endArray[2] = QPoint(-d_headLength, -d);

if (filledArrow)
	p->setBrush(QBrush(pen.color(), Qt::SolidPattern));

Пример #16
void CloudLayer::initPersistFields()
   addGroup( "CloudLayer" );	   
      addField( "texture", TypeImageFilename, Offset( mTextureName, CloudLayer ),
         "An RGBA texture which should contain normals and opacity (density)." );

      addArray( "Textures", TEX_COUNT );

         addField( "texScale", TypeF32, Offset( mTexScale, CloudLayer ), TEX_COUNT,
            "Controls the texture repeat of this slot." );

         addField( "texDirection", TypePoint2F, Offset( mTexDirection, CloudLayer ), TEX_COUNT,
            "Controls the direction this slot scrolls." );

         addField( "texSpeed", TypeF32, Offset( mTexSpeed, CloudLayer ), TEX_COUNT,
            "Controls the speed this slot scrolls." );

      endArray( "Textures" );

      addField( "baseColor", TypeColorF, Offset( mBaseColor, CloudLayer ),
         "Base cloud color before lighting." );

      addField( "exposure", TypeF32, Offset( mExposure, CloudLayer ),
         "Brightness scale so CloudLayer can be overblown if desired." );
      addField( "coverage", TypeF32, Offset( mCoverage, CloudLayer ),
         "Fraction of sky covered by clouds 0-1." );

      addField( "windSpeed", TypeF32, Offset( mWindSpeed, CloudLayer ),
         "Overall scalar to texture scroll speed." );

      addField( "height", TypeF32, Offset( mHeight, CloudLayer ),
         "Abstract number which controls the curvature and height of the dome mesh." );

   endGroup( "CloudLayer" );

Пример #17
/** save configured values
Preferences::~Preferences() {

    #define SV(s) setValue(#s, s)




    #undef SV

    for (int i = 0; i < ANSI_sequences.size(); ++i) {
        setValue("color", ANSI_sequences[i]);
Пример #18

void CUDAProcess::process()
    CUerrExp err;    
    err << cudaSetDevice(m_deviceId);
    boost::scoped_array<bool> endArray(new bool[m_units.size()]);
    for (size_t i=0; i<m_units.size(); i++)
        endArray[i] = true;
    bool cont = true;
    while ( cont )
        cont = false;
        for (size_t i=0; i<m_units.size(); i++)
            if ( endArray[i] )
                endArray[i] = m_units[i]->update();
            cont = cont || endArray[i];
Пример #19
void AITurretShapeData::initPersistFields()
   addField("maxScanHeading",       TypeF32,       Offset(maxScanHeading,        AITurretShapeData),
      "@brief Maximum number of degrees to scan left and right.\n\n"
      "@note Maximum scan heading is 90 degrees.\n");
   addField("maxScanPitch",         TypeF32,       Offset(maxScanPitch,          AITurretShapeData),
      "@brief Maximum number of degrees to scan up and down.\n\n"
      "@note Maximum scan pitch is 90 degrees.\n");
   addField("maxScanDistance",      TypeF32,       Offset(maxScanDistance,       AITurretShapeData),
      "@brief Maximum distance to scan.\n\n"
      "When combined with maxScanHeading and maxScanPitch this forms a 3D scanning wedge used to initially "
      "locate a target.\n");

   addField("scanTickFrequency",          TypeS32,       Offset(scanTickFrequency,       AITurretShapeData),
      "@brief How often should we perform a full scan when looking for a target.\n\n"
      "Expressed as the number of ticks between full scans, but no less than 1.\n");
   addField("scanTickFrequencyVariance",  TypeS32,       Offset(scanTickFrequencyVariance,       AITurretShapeData),
      "@brief Random amount that should be added to the scan tick frequency each scan period.\n\n"
      "Expressed as the number of ticks to randomly add, but no less than zero.\n");

   addField("trackLostTargetTime",  TypeF32,       Offset(trackLostTargetTime,       AITurretShapeData),
      "@brief How long after the turret has lost the target should it still track it.\n\n"
      "Expressed in seconds.\n");

   addField("maxWeaponRange",       TypeF32,       Offset(maxWeaponRange,       AITurretShapeData),
      "@brief Maximum distance that the weapon will fire upon a target.\n\n");

   addField("weaponLeadVelocity",   TypeF32,       Offset(weaponLeadVelocity,   AITurretShapeData),
      "@brief Velocity used to lead target.\n\n"
      "If value <= 0, don't lead target.\n");

   // State arrays
   addArray( "States", MaxStates );

      addField( "stateName", TypeCaseString, Offset(stateName, AITurretShapeData), MaxStates,
         "Name of this state." );
      addField( "stateTransitionOnAtRest", TypeString, Offset(stateTransitionAtRest, AITurretShapeData), MaxStates,
         "Name of the state to transition to when the turret is at rest (static).");
      addField( "stateTransitionOnNotAtRest", TypeString, Offset(stateTransitionNotAtRest, AITurretShapeData), MaxStates,
         "Name of the state to transition to when the turret is not at rest (not static).");
      addField( "stateTransitionOnTarget", TypeString, Offset(stateTransitionTarget, AITurretShapeData), MaxStates,
         "Name of the state to transition to when the turret gains a target." );
      addField( "stateTransitionOnNoTarget", TypeString, Offset(stateTransitionNoTarget, AITurretShapeData), MaxStates,
         "Name of the state to transition to when the turret loses a target." );
      addField( "stateTransitionOnActivated", TypeString, Offset(stateTransitionActivated, AITurretShapeData), MaxStates,
         "Name of the state to transition to when the turret goes from deactivated to activated.");
      addField( "stateTransitionOnDeactivated", TypeString, Offset(stateTransitionDeactivated, AITurretShapeData), MaxStates,
         "Name of the state to transition to when the turret goes from activated to deactivated");
      addField( "stateTransitionOnTimeout", TypeString, Offset(stateTransitionTimeout, AITurretShapeData), MaxStates,
         "Name of the state to transition to when we have been in this state "
         "for stateTimeoutValue seconds." );
      addField( "stateTimeoutValue", TypeF32, Offset(stateTimeoutValue, AITurretShapeData), MaxStates,
         "Time in seconds to wait before transitioning to stateTransitionOnTimeout." );
      addField( "stateWaitForTimeout", TypeBool, Offset(stateWaitForTimeout, AITurretShapeData), MaxStates,
         "If false, this state ignores stateTimeoutValue and transitions "
         "immediately if other transition conditions are met." );
      addField( "stateFire", TypeBool, Offset(stateFire, AITurretShapeData), MaxStates,
         "The first state with this set to true is the state entered by the "
         "client when it receives the 'fire' event." );
      addField( "stateScan", TypeBool, Offset(stateScan, AITurretShapeData), MaxStates,
         "Indicates the turret should perform a continuous scan looking for targets." );
      addField( "stateDirection", TypeBool, Offset(stateDirection, AITurretShapeData), MaxStates,
         "@brief Direction of the animation to play in this state.\n\n"
         "True is forward, false is backward." );
      addField( "stateSequence", TypeString, Offset(stateSequence, AITurretShapeData), MaxStates,
         "Name of the sequence to play on entry to this state." );
      addField( "stateScaleAnimation", TypeBool, Offset(stateScaleAnimation, AITurretShapeData), MaxStates,
         "If true, the timeScale of the stateSequence animation will be adjusted "
         "such that the sequence plays for stateTimeoutValue seconds. " );
      addField( "stateScript", TypeCaseString, Offset(stateScript, AITurretShapeData), MaxStates,
         "@brief Method to execute on entering this state.\n\n"
         "Scoped to AITurretShapeData.");

   endArray( "States" );

