Пример #1
void Export_SRT(FILE *outf)
	struct Lyric_Line *curline=NULL;	//Conductor of the lyric line linked list
	struct Lyric_Piece *temp=NULL;		//A conductor for the lyric pieces list
	unsigned long ctr=1;			//The lyric counter

	assert_wrapper(outf != NULL);	//This must not be NULL
	assert_wrapper(Lyrics.piececount != 0);	//This function is not to be called with an empty Lyrics structure

	if(Lyrics.verbose)	printf("\nExporting SRT subtitles to file \"%s\"\n\nWriting subtitles\n",Lyrics.outfilename);

//Export the lyric pieces
	curline=Lyrics.lines;	//Point lyric line conductor to first line of lyrics
	while(curline != NULL)	//For each line of lyrics
		temp=curline->pieces;	//Starting with the first piece of lyric in this line

		if(Lyrics.verbose)	printf("\tSubtitle line %lu: ",ctr);

		while(temp != NULL)				//For each piece of lyric in this line
			if(ctr != 1)
			{	//All subtitles after the first are prefixed with two newline characters
				if(fprintf(outf,"\n\n") < 0)
					printf("Error writing double space between subtitles: %s\nAborting\n",strerror(errno));
			if((fprintf(outf,"%lu\n",ctr) < 0) || Write_SRT_Timestamp(outf,temp->start) || (fprintf(outf," --> ") < 0) || Write_SRT_Timestamp(outf,temp->start+temp->duration) || (fprintf(outf,"\n%s",temp->lyric) < 0))
			{	//Write the subtitle number, the start timestamp, the "-->" separator, the end timestamp and the subtitle text
				printf("Error exporting lyric %lu: %s\nAborting\n",ctr,strerror(errno));

			if(Lyrics.verbose)	printf("'%s'",temp->lyric);

			temp=temp->next;	//Advance to next lyric piece as normal
		}//end while(temp != NULL)

		curline=curline->next;	//Advance to next line of lyrics

		if(Lyrics.verbose)	(void) putchar('\n');

	if(Lyrics.verbose)	printf("\nSRT export complete.  %lu subtitles written",Lyrics.piececount);
Пример #2
void Export_ID3(FILE *inf, FILE *outf)
	struct ID3Tag tag={NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0.0,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};

//Validate parameters
	assert_wrapper((inf != NULL) && (outf != NULL));
	assert_wrapper(Lyrics.piececount != 0);	//This function is not to be called with an empty Lyrics structure

	tag.fp=inf;	//Store the input file pointer into the ID3 tag structure

//Seek to first MPEG frame in input file (after ID3 tag, otherwise presume it's at the beginning of the file)
	if(Lyrics.verbose)	(void) puts("Parsing input MPEG audio file");
	if(FindID3Tag(&tag))		//Find start and end of ID3 tag
		fseek_err(tag.fp,tag.tagend,SEEK_SET);	//Seek to the first MP3 frame (immediately after the ID3 tag)
		rewind_err(tag.fp);	//Rewind file if no ID3 tag is found

//Load MPEG information
	if(GetMP3FrameDuration(&tag) == 0)	//Find the sample rate defined in the MP3 frame at the current file position
		printf("Error loading MPEG information from file \"%s\"\nAborting",Lyrics.srcfilename);

//Load any existing ID3 frames
	(void) ID3FrameProcessor(&tag);

//Build output file
	(void) BuildID3Tag(&tag,outf);

//Release memory
	DestroyID3(&tag);	//Release the ID3 structure's memory
	DestroyOmitID3framelist(Lyrics.nosrctag);	//Release ID3 frame omission list
Пример #3
void WriteTextInfoFrame(FILE *outf,const char *frameid,const char *string)
	size_t size=0;

//Validate input parameters
	assert_wrapper((outf != NULL) && (frameid != NULL) && (string != NULL));
	if(strlen(frameid) != 4)
		printf("Error: Attempted export of invalid frame ID \"%s\"\nAborting",frameid);

	if(Lyrics.verbose >= 2)	printf("\tWriting frame \"%s\"\n",frameid);

	size=strlen(string)+1;		//The frame payload size is the string and the encoding byte

//Write ID3 frame header
	fwrite_err(frameid,4,1,outf);			//Write frame ID
	WriteDWORDBE(outf,(unsigned long)size);	//Write frame size (total frame size-header size) in Big Endian format
	fputc_err(0xC0,outf);					//Write first flag byte (preserve frame for both tag and file alteration)
	fputc_err(0,outf);						//Write second flag byte (no compression, encryption or grouping identity)

//Write frame data
	fputc_err(0,outf);					//Write ASCII encoding
	fwrite_err(string,(size_t)size-1,1,outf);	//Write the string
Пример #4
int EOF_EXPORT_TO_LC(EOF_VOCAL_TRACK * tp, char *outputfilename, char *string2, int format)
	unsigned long linectr = 0, lyrctr = 0, lastlyrtime = 0, linestart = 0, lineend = 0;
	unsigned char pitch = 0;
	FILE *outf = NULL;			//Used to open output file
	FILE *pitchedlyrics = NULL;	//Used to open output pitched lyric fle
	char *vrhythmid = NULL;
	EOF_PHRASE_SECTION temp;	//Used to store the first lyric line in the project, which gets overridden with one covering all lyrics during RS1 export
	unsigned long original_lines;
	char *tempoutputfilename = "lyrics.temp";

	eof_log("EOF_EXPORT_TO_LC() entered", 1);

	if((tp == NULL) || (outputfilename == NULL) || (tp->lyrics == 0))
		return -1;	//Return failure

//Initialize variables
	InitLyrics();	//Initialize all variables in the Lyrics structure
	InitMIDI();		//Initialize all variables in the MIDI structure

	qsort(tp->line, (size_t)tp->lines, sizeof(EOF_PHRASE_SECTION), eof_song_qsort_phrase_sections);	//Sort the lyric lines
	temp = tp->line[0];			//Preserve the original lyric line information
	original_lines = tp->lines;

//Set export-specific settings
	if(format == SCRIPT_FORMAT)
		Lyrics.grouping = 2;	//Enable line grouping for script.txt export
		Lyrics.nohyphens = 3;	//Disable hyphen output
		Lyrics.noplus = 1;	//Disable plus output
		Lyrics.filter = DuplicateString("^=%#/");	//Use default filter list
		Lyrics.defaultfilter = 1;	//Track that the above string will need to be freed
	else if((format == RS_FORMAT) || (format == RS2_FORMAT))
		Lyrics.noplus = 1;	//Disable plus output
		Lyrics.filter = DuplicateString("^=%#/");	//Use default filter list
		Lyrics.defaultfilter = 1;	//Track that the above string will need to be freed
		if((format == RS_FORMAT) || (!tp->lines))
		{	//If exporting to Rocksmith 1 format or if the lyrics don't have any lines defined
			tp->lines = 0;		//Temporarily disregard any existing lyric lines
			(void) eof_vocal_track_add_line(tp, 0, tp->lyric[tp->lyrics - 1]->pos + 1, 0xFF);	//Create a single line encompassing all lyrics
	else if(format == PLAIN_FORMAT)
	{	//This format option is meant to invoke script export with the plain flag set and filtering enabled
		Lyrics.nohyphens = 3;	//Disable hyphen output
		Lyrics.noplus = 1;	//Disable plus output
		Lyrics.filter = DuplicateString("^=%#/");	//Use default filter list
		Lyrics.defaultfilter = 1;	//Track that the above string will need to be freed
		format = SCRIPT_FORMAT;
		Lyrics.plain = 1;
		Lyrics.grouping = 2;	//Enable line grouping for script.txt export

