int setPLC_para(const char *abuf, int addr) { unsigned char ebuf[32]; int len, ret; if (abuf == NULL) return 0; memset(ebuf, 0, sizeof(ebuf)); if (addr == OFFSET_PLC_MAC) { len = ETHER_ADDR_LEN; if (!isValidPara(abuf, len)) return 0; ret = ether_atoe(abuf, ebuf); } else if (addr == OFFSET_PLC_NMK) { len = PLC_KEY_LEN; if (!isValidPara(abuf, len)) return 0; ret = key_atoe(abuf, ebuf); } else return 0; if (ret) { FWrite(ebuf, addr, len); getPLC_para(addr); return 1; } else return 0; }
static int setup_bcom_wds(int skfd, char *ifname) { char buf[8192]; char wbuf[80]; char *v; int wds_enabled = 0; memset(buf, 0, 8192); if (v = nvram_get(wl_var("wds"))) { struct maclist *wdslist = (struct maclist *) buf; struct ether_addr *addr = wdslist->ea; char *next; foreach(wbuf, v, next) { if (ether_atoe(wbuf, addr->ether_addr_octet)) { wdslist->count++; addr++; wds_enabled = 1; } } } bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_SET_WDSLIST, buf, sizeof(buf)); return wds_enabled; }
void load_sysparam(void) { char macstr[32]; #if defined(RTCONFIG_WIRELESSREPEATER) || defined(RTCONFIG_PROXYSTA) char tmp[100], prefix[] = "wlXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; #endif #ifdef RTCONFIG_WIRELESSREPEATER if (nvram_get_int("sw_mode") == SW_MODE_REPEATER) { snprintf(prefix, sizeof(prefix), "wl%d.1_", nvram_get_int("wlc_band")); strncpy(ssid_g, nvram_safe_get(strcat_r(prefix, "ssid", tmp)), sizeof(ssid_g)); } else #endif #ifdef RTCONFIG_BCMWL6 #ifdef RTCONFIG_PROXYSTA if (is_psta(0) || is_psta(1)) { snprintf(prefix, sizeof(prefix), "wl%d_", 1 - nvram_get_int("wlc_band")); strncpy(ssid_g, nvram_safe_get(strcat_r(prefix, "ssid", tmp)), 32); } else #endif #endif strncpy(ssid_g, nvram_safe_get("wl0_ssid"), sizeof(ssid_g)); strncpy(netmask_g, nvram_safe_get("lan_netmask"), sizeof(netmask_g)); strncpy(productid_g, get_productid(), sizeof(productid_g)); snprintf(firmver_g, sizeof(firmver_g), "%s.%s", nvram_safe_get("firmver"), nvram_safe_get("buildno")); strcpy(macstr, nvram_safe_get("lan_hwaddr")); // printf("mac: %d\n", strlen(macstr)); if (strlen(macstr)!=0) ether_atoe(macstr, mac); }
unsigned char *get_hwaddr(char *ifname, void *buf, int size) { #ifdef USE_IFNAME struct ifreq ifr; int fd, res; int addrlen = size > ETHER_ADDR_LEN ? ETHER_ADDR_LEN : size; if ((fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) < 0) return NULL; memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr)); snprintf(ifr.ifr_name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name), "%s", ifname); res = ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr); close(fd); if (res < 0 || ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_family != ARPHRD_ETHER) return NULL; memmove(buf, ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, addrlen); return buf; #else if (!nvram_invmatch("et0macaddr", "")) return NULL; ether_atoe(nvram_safe_get("et0macaddr"), buf); return buf; #endif }
int main() { int arp_sockfd; struct sockaddr_in router_addr; char router_ipaddr[17], router_mac[17]; unsigned char scan_ipaddr[4]; // scan ip struct timeval arp_timeout; //Get Router's IP/Mac strcpy(router_ipaddr, nvram_safe_get("lan_ipaddr")); #if defined(RTCONFIG_RGMII_BRCM5301X) || defined(RTCONFIG_QCA) strcpy(router_mac, nvram_safe_get("et1macaddr")); #else strcpy(router_mac, nvram_safe_get("et0macaddr")); #endif #ifdef RTCONFIG_GMAC3 if(nvram_match("gmac3_enable", "1")) strcpy(router_mac, nvram_safe_get("et2macaddr")); #endif inet_aton(router_ipaddr, &router_addr.sin_addr); memcpy(my_ipaddr, &router_addr.sin_addr, 4); //Prepare scan memset(scan_ipaddr, 0x00, 4); memcpy(scan_ipaddr, &router_addr.sin_addr, 3); if (strlen(router_mac)!=0) ether_atoe(router_mac, my_hwaddr); // create UDP socket and bind to "br0" to get ARP packet// arp_sockfd = create_socket(INTERFACE); if(arp_sockfd < 0) { perror("create socket ERR:"); return -1; } else { setsockopt(arp_sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &arp_timeout, sizeof(arp_timeout));//set receive timeout dst_sockll = src_sockll; //2008.06.27 Yau add copy sockaddr info to dst memset(dst_sockll.sll_addr, -1, sizeof(dst_sockll.sll_addr)); // set dmac addr FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF } while(1) { scan_count++; scan_ipaddr[3]++; if( scan_count<255 && memcmp(scan_ipaddr, my_ipaddr, 4) ) { sent_arppacket(arp_sockfd, scan_ipaddr); } else if(scan_count>255) { //Scan completed scan_count=0; scan_ipaddr[3]=0; } //sent_arppacket(arp_sockfd, scan_ipaddr); } //End of while close(arp_sockfd); return 0; }
/* end:, 0xfe27fea9 */ int gen_rpc_qcsapi_ip(void) { int i; unsigned int j; unsigned char *hwaddr; char hwaddr_5g[18]; struct ifreq ifr; struct in_addr start, addr; int hw_len; FILE *fp_qcsapi_conf; /* BRCM */ ether_atoe(nvram_safe_get("lan_hwaddr"), (unsigned char *)&ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data); for (j = 0, i = 0; i < 6; i++){ j += ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[i] + (j << 6) + (j << 16) - j; } start.s_addr = htonl(ntohl(0x127fea9 /* start */) + ((j + 0 /* c->addr_epoch */) % (1 + ntohl(0xfe27fea9 /* end */) - ntohl(0x127fea9 /* start */)))); nvram_set("QTN_RPC_CLIENT", inet_ntoa(start)); /* QTN */ strcpy(hwaddr_5g, nvram_safe_get("lan_hwaddr")); inc_mac(hwaddr_5g, 4); ether_atoe(hwaddr_5g, (unsigned char *)&ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data); for (j = 0, i = 0; i < 6; i++){ j += ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[i] + (j << 6) + (j << 16) - j; } start.s_addr = htonl(ntohl(0x127fea9 /* start */) + ((j + 0 /* c->addr_epoch */) % (1 + ntohl(0xfe27fea9 /* end */) - ntohl(0x127fea9 /* start */)))); nvram_set("QTN_RPC_SERVER", inet_ntoa(start)); if ((fp_qcsapi_conf = fopen("/etc/qcsapi_target_ip.conf", "w")) == NULL){ logmessage("qcsapi", "write qcsapi conf error"); }else{ fprintf(fp_qcsapi_conf, "%s", nvram_safe_get("QTN_RPC_SERVER")); fclose(fp_qcsapi_conf); logmessage("qcsapi", "write qcsapi conf ok"); } #if 0 do_ping_detect(); /* refer wanduck.c */ #endif }
void run_dms(int force_rescan) { int db_rescan_mode; unsigned char mac_bin[ETHER_ADDR_LEN] = {0}; char mac_str[16]; char *apps_name = "Media Server"; char *link_path = "/mnt/minidlna"; char *conf_path = "/etc/minidlna.conf"; char *dest_dir = ".dms"; char *minidlna_argv[] = { "/usr/bin/minidlnad", "-f", conf_path, "-s", NULL, NULL, /* -U */ NULL }; if (!nvram_match("apps_dms", "1")) return; if (!is_dms_support()) return; if (is_dms_run()) return; unlink(link_path); if (!create_mp_link(dest_dir, link_path, 0)) { if (!create_mp_link(dest_dir, link_path, 1)) { logmessage(apps_name, "Cannot start: unable to create DB dir (/%s) on any volumes!", dest_dir); return; } } update_minidlna_conf(link_path, conf_path); ether_atoe(nvram_safe_get("il0macaddr"), mac_bin); minidlna_argv[4] = ether_etoa3(mac_bin, mac_str); db_rescan_mode = nvram_get_int("dlna_rescan"); if (force_rescan || db_rescan_mode == 2) minidlna_argv[5] = "-R"; else if (db_rescan_mode == 1) minidlna_argv[5] = "-U"; _eval(minidlna_argv, NULL, 0, NULL); if (is_dms_run()) logmessage(apps_name, "daemon is started"); }
int get_lan_mac(unsigned char *mac) { unsigned char *lanmac_str = nvram_get("lan_hwaddr"); if (mac) memset(mac, 0, 6); if (!lanmac_str || mac == NULL) return -1; ether_atoe(lanmac_str, mac); return 0; }
int start_dhcp6c(char *wan_ifname) { FILE *fp; int wan6_dhcp, dns6_auto, lan6_auto, sla_id, sla_len; unsigned int ia_id; unsigned char ea[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; const char *conf_file = "/etc/dhcp6c.conf"; const char *duid_file = "/tmp/dhcp6c_duid"; wan6_dhcp = nvram_get_int("ip6_wan_dhcp"); dns6_auto = nvram_get_int("ip6_dns_auto"); lan6_auto = nvram_get_int("ip6_lan_auto"); if (!wan6_dhcp && !dns6_auto && !lan6_auto) return 1; ia_id = 0; sla_id = 1; sla_len = 0; /* auto prefix always /64 */ if (ether_atoe(nvram_safe_get("wan_hwaddr"), ea)) { uint16_t duid_len; struct { uint16_t type; uint16_t hwtype; } __attribute__ ((__packed__)) duid3; /* generate IAID from the last 20 bits of WAN MAC */ ia_id = ((unsigned int)(ea[3] & 0x0f) << 16) | ((unsigned int)(ea[4]) << 8) | ((unsigned int)(ea[5])); /* create DUID from WAN MAC */ duid_len = sizeof(duid3) + ETHER_ADDR_LEN; duid3.type = htons(3); /* DUID-LL */ duid3.hwtype = htons(1); /* Ethernet */ unlink(duid_file); if ((fp = fopen(duid_file, "w"))) { size_t duid_done = 0; duid_done += fwrite(&duid_len, sizeof(duid_len), 1, fp); duid_done += fwrite(&duid3, sizeof(duid3), 1, fp); duid_done += fwrite(&ea, ETHER_ADDR_LEN, 1, fp); fclose(fp); if (duid_done != 3) unlink(duid_file); } }
// dummy TBD int getassoclist_ath9k(char *ifname, unsigned char *list) { unsigned int *count = (unsigned int *)list; struct mac80211_info *mac80211_info; struct wifi_client_info *wc; unsigned char *l = (unsigned char *)list; mac80211_info = mac80211_assoclist(ifname); l += 4; count[0]=0; for (wc = mac80211_info->wci; wc; wc = wc->next) { ether_atoe(wc->mac,l); l+=6; count[0]++; } free_wifi_clients(mac80211_info->wci); free(mac80211_info); return count[0]; }
int set_interface_hwaddr(const char *ifname, const char *mac_str) { struct ifreq ifr; int sockfd, ret; if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) < 0) return -1; memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr)); strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, IFNAMSIZ); ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER; ether_atoe(mac_str, ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data); ret = ioctl(sockfd, SIOCSIFHWADDR, &ifr); close(sockfd); return ret; }
/* OSL arp function */ int wps_osl_arp_get(char *client_ip, unsigned char mac[6]) { FILE *arpfile; char proc_net_arp[] = "/proc/net/arp"; char titlestr[100], ipaddrstr[20], hwtypestr[10], flagstr[6], hwaddrstr[20], maskstr[6], devicestr[20]; /* Get from arp table for ip to mac */ if (!(arpfile = fopen(proc_net_arp, "r")) || !fgets(titlestr, 100, arpfile)) { if (arpfile) fclose(arpfile); TUTRACE((TUTRACE_ERR, "can't open /proc/net/arp!!\n")); return -1; } /* parsing /proc/net/arp contents to get desired client mac */ while (fscanf(arpfile, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", ipaddrstr, hwtypestr, flagstr, hwaddrstr, maskstr, devicestr) != EOF) { if (!strcasecmp(client_ip, ipaddrstr)) { ether_atoe(hwaddrstr, mac); TUTRACE((TUTRACE_INFO, "SSR client mac = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x!!\n", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5])); break; } } fclose(arpfile); return 0; }
int get_real_mac(char *mac, int maclen) { int idx, unit, subunit; char *ptr, ifname[32]; wlif_name_desc_t *wlif_name; if (mac == NULL || maclen < ETHER_ADDR_LEN) return -1; if (mac[0] != 0 || mac[1] != 0 || mac[2] != 0) return 0; /* is a real mac, fast path */ idx = mac[3]; idx --; /* map to wlif_name_array index */ unit = mac[4]; subunit = mac[5]; if (idx < 0 || idx >= ARRAYSIZE(wlif_name_array)) return -1; /* get wlx.y mac addr */ wlif_name = &wlif_name_array[idx]; if (wlif_name->subunit && !wlif_name->wds) snprintf(ifname, sizeof(ifname), "wl%d.%d_hwaddr", unit, subunit); else snprintf(ifname, sizeof(ifname), "wl%d_hwaddr", unit); ptr = nvram_get(ifname); if (ptr == NULL) return -1; ether_atoe(ptr, mac); return 0; }