Пример #20
void SettingsSerializer::readSerialized()
    QFile f(path);
    if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
        qWarning() << "Couldn't open file";
    QByteArray data = f.readAll();

    // Decrypt
    if (tox_is_data_encrypted(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(data.data())))
        if (password.isEmpty())
            qCritical() << "The settings file is encrypted, but we don't have a password!";

        Core* core = Nexus::getCore();

        uint8_t salt[TOX_PASS_SALT_LENGTH];
        tox_get_salt(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(data.data()), salt);
        auto passkey = core->createPasskey(password, salt);

        data = core->decryptData(data, *passkey);
        if (data.isEmpty())
            qCritical() << "Failed to decrypt the settings file";
        if (!password.isEmpty())
            qWarning() << "We have a password, but the settings file is not encrypted";

    if (memcmp(data.data(), magic, 4))
        qWarning() << "Bad magic!";
    data = data.mid(4);

    QDataStream stream(&data, QIODevice::ReadOnly);

    while (!stream.atEnd())
        RecordTag tag;
        readStream(stream, tag);
        if (tag == RecordTag::Value)
            QByteArray key;
            QByteArray value;
            readStream(stream, key);
            readStream(stream, value);
            setValue(QString::fromUtf8(key), QVariant(QString::fromUtf8(value)));
        else if (tag == RecordTag::GroupStart)
            QByteArray prefix;
            readStream(stream, prefix);
        else if (tag == RecordTag::ArrayStart)
            QByteArray prefix;
            readStream(stream, prefix);
            QByteArray sizeData;
            readStream(stream, sizeData);
            if (sizeData.isEmpty())
                qWarning("The personal save file is corrupted!");
            int size = dataToVInt(sizeData);
            arrays[array].size = qMax(size, arrays[array].size);
        else if (tag == RecordTag::ArrayValue)
            QByteArray indexData;
            readStream(stream, indexData);
            if (indexData.isEmpty())
                qWarning("The personal save file is corrupted!");
            QByteArray key;
            QByteArray value;
            readStream(stream, key);
            readStream(stream, value);
            setValue(QString::fromUtf8(key), QVariant(QString::fromUtf8(value)));
        else if (tag == RecordTag::ArrayEnd)

    group = array = -1;
void JsonStreamingParser::parse(char c) {
    // valid whitespace characters in JSON (from RFC4627 for JSON) include:
    // space, horizontal tab, line feed or new line, and carriage return.
    // thanks:
    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16042274/definition-of-whitespace-in-json
    if ((c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r')
        && !(state == STATE_IN_STRING || state == STATE_UNICODE || state == STATE_START_ESCAPE
            || state == STATE_IN_NUMBER || state == STATE_DONE)) {
    switch (state) {
      if (c == '"') {
      } else if (c == '\\') {
        state = STATE_START_ESCAPE;
      } else if ((c < 0x1f) || (c == 0x7f)) {
        //throw new RuntimeException("Unescaped control character encountered: " + c + " at position" + characterCounter);
      } else {
        buffer[bufferPos] = c;
    case STATE_IN_ARRAY:
      if (c == ']') {
      } else {
      if (c == '}') {
      } else if (c == '"') {
      } else {
        //throw new RuntimeException("Start of string expected for object key. Instead got: " + c + " at position" + characterCounter);
    case STATE_END_KEY:
      if (c != ':') {
        //throw new RuntimeException("Expected ':' after key. Instead got " + c + " at position" + characterCounter);
      state = STATE_AFTER_KEY;
      unicodeEscapeBuffer[unicodeEscapeBufferPos] = c;
      if (unicodeEscapeBufferPos == 2) {
      // not safe for size == 0!!!
      int within = stack[stackPos - 1];
      if (within == STACK_OBJECT) {
        if (c == '}') {
        } else if (c == ',') {
          state = STATE_IN_OBJECT;
        } else {
          //throw new RuntimeException("Expected ',' or '}' while parsing object. Got: " + c + ". " + characterCounter);
      } else if (within == STACK_ARRAY) {
        if (c == ']') {
        } else if (c == ',') {
          state = STATE_IN_ARRAY;
        } else {
          //throw new RuntimeException("Expected ',' or ']' while parsing array. Got: " + c + ". " + characterCounter);

      } else {
        //throw new RuntimeException("Finished a literal, but unclear what state to move to. Last state: " + characterCounter);
      if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
        buffer[bufferPos] = c;
      } else if (c == '.') {
        if (doesCharArrayContain(buffer, bufferPos, '.')) {
          //throw new RuntimeException("Cannot have multiple decimal points in a number. " + characterCounter);
        } else if (doesCharArrayContain(buffer, bufferPos, 'e')) {
          //throw new RuntimeException("Cannot have a decimal point in an exponent." + characterCounter);
        buffer[bufferPos] = c;
      } else if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
        if (doesCharArrayContain(buffer, bufferPos, 'e')) {
          //throw new RuntimeException("Cannot have multiple exponents in a number. " + characterCounter);
        buffer[bufferPos] = c;
      } else if (c == '+' || c == '-') {
        char last = buffer[bufferPos - 1];
        if (!(last == 'e' || last == 'E')) {
          //throw new RuntimeException("Can only have '+' or '-' after the 'e' or 'E' in a number." + characterCounter);
        buffer[bufferPos] = c;
      } else {
        // we have consumed one beyond the end of the number
    case STATE_IN_TRUE:
      buffer[bufferPos] = c;
      if (bufferPos == 4) {
    case STATE_IN_FALSE:
      buffer[bufferPos] = c;
      if (bufferPos == 5) {
    case STATE_IN_NULL:
      buffer[bufferPos] = c;
      if (bufferPos == 4) {
    case STATE_DONE:
      if (c == '[') {
      } else if (c == '{') {
      } else {
        // throw new ParsingError($this->_line_number,
        // $this->_char_number,
        // "Document must start with object or array.");
    //case STATE_DONE:
      // throw new ParsingError($this->_line_number, $this->_char_number,
      // "Expected end of document.");
      // throw new ParsingError($this->_line_number, $this->_char_number,
      // "Internal error. Reached an unknown state: ".$this->_state);
Пример #22
void Material::initPersistFields()
   addField("mapTo", TypeRealString, Offset(mMapTo, Material),
      "Used to map this material to the material name used by TSShape." );

   addArray( "Stages", MAX_STAGES );

      addField("diffuseColor", TypeColorF, Offset(mDiffuse, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "This color is multiplied against the diffuse texture color.  If no diffuse texture "
         "is present this is the material color." );

      addField("diffuseMap", TypeImageFilename, Offset(mDiffuseMapFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The diffuse color texture map." );

      addField("overlayMap", TypeImageFilename, Offset(mOverlayMapFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "A secondary diffuse color texture map which will use the second texcoord of a mesh." );

