Пример #1
unsigned cac::highestPriorityLevelBelow ( unsigned priority )
    unsigned belowPriority;
    epicsThreadBooleanStatus tbs;
    tbs = epicsThreadHighestPriorityLevelBelow ( 
        priority, & belowPriority );
    if ( tbs != epicsThreadBooleanStatusSuccess ) {
        belowPriority = priority;
    return belowPriority;
Пример #2
 *  create_tcp_client ()
struct client *create_tcp_client ( SOCKET sock )
    int                     status;
    struct client           *client;
    int                     intTrue = TRUE;
    osiSocklen_t            addrSize;
    unsigned                priorityOfEvents;

    /* socket passed in is destroyed here if unsuccessful */
    client = create_client ( sock, IPPROTO_TCP );
    if ( ! client ) {
        return NULL;

     * see TCP(4P) this seems to make unsolicited single events much
     * faster. I take care of queue up as load increases.
    status = setsockopt ( sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, 
                (char *) &intTrue, sizeof (intTrue) );
    if (status < 0) {
        errlogPrintf ( "CAS: TCP_NODELAY option set failed\n" );
        destroy_client ( client );
        return NULL;
     * turn on KEEPALIVE so if the client crashes
     * this task will find out and exit
    status = setsockopt ( sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, 
                    (char *) &intTrue, sizeof (intTrue) );
    if ( status < 0 ) {
        errlogPrintf ( "CAS: SO_KEEPALIVE option set failed\n" );
        destroy_client ( client );
        return NULL;
     * some concern that vxWorks will run out of mBuf's
     * if this change is made
     * joh 11-10-98
#if 0
     * set TCP buffer sizes to be synergistic 
     * with CA internal buffering
    i = MAX_MSG_SIZE;
    status = setsockopt ( sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char *) &i, sizeof (i) );
    if (status < 0) {
        errlogPrintf ( "CAS: SO_SNDBUF set failed\n" );
        destroy_client ( client );
        return NULL;
    i = MAX_MSG_SIZE;
    status = setsockopt ( sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char *) &i, sizeof (i) );
    if (status < 0) {
        errlogPrintf ( "CAS: SO_RCVBUF set failed\n" );
        destroy_client ( client );
        return NULL;
    addrSize = sizeof ( client->addr );
    status = getpeername ( sock, (struct sockaddr *)&client->addr,
                    &addrSize );
    if ( status < 0 ) {
        epicsPrintf ("CAS: peer address fetch failed\n");
        destroy_tcp_client (client);
        return NULL;

    client->evuser = (struct event_user *) db_init_events ();
    if ( ! client->evuser ) {
        errlogPrintf ("CAS: unable to init the event facility\n");
        destroy_tcp_client (client);
        return NULL;

    status = db_add_extra_labor_event ( client->evuser, rsrv_extra_labor, client );
    if (status != DB_EVENT_OK) {
        errlogPrintf("CAS: unable to setup the event facility\n");
        destroy_tcp_client (client);
        return NULL;

        epicsThreadBooleanStatus    tbs;

        tbs  = epicsThreadHighestPriorityLevelBelow ( epicsThreadPriorityCAServerLow, &priorityOfEvents );
        if ( tbs != epicsThreadBooleanStatusSuccess ) {
            priorityOfEvents = epicsThreadPriorityCAServerLow;

    status = db_start_events ( client->evuser, "CAS-event", 
                NULL, NULL, priorityOfEvents ); 
    if ( status != DB_EVENT_OK ) {
        errlogPrintf ( "CAS: unable to start the event facility\n" );
        destroy_tcp_client ( client );
        return NULL;