static int build_ifnames(char *type, char *names, int *size) { char name[32], *next; int len = 0; int s; /* open a raw scoket for ioctl */ if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) < 0) return -1; /* * go thru all device names (wl<N> il<N> et<N> vlan<N>) and interfaces to * build an interface name list in which each i/f name coresponds to a device * name in device name list. Interface/device name matching rule is device * type dependant: * * wl: by unit # provided by the driver, for example, if eth1 is wireless * i/f and its unit # is 0, then it will be in the i/f name list if * wl0 is in the device name list. * il/et: by mac address, for example, if et0's mac address is identical to * that of eth2's, then eth2 will be in the i/f name list if et0 is * in the device name list. * vlan: by name, for example, vlan0 will be in the i/f name list if vlan0 * is in the device name list. */ foreach (name, type, next) { struct ifreq ifr; int i, unit; char var[32], *mac, ea[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; /* vlan: add it to interface name list */ if (!strncmp(name, "vlan", 4)) { /* append interface name to list */ len += snprintf(&names[len], *size - len, "%s ", name); continue; } /* others: proceed only when rules are met */ for (i = 1; i <= DEV_NUMIFS; i ++) { /* ignore i/f that is not ethernet */ ifr.ifr_ifindex = i; if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFNAME, &ifr)) continue; if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr)) continue; if (ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_family != ARPHRD_ETHER) continue; if (!strncmp(ifr.ifr_name, "vlan", 4)) continue; /* wl: use unit # to identify wl */ if (!strncmp(name, "wl", 2)) { if (wl_probe(ifr.ifr_name) || wl_ioctl(ifr.ifr_name, WLC_GET_INSTANCE, &unit, sizeof(unit)) || unit != atoi(&name[2])) continue; } /* et/il: use mac addr to identify et/il */ else if (!strncmp(name, "et", 2) || !strncmp(name, "il", 2)) { snprintf(var, sizeof(var), "%smacaddr", name); if (!(mac = nvram_get(var)) || !ether_atoe(mac, ea) || memcmp(ea, ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, ETHER_ADDR_LEN)) continue; // add by Chen-I to filter out wl interface here if (!wl_probe(ifr.ifr_name)) continue; } /* mac address: compare value */ else if (ether_atoe(name, ea) && !memcmp(ea, ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, ETHER_ADDR_LEN)) ; /* others: ignore */ else continue; /* append interface name to list */ len += snprintf(&names[len], *size - len, "%s ", ifr.ifr_name); } } close(s); *size = len; return 0; }
void start_watchdog(int skfd, char *ifname) { FILE *f; unsigned char buf[8192], wdslist[8192], wbuf[80], *v, *p, *next, *tmp; int i, j, wds = 0, c = 0, restart_wds = 0, wdstimeout = 0, infra; int tsf_attack = 0; unsigned int cur_tsf = 0; if (fork()) return; f = fopen("/var/run/", "w"); fprintf(f, "%d\n", getpid()); fclose(f); infra = strtol(nvram_safe_get(wl_var("infra")), NULL, 0); v = nvram_safe_get(wl_var("wds")); memset(wdslist, 0, 8192); p = wdslist; foreach(wbuf, v, next) { if (ether_atoe(wbuf, p)) { p += 6; wds++; } } for (;;) { sleep(1); /* refresh the distance setting - the driver might change it */ set_distance(skfd, ifname); if (restart_wds) wdstimeout--; if ((c++ < WD_INTERVAL) || ((restart_wds > 0) && (wdstimeout > 0))) continue; else c = 0; /* * In adhoc mode it can be desirable to use a specific BSSID to prevent * accidental cell splitting caused by broken cards/drivers. * When wl0_bssid is set, make sure the current BSSID matches the one * set in nvram. If it doesn't change it and try to overpower the hostile * AP by increasing the upper 32 bit of the TSF by one every time. * * In client mode simply use that variable to connect to a specific AP */ if ((infra < 1) || nvram_match(wl_var("mode"), "sta") || nvram_match(wl_var("mode"), "wet")) { rw_reg_t reg; if (!(tmp = nvram_get(wl_var("bssid")))) continue; if (!ether_atoe(tmp, wbuf)) continue; if ((bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_GET_BSSID, buf, 6) < 0) || (memcmp(buf, "\0\0\0\0\0\0", 6) == 0) || (memcmp(buf, wbuf, 6) != 0)) { if (bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, (infra < 1 ? WLC_SET_BSSID : WLC_REASSOC), wbuf, 6) < 0) continue; if (infra < 1) { /* upper 32 bit of the TSF */ memset(®, 0, sizeof(reg)); reg.size = 4; reg.byteoff = 0x184; bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_R_REG, ®, sizeof(reg)); if (reg.val > cur_tsf) cur_tsf = reg.val; cur_tsf |= 1; cur_tsf <<=1; reg.val = (cur_tsf == ~0 ? cur_tsf : cur_tsf + 1); bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_W_REG, ®, sizeof(reg)); /* set the lower 32 bit as well */ reg.byteoff = 0x180; bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_W_REG, ®, sizeof(reg)); /* set the bssid again, just in case.. */ bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_SET_BSSID, wbuf, 6); /* reached the maximum, next time wrap around to (1 << 16) * instead of 0 */ if (cur_tsf == ~0) cur_tsf = (1 << 16); } } } if (infra < 1) continue; if (nvram_match(wl_var("mode"), "sta") || nvram_match(wl_var("mode"), "wet")) { i = 0; if (bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_GET_BSSID, buf, 6) < 0) i = 1; if (memcmp(buf, "\0\0\0\0\0\0", 6) == 0) i = 1; memset(buf, 0, 8192); strcpy(buf, "sta_info"); bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_GET_BSSID, buf + strlen(buf) + 1, 6); if (bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_GET_VAR, buf, 8192) < 0) { i = 1; } else { sta_info_t *sta = (sta_info_t *) (buf + 4); if ((sta->flags & 0x18) != 0x18) i = 1; if (sta->idle > WD_CLIENT_IDLE) i = 1; } if (i) set_wext_ssid(skfd, ifname); } /* wds */ p = wdslist; restart_wds = 0; if (wdstimeout == 0) wdstimeout = strtol(nvram_safe_get(wl_var("wdstimeout")),NULL,0); for (i = 0; (i < wds) && !restart_wds; i++, p += 6) { memset(buf, 0, 8192); strcpy(buf, "sta_info"); memcpy(buf + strlen(buf) + 1, p, 6); if (!(bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_GET_VAR, buf, 8192) < 0)) { sta_info_t *sta = (sta_info_t *) (buf + 4); if ((sta->flags & 0x40) == 0x40) /* this is a wds link */ { if (sta->idle > wdstimeout) restart_wds = 1; /* if not authorized after WD_AUTH_IDLE seconds idletime */ if (((sta->flags & WL_STA_AUTHO) != WL_STA_AUTHO) && (sta->idle > WD_AUTH_IDLE)) restart_wds = 1; } } } if (restart_wds && (wdstimeout > 0)) { setup_bcom_wds(skfd, ifname); } } }
void set_mac(const char *ifname, const char *nvname, int plus) { int sfd; struct ifreq ifr; int up; int j; if ((sfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) < 0) { _dprintf("%s: %s %d\n", ifname, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return; } strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname); up = 0; if (ioctl(sfd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) == 0) { if ((up = ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_UP) != 0) { ifr.ifr_flags &= ~IFF_UP; if (ioctl(sfd, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr) != 0) { _dprintf("%s: %s %d\n", ifname, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } } else { _dprintf("%s: %s %d\n", ifname, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } if (!ether_atoe(nvram_safe_get(nvname), (unsigned char *)&ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data)) { if (!ether_atoe(nvram_safe_get("et0macaddr"), (unsigned char *)&ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data)) { // goofy et0macaddr, make something up nvram_set("et0macaddr", "00:01:23:45:67:89"); ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[0] = 0; ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[1] = 0x01; ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[2] = 0x23; ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[3] = 0x45; ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[4] = 0x67; ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[5] = 0x89; } while (plus-- > 0) { for (j = 5; j >= 3; --j) { ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[j]++; if (ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[j] != 0) break; // continue if rolled over } } } ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER; if (ioctl(sfd, SIOCSIFHWADDR, &ifr) == -1) { _dprintf("Error setting %s address\n", ifname); } if (up) { if (ioctl(sfd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) == 0) { ifr.ifr_flags |= IFF_UP|IFF_RUNNING; if (ioctl(sfd, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr) == -1) { _dprintf("%s: %s %d\n", ifname, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } else { _dprintf("%s: %s %d\n", ifname, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } close(sfd); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int arp_sockfd, arp_getlen, i; int send_count=0, file_num=0; struct sockaddr_in router_addr, device_addr; char router_ipaddr[17], router_mac[17], buffer[ARP_BUFFER_SIZE]; unsigned char scan_ipaddr[4]; // scan ip FILE *fp_ip; fd_set rfds; ARP_HEADER * arp_ptr; struct timeval tv1, tv2, arp_timeout; int shm_client_detail_info_id; int ip_dup, mac_dup, real_num; int lock; FILE *fp = fopen("/var/run/", "w"); if(fp != NULL){ fprintf(fp, "%d", getpid()); fclose(fp); } #ifdef DEBUG eval("rm", "/var/client*"); #endif //Initial client tables lock = file_lock("networkmap"); shm_client_detail_info_id = shmget((key_t)1001, sizeof(CLIENT_DETAIL_INFO_TABLE), 0666|IPC_CREAT); if (shm_client_detail_info_id == -1){ fprintf(stderr,"shmget failed\n"); file_unlock(lock); exit(1); } CLIENT_DETAIL_INFO_TABLE *p_client_detail_info_tab = (P_CLIENT_DETAIL_INFO_TABLE)shmat(shm_client_detail_info_id,(void *) 0,0); //Reset shared memory memset(p_client_detail_info_tab, 0x00, sizeof(CLIENT_DETAIL_INFO_TABLE)); p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num = 0; p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num = 0; file_unlock(lock); #ifdef NMP_DB nmp_client_list = strdup(nvram_safe_get("nmp_client_list")); NMP_DEBUG_M("NMP Client:\n%s\n", nmp_client_list); signal(SIGUSR2, reset_db); #endif //Get Router's IP/Mac strcpy(router_ipaddr, nvram_safe_get("lan_ipaddr")); #ifdef RTCONFIG_RGMII_BRCM5301X strcpy(router_mac, nvram_safe_get("et1macaddr")); #else strcpy(router_mac, nvram_safe_get("et0macaddr")); #endif inet_aton(router_ipaddr, &router_addr.sin_addr); memcpy(my_ipaddr, &router_addr.sin_addr, 4); //Prepare scan networkmap_fullscan = 1; nvram_set("networkmap_fullscan", "1"); if (argc > 1) { if (strcmp(argv[1], "--bootwait") == 0) { sleep(30); } } if (strlen(router_mac)!=0) ether_atoe(router_mac, my_hwaddr); signal(SIGUSR1, refresh_sig); //catch UI refresh signal // create UDP socket and bind to "br0" to get ARP packet// arp_sockfd = create_socket(INTERFACE); if(arp_sockfd < 0) perror("create socket ERR:"); else { arp_timeout.tv_sec = 0; arp_timeout.tv_usec = 50000; setsockopt(arp_sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &arp_timeout, sizeof(arp_timeout));//set receive timeout dst_sockll = src_sockll; //Copy sockaddr info to dst memset(dst_sockll.sll_addr, -1, sizeof(dst_sockll.sll_addr)); // set dmac= FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF } while(1)//main while loop { while(1) { //full scan and reflush recv buffer fullscan: if(networkmap_fullscan == 1) { //Scan all IP address in the subnetwork if(scan_count == 0) { asusdiscovery(); //find asus device // (re)-start from the begining memset(scan_ipaddr, 0x00, 4); memcpy(scan_ipaddr, &router_addr.sin_addr, 3); arp_timeout.tv_sec = 0; arp_timeout.tv_usec = 50000; setsockopt(arp_sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &arp_timeout, sizeof(arp_timeout));//set receive timeout NMP_DEBUG("Starting full scan!