void HtmlInfo::parseHtmlFile(const QString &fileName) { QFile file(fileName); // Reset the error flag m_error.clear(); emit errorChanged(); // Try to open the XHTML document and report an error if it fails if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { m_error = tr("Couldn't open the file."); emit errorChanged(); return; } //! [0] // Create a XML stream reader on the file QXmlStreamReader reader(&file); //! [0] //! [1] int paragraphCount = 0; QStringList links; QString title; /** * Read the XHTML document token by token until the end is reached. * For every token check whether it's one we are interested in and extract * the needed information. */ while (!reader.atEnd()) { reader.readNext(); if (reader.isStartElement()) { if (reader.name() == "title") title = reader.readElementText(); else if (reader.name() == "a") links.append(reader.attributes().value("href").toString()); else if (reader.name() == "p") ++paragraphCount; } } //! [1] //! [2] // If the XML stream reader signaled an error, report it to the UI if (reader.hasError()) { m_error = tr("The HTML file isn't well-formed: %1").arg(reader.errorString()); emit errorChanged(); return; } //! [2] // Update the properties with the extracted information m_title = title.simplified(); m_paragraphs = paragraphCount; m_links = links.size(); m_linksContent = links.join("\n"); // Notify the UI that the properties have changed emit infoChanged(); }
QIODevice *QOpenSLESAudioInput::start() { if (m_deviceState != QAudio::StoppedState) stopRecording(); m_audioSource = 0; if (!m_pullMode && m_bufferIODevice) { m_bufferIODevice->close(); delete m_bufferIODevice; } m_pullMode = false; m_pushBuffer.clear(); m_bufferIODevice = new QBuffer(&m_pushBuffer); m_bufferIODevice->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); if (startRecording()) { m_deviceState = QAudio::IdleState; } else { m_deviceState = QAudio::StoppedState; Q_EMIT errorChanged(m_errorState); m_bufferIODevice->close(); delete m_bufferIODevice; m_bufferIODevice = 0; } Q_EMIT stateChanged(m_deviceState); return m_bufferIODevice; }
void QOpenSLESAudioInput::processBuffer() { if (m_deviceState == QAudio::StoppedState || m_deviceState == QAudio::SuspendedState) return; if (m_deviceState != QAudio::ActiveState) { m_errorState = QAudio::NoError; m_deviceState = QAudio::ActiveState; emit stateChanged(m_deviceState); } QByteArray *processedBuffer = &m_buffers[m_currentBuffer]; writeDataToDevice(processedBuffer->constData(), processedBuffer->size()); // Re-enqueue the buffer SLresult result = (*m_bufferQueue)->Enqueue(m_bufferQueue, processedBuffer->data(), processedBuffer->size()); m_currentBuffer = (m_currentBuffer + 1) % NUM_BUFFERS; // If the buffer queue is empty (shouldn't happen), stop recording. #ifdef ANDROID SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueState state; #else SLBufferQueueState state; #endif result = (*m_bufferQueue)->GetState(m_bufferQueue, &state); if (result != SL_RESULT_SUCCESS || state.count == 0) { stop(); m_errorState = QAudio::FatalError; Q_EMIT errorChanged(m_errorState); } }
QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE void QDeclarativeCamera::_q_error(QCamera::Error errorCode) { emit error(Error(errorCode), errorString()); emit errorChanged(); }
void QDeclarativeFeedbackEffect::_error(QFeedbackEffect::ErrorType err) { if (static_cast<ErrorType>(err) != m_error) { m_error = static_cast<ErrorType>(err); emit errorChanged(); } }
void StationScheduleModel::setError(const QString &error) { if (error != m_error) { m_error = error; emit errorChanged(); } }
void QDeclarativeAudio::setSource(const QUrl &url) { if (url == m_source) return; m_source = url; m_content = m_source.isEmpty() ? QMediaContent() : m_source; m_loaded = false; if (m_complete && (m_autoLoad || m_content.isNull() || m_autoPlay)) { if (m_error != QMediaPlayer::ServiceMissingError && m_error != QMediaPlayer::NoError) { m_error = QMediaPlayer::NoError; m_errorString = QString(); emit errorChanged(); } m_player->setMedia(m_content, 0); m_loaded = true; } else emit sourceChanged(); if (m_autoPlay) m_player->play(); }
void ReadabilityArticle::tryLoad() { if (!m_api) { m_error = "Cannot access article content (Invalid API Configuration)"; } else if (!m_url.isValid()) { m_error = "Cannot access article content (Invalid URL)"; } else { m_error.clear(); if (m_request) { disconnect(m_request); m_request->disconnect(this); m_request->cancel(); m_request->deleteLater(); } m_request = m_api->getParseRequest(m_url); connect(m_request, SIGNAL(responseReady(QJsonObject)), this, SLOT(onResponseReceived(QJsonObject))); connect(m_request, SIGNAL(requestError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError,QString)), this, SLOT(onRequestError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError,QString))); m_request->send(); emit startedLoading(); } emit loadingChanged(); emit errorChanged(m_error); }
