Пример #1
		void verifyChange(LLNameValue* changed)
			std::string str = "";
			str += "Expected Value of type: ";
			str += NameValueTypeStrings[mExpectedNameValueType];
			str += "not equal";

			case NVT_STRING:
				ensure_memory_matches(str.c_str(),  changed->getString(), strlen(changed->getString()), mExpectedNameValueReference.string, strlen(mExpectedNameValueReference.string)); 
			case NVT_ASSET: 
				ensure_memory_matches(str.c_str(),  changed->getAsset(), strlen(changed->getAsset()), mExpectedNameValueReference.string, strlen(mExpectedNameValueReference.string)); 
			case NVT_F32:
				ensure(str, *(changed->getF32()) == *mExpectedNameValueReference.f32);
			case NVT_S32:
				ensure(str, *(changed->getS32()) == *mExpectedNameValueReference.s32);
			case NVT_U32:
				ensure(str, *(changed->getU32()) == *mExpectedNameValueReference.u32);
			case NVT_VEC3:
				ensure(str, *(changed->getVec3()) == *mExpectedNameValueReference.vec3);
			case NVT_U64:
				ensure(str, *(changed->getU64()) == *mExpectedNameValueReference.u64);
Пример #2
	void bit_pack_object_t::test<2>()
		U8 packbuffer[255];
		U8 unpackbuffer[255];
		int pack_bufsize = 0;
		int unpack_bufsize = 0;

		LLBitPack bitpack(packbuffer, 255);

		char str[] = "SecondLife";
		int len = sizeof(str);
		pack_bufsize = bitpack.bitPack((U8*) str, len*8);
		pack_bufsize = bitpack.flushBitPack();

		LLBitPack bitunpack(packbuffer, pack_bufsize*8);
		unpack_bufsize = bitunpack.bitUnpack(&unpackbuffer[0], 8);
		ensure("bitPack: individual unpack: 0", unpackbuffer[0] == (U8) str[0]);
		unpack_bufsize = bitunpack.bitUnpack(&unpackbuffer[0], 8);
		ensure("bitPack: individual unpack: 1", unpackbuffer[0] == (U8) str[1]);
		unpack_bufsize = bitunpack.bitUnpack(&unpackbuffer[0], 8);
		ensure("bitPack: individual unpack: 2", unpackbuffer[0] == (U8) str[2]);
		unpack_bufsize = bitunpack.bitUnpack(&unpackbuffer[0], 8);
		ensure("bitPack: individual unpack: 3", unpackbuffer[0] == (U8) str[3]);
		unpack_bufsize = bitunpack.bitUnpack(&unpackbuffer[0], 8);
		ensure("bitPack: individual unpack: 4", unpackbuffer[0] == (U8) str[4]);
		unpack_bufsize = bitunpack.bitUnpack(&unpackbuffer[0], 8);
		ensure("bitPack: individual unpack: 5", unpackbuffer[0] == (U8) str[5]);
		unpack_bufsize = bitunpack.bitUnpack(unpackbuffer, 8*4); // Life
		ensure_memory_matches("bitPack: 4 bytes unpack:", unpackbuffer, 4, str+6, 4);
	void streamtools_object::test<25>()
		std::string str = "First Line.\nSecond Line\n";
		std::istringstream is(str);
		char buf[255] = {0};
		fullread(is, buf, 255);
		ensure_memory_matches("fullread: read with newlines", (void*) buf,  str.size()-1, (void*) str.c_str(), str.size()-1);

		is.str(str = "First Line.\nSecond Line\n");
		memset(buf, 0, 255);
		char expected_string[] = "First Line.\nSecond";
		int len = sizeof(expected_string)-1;
		fullread(is, buf, len);
		ensure_memory_matches("fullread: read with newlines", (void*) buf, len, (void*) &expected_string, len);
	void cipher_object_t::test<4>()
		const char str[] = "SecondLife";
		const S32 str_len = sizeof(str);
		U8 encrypted[str_len];
		U8 decrypted[str_len];
		LLNullCipher nullCipher;
		LLNullCipher nullCipher1;

		U32 length = nullCipher.requiredEncryptionSpace(50);
		ensure("LLNullCipher::requiredEncryptionSpace() function failed", (length == 50));