\n"); if(nvram_match("refresh_networkmap", "1")) {//reset client tables lock = file_lock("networkmap"); memset(p_client_detail_info_tab, 0x00, sizeof(CLIENT_DETAIL_INFO_TABLE)); //p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num = 0; //p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num = 0; file_unlock(lock); nvram_unset("refresh_networkmap"); } else { int x = 0; for(; x<255; x++) p_client_detail_info_tab->exist[x]=0; } } scan_count++; scan_ipaddr[3]++; if( scan_count<255 && memcmp(scan_ipaddr, my_ipaddr, 4) ) { sent_arppacket(arp_sockfd, scan_ipaddr); } else if(scan_count==255) { //Scan completed arp_timeout.tv_sec = 2; arp_timeout.tv_usec = 0; //Reset timeout at monitor state for decase cpu loading setsockopt(arp_sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &arp_timeout, sizeof(arp_timeout));//set receive timeout networkmap_fullscan = 0; //scan_count = 0; nvram_set("networkmap_fullscan", "0"); NMP_DEBUG("Finish full scan!\n"); } }// End of full scan memset(buffer, 0, ARP_BUFFER_SIZE); arp_getlen=recvfrom(arp_sockfd, buffer, ARP_BUFFER_SIZE, 0, NULL, NULL); if(arp_getlen == -1) { if( scan_count<255) goto fullscan; else break; } else { arp_ptr = (ARP_HEADER*)(buffer); NMP_DEBUG("*Receive an ARP Packet from: %d.%d.%d.%d to %d.%d.%d.%d:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X - len:%d\n", (int *)arp_ptr->source_ipaddr[0],(int *)arp_ptr->source_ipaddr[1], (int *)arp_ptr->source_ipaddr[2],(int *)arp_ptr->source_ipaddr[3], (int *)arp_ptr->dest_ipaddr[0],(int *)arp_ptr->dest_ipaddr[1], (int *)arp_ptr->dest_ipaddr[2],(int *)arp_ptr->dest_ipaddr[3], arp_ptr->dest_hwaddr[0],arp_ptr->dest_hwaddr[1], arp_ptr->dest_hwaddr[2],arp_ptr->dest_hwaddr[3], arp_getlen); //Check ARP packet if source ip and router ip at the same network if( !memcmp(my_ipaddr, arp_ptr->source_ipaddr, 3) ) { swapbytes16(arp_ptr->message_type); if( //ARP packet to router (arp_ptr->message_type == 0x02 && // ARP response memcmp(arp_ptr->dest_ipaddr, my_ipaddr, 4) == 0 && // dest IP memcmp(arp_ptr->dest_hwaddr, my_hwaddr, 6) == 0) // dest MAC || (arp_ptr->message_type == 0x01 && // ARP request memcmp(arp_ptr->dest_ipaddr, my_ipaddr, 4) == 0) // dest IP ){ //NMP_DEBUG(" It's an ARP Response to Router!\n"); NMP_DEBUG("*RCV %d.%d.%d.%d-%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n", (int *)arp_ptr->source_ipaddr[0],(int *)arp_ptr->source_ipaddr[1], (int *)arp_ptr->source_ipaddr[2],(int *)arp_ptr->source_ipaddr[3], arp_ptr->source_hwaddr[0],arp_ptr->source_hwaddr[1], arp_ptr->source_hwaddr[2],arp_ptr->source_hwaddr[3], arp_ptr->source_hwaddr[4],arp_ptr->source_hwaddr[5]); for(i=0; i<p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num; i++) { ip_dup = memcmp(p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i], arp_ptr->source_ipaddr, 4); mac_dup = memcmp(p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i], arp_ptr->source_hwaddr, 6); if((ip_dup == 0) && (mac_dup == 0)) { lock = file_lock("networkmap"); p_client_detail_info_tab->exist[i] = 1; file_unlock(lock); break; } else if((ip_dup != 0) && (mac_dup != 0)) { continue; } else if( (scan_count>=255) && ((ip_dup != 0) && (mac_dup == 0)) ) { NMP_DEBUG("IP changed, update immediately\n"); NMP_DEBUG("*CMP %d.%d.%d.%d-%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n", p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i][0],p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i][1], p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i][2],p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i][3], p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i][0],p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i][1], p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i][2],p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i][3], p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i][4],p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i][5]); lock = file_lock("networkmap"); memcpy(p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i], arp_ptr->source_ipaddr, 4); memcpy(p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i], arp_ptr->source_hwaddr, 6); p_client_detail_info_tab->exist[i] = 1; file_unlock(lock); /* real_num = p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num; p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num = i; #ifdef NMP_DB check_nmp_db(p_client_detail_info_tab, i); #endif FindAllApp(my_ipaddr, p_client_detail_info_tab); FindHostname(p_client_detail_info_tab); p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num = real_num; */ break; } } //NMP_DEBUG("Out check!\n"); //i=0, table is empty. //i=num, no the same ip at table. if(i==p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num){ lock = file_lock("networkmap"); memcpy(p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num], arp_ptr->source_ipaddr, 4); memcpy(p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num], arp_ptr->source_hwaddr, 6); p_client_detail_info_tab->exist[p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num] = 1; #ifdef NMP_DB check_nmp_db(p_client_detail_info_tab, i); #endif p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num++; file_unlock(lock); #ifdef DEBUG //Write client info to file fp_ip=fopen("/var/client_ip_mac.txt", "a"); if (fp_ip==NULL) { NMP_DEBUG("File Open Error!\n"); } else { NMP_DEBUG_M("Fill: %d-> %d.%d\n", i,p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i][2],p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i][3]); fprintf(fp_ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d,%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n", p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i][0],p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i][1], p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i][2],p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i][3], p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i][0],p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i][1], p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i][2],p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i][3], p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i][4],p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i][5]); } fclose(fp_ip); #endif } } else { //Nomo ARP Packet or ARP response to other IP //Compare IP and IP buffer if not exist for(i=0; i<p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num; i++) { if( !memcmp(p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i], arp_ptr->source_ipaddr, 4) && !memcmp(p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i], arp_ptr->source_hwaddr, 6)) { NMP_DEBUG_M("Find the same IP/MAC at the table!\n"); break; } } if( i==p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num ) //Find a new IP or table is empty! Send an ARP request. { NMP_DEBUG("New device or IP/MAC changed!!\n"); if(memcmp(my_ipaddr, arp_ptr->source_ipaddr, 4)) sent_arppacket(arp_sockfd, arp_ptr->source_ipaddr); else NMP_DEBUG("New IP is the same as Router IP! Ignore it!\n"); } }//End of Nomo ARP Packet }//Source IP in the same subnetwork }//End of arp_getlen != -1 } // End of while for flush buffer /* int y = 0; while(p_client_detail_info_tab->type[y]!=0){ NMP_DEBUG("%d: %d.%d.%d.%d,%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X,%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n", y , p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[y][0],p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[y][1], p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[y][2],p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[y][3], p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[y][0],p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[y][1], p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[y][2],p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[y][3], p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[y][4],p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[y][5], p_client_detail_info_tab->device_name[y], p_client_detail_info_tab->type[y], p_client_detail_info_tab->http[y], p_client_detail_info_tab->printer[y], p_client_detail_info_tab->itune[y], p_client_detail_info_tab->exist[y]); y++; } */ //Find All Application of clients //NMP_DEBUG("\ndetail ? ip : %d ? %d\n\n", p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num, p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num); if(p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num < p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num) { nvram_set("networkmap_status", "1"); FindAllApp(my_ipaddr, p_client_detail_info_tab); FindHostname(p_client_detail_info_tab); #ifdef DEBUG //Fill client detail info table fp_ip=fopen("/var/client_detail_info.txt", "a"); if (fp_ip==NULL) { NMP_DEBUG("File Open Error!\n"); } else { fprintf(fp_ip, "%s,%d,%d,%d,%d\n", p_client_detail_info_tab->device_name[p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num], p_client_detail_info_tab->type[p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num], p_client_detail_info_tab->http[p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num], p_client_detail_info_tab->printer[p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num], p_client_detail_info_tab->itune[p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num]); fclose(fp_ip); } #endif #ifdef NMP_DB write_to_nvram(p_client_detail_info_tab); #endif p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num++; } #ifdef NMP_DB else { NMP_DEBUG_M("commit_no, cli_no, updated: %d, %d, %d\n", commit_no, p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num, client_updated); if( (commit_no != p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num) || client_updated ) { NMP_DEBUG("Commit nmp client list\n"); nvram_commit(); commit_no = p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num; client_updated = 0; } } #endif if(p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num == p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num) nvram_set("networkmap_status", "0"); // Done scanning and resolving } //End of main while loop close(arp_sockfd); return 0; }