     * add first version message should it be needed
    rsrv_version_reply ( client );

    if ( CASDEBUG > 0 ) {
        char buf[64];
        ipAddrToDottedIP ( &client->addr, buf, sizeof(buf) );
        errlogPrintf ( "CAS: conn req from %s\n", buf );

    return client;
Пример #3
 *  req_server()
 *  CA server task
 *  Waits for connections at the CA port and spawns a task to
 *  handle each of them
static void req_server (void *pParm)
    unsigned priorityOfSelf = epicsThreadGetPrioritySelf ();
    unsigned priorityOfBeacons;
    epicsThreadBooleanStatus tbs;
    struct sockaddr_in serverAddr;  /* server's address */
    osiSocklen_t addrSize;
    int status;
    SOCKET clientSock;
    epicsThreadId tid;
    int portChange;

    epicsSignalInstallSigPipeIgnore ();

    taskwdInsert ( epicsThreadGetIdSelf (), NULL, NULL );
    rsrvCurrentClient = epicsThreadPrivateCreate ();

    if ( envGetConfigParamPtr ( &EPICS_CAS_SERVER_PORT ) ) {
        ca_server_port = envGetInetPortConfigParam ( &EPICS_CAS_SERVER_PORT, 
            (unsigned short) CA_SERVER_PORT );
    else {
        ca_server_port = envGetInetPortConfigParam ( &EPICS_CA_SERVER_PORT, 
            (unsigned short) CA_SERVER_PORT );

    if (IOC_sock != 0 && IOC_sock != INVALID_SOCKET) {
        epicsSocketDestroy ( IOC_sock );
     * Open the socket. Use ARPA Internet address format and stream
     * sockets. Format described in <sys/socket.h>.
    if ( ( IOC_sock = epicsSocketCreate (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) ) == INVALID_SOCKET ) {
        errlogPrintf ("CAS: Socket creation error\n");
        epicsThreadSuspendSelf ();

    epicsSocketEnableAddressReuseDuringTimeWaitState ( IOC_sock );

    /* Zero the sock_addr structure */
    memset ( (void *) &serverAddr, 0, sizeof ( serverAddr ) );
    serverAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    serverAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (INADDR_ANY); 
    serverAddr.sin_port = htons ( ca_server_port );

    /* get server's Internet address */
    status = bind ( IOC_sock, (struct sockaddr *) &serverAddr, sizeof ( serverAddr ) );
	if ( status < 0 ) {
			 * enable assignment of a default port
			 * (so the getsockname() call below will
			 * work correctly)
			serverAddr.sin_port = ntohs (0);
			status = bind ( IOC_sock, 
                (struct sockaddr *) &serverAddr, sizeof ( serverAddr ) );
		if ( status < 0 ) {
            char sockErrBuf[64];
            epicsSocketConvertErrnoToString ( 
                sockErrBuf, sizeof ( sockErrBuf ) );
            errlogPrintf ( "CAS: Socket bind error was \"%s\"\n",
                sockErrBuf );
            epicsThreadSuspendSelf ();
        portChange = 1;
    else {
        portChange = 0;

	addrSize = ( osiSocklen_t ) sizeof ( serverAddr );
	status = getsockname ( IOC_sock, 
			(struct sockaddr *)&serverAddr, &addrSize);
	if ( status ) {
        char sockErrBuf[64];
        epicsSocketConvertErrnoToString ( 
            sockErrBuf, sizeof ( sockErrBuf ) );
		errlogPrintf ( "CAS: getsockname() error %s\n", 
			sockErrBuf );
        epicsThreadSuspendSelf ();

    ca_server_port = ntohs (serverAddr.sin_port);

    if ( portChange ) {
        errlogPrintf ( "cas warning: Configured TCP port was unavailable.\n");
        errlogPrintf ( "cas warning: Using dynamically assigned TCP port %hu,\n", 
            ca_server_port );
        errlogPrintf ( "cas warning: but now two or more servers share the same UDP port.\n");
        errlogPrintf ( "cas warning: Depending on your IP kernel this server may not be\n" );
        errlogPrintf ( "cas warning: reachable with UDP unicast (a host's IP in EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST)\n" );

    /* listen and accept new connections */
    if ( listen ( IOC_sock, 20 ) < 0 ) {
        errlogPrintf ("CAS: Listen error\n");
        epicsSocketDestroy (IOC_sock);
        epicsThreadSuspendSelf ();

    tbs  = epicsThreadHighestPriorityLevelBelow ( priorityOfSelf, &priorityOfBeacons );
    if ( tbs != epicsThreadBooleanStatusSuccess ) {
        priorityOfBeacons = priorityOfSelf;

    beacon_startStopEvent = epicsEventMustCreate(epicsEventEmpty);
    beacon_ctl = ctlPause;

