BOOL ShowSelectExecDlg(LPSTR path) { OPENFILENAME ofn; ZeroMemory(&ofn,sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lpstrFile = GetRegValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,"Software\\GNU\\GnuPG","gpgProgram"); if ( ofn.lpstrFile && existsFile(ofn.lpstrFile) ) { strcpy(path, ofn.lpstrFile); return TRUE; } ofn.lpstrFile = GetRegValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"Software\\GNU\\GnuPG","Install Directory"); if ( ofn.lpstrFile ) { strcat(ofn.lpstrFile,"\\gpg.exe"); if ( existsFile(ofn.lpstrFile) ) { strcpy(path, ofn.lpstrFile); return TRUE; } } ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.Flags = OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_NONETWORKBUTTON; ofn.lpstrFile = path; ofn.lpstrFilter = "GnuPG executable (gpg.exe)\0gpg.exe\0All files (*.*)\0*.*\0"; ofn.lpstrTitle = "Select GnuPG executable"; if (!GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
int Project::load() { std::string curdir = getCurrentDir(); std::string abspath = getRealPath(curdir); char buf[PATH_MAX]; for (;;) { if (curdir.length() < MIN_PROJECT_PATH_LENGTH) { return -1; // error } std::string proj = curdir + PROJECT_FILENAME; if (existsFile(proj)) { filename = proj; content = getFileContent(proj); dir = curdir; return 0; // ok } // copy curdir to buf for, api compatibility memcpy(buf, curdir.c_str(), curdir.length()); buf[curdir.length()] = '\0'; curdir = dirname(buf); } return -1; // error }
// to truncate a file at its current position // leaving byte at current possition intact // deleting everything afterward. signed char FileMgr::trunc(FileDesc *file) { static const char *writeTest = "x"; long size = file->seek(1, SEEK_CUR); if (size == 1) // was empty size = 0; char nibble [ 32767 ]; bool writable = file->write(writeTest, 1); int bytes = 0; if (writable) { // get tmpfilename char *buf = new char [ strlen(file->path) + 10 ]; int i; for (i = 0; i < 9999; i++) { sprintf(buf, "%stmp%.4d", file->path, i); if (!existsFile(buf)) break; } if (i == 9999) return -2; int fd = ::open(buf, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH); if (fd < 0) return -3; file->seek(0, SEEK_SET); while (size > 0) { bytes = file->read(nibble, 32767); bytes = (bytes < size)?bytes:size; if (write(fd, nibble, bytes) != bytes) { break; } size -= bytes; } if (size < 1) { // zero out the file ::close(file->fd); file->fd = ::open(file->path, O_TRUNC, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH); ::close(file->fd); file->fd = -77; // force file open by filemgr // copy tmp file back (dumb, but must preserve file permissions) lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); do { bytes = read(fd, nibble, 32767); file->write(nibble, bytes); } while (bytes == 32767); } ::close(fd); ::close(file->fd); removeFile(buf); // remove our tmp file file->fd = -77; // causes file to be swapped out forcing open on next call to getFd() } else { // put offset back and return failure file->seek(-1, SEEK_CUR); return -1; } return 0; }
static std::vector<std::string> getAllFilenames(std::string path) { std::vector<std::string> list = getAllElementsInDir(path); std::vector<std::string> file_list; for (std::string fname : list) { if (, 1, ".") == 0) //archivos que comienzan por "." continue; std::string full_name = path + "/" + fname; if (existsFile(full_name)) file_list.push_back(full_name); } return file_list; }
void setupDirectoryIndexes(){ if(existsFile(getDataDirectory())){ if(isInfoEnabled()) info(concatAll( 3, "Usando " , getDataDirectory() , " como directorio de indices")); }else{ if(isInfoEnabled()) info(concatAll(2 , "No existe el directorio " , getDataDirectory())); if(createDirectory(getDataDirectory())){ if(isInfoEnabled()) info(concatAll(2 , "Se crea " , getDataDirectory())); }else{ if(isInfoEnabled()) info(concatAll(2 , "No se pudo crear el directorio " , getDataDirectory())); killAndWait(1); return; } } }