void getsyspara(void) { unsigned char buffer[32]; int i; char macaddr[]="00:11:22:33:44:55"; char macaddr2[]="00:11:22:33:44:56"; char macaddr3[]="001122334457"; char macaddr4[]="001122334458"; char ea[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; char country_code[3]; char pin[9]; char productid[13]; char fwver[8], fwver_sub[16]; char blver[20]; unsigned char txbf_para[33]; /* /dev/mtd/2, RF parameters, starts from 0x40000 */ memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); memset(country_code, 0, sizeof(country_code)); memset(pin, 0, sizeof(pin)); memset(productid, 0, sizeof(productid)); memset(fwver, 0, sizeof(fwver)); memset(fwver_sub, 0, sizeof(fwver_sub)); memset(txbf_para, 0, sizeof(txbf_para)); if (FRead(buffer, OFFSET_MAC_ADDR, 6)<0) { dbg("READ MAC address: Out of scope\n"); } else { if (buffer[0]!=0xff) { ether_etoa(buffer, macaddr); ether_etoa2(buffer, macaddr3); } } if (FRead(buffer, OFFSET_MAC_ADDR_2G, 6)<0) { dbg("READ MAC address 2G: Out of scope\n"); } else { if (buffer[0]!=0xff) { ether_etoa(buffer, macaddr2); ether_etoa2(buffer, macaddr4); } } nvram_set("il0macaddr", macaddr); nvram_set("il1macaddr", macaddr2); nvram_set("et0macaddr", macaddr); nvram_set("br0hexaddr", macaddr3); nvram_set("wanhexaddr", macaddr4); if (FRead(buffer, OFFSET_MAC_GMAC0, 6)<0) { dbg("READ MAC address GMAC0: Out of scope\n"); } else { if (buffer[0]==0xff) { if (ether_atoe(macaddr, ea)) FWrite(ea, OFFSET_MAC_GMAC0, 6); } } if (FRead(buffer, OFFSET_MAC_GMAC2, 6)<0) { dbg("READ MAC address GMAC2: Out of scope\n"); } else { if (buffer[0]==0xff) { if (ether_atoe(macaddr2, ea)) FWrite(ea, OFFSET_MAC_GMAC2, 6); } } /* reserved for Ralink. used as ASUS country code. */ if (FRead(country_code, OFFSET_COUNTRY_CODE, 2)<0) { dbg("READ ASUS country code: Out of scope\n"); strcpy(country_code, "GB"); } else { country_code[2] = 0; if ((unsigned char)country_code[0]==0xff) strcpy(country_code, "GB"); } if (strlen(nvram_safe_get("rt_country_code")) == 0) { nvram_set("rt_country_code", country_code); } if (strlen(nvram_safe_get("wl_country_code")) == 0) { nvram_set("wl_country_code", country_code); } if (!strcasecmp(nvram_safe_get("wl_country_code"), "BR")) nvram_set("wl_country_code", "UZ"); /* reserved for Ralink. used as ASUS pin code. */ if (FRead(pin, OFFSET_PIN_CODE, 8)<0) { dbg("READ ASUS pin code: Out of scope\n"); nvram_set("wl_pin_code", ""); } else { if ((unsigned char)pin[0]!=0xff) nvram_set("secret_code", pin); else nvram_set("secret_code", "12345670"); } #if defined(USE_RT3352_MII) #define EEPROM_INIC_SIZE (512) #define EEPROM_INIT_ADDR 0x48000 { char eeprom[EEPROM_INIC_SIZE]; if(FRead(eeprom, EEPROM_INIT_ADDR, sizeof(eeprom)) < 0) { dbg("READ iNIC EEPROM: Out of scope!\n"); } else { FILE *fp; if((fp = fopen("/etc/Wireless/iNIC/iNIC_e2p.bin", "w"))) { fwrite(eeprom, sizeof(eeprom), 1, fp); fclose(fp); } } } #endif /* /dev/mtd/3, firmware, starts from 0x50000 */ if (FRead(buffer, 0x50020, sizeof(buffer))<0) { dbg("READ firmware header: Out of scope\n"); nvram_set("productid", "unknown"); nvram_set("firmver", "unknown"); } else { strncpy(productid, buffer + 4, 12); productid[12] = 0; if(valid_subver(buffer[27])) sprintf(fwver_sub, "%d.%d.%d.%d%c", buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3], buffer[27]); else sprintf(fwver_sub, "%d.%d.%d.%d", buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3]); #if defined(FWBLDSTR) sprintf(fwver_sub, "%s-%s", fwver_sub, FWBLDSTR); #endif sprintf(fwver, "%d.%d.%d.%d", buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3]); nvram_set("productid", trim_r(productid)); nvram_set("firmver", trim_r(fwver)); nvram_set("firmver_sub", trim_r(fwver_sub)); } memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); FRead(buffer, OFFSET_BOOT_VER, 4); sprintf(blver, "%s-0%c-0%c-0%c-0%c", trim_r(productid), buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3]); nvram_set("blver", trim_r(blver)); int count_0xff = 0; if (FRead(txbf_para, OFFSET_TXBF_PARA, 33) < 0) { dbg("READ TXBF PARA address: Out of scope\n"); } else { for (i = 0; i < 33; i++) { if (txbf_para[i] == 0xff) count_0xff++; } } if (count_0xff == 33) nvram_set("wl_txbf_en", "0"); else nvram_set("wl_txbf_en", "1"); }
void init_syspara(void) { unsigned char buffer[16]; unsigned char *dst; unsigned int bytes; int i; char macaddr[]="00:11:22:33:44:55"; char macaddr2[]="00:11:22:33:44:58"; char country_code[3]; char pin[9]; char productid[13]; char fwver[8]; char blver[20]; unsigned char txbf_para[33]; char ea[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; nvram_set("buildno", rt_serialno); nvram_set("extendno", rt_extendno); nvram_set("buildinfo", rt_buildinfo); nvram_set("swpjverno", rt_swpjverno); /* /dev/mtd/2, RF parameters, starts from 0x40000 */ dst = buffer; bytes = 6; memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); memset(country_code, 0, sizeof(country_code)); memset(pin, 0, sizeof(pin)); memset(productid, 0, sizeof(productid)); memset(fwver, 0, sizeof(fwver)); memset(txbf_para, 0, sizeof(txbf_para)); if (FRead(dst, OFFSET_MAC_ADDR, bytes)<0) { _dprintf("READ MAC address: Out of scope\n"); } else { if (buffer[0]!=0xff) ether_etoa(buffer, macaddr); } #if !defined(RTN14U) // single band if (FRead(dst, OFFSET_MAC_ADDR_2G, bytes)<0) { _dprintf("READ MAC address 2G: Out of scope\n"); } else { if (buffer[0]!=0xff) ether_etoa(buffer, macaddr2); } #endif #if defined(RTN14U) // single band if (!mssid_mac_validate(macaddr)) #else if (!mssid_mac_validate(macaddr) || !mssid_mac_validate(macaddr2)) #endif nvram_set("wl_mssid", "0"); else nvram_set("wl_mssid", "1"); #if defined(RTN14U) // single band nvram_set("et0macaddr", macaddr); nvram_set("et1macaddr", macaddr); #else //TODO: separate for different chipset solution nvram_set("et0macaddr", macaddr); nvram_set("et1macaddr", macaddr2); #endif if (FRead(dst, OFFSET_MAC_GMAC0, bytes)<0) dbg("READ MAC address GMAC0: Out of scope\n"); else { if (buffer[0]==0xff) { if (ether_atoe(macaddr, ea)) FWrite(ea, OFFSET_MAC_GMAC0, 6); } } if (FRead(dst, OFFSET_MAC_GMAC2, bytes)<0) dbg("READ MAC address GMAC2: Out of scope\n"); else { if (buffer[0]==0xff) { if (ether_atoe(macaddr2, ea)) FWrite(ea, OFFSET_MAC_GMAC2, 6); } } /* reserved for Ralink. used as ASUS country code. */ #if ! defined(RTCONFIG_NEW_REGULATION_DOMAIN) dst = (unsigned char*) country_code; bytes = 2; if (FRead(dst, OFFSET_COUNTRY_CODE, bytes)<0) { _dprintf("READ ASUS country code: Out of scope\n"); nvram_set("wl_country_code", ""); } else { chk_valid_country_code(country_code); nvram_set("wl_country_code", country_code); nvram_set("wl0_country_code", country_code); nvram_set("wl1_country_code", country_code); } #else /* ! RTCONFIG_NEW_REGULATION_DOMAIN */ dst = buffer; bytes = MAX_REGSPEC_LEN; memset(dst, 0, MAX_REGSPEC_LEN+1); if(FRead(dst, REGSPEC_ADDR, bytes) < 0) nvram_set("reg_spec", "FCC"); // DEFAULT else { for (i=(MAX_REGSPEC_LEN-1);i>=0;i--) { if ((dst[i]==0xff) || (dst[i]=='\0')) dst[i]='\0'; } if (dst[0]!=0x00) nvram_set("reg_spec", dst); else nvram_set("reg_spec", "FCC"); // DEFAULT } if (FRead(dst, REG2G_EEPROM_ADDR, MAX_REGDOMAIN_LEN)<0 || memcmp(dst,"2G_CH", 5) != 0) { _dprintf("READ ASUS country code: Out of scope\n"); nvram_set("wl_country_code", ""); nvram_set("wl0_country_code", "DB"); nvram_set("wl_reg_2g", "2G_CH14"); } else { for(i = 0; i < MAX_REGDOMAIN_LEN; i++) if(dst[i] == 0xff || dst[i] == 0) break; dst[i] = 0; nvram_set("wl_reg_2g", dst); if (strcmp(dst, "2G_CH11") == 0) nvram_set("wl0_country_code", "US"); else if (strcmp(dst, "2G_CH13") == 0) nvram_set("wl0_country_code", "GB"); else if (strcmp(dst, "2G_CH14") == 0) nvram_set("wl0_country_code", "DB"); else nvram_set("wl0_country_code", "DB"); } if (FRead(dst, REG5G_EEPROM_ADDR, MAX_REGDOMAIN_LEN)<0 || memcmp(dst,"5G_", 3) != 0) { _dprintf("READ ASUS country code: Out of scope\n"); nvram_set("wl_country_code", ""); nvram_set("wl1_country_code", "DB"); nvram_set("wl_reg_5g", "5G_ALL"); } else { for(i = 0; i < MAX_REGDOMAIN_LEN; i++) if(dst[i] == 0xff || dst[i] == 0) break; dst[i] = 0; nvram_set("wl_reg_5g", dst); if (strcmp(dst, "5G_BAND1") == 0) nvram_set("wl1_country_code", "GB"); else if (strcmp(dst, "5G_BAND123") == 0) nvram_set("wl1_country_code", "GB"); else if (strcmp(dst, "5G_BAND14") == 0) nvram_set("wl1_country_code", "US"); else if (strcmp(dst, "5G_BAND24") == 0) nvram_set("wl1_country_code", "TW"); else if (strcmp(dst, "5G_BAND4") == 0) nvram_set("wl1_country_code", "CN"); else nvram_set("wl1_country_code", "DB"); } #endif /* ! RTCONFIG_NEW_REGULATION_DOMAIN */ #if defined(RTN56U) || defined(RTCONFIG_DSL) if (nvram_match("wl_country_code", "BR")) { nvram_set("wl_country_code", "UZ"); nvram_set("wl0_country_code", "UZ"); nvram_set("wl1_country_code", "UZ"); } #endif if (nvram_match("wl_country_code", "HK") && nvram_match("preferred_lang", "")) nvram_set("preferred_lang", "TW"); /* reserved for Ralink. used as ASUS pin code. */ dst = (char*)pin; bytes = 8; if (FRead(dst, OFFSET_PIN_CODE, bytes)<0) { _dprintf("READ ASUS pin code: Out of scope\n"); nvram_set("wl_pin_code", ""); } else { if ((unsigned char)pin[0]!=0xff) nvram_set("secret_code", pin); else nvram_set("secret_code", "12345670"); } dst = buffer; bytes = 16; if (linuxRead(dst, 0x20, bytes)<0) /* The "linux" MTD partition, offset 0x20. */ { fprintf(stderr, "READ firmware header: Out of scope\n"); nvram_set("productid", "unknown"); nvram_set("firmver", "unknown"); } else { strncpy(productid, buffer + 4, 12); productid[12] = 0; sprintf(fwver, "%d.%d.%d.%d", buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3]); nvram_set("productid", trim_r(productid)); nvram_set("firmver", trim_r(fwver)); } memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); FRead(buffer, OFFSET_BOOT_VER, 4); // sprintf(blver, "%c.%c.%c.%c", buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3]); sprintf(blver, "%s-0%c-0%c-0%c-0%c", trim_r(productid), buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3]); nvram_set("blver", trim_r(blver)); _dprintf("bootloader version: %s\n", nvram_safe_get("blver")); _dprintf("firmware version: %s\n", nvram_safe_get("firmver")); dst = txbf_para; int count_0xff = 0; if (FRead(dst, OFFSET_TXBF_PARA, 33) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "READ TXBF PARA address: Out of scope\n"); } else { for (i = 0; i < 33; i++) { if (txbf_para[i] == 0xff) count_0xff++; /* if ((i % 16) == 0) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", (unsigned char) txbf_para[i]); */ } /* fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "TxBF parameter 0xFF count: %d\n", count_0xff); */ } if (count_0xff == 33) nvram_set("wl1_txbf_en", "0"); else nvram_set("wl1_txbf_en", "1"); #if defined (RTCONFIG_WLMODULE_RT3352_INIC_MII) #define EEPROM_INIC_SIZE (512) #define EEPROM_INIT_ADDR 0x48000 #define EEPROM_INIT_FILE "/etc/Wireless/iNIC/iNIC_e2p.bin" { char eeprom[EEPROM_INIC_SIZE]; if(FRead(eeprom, EEPROM_INIT_ADDR, sizeof(eeprom)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "FRead(eeprom, 0x%08x, 0x%x) failed\n", EEPROM_INIT_ADDR, sizeof(eeprom)); } else { FILE *fp; char *filepath = EEPROM_INIT_FILE; system("mkdir -p /etc/Wireless/iNIC/"); if((fp = fopen(filepath, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "fopen(%s) failed!!\n", filepath); } else { if(fwrite(eeprom, sizeof(eeprom), 1, fp) < 1) { perror("fwrite(eeprom)"); } fclose(fp); } } } #endif #ifdef RA_SINGLE_SKU #if defined(RTAC52U) { char *reg_spec; reg_spec = nvram_safe_get("reg_spec"); create_SingleSKU("/etc/Wireless/RT2860", "", reg_spec); create_SingleSKU("/etc/Wireless/iNIC", "_5G", reg_spec); } #endif /* RTAC52U */ #endif /* RA_SINGLE_SKU */ { #ifdef RTCONFIG_ODMPID char modelname[16]; FRead(modelname, OFFSET_ODMPID, sizeof(modelname)); modelname[sizeof(modelname)-1] = '\0'; if(modelname[0] != 0 && (unsigned char)(modelname[0]) != 0xff && is_valid_hostname(modelname) && strcmp(modelname, "ASUS")) { nvram_set("odmpid", modelname); } else #endif nvram_unset("odmpid"); } nvram_set("firmver", rt_version); nvram_set("productid", rt_buildname); }
