Пример #1
ossimRefPtr<ossimImageGeometry> ossimPointCloudImageHandler::getImageGeometry()
   if (!isOpen())
      return 0;

   if (theGeometry.valid())
      return theGeometry;

   // Check for external geom (i.e., a *.geom file)
   theGeometry = getExternalImageGeometry();
   if (theGeometry.valid())
      return theGeometry;

   theGeometry = new ossimImageGeometry();
   ossimString epsgCode ("EPSG:4326");
   ossimMapProjection* proj = dynamic_cast<ossimMapProjection*>(
   if (!proj)
      return 0;

   // Need to establish image bounds and optimal GSD given ground rect. Use this switch to also
   // initialize the UL tiepoint of image projection:
   ossimGrect bounds;

   // The GSD depends on the point density on the ground. count all final returns and
   // assume they are evenly distributed over the bounding ground rect. Note that this can have
   // up to a sqrt(2)X error if the collection was taken in a cardinal-diagonal direction.
   // Also use this point loop to latch the ground quad vertices vertices.
   ossim_uint32 numPulses = m_pch->getNumPoints(); // count of final returns
   if (numPulses == 0)
      // Not yet determined. Set GSD to NAN and expect it will be set later:
   else if (m_gsd.hasNans())
      ossimDpt delta (bounds.widthMeters(), bounds.heightMeters());
      ossim_float64 gsd = sqrt(delta.x * delta.y / numPulses) * m_gsdFactor;
      setGSD(gsd); // also recomputes the image size

   return theGeometry;
Пример #2
QUrl WmsServerLayout::downloadUrl( const QUrl &prototypeUrl, const Marble::TileId &tileId ) const
    GeoDataLatLonBox box = tileId.toLatLonBox( m_textureLayer );

#if QT_VERSION < 0x050000
    QUrl url = prototypeUrl;
    QUrlQuery url(prototypeUrl.query());
    url.addQueryItem( "service", "WMS" );
    url.addQueryItem( "request", "GetMap" );
    url.addQueryItem( "version", "1.1.1" );
    if ( !url.hasQueryItem( "styles" ) )
        url.addQueryItem( "styles", "" );
    if ( !url.hasQueryItem( "format" ) ) {
        if ( m_textureLayer->fileFormat().toLower() == "jpg" )
            url.addQueryItem( "format", "image/jpeg" );
            url.addQueryItem( "format", "image/" + m_textureLayer->fileFormat().toLower() );
    if ( !url.hasQueryItem( "srs" ) ) {
        url.addQueryItem( "srs", epsgCode() );
    if ( !url.hasQueryItem( "layers" ) )
        url.addQueryItem( "layers", m_textureLayer->name() );
    url.addQueryItem( "width", QString::number( m_textureLayer->tileSize().width() ) );
    url.addQueryItem( "height", QString::number( m_textureLayer->tileSize().height() ) );
    url.addQueryItem( "bbox", QString( "%1,%2,%3,%4" ).arg( QString::number( box.west( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 'f', 12 ) )
                                                      .arg( QString::number( box.south( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 'f', 12 ) )
                                                      .arg( QString::number( box.east( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 'f', 12 ) )
                                                      .arg( QString::number( box.north( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 'f', 12 ) ) );
#if QT_VERSION < 0x050000
    return url;
    QUrl finalUrl = prototypeUrl;
    return finalUrl;