Пример #1
bool insertDB()
    std::unique_ptr<MYSQL, MysqlDestroy> mysql{ mysql_init(nullptr) };
    if (!mysql_real_connect(&*mysql, IP.c_str(), USER.c_str(), PASSWORD.c_str(), "test", PORT, nullptr, 0)) {
        printf("error mysql_real_connect\n");
        return false;

    std::string sql = "INSERT INTO `txx` (`fname`, `fblob`) VALUES ('";

    std::string val = "sddfa\r\n'a'b'c'";
    auto buff = escapeString(&*mysql, val.data(), val.size());
    sql.append(buff.begin(), buff.end());
    sql += "','";

    std::vector<int32_t> blob = {100,0,200,0,123456789,1234567890};
    buff = escapeString(&*mysql, (const char*)blob.data(), blob.size() * sizeof(int32_t));
    sql.append(buff.begin(), buff.end());
    sql += "')";
    if (mysql_real_query(&*mysql, sql.data(), sql.size()) != 0) {
        printf("error mysql_query\n");
        return false;
    return true;
Пример #2
GerberGenerator::GerberGenerator(const QString& projName, const Uuid& projUuid,
                                 const QString& projRevision) noexcept
  : mProjectId(escapeString(projName)),
    mApertureList(new GerberApertureList()),
    mMultiQuadrantArcModeOn(false) {
Пример #3
void CfgFile::addBlock(const std::string &sBlock, const blockMap &block)
    if (findBlock(sBlock) == 0)
        std::ofstream f;
        copyFirstPart(f, cfgfile.tellg());
        for (auto item : block)
            std::string sValue = item.second;

            if (sValue.find_first_of("\n\r") != std::string::npos)
                throw std::invalid_argument("I can't write a string containing a 'new line' to the config file!");

            escapeString(sValue, "\"#", '\\');
            if (sValue.find_first_of(" \t") != std::string::npos)
                sValue = "\"" + sValue + "\"";

            f << '\t' << item.first << " = " << sValue << "\n";
        copySecondPart(f, cfgfile.tellg());

        if (findKey("") != 2)
            throw std::logic_error(
                    "unhandled return value of findKey(). Or something is very wrong with your cfg file.");

        // now we are at eof, but empty lines or comments at the end of the file do not matter
        if (cfgfile.get() != '\n')
            cfgfile << '\n';

        cfgfile << "\n[" << sBlock << "]\n";
        for (auto item : block)
            std::string sValue = item.second;

            if (sValue.find_first_of("\n\r") != std::string::npos)
                throw std::invalid_argument("I can't write a string containing a 'new line' to the config file!");

            escapeString(sValue, "\"#", '\\');
            if (sValue.find_first_of(" \t") != std::string::npos)
                sValue = "\"" + sValue + "\"";

            cfgfile << '\t' << item.first << " = " << sValue << "\n";
Пример #4
  bool BCLXML::save() const
    if (m_path.empty()){
      return false;

    QDomDocument doc;
    doc.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"");

    QDomElement docElement;
    if (m_bclXMLType == BCLXMLType::ComponentXML){
      docElement = doc.createElement("component");
    }else if (m_bclXMLType == BCLXMLType::MeasureXML){
      docElement = doc.createElement("measure");
      return false;

    QDomElement element = doc.createElement("name");

    element = doc.createElement("uid");

    element = doc.createElement("version_id");

    element = doc.createElement("description");

    if (m_bclXMLType == BCLXMLType::MeasureXML){
      element = doc.createElement("modeler_description");

    // TODO: write provenances
    element = doc.createElement("provenances");