void vlan_init(int portmask) { int phyUnit; unsigned int phyBase; unsigned int phyReg; unsigned int phyAddr; int i; int numports = 5; for (i = 0; i < numports - 1; i++) // last one will be wan port { ipPhyInfo[i].VLANTableSetting = IP_LAN_PORT_VLAN; } ipPhyInfo[i++].VLANTableSetting = IP_WAN_PORT_VLAN; ipPhyInfo[i].VLANTableSetting = IP_LAN_PORT_VLAN; ipPhyInfo[i].isEnetPort = FALSE; ipPhyInfo[i].isPhyAlive = TRUE; ipPhyInfo[i++].phyAddr = 0x0; numports = i; fprintf(stderr, "Reset ICPLUS Phy\n"); for (phyUnit = 0; phyUnit < numports; phyUnit++) { if (((1 << phyUnit) & portmask)) { phyAddr = IP_PHYADDR(phyUnit); setPhy(phyAddr, IP_PHY_CONTROL, IP_CTRL_SOFTWARE_RESET); } } sleep(1); fprintf(stderr, "Start Autonegotiation\n"); for (phyUnit = 0; phyUnit < numports; phyUnit++) { if (((1 << phyUnit) & portmask)) { phyAddr = IP_PHYADDR(phyUnit); setPhy(phyAddr, IP_AUTONEG_ADVERT, IP_ADVERTISE_ALL); setPhy(phyAddr, IP_PHY_CONTROL, IP_CTRL_AUTONEGOTIATION_ENABLE | IP_CTRL_START_AUTONEGOTIATION); } } int timeout = 5; for (phyUnit = 0; (phyUnit < numports); phyUnit++) { if (((1 << phyUnit) & portmask)) { for (;;) { phyAddr = IP_PHYADDR(phyUnit); int phyHwStatus = getPhy(phyAddr, IP_PHY_STATUS); if (IP_AUTONEG_DONE(phyHwStatus)) { fprintf(stderr, "Port %d, Neg Success\n", phyUnit); break; } if (timeout == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Port %d, Negogiation timeout\n", phyUnit); break; } if (--timeout == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Port %d, Negogiation timeout\n", phyUnit); break; } usleep(150); } } } fprintf(stderr, "Setup VLANS\n"); /* * setPhy(29,24,0); setPhy(29,25,0); setPhy(29,26,0); setPhy(29,27,0); * setPhy(29,28,2); setPhy(29,30,0); setPhy(29,23,0x07c2); * setPhy(30,1,0x002f); setPhy(30,2,0x0030); setPhy(30,9,0x1089); */ unsigned int phy1Reg = 0; unsigned int phy2Reg = 0; unsigned int phy23Reg = 0; unsigned int phy9Reg = 0; for (phyUnit = 0; phyUnit < numports; phyUnit++) { if (((1 << phyUnit) & portmask)) { setPhy(IP_GLOBAL_PHY29_ADDR, IP_GLOBAL_PHY29_24_REG + ((phyUnit == 5) ? (phyUnit + 1) : phyUnit), IP_VLAN_TABLE_SETTING(phyUnit)); fprintf(stderr, "write register %d, addr %d with %X\n", IP_GLOBAL_PHY29_ADDR, IP_GLOBAL_PHY29_24_REG + ((phyUnit == 5) ? (phyUnit + 1) : phyUnit), IP_VLAN_TABLE_SETTING(phyUnit)); if (IP_IS_ENET_PORT(phyUnit)) { if (IP_IS_WAN_PORT(phyUnit)) { phy2Reg |= ((1 << phyUnit) << IP_VLAN2_OUTPUT_PORT_MASK_S); } else { phy1Reg |= ((1 << phyUnit) << IP_VLAN0_OUTPUT_PORT_MASK_S); } phy23Reg = phy23Reg | ((1 << phyUnit) << IP_PORTX_REMOVE_TAG_S); phy23Reg = phy23Reg & ~((1 << phyUnit) << IP_PORTX_ADD_TAG_S); } else { phy1Reg |= ((1 << phyUnit) << IP_VLAN0_OUTPUT_PORT_MASK_S); phy2Reg |= ((1 << phyUnit) << IP_VLAN2_OUTPUT_PORT_MASK_S); phy23Reg = phy23Reg | (1 << IP_PORT5_ADD_TAG_S); phy23Reg = phy23Reg & ~(1 << IP_PORT5_REMOVE_TAG_S); } } } phy9Reg = 0; //getPhy(IP_GLOBAL_PHY30_ADDR,IP_GLOBAL_PHY30_9_REG); phy9Reg = phy9Reg | TAG_VLAN_ENABLE; phy9Reg = phy9Reg & ~VID_INDX_SEL_M; phy9Reg = phy9Reg | 1; //1 vlan group used for lan phy9Reg = phy9Reg | 1 << 3; //enable smart mac phy9Reg = phy9Reg | 1 << 12; //port 4 is a wan port (required for smart mac) fprintf(stderr, "write register %d, addr %d with %X\n", IP_GLOBAL_PHY29_ADDR, IP_GLOBAL_PHY29_23_REG, phy23Reg); fprintf(stderr, "write register %d, addr %d with %X\n", IP_GLOBAL_PHY30_ADDR, IP_GLOBAL_PHY30_1_REG, phy1Reg); fprintf(stderr, "write register %d, addr %d with %X\n", IP_GLOBAL_PHY30_ADDR, IP_GLOBAL_PHY30_2_REG, phy2Reg); fprintf(stderr, "write register %d, addr %d with %X\n", IP_GLOBAL_PHY30_ADDR, IP_GLOBAL_PHY30_9_REG, phy9Reg); setPhy(IP_GLOBAL_PHY29_ADDR, IP_GLOBAL_PHY29_23_REG, phy23Reg); setPhy(IP_GLOBAL_PHY30_ADDR, IP_GLOBAL_PHY30_1_REG, phy1Reg); setPhy(IP_GLOBAL_PHY30_ADDR, IP_GLOBAL_PHY30_2_REG, phy2Reg); setPhy(IP_GLOBAL_PHY30_ADDR, IP_GLOBAL_PHY30_9_REG, phy9Reg); // // echo "echo \"WRITE 29 23 07c2\" > ".$mii_dev."\n"; // // echo "echo \"WRITE 29 24 0\" > ".$mii_dev."\n"; /* PORT0 Default VLAN ID */ // echo "echo \"WRITE 29 25 0\" > ".$mii_dev."\n"; /* PORT1 Default VLAN ID */ // echo "echo \"WRITE 29 26 0\" > ".$mii_dev."\n"; /* PORT2 Default VLAN ID */ // echo "echo \"WRITE 29 27 0\" > ".$mii_dev."\n"; /* PORT3 Default VLAN ID */ // echo "echo \"WRITE 29 28 2\" > ".$mii_dev."\n"; /* PORT4 Default VLAN ID */ // echo "echo \"WRITE 29 30 0\" > ".$mii_dev."\n"; /* PORT5 Default VLAN ID (CPU) */ // echo "echo \"WRITE 29 23 07c2\" > ".$mii_dev."\n"; // echo "echo \"WRITE 30 1 002f\" > ".$mii_dev."\n"; /* Port 5,3,2,1,0 = VLAN 0 */ // echo "echo \"WRITE 30 2 0030\" > ".$mii_dev."\n"; /* Port 5,4 = VLAN 2 */ // echo "echo \"WRITE 30 9 1089\" > ".$mii_dev."\n"; eval("vconfig", "set_name_type", "VLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD"); eval("vconfig", "add", "eth0", "0"); eval("vconfig", "add", "eth0", "2"); struct ifreq ifr; int s; if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW))) { char eabuf[32]; strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, "eth0", IFNAMSIZ); ioctl(s, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr); char macaddr[32]; strcpy(macaddr, ether_etoa((unsigned char *)ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, eabuf)); nvram_set("et0macaddr", macaddr); // MAC_ADD (macaddr); ether_atoe(macaddr, (unsigned char *)ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data); strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, "vlan2", IFNAMSIZ); ioctl(s, SIOCSIFHWADDR, &ifr); close(s); } eval("ifconfig", "vlan0", "promisc"); eval("ifconfig", "vlan2", "promisc"); }
int main() { int arp_sockfd, arp_getlen, i; int send_count=0, file_num=0; struct sockaddr_in router_addr, device_addr; char router_ipaddr[17], router_mac[17], buffer[512]; unsigned char scan_ipaddr[4]; // scan ip FILE *fp_ip; fd_set rfds; ARP_HEADER * arp_ptr; struct timeval tv1, tv2, arp_timeout; int shm_client_detail_info_id; FILE *fp = fopen("/var/run/", "w"); if(fp != NULL){ fprintf(fp, "%d", getpid()); fclose(fp); } #ifdef DEBUG eval("rm", "/var/client*"); #endif //Initial client tables spinlock_lock(SPINLOCK_Networkmap); shm_client_detail_info_id = shmget((key_t)1001, sizeof(CLIENT_DETAIL_INFO_TABLE), 0666|IPC_CREAT); if (shm_client_detail_info_id == -1){ fprintf(stderr,"shmget failed\n"); exit(1); } CLIENT_DETAIL_INFO_TABLE *p_client_detail_info_tab = (P_CLIENT_DETAIL_INFO_TABLE)shmat(shm_client_detail_info_id,(void *) 0,0); //Reset shared memory memset(p_client_detail_info_tab, 0x00, sizeof(CLIENT_DETAIL_INFO_TABLE)); p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num = 0; p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num = 0; spinlock_unlock(SPINLOCK_Networkmap); //Get Router's IP/Mac strcpy(router_ipaddr, nvram_safe_get("lan_ipaddr")); strcpy(router_mac, nvram_safe_get("et0macaddr")); inet_aton(router_ipaddr, &router_addr.sin_addr); memcpy(my_ipaddr, &router_addr.sin_addr, 4); //Prepare scan memset(scan_ipaddr, 0x00, 4); memcpy(scan_ipaddr, &router_addr.sin_addr, 3); networkmap_fullscan = 1; nvram_set("networkmap_fullscan", "1"); if (strlen(router_mac)!=0) ether_atoe(router_mac, my_hwaddr); signal(SIGUSR1, refresh_sig); //catch UI refresh signal // create UDP socket and bind to "br0" to get ARP packet// arp_sockfd = create_socket(INTERFACE); if(arp_sockfd < 0) perror("create socket ERR:"); else { arp_timeout.tv_sec = 0; arp_timeout.tv_usec = 10000; setsockopt(arp_sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &arp_timeout, sizeof(arp_timeout));//set receive timeout dst_sockll = src_sockll; //Copy sockaddr info to dst memset(dst_sockll.sll_addr, -1, sizeof(dst_sockll.sll_addr)); // set dmac= FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF } while(1)//main while loop { while(1) { //full scan and reflush recv buffer fullscan: if(networkmap_fullscan == 1) { //Scan all IP address in the subnetwork if(scan_count == 0) { arp_timeout.tv_sec = 0; arp_timeout.tv_usec = 10000; setsockopt(arp_sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &arp_timeout, sizeof(arp_timeout));//set receive timeout NMP_DEBUG("Starting full scan!\n"); //reset client tables spinlock_lock(SPINLOCK_Networkmap); memset(p_client_detail_info_tab, 0x00, sizeof(CLIENT_DETAIL_INFO_TABLE)); p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num = 0; spinlock_unlock(SPINLOCK_Networkmap); } scan_count++; scan_ipaddr[3]++; if( scan_count<255 && memcmp(scan_ipaddr, my_ipaddr, 4) ) { sent_arppacket(arp_sockfd, scan_ipaddr); } else if(scan_count>255) { //Scan completed arp_timeout.tv_sec = 1; arp_timeout.tv_usec = 500000; //Reset timeout at monitor state for decase cpu loading setsockopt(arp_sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &arp_timeout, sizeof(arp_timeout));//set receive timeout networkmap_fullscan = 0; //scan_count = 0; nvram_set("networkmap_fullscan", "0"); NMP_DEBUG("Finish full scan!\n"); } }// End of full scan arp_getlen=recvfrom(arp_sockfd, buffer, 512, 0, NULL, NULL); if(arp_getlen == -1) { if( scan_count<255) goto fullscan; else break; } else { arp_ptr = (ARP_HEADER*)(buffer); NMP_DEBUG("*Receive an ARP Packet from: %d.%d.%d.%d, len:%d\n", (int *)arp_ptr->source_ipaddr[0],(int *)arp_ptr->source_ipaddr[1], (int *)arp_ptr->source_ipaddr[2],(int *)arp_ptr->source_ipaddr[3], arp_getlen); //Check ARP packet if source ip and router ip at the same network if( !memcmp(my_ipaddr, arp_ptr->source_ipaddr, 3) ) { swapbytes16(arp_ptr->message_type); //ARP Response packet to router if( arp_ptr->message_type == 0x02 && // ARP response memcmp(arp_ptr->dest_ipaddr, my_ipaddr, 4) == 0 && // dest IP memcmp(arp_ptr->dest_hwaddr, my_hwaddr, 6) == 0) // dest MAC { //NMP_DEBUG(" It's an ARP Response to Router!\n"); for(i=0; i<p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num; i++) { if( !memcmp(p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i], arp_ptr->source_ipaddr, 4) ) break; } //i=0, table is empty. //i=num, no the same ip at table. if(i==p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num){ spinlock_lock(SPINLOCK_Networkmap); memcpy(p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num], arp_ptr->source_ipaddr, 4); memcpy(p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num], arp_ptr->source_hwaddr, 6); p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num++; spinlock_unlock(SPINLOCK_Networkmap); #ifdef DEBUG //Write client info to file fp_ip=fopen("/var/client_ip_mac.txt", "a"); if (fp_ip==NULL) { printf("File Open Error!\n"); } else { printf("Fill: %d-> %d.%d", i,p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i][2],p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i][3]); fprintf(fp_ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d,%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n", p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i][0],p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i][1], p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i][2],p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i][3], p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i][0],p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i][1], p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i][2],p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i][3], p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i][4],p_client_detail_info_tab->mac_addr[i][5]); } fclose(fp_ip); #endif } } else { //Nomo ARP Packet or ARP response to other IP //Compare IP and IP buffer if not exist for(i=0; i<p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num; i++) { if( !memcmp(p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_addr[i], arp_ptr->source_ipaddr, 4) ) { NMP_DEBUG_M("Find the same IP at the table!\n"); break; } } if( i==p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num ) //Find a new IP or table is empty! Send an ARP request. { NMP_DEBUG("New IP\n"); if(memcmp(my_ipaddr, arp_ptr->source_ipaddr, 4)) sent_arppacket(arp_sockfd, arp_ptr->source_ipaddr); else NMP_DEBUG("New IP is the same as Router IP! Ignore it!\n"); } }//End of Nomo ARP Packet }//Source IP in the same subnetwork }//End of arp_getlen != -1 } // End of while for flush buffer //Find All Application of clients if(p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num < p_client_detail_info_tab->ip_mac_num) { FindAllApp(my_ipaddr, p_client_detail_info_tab); #ifdef DEBUG //Fill client detail info table fp_ip=fopen("/var/client_detail_info.txt", "a"); if (fp_ip==NULL) { printf("File Open Error!\n"); } else { fprintf(fp_ip, "%s,%d,%d,%d,%d\n", p_client_detail_info_tab->device_name[p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num], p_client_detail_info_tab->type[p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num], p_client_detail_info_tab->http[p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num], p_client_detail_info_tab->printer[p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num], p_client_detail_info_tab->itune[p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num]); fclose(fp_ip); } #endif p_client_detail_info_tab->detail_info_num++; } } //End of main while loop close(arp_sockfd); return 0; }