//Import lyrics from EOF structure
	lyrctr = 0;		//Begin indexing into lyrics from the very first
	lastlyrtime = 0;	//First lyric is expected to be greater than or equal to this timestamp
	for(linectr = 0; linectr < (unsigned long)tp->lines; linectr++)
	{	//For each line of lyrics in the EOF structure
		linestart = (tp->line[linectr]).start_pos;
		lineend = (tp->line[linectr]).end_pos;

		if(linestart > lineend)	//If the line starts after it ends
			return -1;			//Return failure

		if(lyrctr < tp->lyrics)	//If there are lyrics remaining
			CreateLyricLine();	//Initialize new line of lyrics

		if((tp->line[linectr]).flags & EOF_LYRIC_LINE_FLAG_OVERDRIVE)	//If this line is overdrive
			Lyrics.overdrive_on = 1;
			Lyrics.overdrive_on = 0;

		while(lyrctr < tp->lyrics)
		{	//For each lyric
			if((tp->lyric[lyrctr])->text[0] != '\0')
			{	//If this lyric's text isn't an empty string
				if((tp->lyric[lyrctr])->pos < lastlyrtime)	//If this lyric precedes the previous lyric
					(void) snprintf(eof_log_string, sizeof(eof_log_string) - 1, "\tLogic error while preparing lyrics for export to file \"%s\"", tempoutputfilename);
					eof_log(eof_log_string, 1);
					return -1;				//Return failure
				if((tp->lyric[lyrctr])->pos < linestart)		//If this lyric precedes the beginning of the line
					(void) snprintf(eof_log_string, sizeof(eof_log_string) - 1, "\tWarning:  Lyric \"%s\" at %lums is outside of defined lyric lines", tp->lyric[lyrctr]->text, tp->lyric[lyrctr]->pos);
					eof_log(eof_log_string, 1);
					CreateLyricLine();	//Initialize new line of lyrics
				if((tp->lyric[lyrctr])->pos > lineend)		//If this lyric is placed beyond the end of this line
					break;					//Break from this while loop to have another line created

				pitch = (tp->lyric[lyrctr])->note;			//Store the lyric's pitch
				if((tp->lyric[lyrctr])->note == 0)			//Remap EOF's pitchless value to FLC's pitchless value
					pitch = PITCHLESS;

				if(!Lyrics.line_on)		//If a lyric line is not in progress
					CreateLyricLine();	//Force one to be before adding the next lyric
				AddLyricPiece((tp->lyric[lyrctr])->text, (tp->lyric[lyrctr])->pos, (tp->lyric[lyrctr])->pos+(tp->lyric[lyrctr])->length, pitch, 0);
					//Add the lyric to the Lyrics structure

				if((Lyrics.lastpiece != NULL) && (Lyrics.lastpiece->lyric[strlen(Lyrics.lastpiece->lyric)-1] == '-'))	//If the piece that was just added ended in a hyphen
					Lyrics.lastpiece->groupswithnext = 1;	//Set its grouping status
			}//If this lyric's text isn't an empty string

			lyrctr++;	//Advance to next lyric

		ForceEndLyricLine();	//End the current line of lyrics

	if(Lyrics.piececount == 0)	//No lyrics imported
		return 0;		//Return no lyrics found

//Load chart tags
	if(eof_song->tags->artist[0] != '\0')
		Lyrics.Artist = DuplicateString(eof_song->tags->artist);
	if(eof_song->tags->title[0] != '\0')
		Lyrics.Title = DuplicateString(eof_song->tags->title);
	if(eof_song->tags->frettist[0] != '\0')
		Lyrics.Editor = DuplicateString(eof_song->tags->frettist);
	if(eof_song->tags->album[0] != '\0')
		Lyrics.Album = DuplicateString(eof_song->tags->album);

	PostProcessLyrics();	//Perform hyphen and grouping validation/handling

	Lyrics.outfilename = tempoutputfilename;
	Lyrics.out_format = format;

	//If the export format is MIDI-based, write a MIDI file header and a MIDI track (track 0) specifying a tempo of 120BPM
	if((Lyrics.out_format == MIDI_FORMAT) || (Lyrics.out_format == VRHYTHM_FORMAT) || (Lyrics.out_format == SKAR_FORMAT) || (Lyrics.out_format == KAR_FORMAT))
		outf = fopen_err(Lyrics.outfilename,"wb");	//These are binary formats

//Export lyrics
		case SCRIPT_FORMAT:	//Export as script.txt format file
			outf = fopen_err(Lyrics.outfilename,"wt");	//Script.txt is a text format

		case VL_FORMAT:	//Export as VL format file
			outf = fopen_err(Lyrics.outfilename,"wb");	//VL is a binary format

		case MIDI_FORMAT:	//Export as MIDI format file.  Default export track is "PART VOCALS"
			if(string2 == NULL)						//If a destination track name wasn't given
				Lyrics.outputtrack = DuplicateString("PART VOCALS");	//Write track name as PART VOCALS by default
				Lyrics.outputtrack = DuplicateString(string2);

		case USTAR_FORMAT:	//Export as UltraStar format file
			outf = fopen_err(Lyrics.outfilename,"wt");	//UltraStar is a text format

		case LRC_FORMAT:	//Export as simple LRC
		case ELRC_FORMAT:	//Export as extended LRC
			outf = fopen_err(Lyrics.outfilename,"wt");	//LRC is a text format

		case VRHYTHM_FORMAT:	//Export as Vocal Rhythm (MIDI and text file)
			if(string2 == NULL)	//If a pitched lyric file wasn't given
				return -1;	//Return failure

			pitchedlyrics = fopen_err(string2,"wt");	//Pitched lyrics is a text format
			vrhythmid = DuplicateString("G4");
			Export_Vrhythm(outf, pitchedlyrics, vrhythmid);
			fflush_err(pitchedlyrics);	//Commit any pending pitched lyric writes to file
			fclose_err(pitchedlyrics);	//Close pitched lyric file

		case SKAR_FORMAT:	//Export as Soft Karaoke.  Default export track is "Words"
			if(string2 == NULL)						//If a destination track name wasn't given
				Lyrics.outputtrack = DuplicateString("Words");	//Write track name as "Words" by default
				Lyrics.outputtrack = DuplicateString(string2);

		case KAR_FORMAT:	//Export as unofficial KAR.  Default export track is "Melody"
			if(Lyrics.outputtrack == NULL)
				(void) puts("\aNo ouput track name for KAR file was given.  A track named \"Melody\" will be used by default");
				Lyrics.outputtrack = DuplicateString("Melody");

		case RS_FORMAT:	//Export as Rocksmith XML
			outf = fopen_err(Lyrics.outfilename,"wt");	//XML is a text format
			Lyrics.rocksmithver = 1;

		case RS2_FORMAT:	//Export as Rocksmith 2 XML
			outf = fopen_err(Lyrics.outfilename,"wt");	//XML is a text format
			Lyrics.rocksmithver = 2;

			(void) puts("Unexpected error in export switch\nAborting");

	if((Lyrics.out_format == MIDI_FORMAT) || (Lyrics.out_format == VRHYTHM_FORMAT) || (Lyrics.out_format == SKAR_FORMAT) || (Lyrics.out_format == KAR_FORMAT))
	{	//Update the MIDI header to reflect the number of MIDI tracks written to file for all applicable export formats
		fseek_err(outf, 10, SEEK_SET);		//The number of tracks is 10 bytes in from the start of the file header
		fputc_err(MIDIstruct.trackswritten>>8, outf);
		fputc_err(MIDIstruct.trackswritten&0xFF, outf);
Пример #5
void JB_Load(FILE *inf)
	size_t maxlinelength;	//I will count the length of the longest line (including NULL char/newline) in the
									//input file so I can create a buffer large enough to read any line into
	char *buffer;					//Will be an array large enough to hold the largest line of text from input file
	unsigned long index=0;			//Used to index within a line of input text
	unsigned long index2=0;			//Used to index within an output buffer
	char textbuffer[101]={0};	//Allow for a 100 character lyric text
	unsigned long processedctr=0;	//The current line number being processed in the text file
	unsigned long bufferctr=0;	//Ensure textbuffer[] isn't overflowed
	char notename=0;					//Used for parsing note names
	double timestamp=0.0;		//Used to read timestamp
	char linetype=0;		//Is set to one of the following:  1 = lyric, 2 = line break, 3 = end of file
	unsigned char pitch=0;		//Stores the lyric pitch transposed to middle octave
	int readerrordetected = 0;

	assert_wrapper(inf != NULL);	//This must not be NULL

//Find the length of the longest line

//Allocate memory buffer large enough to hold any line in this file
	buffer=(char *)malloc_err(maxlinelength);

