static int 
utest_XPairId(ESL_ALPHABET *abc, char **as, ESL_DSQ **ax, int N)
  double pid, pid2;
  int    nid, nid2;
  int    nres, nres2;	
  int    dL, L;
  int    i,j;

  /* Self comparison gives identity = 1. */
  dL = esl_abc_dsqlen(ax[0]);
  L  = strlen(as[0]); 
  if (dL != L) abort();
  if (esl_dst_XPairId(abc, ax[0], ax[0], &pid, &nid, &nres) != eslOK) abort();
  if (pid  != 1.0 || nid != L || nres > dL) abort();

  /* So does 0,1 comparison  */
  if (esl_dst_XPairId(abc, ax[0], ax[1], &pid, &nid, &nres) != eslOK) abort();
  if (pid  != 1.0 || nid != L || nres > L) abort();

  /* 0,2 comparison gives 0.0, 0 */
  if (esl_dst_XPairId(abc, ax[0], ax[2], &pid, &nid, &nres) != eslOK) abort();
  if (pid  != 0.0 || nid != 0 || nres > L) abort();
  /* remaining comparisons shouldn't fail, and should be identical to text mode */
  for (i = 3; i < N; i++)
    for (j = i; j < N; j++)
	if (esl_dst_XPairId(abc, ax[i], ax[j], &pid, &nid, &nres) != eslOK) abort();
	if (esl_dst_CPairId(as[i], as[j], &pid2, &nid2, &nres2)   != eslOK) abort();
	if (pid < 0. || pid > 1. || nid < 0 || nid > L || nres > L)         abort();
	if (pid != pid2 || nid != nid2 || nres != nres2)                    abort();

  /* API should accept NULL for return values */
  if (esl_dst_XPairId(abc, ax[0], ax[0], NULL, NULL, NULL) != eslOK) abort();  
  return eslOK;

Пример #2
/* Function: esl_msashuffle_XQRNA()
 * Synopsis: Gap-preserving column shuffle of a digital pairwise alignment.
 * Incept:   SRE, Tue Jan 22 09:09:52 2008 [Market Street Cafe, Leesburg]
 * Purpose:  Shuffle a digital pairwise alignment <x>,<y> while
 *           preserving the position of gaps, where both sequences are
 *           in digital alphabet <abc>, using the random number
 *           generator <r>. Return the shuffled alignment in <xs>,
 *           <ys>. Caller provides allocated space for <xs> and <ys>
 *           for at least the same length of <x>,<y>.
 *           Works by doing three separate
 *           shuffles, of (1) columns with residues in both
 *           <x> and <y>, (2) columns with residue in <x> and gap in <y>,
 *           and (3) columns with gap in <x> and residue in <y>.
 *           <xs>,<x> and <ys>,<y> may be identical: that is, to shuffle
 *           an alignment "in place", destroying the original
 *           alignment, just call <esl_msashuffle_XQRNA(r, abc, x,y,x,y)>.
 * Returns:  <eslOK> on success, and the shuffled alignment is 
 *           returned in <xs>, <ys>.
 * Throws:   <eslEMEM> on allocation failure.          
esl_msashuffle_XQRNA(ESL_RANDOMNESS *r, ESL_ALPHABET *abc, ESL_DSQ *x, ESL_DSQ *y, ESL_DSQ *xs, ESL_DSQ *ys)
  int  L;
  int *xycol = NULL;
  int *xcol  = NULL;
  int *ycol  = NULL;
  int  nxy, nx, ny;
  int  i;
  int  pos, c;
  char xsym, ysym;
  int  status;

  L = esl_abc_dsqlen(x);
  if (esl_abc_dsqlen(y) != L) ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "sequences of different lengths in qrna shuffle");

  if (xs != x) esl_abc_dsqcpy(x, L, xs);
  if (ys != y) esl_abc_dsqcpy(y, L, ys);

  /* First, construct three arrays containing lists of the column positions
   * of the three types of columns. (If a column contains gaps in both x and y,
   * we've already simply copied it to the shuffled sequence.)
  ESL_ALLOC(xycol, sizeof(int) * L);
  ESL_ALLOC(xcol,  sizeof(int) * L);
  ESL_ALLOC(ycol,  sizeof(int) * L);
  nxy = nx = ny = 0;

  for (i = 1; i <= L; i++)
      if      (  esl_abc_XIsGap(abc, x[i]) &&   esl_abc_XIsGap(abc, y[i])) { continue; }
      else if (! esl_abc_XIsGap(abc, x[i]) && ! esl_abc_XIsGap(abc, y[i])) { xycol[nxy] = i; nxy++; }
      else if (  esl_abc_XIsGap(abc, x[i]))                                { ycol[ny] = i;   ny++;  }
      else if (  esl_abc_XIsGap(abc, y[i]))                                { xcol[nx] = i;   nx++;  }

  /* Second, shuffle the sequences indirectly, via shuffling these arrays.
   * Yow, careful with those indices, and with order of the statements...
  for (; nxy > 1; nxy--) {
    pos              = esl_rnd_Roll(r, nxy);
    xsym             = xs[xycol[pos]];   ysym             = ys[xycol[pos]];    c            = xycol[pos];   
    xs[xycol[pos]]   = xs[xycol[nxy-1]]; ys[xycol[pos]]   = ys[xycol[nxy-1]];  xycol[pos]   = xycol[nxy-1];
    xs[xycol[nxy-1]] = xsym;             ys[xycol[nxy-1]] = ysym;              xycol[pos]   = xycol[nxy-1];
  for (; nx > 1; nx--) {
    pos            = esl_rnd_Roll(r, nx); 
    xsym           = xs[xcol[pos]];  ysym           = ys[xcol[pos]];  c          = xcol[pos];  
    xs[xcol[pos]]  = xs[xcol[nx-1]]; ys[xcol[pos]]  = ys[xcol[nx-1]]; xcol[pos]  = xcol[nx-1]; 
    xs[xcol[nx-1]] = xsym;           ys[xcol[nx-1]] = ysym;           xcol[nx-1] = c;          
  for (; ny > 1; ny--) {
    pos            = esl_rnd_Roll(r, ny); 
    xsym           = xs[ycol[pos]];  ysym           = ys[ycol[pos]];  c          = ycol[pos]; 
    xs[ycol[pos]]  = xs[ycol[ny-1]]; ys[ycol[pos]]  = ys[ycol[ny-1]]; ycol[pos]  = ycol[ny-1];
    xs[ycol[ny-1]] = xsym;           ys[ycol[ny-1]] = ysym;           ycol[ny-1] = c;          

  free(xycol); free(xcol); free(ycol);
  return eslOK;

  if (xycol != NULL) free(xycol);
  if (xcol  != NULL) free(xcol);
  if (ycol  != NULL) free(ycol);
  return status;