void TestDocFileformfield::TestTranslateBinaryProperty() { CStdString expectedName(_T("Text1")); RTFfile theFile(new RTFFileContext); AutoDocFileReaderImpl4Tests reader(DEFAULT_FORMTEXT_FILE, &theFile); reader.Initialize(); WordParserInfo wpi(&reader); WrdFormFieldBinaryData data; WrdEshRoot root; data.setCP(11); wpi.m_Reader.read(data); CQuickBuildString conversionResult = _T(""); RTFFileContext context; DocFileFormField docFileFormField(&context); assertTest(docFileFormField.TranslateBinaryProperty(conversionResult , data.getFieldNameDataReference())); std::strstream msg; msg << _T("Expected [") << expectedName << _T("], but the received [") << conversionResult << _T("]") << std::ends; assertMessage(expectedName == conversionResult, CStdString(msg.str())); }
TVerdict RRamPluginLoadTest::DoTestStepL() { TVerdict result = EPass; #ifndef __WINSCW__ TBuf<KMaxFileName*2> dllNames(KOriginalDllOnZ); TBuf<KMaxFileName*2> rscNames(KOriginalRscFileOnZ); dllNames.Append(KSeparator); dllNames.Append(KMovedDllOnC); rscNames.Append(KSeparator); rscNames.Append(KMovedRscFileOnC); TBufC<KMaxProcessNameLength> copyProcess(KProcessFileManCopyFile); // launch copyfile.exe to copy plugin from z: to c: TRAPD(ret, LaunchProcessL(copyProcess, dllNames)); if(ret == KErrNone) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Succesfully copied dll")); } else { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Copying dll failed with %d"), ret); result = EFail; return result; } TRAP(ret, LaunchProcessL(copyProcess, rscNames)); if(ret == KErrNone) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Succesfully copied rsc file")); } else { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Copying rsc file failed with %d"), ret); result = EFail; return result; } User::After(KWaitThreeSeconds); // Wait for ECom to re-scan drives so it can pick up new plugin now on c: #endif _LIT(KRamPluginDisplayName, "Ram ECam Plugin"); TBufC<15> expectedName(KRamPluginDisplayName); TBool pluginFound = EFalse; TInt error = KErrNone; INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Listing available plugins using REComSession::ListImplementationsL()...")); TUid interfaceUid = {KUidOnboardCameraPlugin}; TEComResolverParams resolverParams; resolverParams.SetDataType(KECamPluginMatchString); RImplInfoPtrArray pluginArray; TRAP(error, REComSession::ListImplementationsL(interfaceUid, resolverParams, pluginArray)); if (error != KErrNone) { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("ListImplementationsL() failed - %d"), error); result = EFail; return result; } else { pluginArray.Sort(VersionLinearOrderFunction); for (TInt i = 0; i < pluginArray.Count(); ++i) { TBuf<2> drive; drive = pluginArray[i]->Drive().Name(); INFO_PRINTF3(_L("%S located on drive %S"), &(pluginArray[i]->DisplayName()), &(drive)); if((pluginArray[i]->DisplayName() == expectedName) && (pluginArray[i]->Drive() == 2)) { pluginFound = ETrue; } } pluginArray.Close(); if(!pluginFound) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("REComSession::ListImplementationsL() could not find plugin in RAM")); } } INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Checking if CCamera::New2L() can successfully load plugin residing in RAM")); MCameraObserver2* observer2 = NULL; TRAP(error, CCamera* camera = CCamera::New2L(*observer2, 0, 0)); #ifdef _DEBUG if(error == KErrNone) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("UDEB mode: Expected behaviour - successfully loaded plugin")); } else { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("UDEB mode: Unexpected behaviour - could not load plugin, error = %d"), error); result = EFail; } #else if (error == KErrNone) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("UREL mode: Unexpected behaviour - successfully loaded plugin")); result = EFail; } else { INFO_PRINTF2(_L("UREL mode: Expected behaviour - could not load plugin, error = %d"), error); } #endif return result; }
void testCloneParticleFixedAttributes(Partio::ParticlesData* other, int& test) { Partio::ParticlesData* p=Partio::cloneSchema(*other); int numFixedAttributes = p->numFixedAttributes(); if (numFixedAttributes == 3) { std::cout << "ok " << test++ << " - Partio::cloneSchema() numFixedAttributes()" << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "not ok " << test++ << " - Partio::cloneSchema() fixed attribute count is " << numFixedAttributes << ", expected 3" << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } std::vector<std::string> expectedName(numFixedAttributes); std::vector<Partio::ParticleAttributeType> expectedType(numFixedAttributes); std::vector<int> expectedCount(numFixedAttributes); expectedName[0] = "origin"; expectedType[0] = Partio::VECTOR; expectedCount[0] = 3; expectedName[1] = "uv"; expectedType[1] = Partio::FLOAT; expectedCount[1] = 2; expectedName[2] = "sid"; expectedType[2] = Partio::INT; expectedCount[2] = 1; // Test attributes for (int i=0;i<numFixedAttributes;++i) { Partio::FixedAttribute attr; p->fixedAttributeInfo(i,attr); if (attr.name == expectedName[i]) { std::cout << "ok " << test++ << " - Partio::cloneSchema() fixed attribute name for " << attr.name << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "not ok " << test++ << " - Partio::cloneSchema() fixed attribute name is " << attr.name << ", expected " << expectedName[i] << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (attr.type == expectedType[i]) { std::cout << "ok " << test++ << " - Partio::cloneSchema() fixed attribute type for " << attr.name << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "not ok " << test++ << " - Partio::cloneSchema() fixed attribute type for " << attr.name << ", expected " << expectedType[i] << ", got " << attr.type << std::endl; } if (attr.count == expectedCount[i]) { std::cout << "ok " << test++ << " - Partio::cloneSchema() fixed attribute count for " << attr.name << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "not ok " << test++ << " - Partio::cloneSchema() fixed attribute count for " << attr.name << ", expected " << expectedCount[i] << ", got " << attr.count << std::endl; } } p->release(); }