ast_result_t pass_expr(ast_t** astp, pass_opt_t* options) { typecheck_t* t = &options->check; ast_t* ast = *astp; bool r = true; switch(ast_id(ast)) { case TK_NOMINAL: r = expr_nominal(options, astp); break; case TK_FVAR: case TK_FLET: case TK_PARAM: r = expr_field(options, ast); break; case TK_NEW: case TK_BE: case TK_FUN: r = expr_fun(options, ast); break; case TK_SEQ: r = expr_seq(ast); break; case TK_VAR: case TK_LET: r = expr_local(t, ast); break; case TK_BREAK: r = expr_break(t, ast); break; case TK_CONTINUE: r = expr_continue(t, ast); break; case TK_RETURN: r = expr_return(options, ast); break; case TK_IS: case TK_ISNT: r = expr_identity(options, ast); break; case TK_ASSIGN: r = expr_assign(options, ast); break; case TK_CONSUME: r = expr_consume(t, ast); break; case TK_RECOVER: r = expr_recover(ast); break; case TK_DOT: r = expr_dot(options, astp); break; case TK_TILDE: r = expr_tilde(options, astp); break; case TK_QUALIFY: r = expr_qualify(options, astp); break; case TK_CALL: r = expr_call(options, astp); break; case TK_IF: r = expr_if(options, ast); break; case TK_WHILE: r = expr_while(options, ast); break; case TK_REPEAT: r = expr_repeat(options, ast); break; case TK_TRY_NO_CHECK: case TK_TRY: r = expr_try(options, ast); break; case TK_MATCH: r = expr_match(options, ast); break; case TK_CASES: r = expr_cases(ast); break; case TK_CASE: r = expr_case(options, ast); break; case TK_TUPLE: r = expr_tuple(ast); break; case TK_ARRAY: r = expr_array(options, astp); break; case TK_REFERENCE: r = expr_reference(options, astp); break; case TK_THIS: r = expr_this(options, ast); break; case TK_TRUE: case TK_FALSE: r = expr_literal(options, ast, "Bool"); break; case TK_ERROR: r = expr_error(ast); break; case TK_COMPILER_INTRINSIC: r = expr_compiler_intrinsic(t, ast); break; case TK_POSITIONALARGS: case TK_NAMEDARGS: case TK_NAMEDARG: case TK_UPDATEARG: ast_inheritflags(ast); break; case TK_AMP: r = expr_addressof(options, ast); break; case TK_DONTCARE: r = expr_dontcare(ast); break; case TK_INT: // Integer literals can be integers or floats make_literal_type(ast); break; case TK_FLOAT: make_literal_type(ast); break; case TK_STRING: if(ast_id(ast_parent(ast)) == TK_PACKAGE) return AST_OK; r = expr_literal(options, ast, "String"); break; case TK_FFICALL: return expr_ffi(options, ast); default: {} } if(!r) { assert(get_error_count() > 0); return AST_ERROR; } // Can't use ast here, it might have changed symtab_t* symtab = ast_get_symtab(*astp); if(symtab != NULL && !symtab_check_all_defined(symtab)) return AST_ERROR; return AST_OK; }
static bool partial_application(pass_opt_t* opt, ast_t** astp) { ast_t* ast = *astp; typecheck_t* t = &opt->check; if(!method_application(opt, ast, true)) return false; AST_GET_CHILDREN(ast, positional, namedargs, lhs); // LHS must be a TK_TILDE, possibly contained in a TK_QUALIFY. AST_GET_CHILDREN(lhs, receiver, method); switch(ast_id(receiver)) { case TK_NEWAPP: case TK_BEAPP: case TK_FUNAPP: AST_GET_CHILDREN_NO_DECL(receiver, receiver, method); break; default: {} } // The TK_FUNTYPE of the LHS. ast_t* type = ast_type(lhs); if(is_typecheck_error(type)) return false; token_id apply_cap = partial_application_cap(type, receiver, positional); AST_GET_CHILDREN(type, cap, typeparams, params, result); // Create a new anonymous type. ast_t* c_id = ast_from_string(ast, package_hygienic_id(t)); BUILD(def, ast, NODE(TK_CLASS, AST_SCOPE TREE(c_id) NONE NONE NONE NODE(TK_MEMBERS) NONE NONE)); // We will have a create method in the type. BUILD(create, ast, NODE(TK_NEW, AST_SCOPE NONE ID("create") NONE NODE(TK_PARAMS) NONE NONE NODE(TK_SEQ) NONE)); // We will have an apply method in the type. token_id can_error = ast_canerror(lhs) ? TK_QUESTION : TK_NONE; BUILD(apply, ast, NODE(TK_FUN, AST_SCOPE