Пример #1
void dist_ensure_v2_v2fl(float v1[2], const float v2[2], const float dist)
	if (!equals_v2v2(v2, v1)) {
		float nor[2];

		sub_v2_v2v2(nor, v1, v2);
		madd_v2_v2v2fl(v1, v2, nor, dist);
Пример #2
static ImBuf *get_stable_cached_frame(MovieClip *clip, MovieClipUser *user, ImBuf *reference_ibuf,
                                      int framenr, int postprocess_flag)
	MovieClipCache *cache = clip->cache;
	MovieTracking *tracking = &clip->tracking;
	ImBuf *stableibuf;
	float tloc[2], tscale, tangle;
	short proxy = IMB_PROXY_NONE;
	int render_flag = 0;
	int clip_framenr = BKE_movieclip_remap_scene_to_clip_frame(clip, framenr);

	if (clip->flag & MCLIP_USE_PROXY) {
		proxy = rendersize_to_proxy(user, clip->flag);
		render_flag = user->render_flag;

	/* there's no cached frame or it was calculated for another frame */
	if (!cache->stabilized.ibuf || cache->stabilized.framenr != framenr)
		return NULL;

	if (cache->stabilized.reference_ibuf != reference_ibuf)
		return NULL;

	/* cached ibuf used different proxy settings */
	if (cache->stabilized.render_flag != render_flag || cache->stabilized.proxy != proxy)
		return NULL;

	if (cache->stabilized.postprocess_flag != postprocess_flag)
		return NULL;

	/* stabilization also depends on pixel aspect ratio */
	if (cache->stabilized.aspect != tracking->camera.pixel_aspect)
		return NULL;

	if (cache->stabilized.filter != tracking->stabilization.filter)
		return NULL;

	stableibuf = cache->stabilized.ibuf;

	BKE_tracking_stabilization_data_get(&clip->tracking, clip_framenr, stableibuf->x, stableibuf->y, tloc, &tscale, &tangle);

	/* check for stabilization parameters */
	if (tscale != cache->stabilized.scale ||
	    tangle != cache->stabilized.angle ||
	    !equals_v2v2(tloc, cache->stabilized.loc))
		return NULL;


	return stableibuf;
Пример #3
static int check_undistortion_cache_flags(MovieClip *clip)
    MovieClipCache *cache = clip->cache;
    MovieTrackingCamera *camera = &clip->tracking.camera;

    /* check for distortion model changes */
    if (!equals_v2v2(camera->principal, cache->postprocessed.principal))
        return FALSE;

    if (!equals_v3v3(&camera->k1, &cache->postprocessed.k1))
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Пример #4
static bool check_undistortion_cache_flags(MovieClip *clip)
	MovieClipCache *cache = clip->cache;
	MovieTrackingCamera *camera = &clip->tracking.camera;

	/* check for distortion model changes */
	if (!equals_v2v2(camera->principal, cache->postprocessed.principal)) {
		return false;

	if (camera->distortion_model != cache->postprocessed.distortion_model) {
		return false;

	if (!equals_v3v3(&camera->k1, &cache->postprocessed.polynomial_k1)) {
		return false;

	if (!equals_v2v2(&camera->division_k1, &cache->postprocessed.division_k1)) {
		return false;

	return true;
Пример #5
static int voronoi_addTriangulationPoint(const float coord[2],
                                         const float color[3],
                                         VoronoiTriangulationPoint **triangulated_points,
                                         int *triangulated_points_total)
  VoronoiTriangulationPoint *triangulation_point;
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < *triangulated_points_total; i++) {
    if (equals_v2v2(coord, (*triangulated_points)[i].co)) {
      triangulation_point = &(*triangulated_points)[i];

      add_v3_v3(triangulation_point->color, color);

      return i;

  if (*triangulated_points) {
    *triangulated_points = MEM_reallocN(*triangulated_points,
                                        sizeof(VoronoiTriangulationPoint) *
                                            (*triangulated_points_total + 1));
  else {
    *triangulated_points = MEM_callocN(sizeof(VoronoiTriangulationPoint), "triangulation points");

  triangulation_point = &(*triangulated_points)[(*triangulated_points_total)];
  copy_v2_v2(triangulation_point->co, coord);
  copy_v3_v3(triangulation_point->color, color);

  triangulation_point->power = 1;


  return (*triangulated_points_total) - 1;
Пример #6
static unsigned int scanfill(ScanFillContext *sf_ctx, PolyFill *pf, const int flag)
	ScanFillVertLink *scdata;
	ScanFillVertLink *sc = NULL, *sc1;
	ScanFillVert *eve, *v1, *v2, *v3;
	ScanFillEdge *eed, *eed_next, *ed1, *ed2, *ed3;
	unsigned int a, b, verts, maxface, totface;
	const unsigned short nr = pf->nr;
	bool twoconnected = false;