	(void) fgets_err(buffer,(int)maxlinelength,inf);	//Read first line of text, capping it to prevent buffer overflow

	if(Lyrics.verbose)	printf("\nImporting C9C lyrics from file \"%s\"\n\n",Lyrics.infilename);

	processedctr=0;			//This will be set to 1 at the beginning of the main while loop
	while(!feof(inf) && !readerrordetected)		//Until end of file is reached or fgets() returns an I/O error
			printf("\tProcessing line %lu\n",processedctr);

		index = 0;
//Read end of file
		{	//A line starting with "ENDFILE" denotes the end of the lyric entries
			linetype = 3;

//Read the lyric pitch
		else if(isalpha(buffer[index]))
		{	//A line starting with an alphabetical letter is a normal lyric entry
			linetype = 1;
			notename = toupper(buffer[index++]);

				index++;	//The first lyric entry seems to repeat the note name

			pitch=60;		//The pitches will be interpreted as ranging from C4 to B4
			switch(notename)	//Add value of note in current octave
				case 'B':

				case 'A':

				case 'G':

				case 'F':

				case 'E':

				case 'D':


			if(buffer[index] == '#')
			{	//If the note name is followed by a sharp character,
				pitch++;	//increase the pitch by one half step
				index++;	//Seek past the sharp character

			while(buffer[index] != ':')
			{	//Seek to the expected colon character
				if(buffer[index] == '\0')
				{	//The line ends unexpectedly
					printf("Error: Invalid lyric entry in line %lu during C9C lyric import (colon missing)\nAborting\n",processedctr);
			index++;	//Seek beyond the colon

//Read the lyric text
			{	//Until whitespace is reached
				if(buffer[index] == '\0')
				{	//The line ends unexpectedly
					printf("Error: Invalid lyric entry in line %lu during C9C lyric import (whitespace missing)\nAborting\n",processedctr);
				textbuffer[index2++] = buffer[index++];	//Copy the character to a buffer
				if(bufferctr == 100)
				{	//Unexpectedly long lyric reached
					printf("Error: Invalid lyric entry in line %lu during C9C lyric import (lyric is too long)\nAborting\n",processedctr);
			textbuffer[index2++] = '\0';	//Terminate the string
		}//A line starting with an alphabetical letter is a normal lyric entry

//Read line break
		else if(buffer[index] == '-')
		{	//A line starting with "--:S" is the start of a period of silence between lyrics (will be treated as a line break)
			linetype = 2;
		{	//Invalid input
			printf("Error: Invalid input \"%s\" in line %lu during C9C import\nAborting\n",&(buffer[index]),processedctr);

//Seek to timestamp
		{	//Until a number (the timestamp) is reached
			if(buffer[index] == '\0')
			{	//The line ends unexpectedly
				printf("Error: Invalid line break entry in line %lu during C9C lyric import (timestamp missing)\nAborting\n",processedctr);

//Read timestamp
		if(sscanf(&(buffer[index]), "%20lf", &timestamp) != 1)
		{	//Double floating point value didn't parse
			printf("Error: Invalid lyric entry in line %lu during C9C lyric import (error parsing timestamp)\nAborting\n",processedctr);
		timestamp *= 1000.0;	//Convert to milliseconds

//Adjust previous lyric's end position
		{	//If there was a previous lyric
			unsigned long length;

			assert_wrapper(Lyrics.lastpiece->lyric != NULL);
			length = (unsigned long)strlen(Lyrics.lastpiece->lyric);
			Lyrics.lastpiece->duration = timestamp + 0.5 - Lyrics.realoffset - Lyrics.lastpiece->start;	//Remember to offset start by realoffset, otherwise Lyrics.lastpiece->start could be the larger operand, causing an overflow
			if(Lyrics.lastpiece->lyric[length - 1] == '-')
			{	//If the previous lyric ended in a hyphen, the previous lyric lasts all the way up to the start of this one
				Lyrics.lastpiece->groupswithnext=1;	//The previous lyric piece will group with this one
			{	//Otherwise space out the lyrics a bit, 1/32 second was suggested
				if(Lyrics.lastpiece->duration > 31)
					Lyrics.lastpiece->duration -= 31;	//31ms ~= 1 sec/32

//Add lyric
		if(linetype == 1)	//If this line defined a new lyric
			//Track for pitch changes, enabling Lyrics.pitch_tracking if applicable
			if((Lyrics.last_pitch != 0) && (Lyrics.last_pitch != pitch))	//There's a pitch change
			Lyrics.last_pitch=pitch;	//Consider this the last defined pitch

			if(Lyrics.line_on != 1)	//If we're at this point, there should be a line of lyrics in progress

			AddLyricPiece(textbuffer,timestamp + 0.5,timestamp + 0.5,pitch,0);	//Add lyric with no defined duration

//Add line break
		else if(linetype == 2)
		{	//If this line defined a line break
			Lyrics.lastpiece = NULL;	//Prevent the first lyric from the new line from altering the previous lyric's duration, which was set by the line break position

//End processing

		if(fgets(buffer, (int)maxlinelength,inf) == NULL)	//Read next line of text, so the EOF condition can be checked, don't exit on EOF
			readerrordetected = 1;
	}//while(!feof(inf) && !readerrordetected)

	free(buffer);	//No longer needed, release the memory before exiting function

	RecountLineVars(Lyrics.lines);	//Rebuild line durations since this lyric format required adjusting timestamps after lines were parsed

	if(Lyrics.verbose)	printf("C9C import complete.  %lu lyrics loaded\n\n",Lyrics.piececount);
Пример #6
unsigned long ConvertSRTTimestamp(char **ptr,int *errorstatus)
	char *temp=NULL;
	unsigned int ctr=1;
	char failed=0;	//Boolean: Parsing indicated that ptr didn't point at a valid timestamp, abort
	char hours[SRTTIMESTAMPMAXFIELDLENGTH+1]={0};		//Allow for pre-defined # of hours chars (and NULL terminator)
	char minutes[SRTTIMESTAMPMAXFIELDLENGTH+1]={0};		//Allow for pre-defined # of minute chars (and NULL terminator)
	char seconds[SRTTIMESTAMPMAXFIELDLENGTH+1]={0};		//Allow for pre-defined # of seconds chars (and NULL terminator)
	char millis[SRTTIMESTAMPMAXFIELDLENGTH+1]={0};		//Allow for pre-defined # of milliseconds chars (and NULL terminator)
	unsigned int index=0;	//index variable into the 3 timestamp strings
	unsigned long sum=0;
	long conversion=0;	//Will store the integer conversions of each of the 3 timestamp strings

	if(ptr == NULL)
		temp=*ptr;	//To improve readability for string parsing

		if(temp == NULL)

//Validate that the string has brackets
	if((temp != NULL) && !isdigit(temp[0]))	//If this character is not a beginning character for a timestamp

//Parse hours portion of timestamp
		assert_wrapper(temp != NULL);
		if((temp[ctr] == '\0') || (!isdigit(temp[ctr]) && (temp[ctr] != ':')))	//Numerical char(s) followed by delimiter are expected
			if(isdigit(temp[ctr]))	//Is a numerical character
				if(index > SRTTIMESTAMPMAXFIELDLENGTH)	//If more than the defined limit of chars have been parsed
					failed=2;	//This is more than we allow for
					hours[index++]=temp[ctr++];	//copy character into hours string, increment indexes
			{			//this character is a delimiter
				ctr++;	//seek past the colon
				break;	//break from loop
	assert_wrapper(index < SRTTIMESTAMPMAXFIELDLENGTH+1);	//Ensure that writing the NULL character won't overflow
	hours[index]='\0';	//Terminate hours string

//validate minutes portion of timestamp
		assert_wrapper(temp != NULL);
		if((temp[ctr] == '\0') || (!isdigit(temp[ctr]) && (temp[ctr] != ':')))	//Numerical char(s) followed by delimiter are expected
			if(isdigit(temp[ctr]))	//Is a numerical character
				if(index > SRTTIMESTAMPMAXFIELDLENGTH)	//If more than the defined limit of chars have been parsed
					failed=2;	//This is more than we allow for
					minutes[index++]=temp[ctr++];	//copy character into minutes string, increment indexes
			{			//this character is a delimiter
				ctr++;	//seek past the colon
				break;	//break from loop
	assert_wrapper(index < SRTTIMESTAMPMAXFIELDLENGTH+1);	//Ensure that writing the NULL character won't overflow
	minutes[index]='\0';	//Terminate minutes string