void start_sysinit(void) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; struct stat tmp_stat; time_t tm = 0; mknod("/dev/mmc", S_IFBLK | 0660, makedev(126, 0)); mknod("/dev/mmc0", S_IFBLK | 0660, makedev(126, 1)); mknod("/dev/mmc1", S_IFBLK | 0660, makedev(126, 2)); mknod("/dev/mmc2", S_IFBLK | 0660, makedev(126, 3)); mknod("/dev/mmc3", S_IFBLK | 0660, makedev(126, 4)); eval("/bin/tar", "-xzf", "/dev/mtdblock/3", "-C", "/"); FILE *in = fopen("/tmp/nvram/nvram.db", "rb"); if (in != NULL) { fclose(in); eval("/usr/sbin/convertnvram"); eval("/sbin/mtd", "erase", "nvram"); nvram_commit(); } if (!nvram_match("disable_watchdog", "1")) eval("watchdog"); /* * Setup console */ cprintf("sysinit() klogctl\n"); klogctl(8, NULL, atoi(nvram_safe_get("console_loglevel"))); cprintf("sysinit() get router\n"); #ifdef HAVE_RTG32 insmod("slhc"); insmod("ppp_generic"); insmod("ppp_async"); insmod("ppp_synctty"); insmod("ppp_mppe_mppc "); insmod("pppox"); insmod("pppoe"); #endif /* * network drivers */ #ifdef HAVE_HOTPLUG2 insmod("ar231x"); #else insmod("ar2313"); #endif detect_wireless_devices(); eval("ifconfig", "eth0", "up"); // wan system("swconfig dev eth0 set reset 1"); system("swconfig dev eth0 set enable_vlan 1"); #ifdef HAVE_RTG32 system("swconfig dev eth0 vlan 1 set ports \"0t 1 2 3 4\""); system("swconfig dev eth0 vlan 2 set ports \"0t 5\""); #else system("swconfig dev eth0 vlan 1 set ports \"0t 2 3 4 5\""); system("swconfig dev eth0 vlan 2 set ports \"0t 1\""); #endif system("swconfig dev eth0 set apply"); eval("vconfig", "set_name_type", "VLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD"); eval("vconfig", "add", "eth0", "1"); eval("vconfig", "add", "eth0", "2"); struct ifreq ifr; int s; if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW))) { char eabuf[32]; strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, "eth0", IFNAMSIZ); ioctl(s, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr); char macaddr[32]; strcpy(macaddr, ether_etoa((unsigned char *)ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, eabuf)); nvram_set("et0macaddr", macaddr); MAC_ADD(macaddr); ether_atoe(macaddr, (unsigned char *)ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data); strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, "vlan2", IFNAMSIZ); ioctl(s, SIOCSIFHWADDR, &ifr); close(s); } eval("gpio", "enable", "1"); #ifdef HAVE_RTG32 writeproc("/proc/sys/dev/wifi0/ledpin", "7"); writeproc("/proc/sys/dev/wifi0/softled", "1"); #else writeproc("/proc/sys/dev/wifi0/ledpin", "0"); writeproc("/proc/sys/dev/wifi0/softled", "1"); #endif /* * Set a sane date */ stime(&tm); nvram_set("wl0_ifname", "ath0"); return; }
/* * var_pControlClientTable(): * Handle this table separately from the scalar value case. * The workings of this are basically the same as for var_parentalControl above. */ unsigned char * var_pControlClientTable(struct variable *vp, oid *name, size_t *length, int exact, size_t *var_len, WriteMethod **write_method) { /* variables we may use later */ static long index; static unsigned char string[SPRINT_MAX_LEN]; int i, val_count = 0; char *nv, *nvp, *b; if(sw_mode == SW_MODE_AP || sw_mode == SW_MODE_REPEATER || !strcmp(nmp_get("ipv6_service"), "disabled")) //Doesn't support in AP and repeater mode return NULL; if(!pc_list_flag) { for(i = 0; i < MAX_PCONTROL_ENTRY; i++) memset(&pc_list_info[i], 0x0, sizeof(pc_list_info_t)); pc_list_count = get_pc_list_info(&pc_list_info); pc_list_flag = 1; } /* * This assumes that the table is a 'simple' table. * See the implementation documentation for the meaning of this. * You will need to provide the correct value for the TABLE_SIZE parameter * * If this table does not meet the requirements for a simple table, * you will need to provide the replacement code yourself. * Mib2c is not smart enough to write this for you. * Again, see the implementation documentation for what is required. */ if (header_simple_table(vp,name,length,exact,var_len,write_method, MAX_PCONTROL_ENTRY) == MATCH_FAILED ) return NULL; /* * this is where we do the value assignments for the mib results. */ switch(vp->magic) { case PCONTROLCLIENTINDEX: return NULL; case PCONTROLENTRYENABLE: *write_method = write_pControlEntryEnable; index = name[*length-1]-1; tmpval = 1; if(index < pc_list_count) tmpval = pc_list_info[index].enable; *var_len = sizeof( long ); return ( u_char * ) &tmpval; case PCONTROLCLIENTNAME: *write_method = write_pControlClientName; index = name[*length-1]-1; memset(tmpstr, 0x0, SPRINT_MAX_LEN); if(index < pc_list_count) strcpy(tmpstr,pc_list_info[index].device_name); *var_len = strlen(tmpstr); return ( u_char * )tmpstr; case PCONTROLCLIENTMAC: *write_method = write_pControlClientMac; index = name[*length-1]-1; memset(tmpstr, 0x0, SPRINT_MAX_LEN); if(index < pc_list_count) ether_atoe(pc_list_info[index].mac, tmpstr); *var_len = 6; return ( u_char * )tmpstr; case PCONTROLSUNALLOWTIME: *write_method = write_pControlSunAllowTime; index = name[*length-1]-1; memset(tmpstr, 0x0, SPRINT_MAX_LEN); if(index < pc_list_count) strcpy(tmpstr,pc_list_info[index].sunday); *var_len = strlen(tmpstr); return ( u_char * )tmpstr; case PCONTROLMONALLOWTIME: *write_method = write_pControlMonAllowTime; index = name[*length-1]-1; memset(tmpstr, 0x0, SPRINT_MAX_LEN); if(index < pc_list_count) strcpy(tmpstr,pc_list_info[index].monday); *var_len = strlen(tmpstr); return ( u_char * )tmpstr; case PCONTROLTUEALLOWTIME: *write_method = write_pControlTueAllowTime; index = name[*length-1]-1; memset(tmpstr, 0x0, SPRINT_MAX_LEN); if(index < pc_list_count) strcpy(tmpstr,pc_list_info[index].tuesday); *var_len = strlen(tmpstr); return ( u_char * )tmpstr; case PCONTROLWEDALLOWTIME: *write_method = write_pControlWedAllowTime; index = name[*length-1]-1; memset(tmpstr, 0x0, SPRINT_MAX_LEN); if(index < pc_list_count) strcpy(tmpstr,pc_list_info[index].wednesday); *var_len = strlen(tmpstr); return ( u_char * )tmpstr; case PCONTROLTHUALLOWTIME: *write_method = write_pControlThuAllowTime; index = name[*length-1]-1; memset(tmpstr, 0x0, SPRINT_MAX_LEN); if(index < pc_list_count) strcpy(tmpstr,pc_list_info[index].thursday); *var_len = strlen(tmpstr); return ( u_char * )tmpstr; case PCONTROLFRIALLOWTIME: *write_method = write_pControlFriAllowTime; index = name[*length-1]-1; memset(tmpstr, 0x0, SPRINT_MAX_LEN); if(index < pc_list_count) strcpy(tmpstr,pc_list_info[index].friday); *var_len = strlen(tmpstr); return ( u_char * )tmpstr; case PCONTROLSATALLOWTIME: *write_method = write_pControlSatAllowTime; index = name[*length-1]-1; memset(tmpstr, 0x0, SPRINT_MAX_LEN); if(index < pc_list_count) strcpy(tmpstr,pc_list_info[index].saturday); *var_len = strlen(tmpstr); pc_list_flag = 0; return ( u_char * )tmpstr; case PCONTROLCLIENTDELENTRY: *write_method = write_pControlClientDelEntry; tmpval = 2; *var_len = sizeof( long ); return ( u_char * ) &tmpval; default: ERROR_MSG(""); } return NULL; }
void init_syspara(void) { unsigned char buffer[16]; unsigned int *src; char *dst; unsigned int bytes; int i; char macaddr[]="00:11:22:33:44:55"; char macaddr2[]="00:11:22:33:44:58"; char country_code[3]; char pin[9]; char productid[13]; char fwver[8]; char blver[20]; unsigned char txbf_para[33]; char ea[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; nvram_set("buildno", rt_serialno); nvram_set("extendno", rt_extendno); nvram_set("buildinfo", rt_buildinfo); /* /dev/mtd/2, RF parameters, starts from 0x40000 */ dst = buffer; bytes = 6; memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); memset(country_code, 0, sizeof(country_code)); memset(pin, 0, sizeof(pin)); memset(productid, 0, sizeof(productid)); memset(fwver, 0, sizeof(fwver)); memset(txbf_para, 0, sizeof(txbf_para)); if (FRead(dst, OFFSET_MAC_ADDR, bytes)<0) { _dprintf("READ MAC address: Out of scope\n"); } else { if (buffer[0]!=0xff) ether_etoa(buffer, macaddr); } if (FRead(dst, OFFSET_MAC_ADDR_2G, bytes)<0) { _dprintf("READ MAC address 2G: Out of scope\n"); } else { if (buffer[0]!=0xff) ether_etoa(buffer, macaddr2); } if (!ralink_mssid_mac_validate(macaddr) || !ralink_mssid_mac_validate(macaddr2)) nvram_set("wl_mssid", "0"); else nvram_set("wl_mssid", "1"); //TODO: separate for different chipset solution nvram_set("et0macaddr", macaddr); nvram_set("et1macaddr", macaddr2); if (FRead(dst, OFFSET_MAC_GMAC0, bytes)<0) dbg("READ MAC address GMAC0: Out of scope\n"); else { if (buffer[0]==0xff) { if (ether_atoe(macaddr, ea)) FWrite(ea, OFFSET_MAC_GMAC0, 6); } } if (FRead(dst, OFFSET_MAC_GMAC2, bytes)<0) dbg("READ MAC address GMAC2: Out of scope\n"); else { if (buffer[0]==0xff) { if (ether_atoe(macaddr2, ea)) FWrite(ea, OFFSET_MAC_GMAC2, 6); } } /* reserved for Ralink. used as ASUS country code. */ dst = country_code; bytes = 2; if (FRead(dst, OFFSET_COUNTRY_CODE, bytes)<0) { _dprintf("READ ASUS country code: Out of scope\n"); nvram_set("wl_country_code", ""); } else { if ((unsigned char)country_code[0]!=0xff) { //for specific power if (country_code[0] ==0x5a && country_code[1] == 0x31) { country_code[0]='U'; country_code[1]='S'; } else if (country_code[0] ==0x5a && country_code[1] == 0x32) { country_code[0]='G'; country_code[1]='B'; } else if (country_code[0] ==0x5a && country_code[1] == 0x33) { country_code[0]='T'; country_code[1]='W'; } else if (country_code[0] ==0x5a && country_code[1] == 0x34) { country_code[0]='C'; country_code[1]='N'; } nvram_set("wl_country_code", country_code); nvram_set("wl0_country_code", country_code); nvram_set("wl1_country_code", country_code); } else { nvram_set("wl_country_code", "DB"); nvram_set("wl0_country_code", "DB"); nvram_set("wl1_country_code", "DB"); } if (!strcasecmp(nvram_safe_get("wl_country_code"), "BR")) { nvram_set("wl_country_code", "UZ"); nvram_set("wl0_country_code", "UZ"); nvram_set("wl1_country_code", "UZ"); } if (nvram_match("wl_country_code", "HK") && nvram_match("preferred_lang", "")) nvram_set("preferred_lang", "TW"); } /* reserved for Ralink. used as ASUS pin code. */ dst = (char*)pin; bytes = 8; if (FRead(dst, OFFSET_PIN_CODE, bytes)<0) { _dprintf("READ ASUS pin code: Out of scope\n"); nvram_set("wl_pin_code", ""); } else { if ((unsigned char)pin[0]!