void QConnectionManager::updateServicesMap() { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO; QStringList oldServices = orderedServicesList; orderedServicesList.clear(); Q_FOREACH (const QString &tech,techPreferenceList) { QVector<NetworkService*> services = netman->getServices(tech); Q_FOREACH (NetworkService *serv, services) { servicesMap.insert(serv->path(), serv); orderedServicesList << serv->path(); if (!oldServices.contains(serv->path())) { //new! qDebug() <<"new service" << serv->path(); QObject::connect(serv, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QString)), this,SLOT(serviceStateChanged(QString)), Qt::UniqueConnection); QObject::connect(serv, SIGNAL(connectRequestFailed(QString)), this,SLOT(serviceErrorChanged(QString)), Qt::UniqueConnection); QObject::connect(serv, SIGNAL(errorChanged(QString)), this,SLOT(servicesError(QString)), Qt::UniqueConnection); QObject::connect(serv, SIGNAL(strengthChanged(uint)), this,SLOT(onServiceStrengthChanged(uint)), Qt::UniqueConnection); QObject::connect(serv, SIGNAL(serviceConnectionStarted()), this,SLOT(onServiceConnectionStarted()), Qt::UniqueConnection); QObject::connect(serv, SIGNAL(serviceDisconnectionStarted()), this,SLOT(onServiceDisconnectionStarted()), Qt::UniqueConnection); QObject::connect(serv, SIGNAL(autoConnectChanged(bool)), this,SLOT(serviceAutoconnectChanged(bool)), Qt::UniqueConnection); }
void QOpenSLESAudioInput::writeDataToDevice(const char *data, int size) { m_processedBytes += size; if (m_pullMode) { // write buffer to the QIODevice if (m_audioSource->write(data, size) < 0) { stop(); m_errorState = QAudio::IOError; Q_EMIT errorChanged(m_errorState); } } else { // emits readyRead() so user will call read() on QIODevice to get some audio data if (m_bufferIODevice != 0) { m_pushBuffer.append(data, size); Q_EMIT m_bufferIODevice->readyRead(); } } // Send notify signal if needed qint64 processedMsecs = processedUSecs() / 1000; if (m_intervalTime && (processedMsecs - m_lastNotifyTime) >= m_intervalTime) { Q_EMIT notify(); m_lastNotifyTime = processedMsecs; } }
void QPulseAudioInput::setError(QAudio::Error error) { if (m_errorState == error) return; m_errorState = error; emit errorChanged(error); }
void QnxAudioInput::setError(QAudio::Error error) { if (m_error == error) return; m_error = error; emit errorChanged(m_error); }
/*! \internal Sets the error condition of the reply to \a error, indicating that processing of the associated request has encountered a problem. Note that this is a private slot, and should be called by a queued connection, so that any data modification is only done in the objects own thread. */ void QServiceReplyBase::setError(QServiceManager::Error error) { Q_ASSERT_X(thread() == QThread::currentThread(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "Reply object access violation!"); if (d->error != error) { d->error = error; emit errorChanged(); } }
inline void QOpenSLESAudioOutput::setError(QAudio::Error error) { if (m_error == error) return; m_error = error; Q_EMIT errorChanged(m_error); }
void QDeclarativeVideo::_q_error(int errorCode, const QString &errorString) { m_error = QMediaPlayer::Error(errorCode); m_errorString = errorString; emit error(Error(errorCode), errorString); emit errorChanged(); }
void QDeclarativeGeoMap::setError(QGeoServiceProvider::Error error, const QString &errorString) { if (m_error == error && m_errorString == errorString) return; m_error = error; m_errorString = errorString; emit errorChanged(); }
void QDeclarativeGeoRoutingModel::setError(const QString &error) { if (error_ == error) return; error_ = error; emit errorChanged(error_); }
void ESURegistration::setError(ESURegistration::Error error) { if( d->error != error ) { d->error = error; Q_EMIT errorChanged(); Q_EMIT hasErrorChanged(); Q_EMIT errorEvent(error); } }
void QDeclarativeBluetoothDiscoveryModel::errorDeviceDiscovery(QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::Error error) { d->m_error = static_cast<QDeclarativeBluetoothDiscoveryModel::Error>(error); emit errorChanged(); //QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::finished() signal is not emitted in case of an error //Note that this behavior is different from QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent. //This reset the models running flag. setRunning(false); }
