Пример #1
void httpgetsend(ENetAddress &ad, char *hostname, char *req, char *ref,
		char *agent) {
	if (ad.host == ENET_HOST_ANY) {
		printf("looking up %s...\n", hostname);
		enet_address_set_host(&ad, hostname);
		if (ad.host == ENET_HOST_ANY)
	if (mssock != ENET_SOCKET_NULL)
	mssock = enet_socket_create(ENET_SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM);
	if (mssock == ENET_SOCKET_NULL) {
		printf("could not open socket\n");
	if (enet_socket_connect(mssock, &ad) < 0) {
		printf("could not connect\n");
	ENetBuffer buf;

	IString httpget;
			"GET %s HTTP/1.0\nHost: %s\nReferer: %s\nUser-Agent: %s\n\n", req,
			hostname, ref, agent);
	buf.data = httpget;
	buf.dataLength = strlen((char *) buf.data);
	printf("sending request to %s...\n", hostname);
	enet_socket_send(mssock, NULL, &buf, 1);
 : serverPort(0), lastAnnounce(0) {

	announceSocket = enet_socket_create(ENET_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM);
	if(announceSocket == ENET_SOCKET_NULL) {
		throw std::runtime_error("LANGameFinderAndAnnouncer: Creating socket failed!");

	if(enet_socket_set_option(announceSocket, ENET_SOCKOPT_REUSEADDR, 1) < 0) {
		throw std::runtime_error("LANGameFinderAndAnnouncer: Setting socket option 'ENET_SOCKOPT_REUSEADDR' failed!");

	if(enet_socket_set_option(announceSocket, ENET_SOCKOPT_NONBLOCK, 1) < 0) {
		throw std::runtime_error("LANGameFinderAndAnnouncer: Setting socket option 'ENET_SOCKOPT_NONBLOCK' failed!");

	if(enet_socket_set_option(announceSocket, ENET_SOCKOPT_BROADCAST, 1) < 0) {
		throw std::runtime_error("LANGameFinderAndAnnouncer: Setting socket option 'ENET_SOCKOPT_BROADCAST' failed!");

	ENetAddress address;
	address.host = ENET_HOST_ANY;

	if(enet_socket_bind(announceSocket, &address) < 0) {
		throw std::runtime_error("LANGameFinderAndAnnouncer: Binding socket to address failed!");
Пример #3
Файл: log.cpp Проект: Fred50/acr
bool initlogging(const char *identity, int facility_, int consolethres, int filethres, int syslogthres, bool logtimestamp)
    facility = facility_ & 7;
    timestamp = logtimestamp;
    if(consolethres >= 0) consolethreshold = min(consolethres, (int)ACLOG_NUM);
    if(filethres >= 0) filethreshold = min(filethres, (int)ACLOG_NUM);
    if(syslogthres >= 0) syslogthreshold = min(syslogthres, (int)ACLOG_NUM);
    if(ident != identity)
        copystring(ident, identity);
    formatstring(ident_full)("ACR[%s]", identity);
    if(syslogthreshold < ACLOG_NUM)
        openlog(ident_full, LOG_NDELAY, facilities[facility]);
        if((logsock = enet_socket_create(ENET_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM)) == ENET_SOCKET_NULL || enet_address_set_host(&logdest, "localhost") < 0) syslogthreshold = ACLOG_NUM;
    static int lognum = 0;
    formatstring(filepath)("serverlog_%s_%s.part%d.txt", timestring(true), identity, ++lognum);
    if(fp) { fclose(fp); fp = NULL; }
    if(filethreshold < ACLOG_NUM)
        fp = fopen(filepath, "w");
        if(!fp) printf("failed to open \"%s\" for writing\n", filepath);
    defformatstring(msg)("logging started: console(%s), file(%s", levelname[consolethreshold], levelname[fp ? filethreshold : ACLOG_NUM]);
    if(fp) concatformatstring(msg, ", \"%s\"", filepath);
    concatformatstring(msg, "), syslog(%s", levelname[syslogthreshold]);
    if(syslogthreshold < ACLOG_NUM) concatformatstring(msg, ", \"%s\", local%d", ident_full, facility);
    concatformatstring(msg, "), timestamp(%s)", timestamp ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED");
    enabled = consolethreshold < ACLOG_NUM || fp || syslogthreshold < ACLOG_NUM;
    if(enabled) printf("%s\n", msg);
    return enabled;
Пример #4
/** Creates a host for communicating to peers.  

    @param address   the address at which other peers may connect to this host.  If NULL, then no peers may connect to the host.
    @param peerCount the maximum number of peers that should be allocated for the host.
    @param incomingBandwidth downstream bandwidth of the host in bytes/second; if 0, ENet will assume unlimited bandwidth.
    @param outgoingBandwidth upstream bandwidth of the host in bytes/second; if 0, ENet will assume unlimited bandwidth.