//validate seconds portion of timestamp
		assert_wrapper(temp != NULL);
		if((temp[ctr] == '\0') || (!isdigit(temp[ctr]) && (temp[ctr] != ',')))	//Numerical char(s) followed by delimiter are expected
			if(isdigit(temp[ctr]))	//Is a numerical character
				if(index > SRTTIMESTAMPMAXFIELDLENGTH)	//If more than the defined limit of chars have been parsed
					failed=2;	//This is more than we allow for
					seconds[index++]=temp[ctr++];	//copy character into seconds string, increment indexes
			{			//this character is a delimiter
				ctr++;	//seek past the colon
				break;	//break from loop
	assert_wrapper(index < SRTTIMESTAMPMAXFIELDLENGTH+1);	//Ensure that writing the NULL character won't overflow
	seconds[index]='\0';	//Terminate seconds string

//validate milliseconds portion of timestamp
		assert_wrapper(temp != NULL);
		if((temp[ctr] == '\0') || !isdigit(temp[ctr]))	//If not a numerical character
			if(isspace(temp[ctr]) || (temp[ctr] == '\0'))//If this character is a whitespace/newline/carriage return/NULL character
				break;	//break from loop
			if(index > SRTTIMESTAMPMAXFIELDLENGTH)	//If more than the defined limit of chars have been parsed
				millis[index++]=temp[ctr++];	//copy character into milliseconds string, increment indexes
	assert_wrapper(index < SRTTIMESTAMPMAXFIELDLENGTH+1);	//Ensure that writing the NULL character won't overflow
	millis[index]='\0';	//Terminate milliseconds string

	if(failed)		//If parsing failed
		printf("Error: Invalid timestamp \"%s\"\n",temp);
		if(errorstatus != NULL)
			return 0;
			(void) puts("Aborting");

	assert_wrapper((ptr != NULL) && (temp != NULL));
	if((ptr != NULL) && (temp != NULL))
	{	//Redundant check to satisfy cppcheck
		*ptr=&(temp[ctr+1]);	//Store address of first character following end of timestamp

//Convert hours string to integer and add to sum
	if(temp[0] != '0')	//If hours is not 0
		conversion=atol(temp);	//get integer conversion
		if(conversion<1)	//Values of 0 are errors from atol(), negative values are not allowed for timestamps
			(void) puts("Error converting string to integer\nAborting");
			if(errorstatus != NULL)
				return 0;
		sum+=conversion*3600000;	//one hour is 3600000 milliseconds

//Convert minutes string to integer and add to sum
	if(temp[0] != '0')	//If minutes is not 0
		conversion=atol(temp);	//get integer conversion
		if(conversion<1)	//Values of 0 are errors from atol(), negative values are not allowed for timestamps
			(void) puts("Error converting string to integer\nAborting");
			if(errorstatus != NULL)
				return 0;
		sum+=conversion*60000;	//one minute is 60,000 milliseconds

//Convert seconds string to integer and add to sum
	if(temp[0] != '0')	//If minutes is not 0
		conversion=atol(temp);	//get integer conversion
		if(conversion<1)	//Values of 0 are errors from atol(), negative values are not allowed for timestamps
			(void) puts("Error converting string to integer\nAborting");
			if(errorstatus != NULL)
				return 0;
		sum+=conversion*1000;	//one second is 1,000 milliseconds

//Convert milliseconds string to integer and add to sum
	if(temp[0] != '0')	//If minutes is not 0
		conversion=atol(temp);	//get integer conversion
		if(conversion<1)	//Values of 0 are errors from atol(), negative values are not allowed for timestamps
			(void) puts("Error converting string to integer\nAborting");
			if(errorstatus != NULL)
				return 0;
	return sum;
Пример #7
void VL_Load(FILE *inf)
    unsigned long ctr=0;				//Generic counter
    unsigned long start_off=0;			//Starting offset of a lyric piece in milliseconds
    unsigned long end_off=0;			//Ending offset of a lyric piece in milliseconds
    char *temp=NULL;					//Pointer for string manipulation
    struct VL_Text_entry *curtext=NULL;	//Conductor for text chunk linked list
    struct VL_Sync_entry *cursync=NULL;	//Conductor for sync chunk linked list
    unsigned short cur_line_len=0;		//The length of the currently line of lyrics
    unsigned short start_char=0;		//The starting character offset for the current sync entry
    unsigned short end_char=0;			//The ending character offset for the current sync entry
    char groupswithnext=0;				//Tracks grouping, passed to AddLyricPiece()

    assert_wrapper(inf != NULL);	//This must not be NULL

    Lyrics.freestyle_on=1;		//VL is a pitch-less format, so import it as freestyle

    if(Lyrics.verbose)	printf("Importing VL lyrics from file \"%s\"\n\n",Lyrics.infilename);

//Build the VL storage structure
    (void) VL_PreLoad(inf,0);

//Process offset
    if(Lyrics.offsetoverride == 0)
        if(Lyrics.Offset == NULL)
            if(Lyrics.verbose)	(void) puts("No offset defined in VL file, applying offset of 0");

        else if(strcmp(Lyrics.Offset,"0") != 0)
        {   //If the VL file's offset is not zero and the command line offset is not specified
            assert_wrapper(Lyrics.Offset != NULL);	//atol() crashes if NULL is passed to it

            Lyrics.realoffset=atol(Lyrics.Offset); //convert to number
            if(Lyrics.realoffset == 0)	//atol returns 0 on error
                printf("Error converting \"%s\" to integer value\nAborting\n",Lyrics.Offset);

            if(Lyrics.verbose) printf("Applying offset defined in VL file: %ldms\n",Lyrics.realoffset);
        }	//if the VL file's offset is defined as 0, that's what Lyrics.realoffset is initialized to already

    if(Lyrics.verbose)	(void) puts("Processing lyrics and sync entries");

//Process sync points, adding lyrics to Lyrics structure
    cursync=VL.Syncs;	//Begin with first sync entry
    while(cursync != NULL)	//For each sync point
        groupswithnext=0;	//Reset this condition
        start_off=cursync->start_time*10;	//VL stores offsets as increments of 10 milliseconds each

        //Validate the lyric line number
        if(cursync->lyric_number >= VL.numlines)	//lyric_number count starts w/ 0 instead of 1 and should never meet/exceed numlines
            (void) puts("Error: Invalid line number detected during VL load\nAborting");

        //Validate the start and end character numbers in the sync entry
        if(start_char == 0xFFFF)
            (void) puts("Error: Sync entry has no valid lyric during VL load\nAborting");

        //Seek to the correct lyric entry
        curtext=VL.Lyrics;	//Point conductor to first text entry
        for(ctr=0; ctr<cursync->lyric_number; ctr++)
            if(curtext->next == NULL)
                (void) puts("Error: Unexpected end of text piece linked list\nAborting");
                curtext=curtext->next;	//Seek forward to next piece

        cur_line_len = (unsigned short) strlen(curtext->text);	//This value will be used several times in the rest of the loop
        if(start_char >= cur_line_len)				//The starting offset cannot be past the end of the line of lyrics
            (void) puts("Error: Sync entry has invalid starting offset during VL load\nAborting");
        if((end_char!=0xFFFF) && (end_char >= cur_line_len))
        {   //The ending offset cannot be past the end of the line of lyrics
            (void) puts("Error: Sync entry has invalid ending offset during VL load\nAborting");

        //Build the lyric based on the start and end character offsets
        //Copy the current text piece into a new string, starting from the character indexed by the sync entry

        if(Lyrics.verbose>=2)	printf("\tProcessing sync entry #%lu: \"%s\"\tstart char=%u\tend char=%u\t\n",ctr,curtext->text,start_char,end_char);

        if(end_char != 0xFFFF)	//If the sync entry ends before the end of the text piece
        {   //"abcdef"	strlen=6	st=2,en=4->"cde"
            if((isspace((unsigned char)temp[end_char-start_char-1])==0) && (isspace((unsigned char)temp[end_char-start_char])==0))
                //if this sync entry's text doesn't end in whitespace and the next entry's doesn't begin in whitespace
                groupswithnext=1;	//Allow AddLyricPiece to handle grouping and optional hyphen insertion