      addField("lightMap", TypeImageFilename, Offset(mLightMapFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The lightmap texture used with pureLight." );

      addField("toneMap", TypeImageFilename, Offset(mToneMapFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The tonemap texture used with pureLight.");

      addField("detailMap", TypeImageFilename, Offset(mDetailMapFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "A typically greyscale detail texture additively blended into the material." );

      addField("detailScale", TypePoint2F, Offset(mDetailScale, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The scale factor for the detail map." );

      addField( "normalMap", TypeImageFilename, Offset(mNormalMapFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The normal map texture.  You can use the DXTnm format only when per-pixel "
         "specular highlights are disabled, or a specular map is in use." );

      addField( "detailNormalMap", TypeImageFilename, Offset(mDetailNormalMapFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "A second normal map texture applied at the detail scale.  You can use the DXTnm "
         "format only when per-pixel specular highlights are disabled." );

      addField( "detailNormalMapStrength", TypeF32, Offset(mDetailNormalMapStrength, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "Used to scale the strength of the detail normal map when blended with the base normal map." );

      addField("specular", TypeColorF, Offset(mSpecular, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The color of the specular highlight when not using a specularMap." );

      addField("specularPower", TypeF32, Offset(mSpecularPower, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The hardness of the specular highlight when not using a specularMap." );

		addField("specularStrength", TypeF32, Offset(mSpecularStrength, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The strength of the specular highlight when not using a specularMap." );

      addField("pixelSpecular", TypeBool, Offset(mPixelSpecular, Material), MAX_STAGES, 
         "This enables per-pixel specular highlights controlled by the alpha channel of the "
         "normal map texture.  Note that if pixel specular is enabled the DXTnm format will not "
         "work with your normal map, unless you are also using a specular map." );

      addProtectedField( "accuEnabled", TYPEID< bool >(), Offset( mAccuEnabled, Material ),
            &_setAccuEnabled, &defaultProtectedGetFn, MAX_STAGES, "Accumulation texture." );

      addField("accuScale",      TypeF32, Offset(mAccuScale, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The scale that is applied to the accu map texture. You can use this to fit the texture to smaller or larger objects.");
      addField("accuDirection",  TypeF32, Offset(mAccuDirection, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The direction of the accumulation. Chose whether you want the accu map to go from top to bottom (ie. snow) or upwards (ie. mold).");
      addField("accuStrength",   TypeF32, Offset(mAccuStrength, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The strength of the accu map. This changes the transparency of the accu map texture. Make it subtle or add more contrast.");
      addField("accuCoverage",   TypeF32, Offset(mAccuCoverage, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The coverage ratio of the accu map texture. Use this to make the entire shape pick up some of the accu map texture or none at all.");
      addField("accuSpecular",   TypeF32, Offset(mAccuSpecular, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "Changes specularity to this value where the accumulated material is present.");

      addField( "specularMap", TypeImageFilename, Offset(mSpecularMapFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The specular map texture. The RGB channels of this texture provide a per-pixel replacement for the 'specular' parameter on the material. "
         "If this texture contains alpha information, the alpha channel of the texture will be used as the gloss map. "
         "This provides a per-pixel replacement for the 'specularPower' on the material" );

      addField( "parallaxScale", TypeF32, Offset(mParallaxScale, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "Enables parallax mapping and defines the scale factor for the parallax effect.  Typically "
         "this value is less than 0.4 else the effect breaks down." );
      addField( "useAnisotropic", TypeBool, Offset(mUseAnisotropic, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "Use anisotropic filtering for the textures of this stage." );

      addField("envMap", TypeImageFilename, Offset(mEnvMapFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The name of an environment map cube map to apply to this material." );

      addField("vertLit", TypeBool, Offset(mVertLit, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "If true the vertex color is used for lighting." );

      addField( "vertColor", TypeBool, Offset( mVertColor, Material ), MAX_STAGES,
         "If enabled, vertex colors are premultiplied with diffuse colors." );

      addField("minnaertConstant", TypeF32, Offset(mMinnaertConstant, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The Minnaert shading constant value.  Must be greater than 0 to enable the effect." );

      addField("subSurface", TypeBool, Offset(mSubSurface, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "Enables the subsurface scattering approximation." );

      addField("subSurfaceColor", TypeColorF, Offset(mSubSurfaceColor, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The color used for the subsurface scattering approximation." );

      addField("subSurfaceRolloff", TypeF32, Offset(mSubSurfaceRolloff, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The 0 to 1 rolloff factor used in the subsurface scattering approximation." );

      addField("glow", TypeBool, Offset(mGlow, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "Enables rendering this material to the glow buffer." );

      addField("emissive", TypeBool, Offset(mEmissive, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "Enables emissive lighting for the material." );

      addField("doubleSided", TypeBool, Offset(mDoubleSided, Material),
         "Disables backface culling casing surfaces to be double sided. "
         "Note that the lighting on the backside will be a mirror of the front "
         "side of the surface."  );

      addField("animFlags", TYPEID< AnimType >(), Offset(mAnimFlags, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The types of animation to play on this material." );

      addField("scrollDir", TypePoint2F, Offset(mScrollDir, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The scroll direction in UV space when scroll animation is enabled." );

      addField("scrollSpeed", TypeF32, Offset(mScrollSpeed, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The speed to scroll the texture in UVs per second when scroll animation is enabled." );

      addField("rotSpeed", TypeF32, Offset(mRotSpeed, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The speed to rotate the texture in degrees per second when rotation animation is enabled." );

      addField("rotPivotOffset", TypePoint2F, Offset(mRotPivotOffset, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The piviot position in UV coordinates to center the rotation animation." );

      addField("waveType", TYPEID< WaveType >(), Offset(mWaveType, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The type of wave animation to perform when wave animation is enabled." );

      addField("waveFreq", TypeF32, Offset(mWaveFreq, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The wave frequency when wave animation is enabled." );

      addField("waveAmp", TypeF32, Offset(mWaveAmp, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The wave amplitude when wave animation is enabled." );

      addField("sequenceFramePerSec", TypeF32, Offset(mSeqFramePerSec, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The number of frames per second for frame based sequence animations if greater than zero." );

      addField("sequenceSegmentSize", TypeF32, Offset(mSeqSegSize, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "The size of each frame in UV units for sequence animations." );

      // Texture atlasing
      addField("cellIndex", TypePoint2I, Offset(mCellIndex, Material), MAX_STAGES,
         "@internal" );
      addField("cellLayout", TypePoint2I, Offset(mCellLayout, Material), MAX_STAGES,
      addField("cellSize", TypeS32, Offset(mCellSize, Material), MAX_STAGES,
      addField("bumpAtlas", TypeBool, Offset(mNormalMapAtlas, Material), MAX_STAGES,