NODE(apply_cap) ID("apply") NONE NODE(TK_PARAMS) TREE(result) NODE(can_error) NODE(TK_SEQ) NONE)); // We will replace partial application with $0.create(...) BUILD(call_receiver, ast, NODE(TK_REFERENCE, TREE(c_id))); BUILD(call_dot, ast, NODE(TK_DOT, TREE(call_receiver) ID("create"))); BUILD(call, ast, NODE(TK_CALL, NONE NODE(TK_NAMEDARGS) TREE(call_dot))); ast_t* class_members = ast_childidx(def, 4); ast_t* create_params = ast_childidx(create, 3); ast_t* create_body = ast_childidx(create, 6); ast_t* apply_params = ast_childidx(apply, 3); ast_t* apply_body = ast_childidx(apply, 6); ast_t* call_namedargs = ast_childidx(call, 1); // Add the receiver to the anonymous type. ast_t* r_id = ast_from_string(receiver, package_hygienic_id(t)); ast_t* r_field_id = ast_from_string(receiver, package_hygienic_id(t)); ast_t* r_type = ast_type(receiver); if(is_typecheck_error(r_type)) return false; // A field in the type. BUILD(r_field, receiver, NODE(TK_FLET, TREE(r_field_id) TREE(r_type) NONE)); // A parameter of the constructor. BUILD(r_ctor_param, receiver, NODE(TK_PARAM, TREE(r_id) TREE(r_type) NONE)); // An assignment in the constructor body. BUILD(r_assign, receiver, NODE(TK_ASSIGN, NODE(TK_CONSUME, NODE(TK_NONE) NODE(TK_REFERENCE, TREE(r_id))) NODE(TK_REFERENCE, TREE(r_field_id)))); // A named argument at the call site. BUILD(r_call_seq, receiver, NODE(TK_SEQ, TREE(receiver))); BUILD(r_call_arg, receiver, NODE(TK_NAMEDARG, TREE(r_id) TREE(r_call_seq))); ast_settype(r_call_seq, r_type); ast_append(class_members, r_field); ast_append(create_params, r_ctor_param); ast_append(create_body, r_assign); ast_append(call_namedargs, r_call_arg); // Add a call to the original method to the apply body. BUILD(apply_call, ast, NODE(TK_CALL, NODE(TK_POSITIONALARGS) NONE NODE(TK_DOT, NODE(TK_REFERENCE, TREE(r_field_id)) TREE(method)))); ast_append(apply_body, apply_call); ast_t* apply_args = ast_child(apply_call); // Add the arguments to the anonymous type. ast_t* arg = ast_child(positional); ast_t* param = ast_child(params); while(arg != NULL) { AST_GET_CHILDREN(param, id, p_type); if(ast_id(arg) == TK_NONE) { // A parameter of the apply method, using the same name, type and default // argument. ast_append(apply_params, param); // An arg in the call to the original method. BUILD(apply_arg, param, NODE(TK_SEQ, NODE(TK_CONSUME, NODE(TK_NONE) NODE(TK_REFERENCE, TREE(id))))); ast_append(apply_args, apply_arg); } else { ast_t* p_id = ast_from_string(id, package_hygienic_id(t)); // A field in the type. BUILD(field, arg, NODE(TK_FLET, TREE(id) TREE(p_type) NONE)); // A parameter of the constructor. BUILD(ctor_param, arg, NODE(TK_PARAM, TREE(p_id) TREE(p_type) NONE)); // An assignment in the constructor body. BUILD(assign, arg, NODE(TK_ASSIGN, NODE(TK_CONSUME, NODE(TK_NONE) NODE(TK_REFERENCE, TREE(p_id))) NODE(TK_REFERENCE, TREE(id)))); // A named argument at the call site. BUILD(call_arg, arg, NODE(TK_NAMEDARG, TREE(p_id) TREE(arg))); // An arg in the call to the original method. BUILD(apply_arg, arg, NODE(TK_SEQ, NODE(TK_REFERENCE, TREE(id)))); ast_append(class_members, field); ast_append(create_params, ctor_param); ast_append(create_body, assign); ast_append(call_namedargs, call_arg); ast_append(apply_args, apply_arg); } arg = ast_sibling(arg); param = ast_sibling(param); } // Add create and apply to the anonymous type. ast_append(class_members, create); ast_append(class_members, apply); // Typecheck the anonymous type. ast_add(t->frame->module, def); if(!type_passes(def, opt)) return false; // Typecheck the create call. if(!expr_reference(opt, &call_receiver)) return false; if(!expr_dot(opt, &call_dot)) return false; if(!expr_call(opt, &call)) return false; // Replace the partial application with the create call. ast_replace(astp, call); return true; }