int __cdecl _gpg_open_keyrings(LPSTR ExecPath, LPSTR HomePath) { if ( !ExecPath || (!*ExecPath && !ShowSelectExecDlg(ExecPath)) ) { return 0; } if ( !HomePath || (!*HomePath && !ShowSelectHomeDlg(HomePath)) ) { return 0; } if ( !existsFile(ExecPath) ) { // ErrorMessage(txtwarning, txtinvalidexecutable, txtverifyoptions); return 0; } strcpy(gpgExecutable, ExecPath); strcpy(gpgHomeDirectory, HomePath); updateKeyUserIDs(publickeyuserid); updateKeyUserIDs(secretkeyuserid); return 1; }
ssize_t fs_read_file(struct superblock *sb, const char *fname, char *buf, size_t bufsz) { if (existsFile(sb, fname) == FALSE) { errno = ENOENT; return -1; } int len = 0, exists = 0; char** fileParts = getFileParts(fname, &len); uint64_t fileBlock = findFile(sb, fname, &exists); struct inode* node; initNode(&node, sb->blksz); struct nodeinfo* meta = (struct nodeinfo*) calloc(1, sb->blksz); seek_read(sb, fileBlock, node); seek_read(sb, node->meta, meta); assert(strcmp(meta->name, fileParts[len - 1]) == 0); size_t size = MIN(meta->size, bufsz); size = MAX(sb->blksz, size); size_t read_blocks = 0; char* buf_p = (char*) calloc(1, size); char* p = buf_p; do { int i = 0; while (node->links[i] != 0) { seek_read(sb, node->links[i++], p); p = p + sb->blksz; read_blocks++; } if (node->next == 0)break; seek_read(sb, node->next, node); } while (node->next != 0); strcpy(buf, buf_p); freeFileParts(&fileParts, len); free(meta); free(node); free(buf_p); return size; }
void StaticPoseNode::readFile(const std::string &file) { if (!existsFile(file)) { ROS_INFO("The pose file: %s does not exist, I will create a empty one", file.c_str()); V4R::PoseD pose; pose.clear(); pose.write(file, "frameSrc", "frameDes"); } pose_msgs::Transform t; V4R::PoseD pose;, t.frameSrc, t.frameDes); if (t.frameSrc.empty() || t.frameDes.empty()) { ROS_ERROR("\tPose file error: %s", file.c_str() ); return; } ROS_INFO("\tPoseFile: %s", file.c_str() ); ROS_INFO("\tPose: %s -> %s %s ", t.frameSrc.c_str() , t.frameDes.c_str() , pose.human_readable().c_str() ); pose.copyTo(&t.rotation.x, &t.translation.x); transforms_.push_back(t); }
static void copyFile(const char* sourceFileName, const char* destFileName, bool overwrite) { // コピー先ファイルの存在確認 if (!overwrite && existsFile(destFileName)) { LN_ENSURE(0); return; } // FILE* fpSrc = fopen(sourceFileName, "rb"); if (fpSrc == NULL) { LN_ENSURE(0); return; } FILE* fpDest = fopen(destFileName, "wb"); if (fpDest == NULL) { LN_ENSURE(0); return; } // バイナリデータとして 1byte ずつコピー // (windows ではバッファリングが効くけど、それ以外はわからない。 // Linux とかで極端に遅くなるようならここでバッファリングも考える) while (1) { byte_t b; fread(&b, 1, 1, fpSrc); if (feof(fpSrc)) { break; } if (ferror(fpSrc)) { LN_ENSURE(0); return; } fwrite(&b, sizeof(b), 1, fpDest); } fclose(fpDest); fclose(fpSrc); }
int fs_write_file(struct superblock *sb, const char *fname, char *buf, size_t cnt) { const uint64_t blocksNeeded = MAX(1, cnt / sb->blksz); if (blocksNeeded > sb->freeblks) { errno = ENOSPC; return -1; } int blocksUsed = 0; if (strlen(fname) + 1 > getFileNameMaxLen(sb)) { errno = ENAMETOOLONG; return -1; } if (existsFile(sb, fname)) { errno = EEXIST; return -1; } int len = 0, exists = 0; char** fileParts = getFileParts(fname, &len); uint64_t dirBlock = findFile(sb, fname, &exists); char* dirName = NULL; struct inode* dirNode, *node; struct nodeinfo* meta = (struct nodeinfo*) calloc(1, sb->blksz); initNode(&dirNode, sb->blksz); initNode(&node, sb->blksz); seek_read(sb, dirBlock, dirNode); seek_read(sb, dirNode->meta, meta); dirName = calloc(1, sizeof (char)* (strlen(meta->name) + 1)); strcpy(dirName, meta->name); if (strcmp(fileParts[MAX(0, len - 2)], dirName) != 0) { errno = EBADF; free(dirName); free(node); free(meta); free(dirNode); return -1; } uint64_t fileBlock = fs_get_block(sb); insertInBlock(sb, dirBlock, fileBlock); uint64_t blocksList[blocksNeeded]; ///properly write the file while (blocksUsed < blocksNeeded) { uint64_t block = fs_get_block(sb); blocksList[blocksUsed] = block; char* temp = calloc(1, sb->blksz); char* blockContent = buf + sb->blksz * (blocksUsed); strcpy(temp, blockContent); blocksUsed++; seek_write(sb, block, temp); free(temp); } strcpy(meta->name, fileParts[len - 1]); meta->size = cnt; meta->reserved[0] = 0; node->meta = fs_get_block(sb); node->mode = IMREG; node->parent = dirBlock; seek_write(sb, node->meta, meta); uint64_t nodeBlock = fileBlock; blocksUsed = 0; while (blocksUsed < blocksNeeded) { int i = 0; int linksLen = getLinksMaxLen(sb); int N = MIN(linksLen, blocksNeeded); while (i < N) { node->links[i] = blocksList[i]; i++; blocksUsed++; } if (blocksUsed < blocksNeeded) { node->next = fs_get_block(sb); seek_write(sb, nodeBlock, node); nodeBlock = node->next; node->next = 0; node->parent = fileBlock; node->mode = IMCHILD | IMREG; node->meta = fs_get_block(sb); strcpy(meta->name, fileParts[len - 1]); meta->size = cnt; seek_write(sb, node->meta, meta); } } seek_write(sb, nodeBlock, node); free(meta); free(node); freeFileParts(&fileParts, len); free(dirNode); free(dirName); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // init fnkdat if(fnkdat(NULL, NULL, 0, FNKDAT_INIT) < 0) { perror("Could not initialize fnkdat"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } bool bShowDebug = false; for(int i=1; i < argc; i++) { //check for overiding params std::string parameter(argv[i]); if(parameter == "--showlog") { // special parameter which does not overwrite settings bShowDebug = true; } else if((parameter == "-f") || (parameter == "--fullscreen") || (parameter == "-w") || (parameter == "--window") || (parameter.find("--PlayerName=") == 0) || (parameter.find("--ServerPort=") == 0)) { // normal parameter for overwriting settings // handle later } else { printUsage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if(bShowDebug == false) { // get utf8-encoded log file path std::string logfilePath = getLogFilepath(); const char* pLogfilePath = logfilePath.c_str(); #if defined (_WIN32) // on win32 we need an ansi-encoded filepath WCHAR szwLogPath[MAX_PATH]; char szLogPath[MAX_PATH]; if(MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, pLogfilePath, -1, szwLogPath, MAX_PATH) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Conversion of logfile path from utf-8 to utf-16 failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szwLogPath, -1, szLogPath, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Conversion of logfile path from utf-16 to ansi failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } pLogfilePath = szLogPath; #endif int d = open(pLogfilePath, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644); if(d < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Opening logfile '%s' failed\n", pLogfilePath); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Hint: fileno(stdout) != STDOUT_FILENO on Win32 (see SDL_win32_main.c) if(dup2(d, fileno(stdout)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Redirecting stdout failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Hint: fileno(stderr) != STDERR_FILENO on Win32 (see SDL_win32_main.c) if(dup2(d, fileno(stderr)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Redirecting stderr failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } fprintf(stdout, "Starting Dune Legacy " VERSION " ...\n"); fflush(stdout); if(checkForExcessPrecision() == true) { fprintf(stdout, "WARNING: Floating point operations are internally calculated with higher precision. Network game might get async. Are you using x87-FPU? Check your compile settings!