static QStringList childKeysOrGroups(HKEY parentHandle, QSettingsPrivate::ChildSpec spec) { QStringList result; DWORD numKeys; DWORD maxKeySize; DWORD numSubgroups; DWORD maxSubgroupSize; // Find the number of keys and subgroups, as well as the max of their lengths. LONG res = RegQueryInfoKey(parentHandle, 0, 0, 0, &numSubgroups, &maxSubgroupSize, 0, &numKeys, &maxKeySize, 0, 0, 0); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { qWarning("QSettings: RegQueryInfoKey() failed: %s", errorCodeToString(res).toLatin1().data()); return result; } ++maxSubgroupSize; ++maxKeySize; int n; int m; if (spec == QSettingsPrivate::ChildKeys) { n = numKeys; m = maxKeySize; } else { n = numSubgroups; m = maxSubgroupSize; } /* The size does not include the terminating null character. */ ++m; // Get the list QByteArray buff(m * sizeof(wchar_t), 0); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { QString item; DWORD l = buff.size() / sizeof(wchar_t); if (spec == QSettingsPrivate::ChildKeys) { res = RegEnumValue(parentHandle, i, reinterpret_cast<wchar_t *>(, &l, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else { res = RegEnumKeyEx(parentHandle, i, reinterpret_cast<wchar_t *>(, &l, 0, 0, 0, 0); } if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS) item = QString::fromWCharArray((const wchar_t *)buff.constData(), l); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { qWarning("QSettings: RegEnumValue failed: %s", errorCodeToString(res).toLatin1().data()); continue; } if (item.isEmpty()) item = QLatin1String("."); result.append(item); } return result; }
void QWinSettingsPrivate::remove(const QString &uKey) { if (writeHandle() == 0) { setStatus(QSettings::AccessError); return; } QString rKey = escapedKey(uKey); // try to delete value bar in key foo LONG res; HKEY handle = openKey(writeHandle(), registryPermissions, keyPath(rKey)); if (handle != 0) { res = RegDeleteValue(handle, reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(keyName(rKey).utf16())); RegCloseKey(handle); } // try to delete key foo/bar and all subkeys handle = openKey(writeHandle(), registryPermissions, rKey); if (handle != 0) { deleteChildGroups(handle); if (rKey.isEmpty()) { QStringList childKeys = childKeysOrGroups(handle, QSettingsPrivate::ChildKeys); for (int i = 0; i < childKeys.size(); ++i) { QString group =; LONG res = RegDeleteValue(handle, reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(group.utf16())); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { qWarning("QSettings: RegDeleteValue failed on subkey \"%s\": %s", group.toLatin1().data(), errorCodeToString(res).toLatin1().data()); } } } else { #if defined(Q_OS_WINCE) // For WinCE always Close the handle first. RegCloseKey(handle); #endif res = RegDeleteKey(writeHandle(), reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(rKey.utf16())); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { qWarning("QSettings: RegDeleteKey failed on key \"%s\": %s", rKey.toLatin1().data(), errorCodeToString(res).toLatin1().data()); } } RegCloseKey(handle); } }
std::string getCLErrorString(const cl::Error& err) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "Error:" << err.what() << "(" << err.err() << "), " << errorCodeToString(err.err()) << " " << getCLErrorResolveHint( err.err()) << std::endl; return ss.str(); }
void LogOpenCLError(cl_int err, const char* message) { if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { std::ostringstream errorMessage; errorMessage << "OpenCL Error " << err << ": " << errorCodeToString(err) << " " << getCLErrorResolveHint(err) << std::endl << message; LogErrorCustom("OpenCL", errorMessage.str()); } }