    tid = epicsThreadCreate ( "CAS-beacon", priorityOfBeacons,
        epicsThreadGetStackSize (epicsThreadStackSmall),
        rsrv_online_notify_task, 0 );
    if ( tid == 0 ) {
        epicsPrintf ( "CAS: unable to start beacon thread\n" );


    while (TRUE) {
        struct sockaddr     sockAddr;
        osiSocklen_t        addLen = sizeof(sockAddr);

        while (castcp_ctl == ctlPause) {

        clientSock = epicsSocketAccept ( IOC_sock, &sockAddr, &addLen );
        if ( clientSock == INVALID_SOCKET ) {
            char sockErrBuf[64];
            epicsSocketConvertErrnoToString ( 
                sockErrBuf, sizeof ( sockErrBuf ) );
            errlogPrintf("CAS: Client accept error was \"%s\"\n",
                sockErrBuf );
        else {
            epicsThreadId id;
            struct client *pClient;

            /* socket passed in is closed if unsuccessful here */
            pClient = create_tcp_client ( clientSock );
            if ( ! pClient ) {
                epicsThreadSleep ( 15.0 );

            ellAdd ( &clientQ, &pClient->node );

            id = epicsThreadCreate ( "CAS-client", epicsThreadPriorityCAServerLow,
                    epicsThreadGetStackSize ( epicsThreadStackBig ),
                    camsgtask, pClient );
            if ( id == 0 ) {
                ellDelete ( &clientQ, &pClient->node );
                destroy_tcp_client ( pClient );
                errlogPrintf ( "CAS: task creation for new client failed\n" );
                epicsThreadSleep ( 15.0 );
Пример #4
 * rsrv_init ()
int rsrv_init (void)
    epicsThreadBooleanStatus tbs;
    unsigned priorityOfConnectDaemon;
    epicsThreadId tid;
    long maxBytesAsALong;
    long status;

    clientQlock = epicsMutexMustCreate();

    ellInit ( &clientQ );
    freeListInitPvt ( &rsrvClientFreeList, sizeof(struct client), 8 );
    freeListInitPvt ( &rsrvChanFreeList, sizeof(struct channel_in_use), 512 );
    freeListInitPvt ( &rsrvEventFreeList, sizeof(struct event_ext), 512 );
    freeListInitPvt ( &rsrvSmallBufFreeListTCP, MAX_TCP, 16 );
    initializePutNotifyFreeList ();

    status =  envGetLongConfigParam ( &EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES, &maxBytesAsALong );
    if ( status || maxBytesAsALong < 0 ) {
        errlogPrintf ( "CAS: EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES was not a positive integer\n" );
        rsrvSizeofLargeBufTCP = MAX_TCP;
    else {
        /* allow room for the protocol header so that they get the array size they requested */
        static const unsigned headerSize = sizeof ( caHdr ) + 2 * sizeof ( ca_uint32_t );
        ca_uint32_t maxBytes = ( unsigned ) maxBytesAsALong;
        if ( maxBytes < 0xffffffff - headerSize ) {
            maxBytes += headerSize;
        else {
            maxBytes = 0xffffffff;
        if ( maxBytes < MAX_TCP ) {
            errlogPrintf ( "CAS: EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES was rounded up to %u\n", MAX_TCP );
            rsrvSizeofLargeBufTCP = MAX_TCP;
        else {
            rsrvSizeofLargeBufTCP = maxBytes;
    freeListInitPvt ( &rsrvLargeBufFreeListTCP, rsrvSizeofLargeBufTCP, 1 );
    ellInit ( &beaconAddrList );
    prsrv_cast_client = NULL;
    pCaBucket = NULL;

    castcp_startStopEvent = epicsEventMustCreate(epicsEventEmpty);
    castcp_ctl = ctlPause;

