Пример #1
// PRE: instr is not the halt instruction
// Behaviour: Decides which of the 4 instruction types instr is and passes it to its subsequent function
// i.e. branch(instr), dataTransfer(instr) etc.
bool decodeAndExecute(uint32_t instr) {
    bool isBranch = extractBit(instr, bit27);
    bool isDataTransfer = extractBit(instr, bit26);
    bool mulCheck = extractBit(instr, bit25);
    uint32_t pattern = extractBits(instr, PATTERN_UPPER, PATTERN_LOWER);

    if (isBranch) {
        // puts("Executing branch instruction\n");
        return true;
    else if (isDataTransfer) {
        // puts("Executing data transfer instruction\n");
    else if (!mulCheck && pattern == MUL_PATTERN) {
        // puts("Executing multiplier instruction\n");
    else {
        // puts("Executing data process instruction\n");

    return false;
Пример #2
// PRE: instr is a data process instruction
// assume: PC does not feature in the instruction
// behavior: checks opcode and performs instruction, possibly writes result to register and updates flags
void dataProcess(uint32_t instr) {
    bool I = extractBit(instr, IMM_BIT);
    uint32_t opcode = extractFragmentedBits(instr, OPCODE_UPPER, OPCODE_LOWER);
    bool S = extractBit(instr, S_BIT);
    uint32_t RnVal = REGFILE[extractBits(instr, Rn_UPPER, Rn_LOWER)];
    uint32_t Rd = extractBits(instr, Rd_UPPER, Rd_LOWER);
    ShiftResult operand2WC = getOperand2(instr, I);
    uint32_t operand2 = operand2WC.result;
    bool C = operand2WC.carry;
    bool writeResult = true;
    uint32_t result = 0;

    switch (opcode) {
        case tst:
            writeResult = false;
        case and:
            result = RnVal & operand2;
        case teq:
            writeResult = false;
        case eor:
            result = RnVal ^ operand2;
        case cmp:
            writeResult = false;
        case sub:
            result = RnVal - operand2;
            C = RnVal >= operand2;
        case rsb:
            result = operand2 - RnVal;
            C = operand2 >= RnVal;
        case add:
            result = RnVal + operand2;
            C = extractBit(RnVal, MSB) && extractBit(operand2, MSB);
        case orr:
            result = RnVal | operand2;
        case mov:
            result = operand2;
            fprintf(stderr, "invalid opcode in dataProcess: opcode was %d "
                    "(0x%08x)\n", opcode, opcode);

    if (S) {
        updateCPSR(C, Cbit);
        updateCPSR(!result, Zbit);
        updateCPSR(extractBit(result, Nbit), Nbit);

    if (writeResult) {
        REGFILE[Rd] = result;

Пример #3
uint32_t calcOffset(Assembler *assembler, uint32_t address, bool reduce) {
    uint32_t offset = address - (assembler->currInstrAddr + PIPELINE_LENGTH);
    if (!reduce) {
        return offset;
    uint32_t reducedOffset = extractBits(offset, 24, 0) |
                           extractBit(offset, 31) << 25;
    return binaryShift(reducedOffset, LSR, 2).result;
Пример #4
 * Takes a FILE handle in as input (corresponding to
 * an encoded file) and reads the file, char by char. The
 * bit at the input index of each char is extracted (by calling
 * extractBit). The least significant bit is in index 0.
 * For each character, if the extracted bit is 0, output ASCII '0' to
 * the output file. If the extracted bit is 1, output ASCII
 * '1' to the output file.
 * @param in the input file handle to read from
 * @param out the output file to write the extracted ASCII binary into
 * @param index the index of the bit to extract from each char
void codeToBinary(FILE *in, FILE *out, int index){
    char tempchar;
    int bit;
    	fputc(bit?'1':'0',out);//originally '0'-bit
Пример #5
// PRE: instr is a multiply instruction and in big endian
// behavior: multiplication instruction as in spec
void iMultiply(uint32_t instr) {
    uint32_t Rd = extractBits(instr, Rd_MUL_UPPER, Rd_MUL_LOWER);
    uint32_t RsVal = REGFILE[extractBits(instr, Rs_UPPER, Rs_LOWER)];
    uint32_t RmVal = REGFILE[extractBits(instr, Rm_UPPER, Rm_LOWER)];
    bool Abit = extractBit(instr, A_BIT);
    bool Sbit = extractBit(instr, S_BIT);
    uint32_t acc = 0;
    uint32_t result;

    if (Abit) {
        acc = REGFILE[extractBits(instr, Rn_MUL_UPPER, Rn_MUL_LOWER)];
    result = RmVal * RsVal + acc;

    if (Sbit) {
        //Nbit = bit 31 of result
        updateCPSR(extractBit(result, Nbit), Nbit);
        updateCPSR(result != 0, Zbit);

