Пример #1
    if ( !m_readyToRun ) {
        error() << "DANGER WILL ROBINSON!  A ConstraintSolver (serial no:" << m_serialNumber << ") tried to run before its QueryMaker finished!";
        m_abortRequested = true;

    if ( m_domain.empty() ) {
        debug() << "The QueryMaker returned no tracks";
    } else {
        debug() << "Domain has" << m_domain.size() << "tracks";

    debug() << "Running ConstraintSolver" << m_serialNumber;

    emit totalSteps( m_maxGenerations );

    Population population;
    quint32 generation = 0;
    Meta::TrackList* best = NULL;
    while ( !m_abortRequested && ( generation < m_maxGenerations ) ) {
        quint32 s = m_constraintTreeRoot->suggestPlaylistSize();
        m_suggestedPlaylistSize = (s > 0) ? s : m_suggestedPlaylistSize;
        fill_population( population );
        best = find_best( population );
        if ( population.value( best ) < m_satisfactionThreshold ) {
            select_population( population, best );
            mutate_population( population );
            emit incrementProgress();
        } else {
    debug() << "solution at" << (void*)(best);
    m_solvedPlaylist = best->mid( 0 );
    m_finalSatisfaction = m_constraintTreeRoot->satisfaction( m_solvedPlaylist );

    /* clean up */
    Population::iterator it = population.begin();
    while ( it != population.end() ) {
        delete it.key();
        it = population.erase( it );

    emit endProgressOperation( this );
Пример #2
    if( !m_coll )
        return;  // destructed behind our back
    float totalSafeCapacity = m_coll.data()->totalCapacity() - m_coll.data()->capacityMargin();
    QByteArray mountPoint = QFile::encodeName( m_coll.data()->mountPoint() );
    QString collectionPrettyName = m_coll.data()->prettyName();

    int trackCount = m_sources.size();
    QString operationText;
    if( m_transcodingConfig.isJustCopy() )
        operationText = i18np( "Transferring one track to %2", "Transferring %1 tracks to %2",
                               trackCount, collectionPrettyName );
        operationText = i18np( "Transcoding one track to %2", "Transcoding %1 tracks to %2",
                               trackCount, collectionPrettyName );
    Amarok::Components::logger()->newProgressOperation( this, operationText, trackCount,
                                                        this, SLOT(abort()) );
    itdb_start_sync( m_coll.data()->m_itdb );

    QMapIterator<Meta::TrackPtr, KUrl> it( m_sources );
    while( it.hasNext() )
        if( m_aborted || !m_coll )

        Meta::TrackPtr track = it.key();
        KUrl sourceUrl = it.value();
        emit startDuplicateTrackSearch( track );

        // wait for searching to finish:
        m_searchingForDuplicates.acquire( 1 );
        if( m_duplicateTrack )
            trackProcessed( Duplicate, track, m_duplicateTrack );

        if( !m_coll )
            break;  // destructed behind our back
        if( m_transcodingConfig.isJustCopy()  // if not copying, we catch big files later
            && track->filesize() > totalSafeCapacity - m_coll.data()->usedCapacity() )
            // this is a best effort check, we do one definite one after the file is copied
            debug() << "Refusing to copy" << track->prettyUrl() << "to iPod: there are only"
                    << totalSafeCapacity - m_coll.data()->usedCapacity() << "free bytes (not"
                    << "counting a safety margin) on iPod and track has" << track->filesize()
                    << "bytes.";
            trackProcessed( ExceededingSafeCapacity, track );
        QString fileExtension;
        if( m_transcodingConfig.isJustCopy() )
            fileExtension = track->type();
            fileExtension = Amarok::Components::transcodingController()->format(
                            m_transcodingConfig.encoder() )->fileExtension();
        if( !m_coll.data()->supportedFormats().contains( fileExtension ) )
            m_notPlayableFormats.insert( fileExtension );
            trackProcessed( NotPlayable, track );
        QByteArray fakeSrcName( "filename." );  // only for file extension
        fakeSrcName.append( QFile::encodeName( fileExtension ) );

        /* determine destination filename; we cannot use ipodTrack because as it has no itdb
         * (and thus mountpoint) set */
        GError *error = 0;
        gchar *destFilename = itdb_cp_get_dest_filename( 0, mountPoint, fakeSrcName, &error );
        if( error )
            warning() << "Cannot construct iPod track filename:" << error->message;
            g_error_free( error );
            error = 0;
        if( !destFilename )
            trackProcessed( InternalError, track );