     * go down two levels so that we are below 
     * the TCP and event threads started on behalf
     * of individual clients
    tbs  = epicsThreadHighestPriorityLevelBelow ( 
        epicsThreadPriorityCAServerLow, &priorityOfConnectDaemon );
    if ( tbs == epicsThreadBooleanStatusSuccess ) {
        tbs  = epicsThreadHighestPriorityLevelBelow ( 
            priorityOfConnectDaemon, &priorityOfConnectDaemon );
        if ( tbs != epicsThreadBooleanStatusSuccess ) {
            priorityOfConnectDaemon = epicsThreadPriorityCAServerLow;
    else {
        priorityOfConnectDaemon = epicsThreadPriorityCAServerLow;

    tid = epicsThreadCreate ( "CAS-TCP",
        req_server, 0);
    if ( tid == 0 ) {
        epicsPrintf ( "CAS: unable to start connection request thread\n" );


    return RSRV_OK;
Пример #5
 * RTEMS Startup task
Init (rtems_task_argument ignored)
    int                 i;
    char               *argv[3]         = { NULL, NULL, NULL };
    char               *cp;
    rtems_task_priority newpri;
    rtems_status_code   sc;
    rtems_time_of_day   now;

     * Explain why we're here

     * Architecture-specific hooks
    if (epicsRtemsInitPreSetBootConfigFromNVRAM(&rtems_bsdnet_config) != 0)
    if (rtems_bsdnet_config.bootp == NULL) {
        extern void setBootConfigFromNVRAM(void);
    if (epicsRtemsInitPostSetBootConfigFromNVRAM(&rtems_bsdnet_config) != 0)

     * Override RTEMS configuration
    rtems_task_set_priority (

     * Create a reasonable environment
    initConsole ();
    putenv ("TERM=xterm");
    putenv ("IOCSH_HISTSIZE=20");

     * Display some OS information
    printf("\n***** RTEMS Version: %s *****\n",

     * Start network
    if ((cp = getenv("EPICS_TS_NTP_INET")) != NULL)
        rtems_bsdnet_config.ntp_server[0] = cp;
    if (rtems_bsdnet_config.network_task_priority == 0)
        unsigned int p;
        if (epicsThreadHighestPriorityLevelBelow(epicsThreadPriorityScanLow, &p)
                                            == epicsThreadBooleanStatusSuccess)
            rtems_bsdnet_config.network_task_priority = epicsThreadGetOssPriorityValue(p);
    printf("\n***** Initializing network *****\n");
    initialize_remote_filesystem(argv, initialize_local_filesystem(argv));

     * More environment: iocsh prompt and hostname
        char hostname[1024];
        gethostname(hostname, 1023);
        char *cp = mustMalloc(strlen(hostname)+3, "iocsh prompt");
        sprintf(cp, "%s> ", hostname);
        epicsEnvSet ("IOCSH_PS1", cp);
        epicsEnvSet("IOC_NAME", hostname);

     * Use BSP-supplied time of day if available otherwise supply default time.
     * It is very likely that other time synchronization facilities in EPICS
     * will soon override this value.
    if (rtems_clock_get(RTEMS_CLOCK_GET_TOD,&now) != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) {
        now.year = 2001;
        now.month = 1;
        now.day = 1;
        now.hour = 0;
        now.minute = 0;
        now.second = 0;
        now.ticks = 0;
        if ((sc = rtems_clock_set (&now)) != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)
            printf ("***** Can't set time: %s\n", rtems_status_text (sc));
    if (getenv("TZ") == NULL) {
        const char *tzp = envGetConfigParamPtr(&EPICS_TIMEZONE);
        if (tzp == NULL) {
            printf("Warning -- no timezone information available -- times will be displayed as GMT.\n");
        else {
            char tz[10];
            int minWest, toDst = 0, fromDst = 0;
            if(sscanf(tzp, "%9[^:]::%d:%d:%d", tz, &minWest, &toDst, &fromDst) < 2) {
                printf("Warning: EPICS_TIMEZONE (%s) unrecognizable -- times will be displayed as GMT.\n", tzp);
            else {
                char posixTzBuf[40];
                char *p = posixTzBuf;
                p += sprintf(p, "%cST%d:%.2d", tz[0], minWest/60, minWest%60);
                if (toDst != fromDst)
                    p += sprintf(p, "%cDT", tz[0]);
                epicsEnvSet("TZ", posixTzBuf);