    REGFILE[Rd] = result;
Пример #6
// PRE: num is not 0
int getLastOnePos(uint32_t num) {
    assert(num != 0);

    for (int i = 0; i < INTWIDTH; ++i) {
        if (extractBit(num, i)) {
            return i;

            "Error in tokenHandlers: getLastOnePos: Invalid num %u", num);
Пример #7
 * Takes a FILE handle in as input (corresponding to
 * an encoded file) and reads the file, char by char. The
 * bit at the input index of each char is extracted (by calling
 * extractBit). The least significant bit is in index 0.
 * For each character, if the extracted bit is 0, output ASCII '0' to
 * the output file. If the extracted bit is 1, output ASCII
 * '1' to the output file.
 * @param in the input file handle to read from
 * @param out the output file to write the extracted ASCII binary into
 * @param index the index of the bit to extract from each char
void codeToBinary(FILE *in, FILE *out, int index){
    //if in file or out file are null, end the function
    if(in == NULL || out == NULL)
        //get the char in file in
        char temp = fgetc(in);
        //if reach the end of file, break

        //write the output to the out file
        //'0' is the offset
        fprintf(out, "%c", extractBit(temp, index)+'0');
Пример #8
int writeData(fitsfile *fp,FILE *fout,dSet *data,long s1,long s2,float dm)
  long sub_1,samp_1;
  long sub_2,samp_2;
  int  s,r1,r2;
  int nsblk;
  int nchan = data->phead.nchan;
  int nbits = data->phead.nbits;
  int npol  = data->phead.npol;
  int samplesperbyte = 8/data->phead.nbits;
  float chanVal[nchan];
  long ipos=0;
  int status=0;
  int colnum;
  int initflag=0;
  unsigned char *cval;
  unsigned char nval = '0';
  int i,c,count=0,sa;
  unsigned char chVals[nchan];
  int smoothSamp=1;
  int sm;
  unsigned int t=0;
  unsigned int j;
  float tempVal;
  int nsampDM;
  float tDM;
  float bw = data->phead.bw; // MHz
  float f0 = data->phead.freq+fabs(data->phead.bw)/2.0; // MHz // Highest frequency
  float chanbw = data->phead.bw/data->phead.nchan;
  unsigned char *ring_s;
  unsigned char *ring_e;
  unsigned char *ring_pos;
  unsigned char *ring_last;
  unsigned int bitCount;
  int cdelay,k,l;
  float tdelay;
  unsigned int pos;
  unsigned int **cde_byte;
  unsigned char **cde_bit;
  unsigned int nchanbyte;

  nchanbyte = nchan/samplesperbyte;

  // Do we require smoothing?
  printf("At here: smoothSamp = %d\n",smoothSamp);
  nsblk = data->phead.nsblk;

  //  printf("Here with %d %d %d %d\n",sub_1,samp_1,sub_2,samp_2);
  // Go to the subint table

  if (status) {
    printf("Unable to move to subint table in FITS file\n");
  if (status) {
    printf("Unable to find data in the subint table in FITS file\n");
  // Number of extra samples required to process 
  // to de-disperse across the band
  tDM = fabs(4.15e-3*dm*(pow((f0)/1000.0,-2)-pow((f0-fabs(bw))/1000.0,-2)));
  nsampDM = ceil(tDM/data->phead.tsamp);

  cval = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*nchanbyte*npol*nsampDM);

  printf("Trying to allocate memory\n");
  cde_byte = (unsigned int **)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int *)*nsampDM);
  cde_bit  = (unsigned char **)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char *)*nsampDM);

  for (i=0;i<nsampDM;i++)
      cde_byte[i] = (unsigned int *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int)*nchan*npol*nsampDM);
      cde_bit[i] = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*nchan*npol*nsampDM);
  printf("Allocated memory\n");