\n"); fflush(stdout); } // First check for missing files std::vector<std::string> missingFiles = FileManager::getMissingFiles(); if(missingFiles.empty() == false) { // create data directory inside config directory char tmp[FILENAME_MAX]; fnkdat("data/", tmp, FILENAME_MAX, FNKDAT_USER | FNKDAT_CREAT); bool cannotShowMissingScreen = false; fprintf(stderr,"The following files are missing:\n"); std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter; for(iter = missingFiles.begin() ; iter != missingFiles.end(); ++iter) { fprintf(stderr," %s\n",iter->c_str()); if(iter->find("LEGACY.PAK") != std::string::npos) { cannotShowMissingScreen = true; } } fprintf(stderr,"Put them in one of the following directories:\n"); std::vector<std::string> searchPath = FileManager::getSearchPath(); std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator searchPathIter; for(searchPathIter = searchPath.begin(); searchPathIter != searchPath.end(); ++searchPathIter) { fprintf(stderr," %s\n",searchPathIter->c_str()); } if(cannotShowMissingScreen == true) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } } bool bExitGame = false; bool bFirstInit = true; bool bFirstGamestart = false; debug = false; cursorFrame = UI_CursorNormal; do { int seed = time(NULL); srand(seed); // check if configfile exists std::string configfilepath = getConfigFilepath(); if(existsFile(configfilepath) == false) { std::string userLanguage = getUserLanguage(); if(userLanguage.empty()) { userLanguage = "en"; } if(missingFiles.empty() == true) { // if all pak files were found we can create the ini file bFirstGamestart = true; createDefaultConfigFile(configfilepath, userLanguage); } } INIFile myINIFile(configfilepath); settings.general.playIntro = myINIFile.getBoolValue("General","Play Intro",false); settings.general.playerName = myINIFile.getStringValue("General","Player Name","Player"); = myINIFile.getIntValue("Video","Width",640); = myINIFile.getIntValue("Video","Height",480); = myINIFile.getBoolValue("Video","Fullscreen",true); = myINIFile.getBoolValue("Video","Double Buffering",true); = myINIFile.getBoolValue("Video","FrameLimit",true); = myINIFile.getIntValue("Video","Preferred Zoom Level", 0); = myINIFile.getStringValue("Video","Scaler", "scale2x"); = myINIFile.getStringValue("Audio","Music Type","adl"); = myINIFile.getBoolValue("Audio","Play Music", true); = myINIFile.getBoolValue("Audio","Play SFX", true); = myINIFile.getIntValue("Audio","Audio Frequency", 22050); settings.general.language = myINIFile.getStringValue("General","Language","en"); = myINIFile.getIntValue("Network","ServerPort",DEFAULT_PORT); = myINIFile.getStringValue("Network","MetaServer",DEFAULT_METASERVER); = myINIFile.getBoolValue("Network","Debug Network",false); = myINIFile.getStringValue("AI","Campaign AI",DEFAULTAIPLAYERCLASS); settings.gameOptions.gameSpeed = myINIFile.getIntValue("Game Options","Game Speed",GAMESPEED_DEFAULT); settings.gameOptions.concreteRequired = myINIFile.getBoolValue("Game Options","Concrete Required",true); settings.gameOptions.structuresDegradeOnConcrete = myINIFile.getBoolValue("Game Options","Structures Degrade On Concrete",true); settings.gameOptions.fogOfWar = myINIFile.getBoolValue("Game Options","Fog of War",false); settings.gameOptions.startWithExploredMap = myINIFile.getBoolValue("Game Options","Start with Explored Map",false); settings.gameOptions.instantBuild = myINIFile.getBoolValue("Game Options","Instant Build",false); settings.gameOptions.onlyOnePalace = myINIFile.getBoolValue("Game Options","Only One Palace",false); settings.gameOptions.rocketTurretsNeedPower = myINIFile.getBoolValue("Game Options","Rocket-Turrets Need Power",false); settings.gameOptions.sandwormsRespawn = myINIFile.getBoolValue("Game