     * Run the EPICS startup script
    printf ("***** Starting EPICS application *****\n");
    iocshRegisterRTEMS ();
    set_directory (argv[1]);
    epicsEnvSet ("IOC_STARTUP_SCRIPT", argv[1]);
    i = main ((sizeof argv / sizeof argv[0]) - 1, argv);
    printf ("***** IOC application terminating *****\n");
Пример #6
void rsrv_online_notify_task(void *pParm)
    unsigned                    priorityOfSelf = epicsThreadGetPrioritySelf ();
    osiSockAddrNode             *pNode;
    double                      delay;
    double                      maxdelay;
    long                        longStatus;
    double                      maxPeriod;
    caHdr                       msg;
    int                         status;
    SOCKET                      sock;
    int                         intTrue = TRUE;
    unsigned short              port;
    ca_uint32_t                 beaconCounter = 0;
    char                        * pStr;
    int                         autoBeaconAddr;
    ELLLIST                     autoAddrList;
    char                        buf[16];
    unsigned                    priorityOfUDP;
    epicsThreadBooleanStatus    tbs;
    epicsThreadId               tid;
    taskwdInsert (epicsThreadGetIdSelf(),NULL,NULL);
    if ( envGetConfigParamPtr ( & EPICS_CAS_BEACON_PERIOD ) ) {
        longStatus = envGetDoubleConfigParam ( & EPICS_CAS_BEACON_PERIOD, & maxPeriod );
    else {
        longStatus = envGetDoubleConfigParam ( & EPICS_CA_BEACON_PERIOD, & maxPeriod );
    if (longStatus || maxPeriod<=0.0) {
        maxPeriod = 15.0;
        epicsPrintf ("EPICS \"%s\" float fetch failed\n",
        epicsPrintf ("Setting \"%s\" = %f\n",
            EPICS_CAS_BEACON_PERIOD.name, maxPeriod);
    delay = 0.02; /* initial beacon period in sec */
    maxdelay = maxPeriod;
     *  Open the socket.
     *  Use ARPA Internet address format and datagram socket.
     *  Format described in <sys/socket.h>.
    if ( (sock = epicsSocketCreate (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET) {
        errlogPrintf ("CAS: online socket creation error\n");
        epicsThreadSuspendSelf ();
    status = setsockopt (sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 
                (char *)&intTrue, sizeof(intTrue));
    if (status<0) {
        errlogPrintf ("CAS: online socket set up error\n");
        epicsThreadSuspendSelf ();

         * this connect is to supress a warning message on Linux
         * when we shutdown the read side of the socket. If it
         * fails (and it will on old ip kernels) we just ignore 
         * the failure.
        osiSockAddr sockAddr;
        sockAddr.ia.sin_family = AF_UNSPEC;
        sockAddr.ia.sin_port = htons ( 0 );
        sockAddr.ia.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (0);
        connect ( sock, & sockAddr.sa, sizeof ( sockAddr.sa ) );
        shutdown ( sock, SHUT_RD );
    memset((char *)&msg, 0, sizeof msg);
    msg.m_cmmd = htons (CA_PROTO_RSRV_IS_UP);
    msg.m_count = htons (ca_server_port);
    msg.m_dataType = htons (CA_MINOR_PROTOCOL_REVISION);
    ellInit ( & beaconAddrList );
    ellInit ( & autoAddrList );

    pStr = envGetConfigParam(&EPICS_CAS_AUTO_BEACON_ADDR_LIST, sizeof(buf), buf);
    if ( ! pStr ) {
	    pStr = envGetConfigParam(&EPICS_CA_AUTO_ADDR_LIST, sizeof(buf), buf);
	if (pStr) {
		if (strstr(pStr,"no")||strstr(pStr,"NO")) {
			autoBeaconAddr = FALSE;
		else if (strstr(pStr,"yes")||strstr(pStr,"YES")) {
			autoBeaconAddr = TRUE;
		else {
		"CAS: EPICS_CA(S)_AUTO_ADDR_LIST = \"%s\"? Assuming \"YES\"\n", pStr);
			autoBeaconAddr = TRUE;
	else {
		autoBeaconAddr = TRUE;

     * load user and auto configured
     * broadcast address list
    if (envGetConfigParamPtr(&EPICS_CAS_BEACON_PORT)) {
        port = envGetInetPortConfigParam (&EPICS_CAS_BEACON_PORT, 
            (unsigned short) CA_REPEATER_PORT );
    else {
        port = envGetInetPortConfigParam (&EPICS_CA_REPEATER_PORT, 
            (unsigned short) CA_REPEATER_PORT );