      // For backwards compatibility.  
      // They point at the new 'map' fields, but reads always return
      // an empty string and writes only apply if the value is not empty.
      addProtectedField("baseTex",        TypeImageFilename,   Offset(mDiffuseMapFilename, Material), 
         defaultProtectedSetNotEmptyFn, emptyStringProtectedGetFn, MAX_STAGES, 
         "For backwards compatibility.\n@see diffuseMap\n" ); 
      addProtectedField("detailTex",      TypeImageFilename,   Offset(mDetailMapFilename, Material), 
         defaultProtectedSetNotEmptyFn, emptyStringProtectedGetFn, MAX_STAGES, 
         "For backwards compatibility.\n@see detailMap\n"); 
      addProtectedField("overlayTex",     TypeImageFilename,   Offset(mOverlayMapFilename, Material),
         defaultProtectedSetNotEmptyFn, emptyStringProtectedGetFn, MAX_STAGES, 
         "For backwards compatibility.\n@see overlayMap\n"); 
      addProtectedField("bumpTex",        TypeImageFilename,   Offset(mNormalMapFilename, Material),
         defaultProtectedSetNotEmptyFn, emptyStringProtectedGetFn, MAX_STAGES, 
         "For backwards compatibility.\n@see normalMap\n"); 
      addProtectedField("envTex",         TypeImageFilename,   Offset(mEnvMapFilename, Material),
         defaultProtectedSetNotEmptyFn, emptyStringProtectedGetFn, MAX_STAGES,
         "For backwards compatibility.\n@see envMap\n"); 
      addProtectedField("colorMultiply",  TypeColorF,          Offset(mDiffuse, Material),
         defaultProtectedSetNotEmptyFn, emptyStringProtectedGetFn, MAX_STAGES,
         "For backwards compatibility.\n@see diffuseColor\n"); 

   endArray( "Stages" );

   addField( "castShadows", TypeBool, Offset(mCastShadows, Material),
      "If set to false the lighting system will not cast shadows from this material." );

   addField("planarReflection", TypeBool, Offset(mPlanarReflection, Material), "@internal" );

   addField("translucent", TypeBool, Offset(mTranslucent, Material),
      "If true this material is translucent blended." );

   addField("translucentBlendOp", TYPEID< BlendOp >(), Offset(mTranslucentBlendOp, Material),
      "The type of blend operation to use when the material is translucent." );

   addField("translucentZWrite", TypeBool, Offset(mTranslucentZWrite, Material),
      "If enabled and the material is translucent it will write into the depth buffer." );

   addField("alphaTest", TypeBool, Offset(mAlphaTest, Material),
      "Enables alpha test when rendering the material.\n@see alphaRef\n" );

   addField("alphaRef", TypeS32, Offset(mAlphaRef, Material),
      "The alpha reference value for alpha testing.  Must be between 0 to 255.\n@see alphaTest\n" );

   addField("cubemap", TypeRealString, Offset(mCubemapName, Material),
      "The name of a CubemapData for environment mapping." );

   addField("dynamicCubemap", TypeBool, Offset(mDynamicCubemap, Material),
      "Enables the material to use the dynamic cubemap from the ShapeBase object its applied to." );

   addGroup( "Behavioral" );

      addField( "showFootprints", TypeBool, Offset( mShowFootprints, Material ),
         "Whether to show player footprint decals on this material.\n\n"
         "@see PlayerData::decalData" );
      addField( "showDust", TypeBool, Offset( mShowDust, Material ),
         "Whether to emit dust particles from a shape moving over the material.  This is, for example, used by "
         "vehicles or players to decide whether to show dust trails." );
      addField( "effectColor", TypeColorF, Offset( mEffectColor, Material ), NUM_EFFECT_COLOR_STAGES,
         "If #showDust is true, this is the set of colors to use for the ParticleData of the dust "
         "@see ParticleData::colors" );
      addField( "footstepSoundId", TypeS32, Offset( mFootstepSoundId, Material ),
         "What sound to play from the PlayerData sound list when the player walks over the material.  -1 (default) to not play any sound.\n"
         "The IDs are:\n\n"
         "- 0: PlayerData::FootSoftSound\n"
         "- 1: PlayerData::FootHardSound\n"
         "- 2: PlayerData::FootMetalSound\n"
         "- 3: PlayerData::FootSnowSound\n"
         "- 4: PlayerData::FootShallowSound\n"
         "- 5: PlayerData::FootWadingSound\n"
         "- 6: PlayerData::FootUnderwaterSound\n"
         "- 7: PlayerData::FootBubblesSound\n"
         "- 8: PlayerData::movingBubblesSound\n"
         "- 9: PlayerData::waterBreathSound\n"
         "- 10: PlayerData::impactSoftSound\n"
         "- 11: PlayerData::impactHardSound\n"
         "- 12: PlayerData::impactMetalSound\n"
         "- 13: PlayerData::impactSnowSound\n"
         "- 14: PlayerData::impactWaterEasy\n"
         "- 15: PlayerData::impactWaterMedium\n"
         "- 16: PlayerData::impactWaterHard\n"
         "- 17: PlayerData::exitingWater\n" );
      addField( "customFootstepSound", TypeSFXTrackName, Offset( mFootstepSoundCustom, Material ),
         "The sound to play when the player walks over the material.  If this is set, it overrides #footstepSoundId.  This field is "
         "useful for directly assigning custom footstep sounds to materials without having to rely on the PlayerData sound assignment.\n\n"
         "@warn Be aware that materials are client-side objects.  This means that the SFXTracks assigned to materials must be client-side, too." );
      addField( "impactSoundId", TypeS32, Offset( mImpactSoundId, Material ),
         "What sound to play from the PlayerData sound list when the player impacts on the surface with a velocity equal or greater "
         "than PlayerData::groundImpactMinSpeed.\n\n"
         "For a list of IDs, see #footstepSoundId" );
      addField( "customImpactSound", TypeSFXTrackName,    Offset( mImpactSoundCustom, Material ),
         "The sound to play when the player impacts on the surface with a velocity equal or greater than PlayerData::groundImpactMinSpeed.  "
         "If this is set, it overrides #impactSoundId.  This field is useful for directly assigning custom impact sounds to materials "
         "without having to rely on the PlayerData sound assignment.\n\n"
         "@warn Be aware that materials are client-side objects.  This means that the SFXTracks assigned to materials must be client-side, too." );
      //Deactivate these for the moment as they are not used.
      #if 0
      addField( "friction", TypeF32, Offset( mFriction, Material ) );
      addField( "directSoundOcclusion", TypeF32, Offset( mDirectSoundOcclusion, Material ) );
      addField( "reverbSoundOcclusion", TypeF32, Offset( mReverbSoundOcclusion, Material ) );

   endGroup( "Behavioral" );

