profillic_eslx_msafile_Read(ESLX_MSAFILE *afp, ESL_MSA **ret_msa, ProfileType * profile_ptr)
  ESL_MSA  *msa    = NULL;
  int       status = eslOK;
#ifdef eslAUGMENT_SSI
  esl_pos_t offset = esl_buffer_GetOffset(afp->bf);

  switch (afp->format) {
  case eslMSAFILE_A2M:          if ((status = esl_msafile_a2m_Read      (afp, &msa)) != eslOK) goto ERROR; break;
  case eslMSAFILE_AFA:          if ((status = esl_msafile_afa_Read      (afp, &msa)) != eslOK) goto ERROR; break;
  case eslMSAFILE_CLUSTAL:      if ((status = esl_msafile_clustal_Read  (afp, &msa)) != eslOK) goto ERROR; break;
  case eslMSAFILE_CLUSTALLIKE:  if ((status = esl_msafile_clustal_Read  (afp, &msa)) != eslOK) goto ERROR; break;
  case eslMSAFILE_PFAM:         if ((status = esl_msafile_stockholm_Read(afp, &msa)) != eslOK) goto ERROR; break;
  case eslMSAFILE_PHYLIP:       if ((status = esl_msafile_phylip_Read   (afp, &msa)) != eslOK) goto ERROR; break;
  case eslMSAFILE_PHYLIPS:      if ((status = esl_msafile_phylip_Read   (afp, &msa)) != eslOK) goto ERROR; break;
  case eslMSAFILE_PSIBLAST:     if ((status = esl_msafile_psiblast_Read (afp, &msa)) != eslOK) goto ERROR; break;
  case eslMSAFILE_SELEX:        if ((status = esl_msafile_selex_Read    (afp, &msa)) != eslOK) goto ERROR; break;
  case eslMSAFILE_STOCKHOLM:    if ((status = esl_msafile_stockholm_Read(afp, &msa)) != eslOK) goto ERROR; break;
  case eslMSAFILE_PROFILLIC:    if ((status = profillic_esl_msafile_profile_Read(afp, &msa, profile_ptr)) != eslOK) goto ERROR; break;
  default:                      ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINCONCEIVABLE, "no such msa file format"); break;
#ifdef eslAUGMENT_SSI
  msa->offset = offset;
  *ret_msa = msa;
  return eslOK;

  if (msa) esl_msa_Destroy(msa);
  *ret_msa = NULL;
  return status;
Пример #2
/* Function:  esl_msafile_a2m_GuessAlphabet()
 * Synopsis:  Guess the alphabet of an open A2M MSA file.
 * Purpose:   Guess the alpbabet of the sequences in open
 *            A2M format MSA file <afp>.
 *            On a normal return, <*ret_type> is set to <eslDNA>,
 *            <eslRNA>, or <eslAMINO>, and <afp> is reset to its
 *            original position.
 * Args:      afp      - open A2M format MSA file
 *            ret_type - RETURN: <eslDNA>, <eslRNA>, or <eslAMINO>       
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
 *            <eslENOALPHABET> if alphabet type can't be determined.
 *            In either case, <afp> is rewound to the position it
 *            started at.
 * Throws:    <eslEMEM> on allocation error.
 *            <eslESYS> on failures of fread() or other system calls
esl_msafile_a2m_GuessAlphabet(ESL_MSAFILE *afp, int *ret_type)
  int       alphatype     = eslUNKNOWN;
  esl_pos_t anchor        = -1;
  int       threshold[3]  = { 500, 5000, 50000 }; /* we check after 500, 5000, 50000 residues; else we go to EOF */
  int       nsteps        = 3;
  int       step          = 0;
  int       nres          = 0;
  int       x;
  int64_t   ct[26];
  char     *p;
  esl_pos_t n, pos;
  int       status;

  for (x = 0; x < 26; x++) ct[x] = 0;

  anchor = esl_buffer_GetOffset(afp->bf);
  if ((status = esl_buffer_SetAnchor(afp->bf, anchor)) != eslOK) { status = eslEINCONCEIVABLE; goto ERROR; } /* [eslINVAL] can't happen here */

  while ( (status = esl_buffer_GetLine(afp->bf, &p, &n)) == eslOK)
      while (n && isspace(*p)) { p++; n--; }
      if    (!n || *p == '>') continue;

      for (pos = 0; pos < n; pos++)
	if (isalpha(p[pos])) {
	  x = toupper(p[pos]) - 'A'; 