     * discover beacon addresses associated with this interface
    if ( autoBeaconAddr ) {
        osiSockAddr addr;
		ELLLIST tmpList;

		ellInit ( &tmpList );
        addr.ia.sin_family = AF_UNSPEC;
        osiSockDiscoverBroadcastAddresses (&tmpList, sock, &addr); 
        forcePort ( &tmpList, port );
		removeDuplicateAddresses ( &autoAddrList, &tmpList, 1 );
     * by default use EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST for the
     * beacon address list
        const ENV_PARAM *pParam;
        if (envGetConfigParamPtr(&EPICS_CAS_INTF_ADDR_LIST) || 
            envGetConfigParamPtr(&EPICS_CAS_BEACON_ADDR_LIST)) {
            pParam = &EPICS_CAS_BEACON_ADDR_LIST;
        else {
            pParam = &EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST;
         * add in the configured addresses
        addAddrToChannelAccessAddressList (
            &autoAddrList, pParam, port,  pParam == &EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST );
    removeDuplicateAddresses ( &beaconAddrList, &autoAddrList, 0 );

    if ( ellCount ( &beaconAddrList ) == 0 ) {
        errlogPrintf ("The CA server's beacon address list was empty after initialization?\n");
#   ifdef DEBUG
        printChannelAccessAddressList (&beaconAddrList);
#   endif

    tbs  = epicsThreadHighestPriorityLevelBelow ( priorityOfSelf, &priorityOfUDP );
    if ( tbs != epicsThreadBooleanStatusSuccess ) {
        priorityOfUDP = priorityOfSelf;

    casudp_startStopEvent = epicsEventMustCreate(epicsEventEmpty);
    casudp_ctl = ctlPause;

    tid = epicsThreadCreate ( "CAS-UDP", priorityOfUDP,
        epicsThreadGetStackSize (epicsThreadStackMedium),
        cast_server, 0 );
    if ( tid == 0 ) {
        epicsPrintf ( "CAS: unable to start UDP daemon thread\n" );


    while (TRUE) {
        pNode = (osiSockAddrNode *) ellFirst (&beaconAddrList);
        while (pNode) {
            char buf[64];

            status = connect (sock, &pNode->addr.sa, 
            if (status<0) {
                char sockErrBuf[64];
                epicsSocketConvertErrnoToString ( 
                    sockErrBuf, sizeof ( sockErrBuf ) );
                ipAddrToDottedIP (&pNode->addr.ia, buf, sizeof(buf));
                errlogPrintf ( "%s: CA beacon routing (connect to \"%s\") error was \"%s\"\n",
                    __FILE__, buf, sockErrBuf);
            else {
                struct sockaddr_in if_addr;

                osiSocklen_t size = sizeof (if_addr);
                status = getsockname (sock, (struct sockaddr *) &if_addr, &size);
                if (status<0) {
                    char sockErrBuf[64];
                    epicsSocketConvertErrnoToString ( sockErrBuf, sizeof ( sockErrBuf ) );
                    errlogPrintf ( "%s: CA beacon routing (getsockname) error was \"%s\"\n",
                        __FILE__, sockErrBuf);
                else if (if_addr.sin_family==AF_INET) {
                    msg.m_available = if_addr.sin_addr.s_addr;
                    msg.m_cid = htonl ( beaconCounter );

                    status = send (sock, (char *)&msg, sizeof(msg), 0);
                    if (status < 0) {
                        char sockErrBuf[64];
                        epicsSocketConvertErrnoToString ( sockErrBuf, sizeof ( sockErrBuf ) );
                        ipAddrToDottedIP (&pNode->addr.ia, buf, sizeof(buf));
                        errlogPrintf ( "%s: CA beacon (send to \"%s\") error was \"%s\"\n",
                            __FILE__, buf, sockErrBuf);
                    else {
                        assert (status == sizeof(msg));
            pNode = (osiSockAddrNode *) pNode->node.next;

        if (delay<maxdelay) {
            delay *= 2.0;
            if (delay>maxdelay) {
                delay = maxdelay;

        beaconCounter++; /* expected to overflow */

        while (beacon_ctl == ctlPause) {
            delay = 0.02; /* Restart beacon timing if paused */