	/* PRINTS */
#if 0
	verts = pf->verts;
	for (eve = sf_ctx->fillvertbase.first; eve; eve = eve->next) {
		printf("vert: %x co: %f %f\n", eve, eve->xy[0], eve->xy[1]);

	for (eed = sf_ctx->filledgebase.first; eed; eed = eed->next) {
		printf("edge: %x  verts: %x %x\n", eed, eed->v1, eed->v2);

	/* STEP 0: remove zero sized edges */
		for (eed = sf_ctx->filledgebase.first; eed; eed = eed->next) {
			if (equals_v2v2(eed->v1->xy, eed->v2->xy)) {
				if (eed->v1->f == SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN && eed->v2->f != SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN) {
					eed->v2->f = SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN;
					eed->v2->tmp.v = eed->v1->tmp.v;
				else if (eed->v2->f == SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN && eed->v1->f != SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN) {
					eed->v1->f = SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN;
					eed->v1->tmp.v = eed->v2->tmp.v;
				else if (eed->v2->f == SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN && eed->v1->f == SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN) {
					eed->v1->tmp.v = eed->v2->tmp.v;
				else {
					eed->v2->f = SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN;
					eed->v2->tmp.v = eed->v1;

	/* STEP 1: make using FillVert and FillEdge lists a sorted
	 * ScanFillVertLink list
	sc = scdata = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*scdata) * pf->verts, "Scanfill1");
	verts = 0;
	for (eve = sf_ctx->fillvertbase.first; eve; eve = eve->next) {
		if (eve->poly_nr == nr) {
			if (eve->f != SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN) {
				eve->f = SF_VERT_NEW;  /* flag for connectedges later on */
				sc->vert = eve;
				sc->edge_first = sc->edge_last = NULL;
				/* if (even->tmp.v == NULL) eve->tmp.u = verts; */ /* Note, debug print only will work for curve polyfill, union is in use for mesh */

	qsort(scdata, verts, sizeof(ScanFillVertLink), vergscdata);

		for (eed = sf_ctx->filledgebase.first; eed; eed = eed_next) {
			eed_next = eed->next;
			BLI_remlink(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, eed);
			/* This code is for handling zero-length edges that get
			 * collapsed in step 0. It was removed for some time to
			 * fix trunk bug #4544, so if that comes back, this code
			 * may need some work, or there will have to be a better
			 * fix to #4544.
			 * warning, this can hang on un-ordered edges, see: [#33281]
			 * for now disable 'BLI_SCANFILL_CALC_REMOVE_DOUBLES' for ngons.
			if (eed->v1->f == SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN) {
				v1 = eed->v1;
				while ((eed->v1->f == SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN) && (eed->v1->tmp.v != v1) && (eed->v1 != eed->v1->tmp.v))
					eed->v1 = eed->v1->tmp.v;
			if (eed->v2->f == SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN) {
				v2 = eed->v2;
				while ((eed->v2->f == SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN) && (eed->v2->tmp.v != v2) && (eed->v2 != eed->v2->tmp.v))
					eed->v2 = eed->v2->tmp.v;
			if (eed->v1 != eed->v2) {
				addedgetoscanlist(scdata, eed, verts);
	else {
		for (eed = sf_ctx->filledgebase.first; eed; eed = eed_next) {
			eed_next = eed->next;
			BLI_remlink(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, eed);
			if (eed->v1 != eed->v2) {
				addedgetoscanlist(scdata, eed, verts);
#if 0
	sc = sf_ctx->_scdata;
	for (a = 0; a < verts; a++) {
		printf("\nscvert: %x\n", sc->vert);
		for (eed = sc->edge_first; eed; eed = eed->next) {
			printf(" ed %x %x %x\n", eed, eed->v1, eed->v2);