    // write tags
    element = doc.createElement("tags");
    Q_FOREACH(const std::string& tag, m_tags){
      QDomElement tagElement = doc.createElement("tag");
Пример #5
  // Print the cluster of the subregions. This groups the single basic blocks
  // and adds a different background color for each group.
  static void printRegionCluster(const ScopDetection *SD, const Region *R,
                                 raw_ostream &O, unsigned depth = 0) {
    O.indent(2 * depth) << "subgraph cluster_" << static_cast<const void *>(R)
                        << " {\n";
    unsigned LineBegin, LineEnd;
    std::string FileName;

    getDebugLocation(R, LineBegin, LineEnd, FileName);

    std::string Location;
    if (LineBegin != (unsigned)-1) {
      Location = escapeString(FileName + ":" + std::to_string(LineBegin) + "-" +
                              std::to_string(LineEnd) + "\n");

    std::string ErrorMessage = SD->regionIsInvalidBecause(R);
    ErrorMessage = escapeString(ErrorMessage);
    O.indent(2 * (depth + 1)) << "label = \"" << Location << ErrorMessage
                              << "\";\n";

    if (SD->isMaxRegionInScop(*R)) {
      O.indent(2 * (depth + 1)) << "style = filled;\n";

      // Set color to green.
      O.indent(2 * (depth + 1)) << "color = 3";
    } else {
      O.indent(2 * (depth + 1)) << "style = solid;\n";

      int color = (R->getDepth() * 2 % 12) + 1;

      // We do not want green again.
      if (color == 3)
        color = 6;

      O.indent(2 * (depth + 1)) << "color = " << color << "\n";

    for (const auto &SubRegion : *R)
      printRegionCluster(SD, SubRegion.get(), O, depth + 1);

    RegionInfo *RI = R->getRegionInfo();

    for (const auto &BB : R->blocks())
      if (RI->getRegionFor(BB) == R)
        O.indent(2 * (depth + 1))
            << "Node"
            << static_cast<void *>(RI->getTopLevelRegion()->getBBNode(BB))
            << ";\n";

    O.indent(2 * depth) << "}\n";
Пример #6
    QUrl url;
    url.setScheme( "http" );
    url.setHost( "oops.last.fm" );
    url.setPath( "logsubmission/add" );
    url.addEncodedQueryItem( "username", QUrl::toPercentEncoding(Ws::Username) );
    #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
        url.addQueryItem( "platform", "macosx" );
    #elif defined WIN32
        url.addQueryItem( "platform", "win32" );
        url.addQueryItem( "platform", "linux" );
    url.addQueryItem( "clientname", QCoreApplication::applicationName() );
    url.addQueryItem( "clientversion", QCoreApplication::applicationVersion() );

    QNetworkRequest request = QNetworkRequest( url );
    request.setRawHeader( "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data;boundary=8e61d618ca16" );
    request.setRawHeader( "Accept", "*/*" );

    m_data.append( postData( "usernotes", escapeString( m_usernotes ).toLatin1() ) );
    m_data.append( postData( "logs", m_logs.join(",").toLatin1() ) );
    m_data.append( "--8e61d618ca16--" ); // close the post request
    m_error = false;
    QNetworkReply *reply = (new WsAccessManager( this ))->post( request, m_data );
    connect( reply, SIGNAL( finished() ),
             this, SLOT( onFinished() ) );
    connect( reply, SIGNAL( error( QNetworkReply::NetworkError ) ),
             this, SLOT( onError( QNetworkReply::NetworkError ) ) );
Пример #7
QueryBuilder::excludeFilter( int tables, const QString& filter )
    if ( !filter.isEmpty() )
        m_where += "AND ( true ";
        if ( tables & tabAlbum ) m_where += "AND album.name <> '%" + escapeString( filter ) + "%' ";
        if ( tables & tabArtist ) m_where += "AND artist.name <> '%" + escapeString( filter ) + "%' ";
        if ( tables & tabGenre ) m_where += "AND genre.name <> '%" + escapeString( filter ) + "%' ";
        if ( tables & tabYear ) m_where += "AND year.name <> '%" + escapeString( filter ) + "%' ";
        if ( tables & tabSong ) m_where += "AND tags.title <> '%" + escapeString( filter ) + "%' ";
        m_where += " ) ";