void ReadabilityArticle::onRequestError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError error, QString description) { Q_UNUSED(error); qWarning("Readability Article Error: Failed to parse url '%s' (%s)", qPrintable(m_url.toString()), qPrintable(description)); m_error = QString("Cannot access article content (%1)").arg(description); emit errorChanged(description); if (!m_request->isLoading()) emit finishedLoading(); }
void setObject(QGalleryQueryModel *object) { q_ptr = object; QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(resultSetChanged(QGalleryResultSet*)), q_ptr, SLOT(_q_resultSetChanged(QGalleryResultSet*))); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QGalleryAbstractRequest::State)), q_ptr, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QGalleryAbstractRequest::State))); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(finished()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(finished())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(canceled()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(canceled())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(errorChanged()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(errorChanged())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(error(int,QString)), q_ptr, SIGNAL(error(int,QString))); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(galleryChanged()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(galleryChanged())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(sortPropertyNamesChanged()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(sortPropertyNamesChanged())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(autoUpdateChanged()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(autoUpdateChanged())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(offsetChanged()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(offsetChanged())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(limitChanged()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(limitChanged())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(rootTypeChanged()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(rootTypeChanged())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(rootItemChanged()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(rootItemChanged())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(scopeChanged()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(scopeChanged())); QObject::connect(&query, SIGNAL(filterChanged()), q_ptr, SIGNAL(filterChanged())); }
void QApplicationConfig::updateError(QApplicationConfig::ConnectionError error, QString errorString) { if (m_errorString != errorString) { m_errorString = errorString; emit errorStringChanged(m_errorString); } if (m_error != error) { m_error = error; emit errorChanged(m_error); } }
int QAudioOutputPrivate::xrun_recovery(int err) { int count = 0; bool reset = false; if(err == -EPIPE) { errorState = QAudio::UnderrunError; emit errorChanged(errorState); err = snd_pcm_prepare(handle); if(err < 0) reset = true; } else if((err == -ESTRPIPE)||(err == -EIO)) { errorState = QAudio::IOError; emit errorChanged(errorState); while((err = snd_pcm_resume(handle)) == -EAGAIN) { usleep(100); count++; if(count > 5) { reset = true; break; } } if(err < 0) { err = snd_pcm_prepare(handle); if(err < 0) reset = true; } } if(reset) { close(); open(); snd_pcm_prepare(handle); return 0; } return err; }
void QDeclarativeBluetoothSocket::socket_error(QBluetoothSocket::SocketError err) { if(err == QBluetoothSocket::ConnectionRefusedError) d->m_error = QLatin1String("Connection Refused"); else if(err == QBluetoothSocket::RemoteHostClosedError) d->m_error = QLatin1String("Connection Closed by Remote Host"); else if(err == QBluetoothSocket::HostNotFoundError) d->m_error = QLatin1String("Host Not Found"); else if(err == QBluetoothSocket::ServiceNotFoundError) d->m_error = QLatin1String("Could not find service at remote host"); else d->m_error = QLatin1String("Unknown Error"); emit errorChanged(); }
QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /*! \qmlclass Audio QDeclarativeAudio \brief The Audio element allows you to add audio playback to a scene. This element is part of the \bold{QtMultimediaKit 1.1} module. \qml import Qt 4.7 import QtMultimediaKit 1.1 Text { text: "Click Me!"; font.pointSize: 24; width: 150; height: 50; Audio { id: playMusic source: "music.wav" } MouseArea { id: playArea anchors.fill: parent onPressed: { playMusic.play() } } } \endqml \sa Video */ /*! \internal \class QDeclarativeAudio \brief The QDeclarativeAudio class provides an audio item that you can add to a QDeclarativeView. */ void QDeclarativeAudio::_q_error(int errorCode, const QString &errorString) { m_error = QMediaPlayer::Error(errorCode); m_errorString = errorString; emit error(Error(errorCode), errorString); emit errorChanged(); }