//I've had to go back and forth on this line, but currently, end_char-start_char seems to mark the location at which to truncate, not the last character to keep before truncating
            temp[end_char-start_char]='\0';	//Truncate the string as indicated by the sync entry's end index (after the end_char)

        //Add lyric to Lyric structure
        if(cursync->start_char == 0)	//If this piece is the beginning of a line of lyrics
            //Ensure a line of lyrics isn't already in progress
            if(Lyrics.line_on == 1)
                (void) puts("Error: Lyric lines overlap during VL load\nAborting");

            if(Lyrics.verbose>=2)	(void) puts("New line of lyrics:");

            CreateLyricLine();	//Initialize the line

//Add lyric to Lyrics structure.
        AddLyricPiece(temp,start_off,end_off,PITCHLESS,groupswithnext);	//Add the lyric piece to the Lyric structure, no defined pitch
        free(temp);	//Release memory for this temporary string

        if((end_char == 0xFFFF) || (end_char == cur_line_len))	//If this piece ends a line of lyrics
            //Ensure a line of lyrics is in progress
            if(Lyrics.line_on == 0)
                (void) puts("Error: End of lyric line detected when none is started during VL load\nAborting");

            if(Lyrics.verbose>=2)	(void) puts("End line of lyrics");

            EndLyricLine();		//End the line

    }//end while(cursync != NULL)


    if(Lyrics.verbose)	printf("VL import complete.  %lu lyrics loaded\n",Lyrics.piececount);

    ReleaseVL();	//Release memory used to build the VL structure
Пример #8
int VL_PreLoad(FILE *inf,char validate)
    long ftell_result=0;				//Used to store return value from ftell()
    char buffer[5]= {0};					//Used to read word/doubleword integers from file
    unsigned long ctr=0;				//Generic counter
    char *temp=NULL;					//Temporary pointer for allocated strings
    struct VL_Sync_entry se= {0,0,0,0,0,NULL};		//Used to store sync entries from file during parsing
    struct VL_Text_entry *ptr1=NULL;	//Used for allocating links for the text chunk list
    struct VL_Sync_entry *ptr2=NULL;	//Used for allocation links for the sync chunk list
    struct VL_Text_entry *curtext;		//Conductor for text chunk linked list
    struct VL_Sync_entry *cursync;		//Conductor for sync chunk linked list

    assert_wrapper(inf != NULL);

//Initialize variables
    curtext=NULL;	//list starts out empty
    cursync=NULL;	//list starts out empty
    se.next=NULL;	//In terms of linked lists, this always represents the last link

    if(Lyrics.verbose)	(void) puts("Reading VL file header");

//Read file header
    fread_err(buffer,4,1,inf);			//Read 4 bytes, which should be 'V','L','2',0
    ReadDWORDLE(inf,&(VL.filesize));	//Read doubleword from file in little endian format

    if(strncmp(buffer,"VL2",4) != 0)
            return 1;
            (void) puts("Error: Invalid file header string\nAborting");

//Read text header
    fread_err(buffer,4,1,inf);			//Read 4 bytes, which should be 'T','E','X','T'
    buffer[4]='\0';						//Add a NULL character to make buffer into a proper string
    ReadDWORDLE(inf,&(VL.textsize));	//Read doubleword from file in little endian format

    if(VL.textsize % 4 != 0)
        (void) puts("Error: VL spec. violation: Sync chunk is not padded to a double-word alignment");
            return 2;
            (void) puts("Aborting");

    if(strncmp(buffer,"TEXT",5) != 0)
        (void) puts("Error: Invalid text header string");
            return 3;
            (void) puts("Aborting");

//Read sync header, which should be th.textsize+16 bytes into the file
    fread_err(buffer,4,1,inf);			//Read 4 bytes, which should be 'S','Y','N','C'
    buffer[4]='\0';						//Add a NULL character to make buffer into a proper string
    ReadDWORDLE(inf,&(VL.syncsize));	//Read doubleword from file in little endian format

    if(strncmp(buffer,"SYNC",5) != 0)
        (void) puts("Error: Invalid sync header string");
            return 4;
            (void) puts("Aborting");

//Validate chunk sizes given in headers (textsize was already validated if the Sync header was correctly read)
    fseek_err(inf,0,SEEK_END);	//Seek to end of file
    ftell_result = ftell(inf);	//Get position of end of file
    if(ftell_result < 0)
        printf("Error determining file length during file size validation: %s\n",strerror(errno));
            return 5;
            (void) puts("Aborting");
    if((unsigned long)ftell_result != VL.filesize+8)	//Validate filesize
        (void) puts("Error: Filesize does not match size given in file header");
            return 6;
            (void) puts("Aborting");
    if(VL.filesize != VL.textsize + VL.syncsize + 16)	//Validate syncsize
        (void) puts("Error: Incorrect size given in sync chunk");
            return 7;
            (void) puts("Aborting");

//Load tags
    if(Lyrics.verbose)	(void) puts("Loading VL tag strings");
    fseek_err(inf,16,SEEK_SET);		//Seek to the Title tag

    for(ctr=0; ctr<5; ctr++)	//Expecting 5 null terminated unicode strings
        temp=ReadUnicodeString(inf);	//Allocate array and read Unicode string

        if(temp[0] != '\0')	//If the string wasn't empty, save the tag
            {   //Look at ctr to determine which tag we have read, and assign to the appropriate tag string:
            case 0:

            case 1:

            case 2:

            case 3:

            case 4:	//Offset
                SetTag(temp,'o',0);	//Do not multiply the offset by -1

                (void) puts("Unexpected error");
                    return 8;
                    (void) puts("Aborting");
            }//end switch(ctr)

        free(temp);	//Free string, a copy of which would have been stored in the Lyrics structure as necessary
    }//end for(ctr=0;ctr<5;)

//Validate the existence of three empty unicode strings
    for(ctr=0; ctr<3; ctr++)	//Expecting 3 empty, null terminated unicode strings
        if(ParseUnicodeString(inf) != 0)
            (void) puts("Error: Reserved string is not empty during load");
                return 9;
                (void) puts("Aborting");

//Load the lyric strings
    if(Lyrics.verbose)	(void) puts("Loading text chunk entries");

    while(1)	//Read lyric lines
        //Check to see if the Sync Chunk has been reached
        if((unsigned long)ftell_err(inf) >= VL.textsize + 16)	//The Text chunk size + the file and text header sizes is the position of the Sync chunk

        //Read lyric string

        ftell_result=ftell_err(inf);	//If this string is empty
        if(temp[0] == '\0')
            if(VL.textsize+16 - ftell_result <= 3)	//This 0 word value ends within 3 bytes of the sync header (is padding)
                free(temp);	//Release string as it won't be used
                break;		//text chunk has been read
                printf("Error: Empty lyric string detected before file position 0x%lX\n",ftell_result);
                    return 10;
                    (void) puts("Aborting");
        if((unsigned long)ftell_result > VL.textsize + 16)	//If reading this string caused the file position to cross into Sync chunk
            (void) puts("Error: Lyric string overlapped into Sync chunk");
                return 11;
                (void) puts("Aborting");

        if(Lyrics.verbose)	printf("\tLoading text piece #%lu: \"%s\"\n",VL.numlines,temp);

        //Allocate link
        ptr1=malloc_err(sizeof(struct VL_Text_entry));	//Allocate memory for new link

        //Build link and insert into list

        if(VL.Lyrics == NULL)	//This is the first lyric piece read from the input file
            assert_wrapper(curtext != NULL);
            curtext->next=ptr1;	//The end of the list points forward to this new link

        curtext=ptr1;	//This link is now at the end of the list

        VL.numlines++;	//one more lyric string has been parsed
    }//end while(1)

    if(Lyrics.verbose)	printf("%lu text chunk entries loaded\n",VL.numlines);

//Load the Sync points
    if(Lyrics.verbose)	(void) puts("Loading sync chunk entries");

    fseek_err(inf,VL.textsize+16+8,SEEK_SET);	//Seek to first sync entry (8 bytes past start of sync header)

    while(ReadSyncEntry(&se,inf) == 0)	//Read all entries
        if(se.start_char > se.end_char)
            (void) puts("Error: Invalid sync point offset is specified to start after end offset");
                return 12;
                (void) puts("Aborting");

        if(se.lyric_number!=0xFFFF && se.start_char!=0xFFFF && se.start_time!=0xFFFFFFFF)
        {   //This is a valid sync entry
            //Allocate link
            ptr2=malloc_err(sizeof(struct VL_Sync_entry));