    m_linkTables |= tables;
Пример #8
std::deque< std::string > fromDB(const liboscar::Static::OsmKeyValueObjectStore & db, sserialize::StringCompleter::QuerryType qt, uint32_t count) {
	std::deque< std::string> ret;
	std::string escapeStr = "-+/\\^$[]() ";
	std::set<char> escapeChars(escapeStr.begin(), escapeStr.end());

	if (qt & sserialize::StringCompleter::QT_SUBSTRING) {
		for(size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			uint32_t itemId = ((double)rand()/RAND_MAX)*db.size();
			liboscar::Static::OsmKeyValueObjectStore::Item item( db.at(itemId) );
			std::string str = "";
			for(size_t j = 0; j < item.strCount(); j++) {
				std::string s = item.strAt(j);
				if (s.size()) {
					if (*(s.begin()) == '\"') {
						if (s.size() > 0 && *(s.rbegin()) == '\"') {
							s.erase(s.size()-1, 1);
					str += escapeString(escapeChars, s) + " ";
			if (qt & sserialize::StringCompleter::QT_CASE_INSENSITIVE)
				str = sserialize::unicode_to_lower(str);
			if (str.size() > 3)
	return ret;
Пример #9
SEXP getValue(const std::shared_ptr<cpptoml::base>& base) {
    if (auto v = base->as<std::string>()) {
        std::string s(escapeString(v->get()));
        return Rcpp::wrap(s);
    } else if (auto v = base->as<int64_t>()) {
        std::int64_t s(v->get());
        int t = static_cast<int>(s); // we need int for wrap to work
        return Rcpp::wrap(t);
    } else if (auto v = base->as<double>()) {
        double s(v->get());
        return Rcpp::wrap(s);
    } else if (auto v = base->as<bool>()) {
        bool s(v->get());
        return Rcpp::wrap(s);
    } else if (auto v = base->as<cpptoml::datetime>()) {
        cpptoml::datetime s(v->get());
        struct tm tm;
        tm.tm_year = s.year - 1900;
        tm.tm_mon  = s.month - 1;
        tm.tm_mday = s.day;
        tm.tm_hour = s.hour;
        tm.tm_min  = s.minute;
        tm.tm_sec  = s.second;
        time_t tt = mktime(&tm);
        Rcpp::Datetime r(tt + s.microsecond * 1.0e-6);
        return Rcpp::wrap(r);
    } else {
        Rcpp::warning("Unparsed value, returning null");
        return R_NilValue;
Пример #10
	* Function: Text::toString()
	* Purpose : Produce a string representation of this node
	* Initial : Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert on October 20, 2008
	Revisions and bug fixes:
	std::string Text::toString(bool indent, size_t level) const
		// Create a string to store the string representation
		std::string output;

		// If the output should be indented
		if (indent)
			// If this is not the first indentation level
			if (level > 0)
				// Begin a new line
				output += "\n";

			// For each indentation level
			for (size_t i = 0; i < level; ++i)
				// Add two spaces
				output += "  ";

		// Escape the text and add it to the output
		output += escapeString(m_text);

		// Return the string representation
		return output;
Пример #11
string MysqlHelper::buildUpdateSQL(const string &sTableName,const RECORD_DATA &mpColumns, const string &sWhereFilter)
    ostringstream sColumnNameValueSet;

    map<string, pair<FT, string> >::const_iterator itEnd = mpColumns.end();

    for(map<string, pair<FT, string> >::const_iterator it = mpColumns.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it)
        if (it == mpColumns.begin())
            sColumnNameValueSet << "`" << it->first << "`";
            sColumnNameValueSet << ",`" << it->first << "`";

        if(it->second.first == DB_INT)
            sColumnNameValueSet << "= " << it->second.second;
            sColumnNameValueSet << "= '" << escapeString(it->second.second) << "'";

