Пример #1
// Method executed when the user ends has finished the basic setup.
void OwncloudSetupWizard::slotAssistantFinished( int result )
    FolderMan *folderMan = FolderMan::instance();

    if( result == QDialog::Rejected ) {
        // the old config remains valid. Remove the temporary one.
        qDebug() << "Rejected the new config, use the old!";
    } else if( result == QDialog::Accepted ) {

        Account *newAccount = _ocWizard->account();
        Account *origAccount = AccountManager::instance()->account();
        const QString localFolder = _ocWizard->localFolder();

        bool isInitialSetup = (origAccount == 0);
        bool reinitRequired = newAccount->changed(origAccount, true /* ignoreProtocol, allows http->https */);
        bool startFromScratch = _ocWizard->field("OCSyncFromScratch").toBool();

        // This distinguishes three possibilities:
        // 1. Initial setup, no prior account exists
        if (isInitialSetup) {
                                           localFolder, _remoteFolder );
        // 2. Server URL or user changed, requires reinit of folders
        else if (reinitRequired) {
            // 2.1: startFromScratch: (Re)move local data, clean slate sync
            if (startFromScratch) {
                if (ensureStartFromScratch(localFolder)) {
                                                   localFolder, _remoteFolder );
                    _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog(tr("<font color=\"green\"><b>Local sync folder %1 successfully created!</b></font>").arg(localFolder));
            // 2.2: Reinit: Remove journal and start a sync
            else {
                                               localFolder, _remoteFolder );
                _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog(tr("<font color=\"green\"><b>Local sync folder %1 successfully created!</b></font>").arg(localFolder));
        // 3. Existing setup, http -> https or password changed
        else {
            qDebug() << "Only password was changed, no changes to folder configuration.";

    // notify others.
    emit ownCloudWizardDone( result );
Пример #2
// Method executed when the user ends has finished the basic setup.
void OwncloudSetupWizard::slotAssistantFinished( int result )
    FolderMan *folderMan = FolderMan::instance();

    if( result == QDialog::Rejected ) {
        qDebug() << "Rejected the new config, use the old!";

    } else if( result == QDialog::Accepted ) {
        // This may or may not wipe all folder definitions, depending
        // on whether a new account is activated or the existing one
        // is changed.
        auto account = applyAccountChanges();

        QString localFolder = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(_ocWizard->localFolder());
        if( !localFolder.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) {

        bool startFromScratch = _ocWizard->field("OCSyncFromScratch").toBool();
        if (!startFromScratch || ensureStartFromScratch(localFolder)) {
            qDebug() << "Adding folder definition for" << localFolder << _remoteFolder;
            FolderDefinition folderDefinition;
            auto alias = Theme::instance()->appName();
            int count = 0;
            folderDefinition.alias = alias;
            while (folderMan->folder(folderDefinition.alias)) {
                // There is already a folder configured with this name and folder names need to be unique
                folderDefinition.alias = alias + QString::number(++count);
            folderDefinition.localPath = localFolder;
            folderDefinition.targetPath = _remoteFolder;
            auto f = folderMan->addFolder(account, folderDefinition);
            if (f) {
            _ocWizard->appendToConfigurationLog(tr("<font color=\"green\"><b>Local sync folder %1 successfully created!</b></font>").arg(localFolder));

    // notify others.
    emit ownCloudWizardDone( result );