            //Build link and insert into list
            memcpy(ptr2,&se,sizeof(struct VL_Sync_entry));	//copy structure into newly allocated link
            if(VL.Syncs == NULL)	//This is the first sync piece read from the input file
            else					//The end of the list points forward to this new link
                assert_wrapper(cursync != NULL);

            cursync=ptr2;		//This link is now at the end of the list
            VL.numsyncs++;		//one more sync entry has been parsed

    if(Lyrics.verbose)	(void) puts("VL_PreLoad completed");
    return 0;
Пример #9
unsigned long BuildID3Tag(struct ID3Tag *ptr,FILE *outf)
	unsigned long tagpos=0;		//Records the position of the ID3 tag in the output file
	unsigned long framepos=0;	//Records the position of the SYLT frame in the output file
	unsigned long ctr=0;
	struct ID3Frame *temp=NULL;
	struct Lyric_Line *curline=NULL;	//Conductor of the lyric line linked list
	struct Lyric_Piece *curpiece=NULL;	//A conductor for the lyric pieces list
	unsigned long framesize=0;	//The calculated size of the written SYLT frame
	unsigned long tagsize=0;	//The calculated size of the modified ID3 tag
	unsigned char array[4]={0};	//Used to build the 28 bit ID3 tag size
	unsigned char defaultID3tag[10]={'I','D','3',3,0,0,0,0,0,0};
		//If the input file had no ID3 tag, this tag will be written
	unsigned long fileendpos=0;	//Used to store the size of the input file
	char newline=0;				//ID3 spec indicates that newline characters should be used at the beginning
								//of the new line instead of at the end of a line, use this to track for this

//Validate input parameters
	if((ptr == NULL) || (ptr->fp == NULL) || (outf == NULL))
		return 0;	//Return failure

	if(Lyrics.verbose)	printf("\nExporting ID3 lyrics to file \"%s\"\n",Lyrics.outfilename);

//Conditionally copy the existing ID3v2 tag from the source file, or create one from scratch
	if(ptr->frames == NULL)
	{	//If there was no ID3 tag in the input file
		if(Lyrics.verbose)	(void) puts("Writing new ID3v2 tag");
		tagpos=ftell_err(outf);	//Record this file position so the tag size can be rewritten later
		fwrite_err(defaultID3tag,10,1,outf);	//Write a pre-made ID3 tag
	//Write tag information obtained from input file
		if(Lyrics.Title != NULL)
			WriteTextInfoFrame(outf,"TIT2",Lyrics.Title);					//Write song title frame
		if(Lyrics.Artist != NULL)
			WriteTextInfoFrame(outf,"TPE1",Lyrics.Artist);					//Write song artist frame
		if(Lyrics.Album != NULL)
			WriteTextInfoFrame(outf,"TALB",Lyrics.Album);					//Write album frame
	{	//If there was an ID3v2 tag in the source file

//If the ID3v2 header isn't at the start of the source file, copy all data that precedes it to the output file
		BlockCopy(ptr->fp,outf,(size_t)(ptr->tagstart - ftell_err(ptr->fp)));

//Copy the original ID3v2 header from source file to output file (record the file position)
		if(Lyrics.verbose)	(void) puts("Copying ID3v2 tag header");
		tagpos=ftell_err(outf);	//Record this file position so the tag size can be rewritten later
		BlockCopy(ptr->fp,outf,(size_t)(ptr->framestart - ftell_err(ptr->fp)));

//Write tag information from input file if applicable, and ensure that equivalent ID3v2 frames from the source file are omitted
		if(Lyrics.Title != NULL)
			WriteTextInfoFrame(outf,"TIT2",Lyrics.Title);					//Write song title frame
			Lyrics.nosrctag=AddOmitID3framelist(Lyrics.nosrctag,"TIT2");	//Linked list create/append to omit source song title frame
		if(Lyrics.Artist != NULL)
			WriteTextInfoFrame(outf,"TPE1",Lyrics.Artist);					//Write song artist frame
			Lyrics.nosrctag=AddOmitID3framelist(Lyrics.nosrctag,"TPE1");	//Linked list create/append to omit source song artist frame
		if(Lyrics.Album != NULL)
			WriteTextInfoFrame(outf,"TALB",Lyrics.Album);					//Write album frame
			Lyrics.nosrctag=AddOmitID3framelist(Lyrics.nosrctag,"TALB");	//Linked list create/append to omit source album frame
		if(Lyrics.Year != NULL)
			WriteTextInfoFrame(outf,"TYER",Lyrics.Year);					//Write year frame
			Lyrics.nosrctag=AddOmitID3framelist(Lyrics.nosrctag,"TYER");	//Linked list create/append to omit source year frame

//Omit any existing SYLT frame from the source file
		Lyrics.nosrctag=AddOmitID3framelist(Lyrics.nosrctag,"SYLT");		//Linked list create/append with SYLT frame ID to ensure SYLT source frame is omitted

//Write all frames from source MP3 to export MP3 except for those in the omit list
		{	//For each ID3Frame in the list
			if(SearchOmitID3framelist(Lyrics.nosrctag,temp->frameid) == 0)	//If the source frame isn't to be omitted
				if(Lyrics.verbose >= 2)	printf("\tCopying frame \"%s\"\n",temp->frameid);

				if((unsigned long)ftell_err(ptr->fp) != temp->pos)	//If the input file isn't already positioned at the frame
					fseek_err(ptr->fp,temp->pos,SEEK_SET);			//Seek to it now
				BlockCopy(ptr->fp,outf,(size_t)temp->length + 10);	//Copy frame body size + header size number of bytes
				ctr++;	//Increment counter
			else if(Lyrics.verbose >= 2)	printf("\tOmitting \"%s\" frame from source file\n",temp->frameid);
	}//If there was an ID3 tag in the input file

	if(Lyrics.verbose)	(void) puts("Writing SYLT frame header");

//Write SYLT frame header
	framepos=ftell_err(outf);	//Record this file position so the frame size can be rewritten later
	fputs_err("SYLTxxxx\xC0",outf);	//Write the Frame ID, 4 dummy bytes for the unknown frame size and the first flag byte (preserve frame for both tag and file alteration)
	fputc_err(0,outf);		//Write second flag byte (no compression, encryption or grouping identity)
	fputc_err(0,outf);		//ASCII encoding
	fputs_err("eng\x02\x01",outf);	//Write the language as "English", the timestamp format as milliseconds and the content type as "lyrics"
	fputs_err(PROGVERSION,outf);	//Embed the program version as the content descriptor
	fputc_err(0,outf);		//Write NULL terminator for content descriptor

//Write SYLT frame using the Lyrics structure
	curline=Lyrics.lines;	//Point lyric line conductor to first line of lyrics

	if(Lyrics.verbose)	(void) puts("Writing SYLT lyrics");

	while(curline != NULL)	//For each line of lyrics
		curpiece=curline->pieces;	//Starting with the first piece of lyric in this line
		while(curpiece != NULL)		//For each piece of lyric in this line
			if(newline)					//If the previous lyric was the last in its line
				fputc_err('\n',outf);	//Append a newline character in front of this lyric entry
				newline=0;				//Reset this status
			fputs_err(curpiece->lyric,outf);	//Write the lyric
			if(Lyrics.verbose >= 2)	printf("\t\"%s\"\tstart=%lu\t",curpiece->lyric,curpiece->start);

