// path in module specific load oql_rc_t oqlDatabase::LoadSdlModule() { // for shore, scan a module #ifndef NO_SDL Ref<sdlModule> m; // the name can be 1: an sdl module // 2: a registered, sdl object // 3: a directory. // get a ref. m = lookup_module(_name); if (m==0) { errstream() << "couldn't find module" << _name; return OQL_OK; } Ref<sdlDeclaration> bpt; for (bpt = m->decl_list; bpt != 0; bpt = bpt->next) // insert types in db. { Type *nt; if(bpt->kind==TypeName) { nt = AddShoreType(bpt->type); if (nt!=0) { if (nt->isObject()) { // Add to the list of extents extents.add(bpt->name, new SetType(nt)); } } else errstream()<< "create_Type faied for " << bpt->name.string() << "in module " << _name; } } #endif // Assume that the _cat is open. Assume that the // mutex has been taken #ifdef NO_SDL AutoMutex myMutex(*(_cat->mutex)); W_COERCE(myMutex.acquire()); uint4 numExtents = _cat->dbCache.extentCnt; uint4 i; if (numExtents) assert(t_array = new Type*[numExtents]); // Now go thru each extent... for (i = 0; i < numExtents; i++) Do(_cat->extentCache[i], t_array[i]); // That's it... if (t_array) delete [] t_array; #endif return OQL_OK; }
int ProcessUtility(Ql_tree_node* root, oqlContext& context) { oql_rc_t status = OQL_OK; const char* name = 0; switch(root->_type) { case create_db_n: case drop_db_n: case open_db_n: case drop_extent_n: // assert(root->_kids[0]->_type == id_n); name = root->_kids[0]->_id; break; case create_index_n: case create_clustered_index_n: case drop_index_n: errstream() << "Index operations not yet implemented..." << endl; return paraQ_ERROR; case close_db_n: break; default: cerr << "Unknown case in switch in function ProcessUtility" << endl; para_check(0); } #ifndef STAND_ALONE switch(root->_type) { case create_db_n: status = context.create_db(name); break; case drop_db_n: status = context.drop_db(name); break; case open_db_n: status = context.open_db(name); break; case close_db_n: status = context.close_db(); break; case drop_extent_n: status = context.drop_extent(name); break; } #endif STAND_ALONE if (status != OQL_OK) { errstream() << "Error occurred in processing this utility." << "Dont know [and couldnt care less]" << " where the error is...\n"; return paraQ_ERROR; } return paraNOERROR; }
bool LxcZone::runInZone(const std::vector<std::string>& argv) { std::vector<const char *> args; args.reserve(argv.size() + 1); for (const auto& arg : argv) { args.push_back(arg.c_str()); } args.push_back(nullptr); lxc_attach_options_t options = LXC_ATTACH_OPTIONS_DEFAULT; options.attach_flags = LXC_ATTACH_REMOUNT_PROC_SYS | LXC_ATTACH_DROP_CAPABILITIES | LXC_ATTACH_SET_PERSONALITY | LXC_ATTACH_LSM_EXEC | LXC_ATTACH_LSM_NOW | LXC_ATTACH_MOVE_TO_CGROUP; // use Channel to catch stderr from binary utils::Channel channel; RunBinaryPayload payload{&channel, args.data()}; pid_t pid; int ret = mLxcContainer->attach(mLxcContainer, runBinaryInZone, &payload, &options, &pid); if (ret != 0) { return false; } channel.setLeft(); std::string msg; do { namespace io = boost::iostreams; io::stream<io::file_descriptor_source> errstream(io::file_descriptor_source(channel.getFD(), io::never_close_handle)); std::string line; while (std::getline(errstream, line).good()) msg += line + ";"; } while (false); int status; if (!utils::waitPid(pid, status)) { LOGE("waitPid: " + utils::getSystemErrorMessage()); return false; } channel.shutdown(); if (status) { LOGE("[child err=" + std::to_string(status) + "] " + msg); } else if (!msg.empty()) { LOGI("[child]: " + msg); } return status == 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); QString serialPortName; QString serialPortFriendlyName; QString sisFile; QString exeFile; QStringList cmdLine; QStringList args = QCoreApplication::arguments(); QTextStream outstream(stdout); QTextStream errstream(stderr); QString uploadLocalFile; QString uploadRemoteFile; QString downloadRemoteFile; QString downloadLocalFile; QString dstName = "c:\\data\\testtemp.sis"; int loglevel=1; int timeout=0; bool crashlog = true; enum {AgentUnknown, AgentCoda, AgentTRK} debugAgent = AgentUnknown; QString crashlogpath; QListIterator<QString> it(args); it.next(); //skip name of program while (it.hasNext()) { QString arg = it.next(); if (arg.startsWith("-")) { if (arg == "--portname" || arg == "-p") { CHECK_PARAMETER_EXISTS serialPortName = it.next(); } else if (arg == "--portfriendlyname" || arg == "-f") { CHECK_PARAMETER_EXISTS serialPortFriendlyName = it.next(); } else if (arg == "--sis" || arg == "-s") { CHECK_PARAMETER_EXISTS sisFile = it.next(); if (!QFileInfo(sisFile).exists()) { errstream << "Sis file (" << sisFile << ") doesn't exist" << endl; return 1; } } else if (arg == "--upload" || arg == "-u") { CHECK_PARAMETER_EXISTS uploadLocalFile = it.next(); if (!QFileInfo(uploadLocalFile).exists()) { errstream << "Executable file (" << uploadLocalFile << ") doesn't exist" << endl; return 1; } CHECK_PARAMETER_EXISTS uploadRemoteFile = it.next(); } else if (arg == "--download" || arg == "-d") { CHECK_PARAMETER_EXISTS downloadRemoteFile = it.next(); CHECK_PARAMETER_EXISTS downloadLocalFile = it.next(); QFileInfo downloadInfo(downloadLocalFile); if (downloadInfo.exists() && !downloadInfo.isFile()) { errstream << downloadLocalFile << " is not a file." << endl; return 1; } } else if (arg == "--timeout" || arg == "-t") { CHECK_PARAMETER_EXISTS bool ok; timeout = it.next().toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { errstream << "Timeout must be specified in milliseconds" << endl; return 1; } } else if (arg == "--coda") debugAgent = AgentCoda; else if (arg == "--trk") debugAgent = AgentTRK; else if (arg == "--tempfile" || arg == "-T") { CHECK_PARAMETER_EXISTS dstName = it.next(); } else if (arg == "--verbose" || arg == "-v") loglevel=2; else if (arg == "--quiet" || arg == "-q") loglevel=0; else if (arg == "--nocrashlog") crashlog = false; else if (arg == "--crashlogpath") { CHECK_PARAMETER_EXISTS crashlogpath = it.next(); } else errstream << "unknown command line option " << arg << endl; } else { exeFile = arg; while(it.hasNext()) { cmdLine.append(it.next()); } } } if (exeFile.isEmpty() && sisFile.isEmpty() && (uploadLocalFile.isEmpty() || uploadRemoteFile.isEmpty()) && (downloadLocalFile.isEmpty() || downloadRemoteFile.isEmpty())) { printUsage(outstream, args[0]); return 1; } if (!uploadLocalFile.isEmpty() && (!downloadLocalFile.isEmpty() || !downloadRemoteFile.isEmpty())) { errstream << "Upload option can't be used together with download" << endl; printUsage(outstream, args[0]); return 1; } if (serialPortName.isEmpty()) { if (loglevel > 0) outstream << "Detecting serial ports" << endl; foreach (const SerialPortId &id, enumerateSerialPorts(loglevel)) { if (loglevel > 0) outstream << "Port Name: " << id.portName << ", " << "Friendly Name:" << id.friendlyName << endl; if (!id.friendlyName.isEmpty() && serialPortFriendlyName.isEmpty() && (id.friendlyName.contains("symbian", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || id.friendlyName.contains("s60", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || id.friendlyName.contains("nokia", Qt::CaseInsensitive))) { serialPortName = id.portName; break; } else if (!id.friendlyName.isEmpty() && !serialPortFriendlyName.isEmpty() && id.friendlyName.contains(serialPortFriendlyName)) { serialPortName = id.portName; break; } } if (serialPortName.isEmpty()) { errstream << "No phone found, ensure USB cable is connected or specify manually with -p" << endl; return 1; } } CodaSignalHandler codaHandler; QScopedPointer<trk::Launcher> launcher; TrkSignalHandler trkHandler; QFileInfo info(exeFile); QFileInfo uploadInfo(uploadLocalFile); if (debugAgent == AgentUnknown) { outstream << "detecting debug agent..." << endl; CodaSignalHandler codaDetector; //auto detect agent codaDetector.setSerialPortName(serialPortName); codaDetector.setLogLevel(loglevel); codaDetector.setActionType(ActionPingOnly); codaDetector.setTimeout(1000); if (!codaDetector.run()) { debugAgent = AgentCoda; outstream << " - Coda is found" << endl; } else { debugAgent = AgentTRK; outstream << " - Coda is not found, defaulting