  // Now turn on the bits that correspond to the DM
  for (i=0;i<nchan;i++)
      tdelay = 4.15e-3*dm*(pow(f0/1000.0,-2)-pow((f0-fabs(chanbw)*i)/1000.0,-2));
      cdelay = nint(-tdelay/data->phead.tsamp);
      //      printf("Have %g %d\n",tdelay,cdelay);
      for (j=0;j<nsampDM;j++)
	  k = (int)((float)i/(float)samplesperbyte)+cdelay*nchanbyte+j*nchan/samplesperbyte;
	  if (k>(nsampDM)*nchanbyte)
	  if (k>(nsampDM)*nchanbyte)
	  cde_byte[j][i] = k;
	  cde_bit[j][i]  = i%8;


  ring_s   = cval;
  ring_pos = cval;
  ring_e   = &cval[nchanbyte*npol*(nsampDM)];
     printf("Got here 2\n");
  // Should check if I'm running off the end of a subint
  s = sub_1;
  sa = samp_1;
  // Use a ring buffer to store the data
  // Fill it up
  count = 0;
  pos = 0;
  printf("Got here 3\n");
  fprintf(fout,"# %s %d %g %g\n",data->phead.source,data->phead.imjd,data->phead.freq,data->phead.tsamp);
  for (i=0;i<s2-s1-nsampDM;i++)
      //            printf("i = %d, s = %d, sa = %d\n",i,s,sa);
      if (i >= nsampDM-1)
	  bitCount = 0;
	  //	  for (k=0;k<35;k++)
	      for (j=0;j<nchan;j++)
		  //	      bitCount += extractBit(cval[cde_byte[t][j]],cde_bit[t][j]);
		  // ONLY 1-BIT DATA
		  bitCount += extractBit(cval[cde_byte[t][j]],j%8);
		  //	      bitCount+=cde_byte[t][j]+cde_bit[t][j];
      ring_pos += nchanbyte*npol;
      if (ring_pos == ring_e)
	  //	  printf("Got to end of ring buffer %d %d\n",i,nsampDM);
	  ring_pos = ring_s;
      if (sa == nsblk)
 	  //	  printf("Running off the end of a block\n");
 	  sa = 0;
  //  printf("Got here\n");
  //  exit(1);
  if (status)
  //  printf("Complete %d %d\n",t,count);
   for (i=0;i<nsampDM;i++)

   return count;
Пример #9
// So, first, let us write a function to update a particular bit of A and E depending on M. n - step number
int updateBit (int bitPos, int step, unsigned int A[], unsigned int E[], unsigned int m[], char mChar[][32], char aChar[][32], char eChar[][32]) {

	// Let us build the bitPos - bit of A and E.
	int bitE, bitA, bitEC, bitAC;
	int chBit1 = extractBit(E, step - 1, bitPos);
	int chBit2 = extractBit(E, step - 2, bitPos);
	int chBit3 = extractBit(E, step - 3, bitPos);

	int chBit = ch(chBit1, chBit2, chBit3);

	int constBit = extractBit(k, step, bitPos);
	int wordBit = extractBit(m, step, bitPos);
	int EBit_4 = extractBit(E, step - 4, bitPos);
	int ABit_4 = extractBit(A, step - 4, bitPos);

	int sBit1 = extractBit(E, step - 1, (bitPos - 6) % 32);
	int sBit2 = extractBit(E, step - 1, (bitPos - 11) % 32);
	int sBit3 = extractBit(E, step - 1, (bitPos - 25) % 32);

	int sBit = sBit1 ^ sBit2 ^ sBit3; 

	int bitECarry = extractBit(ECarry, step, bitPos-1);

	int bitE = EBit_4 ^ sBit ^ chBit ^ ABit_4 ^ constBit ^ wordBit ^ bitECarry;

	int bitEC = (EBit_4 + sBit + chBit + ABit_4 + constBit + wordBit + bitECarry) >> 1;
	// Dropped the last bit to generate the carry.