void SFXPlayList::initPersistFields()
   addGroup( "Sound" );
      addField( "random",           TYPEID< ERandomMode >(), Offset( mRandomMode, SFXPlayList ),
         "Slot playback order randomization pattern.\n"
         "By setting this field to something other than \"NotRandom\" to order in which slots of the "
         "playlist are processed can be changed from sequential to a random pattern.  This allows to "
         "to create more varied playback patterns.\n"
         "Defaults to \"NotRandom\"." );
      addField( "loopMode",         TYPEID< ELoopMode >(), Offset( mLoopMode, SFXPlayList ),
         "Behavior when description has looping enabled.\n"
         "The loop mode determines whether the list will loop over a single slot or loop over "
         "all the entire list of slots being played.\n\n"
         "@see SFXDescription::isLooping" );
      addField( "numSlotsToPlay",   TypeS32,          Offset( mNumSlotsToPlay, SFXPlayList ),
         "Number of slots to play.\n"
         "Up to a maximum of 16, this field determines the number of slots that are taken from the "
         "list for playback.  Only slots that have a valid #track assigned will be considered for "
         "this." );
      addArray( "slots", NUM_SLOTS );
         addField( "track",                  TypeSFXTrackName, Offset( mSlots.mTrack, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "Track to play in this slot.\n"
            "This must be set for the slot to be considered for playback.  Other settings for a slot "
            "will not take effect except this field is set." );
         addField( "replay",                 TYPEID< EReplayMode >(), Offset( mSlots.mReplayMode, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "Behavior when an already playing sound is encountered on this slot from a previous cycle.\n"
            "Each slot can have an arbitrary number of sounds playing on it from previous cycles.  This field determines "
            "how SFXController will handle these sources." );
         addField( "transitionIn",           TYPEID< ETransitionMode >(), Offset( mSlots.mTransitionIn, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "Behavior when moving into this slot.\n"
            "After the delayIn time has expired (if any), this slot determines what the controller "
            "will do before actually playing the slot." );
         addField( "transitionOut",          TYPEID< ETransitionMode >(), Offset( mSlots.mTransitionOut, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "Behavior when moving out of this slot.\n"
            "After the #detailTimeOut has expired (if any), this slot determines what the controller "
            "will do before moving on to the next slot." );
         addField( "delayTimeIn",            TypeF32,          Offset( mSlots.mDelayTimeIn.mValue, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "Seconds to wait after moving into slot before #transitionIn." );
         addField( "delayTimeInVariance",    TypePoint2F,      Offset( mSlots.mDelayTimeIn.mVariance, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "Bounds on randomization of #delayTimeIn.\n\n"
            "@ref SFXPlayList_randomization\n" );
         addField( "delayTimeOut",           TypeF32,          Offset( mSlots.mDelayTimeOut.mValue, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "Seconds to wait before moving out of slot after #transitionOut." );
         addField( "delayTimeOutVariance",   TypePoint2F,      Offset( mSlots.mDelayTimeOut.mVariance, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "Bounds on randomization of #delayTimeOut.\n\n"
            "@ref SFXPlayList_randomization\n" );
         addField( "fadeTimeIn",             TypeF32,          Offset( mSlots.mFadeTimeIn.mValue, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "Seconds to fade sound in (-1 to use the track's own fadeInTime.)\n"
            "@see SFXDescription::fadeTimeIn" );
         addField( "fadeTimeInVariance",     TypePoint2F,      Offset( mSlots.mFadeTimeIn.mVariance, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "Bounds on randomization of #fadeInTime.\n\n"
            "@ref SFXPlayList_randomization\n" );
         addField( "fadeTimeOut",            TypeF32,          Offset( mSlots.mFadeTimeOut.mValue, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "Seconds to fade sound out (-1 to use the track's own fadeOutTime.)\n"
            "@see SFXDescription::fadeTimeOut" );
         addField( "fadeTimeOutVariance",    TypePoint2F,      Offset( mSlots.mFadeTimeOut.mVariance, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "Bounds on randomization of #fadeOutTime\n\n"
            "@ref SFXPlayList_randomization\n" );
         addField( "referenceDistance",      TypeF32,          Offset( mSlots.mMinDistance.mValue, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "@c referenceDistance to set for 3D sounds in this slot (<1 to use @c referenceDistance of track's own description).\n"
            "@see SFXDescription::referenceDistance" );
         addField( "referenceDistanceVariance", TypePoint2F,   Offset( mSlots.mMinDistance.mVariance, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "Bounds on randomization of #referenceDistance.\n\n"
            "@ref SFXPlayList_randomization\n" );
         addField( "maxDistance",            TypeF32,          Offset( mSlots.mMaxDistance.mValue, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "@c maxDistance to apply to 3D sounds in this slot (<1 to use @c maxDistance of track's own description).\n"
            "@see SFXDescription::maxDistance" );
         addField( "maxDistanceVariance",    TypePoint2F,      Offset( mSlots.mMaxDistance.mVariance, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "Bounds on randomization of #maxDistance.\n\n"
            "@ref SFXPlayList_randomization\n" );
         addField( "volumeScale",            TypeF32,          Offset( mSlots.mVolumeScale.mValue, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "Scale factor to apply to volume of sounds played on this list slot.\n"
            "This value will scale the actual volume level set on the track assigned to the slot, i.e. a value of 0.5 will "
            "cause the track to play at half-volume." );
         addField( "volumeScaleVariance",    TypePoint2F,      Offset( mSlots.mVolumeScale.mVariance, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "Bounds on randomization of #volumeScale.\n\n"
            "@ref SFXPlayList_randomization\n" );
         addField( "pitchScale",             TypeF32,          Offset( mSlots.mPitchScale.mValue, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "Scale factor to apply to pitch of sounds played on this list slot.\n"
            "This value will scale the actual pitch set on the track assigned to the slot, i.e. a value of 0.5 will "
            "cause the track to play at half its assigned speed." );
         addField( "pitchScaleVariance",     TypePoint2F,      Offset( mSlots.mPitchScale.mVariance, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "Bounds on randomization of #pitchScale.\n\n"
            "@ref SFXPlayList_randomization\n" );
         addField( "repeatCount",            TypeS32,          Offset( mSlots.mRepeatCount, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "Number of times to loop this slot." );
         addField( "state",                  TypeSFXStateName, Offset( mSlots.mState, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "State that must be active for this slot to play.\n\n"
            "@ref SFXPlayList_states" );
         addField( "stateMode",              TYPEID< EStateMode >(), Offset( mSlots.mStateMode, SFXPlayList ), NUM_SLOTS,
            "Behavior when assigned state is deactivated while slot is playing.\n\n"
            "@ref SFXPlayList_states" );
      endArray( "slots" );
   endGroup( "Sound" );
   addGroup( "Debug" );
      addField( "trace", TypeBool, Offset( mTrace, SFXPlayList ),
         "Enable/disable execution tracing for this playlist (local only).\n"
         "If this is true, SFXControllers attached to the list will automatically run in trace mode." );
   endGroup( "Debug" );

Пример #24
void WaterObject::initPersistFields()
   addGroup( "WaterObject" );

      addProtectedField( "density", TypeF32, Offset( mDensity, WaterObject ), &WaterObject::_checkDensity, &defaultProtectedGetFn, "Affects buoyancy of an object, thus affecting the Z velocity of a player (jumping, falling, etc.");
      addField( "viscosity", TypeF32, Offset( mViscosity, WaterObject ), "Affects drag force applied to an object submerged in this container." );
      addField( "liquidType", TypeRealString, Offset( mLiquidType, WaterObject ), "Liquid type of WaterBlock, such as water, ocean, lava"
		  " Currently only Water is defined and used.");
      addField( "baseColor", TypeColorI,  Offset( mWaterFogData.color, WaterObject ), "Changes color of water fog." );
      addField( "fresnelBias",  TypeF32,  Offset( mFresnelBias, WaterObject ), "Extent of fresnel affecting reflection fogging." );
      addField( "fresnelPower",  TypeF32,  Offset( mFresnelPower, WaterObject ), "Measures intensity of affect on reflection based on fogging." );
      addField( "specularPower", TypeF32, Offset( mSpecularPower, WaterObject ), "Power used for specularity on the water surface ( sun only )." );
      addField( "specularColor", TypeColorF, Offset( mSpecularColor, WaterObject ), "Color used for specularity on the water surface ( sun only )." );
      addField( "emissive", TypeBool, Offset( mEmissive, WaterObject ), "When true the water colors don't react to changes to environment lighting." );