Options","Sandworms Respawn",false); settings.gameOptions.killedSandwormsDropSpice = myINIFile.getBoolValue("Game Options","Killed Sandworms Drop Spice",false); fprintf(stdout, "loading texts....."); fflush(stdout); pTextManager = new TextManager(); fprintf(stdout, "\t\tfinished\n"); fflush(stdout); if(FileManager::getMissingFiles().size() > 0) { // set back to english std::vector<std::string> missingFiles = FileManager::getMissingFiles(); fprintf(stderr,"The following files are missing for language \"%s\":\n",_("LanguageFileExtension").c_str()); std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter; for(iter = missingFiles.begin(); iter != missingFiles.end(); ++iter) { fprintf(stderr," %s\n",iter->c_str()); } fprintf(stderr,"Language is changed to English!\n"); settings.general.language = "en"; } for(int i=1; i < argc; i++) { //check for overiding params std::string parameter(argv[i]); if((parameter == "-f") || (parameter == "--fullscreen")) { = true; } else if((parameter == "-w") || (parameter == "--window")) { = false; } else if(parameter.find("--PlayerName=") == 0) { settings.general.playerName = parameter.substr(strlen("--PlayerName=")); } else if(parameter.find("--ServerPort=") == 0) { = atol(argv[i] + strlen("--ServerPort=")); } } if(bFirstInit == true) { fprintf(stdout, "initializing SDL..... \t\t"); fflush(stdout); if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_TIMER | SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Couldn't initialise SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fprintf(stdout, "finished\n"); fflush(stdout); } if(bFirstGamestart == true && bFirstInit == true) { // detect 800x600 screen resolution if(SDL_VideoModeOK(800, 600, 8, SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_FULLSCREEN) > 0) { = 800; = 600; = 1; myINIFile.setIntValue("Video","Width",; myINIFile.setIntValue("Video","Height",; myINIFile.setIntValue("Video","Preferred Zoom Level",1); myINIFile.saveChangesTo(getConfigFilepath()); } } Scaler::setDefaultScaler(Scaler::getScalerByName(; SDL_EnableUNICODE(1); SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY, SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL); char strenv[] = "SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED=center"; SDL_putenv(strenv); SDL_WM_SetCaption("Dune Legacy", "Dune Legacy"); if(bFirstInit == true) { fprintf(stdout, "initializing sound..... \t");fflush(stdout); if( Mix_OpenAudio(, AUDIO_S16SYS, 2, 1024) < 0 ) { SDL_Quit(); fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Couldn't set %d Hz 16-bit audio\n- Reason: %s\n",,SDL_GetError()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { fprintf(stdout, "allocated %d channels.\n", Mix_AllocateChannels(6)); fflush(stdout); } } pFileManager = new FileManager( !missingFiles.empty() ); // now we can finish loading texts if(missingFiles.empty()) { pTextManager->loadData(); } if(pFileManager->exists("IBM.PAL") == true) { palette = LoadPalette_RW(pFileManager->openFile("IBM.PAL"), true); } else { // create dummy palette for showing missing files info palette = Palette(256); palette[115].r = 202; palette[115].g = 141; palette[115].b = 16; palette[255].r = 255; palette[255].g = 255; palette[255].b = 255; } screen = NULL; setVideoMode(); fprintf(stdout, "loading fonts...");fflush(stdout); pFontManager = new FontManager(); fprintf(stdout, "\t\tfinished\n"); fflush(stdout); if(!missingFiles.empty()) { // some files are missing bExitGame = true; printMissingFilesToScreen(); fprintf(stdout, "Deinitialize....."); fflush(stdout); } else { // everything is just fine and we can start the game fprintf(stdout, "loading graphics..."); fflush(stdout); pGFXManager = new GFXManager(); fprintf(stdout, "\t\tfinished\n"); fflush(stdout); fprintf(stdout, "loading sounds..."); fflush(stdout); pSFXManager = new SFXManager(); fprintf(stdout, "\t\tfinished\n"); fflush(stdout); GUIStyle::setGUIStyle(new DuneStyle); if(bFirstInit == true) { fprintf(stdout, "starting sound player..."); fflush(stdout); soundPlayer = new SoundPlayer(); fprintf(stdout, "\tfinished\n"); fprintf(stdout, "starting music player...