=0xff) nvram_set("secret_code", pin); else nvram_set("secret_code", "12345670"); } src = (unsigned int*) 0x50020; /* /dev/mtd/3, firmware, starts from 0x50000 */ dst = buffer; bytes = 16; if (FRead(dst, (int)src, bytes)<0) { fprintf(stderr, "READ firmware header: Out of scope\n"); nvram_set("productid", "unknown"); nvram_set("firmver", "unknown"); } else { strncpy(productid, buffer + 4, 12); productid[12] = 0; sprintf(fwver, "%d.%d.%d.%d", buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3]); nvram_set("productid", trim_r(productid)); nvram_set("firmver", trim_r(fwver)); } memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); FRead(buffer, OFFSET_BOOT_VER, 4); // sprintf(blver, "%c.%c.%c.%c", buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3]); sprintf(blver, "%s-0%c-0%c-0%c-0%c", trim_r(productid), buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3]); nvram_set("blver", trim_r(blver)); _dprintf("bootloader version: %s\n", nvram_safe_get("blver")); _dprintf("firmware version: %s\n", nvram_safe_get("firmver")); dst = txbf_para; int count_0xff = 0; if (FRead(dst, OFFSET_TXBF_PARA, 33) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "READ TXBF PARA address: Out of scope\n"); } else { for (i = 0; i < 33; i++) { if (txbf_para[i] == 0xff) count_0xff++; /* if ((i % 16) == 0) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", (unsigned char) txbf_para[i]); */ } /* fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "TxBF parameter 0xFF count: %d\n", count_0xff); */ } if (count_0xff == 33) nvram_set("wl1_txbf_en", "0"); else nvram_set("wl1_txbf_en", "1"); #if defined (RTCONFIG_WLMODULE_RT3352_INIC_MII) #define EEPROM_INIC_SIZE (512) #define EEPROM_INIT_ADDR 0x48000 #define EEPROM_INIT_FILE "/etc/Wireless/iNIC/iNIC_e2p.bin" { char eeprom[EEPROM_INIC_SIZE]; if(FRead(eeprom, EEPROM_INIT_ADDR, sizeof(eeprom)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "FRead(eeprom, 0x%08x, 0x%x) failed\n", EEPROM_INIT_ADDR, sizeof(eeprom)); } else { FILE *fp; char *filepath = EEPROM_INIT_FILE; system("mkdir -p /etc/Wireless/iNIC/"); if((fp = fopen(filepath, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "fopen(%s) failed!!\n", filepath); } else { if(fwrite(eeprom, sizeof(eeprom), 1, fp) < 1) { perror("fwrite(eeprom)"); } fclose(fp); } } } #endif { #ifdef RTCONFIG_ODMPID char modelname[16]; FRead(modelname, OFFSET_ODMPID, sizeof(modelname)); modelname[sizeof(modelname)-1] = '\0'; if(modelname[0] != 0 && (unsigned char)(modelname[0]) != 0xff && is_valid_hostname(modelname)) { nvram_set("odmpid", modelname); } else #endif nvram_unset("odmpid"); } nvram_set("firmver", rt_version); nvram_set("productid", rt_buildname); }
/* * Name : wpsenr_wksp_mainloop * Description : Main loop point for the WPS stack * Arguments : wpsenr_param_t *param - argument set * Return type : int */ static wpssta_wksp_t * wpssta_init(char *ifname) { wpssta_wksp_t *sta_wksp = NULL; int pbc = WPS_UI_PBC_SW; char start_ok = false; wps_ap_list_info_t *wpsaplist; char scan = false; char *val, *next; char op[6] = {0}; int oob = 0; int i, imax; int wps_action; char *env_ssid = NULL; char *env_sec = NULL; char *env_bssid = NULL; char *env_pin = NULL; #ifdef __CONFIG_WFI__ char *ui_env_pin = NULL; #endif /* __CONFIG_WFI__ */ char tmp[100]; char *wlnames, name[256]; TUTRACE((TUTRACE_INFO, "*********************************************\n")); TUTRACE((TUTRACE_INFO, "WPS - Enrollee App Broacom Corp.\n")); TUTRACE((TUTRACE_INFO, "Version: %s\n", MOD_VERSION_STR)); TUTRACE((TUTRACE_INFO, "*********************************************\n")); /* we need to specify the if name before anything else */ if (!ifname) { TUTRACE((TUTRACE_INFO, "no ifname exist!! return\n")); return 0; } /* WSC 2.0, support WPS V2 or not */ if (strcmp(wps_safe_get_conf("wps_version2"), "enabled") == 0) b_wps_version2 = true; wps_set_ifname(ifname); wps_osl_set_ifname(ifname); /* reset assoc_state in INIT state */ assoc_state = WPS_ASSOC_STATE_INIT; /* reset enroll_again */ enroll_again = false; /* Check whether scan needed */ val = wps_ui_get_env("wps_enr_scan"); if (val) scan = atoi(val); /* if scan requested : display and exit */ if (scan) { /* do scan and wait the scan results */ do_wps_scan(); while (get_wps_scan_results() == NULL) WpsSleep(1); /* use scan result to create ap list */ wpsaplist = create_aplist(); if (wpsaplist) { wpssta_display_aplist(wpsaplist); wps_get_aplist(wpsaplist, wpsaplist); TUTRACE((TUTRACE_INFO, "WPS Enabled AP list :\n")); wpssta_display_aplist(wpsaplist); } goto exit; } /* init workspace */ if ((sta_wksp = (wpssta_wksp_t *)alloc_init(sizeof(wpssta_wksp_t))) == NULL) { TUTRACE((TUTRACE_INFO, "Can not allocate memory for wps workspace...\n")); return NULL; } memset(sta_wksp, 0, sizeof(wpssta_wksp_t)); wps_action = atoi(wps_ui_get_env("wps_action")); /* Setup STA action */ if (wps_action == WPS_UI_ACT_STA_CONFIGAP || wps_action == WPS_UI_ACT_STA_GETAPCONFIG) { sta_wksp->mode = WPSM_STA_BUILTINREG; if (wps_action == WPS_UI_ACT_STA_CONFIGAP) sta_wksp->configap = true; } else sta_wksp->mode = WPSM_STA_ENROLL; val = wps_ui_get_env("wps_pbc_method"); if (val) pbc = atoi(val); /* Save maximum instance number, and probe if any wl interface */ imax = wps_get_ess_num(); for (i = 0; i < imax; i++) { sprintf(tmp, "ess%d_wlnames", i); wlnames = wps_safe_get_conf(tmp); foreach(name, wlnames, next) { if (!strcmp(name, ifname)) { sta_wksp->ess_id = i; goto found; } } } goto exit; found: /* Retrieve ENV */ if (pbc == WPS_UI_PBC_HW) { strcat(op, "pb"); } else { /* SW PBC */ if (atoi(wps_ui_get_env("wps_method")) == WPS_UI_METHOD_PBC) { strcat(op, "pb"); } else { /* PIN */ strcat(op, "pin"); env_pin = wps_get_conf("wps_device_pin"); env_sec = wps_ui_get_env("wps_enr_wsec"); if (env_sec[0] != 0) { wsec = atoi(env_sec); } env_ssid = wps_ui_get_env("wps_enr_ssid"); if (env_ssid[0] == 0) { TUTRACE((TUTRACE_ERR, "\n\nPlease specify ssid or use pbc method\n\n")); goto exit; } wps_strncpy(ssid, env_ssid, sizeof(ssid)); env_bssid = wps_ui_get_env("wps_enr_bssid"); if (env_bssid[0] == 0) { /* * WARNING : this "bssid" is used only to create an 802.1X socket. * * Normally, it should be the bssid of the AP we will associate to. * * Setting this manually means that we might be proceeding to * eapol exchange with a different AP than the one we are associated to, * which might work ... or not. * * When implementing an application, one might want to enforce association * with the AP with that particular BSSID. In case of multiple AP * on the ESS, this might not be stable with roaming enabled. */ ether_atoe(env_bssid, bssid); } #ifdef __CONFIG_WFI__ /* For WiFi-Invite session PIN */ ui_env_pin = wps_ui_get_env("wps_device_pin"); if (ui_env_pin[0] != '\0') env_pin = ui_env_pin; #endif /* __CONFIG_WFI__ */ if (sta_wksp->mode == WPSM_STA_BUILTINREG) { env_pin = wps_ui_get_env("wps_stareg_ap_pin"); if (wps_validate_pin(env_pin) == FALSE) { TUTRACE((TUTRACE_INFO, "Not a valid PIN [%s]\n", env_pin ? (char *)env_pin : "")); goto exit; } sprintf(tmp, "ess%d_wps_oob", sta_wksp->ess_id); val = wps_ui_get_env(tmp); if (strcmp(val, "enabled") == 0) oob = 1; } /* If we want to get AP config and the AP is unconfigured, * configure the AP directly */ if (sta_wksp->mode == WPSM_STA_BUILTINREG && sta_wksp->configap == false) { val = wps_ui_get_env("wps_scstate"); if (strcmp(val, "unconfigured") == 0) { sta_wksp->configap = true; TUTRACE((TUTRACE_INFO, "AP-%s is unconfigure, " "using our security settings to configre it.\n")); } } } } TUTRACE((TUTRACE_INFO, "pbc = %s, wpsenr param: ifname = %s, mode= %s, op = %s, sec = %s, " "ssid = %s, bssid = %s, pin = %s, oob = %s\n", (pbc == 1? "HW_PBC": "SW_PBC"), ifname, (sta_wksp->mode == WPSM_STA_BUILTINREG) ? "STA_REG" : "STA_ENR", op, (env_sec? (char *)env_sec : "NULL"), (env_ssid? (char *)env_ssid : "NULL"), (env_bssid? (char *)env_bssid : "NULL"), (env_pin? (char *)env_pin : "NULL"), (oob == 1? "Enabled": "Disabled"))); /* * setup device configuration for WPS * needs to be done before eventual scan for PBC. */ if (sta_wksp->mode == WPSM_STA_BUILTINREG) { if (wpssta_reg_config_init(sta_wksp, ifname, bssid, oob) != WPS_SUCCESS) { TUTRACE((TUTRACE_ERR, "wpssta_reg_config_init failed, exit.\n")); goto exit; } } else { if (wpssta_enr_config_init() != WPS_SUCCESS) { TUTRACE((TUTRACE_ERR, "wpssta_enr_config_init failed, exit.\n")); goto exit; } } /* if ssid specified, use it */ if (!strcmp(op, "pin")) { pin = env_pin; if (!pin) { pin = def_pin; TUTRACE((TUTRACE_ERR, "\n\nStation Pin not specified, use default Pin %s\n\n", def_pin)); } start_ok = true; /* WSC 2.0, Test Plan 5.1.1 step 8 must add wps ie to probe request */ if (b_wps_version2) add_wps_ie(NULL, 0, 0, b_wps_version2); } else { pin = NULL; wpsenr_osl_proc_states(WPS_FIND_PBC_AP); /* add wps ie to probe */ add_wps_ie(NULL, 0, TRUE, b_wps_version2); do_wps_scan(); assoc_state_time = get_current_time(); assoc_state = WPS_ASSOC_STATE_SCANNING; start_ok = false; } /* start WPS two minutes period at Finding a PBC AP or Associating with AP */ start_time = get_current_time(); if (start_ok) { /* clear current security setting */ wpsenr_osl_clear_wsec(); /* * join. If user_bssid is specified, it might not * match the actual associated AP. * An implementation might want to make sure * it associates to the same bssid. * There might be problems with roaming. */ wpssta_do_join(false); return sta_wksp; } else if (assoc_state == WPS_ASSOC_STATE_SCANNING) { return sta_wksp; } exit: wpssta_deinit(sta_wksp); return NULL; }
void start_nas_notify(char *ifname) { char *argv[] = { "nas4not", "lan", ifname, "up", NULL, /* role */ NULL, /* crypto */ NULL, /* auth */ NULL, /* passphrase */ NULL, /* ssid */ NULL }; char *str = NULL; char tmp[100], prefix[] = "wlXXXXXXXXXX_", pidfile[] = "/tmp/"; int unit; char remote[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; char ssid[48], pass[80], auth[16], crypto[16], role[8]; int i; /* * the wireless interface must be configured to run NAS */ wl_ioctl(ifname, WLC_GET_INSTANCE, &unit, sizeof(unit)); snprintf(prefix, sizeof(prefix), "wl%d_", unit); snprintf(pidfile, sizeof(pidfile), "/tmp/", unit); if (!(str = file2str(pidfile))) // no pidfile means no nas was run (required) { return; } free(str); sleep(3); /* * find WDS link configuration */ wl_ioctl(ifname, WLC_WDS_GET_REMOTE_HWADDR, remote, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); for (i = 0; i < MAX_NVPARSE; i++) { char mac[ETHER_ADDR_STR_LEN]; uint8 ea[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; if (get_wds_wsec(unit, i, mac, role, crypto, auth, ssid, pass) && ether_atoe(mac, ea) && !bcmp(ea, remote, ETHER_ADDR_LEN)) { argv[4] = role; argv[5] = crypto; argv[6] = auth; argv[7] = pass; argv[8] = ssid; break; } } /* * did not find WDS link configuration, use wireless' */ if (i == MAX_NVPARSE) { /* * role */ argv[4] = "auto"; /* * crypto */ argv[5] = nvram_safe_get(strcat_r(prefix, "crypto", tmp)); /* * auth mode */ argv[6] = nvram_safe_get(strcat_r(prefix, "akm", tmp)); /* * passphrase */ argv[7] = nvram_safe_get(strcat_r(prefix, "wpa_psk", tmp)); /* * ssid */ argv[8] = nvram_safe_get(strcat_r(prefix, "ssid", tmp)); } int pid; _evalpid(argv, ">/dev/console", 0, &pid); }