    ostringstream os;
    os << "update " << sTableName << " set " << sColumnNameValueSet.str() << " " << sWhereFilter;

    return os.str();
Пример #12
/** \brief Complete constructor, takes group information and msk/cmp.
 * This constructor takes a msk/cmp pair. Both must be vectors of length <=
 * \ref HWLM_MASKLEN. */
hwlmLiteral::hwlmLiteral(const std::string &s_in, bool nocase_in,
                         bool noruns_in, u32 id_in, hwlm_group_t groups_in,
                         const vector<u8> &msk_in, const vector<u8> &cmp_in)
    : s(s_in), id(id_in), nocase(nocase_in), noruns(noruns_in),
      groups(groups_in), msk(msk_in), cmp(cmp_in) {
    assert(msk.size() <= HWLM_MASKLEN);
    assert(msk.size() == cmp.size());

    // If we've been handled a nocase literal, all letter characters must be
    // upper-case.
    if (nocase) {

    DEBUG_PRINTF("literal '%s'%s, msk=%s, cmp=%s\n", escapeString(s).c_str(),
                 nocase ? " (nocase)" : "", dumpMask(msk).c_str(),

    // Mask and compare vectors MUST be the same size.
    assert(msk.size() == cmp.size());

    // We must have been passed a msk/cmp that can be applied to s.
    assert(maskIsConsistent(s, nocase, msk, cmp));

    // In the name of good hygiene, zap msk/cmp if msk is all zeroes.
    if (all_of(begin(msk), end(msk), [](u8 val) {
    return val == 0;
})) {
Пример #13
QueryBuilder::addFilter( int tables, const QString& filter, int /*mode*/ )
    if ( !filter.isEmpty() )
        m_where += "AND ( true ";
        if ( tables & tabAlbum ) m_where += "OR album.name LIKE '%" + escapeString( filter ) + "%' ";
        if ( tables & tabArtist ) m_where += "OR artist.name LIKE '%" + escapeString( filter ) + "%' ";
        if ( tables & tabGenre ) m_where += "OR genre.name LIKE '%" + escapeString( filter ) + "%' ";
        if ( tables & tabYear ) m_where += "OR year.name LIKE '%" + escapeString( filter ) + "%' ";
        if ( tables & tabSong ) m_where += "OR tags.title LIKE '%" + escapeString( filter ) + "%' ";
        m_where += " ) ";

    m_linkTables |= tables;
Пример #14
std::string DatabaseMySQL::escapePatternString(const std::string &s)
	std::string str = escapeString(s);
	str = boost::regex_replace(str, boost::regex("%"), "\\%");
	str = boost::regex_replace(str, boost::regex("_"), "\\_");
	return str;
Пример #15
/* Encodes a section table entry back into disk format. */
void *
SgAsmPESectionTableEntry::encode(PESectionTableEntry_disk *disk) const
    /* The file can hold up to eight characters of the name. The name is NUL-padded, not necessarily NUL-terminated. */
    if (p_name.size()>8) {
        fprintf(stderr, "warning: section name too long to store in PE file: \"%s\" (truncated)\n",
    memset(disk->name, 0, sizeof(disk->name));

#ifdef USE_ROSE
    // DQ (1/27/2010): std::min() does not appear to be handle different type of arguments for ROSE. Need to look into this later.
    // memcpy(disk->name, p_name.c_str(), std::min(sizeof(disk->name), (size_t)p_name.size()));
    memcpy(disk->name, p_name.c_str(), std::min( (size_t)(sizeof(disk->name)), (size_t)(p_name.size()) ));
    memcpy(disk->name, p_name.c_str(), std::min(sizeof(disk->name), p_name.size()));