	/* STEP 2: FILL LOOP */

	if (pf->f == SF_POLY_NEW)
		twoconnected = true;

	/* (temporal) security: never much more faces than vertices */
	totface = 0;
		maxface = 2 * verts;       /* 2*verts: based at a filled circle within a triangle */
	else {
		maxface = verts - 2;       /* when we don't calc any holes, we assume face is a non overlapping loop */

	sc = scdata;
	for (a = 0; a < verts; a++) {
		/* printf("VERTEX %d index %d\n", a, sc->vert->tmp.u); */
		/* set connectflags  */
		for (ed1 = sc->edge_first; ed1; ed1 = eed_next) {
			eed_next = ed1->next;
			if (ed1->v1->edge_tot == 1 || ed1->v2->edge_tot == 1) {
				BLI_remlink((ListBase *)&(sc->edge_first), ed1);
				BLI_addtail(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, ed1);
				if (ed1->v1->edge_tot > 1) ed1->v1->edge_tot--;
				if (ed1->v2->edge_tot > 1) ed1->v2->edge_tot--;
			else {
				ed1->v2->f = SF_VERT_AVAILABLE;
		while (sc->edge_first) { /* for as long there are edges */
			ed1 = sc->edge_first;
			ed2 = ed1->next;
			/* commented out... the ESC here delivers corrupted memory (and doesnt work during grab) */
			/* if (callLocalInterruptCallBack()) break; */
			if (totface >= maxface) {
				/* printf("Fill error: endless loop. Escaped at vert %d,  tot: %d.\n", a, verts); */
				a = verts;
			if (ed2 == NULL) {
				sc->edge_first = sc->edge_last = NULL;
				/* printf("just 1 edge to vert\n"); */
				BLI_addtail(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, ed1);
				ed1->v2->f = SF_VERT_NEW;
			else {
				/* test rest of vertices */
				ScanFillVertLink *best_sc = NULL;
				float best_angle = 3.14f;
				float miny;
				bool firsttime = false;
				v1 = ed1->v2;
				v2 = ed1->v1;
				v3 = ed2->v2;
				/* this happens with a serial of overlapping edges */
				if (v1 == v2 || v2 == v3) break;
				/* printf("test verts %d %d %d\n", v1->tmp.u, v2->tmp.u, v3->tmp.u); */
				miny = min_ff(v1->xy[1], v3->xy[1]);
				sc1 = sc + 1;

				for (b = a + 1; b < verts; b++, sc1++) {
					if (sc1->vert->f == SF_VERT_NEW) {
						if (sc1->vert->xy[1] <= miny) break;
						if (testedgeside(v1->xy, v2->xy, sc1->vert->xy)) {
							if (testedgeside(v2->xy, v3->xy, sc1->vert->xy)) {
								if (testedgeside(v3->xy, v1->xy, sc1->vert->xy)) {
									/* point is in triangle */
									/* because multiple points can be inside triangle (concave holes) */
									/* we continue searching and pick the one with sharpest corner */
									if (best_sc == NULL) {
										/* even without holes we need to keep checking [#35861] */
										best_sc = sc1;
									else {
										float angle;
										/* prevent angle calc for the simple cases only 1 vertex is found */
										if (firsttime == false) {
											best_angle = angle_v2v2v2(v2->xy, v1->xy, best_sc->vert->xy);
											firsttime = true;

										angle = angle_v2v2v2(v2->xy, v1->xy, sc1->vert->xy);
										if (angle < best_angle) {
											best_sc = sc1;
											best_angle = angle;
				if (best_sc) {
					/* make new edge, and start over */
					/* printf("add new edge %d %d and start again\n", v2->tmp.u, best_sc->vert->tmp.u); */

					ed3 = BLI_scanfill_edge_add(sf_ctx, v2, best_sc->vert);
					BLI_remlink(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, ed3);
					BLI_insertlinkbefore((ListBase *)&(sc->edge_first), ed2, ed3);
					ed3->v2->f = SF_VERT_AVAILABLE;
					ed3->f = SF_EDGE_INTERNAL;
				else {
					/* new triangle */
					/* printf("add face %d %d %d\n", v1->tmp.u, v2->tmp.u, v3->tmp.u); */
					addfillface(sf_ctx, v1, v2, v3);
					BLI_remlink((ListBase *)&(sc->edge_first), ed1);
					BLI_addtail(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, ed1);
					ed1->v2->f = SF_VERT_NEW;
					/* ed2 can be removed when it's a boundary edge */
					if (((ed2->f == SF_EDGE_NEW) && twoconnected) /* || (ed2->f == SF_EDGE_BOUNDARY) */) {
						BLI_remlink((ListBase *)&(sc->edge_first), ed2);
						BLI_addtail(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, ed2);
						ed2->v2->f = SF_VERT_NEW;