        // start the physical copying
        KUrl destUrl = KUrl( QFile::decodeName( destFilename ) );
        emit startCopyOrTranscodeJob( sourceUrl, destUrl );

        // wait for copying to finish:
        m_copying.acquire( 1 );
        /* fsync so that progress bar gives correct info and user doesnt remove the iPod
         * prematurely */
        QFile destFile( QFile::decodeName( destFilename ) );
        if( !destFile.exists() )
            debug() << destFile.fileName() << "does not exist even though we thought we copied it to iPod";
            trackProcessed( CopyingFailed, track );
        if( !m_coll )
            break;  // destructed behind our back
        if( m_coll.data()->usedCapacity() > totalSafeCapacity )
            debug() << "We exceeded total safe-to-use capacity on iPod (safe-to-use:"
                    << totalSafeCapacity << "B, used:" << m_coll.data()->usedCapacity()
                    << "): removing copied track from iPod";
            trackProcessed( ExceededingSafeCapacity, track );
        // fsync needs a file opened for writing, and without Apped it truncates files (?)
        if( !destFile.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append ) )
            warning() << "Cannot open file copied to ipod (for writing):" << destFile.fileName()
                      << ": removing it";
            trackProcessed( InternalError, track );
        if( destFile.size() )
        fsync( destFile.handle() ); // should flush all kernel buffers to disk

        // create a new track object by copying meta-data from existing one:
        IpodMeta::Track *ipodTrack = new IpodMeta::Track( track );
        // tell the track it has been copied:
        bool accepted = ipodTrack->finalizeCopying( mountPoint, destFilename );
        g_free( destFilename );
        destFilename = 0;
        if( !accepted )
            debug() << "ipodTrack->finalizeCopying( destFilename )  returned false!";
            delete ipodTrack;
            trackProcessed( InternalError, track );
        if( !m_transcodingConfig.isJustCopy() )
            // we need to reread some metadata in case the file was transcoded
            Meta::FieldHash fields = Meta::Tag::readTags( destFile.fileName() );
            ipodTrack->setBitrate( fields.value( Meta::valBitrate, 0 ).toInt() );
            ipodTrack->setLength( fields.value( Meta::valLength, 0 ).toLongLong() );
            ipodTrack->setSampleRate( fields.value( Meta::valSamplerate, 0 ).toInt() );
            Amarok::FileType type = Amarok::FileType( fields.value( Meta::valFormat, 0 ).toInt() );
            ipodTrack->setType( Amarok::FileTypeSupport::toString( type ) );
            // we retain ReplayGain, tags etc - these shouldn't change; size is read
            // in finalizeCopying()

        // add the track to collection
        if( !m_coll )
            delete ipodTrack;
            break;  // we were waiting for copying, m_coll may got destoryed
        Meta::TrackPtr newTrack = m_coll.data()->addTrack( ipodTrack );
        if( !newTrack )
            trackProcessed( InternalError, track );
        trackProcessed( Success, track, newTrack );

    if( m_coll )
        itdb_stop_sync( m_coll.data()->m_itdb );
    emit endProgressOperation( this );

    int sourceSize = m_sources.size();
    int successCount = m_sourceTrackStatus.count( Success );
    int duplicateCount = m_sourceTrackStatus.count( Duplicate );
    QString transferredText;
    if ( m_transcodingConfig.isJustCopy() )
        transferredText = i18ncp( "%2 is collection name", "Transferred one track to %2.",
                                  "Transferred %1 tracks to %2.", successCount, collectionPrettyName );
        transferredText = i18ncp( "%2 is collection name", "Transcoded one track to %2.",
                                  "Transcoded %1 tracks to %2.", successCount, collectionPrettyName );

    if( successCount == sourceSize )
        Amarok::Components::logger()->shortMessage( transferredText );
    else if( m_aborted )
        QString text = i18np( "Transfer aborted. Managed to transfer one track.",
                              "Transfer aborted. Managed to transfer %1 tracks.",
                              successCount );
        Amarok::Components::logger()->longMessage( text );
    else if( successCount + duplicateCount == sourceSize )
        QString text = i18ncp( "%2 is the 'Transferred 123 tracks to Some collection.' message",
            "%2 One track was already there.", "%2 %1 tracks were already there.",
            duplicateCount, transferredText );
        Amarok::Components::logger()->longMessage( text );
        // somethig more severe failed, notify user using a dialog
        emit displaySorryDialog();