    @returns the host on success and NULL on failure

    @remarks ENet will strategically drop packets on specific sides of a connection between hosts
    to ensure the host's bandwidth is not overwhelmed.  The bandwidth parameters also determine
    the window size of a connection which limits the amount of reliable packets that may be in transit
    at any given time.
ENetHost *
enet_host_create (const ENetAddress * address, size_t peerCount, enet_uint32 incomingBandwidth, enet_uint32 outgoingBandwidth)
    ENetHost * host = (ENetHost *) enet_malloc (sizeof (ENetHost));
    ENetPeer * currentPeer;

      return NULL;

    host -> peers = (ENetPeer *) enet_malloc (peerCount * sizeof (ENetPeer));
    memset (host -> peers, 0, peerCount * sizeof (ENetPeer));

    host -> socket = enet_socket_create (ENET_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM, address);
    if (host -> socket == ENET_SOCKET_NULL)
       enet_free (host -> peers);
       enet_free (host);

       return NULL;

    if (address != NULL)
      host -> address = * address;

    host -> incomingBandwidth = incomingBandwidth;
    host -> outgoingBandwidth = outgoingBandwidth;
    host -> bandwidthThrottleEpoch = 0;
    host -> recalculateBandwidthLimits = 0;
    host -> mtu = ENET_HOST_DEFAULT_MTU;
    host -> peerCount = peerCount;
    host -> lastServicedPeer = host -> peers;
    host -> commandCount = 0;
    host -> bufferCount = 0;
    host -> receivedAddress.host = ENET_HOST_ANY;
    host -> receivedAddress.port = 0;
    host -> receivedDataLength = 0;
    for (currentPeer = host -> peers;
         currentPeer < & host -> peers [host -> peerCount];
         ++ currentPeer)
       currentPeer -> host = host;
       currentPeer -> incomingPeerID = currentPeer - host -> peers;
       currentPeer -> data = NULL;

       enet_list_clear (& currentPeer -> acknowledgements);
       enet_list_clear (& currentPeer -> sentReliableCommands);
       enet_list_clear (& currentPeer -> sentUnreliableCommands);
       enet_list_clear (& currentPeer -> outgoingReliableCommands);
       enet_list_clear (& currentPeer -> outgoingUnreliableCommands);

       enet_peer_reset (currentPeer);
    return host;
Пример #5
		bool BroadcastHost::init(unsigned short port)
			// Create raw socket
			// FIXME: This needs a really recent version of enet afaik.
			ENetAddress bcaddr;
			bcaddr.host = ENET_HOST_ANY;
			bcaddr.port = port;
			bcastsocket = enet_socket_create(ENET_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM);
			if (bcastsocket == -1)
				std::cout << "No socket." << std::endl;
			if (enet_socket_set_option(bcastsocket, ENET_SOCKOPT_REUSEADDR, 1))
				std::cout << "enet_socket_set_option1" << std::endl;
			if (enet_socket_bind(bcastsocket, &bcaddr))
				std::cout << "enet_socket_bind" << std::endl;
			if (enet_socket_set_option(bcastsocket, ENET_SOCKOPT_NONBLOCK, 1))
				std::cout << "enet_socket_set_option2" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "Started broadcast host (" << port << ")." << std::endl;
			return true;
Пример #6
bool Network::initialize(Client & client)
	if (enet_initialize() != 0)
		return false;

	m_client = enet_host_create(nullptr, 1, 1, 0, 0);
	if (!m_client)
		return false;
	if (enet_host_compress_with_range_coder(m_client) < 0)
		return false;
	m_socket = enet_socket_create(ENET_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM);
	if (m_socket < 0)
		return false;
	if (enet_socket_set_option(m_socket, ENET_SOCKOPT_NONBLOCK, 1) < 0)
		return false;
	if (enet_socket_set_option(m_socket, ENET_SOCKOPT_BROADCAST, 1) < 0)
		return false;
	return true;
Пример #7
bool setuppingsocket(ENetAddress *address)
    if(pingsocket != ENET_SOCKET_NULL) return true;
    pingsocket = enet_socket_create(ENET_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM);
    if(pingsocket == ENET_SOCKET_NULL) return false;
    if(address && enet_socket_bind(pingsocket, address) < 0) return false;
    enet_socket_set_option(pingsocket, ENET_SOCKOPT_NONBLOCK, 1);
    return true;
Пример #8
void servermsinit(const char *master, const char *sdesc, bool listen) {
  const char *mid = strstr(master, "/");
  if (!mid) mid = master;
  strcpy_s(masterpath, mid);
  strn0cpy(masterbase, master, mid-master+1);
  strcpy_s(serverdesc, sdesc);

  if (listen) {
    ENetAddress address = { ENET_HOST_ANY, CUBE_SERVINFO_PORT };
    pongsock = enet_socket_create(ENET_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM, &address);
    if (pongsock == ENET_SOCKET_NULL) sys::fatal("could not create server info socket\n");
Пример #9
void setupmaster()
        conoutf("loading master (%s:%d)..", *masterip ? masterip : "*", masterport);
        ENetAddress address = { ENET_HOST_ANY, enet_uint16(masterport) };
        if(*masterip && enet_address_set_host(&address, masterip) < 0) fatal("failed to resolve master address: %s", masterip);
        if((mastersocket = enet_socket_create(ENET_SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM)) == ENET_SOCKET_NULL) fatal("failed to create master server socket");
        if(enet_socket_set_option(mastersocket, ENET_SOCKOPT_REUSEADDR, 1) < 0) fatal("failed to set master server socket option");
        if(enet_socket_bind(mastersocket, &address) < 0) fatal("failed to bind master server socket");
        if(enet_socket_listen(mastersocket, -1) < 0) fatal("failed to listen on master server socket");
        if(enet_socket_set_option(mastersocket, ENET_SOCKOPT_NONBLOCK, 1) < 0) fatal("failed to make master server socket non-blocking");
        if(!setuppingsocket(&address)) fatal("failed to create ping socket");
        starttime = clocktime;
        conoutf("master server started on %s:[%d]", *masterip ? masterip : "localhost", masterport);