bool QtLockedFile::unlock() { if (!isOpen()) { qWarning("QtLockedFile::unlock(): file is not opened"); return false; } if (!isLocked()) return true; int increment; if (m_lock_mode == ReadLock) increment = 1; else increment = SEMAPHORE_MAX; DWORD ret = ReleaseSemaphore(m_semaphore_hnd, increment, 0); if (ret == 0) { qWarning("QtLockedFile::unlock(): ReleaseSemaphore: %s", errorCodeToString(GetLastError()).toLatin1().constData()); return false; } m_lock_mode = QtLockedFile::NoLock; remove(); return true; }
static int GLXErrorHandler(Display* display, XErrorEvent* ev) { contextErrorOccured = xdl_true; char errorstring[128]; XGetErrorText(display, ev->error_code, errorstring, 128); XDEVL_MODULEX_ERROR(XdevLOpenGLContextGLX, "Error Code : " << errorstring << std::endl); XDEVL_MODULEX_ERROR(XdevLOpenGLContextGLX, "Request Code: " << errorCodeToString(ev->request_code) << std::endl); XDEVL_MODULEX_ERROR(XdevLOpenGLContextGLX, "Minor Code : " << (xdl_int)ev->minor_code << std::endl); return 0; }
QtLockedFile::~QtLockedFile() { if (isOpen()) unlock(); if (m_mutex_hnd != 0) { DWORD ret = CloseHandle(m_mutex_hnd); if (ret == 0) { qWarning("QtLockedFile::~QtLockedFile(): CloseHandle (mutex): %s", errorCodeToString(GetLastError()).toLatin1().constData()); } m_mutex_hnd = 0; } if (m_semaphore_hnd != 0) { DWORD ret = CloseHandle(m_semaphore_hnd); if (ret == 0) { qWarning("QtLockedFile::~QtLockedFile(): CloseHandle (semaphore): %s", errorCodeToString(GetLastError()).toLatin1().constData()); } m_semaphore_hnd = 0; } }
QWinSettingsPrivate::~QWinSettingsPrivate() { if (deleteWriteHandleOnExit && writeHandle() != 0) { #if defined(Q_OS_WINCE) remove(; #else QString emptyKey; DWORD res = RegDeleteKey(writeHandle(), reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(emptyKey.utf16())); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { qWarning("QSettings: Failed to delete key \"%s\": %s",, errorCodeToString(res).toLatin1().data()); } #endif } for (int i = 0; i < regList.size(); ++i) regList[i].close(); }
void Net::DownloadHandler::processFinishedDownload() { QString url = m_reply->url().toString(); qDebug("Download finished: %s", qUtf8Printable(url)); // Check if the request was successful if (m_reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { // Failure qDebug("Download failure (%s), reason: %s", qUtf8Printable(url), qUtf8Printable(errorCodeToString(m_reply->error()))); emit downloadFailed(m_downloadRequest.url(), errorCodeToString(m_reply->error())); this->deleteLater(); } else { // Check if the server ask us to redirect somewhere else const QVariant redirection = m_reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute); if (redirection.isValid()) { // We should redirect handleRedirection(redirection.toUrl()); } else { // Success QByteArray replyData = m_reply->readAll(); if (m_reply->rawHeader("Content-Encoding") == "gzip") { // decompress gzip reply replyData = Utils::Gzip::decompress(replyData); } if (m_downloadRequest.saveToFile()) { QString filePath; if (saveToFile(replyData, filePath)) emit downloadFinished(m_downloadRequest.url(), filePath); else emit downloadFailed(m_downloadRequest.url(), tr("I/O Error")); } else { emit downloadFinished(m_downloadRequest.url(), replyData); } this->deleteLater(); } } }
static void deleteChildGroups(HKEY parentHandle) { QStringList childGroups = childKeysOrGroups(parentHandle, QSettingsPrivate::ChildGroups); for (int i = 0; i < childGroups.size(); ++i) { QString group =; // delete subgroups in group HKEY childGroupHandle = openKey(parentHandle, registryPermissions, group); if (childGroupHandle == 0) continue; deleteChildGroups(childGroupHandle); RegCloseKey(childGroupHandle); // delete group itself LONG res = RegDeleteKey(parentHandle, reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(group.utf16())); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { qWarning("QSettings: RegDeleteKey failed on subkey \"%s\": %s", group.toLatin1().data(), errorCodeToString(res).toLatin1().data()); return; } } }
