Пример #1
static void OnExecuteCommand(Gtk::ComboBoxEntryText& cmd_ent, 
                             Gtk::FileChooserButton& ch_btn)
    ExecState& es = GetES();
    Execution::Data& edat = es.eDat;
    if( !es.isExec )
        ConsoleSetter ess(es);

        Gtk::Entry& ent = *cmd_ent.get_entry();
        std::string cmd = ent.get_text().raw();
        if( cmd.size() )
            Gtk::TextView& txt_view = es.detailsView;
            // переставим команду наверх по истории
            ent.set_text(""); // очищаем
            AppendCommandText(txt_view, "Execute Command: '" + cmd + "'");

            ConsoleOF cof;
            ExitData ed = ExecuteAsync(ch_btn.get_filename().c_str(), cmd.c_str(), OF2RRF(cof), &edat.pid);

            std::string exit_str = ExitDescription(ed);
            AppendCommandText(txt_view, "Exit Status: " + exit_str + ".");
            es.SetStatus(ed.IsGood() ? std::string() : exit_str);
Пример #2
void SpParHelper::LockNFetch(DER * & Matrix, int owner, vector<MPI_Win> & arrwin, MPI_Group & group, IT ** sizes)
	LockWindows(owner, arrwin);

	vector<IT> ess(DER::esscount);			// pack essentials to a vector
	for(int j=0; j< DER::esscount; ++j)	
		ess[j] = sizes[j][owner];	

	Matrix = new DER();	// create the object first	
	FetchMatrix(*Matrix, ess, arrwin, owner);	// then start fetching its elements
Пример #3
void SpParHelper::AccessNFetch(DER * & Matrix, int owner, vector<MPI_Win> & arrwin, MPI_Group & group, IT ** sizes)
	StartAccessEpoch(owner, arrwin, group);	// start the access epoch to arrwin of owner

	vector<IT> ess(DER::esscount);			// pack essentials to a vector
	for(int j=0; j< DER::esscount; ++j)	
		ess[j] = sizes[j][owner];	

	Matrix = new DER();	// create the object first	
	FetchMatrix(*Matrix, ess, arrwin, owner);	// then start fetching its elements