//Line/word grouping logic
			if(curpiece->next == NULL)		//If this is the last lyric in the line
				if(Lyrics.verbose >= 2) printf("(newline)");
			else if(!curpiece->groupswithnext)	//Otherwise, if this lyric does not group with the next
				fputc_err(' ',outf);			//Append a space
				if(Lyrics.verbose >= 2)	printf("(whitespace)");
			if(Lyrics.verbose >= 2)	(void) putchar('\n');

			fputc_err(0,outf);					//Write a NULL terminator
			WriteDWORDBE(outf,curpiece->start);	//Write the lyric's timestamp as a big endian value
			curpiece=curpiece->next;			//Point to next lyric in the line
		curline=curline->next;				//Point to next line of lyrics

	framesize=ftell_err(outf)-framepos-10;	//Find the length of the SYLT frame that was written (minus frame header size)
	ctr++;	//Increment counter

	if(ptr->frames != NULL)
	{	//If the input MP3 had an ID3 tag
//Copy any unidentified data (ie. padding) that occurs between the end of the last ID3 frame in the list and the defined end of the ID3 tag
		for(temp=ptr->frames;temp->next!=NULL;temp=temp->next);		//Seek to last frame link
		fseek_err(ptr->fp,temp->pos + temp->length + 10,SEEK_SET);	//Seek to one byte past the end of the frame
		BlockCopy(ptr->fp,outf,(size_t)(ptr->tagend - ftell_err(ptr->fp)));

	tagsize=ftell_err(outf)-tagpos-10;	//Find the length of the ID3 tag that has been written (minus tag header size)

	if(Lyrics.verbose)	(void) puts("Copying audio data");
	fileendpos=GetFileEndPos(ptr->fp);	//Find the position of the last byte in the input MP3 file (the filesize)

	if(ptr->id3v1present && SearchOmitID3framelist(Lyrics.nosrctag,"*"))	//If the user specified to leave off the ID3v1 tag, and the source MP3 has an ID3 tag
		BlockCopy(ptr->fp,outf,(size_t)(fileendpos - ftell_err(ptr->fp) - 128));			//Copy rest of source file to output file (minus 128 bytes, the size of the ID3v1 tag)
		ptr->id3v1present=0;												//Consider the tag as being removed, so a new ID3v1 tag is written below
		BlockCopy(ptr->fp,outf,(size_t)(fileendpos - ftell_err(ptr->fp)));				//Copy rest of source file to output file

//Write/Overwrite ID3v1 tag
	if(ptr->id3v1present)			//If an ID3v1 tag existed in the source MP3
	{	//Overwrite it with tags from the input file
		if(Lyrics.verbose)	(void) puts("Editing ID3v1 tag");
		fseek_err(outf,-125,SEEK_CUR);		//Seek 125 bytes back, where the first field of this tag should exist
		if(Lyrics.Title != NULL)						//If the input file defined a Title
			WritePaddedString(outf,Lyrics.Title,30,0);	//Overwrite the Title field (30 bytes)
			fseek_err(outf,30,SEEK_CUR);				//Otherwise seek 30 bytes ahead to the next field

		if(Lyrics.Artist != NULL)						//If the input file defined an Artist
			WritePaddedString(outf,Lyrics.Artist,30,0);	//Overwrite the Artist field (30 bytes)
			fseek_err(outf,30,SEEK_CUR);				//Otherwise seek 30 bytes ahead to the next field

		if(Lyrics.Album != NULL)						//If the input file defined an Album
			WritePaddedString(outf,Lyrics.Album,30,0);	//Overwrite the Album field (30 bytes)
			fseek_err(outf,30,SEEK_CUR);				//Otherwise seek 30 bytes ahead to the next field

		if(Lyrics.Year != NULL)							//If the input file defined a Year
			WritePaddedString(outf,Lyrics.Year,4,0);	//Overwrite the Year field (4 bytes)
	{	//Write a new ID3v1 tag
		if(Lyrics.verbose)	(void) puts("Writing new ID3v1 tag");
		fseek_err(outf,0,SEEK_END);	//Seek to end of file
		fputs_err("TAG",outf);		//Write ID3v1 header
		WritePaddedString(outf,Lyrics.Title,30,0);	//Write the Title field (30 bytes)
		WritePaddedString(outf,Lyrics.Artist,30,0);	//Write the Artist field (30 bytes)
		WritePaddedString(outf,Lyrics.Album,30,0);	//Write the Album field (30 bytes)
		WritePaddedString(outf,ptr->id3v1year,4,0);	//Write the Year field (4 bytes)
		WritePaddedString(outf,NULL,30,0);			//Write a blank Comment field (30 bytes)
		fputc_err(255,outf);						//Write unknown genre (1 byte)

	if(Lyrics.verbose)	(void) puts("Correcting ID3 headers");

//Rewind to the SYLT header in the output file and write the correct frame length
	fseek_err(outf,framepos+4,SEEK_SET);	//Seek to where the SYLT frame size is to be written
	WriteDWORDBE(outf,framesize);			//Write the SYLT frame size

//Rewind to the ID3 header in the output file and write the correct ID3 tag length
	fseek_err(outf,ptr->tagstart+6,SEEK_SET);	//Seek to where the ID3 tag size is to be written
	if(tagsize > 0x0FFFFFFF)
		(void) puts("\aError:  Tag size is larger than the ID3 specification allows");
	array[3]=tagsize & 127;			//Mask out everything except the lowest 7 bits
	array[2]=(tagsize>>7) & 127;	//Mask out everything except the 2nd set of 7 bits
	array[1]=(tagsize>>14) & 127;	//Mask out everything except the 3rd set of 7 bits
	array[0]=(tagsize>>21) & 127;	//Mask out everything except the 4th set of 7 bits
	fwrite_err(array,4,1,outf);		//Write the ID3 tag size

	if(Lyrics.verbose)	printf("\nID3 export complete.  %lu lyrics written\n",Lyrics.piececount);

	return ctr;	//Return counter
Пример #10
void SYLT_Parse(struct ID3Tag *tag)
	unsigned char frameheader[10]={0};	//This is the ID3 frame header
	unsigned char syltheader[6]={0};	//This is the SYLT frame header, excluding the terminated descriptor string that follows
	char *contentdescriptor=NULL;		//The null terminated string located after the SYLT frame header
	char timestampformat=0;				//Will be set based on the SYLT header (1= MPEG Frames, 2=Milliseconds)
	char *string=NULL;					//Used to store SYLT strings that are read
	char *string2=NULL;					//Used to build a display version of the string for debug output (minus newline)
	unsigned char timestamparray[4]={0};//Used to store the timestamp for a lyric string
	unsigned long timestamp=0;			//The timestamp converted to milliseconds
	unsigned long breakpos;				//Will be set to the first byte beyond the SYLT frame
	unsigned long framesize=0;
	char groupswithnext=0;				//Used for grouping logic
	char linebreaks=0;					//Tracks whether the imported lyrics defined linebreaks (if not, each ID3 lyric should be treated as one line)
	struct Lyric_Piece *ptr=NULL,*ptr2=NULL;	//Used to insert line breaks as necessary
	struct Lyric_Line *lineptr=NULL;			//Used to insert line breaks as necessary
	unsigned long length=0;				//Used to store the length of each string that is read from file
	unsigned long filepos=0;			//Used to track the current file position during SYLT lyric parsing

//Validate input
	assert_wrapper((tag != NULL) && (tag->fp != NULL));

//Load and validate ID3 frame header and SYLT frame header
	fread_err(frameheader,10,1,tag->fp);			//Load ID3 frame header
	fread_err(syltheader,6,1,tag->fp);				//Load SYLT frame header
	if((frameheader[9] & 192) != 0)
		(void) puts("ID3 Compression and Encryption are not supported\nAborting");
	if(syltheader[0] != 0)
		(void) puts("Unicode ID3 lyrics are not supported\nAborting");

//Load and validate content descriptor string
	contentdescriptor=ReadString(tag->fp,NULL,0);	//Load content descriptor string
	if(contentdescriptor == NULL)	//If the content descriptor string couldn't be read
		(void) puts("Damaged Content Descriptor String\nAborting");

//Validate timestamp format
	if((timestampformat != 1) && (timestampformat != 2))
		printf("Warning: Invalid timestamp format (%d) specified, ms timing assumed\n",timestampformat);
		timestampformat=2;	//Assume millisecond timing

