Пример #1
// Function:	CompType::getMemberEnumType
///\brief	Returns the enumeration datatype of the specified member in
///		this compound datatype.
///\param	member_num - IN: Zero-based index of the member
///\return	EnumType instance
///\exception	H5::DataTypeIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
EnumType CompType::getMemberEnumType( unsigned member_num ) const
   try {
      EnumType enumtype(p_get_member_type(member_num));
   catch (DataTypeIException E) {
      throw DataTypeIException("CompType::getMemberEnumType", E.getDetailMsg());
Пример #2
// Function:	AbstractDs::getEnumType
///\brief	Returns the enumeration datatype of this abstract dataset which
///		can be a dataset or an attribute.
///\return	EnumType instance
///\exception	H5::DataTypeIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
EnumType AbstractDs::getEnumType() const
    // Gets the id of the datatype used by this dataset or attribute using
    // p_get_type.  p_get_type calls either H5Dget_type or H5Aget_type
    // depending on which object invokes getEnumType.  Then, create and
    // return the EnumType object
    try {
        EnumType enumtype(p_get_type());
    catch (DataSetIException E) {
        throw DataTypeIException("DataSet::getEnumType", E.getDetailMsg());
    catch (AttributeIException E) {
        throw DataTypeIException("Attribute::getEnumType", E.getDetailMsg());