	int SBit1 = extractBit(A, step - 1, (bitPos - 2) % 32);
	int SBit2 = extractBit(A, step - 1, (bitPos - 13) % 32);
	int SBit3 = extractBit(A, step - 1, (bitPost - 22) % 32);

	int SBit = SBit1 ^ SBit2 ^ SBit3;

	int bitACarry = extractBit(ACarry, step, bitPos - 1);

	int mjBit1 = extractBit(A, step - 1, bitPos);
	int mjBit2 = extractBit(A, step - 2, bitPos);
	int mjBit3 = extractBit(A, step - 3, bitPos);

	int mjBit = mj(mjBit1, mjBit2, mjBit3);

	int bitA = (-ABit_4) ^ SBit ^ bitE ^ mjBit;
	int bitACarry = ((-ABit_4) + SBit + bitE + mjBit) >> 1;

Пример #10
int main()
    word16 x=1111; // nombre entre 1000 et 9999 pour Von Neumann
    struct mt19937p mt; // Pour Mersenne-Twister
    int tmp = rand(); // Pour Mersenne-Twister
    u32 Kx[NK], Kex[NB*NR], Px[NB]; // pour l'AES

    int n = 1024; // Echantillon de test

    int * output_rand = malloc(sizeof(int)*n); // sortie du rand du C
    int ** output_rand_fort = malloc(sizeof(sizeof(int)*4)*n); // sortie du rand du C	(4 bits poids fort)
    int ** output_rand_faible = malloc(sizeof(sizeof(int)*4)*n); // sortie du rand du C (4 bits poids faible)

    word32 * output_AES = malloc(sizeof(word32)*n); // sortie pour l'AES
    word16 * output_VN = malloc(sizeof(word16)*n); // sortie pour pour Von Neumann
    word32 * output_MT = malloc(sizeof(word32)*n); // sortie pour Mersenne-Twister

    // initialisation des graines des generateurs
    srand(rdtsc());  // rand du C
    sgenrand(time(NULL)+(tmp), &mt); // Mersenne-Twister
    // Initialisation de la clé et du plaintext pour l'AES
    // 45 est un paramètre qui doit changer à chaque initialisation
    init_rand(Kx, Px, NK, NB, 45);
    KeyExpansion(Kex,Kx); // AES : sous-clefs

    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        // sorties des generateurs
        output_rand[i] = rand(); // rand du C
        int* tempBin = convertBin(output_rand[i], taille_int);
        output_rand_fort[i] = extractBit(tempBin, 1, taille_int);
        output_rand_faible[i] = extractBit(tempBin, 0, taille_int);

        for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
            if(!(tempBin[taille_int-1-j] == output_rand_faible[3-j]))
                printf("PAS OK !!!!");

        output_VN[i] = Von_Neumann(&x); // Von Neumann
        output_MT[i] = genrand(&mt); // Mersenne-Twister
        output_AES[i] = AES(Px, Kex); // AES

    // affichage

    /*printf("- Generation de nombres aleatoires -\n");
    printf("rand du C (poids fort) :\n");
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    	checkBin(output_rand_fort[i], 4);
    /*printf("rand du C (poids faible) :\n");
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    printf("Von Neumann : \n");
    displayValuesWord16(output_VN, n);
    printf("Mersenne Twister : \n");
    displayValuesWord32(output_MT, n);
    printf("AES : \n");
    displayValuesWord32(output_AES, n);
    // tests
    double testFreq_randFort = Frequency(output_rand_fort, n, 4);
    //double testFreq_randFaible = Frequency(output_rand_faible, n, 4);
    /*double testFreq_aes = Frequency(makeArrayWord32(output_AES,n), n, 32);
    double testFreq_VN = Frequency(makeArrayWord16(output_VN,n), n, 16);
    double testFreq_MT = Frequency(makeArrayWord32(output_MT,n), n, 32);

    printf("PValeurs : \n \
    Rand Bits Poids Fort : %lf\n \
    Rand Bits Poids Faible : %lf\n \
    AES : %lf\n \
    VN : %lf\n \
    MT : %lf\n",testFreq_randFort,testFreq_randFaible,testFreq_aes,testFreq_VN,testFreq_MT);*/
    return 0;