      addArray( "Waves (vertex undulation)", MAX_WAVES );

         addField( "waveDir",       TypePoint2F,  Offset( mWaveDir, WaterObject ), MAX_WAVES, "Direction waves flow toward shores." );
         addField( "waveSpeed",     TypeF32,  Offset( mWaveSpeed, WaterObject ), MAX_WAVES, "Speed of water undulation." );
         addField( "waveMagnitude", TypeF32, Offset( mWaveMagnitude, WaterObject ), MAX_WAVES, "Height of water undulation." );

      endArray( "Waves (vertex undulation)" );

      addField( "overallWaveMagnitude", TypeF32, Offset( mOverallWaveMagnitude, WaterObject ), "Master variable affecting entire body" 
		  " of water's undulation" );  
      addField( "rippleTex", TypeImageFilename, Offset( mRippleTexName, WaterObject ), "Normal map used to simulate small surface ripples" );

      addArray( "Ripples (texture animation)", MAX_WAVES );

         addField( "rippleDir",       TypePoint2F, Offset( mRippleDir, WaterObject ), MAX_WAVES, "Modifies the direction of ripples on the surface." );
         addField( "rippleSpeed",     TypeF32, Offset( mRippleSpeed, WaterObject ), MAX_WAVES, "Modifies speed of surface ripples.");
         addField( "rippleTexScale",  TypePoint2F, Offset( mRippleTexScale, WaterObject ), MAX_WAVES, "Intensifies the affect of the normal map "
			 "applied to the surface.");
         addField( "rippleMagnitude", TypeF32, Offset( mRippleMagnitude, WaterObject ), MAX_WAVES, "Intensifies the vertext modification of the surface." );

      endArray( "Ripples (texture animation)" );

      addField( "overallRippleMagnitude", TypeF32, Offset( mOverallRippleMagnitude, WaterObject ), "Master variable affecting entire surface");

      addField( "foamTex", TypeImageFilename, Offset( mFoamTexName, WaterObject ), "Diffuse texture for foam in shallow water (advanced lighting only)" );

      addArray( "Foam", MAX_FOAM );

         addField( "foamDir",       TypePoint2F, Offset( mFoamDir, WaterObject ), MAX_FOAM, "" );
         addField( "foamSpeed",     TypeF32, Offset( mFoamSpeed, WaterObject ), MAX_FOAM, "");
         addField( "foamTexScale",  TypePoint2F, Offset( mFoamTexScale, WaterObject ), MAX_FOAM, ""
			 "applied to the surface.");
         addField( "foamOpacity", TypeF32, Offset( mFoamOpacity, WaterObject ), MAX_FOAM, "" );

      endArray( "Foam" );
      addField( "overallFoamOpacity", TypeF32, Offset( mOverallFoamOpacity, WaterObject ), "" );
      addField( "foamMaxDepth", TypeF32, Offset( mFoamMaxDepth, WaterObject ), "" );
      addField( "foamAmbientLerp", TypeF32, Offset( mFoamAmbientLerp, WaterObject ), "" );     
      addField( "foamRippleInfluence", TypeF32, Offset( mFoamRippleInfluence, WaterObject ), "" );

   endGroup( "WaterObject" );

   addGroup( "Reflect" );

      addField( "cubemap", TypeCubemapName, Offset( mCubemapName, WaterObject ), "Cubemap used instead of reflection texture if fullReflect is off." );
      addProtectedField( "fullReflect", TypeBool, Offset( mFullReflect, WaterObject ), 
         "Enables dynamic reflection rendering." );

      addField( "reflectivity", TypeF32, Offset( mReflectivity, WaterObject ), "Overall scalar to the reflectivity of the water surface." );
      addField( "reflectPriority", TypeF32, Offset( mReflectorDesc.priority, WaterObject ), "Affects the sort order of reflected objects." );
      addField( "reflectMaxRateMs", TypeS32, Offset( mReflectorDesc.maxRateMs, WaterObject ), "Affects the sort time of reflected objects." );
      //addField( "reflectMaxDist", TypeF32, Offset( mReflectMaxDist, WaterObject ), "vert distance at which only cubemap color is used" );
      //addField( "reflectMinDist", TypeF32, Offset( mReflectMinDist, WaterObject ), "vert distance at which only reflection color is used" );
      addField( "reflectDetailAdjust", TypeF32, Offset( mReflectorDesc.detailAdjust, WaterObject ), "scale up or down the detail level for objects rendered in a reflection" );
      addField( "reflectNormalUp", TypeBool, Offset( mReflectNormalUp, WaterObject ), "always use z up as the reflection normal" );
      addField( "useOcclusionQuery", TypeBool, Offset( mReflectorDesc.useOcclusionQuery, WaterObject ), "turn off reflection rendering when occluded (delayed)." );
      addField( "reflectTexSize", TypeS32, Offset( mReflectorDesc.texSize, WaterObject ), "The texture size used for reflections (square)" );

   endGroup( "Reflect" );   

   addGroup( "Underwater Fogging" );

      addField( "waterFogDensity", TypeF32, Offset( mWaterFogData.density, WaterObject ), "Intensity of underwater fogging." );
      addField( "waterFogDensityOffset", TypeF32, Offset( mWaterFogData.densityOffset, WaterObject ), "Delta, or limit, applied to waterFogDensity." );
      addField( "wetDepth", TypeF32, Offset( mWaterFogData.wetDepth, WaterObject ), "The depth in world units at which full darkening will be received,"
		  " giving a wet look to objects underwater." );
      addField( "wetDarkening", TypeF32, Offset( mWaterFogData.wetDarkening, WaterObject ), "The refract color intensity scaled at wetDepth." );

   endGroup( "Underwater Fogging" );

   addGroup( "Misc" );
      addField( "depthGradientTex", TypeImageFilename, Offset( mDepthGradientTexName, WaterObject ), "1D texture defining the base water color by depth" );
      addField( "depthGradientMax", TypeF32, Offset( mDepthGradientMax, WaterObject ), "Depth in world units, the max range of the color gradient texture." );      

   endGroup( "Misc" );

   addGroup( "Distortion" );

      addField( "distortStartDist", TypeF32, Offset( mDistortStartDist, WaterObject ), "Determines start of distortion effect where water"
		  " surface intersects the camera near plane.");
      addField( "distortEndDist", TypeF32, Offset( mDistortEndDist, WaterObject ), "Max distance that distortion algorithm is performed. "
		  "The lower, the more distorted the effect.");
      addField( "distortFullDepth", TypeF32, Offset( mDistortFullDepth, WaterObject ), "Determines the scaling down of distortion "
		  "in shallow water.");

   endGroup( "Distortion" ); 

   addGroup( "Basic Lighting" );

      addField( "clarity", TypeF32, Offset( mClarity, WaterObject ), "Relative opacity or transparency of the water surface." );
      addField( "underwaterColor", TypeColorI, Offset( mUnderwaterColor, WaterObject ), "Changes the color shading of objects beneath"
		  " the water surface.");

   endGroup( "Basic Lighting" );

   addGroup( "Sound" );
      addField( "soundAmbience", TypeSFXAmbienceName, Offset( mSoundAmbience, WaterObject ), "Ambient sound environment when listener is submerged." );
   endGroup( "Sound" );