cl::Program* KernelManager::buildProgram(const std::string& fileName, const std::string& header /*= ""*/, const std::string& defines /*= ""*/, bool& wasBuilt) { wasBuilt = false; std::string absoluteFileName = fileName; if (!filesystem::fileExists(absoluteFileName)) { // Search in include directories added by modules const std::vector<std::string> openclSearchPaths = OpenCL::getPtr()->getCommonIncludeDirectories(); for (size_t i=0; i<openclSearchPaths.size(); i++) { if (filesystem::fileExists(openclSearchPaths[i]+"/"+fileName)) { absoluteFileName = openclSearchPaths[i]+"/"+fileName; break; } } } std::pair <ProgramMap::iterator, ProgramMap::iterator> range = programs_.equal_range(absoluteFileName); for (ProgramMap::iterator it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) { if (it->second.defines == defines) { return it->second.program; } } cl::Program* program = new cl::Program(); try { *program = cl::Program(OpenCL::buildProgram(absoluteFileName, header, defines)); try { std::vector<cl::Kernel> kernels; program->createKernels(&kernels); for (std::vector<cl::Kernel>::iterator kernelIt = kernels.begin(); kernelIt != kernels.end(); ++kernelIt) { kernels_.insert(std::pair<cl::Program*, cl::Kernel*>(program, new cl::Kernel(*kernelIt))); } } catch (cl::Error& err) { LogError(absoluteFileName << " Failed to create kernels, Error:" << err.what() << "(" << err.err() << "), " << errorCodeToString( err.err()) << std::endl); } } catch (cl::Error&) { } ProgramIdentifier uniqueProgram{ program, header, defines }; programs_.insert(std::pair<std::string, ProgramIdentifier>(absoluteFileName, uniqueProgram)); startFileObservation(absoluteFileName); wasBuilt = true; return program; }
void KernelManager::fileChanged(const std::string& fileName) { std::pair <ProgramMap::iterator, ProgramMap::iterator> programRange = programs_.equal_range(fileName); for (ProgramMap::iterator programIt = programRange.first; programIt != programRange.second; ++programIt) { cl::Program* program = programIt->second.program; // Get all kernels associated with the program std::pair <KernelMap::iterator, KernelMap::iterator> kernelRange = kernels_.equal_range(program); std::vector<std::string> kernelNames; for (KernelMap::iterator kernelIt = kernelRange.first; kernelIt != kernelRange.second; ++kernelIt) { std::string thisKernelName; try { kernelIt->second->getInfo(CL_KERNEL_FUNCTION_NAME, &thisKernelName); } catch (cl::Error&) { } kernelNames.push_back(thisKernelName); } try { LogInfo(fileName + " building program with defines: " + programIt->second.defines); *program = OpenCL::buildProgram(fileName, programIt->second.header, programIt->second.defines); LogInfo(fileName + " finished building program"); std::vector<cl::Kernel> newKernels; try { LogInfo(fileName + " creating kernels"); program->createKernels(&newKernels); } catch (cl::Error& err) { LogError(fileName << " Failed to create kernels, error:" << err.what() << "(" << err.err() << "), " << errorCodeToString( err.err()) << std::endl); throw err; } // Find corresponding old kernel for each newly compiled kernel. // Add kernel if it was not found for (std::vector<cl::Kernel>::iterator newKernelIt = newKernels.begin(); newKernelIt != newKernels.end(); ++newKernelIt) { std::string newKernelName; newKernelIt->getInfo(CL_KERNEL_FUNCTION_NAME, &newKernelName); std::vector<std::string>::iterator kernelNameIt = std::find(kernelNames.begin(), kernelNames.end(), newKernelName); if (kernelNameIt != kernelNames.end()) { size_t index = kernelNameIt - kernelNames.begin(); KernelMap::iterator oldKernelIt(kernelRange.first); for (size_t j = 0; j < index; ++j, ++oldKernelIt) {}; *(oldKernelIt->second) = *newKernelIt; // Notify that kernel has been recompiled std::pair<KernelOwnerMap::iterator, KernelOwnerMap::iterator> kernelOwnerRange = kernelOwners_.equal_range(oldKernelIt->second); for (KernelOwnerMap::iterator kernelOwnerIt = kernelOwnerRange.first; kernelOwnerIt != kernelOwnerRange.second; ++kernelOwnerIt) { kernelOwnerIt->second->notifyObserversKernelCompiled(&(*newKernelIt)); } } else { // New kernel, no need to notify KernelOwner since there cannot be any kernels_.insert(std::pair<cl::Program*, cl::Kernel*>(program, new cl::Kernel(*newKernelIt))); } } InviwoApplication::getPtr()->playSound(InviwoApplication::Message::Ok); } catch (cl::Error& err) { LogError(fileName << " Failed to create kernels, error:" << err.what() << "(" << err.err() << "), " << errorCodeToString( err.err()) << std::endl); InviwoApplication::getPtr()->playSound(InviwoApplication::Message::Error); } } }
void OpenCL::setDevice(cl::Device device, bool glSharing) { try { // Check if we are setting the same device if (gpuDevice_() == device()) { std::vector<cl_context_properties> sharingProperties = getGLSharingContextProperties(); std::vector<cl_context_properties> contextProperties = gpuContext_.getInfo<CL_CONTEXT_PROPERTIES>(); bool sharingEnabled = (std::find(contextProperties.begin(), contextProperties.end(), *sharingProperties.begin()) != contextProperties.end()); if (sharingEnabled == glSharing) { // The device and sharing properties are the same. // No need to update the device return; } } gpuDevice_ = device; cl::Platform platform = device.getInfo<CL_DEVICE_PLATFORM>(); std::vector<cl_context_properties> properties; if (glSharing) properties = getGLSharingContextProperties(); cl_context_properties platformProperties[] = {CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, (cl_context_properties)platform(), 0}; properties.insert(properties.end(), platformProperties, platformProperties+ sizeof(platformProperties)/sizeof(cl_context_properties)); try { gpuContext_ = cl::Context(gpuDevice_, &properties[0]); } catch (cl::Error&) { LogInfo("ERROR: Unable to create OpenCL context. Trying to create without openGL sharing... "); properties.clear(); properties.insert(properties.end(), platformProperties, platformProperties+ sizeof(platformProperties)/sizeof(cl_context_properties)); gpuContext_ = cl::Context(gpuDevice_, &properties[0]); LogInfo("Succeeded creating OpenCL without OpenGL sharing. "); } cl_command_queue_properties queueProperties = 0; cl_command_queue_properties supportedQueueProperties; gpuDevice_.getInfo(CL_DEVICE_QUEUE_PROPERTIES, &supportedQueueProperties); #if IVW_PROFILING if (supportedQueueProperties & CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE) queueProperties |= CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE; #endif synchronosGPUQueue_ = cl::CommandQueue(gpuContext_, gpuDevice_, queueProperties); if (supportedQueueProperties & CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE) queueProperties |= CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE; asyncGPUQueue_ = cl::CommandQueue(gpuContext_, gpuDevice_, queueProperties); STRING_CLASS deviceExtensions = gpuDevice_.getInfo<CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS>(); size_t foundAt = deviceExtensions.find_first_of("cl_khr_gl_event"); if (foundAt != std::string::npos) { // Efficient cl/gl synchronization possible } } catch (cl::Error& err) { LogError("Faile to set OpenCL device. " << err.what() << "(" << err.err() << "), " << errorCodeToString(err.err()) << std::endl); } }