to TRK" << endl; } } if (debugAgent == AgentCoda) { codaHandler.setSerialPortName(serialPortName); codaHandler.setLogLevel(loglevel); if (!sisFile.isEmpty()) { codaHandler.setActionType(ActionCopyInstall); codaHandler.setCopyFileName(sisFile, dstName); } else if (!uploadLocalFile.isEmpty() && uploadInfo.exists()) { codaHandler.setActionType(ActionCopy); codaHandler.setCopyFileName(uploadLocalFile, uploadRemoteFile); } if (!exeFile.isEmpty()) { codaHandler.setActionType(ActionRun); codaHandler.setAppFileName(QString("c:\\sys\\bin\\") + info.fileName()); codaHandler.setCommandLineArgs(cmdLine.join(QLatin1String(", "))); } if (!downloadRemoteFile.isEmpty() && !downloadLocalFile.isEmpty()) { codaHandler.setActionType(ActionDownload); codaHandler.setDownloadFileName(downloadRemoteFile, downloadLocalFile); } if (loglevel > 0) outstream << "Connecting to target via " << serialPortName << endl; if (timeout > 0) codaHandler.setTimeout(timeout); QObject::connect(OsSignalConverter::instance(), SIGNAL(terminate()), &codaHandler, SLOT(terminate()), Qt::QueuedConnection); return codaHandler.run(); } else { launcher.reset(new trk::Launcher(trk::Launcher::ActionPingOnly, SymbianUtils::SymbianDeviceManager::instance()->acquireDevice(serialPortName))); QStringList srcNames, dstNames; if (!sisFile.isEmpty()) { launcher->addStartupActions(trk::Launcher::ActionCopyInstall); srcNames.append(sisFile); dstNames.append(dstName); launcher->setInstallFileNames(QStringList(dstName)); } if (!uploadLocalFile.isEmpty() && uploadInfo.exists()) { launcher->addStartupActions(trk::Launcher::ActionCopy); srcNames.append(uploadLocalFile); dstNames.append(uploadRemoteFile); } launcher->setCopyFileNames(srcNames, dstNames); if (!exeFile.isEmpty()) { launcher->addStartupActions(trk::Launcher::ActionRun); launcher->setFileName(QString("c:\\sys\\bin\\") + info.fileName()); launcher->setCommandLineArgs(cmdLine.join(QLatin1String(" "))); } if (!downloadRemoteFile.isEmpty() && !downloadLocalFile.isEmpty()) { launcher->addStartupActions(trk::Launcher::ActionDownload); launcher->setDownloadFileName(downloadRemoteFile, downloadLocalFile); } if (loglevel > 0) outstream << "Connecting to target via " << serialPortName << endl; launcher->setTrkServerName(serialPortName); if (loglevel > 1) launcher->setVerbose(1); trkHandler.setLogLevel(loglevel); trkHandler.setCrashLogging(crashlog); trkHandler.setCrashLogPath(crashlogpath); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(copyingStarted(const QString &)), &trkHandler, SLOT(copyingStarted(const QString &))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(canNotConnect(const QString &)), &trkHandler, SLOT(canNotConnect(const QString &))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(canNotCreateFile(const QString &, const QString &)), &trkHandler, SLOT(canNotCreateFile(const QString &, const QString &))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(canNotWriteFile(const QString &, const QString &)), &trkHandler, SLOT(canNotWriteFile(const QString &, const QString &))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(canNotCloseFile(const QString &, const QString &)), &trkHandler, SLOT(canNotCloseFile(const QString &, const QString &))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(installingStarted(const QString &)), &trkHandler, SLOT(installingStarted(const QString &))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(canNotInstall(const QString &, const QString &)), &trkHandler, SLOT(canNotInstall(const QString &, const QString &))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(installingFinished()), &trkHandler, SLOT(installingFinished())); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(startingApplication()), &trkHandler, SLOT(startingApplication())); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(applicationRunning(uint)), &trkHandler, SLOT(applicationRunning(uint))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(canNotRun(const QString &)), &trkHandler, SLOT(canNotRun(const QString &))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(applicationOutputReceived(const QString &)), &trkHandler, SLOT(applicationOutputReceived(const QString &))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(copyProgress(int)), &trkHandler, SLOT(copyProgress(int))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), &trkHandler, SLOT(stateChanged(int))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(processStopped(uint,uint,uint,QString)), &trkHandler, SLOT(stopped(uint,uint,uint,QString))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(libraryLoaded(trk::Library)), &trkHandler, SLOT(libraryLoaded(trk::Library))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(libraryUnloaded(trk::Library)), &trkHandler, SLOT(libraryUnloaded(trk::Library))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(registersAndCallStackReadComplete(const QList<uint> &,const QByteArray &)), &trkHandler, SLOT(registersAndCallStackReadComplete(const QList<uint> &,const QByteArray &))); QObject::connect(&trkHandler, SIGNAL(resume(uint,uint)), launcher.data(), SLOT(resumeProcess(uint,uint))); QObject::connect(&trkHandler, SIGNAL(terminate()), launcher.data(), SLOT(terminate())); QObject::connect(&trkHandler, SIGNAL(getRegistersAndCallStack(uint,uint)), launcher.data(), SLOT(getRegistersAndCallStack(uint,uint))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(finished()), &trkHandler, SLOT(finished())); QObject::connect(OsSignalConverter::instance(), SIGNAL(terminate()), launcher.data(), SLOT(terminate()), Qt::QueuedConnection); QTimer timer; timer.setSingleShot(true); QObject::connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), &trkHandler, SLOT(timeout())); if (timeout > 0) { timer.start(timeout); } QString errorMessage; if (!launcher->startServer(&errorMessage)) { errstream << errorMessage << endl; return 1; } } return a.exec(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); QString serialPortName; QString serialPortFriendlyName; QString sisFile; QString exeFile; QStringList cmdLine; QStringList args = QCoreApplication::arguments(); QTextStream outstream(stdout); QTextStream errstream(stderr); QString downloadRemoteFile; QString downloadLocalFile; int loglevel=1; int timeout=0; QListIterator<QString> it(args); it.next(); //skip name of program while (it.hasNext()) { QString arg = it.next(); if (arg.startsWith("-")) { if (arg == "--portname" || arg == "-p") { CHECK_PARAMETER_EXISTS serialPortName = it.next(); } else if (arg == "--portfriendlyname" || arg == "-f") { CHECK_PARAMETER_EXISTS serialPortFriendlyName = it.next(); } else if (arg == "--sis" || arg == "-s") { CHECK_PARAMETER_EXISTS sisFile = it.next(); } else if (arg == "--download" || arg == "-d") { CHECK_PARAMETER_EXISTS downloadRemoteFile = it.next(); CHECK_PARAMETER_EXISTS downloadLocalFile = it.next(); } else if (arg == "--timeout" || arg == "-t") { CHECK_PARAMETER_EXISTS bool ok; timeout = it.next().toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { errstream << "Timeout must be specified in milliseconds" << endl; return 1; } } else if (arg == "--verbose" || arg == "-v") loglevel=2; else if (arg == "--quiet" || arg == "-q") loglevel=0; else errstream << "unknown command line option " << arg << endl; } else { exeFile = arg; while(it.hasNext()) { cmdLine.append(it.next()); } } } if (exeFile.isEmpty() && sisFile.isEmpty() && (downloadLocalFile.isEmpty() || downloadRemoteFile.isEmpty())) { printUsage(outstream, args[0]); return 1; } if (serialPortName.isEmpty()) { if (loglevel > 0) outstream << "Detecting serial ports" << endl; foreach (const SerialPortId &id, enumerateSerialPorts()) { if (loglevel > 0) outstream << "Port Name: " << id.portName << ", " << "Friendly Name:" << id.friendlyName << endl; if (!id.friendlyName.isEmpty() && serialPortFriendlyName.isEmpty() && (id.friendlyName.contains("symbian", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || id.friendlyName.contains("s60", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || id.friendlyName.contains("nokia", Qt::CaseInsensitive))) { serialPortName = id.portName; break; } else if (!id.friendlyName.isEmpty() && !serialPortFriendlyName.isEmpty() && id.friendlyName.contains(serialPortFriendlyName)) { serialPortName = id.portName; break; } } if (serialPortName.isEmpty()) { errstream << "No phone found, ensure USB cable is connected or specify manually with -p" << endl; return 1; } } QScopedPointer<trk::Launcher> launcher; launcher.reset(new trk::Launcher(trk::Launcher::ActionPingOnly)); QFileInfo info(exeFile); if (!sisFile.isEmpty()) { launcher->addStartupActions(trk::Launcher::ActionCopyInstall); launcher->setCopyFileName(sisFile, "c:\\data\\testtemp.sis"); launcher->setInstallFileName("c:\\data\\testtemp.sis"); } else if (info.exists()) { launcher->addStartupActions(trk::Launcher::ActionCopy); launcher->setCopyFileName(exeFile, QString("c:\\sys\\bin\\") + info.fileName()); } if (!exeFile.isEmpty()) { launcher->addStartupActions(trk::Launcher::ActionRun); launcher->setFileName(QString("c:\\sys\\bin\\") + info.fileName()); launcher->setCommandLineArgs(cmdLine); } if (!downloadRemoteFile.isEmpty() && !downloadLocalFile.isEmpty()) { launcher->addStartupActions(trk::Launcher::ActionDownload); launcher->setDownloadFileName(downloadRemoteFile, downloadLocalFile); } if (loglevel > 0) outstream << "Connecting to target via " << serialPortName << endl; launcher->setTrkServerName(serialPortName); if (loglevel > 1) launcher->setVerbose(1); TrkSignalHandler handler; handler.setLogLevel(loglevel); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(copyingStarted()), &handler, SLOT(copyingStarted())); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(canNotConnect(const QString &)), &handler, SLOT(canNotConnect(const QString &))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(canNotCreateFile(const QString &, const QString &)), &handler, SLOT(canNotCreateFile(const QString &, const QString &))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(canNotWriteFile(const QString &, const QString &)), &handler, SLOT(canNotWriteFile(const QString &, const QString &))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(canNotCloseFile(const QString &, const QString &)), &handler, SLOT(canNotCloseFile(const QString &, const QString &))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(installingStarted()), &handler, SLOT(installingStarted())); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(canNotInstall(const QString &, const QString &)), &handler, SLOT(canNotInstall(const QString &, const QString &))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(installingFinished()), &handler, SLOT(installingFinished())); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(startingApplication()), &handler, SLOT(startingApplication())); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(applicationRunning(uint)), &handler, SLOT(applicationRunning(uint))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(canNotRun(const QString &)), &handler, SLOT(canNotRun(const QString &))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(applicationOutputReceived(const QString &)), &handler, SLOT(applicationOutputReceived(const QString &))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(copyProgress(int)), &handler, SLOT(copyProgress(int))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), &handler, SLOT(stateChanged(int))); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(processStopped(uint,uint,uint,QString)), &handler, SLOT(stopped(uint,uint,uint,QString))); QObject::connect(&handler, SIGNAL(resume(uint,uint)), launcher.data(), SLOT(resumeProcess(uint,uint))); QObject::connect(&handler, SIGNAL(terminate()), launcher.data(), SLOT(terminate())); QObject::connect(launcher.data(), SIGNAL(finished()), &handler, SLOT(finished())); QTimer timer; timer.setSingleShot(true); QObject::connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), &handler, SLOT(timeout())); if (timeout > 0) { timer.start(timeout); } QString errorMessage; if (!launcher->startServer(&errorMessage)) { errstream << errorMessage << endl; return 1; } return a.exec(); }