					/* new edge */
					ed3 = BLI_scanfill_edge_add(sf_ctx, v1, v3);
					BLI_remlink(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, ed3);
					ed3->f = SF_EDGE_INTERNAL;
					/* printf("add new edge %x %x\n", v1, v3); */
					sc1 = addedgetoscanlist(scdata, ed3, verts);
					if (sc1) {  /* ed3 already exists: remove if a boundary */
						/* printf("Edge exists\n"); */

						for (ed3 = sc1->edge_first; ed3; ed3 = ed3->next) {
							if ((ed3->v1 == v1 && ed3->v2 == v3) || (ed3->v1 == v3 && ed3->v2 == v1)) {
								if (twoconnected /* || (ed3->f == SF_EDGE_BOUNDARY) */) {
									BLI_remlink((ListBase *)&(sc1->edge_first), ed3);
									BLI_addtail(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, ed3);

			/* test for loose edges */
			for (ed1 = sc->edge_first; ed1; ed1 = eed_next) {
				eed_next = ed1->next;
				if (ed1->v1->edge_tot < 2 || ed1->v2->edge_tot < 2) {
					BLI_remlink((ListBase *)&(sc->edge_first), ed1);
					BLI_addtail(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, ed1);
					if (ed1->v1->edge_tot > 1) ed1->v1->edge_tot--;
					if (ed1->v2->edge_tot > 1) ed1->v2->edge_tot--;
			/* done with loose edges */



	BLI_assert(totface <= maxface);

	return totface;
Пример #7
static int add_vertex_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
	Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
	Mask *mask = CTX_data_edit_mask(C);
	MaskLayer *masklay;

	float co[2];

	if (mask == NULL) {
		/* if there's no active mask, create one */
		mask = ED_mask_new(C, NULL);

	masklay = BKE_mask_layer_active(mask);

	if (masklay && masklay->restrictflag & (MASK_RESTRICT_VIEW | MASK_RESTRICT_SELECT)) {
		masklay = NULL;

	RNA_float_get_array(op->ptr, "location", co);

	/* TODO, having an active point but no active spline is possible, why? */
	if (masklay && masklay->act_spline && masklay->act_point && MASKPOINT_ISSEL_ANY(masklay->act_point)) {

		/* cheap trick - double click for cyclic */
		MaskSpline *spline = masklay->act_spline;
		MaskSplinePoint *point = masklay->act_point;

		const bool is_sta = (point == spline->points);
		const bool is_end = (point == &spline->points[spline->tot_point - 1]);

		/* then check are we overlapping the mouse */
		if ((is_sta || is_end) && equals_v2v2(co, point->bezt.vec[1])) {
			if (spline->flag & MASK_SPLINE_CYCLIC) {
				/* nothing to do */
			else {
				/* recalc the connecting point as well to make a nice even curve */
				MaskSplinePoint *point_other = is_end ? spline->points : &spline->points[spline->tot_point - 1];
				spline->flag |= MASK_SPLINE_CYCLIC;

				/* TODO, update keyframes in time */
				BKE_mask_calc_handle_point_auto(spline, point, false);
				BKE_mask_calc_handle_point_auto(spline, point_other, false);

				/* TODO: only update this spline */
				BKE_mask_update_display(mask, CFRA);

				WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_MASK | NA_EDITED, mask);

		if (!add_vertex_subdivide(C, mask, co)) {
			if (!add_vertex_extrude(C, mask, masklay, co)) {
	else {
		if (!add_vertex_subdivide(C, mask, co)) {
			if (!add_vertex_new(C, mask, masklay, co)) {

	/* TODO: only update this spline */
	BKE_mask_update_display(mask, CFRA);