void QDeclarativeBluetoothDiscoveryModel::errorDiscovery(QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent::Error error) { switch (error) { case QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent::InvalidBluetoothAdapterError: d->m_error = QDeclarativeBluetoothDiscoveryModel::InvalidBluetoothAdapterError; break; case QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent::NoError: d->m_error = QDeclarativeBluetoothDiscoveryModel::NoError; break; case QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent::InputOutputError: d->m_error = QDeclarativeBluetoothDiscoveryModel::InputOutputError; break; case QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent::PoweredOffError: d->m_error = QDeclarativeBluetoothDiscoveryModel::PoweredOffError; break; case QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent::UnknownError: d->m_error = QDeclarativeBluetoothDiscoveryModel::UnknownError; break; } emit errorChanged(); }
QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /*! \qmltype Audio \instantiates QDeclarativeAudio \brief Add audio playback to a scene. \inqmlmodule QtMultimedia \ingroup multimedia_qml \ingroup multimedia_audio_qml This type is part of the \b{QtMultimedia 5.0} module. \qml import QtQuick 2.0 import QtMultimedia 5.0 Text { text: "Click Me!"; font.pointSize: 24; width: 150; height: 50; Audio { id: playMusic source: "music.wav" } MouseArea { id: playArea anchors.fill: parent onPressed: { playMusic.play() } } } \endqml \sa Video */ void QDeclarativeAudio::_q_error(QMediaPlayer::Error errorCode) { m_error = errorCode; m_errorString = m_player->errorString(); emit error(Error(errorCode), m_errorString); emit errorChanged(); }
void QApplicationCommand::updateError(QApplicationCommand::ConnectionError error, const QString &errorString) { if (m_errorString != errorString) { m_errorString = errorString; emit errorStringChanged(m_errorString); } if (m_error != error) { if (error != NoError) { cleanup(); } m_error = error; emit errorChanged(m_error); } }
void QApplicationLauncher::updateError(Service::ConnectionError error, QString errorString) { if (m_errorString != errorString) { m_errorString = errorString; emit errorStringChanged(m_errorString); } if (m_error != error) { if (error != Service::NoError) { cleanup(); } m_error = error; emit errorChanged(m_error); } }
/*! \reimp */ void IdentifiableContentItemInterface::emitPropertyChangeSignals(const QVariantMap &oldData, const QVariantMap &newData) { Q_D(IdentifiableContentItemInterface); // most derived types will do: // { // foreach (key, propKeys) { // if (newData.value(key) != oldData.value(key)) { // emit thatPropertyChanged(); // } // } // SuperClass::emitPropertyChangeSignals(oldData, newData); // } // But this one is a bit special, since if the id changed, it's a terrible error. // check identifier - NOTE: derived types MUST fill out this field before calling this class' implementation of emitPropertyChangeSignals. QString oldId = oldData.value(NEMOQMLPLUGINS_SOCIAL_CONTENTITEMID).toString(); QString newId = newData.value(NEMOQMLPLUGINS_SOCIAL_CONTENTITEMID).toString(); if (newId.isEmpty() && oldId.isEmpty()) { // this will fall through to being reported as an error due to identifier change (to empty) below. qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "ERROR: derived types MUST set the NEMOQMLPLUGINS_SOCIAL_CONTENTITEMID field appropriately prior to calling the superclass emitPropertyChangeSignals() function!"; } if (oldId.isEmpty()) oldId = d->identifier; // might have been set directly by client via icii.setIdentifier() which sets dd->identifier. if (oldId.isEmpty() && !newId.isEmpty()) { // this must be a new object created by the model. We now have an identifier; set it and update. d->identifier = newId; emit identifierChanged(); } else if (newId.isEmpty() || oldId != newId) { // the identifier changed. This shouldn't happen in real life. Must be an error. d->status = SocialNetworkInterface::Invalid; d->error = SocialNetworkInterface::DataUpdateError; d->errorMessage = QString(QLatin1String("identifier changed during data update from %1 to %2")).arg(oldId).arg(newId); d->s = 0; emit statusChanged(); emit errorChanged(); emit errorMessageChanged(); emit socialNetworkChanged(); } // finally, as all derived classes must do, call super class implementation. ContentItemInterface::emitPropertyChangeSignals(oldData, newData); }