    ByteOrder::host_to_le(p_virtual_size,     &(disk->virtual_size));
    ByteOrder::host_to_le(p_rva,              &(disk->rva));
    ByteOrder::host_to_le(p_physical_size,    &(disk->physical_size));
    ByteOrder::host_to_le(p_physical_offset,  &(disk->physical_offset));
    ByteOrder::host_to_le(p_coff_line_nums,   &(disk->coff_line_nums));
    ByteOrder::host_to_le(p_n_relocs,         &(disk->n_relocs));
    ByteOrder::host_to_le(p_n_coff_line_nums, &(disk->n_coff_line_nums));
    ByteOrder::host_to_le(p_flags,            &(disk->flags));

    return disk;
bool LLWaterParamManager::removeParamSet(const std::string& name, bool delete_from_disk)
	// remove from param list
	preset_map_t::iterator it = mParamList.find(name);
	if (it == mParamList.end())
		LL_WARNS("WindLight") << "No water preset named " << name << LL_ENDL;
		return false;


	// remove from file system if requested
	if (delete_from_disk)
		// <FS:Ansariel> FIRE-10861: Fix Windlight settings order
		//if (gDirUtilp->deleteFilesInDir(getUserDir(), LLURI::escape(name) + ".xml") < 1)
		if (gDirUtilp->deleteFilesInDir(getUserDir(), escapeString(name) + ".xml") < 1)
		// </FS:Ansariel>
			LL_WARNS("WindLight") << "Error removing water preset " << name << " from disk" << LL_ENDL;

	// signal interested parties
	return true;
Пример #17
	StringBuffer &				buf,
	const char *				name,
	bool						wantExpandedUidNames,
	int							indentLevel) const
	int							i;
	int							len;
	char *						escStr;
	StringBuffer				nameBuf;
	UidIdentifierProcessor		uidIdProc;

	if (!wantExpandedUidNames) {
		name = uidIdProc.unexpand(name, nameBuf);
	printIndent(buf, indentLevel);
	switch (m_type) {
	case Configuration::CFG_STRING:
		escStr = escapeString(m_stringVal);
		buf << name << " = \"" << escStr << "\";\n";
		delete [] escStr;
	case Configuration::CFG_LIST:
		buf << name << " = [";
		len = m_listVal->length();
		for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
			escStr = escapeString((*m_listVal)[i]);
			buf << "\"" << escStr << "\"";
			delete [] escStr;
			if (i < len-1) {
				buf << ", ";
		buf << "];\n";
	case Configuration::CFG_SCOPE:
		buf << name << " {\n";
		m_scope->dump(buf, wantExpandedUidNames, indentLevel + 1);
		printIndent(buf, indentLevel);
		buf << "}\n";
		assert(0);	// Bug
Пример #18
inline void printNode(ostream& o, const NodeT& n) {
  string id = n.id();
  string nodeColor = "black";
  if (isSgStatement(n.getNode())) nodeColor = "blue";
  else if (isSgExpression(n.getNode())) nodeColor = "green";
  else if (isSgInitializedName(n.getNode())) nodeColor = "red";
  o << id << " [label=\"" << escapeString(Debug ? n.toStringForDebugging() : n.toString()) << "\", color=\"" << nodeColor << "\", style=\"" << (n.isInteresting() ? "solid" : "dotted") << "\"];\n";
bool LLWaterParamManager::isSystemPreset(const std::string& preset_name) const
	// *TODO: file system access is excessive here.
	// <FS:Ansariel> FIRE-10861: Fix Windlight settings order
	//return gDirUtilp->fileExists(getSysDir() + LLURI::escape(preset_name) + ".xml");
	return gDirUtilp->fileExists(getSysDir() + escapeString(preset_name) + ".xml");
	// </FS:Ansariel>
Пример #20
QString IqOrmSqlDataSource::joinStringArray(const QStringList &list)
    if (list.isEmpty())
        return "";