bool QtLockedFile::lock(LockMode mode, bool block) { if (!isOpen()) { qWarning("QtLockedFile::lock(): file is not opened"); return false; } if (mode == m_lock_mode) return true; if (m_lock_mode != 0) unlock(); if (m_semaphore_hnd == 0) { QFileInfo fi(*this); QString sem_name = QString::fromLatin1(SEMAPHORE_PREFIX) + fi.absoluteFilePath().toLower(); m_semaphore_hnd = CreateSemaphoreW(0, SEMAPHORE_MAX, SEMAPHORE_MAX, (TCHAR*)sem_name.utf16()); if (m_semaphore_hnd == 0) { qWarning("QtLockedFile::lock(): CreateSemaphore: %s", errorCodeToString(GetLastError()).toLatin1().constData()); return false; } } bool gotMutex = false; int decrement; if (mode == ReadLock) { decrement = 1; } else { decrement = SEMAPHORE_MAX; if (m_mutex_hnd == 0) { QFileInfo fi(*this); QString mut_name = QString::fromLatin1(MUTEX_PREFIX) + fi.absoluteFilePath().toLower(); m_mutex_hnd = CreateMutexW(NULL, FALSE, (TCHAR*)mut_name.utf16()); if (m_mutex_hnd == 0) { qWarning("QtLockedFile::lock(): CreateMutex: %s", errorCodeToString(GetLastError()).toLatin1().constData()); return false; } } DWORD res = WaitForSingleObject(m_mutex_hnd, block ? INFINITE : 0); if (res == WAIT_TIMEOUT) return false; if (res == WAIT_FAILED) { qWarning("QtLockedFile::lock(): WaitForSingleObject (mutex): %s", errorCodeToString(GetLastError()).toLatin1().constData()); return false; } gotMutex = true; } for (int i = 0; i < decrement; ++i) { DWORD res = WaitForSingleObject(m_semaphore_hnd, block ? INFINITE : 0); if (res == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { if (i) { // A failed nonblocking rw locking. Undo changes to semaphore. if (ReleaseSemaphore(m_semaphore_hnd, i, NULL) == 0) { qWarning("QtLockedFile::unlock(): ReleaseSemaphore: %s", errorCodeToString(GetLastError()).toLatin1().constData()); // Fall through } } if (gotMutex) ReleaseMutex(m_mutex_hnd); return false; } if (res != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { if (gotMutex) ReleaseMutex(m_mutex_hnd); qWarning("QtLockedFile::lock(): WaitForSingleObject (semaphore): %s", errorCodeToString(GetLastError()).toLatin1().constData()); return false; } } m_lock_mode = mode; if (gotMutex) ReleaseMutex(m_mutex_hnd); return true; }
void DownloadThread::processDlFinished(QNetworkReply* reply) { QString url = reply->url().toString(); qDebug("Download finished: %s", qPrintable(url)); // Check if the request was successful if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { // Failure qDebug("Download failure (%s), reason: %s", qPrintable(url), qPrintable(errorCodeToString(reply->error()))); emit downloadFailure(url, errorCodeToString(reply->error())); reply->deleteLater(); return; } // Check if the server ask us to redirect somewhere lese const QVariant redirection = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute); if (redirection.isValid()) { // We should redirect QUrl newUrl = redirection.toUrl(); // Resolve relative urls if (newUrl.isRelative()) newUrl = reply->url().resolved(newUrl); const QString newUrlString = newUrl.toString(); qDebug("Redirecting from %s to %s", qPrintable(url), qPrintable(newUrlString)); m_redirectMapping.insert(newUrlString, url); // redirecting with first cookies downloadUrl(newUrlString, m_networkManager.cookieJar()->cookiesForUrl(url)); reply->deleteLater(); return; } // Checking if it was redirected, restoring initial URL if (m_redirectMapping.contains(url)) { url = m_redirectMapping.take(url); } // Success QTemporaryFile *tmpfile = new QTemporaryFile; if (tmpfile->open()) { tmpfile->setAutoRemove(false); QString filePath = tmpfile->fileName(); qDebug("Temporary filename is: %s", qPrintable(filePath)); if (reply->isOpen() || reply->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QByteArray replyData = reply->readAll(); if (reply->rawHeader("Content-Encoding") == "gzip") { // uncompress gzip reply replyData = gUncompress(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(, replyData.length()); } tmpfile->write(replyData); tmpfile->close(); // XXX: tmpfile needs to be deleted on Windows before using the file // or it will complain that the file is used by another process. delete tmpfile; // Send finished signal emit downloadFinished(url, filePath); } else { delete tmpfile; fsutils::forceRemove(filePath); // Error when reading the request emit downloadFailure(url, tr("I/O Error")); } } else { delete tmpfile; emit downloadFailure(url, tr("I/O Error")); } // Clean up reply->deleteLater(); }
void QWinSettingsPrivate::set(const QString &uKey, const QVariant &value) { if (writeHandle() == 0) { setStatus(QSettings::AccessError); return; } QString rKey = escapedKey(uKey); HKEY handle = createOrOpenKey(writeHandle(), registryPermissions, keyPath(rKey)); if (handle == 0) { setStatus(QSettings::AccessError); return; } DWORD type; QByteArray regValueBuff; // Determine the type switch (value.type()) { case QVariant::List: case QVariant::StringList: { // If none of the elements contains '\0', we can use REG_MULTI_SZ, the // native registry string list type. Otherwise we use REG_BINARY. type = REG_MULTI_SZ; QStringList l = variantListToStringList(value.toList()); QStringList::const_iterator it = l.constBegin(); for (; it != l.constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it).length() == 0 || stringContainsNullChar(*it)) { type = REG_BINARY; break; } } if (type == REG_BINARY) { QString s = variantToString(value); regValueBuff = QByteArray((const char*)s.utf16(), s.length() * 2); } else { QStringList::const_iterator it = l.constBegin(); for (; it != l.constEnd(); ++it) { const QString &s = *it; regValueBuff += QByteArray((const char*)s.utf16(), (s.length() + 1) * 2); } regValueBuff.append((char)0); regValueBuff.append((char)0); } break; } case QVariant::Int: case QVariant::UInt: { type = REG_DWORD; qint32 i = value.toInt(); regValueBuff = QByteArray((const char*)&i, sizeof(qint32)); break; } case QVariant::LongLong: case QVariant::ULongLong: { type = REG_QWORD; qint64 i = value.toLongLong(); regValueBuff = QByteArray((const char*)&i, sizeof(qint64)); break; } case QVariant::ByteArray: // fallthrough intended default: { // If the string does not contain '\0', we can use REG_SZ, the native registry // string type. Otherwise we use REG_BINARY. QString s = variantToString(value); type = stringContainsNullChar(s) ? REG_BINARY : REG_SZ; if (type == REG_BINARY) { regValueBuff = QByteArray((const char*)s.utf16(), s.length() * 2); } else { regValueBuff = QByteArray((const char*)s.utf16(), (s.length() + 1) * 2); } break; } } // set the value LONG res = RegSetValueEx(handle, reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(keyName(rKey).utf16()), 0, type, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(regValueBuff.constData()), regValueBuff.size()); if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS) { deleteWriteHandleOnExit = false; } else { qWarning("QSettings: failed to set subkey \"%s\": %s", rKey.toLatin1().data(), errorCodeToString(res).toLatin1().data()); setStatus(QSettings::AccessError); } RegCloseKey(handle); }
void OpenCL::initialize(bool glSharing) { try { std::vector<cl::Platform> platforms; cl::Platform::get(&platforms); if (platforms.size() == 0) { LogError("No OpenCL platforms found" << std::endl); return; } cl::Platform platform; cl::Device device; getBestGPUDeviceOnSystem(device, platform); setDevice(device, glSharing); } catch (cl::Error& err) { LogError("ERROR: Failed to initialize OpenCL. " << err.what() << "(" << err.err() << "), " << errorCodeToString(err.err()) << std::endl); } }