//Process framesize as a 4 byte Big Endian integer
	framesize=((unsigned long)frameheader[4]<<24) | ((unsigned long)frameheader[5]<<16) | ((unsigned long)frameheader[6]<<8) | ((unsigned long)frameheader[7]);	//Convert to 4 byte integer
	if(framesize & 0x80808080)	//According to the ID3v2 specification, the MSB of each of the 4 bytes defining the tag size must be zero
		exit_wrapper(5);		//If this isn't the case, the size is invalid
	assert(framesize < 0x80000000);	//Redundant assert() to resolve a false positive with Coverity (this assertion will never be triggered because the above exit_wrapper() call would be triggered first)
	breakpos=breakpos + framesize + 10;	//Find the position that is one byte past the end of the SYLT frame

		printf("SYLT frame info:\n\tFrame size is %lu bytes\n\tEnds after byte 0x%lX\n\tTimestamp format: %s\n\tLanguage: %c%c%c\n\tContent Type %d\n\tContent Descriptor: \"%s\"\n\n",framesize,breakpos-1,timestampformat == 1 ? "MPEG frames" : "Milliseconds",syltheader[1],syltheader[2],syltheader[3],syltheader[5],contentdescriptor != NULL ? contentdescriptor : "(none)");

	if(Lyrics.verbose)	(void) puts("Parsing SYLT frame:");

	free(contentdescriptor);	//Release this, it's not going to be used

//Load SYLT lyrics
	while(filepos < breakpos)	//While we haven't reached the end of the SYLT frame
	//Load the lyric text
		string=ReadString(tag->fp,&length,0);	//Load SYLT lyric string, save the string length
		if(string == NULL)
			(void) puts("Invalid SYLT lyric string\nAborting");

	//Load the timestamp
		if(fread(timestamparray,4,1,tag->fp) != 1)	//Read timestamp
			(void) puts("Error reading SYLT timestamp\nAborting");

		filepos+=length+4;	//The number of bytes read from the input file during this iteration is the string length and the timestamp length

	//Process the timestamp as a 4 byte Big Endian integer
		timestamp=(unsigned long)((timestamparray[0]<<24) | (timestamparray[1]<<16) | (timestamparray[2]<<8) | timestamparray[3]);

		if(timestampformat == 1)	//If this timestamp is in MPEG frames instead of milliseconds
			timestamp=((double)timestamp * tag->frameduration + 0.5);	//Convert to milliseconds, rounding up

	//Perform line break logic
		assert(string != NULL);		//(check string for NULL again to satisfy cppcheck)
		if((string[0] == '\r') || (string[0] == '\n'))	//If this lyric begins with a newline or carriage return
			EndLyricLine();		//End the lyric line before the lyric is added
			linebreaks=1;		//Track that line break character(s) were found in the lyrics

		if(Lyrics.verbose >= 2)
			string2=DuplicateString(string);		//Make a copy of the string for display purposes
			string2=TruncateString(string2,1);		//Remove leading/trailing whitespace, newline chars, etc.
			printf("Timestamp: 0x%X%X%X%X\t%lu %s\t\"%s\"\t%s",timestamparray[0],timestamparray[1],timestamparray[2],timestamparray[3],timestamp,(timestampformat == 1) ? "MPEG frames" : "Milliseconds",string2,(string[0]=='\n') ? "(newline)\n" : "\n");

	//Perform grouping logic
		//Handle whitespace at the beginning of the parsed lyric piece as a signal that the piece will not group with previous piece
			if(Lyrics.curline->pieces != NULL)	//If there was a previous lyric piece on this line
				Lyrics.lastpiece->groupswithnext=0;	//Ensure it is set to not group with this lyric piece

		if(isspace(string[strlen(string)-1]))	//If the lyric ends in a space

		if(Lyrics.line_on == 0)		//Ensure that a line phrase is started

	//Add lyric piece, during testing, I'll just write it with a duration of 1ms
		AddLyricPiece(string,timestamp,timestamp+1,PITCHLESS,groupswithnext);	//Write lyric with no defined pitch
		free(string);	//Free string

		if((Lyrics.lastpiece != NULL) && (Lyrics.lastpiece->prev != NULL) && (Lyrics.lastpiece->prev->groupswithnext))	//If this piece groups with the previous piece
			Lyrics.lastpiece->prev->duration=Lyrics.lastpiece->start-Lyrics.realoffset-Lyrics.lastpiece->prev->start;	//Extend previous piece's length to reach this piece, take the current offset into account
	}//While we haven't reached the end of the SYLT frame

//If the imported lyrics did not contain line breaks, they must be inserted manually
	if(!linebreaks && Lyrics.piececount)
		if(Lyrics.verbose)	(void) puts("\nImported ID3 lyrics did not contain line breaks, adding...");
		lineptr=Lyrics.lines;	//Point to first line of lyrics (should be the only line)

		assert_wrapper((lineptr != NULL) && (ptr != NULL));	//This shouldn't be possible if Lyrics.piececount is nonzero

		if(lineptr->next != NULL)	//If there is another line of lyrics defined
			return;					//abort the insertion of automatic line breaks

		while((ptr != NULL) && (ptr->next != NULL))	//For each lyric
			ptr2=ptr->next;	//Store pointer to next lyric
			lineptr=InsertLyricLineBreak(lineptr,ptr2);	//Insert a line break between this lyric and the next, line conductor points to new line
			ptr=ptr2;		//lyric conductor points to the next lyric, which is at the beginning of the new line
Пример #11
void ID3_Load(FILE *inf)
{	//Parses the file looking for an ID3 tag.  If found, the first MP3 frame is examined to obtain the sample rate
	//Then an SYLT frame is searched for within the ID3 tag.  If found, synchronized lyrics are imported
	struct ID3Tag tag={NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0.0,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
	struct ID3Frame *frameptr=NULL;
	struct ID3Frame *frameptr2=NULL;

	assert_wrapper(inf != NULL);	//This must not be NULL

	if(Lyrics.verbose)	printf("Importing ID3 lyrics from file \"%s\"\n\nParsing input MPEG audio file\n",Lyrics.infilename);

	if(ID3FrameProcessor(&tag) == 0)	//Build a list of the ID3 frames
		DestroyID3(&tag);	//Release the ID3 structure's memory
		return;				//Return if no frames were successfully parsed

//Parse MPEG frame header
	fseek_err(tag.fp,tag.tagend,SEEK_SET);	//Seek to the first MP3 frame (immediately after the ID3 tag)
	if(GetMP3FrameDuration(&tag) == 0)		//Find the sample rate defined in the MP3 frame
		DestroyID3(&tag);	//Release the ID3 structure's memory
		return;				//Return if the sample rate was not found or was invalid

	frameptr=FindID3Frame(&tag,"SYLT");		//Search ID3 frame list for SYLT ID3 frame
	frameptr2=FindID3Frame(&tag,"USLT");	//Search ID3 frame list for USLT ID3 frame
	if(frameptr != NULL)
	{	//Perform Synchronized ID3 Lyric import
		fseek_err(tag.fp,frameptr->pos,SEEK_SET);	//Seek to SYLT ID3 frame
	else if(frameptr2 != NULL)
	{	//Perform Unsynchronized ID3 Lyric import
		(void) puts("\aUnsynchronized ID3 lyric import currently not supported");
		DestroyID3(&tag);	//Release the ID3 structure's memory
		return;				//Return if neither lyric frame is present

//Load song tags
	Lyrics.Title=GrabID3TextFrame(&tag,"TIT2",NULL,0);	//Return the defined song title, if it exists
	Lyrics.Artist=GrabID3TextFrame(&tag,"TPE1",NULL,0);	//Return the defined artist, if it exists
	Lyrics.Album=GrabID3TextFrame(&tag,"TALB",NULL,0);	//Return the defined album, if it exists
	Lyrics.Year=GrabID3TextFrame(&tag,"TYER",NULL,0);	//Return the defined year, if it exists

	if(Lyrics.Title == NULL)	//If there was no Title defined in the ID3v2 tag
		Lyrics.Title=DuplicateString(tag.id3v1title);	//Use one defined in the ID3v1 tag if it exists
	if(Lyrics.Artist == NULL)	//If there was no Artist defined in the ID3v2 tag
		Lyrics.Artist=DuplicateString(tag.id3v1artist);	//Use one defined in the ID3v1 tag if it exists
	if(Lyrics.Album == NULL)	//If there was no Album defined in the ID3v2 tag
		Lyrics.Album=DuplicateString(tag.id3v1album);	//Use one defined in the ID3v1 tag if it exists
	if(Lyrics.Year == NULL)		//If there was no Year defined in the ID3v2 tag
		Lyrics.Year=DuplicateString(tag.id3v1year);		//Use one defined in the ID3v1 tag if it exists

	DestroyID3(&tag);	//Release the ID3 structure's memory

	if(Lyrics.verbose)	printf("ID3 import complete.  %lu lyrics loaded\n\n",Lyrics.piececount);