    QStringList escapedStringList;
    foreach (const QString &string, list) {
Пример #21
void ReplayBuilder::appendString(std::stringstream &out, ReplayData *data,
                                int &i) {
  int len = data->getInt(i++);
  std::stringstream stringStream;
  for (int x = 0; x < len; x++) {
    stringStream << (char) data->getInt(i++);
  out << escapeString(stringStream.str());
void DocumentXML::finalize() {
  assert(NodeStack.size() == 1 && "not completely backtracked");


  for (XML::IdMap<QualType>::iterator i = Types.begin(), e = Types.end();
       i != e; ++i) {
    if (i->first.hasLocalQualifiers()) {
      addAttribute("id", getPrefixedId(i->second, ID_NORMAL));

  for (XML::IdMap<const Type*>::iterator i = BasicTypes.begin(),
         e = BasicTypes.end(); i != e; ++i) {
    addAttribute("id", getPrefixedId(i->second, ID_NORMAL));


  for (XML::IdMap<const DeclContext*>::iterator i = Contexts.begin(),
         e = Contexts.end(); i != e; ++i) {
    addAttribute("id", getPrefixedId(i->second, ID_NORMAL));
    if (const NamedDecl *ND = dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(i->first))
      addAttribute("name", ND->getNameAsString());
    if (const TagDecl *TD = dyn_cast<TagDecl>(i->first))
      addAttribute("type", getPrefixedId(BasicTypes[TD->getTypeForDecl()], ID_NORMAL));
    else if (const FunctionDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(i->first))
      addAttribute("type", getPrefixedId(BasicTypes[FD->getType()->getAs<FunctionType>()], ID_NORMAL));

    if (const DeclContext* parent = i->first->getParent())
      addAttribute("context", parent);


  for (XML::IdMap<std::string>::iterator i = SourceFiles.begin(),
         e = SourceFiles.end(); i != e; ++i) {
    addAttribute("id", getPrefixedId(i->second, ID_FILE));
    addAttribute("name", escapeString(i->first.c_str(), i->first.size()));


  // write the root closing node (which has always subnodes)
  Out << "</" << NodeStack.top() << ">\n";
Пример #23
void dumpLits(UNUSED const vector<hwlmLiteral> &lits) {
#ifdef DEBUG
    DEBUG_PRINTF("building lit table for:\n");
    for (const auto &lit : lits) {
        printf("\t%u:%016llx %s%s\n", lit.id, lit.groups,
               escapeString(lit.s).c_str(), lit.nocase ? " (nc)" : "");
Пример #24
bool TextOArchive::operator()(StringInterface& value, const char* name, const char* label)
    (*buffer_) << "\"";
    const char* str = value.get();
    escapeString(*buffer_, str, str + strlen(value.get()));
    (*buffer_) << "\"";
    return true;
Пример #25
QueryBuilder::addMatches( int tables, const QStringList& match )
    if ( !match.isEmpty() )
        m_where += "AND ( true ";

        for ( uint i = 0; i < match.count(); i++ )
            if ( tables & tabAlbum ) m_where += "OR album.name LIKE '" + escapeString( match[i] ) + "' ";
            if ( tables & tabArtist ) m_where += "OR artist.name LIKE '" + escapeString( match[i] ) + "' ";
            if ( tables & tabGenre ) m_where += "OR genre.name LIKE '" + escapeString( match[i] ) + "' ";
            if ( tables & tabYear ) m_where += "OR year.name LIKE '" + escapeString( match[i] ) + "' ";
            if ( tables & tabSong ) m_where += "OR tags.title LIKE '" + escapeString( match[i] ) + "' ";
            if ( tables & tabStats ) m_where += "OR statistics.url LIKE '" + escapeString( match[i] ) + "' ";

            if ( match[i] == i18n( "Unknown" ) )
                if ( tables & tabAlbum ) m_where += "OR album.name = '' ";
                if ( tables & tabArtist ) m_where += "OR artist.name = '' ";
                if ( tables & tabGenre ) m_where += "OR genre.name = '' ";
                if ( tables & tabYear ) m_where += "OR year.name = '' ";