\t"); fflush(stdout); if( == "directory") { fprintf(stdout, "playing from music directory\n"); fflush(stdout); musicPlayer = new DirectoryPlayer(); } else if( == "adl") { fprintf(stdout, "playing ADL files\n"); fflush(stdout); musicPlayer = new ADLPlayer(); } else if( == "xmi") { fprintf(stdout, "playing XMI files\n"); fflush(stdout); musicPlayer = new XMIPlayer(); } else { fprintf(stdout, "failed\n"); fflush(stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //musicPlayer->changeMusic(MUSIC_INTRO); } // Playing intro if(((bFirstGamestart == true) || (settings.general.playIntro == true)) && (bFirstInit==true)) { fprintf(stdout, "playing intro.....");fflush(stdout); Intro* pIntro = new Intro(); pIntro->run(); delete pIntro; fprintf(stdout, "\t\tfinished\n"); fflush(stdout); } bFirstInit = false; fprintf(stdout, "starting main menu...");fflush(stdout); MainMenu * myMenu = new MainMenu(); fprintf(stdout, "\t\tfinished\n"); fflush(stdout); if(myMenu->showMenu() == MENU_QUIT_DEFAULT) { bExitGame = true; } delete myMenu; fprintf(stdout, "Deinitialize....."); fflush(stdout); GUIStyle::destroyGUIStyle(); // clear everything if(bExitGame == true) { delete musicPlayer; delete soundPlayer; Mix_HaltMusic(); Mix_CloseAudio(); } delete pTextManager; delete pSFXManager; delete pGFXManager; } delete pFontManager; delete pFileManager; if(bExitGame == true) { SDL_Quit(); } fprintf(stdout, "\t\tfinished\n"); fflush(stdout); } while(bExitGame == false); // deinit fnkdat if(fnkdat(NULL, NULL, 0, FNKDAT_UNINIT) < 0) { perror("Could not uninitialize fnkdat"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
bool ApplicationFileSystem::existsFile(Location location, const Path& path) { Path locationPath = getPath(location); auto hostDevice = HostPathDevice("", locationPath); return hostDevice.existsFile(path); }
bool MenuBase::doInput(SDL_Event &event) { switch (event.type) { case (SDL_KEYDOWN): { // Look for a keypress switch(event.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: { if((pChildWindow == NULL) && (bAllowQuiting == true)) { quit(); } } break; case SDLK_RETURN: { if(SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_ALT) { SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen(screen); } } break; case SDLK_p: { if(SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) { // fall through to SDLK_PRINT } else { break; // do not fall through } } // fall through case SDLK_PRINT: case SDLK_SYSREQ: { std::string screenshotFilename; int i = 1; do { screenshotFilename = "Screenshot" + stringify(i) + ".bmp"; i++; } while(existsFile(screenshotFilename) == true); SDL_SaveBMP(screen, screenshotFilename.c_str()); } break; case SDLK_TAB: { if(SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_ALT) { SDL_WM_IconifyWindow(); } } break; default: { } break; } } break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: { SDL_MouseMotionEvent* mouse = &event.motion; drawnMouseX = mouse->x; drawnMouseY = mouse->y; } break; case SDL_QUIT: { if((pChildWindow == NULL) && (bAllowQuiting == true)) { quit(); } } break; default: { } break; } handleInput(event); return !quiting; }
bool FileMgr::existsDir(NormalizedPath const & path, const char *idirName) { return existsFile(path, idirName); }
bool existsFile(const string& project, const string& suffix, const bool& mustExist){ //n check whether file project.suffix exists time_t dummy; return(existsFile(project,suffix,mustExist,dummy)); }