   Con::addVariable( "$WaterObject::wireframe", TypeBool, &smWireframe, "If true, will render the wireframe of the WaterObject.\n"
	   "@ingroup Water\n");
Пример #25
void ArrowMarker::draw(QPainter *p, const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap, const QRect &) const
	const int x0 = xMap.transform(d_rect.left());
	const int y0 = yMap.transform(d_rect.top());
	const int x1 = xMap.transform(d_rect.right());
	const int y1 = yMap.transform(d_rect.bottom());

	QPen pen = linePen();

	QBrush brush = QBrush(pen.color(), Qt::SolidPattern);

	if (d_end_arrow){
		const double t = theta(x0, y0, x1, y1);

		QPolygon endArray(3);
		endArray[0] = QPoint(0,0);

		int d=(int)floor(d_head_length*tan(M_PI*d_head_angle/180.0)+0.5);
		endArray[1] = QPoint(-d_head_length,d);
		endArray[2] = QPoint(-d_head_length,-d);

		p->setPen(QPen(pen.color(), pen.width(), Qt::SolidLine));
		if (d_fill_head)


	if (d_start_arrow){
		const double t = theta(x0, y0, x1, y1);

		QPolygon startArray(3);
		startArray[0] = QPoint(0,0);

		int d=(int)floor(d_head_length*tan(M_PI*d_head_angle/180.0)+0.5);
		startArray[1] = QPoint(d_head_length,d);
		startArray[2] = QPoint(d_head_length,-d);

		p->setPen(QPen(pen.color(), pen.width(), Qt::SolidLine));
		if (d_fill_head)

	if (d_editable) {
		QRect handler(QPoint(0,0), QSize(10,10));
		p->fillRect(handler, QBrush(Qt::black));
		p->fillRect(handler, QBrush(Qt::black));
Пример #26
    setValue("language",           language);
    setValue("recentFiles",        recentFiles);
    setValue("openFiles",          openFiles);
    setValue("lastFile",           lastFile);
    setValue("mainWindowGeometry", mainWindowGeometry);
    setValue("mainWindowState",    mainWindowState);
    setValue("helpWindowGeometry", helpWindowGeometry);

    setValue("fontFamily",   fontFamily);
    setValue("fontSize",     fontSize);
    setValue("tabIndents",   tabIndents);
    setValue("autoIndent",   autoIndent);
    setValue("backUnindent", backUnindent);
    setValue("spaceTabs",    spaceTabs);
    setValue("indentSize",   indentSize);
    setValue("tabSize",      tabSize);
    setValue("whitespaces",  whitespaces);

    QMapIterator<QString, QTextCharFormat> it(colorScheme);


    int i = 0;

    while (it.hasNext()) {

        setValue("type",       it.key());
        setValue("italic",     it.value().font().italic());
        setValue("weihgt",     it.value().font().weight());
        setValue("foreground", it.value().foreground());
        setValue("background", it.value().background());


    endGroup(); // Editor

    setValue("leaveOpen", 	    leaveOpen);
    setValue("sessions", 		sessions);
    setValue("sessionSplitter", sessionSplitter);

    setValue("snippetPath",     snippetPath);
    setValue("snippetSplitter", snippetSplitter);

    setValue("findHistory",     findHistory);
    setValue("replaceHistory",  replaceHistory);
    setValue("matchCase", 	    matchCase);
    setValue("regExp",    	    regExp);
    setValue("allFiles",  	    allFiles);
Пример #27
Config::Config(QObject* parent)
    : QSettings(ORGNAME, PROGNAME, parent)
    keywordsSorted = keywords.keywords.values();

    languages.insert("English", "en_EN");
    languages.insert("Russian", "ru_RU");

    maxRecentFiles = 9;
    maxHistory 	   = 10;

    language    	   = value("language", "English").toString();
    recentFiles 	   = value("recentFiles").toStringList();
    openFiles   	   = value("openFiles").toStringList();
    lastFile  		   = value("lastFile").toString();
    mainWindowGeometry = value("mainWindowGeometry").toByteArray();
    mainWindowState    = value("mainWindowState").toByteArray();
    helpWindowGeometry = value("helpWindowGeometry").toByteArray();

    fontFamily   = value("fontFamily", "Courier New").toString();
    fontSize     = value("fontSize", 12).toInt();
    tabIndents   = value("tabIndents").toBool();
    autoIndent   = value("autoIndent").toBool();
    backUnindent = value("backUnindent").toBool();
    spaceTabs    = value("spaceTabs", true).toBool();
    indentSize   = value("indentSize", 4).toInt();
    tabSize      = value("tabSize", 4).toInt();
    whitespaces  = value("whitespaces").toBool();

    QTextCharFormat fmt; // формат по умолчанию, не изменяется
    fmt.setBackground(QColor(255, 255, 255, 0)) ; // прозрачный белый

    int size = beginReadArray("ColorScheme");

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

        QString type = value("type").toString();

        colorScheme.insert(type, fmt);


    QHashIterator<QString, QString> it(keywords.keywords);

    while (it.hasNext()) {

        QString keyword = it.value();

        keyword.replace("*", "\\*").replace("$", "\\$");
        patterns.insert(it.key(), QRegExp(tr("\\b%1\\b").arg(keyword)));

        if (!colorScheme.contains(it.key())) // для всех слов пустая схема при size == 0
            colorScheme.insert(it.key(), fmt);

    // 1. для неключевых слов добавить шаблон
    patterns.insert("Parentheses", 	    QRegExp("[\\(\\)\\[\\]]"));
    patterns.insert("Numbers", 			QRegExp("(^|\\s)[-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?"));
    patterns.insert("Local Variables",  QRegExp("\\$?\\?[\\w-]+"));
    patterns.insert("Global Variables", QRegExp("\\?\\*[\\w-]+\\*"));

    // 2. настроить схему по умолчанию
    if (!size) {
        colorScheme.insert("Constructs", fmt);

        colorScheme.insert("Strings", fmt);

        colorScheme.insert("Comments", fmt);

        colorScheme.insert("Parentheses", fmt);

        colorScheme.insert("Numbers", fmt);

        colorScheme.insert("Local Variables", fmt);
        colorScheme["Local Variables"].setForeground(Qt::darkYellow);

        colorScheme.insert("Global Variables", fmt);
        colorScheme["Global Variables"].setForeground(Qt::darkYellow);

        colorScheme.insert("Text", fmt);

        colorScheme.insert("Line Numbers", fmt);
        colorScheme["Line Numbers"].setForeground(Qt::gray);
        colorScheme["Line Numbers"].setBackground(QColor(30, 60, 90));

    endGroup(); // Editor

    leaveOpen       = value("leaveOpen").toBool();
    sessions 	    = value("sessions").toMap();
    sessionSplitter	= value("sessionSplitter").toByteArray();

    snippetPath		= value("snippetPath").toString();
    snippetSplitter = value("snippetSplitter").toByteArray();