        m_where += " ) ";

    m_linkTables |= tables;
Visitor::visit(SgNode* n)
     SgAsmGenericSymbol *symbol = isSgAsmGenericSymbol(n);
     if (symbol != NULL)
          printf("Found a SgAsmGenericSymbol, Here: offset = %zu, %p = %s = %s \n",
                 (size_t)0, symbol, escapeString(symbol->class_name()).c_str(),
          printf ("symbol->get_name()      = %s \n",symbol->get_name()->get_string(true).c_str());
          printf ("symbol->get_bound()     = %p \n",symbol->get_bound());
          printf ("symbol->get_size()      = %" PRIu64 " \n",symbol->get_size());
          printf ("symbol->get_value()     = %" PRIu64 " \n",symbol->get_value());

          printf ("symbol->get_type()      = %u = %s \n",symbol->get_type(),symbol->stringifyType().c_str());
          printf ("symbol->get_binding()   = %u = %s \n",symbol->get_binding(),symbol->stringifyBinding().c_str());
          printf ("symbol->get_def_state() = %u = %s \n",symbol->get_def_state(),symbol->stringifyDefState().c_str());

          /* All the ELF-specific stuff and most of the COFF-specific stuff is also represented in the base class, displayed
           * above.  The general rule is that notions that are present in at least two file formats are represented in a
           * common base class and there's no need to access the copies that might be stored in the derived classes. However,
           * they are duplicated in the derived classes because those classes tend to represent data structures described
           * directly in the format specifications. The only reason they're publicly visible in the derived classes is because
           * ROSETTA doesn't support marking certain things as being for internal use only. I'm working on documenting these
           * things better.
           * For instance, the p_st_name member of an SgAsmElfSymbol is a byte offset into an ELF String Table. The actual
           * string is stored in the p_name member of SgAsmGenericSymbol. Modifying the string will cause all the correct
           * memory management actions to occur (ultimately adjusting p_st_name), while modifying p_st_name bypasses string
           * table management (and your new value would be overwritten if/when memory management does occur).
           * [RPM 2008-12-15] */

          /* The Coff-specific stuff may eventually disappear as the base class evolves to handle more of this. In fact, some
           * of these are already duplicates of the same info above. */
          SgAsmCoffSymbol* coffSymbol = isSgAsmCoffSymbol(symbol);
          if (coffSymbol != NULL)
               printf ("   coffSymbol->get_st_name()            = %s \n",coffSymbol->get_st_name().c_str());
               printf ("   coffSymbol->get_st_name_offset()     = %" PRIu64 " \n",coffSymbol->get_st_name_offset());
               printf ("   coffSymbol->get_st_section_num()     = %d  \n",coffSymbol->get_st_section_num());
               printf ("   coffSymbol->get_st_type()            = %u  \n",coffSymbol->get_st_type());
               printf ("   coffSymbol->get_st_storage_class()   = %u  \n",coffSymbol->get_st_storage_class());
               printf ("   coffSymbol->get_st_num_aux_entries() = %u \n",coffSymbol->get_st_num_aux_entries());
               printf ("   coffSymbol->get_aux_data():  size    = %zu \n",coffSymbol->get_aux_data().size());
               for (SgUnsignedCharList::iterator i = coffSymbol->get_aux_data().begin(); i != coffSymbol->get_aux_data().end(); i++)
                    printf ("      coffSymbol->get_aux_data() = %u \n",*i);
Пример #27
string MysqlHelper::buildInsertSQL(const string &sTableName, const RECORD_DATA &mpColumns)
    ostringstream sColumnNames;
    ostringstream sColumnValues;

    map<string, pair<FT, string> >::const_iterator itEnd = mpColumns.end();