void start_sysinit(void) { time_t tm = 0; eval("/bin/tar", "-xzf", "/dev/mtdblock/3", "-C", "/"); FILE *in = fopen("/tmp/nvram/nvram.db", "rb"); if (in != NULL) { fclose(in); eval("/usr/sbin/convertnvram"); eval("/sbin/mtd", "erase", "nvram"); nvram_commit(); } if (!nvram_match("disable_watchdog", "1")) eval("watchdog"); /* * Setup console */ cprintf("sysinit() klogctl\n"); klogctl(8, NULL, atoi(nvram_safe_get("console_loglevel"))); cprintf("sysinit() get router\n"); /* * network drivers */ #ifdef HAVE_HOTPLUG2 insmod("ar231x"); #else insmod("ar2313"); #endif detect_wireless_devices(); int s; struct ifreq ifr; if (getRouterBrand() == ROUTER_BOARD_RDAT81) { writeproc("/proc/sys/dev/wifi0/ledpin","7"); writeproc("/proc/sys/dev/wifi0/softled","1"); writeproc("/proc/sys/dev/wifi1/ledpin","5"); writeproc("/proc/sys/dev/wifi1/softled","1"); } if (getRouterBrand() == ROUTER_BOARD_RCAA01) { insmod("mvswitch"); // eval("ifconfig", "eth0", "up", "promisc"); // required for vlan config eval("/sbin/vconfig", "set_name_type", "VLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD"); eval("/sbin/vconfig", "add", "eth0", "0"); eval("/sbin/vconfig", "add", "eth0", "1"); if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW))) { char eabuf[32]; strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, "eth0", IFNAMSIZ); ioctl(s, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr); char macaddr[32]; strcpy(macaddr, ether_etoa((unsigned char *)ifr.ifr_hwaddr. sa_data, eabuf)); nvram_set("et0macaddr", macaddr); // MAC_ADD( macaddr ); ether_atoe(macaddr, (unsigned char *)ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data); strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, "vlan1", IFNAMSIZ); ioctl(s, SIOCSIFHWADDR, &ifr); close(s); } writeproc("/proc/sys/dev/wifi0/ledpin","4"); writeproc("/proc/sys/dev/wifi0/softled","1"); writeproc("/proc/sys/dev/wifi1/ledpin","5"); writeproc("/proc/sys/dev/wifi1/softled","1"); } if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW))) { char eabuf[32]; strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, "eth0", IFNAMSIZ); ioctl(s, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr); char macaddr[32]; strcpy(macaddr, ether_etoa((unsigned char *)ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, eabuf)); nvram_set("et0macaddr", macaddr); nvram_set("et0macaddr_safe", macaddr); close(s); } /* * Set a sane date */ stime(&tm); nvram_set("wl0_ifname", "ath0"); return; cprintf("done\n"); }
/* * var_pControlScanTable(): * Handle this table separately from the scalar value case. * The workings of this are basically the same as for var_parentalControl above. */ unsigned char * var_pControlScanTable(struct variable *vp, oid *name, size_t *length, int exact, size_t *var_len, WriteMethod **write_method) { /* variables we may use later */ static long index = 0; /* * This assumes that the table is a 'simple' table. * See the implementation documentation for the meaning of this. * You will need to provide the correct value for the TABLE_SIZE parameter * * If this table does not meet the requirements for a simple table, * you will need to provide the replacement code yourself. * Mib2c is not smart enough to write this for you. * Again, see the implementation documentation for what is required. */ if (header_simple_table(vp,name,length,exact,var_len,write_method, MAX_CLIENT_LIST) == MATCH_FAILED ) return NULL; /* * this is where we do the value assignments for the mib results. */ switch(vp->magic) { case PCONTROLSCANINDEX: return NULL; case PCONTROLSCANIPADDR: index = name[*length-1]-1; if(index < scanclient_count) { memset(tmpstr, 0x0, SPRINT_MAX_LEN); sprintf(tmpstr, "%d.%d.%d.%d", scanclient_list[index].ip_addr[0], scanclient_list[index].ip_addr[1], scanclient_list[index].ip_addr[2], scanclient_list[index].ip_addr[3]); tmpval_u = inet_addr(tmpstr); *var_len = sizeof( unsigned long ); return ( u_char * ) &tmpval_u; } return NULL; case PCONTROLSCANCLIENTNAME: index = name[*length-1]-1; if(index < scanclient_count) { memset(tmpstr, 0x0, SPRINT_MAX_LEN); sprintf(tmpstr, "%s", scanclient_list[index].device_name); *var_len = strlen(tmpstr); return ( u_char * )tmpstr; } return NULL; case PCONTROLSCANCLIENTMAC: index = name[*length-1]-1; if(index < scanclient_count) { char macstr[18]; memset(macstr, 0x0, 18); memset(tmpstr, 0x0, SPRINT_MAX_LEN); sprintf(macstr, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", scanclient_list[index].mac_addr[0], scanclient_list[index].mac_addr[1], scanclient_list[index].mac_addr[2], scanclient_list[index].mac_addr[3], scanclient_list[index].mac_addr[4], scanclient_list[index].mac_addr[5]); ether_atoe(macstr, tmpstr); *var_len = 6; return ( u_char * )tmpstr; } return NULL; default: ERROR_MSG(""); } return NULL; }
void vlan_init(int numports) { int phyUnit; UINT16 phyHwStatus; UINT16 timeout; int liveLinks = 0; UINT32 phyBase = 0; BOOL foundPhy = FALSE; UINT32 phyAddr; UINT32 reg = 0; /* * Reset PHYs */ for (phyUnit = 0; phyUnit < ADM_PHY_MAX; phyUnit++) { if (!ADM_IS_ETHUNIT(phyUnit, 0)) { continue; } phyAddr = ADM_PHYADDR(phyUnit); setPhy(phyAddr, ADM_PHY_CONTROL, ADM_CTRL_SOFTWARE_RESET); } /* * After the phy is reset, it takes a little while before * it can respond properly. */ sleep(1); /* * Verify that the switch is what we think it is, and that it's ready */ adm_verifyReady(0); /* * LAN SETTING: enable Auto-MDIX */ phyAddr = ADM_SW_PHY_PORT0_REG / ADM_PHY_BASE_REG_NUM; reg = getPhy(phyAddr, ADM_SW_PHY_PORT0_REG); reg |= ADM_SW_AUTO_MDIX_EN; setPhy(phyAddr, ADM_SW_PHY_PORT0_REG, reg); phyAddr = ADM_SW_PHY_PORT1_REG / ADM_PHY_BASE_REG_NUM; reg = getPhy(phyAddr, ADM_SW_PHY_PORT1_REG); reg |= ADM_SW_AUTO_MDIX_EN; setPhy(phyAddr, ADM_SW_PHY_PORT1_REG, reg); phyAddr = ADM_SW_PHY_PORT2_REG / ADM_PHY_BASE_REG_NUM; getPhy(phyAddr, ADM_SW_PHY_PORT2_REG); reg |= ADM_SW_AUTO_MDIX_EN; setPhy(phyAddr, ADM_SW_PHY_PORT2_REG, reg); phyAddr = ADM_SW_PHY_PORT3_REG / ADM_PHY_BASE_REG_NUM; reg = getPhy(phyAddr, ADM_SW_PHY_PORT3_REG); reg |= ADM_SW_AUTO_MDIX_EN; setPhy(phyAddr, ADM_SW_PHY_PORT3_REG, reg); phyAddr = ADM_SW_PHY_PORT4_REG / ADM_PHY_BASE_REG_NUM; reg = getPhy(phyAddr, ADM_SW_PHY_PORT4_REG); reg |= ADM_SW_AUTO_MDIX_EN; setPhy(phyAddr, ADM_SW_PHY_PORT4_REG, reg); phyAddr = ADM_SW_PHY_PORT5_REG / ADM_PHY_BASE_REG_NUM; reg = getPhy(phyAddr, ADM_SW_PHY_PORT5_REG); reg |= ADM_SW_AUTO_MDIX_EN; setPhy(phyAddr, ADM_SW_PHY_PORT5_REG, reg); /* * See if there's any configuration data for this enet */ for (phyUnit = 0; phyUnit < ADM_PHY_MAX; phyUnit++) { if (ADM_ETHUNIT(phyUnit) != 0) { continue; } foundPhy = TRUE; break; } if (!foundPhy) { return FALSE; /* No PHY's configured for this ethUnit */ } /* * start auto negogiation on each phy */ for (phyUnit = 0; phyUnit < ADM_PHY_MAX; phyUnit++) { if (!ADM_IS_ETHUNIT(phyUnit, 0)) { continue; } phyAddr = ADM_PHYADDR(phyUnit); setPhy(phyAddr, ADM_AUTONEG_ADVERT, ADM_ADVERTISE_ALL); setPhy(phyAddr, ADM_PHY_CONTROL, ADM_CTRL_AUTONEGOTIATION_ENABLE | ADM_CTRL_START_AUTONEGOTIATION); } /* * Wait up to .75 seconds for ALL associated PHYs to finish * autonegotiation. The only way we get out of here sooner is * if ALL PHYs are connected AND finish autonegotiation. */ timeout = 15; for (phyUnit = 0; (phyUnit < ADM_PHY_MAX) /* && (timeout > 0) */ ; phyUnit++) { if (!ADM_IS_ETHUNIT(phyUnit, 0)) { continue; } for (;;) { phyAddr = ADM_PHYADDR(phyUnit); phyHwStatus = getPhy(phyAddr, ADM_PHY_STATUS); if (ADM_AUTONEG_DONE(phyHwStatus)) { fprintf(stderr, "Port %d, Negotiation Success\n", phyUnit); break; } if (timeout == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Port %d, Negotiation timeout\n", phyUnit); break; } if (--timeout == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Port %d, Negotiation timeout\n", phyUnit); break; } usleep(75); } } /* * All PHYs have had adequate time to autonegotiate. * Now initialize software status. * * It's possible that some ports may take a bit longer * to autonegotiate; but we can't wait forever. They'll * get noticed by mv_phyCheckStatusChange during regular * polling activities. */ for (phyUnit = 0; phyUnit < ADM_PHY_MAX; phyUnit++) { if (adm_phyIsLinkAlive(phyUnit)) { liveLinks++; ADM_IS_PHY_ALIVE(phyUnit) = TRUE; } else { ADM_IS_PHY_ALIVE(phyUnit) = FALSE; } fprintf(stderr, "adm_phySetup: eth%d phy%d: Phy Status=%4.4x\n", 0, phyUnit, getPhy(ADM_PHYADDR(phyUnit), ADM_PHY_STATUS)); } config_vlan(); eval("vconfig", "set_name_type", "VLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD"); eval("vconfig", "add", "eth0", "1"); eval("vconfig", "add", "eth0", "2"); struct ifreq ifr; int s; if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW))) { char eabuf[32]; strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, "eth0", IFNAMSIZ); ioctl(s, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr); char macaddr[32]; strcpy(macaddr, ether_etoa((unsigned char *)ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, eabuf)); nvram_set("et0macaddr", macaddr); MAC_ADD(macaddr); ether_atoe(macaddr, (unsigned char *)ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data); strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, "vlan2", IFNAMSIZ); ioctl(s, SIOCSIFHWADDR, &ifr); close(s); } }
void setup_bcom(int skfd, char *ifname) { int val = 0; char buf[8192]; char wbuf[80]; char *v; if (bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_GET_MAGIC, &val, sizeof(val)) < 0) return; nvram_set(wl_var("ifname"), ifname); stop_bcom(skfd, ifname); /* Set Country */ strncpy(buf, nvram_safe_get(wl_var("country_code")), 4); buf[3] = 0; bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_SET_COUNTRY, buf, 4); /* Set up afterburner */ val = ABO_AUTO; if (nvram_enabled(wl_var("afterburner"))) val = ABO_ON; if (nvram_disabled(wl_var("afterburner"))) val = ABO_OFF; bcom_set_val(skfd, ifname, "afterburner_override", &val, sizeof(val)); /* Set other options */ val = nvram_enabled(wl_var("lazywds")); bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_SET_LAZYWDS, &val, sizeof(val)); if (v = nvram_get(wl_var("frag"))) { val = atoi(v); bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_SET_FRAG, &val, sizeof(val)); } if (v = nvram_get(wl_var("dtim"))) { val = atoi(v); bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_SET_DTIMPRD, &val, sizeof(val)); } if (v = nvram_get(wl_var("bcn"))) { val = atoi(v); bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_SET_BCNPRD, &val, sizeof(val)); } if (v = nvram_get(wl_var("rts"))) { val = atoi(v); bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_SET_RTS, &val, sizeof(val)); } if (v = nvram_get(wl_var("antdiv"))) { val = atoi(v); bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_SET_ANTDIV, &val, sizeof(val)); } if (v = nvram_get(wl_var("txant"))) { val = atoi(v); bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_SET_TXANT, &val, sizeof(val)); } val = nvram_enabled(wl_var("closed")); bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_SET_CLOSED, &val, sizeof(val)); val = nvram_enabled(wl_var("ap_isolate")); bcom_set_int(skfd, ifname, "ap_isolate", val); val = nvram_enabled(wl_var("frameburst")); bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_SET_FAKEFRAG, &val, sizeof(val)); /* Set up MAC list */ if (nvram_match(wl_var("macmode"), "allow")) val = WLC_MACMODE_ALLOW; else if (nvram_match(wl_var("macmode"), "deny")) val = WLC_MACMODE_DENY; else val = WLC_MACMODE_DISABLED; if ((val != WLC_MACMODE_DISABLED) && (v = nvram_get(wl_var("maclist")))) { struct maclist *mac_list; struct ether_addr *addr; char *next; memset(buf, 0, 8192); mac_list = (struct maclist *) buf; addr = mac_list->ea; foreach(wbuf, v, next) { if (ether_atoe(wbuf, addr->ether_addr_octet)) { mac_list->count++; addr++; } } bcom_ioctl(skfd, ifname, WLC_SET_MACLIST, buf, sizeof(buf)); } else {