Пример #8
static int scanfill(ScanFillContext *sf_ctx, PolyFill *pf)
	ScanFillVertLink *sc = NULL, *sc1;
	ScanFillVert *eve, *v1, *v2, *v3;
	ScanFillEdge *eed, *nexted, *ed1, *ed2, *ed3;
	int a, b, verts, maxface, totface;
	short nr, test, twoconnected = 0;

	nr = pf->nr;

	/* PRINTS */
#if 0
	verts = pf->verts;
	eve = sf_ctx->fillvertbase.first;
	while (eve) {
		printf("vert: %x co: %f %f\n", eve, eve->xy[0], eve->xy[1]);
		eve = eve->next;
	eed = sf_ctx->filledgebase.first;
	while (eed) {
		printf("edge: %x  verts: %x %x\n", eed, eed->v1, eed->v2);
		eed = eed->next;

	/* STEP 0: remove zero sized edges */
	eed = sf_ctx->filledgebase.first;
	while (eed) {
		if (equals_v2v2(eed->v1->xy, eed->v2->xy)) {
			if (eed->v1->f == SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN && eed->v2->f != SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN) {
				eed->v2->f = SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN;
				eed->v2->tmp.v = eed->v1->tmp.v;
			else if (eed->v2->f == SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN && eed->v1->f != SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN) {
				eed->v1->f = SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN;
				eed->v1->tmp.v = eed->v2->tmp.v;
			else if (eed->v2->f == SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN && eed->v1->f == SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN) {
				eed->v1->tmp.v = eed->v2->tmp.v;
			else {
				eed->v2->f = SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN;
				eed->v2->tmp.v = eed->v1;
		eed = eed->next;

	/* STEP 1: make using FillVert and FillEdge lists a sorted
	 * ScanFillVertLink list
	sc = sf_ctx->_scdata = (ScanFillVertLink *)MEM_callocN(pf->verts * sizeof(ScanFillVertLink), "Scanfill1");
	eve = sf_ctx->fillvertbase.first;
	verts = 0;
	while (eve) {
		if (eve->poly_nr == nr) {
			if (eve->f != SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN) {
				eve->f = 0;  /* flag for connectedges later on */
				sc->v1 = eve;
		eve = eve->next;

	qsort(sf_ctx->_scdata, verts, sizeof(ScanFillVertLink), vergscdata);

	eed = sf_ctx->filledgebase.first;
	while (eed) {
		nexted = eed->next;
		BLI_remlink(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, eed);
		/* This code is for handling zero-length edges that get
		 * collapsed in step 0. It was removed for some time to
		 * fix trunk bug #4544, so if that comes back, this code
		 * may need some work, or there will have to be a better
		 * fix to #4544. */
		if (eed->v1->f == SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN) {
			v1 = eed->v1;
			while ((eed->v1->f == SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN) && (eed->v1->tmp.v != v1) && (eed->v1 != eed->v1->tmp.v))
				eed->v1 = eed->v1->tmp.v;
		if (eed->v2->f == SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN) {
			v2 = eed->v2;
			while ((eed->v2->f == SF_VERT_ZERO_LEN) && (eed->v2->tmp.v != v2) && (eed->v2 != eed->v2->tmp.v))
				eed->v2 = eed->v2->tmp.v;
		if (eed->v1 != eed->v2) addedgetoscanlist(sf_ctx, eed, verts);

		eed = nexted;
#if 0
	sc = scdata;
	for (a = 0; a < verts; a++) {
		printf("\nscvert: %x\n", sc->v1);
		eed = sc->first;
		while (eed) {
			printf(" ed %x %x %x\n", eed, eed->v1, eed->v2);
			eed = eed->next;

	/* STEP 2: FILL LOOP */

	if (pf->f == 0) twoconnected = 1;