    for(map<string, pair<FT, string> >::const_iterator it = mpColumns.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it)
        if (it == mpColumns.begin())
            sColumnNames << "`" << it->first << "`";
            if(it->second.first == DB_INT)
                sColumnValues << it->second.second;
                sColumnValues << "'" << escapeString(it->second.second) << "'";
            sColumnNames << ",`" << it->first << "`";
            if(it->second.first == DB_INT)
                sColumnValues << "," + it->second.second;
                sColumnValues << ",'" + escapeString(it->second.second) << "'";

    ostringstream os;
    os << "insert into " << sTableName << " (" << sColumnNames.str() << ") values (" << sColumnValues.str() << ")";
    return os.str();
Пример #28
SendLogsRequest::addLog( QString name, QString filename )
    if ( QFile::exists( filename ) )
        QFile file( filename );
        if ( !file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) )
        m_data.append( postData( name, qCompress( escapeString( file.readAll() ).toLatin1() ) ) );
        m_logs.append( name );
Пример #29
SEXP getValue(const std::shared_ptr<cpptoml::base>& base) {
    if (auto v = base->as<std::string>()) {
        std::string s(escapeString(v->get()));
        return Rcpp::wrap(s);
    } else if (auto v = base->as<int64_t>()) {
        std::int64_t s(v->get());
        int t = static_cast<int>(s); // we need int for wrap to work
        return Rcpp::wrap(t);
    } else if (auto v = base->as<double>()) {
        double s(v->get());
        return Rcpp::wrap(s);
    } else if (auto v = base->as<bool>()) {
        bool s(v->get());
        return Rcpp::wrap(s);
    } else if (auto v = base->as<cpptoml::local_date>()) {
        cpptoml::local_date s(v->get());
        Rcpp::Date d(s.year,s.month,s.day);
        return Rcpp::wrap(d);
    } else if (auto v = base->as<cpptoml::local_datetime>()) {
        cpptoml::local_datetime s(v->get());
        struct tm tm;
        tm.tm_year = s.year - 1900;
        tm.tm_mon  = s.month - 1;
        tm.tm_mday = s.day;
        tm.tm_hour = s.hour;
        tm.tm_min  = s.minute;
        tm.tm_sec  = s.second;
        time_t tt = local_timegm(&tm); 
        //tt = tt - s.hour_offset*60*60 - s.minute_offset*60;
        Rcpp::DatetimeVector dt(1, "UTC");
        dt[0] = tt + s.microsecond * 1.0e-6;
        return Rcpp::wrap(dt);
    } else if (auto v = base->as<cpptoml::offset_datetime>()) {
        cpptoml::offset_datetime s(v->get());
        struct tm tm;
        tm.tm_year = s.year - 1900;
        tm.tm_mon  = s.month - 1;
        tm.tm_mday = s.day;
        tm.tm_hour = s.hour;
        tm.tm_min  = s.minute;
        tm.tm_sec  = s.second;
        time_t tt = local_timegm(&tm); 
        tt = tt - s.hour_offset*60*60 - s.minute_offset*60;
        Rcpp::DatetimeVector dt(1, "UTC");
        dt[0] =  tt + s.microsecond * 1.0e-6;
        return Rcpp::wrap(dt);
    } else {
        Rcpp::warning("Unparsed value, returning null");
        return R_NilValue;
Пример #30

START_TEST(escapeString_test) {
  char *rv, *expected;
  rv = escapeString(request, "a+b c<d>e\"f%g{h}i|j\\k^l~m[n]o`p;q/r?s:t@u=v&"
   * output of python's urllib.quote(...).lower(), and replacing the remaining
   * '/' with %2f (it doesn't encode that for some reason.
  expected = "a%2bb%20c%3cd%3ee%22f%25g%7bh%7di%7cj%5ck%5el%7em%5bn%5do%60p"
  fail_unless(strcmp(rv, expected) == 0);