		U32 len1 = nullCipher.encrypt((U8 *) str, str_len, encrypted, str_len);
		ensure_memory_matches("LLNullCipher - Source transformed during encryption.", encrypted, len1, str, str_len);
		U32 len2 = nullCipher1.decrypt(encrypted, str_len, decrypted, str_len);
		ensure_memory_matches("LLNullCipher - Decryption failed", decrypted, len2, str, str_len);
Пример #5
	void buffer_object_t::test<3>()
		S32 channel = 30;
		const char str[] = "SecondLife";
		S32 len = sizeof(str);
		LLSegment segment(channel, (U8*)str, len);
		ensure("LLSegment get functions failed", (30 == segment.getChannel() && len == segment.size() && (U8*)str == segment.data()));
		ensure_memory_matches("LLSegment::data() failed",  segment.data(), segment.size(), (U8*)str, len);
		ensure("LLSegment isOnChannel() function failed", (TRUE == segment.isOnChannel(channel)));
	void cipher_object_t::test<3>()
		U32 padNum = 0x12349087;
		const U8* pad = (U8*) &padNum;
		const U32 pad_len = sizeof(U32);
		char str[] = "To Be Ciphered a long string.........!!!.";
		char str1[] = "To Be Ciphered a long string.........!!!."; // same as str
		const S32 str_len = sizeof(str);

		LLXORCipher xorCipher(pad, pad_len);
		LLXORCipher xorCipher1(pad, pad_len);
		xorCipher.encrypt((U8 *) str, str_len);
		// it should not be the same as original data!
		ensure("LLXORCipher: In Place encrypt failed", memcmp(str, str1, str_len) != 0);
		xorCipher1.decrypt((U8 *) str, str_len);
		// it should not be the same as original data!
		ensure_memory_matches("LLXORCipher: In Place decrypt failed", str, str_len, str1, str_len);
Пример #7
	void bit_pack_object_t::test<1>()
		U8 packbuffer[255];
		U8 unpackbuffer[255];
		int pack_bufsize = 0;
		int unpack_bufsize = 0;

		LLBitPack bitpack(packbuffer, 255);

		char str[] = "SecondLife is a 3D virtual world";
		int len = sizeof(str);
		pack_bufsize = bitpack.bitPack((U8*) str, len*8);
		pack_bufsize = bitpack.flushBitPack();

		LLBitPack bitunpack(packbuffer, pack_bufsize*8);
		unpack_bufsize = bitunpack.bitUnpack(unpackbuffer, len*8);
		ensure("bitPack: unpack size should be same as string size prior to pack", len == unpack_bufsize);
		ensure_memory_matches("str->bitPack->bitUnpack should be equal to string", str, len, unpackbuffer, unpack_bufsize); 
	void cipher_object_t::test<1>()
		const U32 len = 3;
		const U8 pad[] = "abc";
		const char str[] = "SecondLife";
		const S32 str_len = sizeof(str);
		U8 encrypted[str_len];
		U8 decrypted[str_len];
		LLXORCipher xorCipher(pad, len);
		LLXORCipher xorCipher1(pad, len);

		U32 length = xorCipher.requiredEncryptionSpace(50);
		ensure("requiredEncryptionSpace() function failed", (length == 50));

		U32 lenEncrypted = xorCipher.encrypt((U8 *) str, str_len, encrypted, str_len);
		ensure("Encryption failed", (lenEncrypted == str_len));
		U32 lenDecrypted = xorCipher1.decrypt(encrypted, str_len, decrypted, str_len);
		ensure("Decryption failed", (lenDecrypted == str_len));
		ensure_memory_matches("LLXORCipher Encrypt/Decrypt failed", str, str_len, decrypted, lenDecrypted);	
	void cipher_object_t::test<2>()
		const U8 pad[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ"; // pad len longer than data to be ciphered
		const U32 pad_len = sizeof(pad);
		const U8 pad1[] = "SecondLife";
		const U32 pad_len1 = sizeof(pad1);
		const char str[] = "To Be Ciphered";
		const S32 str_len = sizeof(str);
		U8 encrypted[str_len];
		U8 decrypted[str_len];

		LLXORCipher xorCipher(pad, pad_len);
		LLXORCipher xorCipher1(pad1, pad_len1);

		xorCipher.encrypt((U8 *) str, str_len, encrypted, str_len);
		// make xorCipher1 same as xorCipher..so that xorCipher1 can decrypt what was 
		// encrypted using xorCipher
		xorCipher1 = xorCipher;
		U32 lenDecrypted = xorCipher1.decrypt(encrypted, str_len, decrypted, str_len);
		ensure_memory_matches("LLXORCipher operator= failed", str, str_len, decrypted, lenDecrypted);	