Пример #1
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    if(argc < 2)
        printf("Veuillez specifier l'image binaire...\n");

    char* filename = argv[1];

    IplImage* frame = cvLoadImage(filename, 0);
    if(frame == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Erreur de lecture de l'image %s\n", filename);

    Blob* blobs;
    int blobCount = extractBlobs(frame, NULL, &blobs);
    printf("%d blobs trouves\n", blobCount);

    int b;
    for(b = 0; b < blobCount; b++)
        printf("Label = %d\n", blobs[b].label);
        printf("x = %d\n", blobs[b].box.x);

    // Dessine les boites englobantes
    drawBoundingRects(frame, blobs, blobCount);
    cvSaveImage("bbox-output.pgm", frame);

Пример #2
//extract blobs, get there 3D position, check which point they correspond to in HashTable
void GH::getModelPointsFromImage(const cv::Mat& img, std::vector<DetectionGH> &matches) const
    //get blobs
    vector<KeyPoint> blobs;
    extractBlobs(img, blobs);
    //plot them
    //for(int p=0;p<blobs.size();p++)
    //    cv::circle(img, blobs[p].pt, (blobs[p].size - 1) / 2 + 1, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), -1);
    //get list of points from blob (will have to be removed later as just a copy of blobs)
    vector<Point2f> mPoints;
    for(unsigned int p=0;p<blobs.size();p++)mPoints.push_back(toMeters(cameraCalibration.cameraMatrix,blobs[p].pt));
    //empty output vectors
    //loop through all points
    for(unsigned int p=0;p<mPoints.size();p++)
        //for each point need to accumulate votes from HT
        float votesId[nbIds];
        //init all votes to 0
        for(int id=0;id<nbIds;id++)
        //for each point have to find the nbPtBasis closest points
        vector<unsigned int> idNeigbors;
        getClosestNeigbors(p, mPoints, idNeigbors);
        //for each positively oriented possible triangle in closest neigbors
        //define basis and project all points on it to fill HT
        for(unsigned int tp2=0;tp2<idNeigbors.size();tp2++)
            //get index of point 2 in mVerticesDes
            unsigned int p2=idNeigbors[tp2];
            //define first basis vector
            Point2f basis1= mPoints[p2]-mPoints[p];
            for(unsigned int tp3=0;tp3<idNeigbors.size();tp3++)
                    unsigned int p3=idNeigbors[tp3];
                    //define second basis
                    Point2f basis2= mPoints[p3]-mPoints[p];
                    //check direction of triangle
                        //put basis in a 2x2 matrix to inverse it and express all other points i this basis
                        Matx22f tBasis(basis1.x,basis2.x,basis1.y,basis2.y);
                        Matx22f tBasisInv=tBasis.inv();
                        //good basis => project all points and fill HT
                        for(unsigned int i=0;i<mPoints.size();i++)
                            if(i!=p && i!=p2 && i!=p3)
                                //project in current basis
                                Point2f relCoord=tBasisInv*(mPoints[i]-mPoints[p]);
                                //get bin
                                Point2i bin=toCell(relCoord);
                                //read HT with vote for p
                                if(bin.x>=0 && bin.x<nbBinPerDim.x && bin.y>=0 && bin.y<nbBinPerDim.y)
                                    for(int id=0;id<nbIds;id++)
                                        votesId[id]+=HashTable[bin.x*(nbBinPerDim.y*nbIds) + bin.y*nbIds + id];
        //if had votes, then find the id with max value
        int idPointEstim=-1;
        int nbVotesForId=0;
        for(int id=0;id<nbIds;id++)
        //find second best id to compute discriminative power
        int idPointSecondBest=-1;
        int nbVotesForSecondBest=0;
        for(int id=0;id<nbIds;id++)
            if(id!=idPointEstim && votesId[id]>nbVotesForSecondBest)
        //add the point&id pair to output if id not already in list; if it is then need to check which one has most votes
            std::vector<DetectionGH>::iterator it;
            it = find_if (matches.begin(), matches.end(), findIdInDetections(idPointEstim));
            if (it != matches.end())//point exist, check which one is the best
                int posInList=it-matches.begin();
                if(matches[posInList].nbVotes<nbVotesForId)//if new one better than existing one, then replace it
                DetectionGH newMatch(blobs[p].pt,idPointEstim,nbVotesForId,nbVotesForId-nbVotesForSecondBest);
Пример #3
void playLoop(IplImage* frameBuffer[], int frameCount)
    Blob* pBlobs = NULL;
    int pBlobCount = 0;

    CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);

    // Etape 1: construction du modele de fond
    MedianModel medianModel;

    // Apprentissage du modele
    learnMedianModel(&medianModel, "../View_008", "%s/frame_%04d.jpg", frameCount, 0.95);
    char filename[255];
    int i, pb, b;
    IplImage* frame = NULL, *segFrame = NULL;
    for(i = 0; i < frameCount; i++)
        frame = frameBuffer[i];
        // Etape 2: segmentation utilisant un modele
        segFrame = segmentMedianStdDev(frame, 2.0, &medianModel);
        opening(segFrame, segFrame, 3);
        closing(segFrame, segFrame, 3);

        // Etape 3: extraction des blobs et de leur caracteristiques
        Blob* blobs;
        DistMetrics m;

        // Extraction des blobs
        int blobCount = extractBlobs(segFrame, frame, &blobs, storage);
        if(pBlobs != NULL)
            // Matrice des combinaisons de recouvrements spatiaux
            m.mSpatial = cvCreateMat(blobCount, pBlobCount, CV_32FC1);

            // Matrices des differences d'histogramme
            m.mHist5 = cvCreateMat(blobCount, pBlobCount, CV_32FC3);
            m.mHist10 = cvCreateMat(blobCount, pBlobCount, CV_32FC3);
            m.mHist15 = cvCreateMat(blobCount, pBlobCount, CV_32FC3);

            float coverage, absDiff;
            Blob *b1, *b2;
            int step = m.mSpatial->step, hstep = m.mHist5->step;
            for(b = 0; b < blobCount; b++)
                for(pb = 0; pb < pBlobCount; pb++)
                    b1 = &blobs[b];
                    b2 = &pBlobs[pb];

                    coverage = percentOverlap(b1, b2);
                    ((float*)(m.mSpatial->data.ptr + b*step))[pb] = coverage;

                    absDiff = absDiffHistograms(&b1->h5, &b2->h5, 0);
                    ((float*)(m.mHist5->data.ptr + b*hstep))[pb*3] = absDiff;

                    absDiff = absDiffHistograms(&b1->h10, &b2->h10, 0);
                    ((float*)(m.mHist10->data.ptr + b*hstep))[pb*3] = absDiff;

                    absDiff = absDiffHistograms(&b1->h15, &b2->h15, 0);
                    ((float*)(m.mHist15->data.ptr + b*hstep))[pb*3] = absDiff;

                    // TODO: Faire les autres canaux

            // Etape 4: association temporelle avec le frame precedent
            int assocMatrix[blobCount];
            association(blobs, pBlobs, &m, assocMatrix);

            // Transfer des identites (etiquettes) aux nouveaux blobs
            for(b = 0; b < blobCount; b++)
                int index = assocMatrix[b];
                if(index != -1)
                    blobs[b].label = pBlobs[index].label;
                    blobs[b].label = generateLabel();
            // Attribution d'une premiere etiquette a chaque blob
            for(b = 0; b < blobCount; b++)
                blobs[b].label = generateLabel();

        // Images binaires
        drawBoundingRects(segFrame, blobs, blobCount);
        drawLabels(segFrame, blobs, blobCount);
        sprintf(filename, "bbox_%04d.jpg", i);
        cvSaveImage(filename, segFrame);

        // Image originales
        drawBoundingRects(frame, blobs, blobCount);
        drawLabels(frame, blobs, blobCount);
        sprintf(filename, "suivi_%04d.jpg", i);
        cvSaveImage(filename, frame);

        pBlobCount = blobCount;
        pBlobs = blobs;