      /* try to stop early, checking after 500, 5000, and 50000 residues: */
      if (step < nsteps && nres > threshold[step]) {
	if ((status = esl_abc_GuessAlphabet(ct, &alphatype)) == eslOK) goto DONE; /* (eslENOALPHABET) */
  if (status != eslEOF) goto ERROR; /* [eslEMEM,eslESYS,eslEINCONCEIVABLE] */
  status = esl_abc_GuessAlphabet(ct, &alphatype); /* (eslENOALPHABET) */

  /* deliberate flowthrough...*/
  esl_buffer_SetOffset(afp->bf, anchor);   /* Rewind to where we were. */
  esl_buffer_RaiseAnchor(afp->bf, anchor);
  *ret_type = alphatype;
  return status;

  if (anchor != -1) {
    esl_buffer_SetOffset(afp->bf, anchor);
    esl_buffer_RaiseAnchor(afp->bf, anchor);
  *ret_type = eslUNKNOWN;
  return status;
Пример #3
/* Function:  esl_msafile_psiblast_GuessAlphabet()
 * Synopsis:  Guess the alphabet of an open PSI-BLAST MSA file.
 * Purpose:   Guess the alpbabet of the sequences in open
 *            PSI-BLAST format MSA file <afp>.
 *            On a normal return, <*ret_type> is set to <eslDNA>,
 *            <eslRNA>, or <eslAMINO>, and <afp> is reset to its
 *            original position.
 * Args:      afp      - open PSI-BLAST format MSA file
 *            ret_type - RETURN: <eslDNA>, <eslRNA>, or <eslAMINO>       
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
 *            <eslENOALPHABET> if alphabet type can't be determined.
 *            In either case, <afp> is rewound to the position it
 *            started at.
esl_msafile_psiblast_GuessAlphabet(ESLX_MSAFILE *afp, int *ret_type)
  int       alphatype     = eslUNKNOWN;
  esl_pos_t anchor        = -1;
  int       threshold[3]  = { 500, 5000, 50000 }; /* we check after 500, 5000, 50000 residues; else we go to EOF */
  int       nsteps        = 3;
  int       step          = 0;
  int       nres          = 0;
  int       x;
  int64_t   ct[26];
  char     *p, *tok;
  esl_pos_t n,  toklen, pos;
  int       status;

  for (x = 0; x < 26; x++) ct[x] = 0;

  anchor = esl_buffer_GetOffset(afp->bf);
  if ((status = esl_buffer_SetAnchor(afp->bf, anchor)) != eslOK) { status = eslEINCONCEIVABLE; goto ERROR; } /* [eslINVAL] can't happen here */

  while ( (status = esl_buffer_GetLine(afp->bf, &p, &n)) == eslOK)
      if ((status = esl_memtok(&p, &n, " \t", &tok, &toklen)) != eslOK) continue; /* blank lines */
      /* p now points to the rest of the sequence line, after a name */
      /* count characters into ct[] array */
      for (pos = 0; pos < n; pos++)
	if (isalpha(p[pos])) {
	  x = toupper(p[pos]) - 'A';

      /* try to stop early, checking after 500, 5000, and 50000 residues: */
      if (step < nsteps && nres > threshold[step]) {
	if ((status = esl_abc_GuessAlphabet(ct, &alphatype)) == eslOK) goto DONE; /* (eslENOALPHABET) */
  if (status != eslEOF) goto ERROR; /* [eslEMEM,eslESYS,eslEINCONCEIVABLE] */
  status = esl_abc_GuessAlphabet(ct, &alphatype); /* (eslENOALPHABET) */

  esl_buffer_SetOffset(afp->bf, anchor);   /* Rewind to where we were. */
  esl_buffer_RaiseAnchor(afp->bf, anchor);
  *ret_type = alphatype;
  return status;

  if (anchor != -1) {
    esl_buffer_SetOffset(afp->bf, anchor);
    esl_buffer_RaiseAnchor(afp->bf, anchor);
  *ret_type = eslUNKNOWN;
  return status;