	/* (temporal) security: never much more faces than vertices */
	totface = 0;
	maxface = 2 * verts;       /* 2*verts: based at a filled circle within a triangle */

	sc = sf_ctx->_scdata;
	for (a = 0; a < verts; a++) {
		/* printf("VERTEX %d %x\n",a,sc->v1); */
		ed1 = sc->first;
		while (ed1) {   /* set connectflags  */
			nexted = ed1->next;
			if (ed1->v1->h == 1 || ed1->v2->h == 1) {
				BLI_remlink((ListBase *)&(sc->first), ed1);
				BLI_addtail(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, ed1);
				if (ed1->v1->h > 1) ed1->v1->h--;
				if (ed1->v2->h > 1) ed1->v2->h--;
			else ed1->v2->f = SF_VERT_UNKNOWN;

			ed1 = nexted;
		while (sc->first) { /* for as long there are edges */
			ed1 = sc->first;
			ed2 = ed1->next;
			/* commented out... the ESC here delivers corrupted memory (and doesnt work during grab) */
			/* if (callLocalInterruptCallBack()) break; */
			if (totface > maxface) {
				/* printf("Fill error: endless loop. Escaped at vert %d,  tot: %d.\n", a, verts); */
				a = verts;
			if (ed2 == 0) {
				sc->first = sc->last = NULL;
				/* printf("just 1 edge to vert\n"); */
				BLI_addtail(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, ed1);
				ed1->v2->f = 0;
			else {
				/* test rest of vertices */
				float miny;
				v1 = ed1->v2;
				v2 = ed1->v1;
				v3 = ed2->v2;
				/* this happens with a serial of overlapping edges */
				if (v1 == v2 || v2 == v3) break;
				/* printf("test verts %x %x %x\n",v1,v2,v3); */
				miny = minf(v1->xy[1], v3->xy[1]);
				/*  miny= MIN2(v1->xy[1],v3->xy[1]); */
				sc1 = sc + 1;
				test = 0;

				for (b = a + 1; b < verts; b++) {
					if (sc1->v1->f == 0) {
						if (sc1->v1->xy[1] <= miny) break;

						if (testedgeside(v1->xy, v2->xy, sc1->v1->xy))
							if (testedgeside(v2->xy, v3->xy, sc1->v1->xy))
								if (testedgeside(v3->xy, v1->xy, sc1->v1->xy)) {
									/* point in triangle */
									test = 1;
				if (test) {
					/* make new edge, and start over */
					/* printf("add new edge %x %x and start again\n",v2,sc1->v1); */

					ed3 = BLI_addfilledge(sf_ctx, v2, sc1->v1);
					BLI_remlink(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, ed3);
					BLI_insertlinkbefore((ListBase *)&(sc->first), ed2, ed3);
					ed3->v2->f = SF_VERT_UNKNOWN;
					ed3->f = SF_EDGE_UNKNOWN;
				else {
					/* new triangle */
					/* printf("add face %x %x %x\n",v1,v2,v3); */
					addfillface(sf_ctx, v1, v2, v3);
					BLI_remlink((ListBase *)&(sc->first), ed1);
					BLI_addtail(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, ed1);
					ed1->v2->f = 0;
					/* ed2 can be removed when it's a boundary edge */
					if ((ed2->f == 0 && twoconnected) || (ed2->f == SF_EDGE_BOUNDARY)) {
						BLI_remlink((ListBase *)&(sc->first), ed2);
						BLI_addtail(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, ed2);
						ed2->v2->f = 0;

					/* new edge */
					ed3 = BLI_addfilledge(sf_ctx, v1, v3);
					BLI_remlink(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, ed3);
					ed3->f = SF_EDGE_UNKNOWN;
					/* printf("add new edge %x %x\n",v1,v3); */
					sc1 = addedgetoscanlist(sf_ctx, ed3, verts);
					if (sc1) {  /* ed3 already exists: remove if a boundary */
						/* printf("Edge exists\n"); */

						ed3 = sc1->first;
						while (ed3) {
							if ( (ed3->v1 == v1 && ed3->v2 == v3) || (ed3->v1 == v3 && ed3->v2 == v1) ) {
								if (twoconnected || ed3->f == SF_EDGE_BOUNDARY) {
									BLI_remlink((ListBase *)&(sc1->first), ed3);
									BLI_addtail(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, ed3);
							ed3 = ed3->next;

			/* test for loose edges */
			ed1 = sc->first;
			while (ed1) {
				nexted = ed1->next;
				if (ed1->v1->h < 2 || ed1->v2->h < 2) {
					BLI_remlink((ListBase *)&(sc->first), ed1);
					BLI_addtail(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, ed1);
					if (ed1->v1->h > 1) ed1->v1->h--;
					if (ed1->v2->h > 1) ed1->v2->h--;

				ed1 = nexted;

	sf_ctx->_scdata = NULL;

	return totface;