    findHistory     = value("findHistory").toStringList();
    replaceHistory  = value("replaceHistory").toStringList();
    matchCase       = value("matchCase").toBool();
    regExp          = value("regExp").toBool();
    allFiles        = value("allFiles").toBool();
Пример #28
void Material::initPersistFields()
   addField("mapTo",                TypeRealString,      Offset(mMapTo, Material));

   addArray( "Stages", MAX_STAGES );

      addField("diffuseColor",      TypeColorF,          Offset(mDiffuse, Material), MAX_STAGES);
      addField("colorMultiply",     TypeColorF,          Offset(mColorMultiply, Material), MAX_STAGES);

      addField("diffuseMap",        TypeImageFilename,   Offset(mDiffuseMapFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES);
      addField("baseTex",           TypeImageFilename,   Offset(mBaseTexFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES); // For backwards compatibility

      addField("overlayMap",        TypeImageFilename,   Offset(mOverlayMapFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES);
      addField("overlayTex",        TypeImageFilename,   Offset(mOverlayTexFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES); // For backwards compatibility

      addField("lightMap",          TypeImageFilename,   Offset(mLightMapFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES);
      addField("toneMap",           TypeImageFilename,   Offset(mToneMapFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES);

      addField("detailMap",         TypeImageFilename,   Offset(mDetailMapFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES);
      addField("detailTex",         TypeImageFilename,   Offset(mDetailTexFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES); // For backwards compatibility

      addField("detailScale",       TypePoint2F,         Offset(mDetailScale,  Material), MAX_STAGES);

      addField( "normalMap",        TypeImageFilename,   Offset(mNormalMapFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES, NULL,
         "The normal map texture.  You can use the DXTnm format only when per-pixel "
         "specular highlights are disabled, or a specular map is in use." );
      addField( "bumpTex",          TypeImageFilename,   Offset(mBumpTexFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES, NULL, // For backwards compatibility
         "The normal map texture.  You can use the DXTnm format only when per-pixel "
         "specular highlights are disabled, or a specular map is in use." );

      addField("specular",          TypeColorF,          Offset(mSpecular, Material), MAX_STAGES);
      addField("specularPower",     TypeF32,             Offset(mSpecularPower, Material), MAX_STAGES);
      addField("pixelSpecular",     TypeBool,            Offset(mPixelSpecular, Material), MAX_STAGES, NULL, 
         "This enables per-pixel specular highlights controlled by the alpha channel of the "
         "normal map texture.  Note that if pixel specular is enabled the DXTnm format will not "
         "work with your normal map, unless you are also using a specular map." );
      addField( "specularMap",      TypeImageFilename,   Offset(mSpecularMapFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES, NULL,
         "The specular map texture. The RGB channels of this texture provide a per-pixel replacement for the 'specular' parameter on the material. "
         "If this texture contains alpha information, the alpha channel of the texture will be used as the gloss map. "
         "This provides a per-pixel replacement for the 'specularPower' on the material" );

      addField( "parallaxScale", TypeF32, Offset(mParallaxScale, Material), MAX_STAGES );
      addField("envMap",            TypeImageFilename,   Offset(mEnvMapFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES);
      addField("envTex",            TypeImageFilename,   Offset(mEnvTexFilename, Material), MAX_STAGES); // For backwards compatibility

      addField("vertLit",           TypeBool,            Offset(mVertLit, Material), MAX_STAGES);

      addField("minnaertConstant",  TypeF32,             Offset(mMinnaertConstant, Material),  MAX_STAGES);

      addField("subSurface",        TypeBool,            Offset(mSubSurface, Material),  MAX_STAGES);
      addField("subSurfaceColor",   TypeColorF,          Offset(mSubSurfaceColor, Material),  MAX_STAGES);
      addField("subSurfaceRolloff", TypeF32,             Offset(mSubSurfaceRolloff, Material),  MAX_STAGES);

      addField("exposure",          TypeS32,             Offset(mExposure, Material), MAX_STAGES);
      addField("glow",              TypeBool,            Offset(mGlow, Material), MAX_STAGES);
      addField("emissive",          TypeBool,            Offset(mEmissive, Material), MAX_STAGES);

      addField("doubleSided",       TypeBool,            Offset(mDoubleSided, Material));

      addField("animFlags",         TypeBitMask32,       Offset(mAnimFlags, Material), MAX_STAGES, &mAnimFlagTable );
      addField("scrollDir",         TypePoint2F,         Offset(mScrollDir, Material), MAX_STAGES);
      addField("scrollSpeed",       TypeF32,             Offset(mScrollSpeed, Material), MAX_STAGES);
      addField("rotSpeed",          TypeF32,             Offset(mRotSpeed, Material), MAX_STAGES);
      addField("rotPivotOffset",    TypePoint2F,         Offset(mRotPivotOffset, Material), MAX_STAGES);

      addField("waveType",          TypeEnum,            Offset(mWaveType,  Material), MAX_STAGES, &mWaveTypeTable );
      addField("waveFreq",          TypeF32,             Offset(mWaveFreq,  Material), MAX_STAGES);
      addField("waveAmp",           TypeF32,             Offset(mWaveAmp,   Material), MAX_STAGES);

      addField("sequenceFramePerSec", TypeF32,           Offset(mSeqFramePerSec,  Material), MAX_STAGES);
      addField("sequenceSegmentSize", TypeF32,           Offset(mSeqSegSize,  Material), MAX_STAGES);

   endArray( "Stages" );

   addField( "castShadows", TypeBool, Offset(mCastShadows, Material),
      "If set to false the lighting system will not cast shadows from this material." );

   addField("planarReflection",     TypeBool,            Offset(mPlanarReflection, Material));

   addField("translucent",          TypeBool,            Offset(mTranslucent, Material));
   addField("translucentBlendOp",   TypeEnum,            Offset(mTranslucentBlendOp, Material), 1, &mBlendOpTable);
   addField("translucentZWrite",    TypeBool,            Offset(mTranslucentZWrite, Material));
   addField("alphaTest",            TypeBool,            Offset(mAlphaTest, Material));
   addField("alphaRef",             TypeS32,             Offset(mAlphaRef, Material));

   addField("cubemap",              TypeRealString,      Offset(mCubemapName, Material));
   addField("dynamicCubemap",       TypeBool,            Offset(mDynamicCubemap, Material));

   addGroup( "Behavioral" );

      addField( "showFootprints",      TypeBool,            Offset( mShowFootprints, Material ) );
      addField( "showDust",            TypeBool,            Offset( mShowDust, Material ) );
      addField( "effectColor",         TypeColorF,          Offset( mEffectColor, Material ), NUM_EFFECT_COLOR_STAGES );
      addField( "footstepSoundId",     TypeS32,             Offset( mFootstepSoundId, Material ) );
      addField( "customFootstepSound", TypeSFXProfilePtr,   Offset( mFootstepSoundCustom, Material ) );
      addField( "impactSoundId",       TypeS32,             Offset( mImpactSoundId, Material ) );
      addField( "customImpactSound",   TypeSFXProfilePtr,   Offset( mImpactSoundCustom, Material ) );
      addField( "friction",            TypeF32,             Offset( mFriction, Material ) );

   endGroup( "Behavioral" );
